def sendMail(senderEmail, fileName): try: now = str(now.strftime("%H:%M %Y-%m-%d")) + ' ' + __file__ + ' ' + inspect.stack()[0][3] + ' SenderEmail ' + senderEmail + ' FIleName ' + fileName) mail = Mail(app) token = User.get_file_download_token(fileName) msg = Message( subject="This is the data for which you had queried in the form.", sender=app.config['MAIL_USERNAME'], recipients=[senderEmail]) with app.app_context(): msg.body = f'''Please find your report at the link provided: { url_for('mailDownload', token=token, _external=True) }''' mail.send(msg) print("sent Successfully!!!!") except Exception as e: print(e)
from importlib import import_module from modules import app from . import security_api with app.app_context(): api_config = app.config.get("SECURITY_MODULE_ROUTES") if api_config: security_resources = import_module("") for api_name in api_config.keys(): if api_config[api_name].get("url") is None: continue api_resource = getattr(security_resources, api_name) security_api.add_resource( api_resource, *(api_config[api_name]['url'], api_config[api_name]['url'] + '/')) else: print("Error: Failed to load routes for the security module.")