Esempio n. 1
##################### Simulation BASEBAND ######################
t = np.arange(0, T_int, 1 / f_sampl)  # time axis
#f = ut.freq_fr_time (t)				# frequency axis
#cd = np.array([1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1]) # code
x1 = 2  # tap 1 to generate G2 in goldcode generator
x2 = 6  # tap 2 to generate G2 in goldcode generator
cd = prn.gold_seq(x1, x2, 1)
Tstr = 5e-6  # Nyquist's symbol interval
tau = 0.35  # time acceleration factor
Ts = Tstr / tau  # transmitted symbol interval
bitrate = 1 / Tstr
td = 0.0  # initial delay of the sequence (time offset)

# baseband signals
a1 = mod.rcos_bpsk_map(t, cd, bitrate, pw=Ts, alpha=1.0, td=Tstr / 2)
a2 = mod.rcos_bpsk_map(t, cd, bitrate, pw=Ts, alpha=0.5, td=Tstr / 2)
a3 = mod.rcos_bpsk_map(t, cd, bitrate, pw=Ts, alpha=0.0, td=Tstr / 2)
c = gen.rect_tr(t, Tstr, 0, td, cd)

##################### Simulation PASSBAND ######################

fc = 60e6  # carrier frequency in Hz

a1_fc = upcon.quad_mod(a1, t, fc, 0, 0, 0)
a2_fc = upcon.quad_mod(a2, t, fc, 0, 0, 0)
a3_fc = upcon.quad_mod(a3, t, fc, 0, 0, 0)
c_fc = upcon.quad_mod(c, t, fc, 0, 0, 0)

##################### files ######################
filename = "ts5_prn{0:1}{1:1}_tau{2:6.2}_a1.dat".format(x1, x2, tau)
##################### Parameters ######################
f_sampl = 900e3  # sampling frequency in kHz
T_int = 1  # entire signal length in ms

##################### Simulation ######################
t = np.arange(0, T_int, 1 / f_sampl)  # time axis
# f = ut.freq_fr_time (t)				# frequency axis
cd = prn.gold_seq(2, 6, 1)  # code
Ts = 1 / 1023  # Nyquist's symbol interval
tau = 1  # time acceleration factor
Tstr = Ts * tau  # transmitted symbol interval
bitrate = 1 / Tstr
td = 0.0  # initial delay of the sequence (time offset)

# baseband signals
a1 = mod.rcos_bpsk_map(t, cd, bitrate, pw=Ts, alpha=1.0)
a2 = mod.rcos_bpsk_map(t, cd, bitrate, pw=Ts, alpha=0.5)
a3 = mod.rcos_bpsk_map(t, cd, bitrate, pw=Ts, alpha=0.0)
c = mod.rect_tr(t, Tstr, 0, td, cd)

##################### Plots ###########################
plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 15), dpi=300)

#  Time domain

ax1 = plt.subplot(311)
plt.plot(t, np.real(a1), '-r', label='$x_{rcos}(t), \\beta = 1.0$')
plt.plot(t, np.real(a2), '-b', label='$x_{rcos}(t), \\beta = 0.5$')
plt.plot(t, np.real(a3), '-g', label='$x_{rcos}(t), \\beta = 0.0$')
plt.plot(t, c, '-k', label='$x_{rect}(t)$')