def __init__(self, query, data):
        """(RecipeSearch, str, str)

        Represents recipes information.
        """ = data
        self.query = query
        self._recipes = DynamicArray()
    def recipes_main_information(self, main_info, index):
        """(RecipeData, list, int) -> DynamicArray

        Gets the main needed information about one recipe.
        temp_array = DynamicArray()
        for key, value in[index].items():
            if key in main_info:
                val_pair = (key, value)
        return temp_array
    def recipe_selector(self, number):
        """(RecipeSearch, int)

        Selects recipes in the random way.
        new_recipes = DynamicArray()
        while len(new_recipes) != number:
            value = random.choice(self._recipes)
            if value not in new_recipes:
        self._recipes = new_recipes
    def recipe_ids(self):
        """(RecipeSearch) -> DynamicArray

        Returns the array with the
        recipes' id numbers.
        recipe_ids = DynamicArray()
        for recipe in self._recipes:
            recipe_id = recipe[0]
        return recipe_ids
    def recipe_names(self):
        """(RecipeSearch) -> DynamicArray

        Returns the array with the
        recipes' names.
        recipe_names = DynamicArray()
        for recipe in self._recipes:
            recipe_name = recipe[1]
        return recipe_names
    def get_ingredients(self, index):
        """(RecipeData, int) -> DynamicArray

        Gets the information about the ingredients of recipes.
        temp_array = DynamicArray()
        data =[index]['nutrition']['ingredients']
        for item in data:
            name = item['name']
            amount = item['amount']
            unit = item['unit']
            ingr_pair = str(amount) + " " + str(unit) + " " + str(name)
        return temp_array
    def recipe_nutrition(self, index):
        """(RecipeData, int) -> DynamicArray

        Gets nutrition information of the one recipe.
        temp_array = DynamicArray()
        for nutrients in[index]['nutrition']['nutrients']:
            title = nutrients['title']
            value = nutrients['amount']
            unit = nutrients['unit']
            daily_needs = nutrients["percentOfDailyNeeds"]
            nutrients_pair = (title, value, unit, daily_needs)
        return temp_array
    def __init__(self, data, recipes, amount_of_recipes):
        """(RecipeData, str, array, int)

        Creates a new object of RecipeData class.
        """ = data
        self._recipes = recipes
        self._main_info = DynamicArray()
        self._nutrients = DynamicArray()
        self._ingredients = DynamicArray()
        self._arr_size = amount_of_recipes
class RecipeData:
    """Represents data container class for the recipe analysis"""
    def __init__(self, data, recipes, amount_of_recipes):
        """(RecipeData, str, array, int)

        Creates a new object of RecipeData class.
        """ = data
        self._recipes = recipes
        self._main_info = DynamicArray()
        self._nutrients = DynamicArray()
        self._ingredients = DynamicArray()
        self._arr_size = amount_of_recipes

    def add_data(self, main_information):
        """(RecipeData, list)

        Adds all needed information about
        all the recipes.
        for i in range(len(
            ingredients = self.get_ingredients(i)
            nutrients = self.recipe_nutrition(i)
            main_info = self.recipes_main_information(main_information, i)

    def recipe_nutrition(self, index):
        """(RecipeData, int) -> DynamicArray

        Gets nutrition information of the one recipe.
        temp_array = DynamicArray()
        for nutrients in[index]['nutrition']['nutrients']:
            title = nutrients['title']
            value = nutrients['amount']
            unit = nutrients['unit']
            daily_needs = nutrients["percentOfDailyNeeds"]
            nutrients_pair = (title, value, unit, daily_needs)
        return temp_array

    def recipes_main_information(self, main_info, index):
        """(RecipeData, list, int) -> DynamicArray

        Gets the main needed information about one recipe.
        temp_array = DynamicArray()
        for key, value in[index].items():
            if key in main_info:
                val_pair = (key, value)
        return temp_array

    def get_ingredients(self, index):
        """(RecipeData, int) -> DynamicArray

        Gets the information about the ingredients of recipes.
        temp_array = DynamicArray()
        data =[index]['nutrition']['ingredients']
        for item in data:
            name = item['name']
            amount = item['amount']
            unit = item['unit']
            ingr_pair = str(amount) + " " + str(unit) + " " + str(name)
        return temp_array

    def ingredients(self):
        """(RecipeData) -> DynamicArray

        Returns the array of arrays
        with the ingredients of all
        return self._ingredients

    def recipes(self):
        """(RecipeData) -> DynamicArray

        Returns the array of the names
        of all recipes.
        return self._recipes

    def healthiness(self):
        """(RecipeData) -> Array

        Returns the array with values of the healthiness
        of all recipes.
        healthy_array = Array(self._arr_size)
        k = 0
        for item in self._main_info:
            if item[0][1] is False:
                value = "not healthy"
                value = "healthy"
            healthy_array[k] = value
            k += 1
        return healthy_array

    def cheap(self):
        """(RecipeData) -> Array

        Returns the array with values cheap or not cheap
        to cook a certain dish.
        cheap_array = Array(self._arr_size)
        k = 0
        for item in self._main_info:
            if item[1][1] is False:
                value = "not cheap to cook"
                value = "cheap to cook"
            cheap_array[k] = value
            k += 1
        return cheap_array

    def is_popular(self):
        """(RecipeData) -> Array

        Returns the array with values of popularity
        of all recipes.
        popularity_array = Array(self._arr_size)
        k = 0
        for item in self._main_info:
            if item[2][1] is False:
                value = "not popular"
                value = "popular"
            popularity_array[k] = value
            k += 1
        return popularity_array

    def healthy_score(self):
        """(RecipeData) -> Array

        Returns the array with values of health score
        of all recipes.
        healthy_array = Array(self._arr_size)
        k = 0
        for item in self._main_info:
            healthy_array[k] = item[3][1]
            k += 1
        return healthy_array

    def time_cooking(self):
        """(RecipeData) -> Array

        Returns the array with values of cooking time
        of all recipes.
        time_array = Array(self._arr_size)
        k = 0
        for item in self._main_info:
            value = str(item[4][1]) + " minutes"
            time_array[k] = value
            k += 1
        return time_array

    def get_recipe_urls(self):
        """(RecipeData) -> Array

        Returns the array of urls
        of all recipes.
        urls_array = Array(self._arr_size)
        k = 0
        for item in self._main_info:
            urls_array[k] = item[5][1]
            k += 1
        return urls_array

    def search_cuisines(self):
        """(RecipeData) -> Array

        Returns the array of cuisines
        of all recipes.
        cuisines_array = Array(self._arr_size)
        k = 0
        for item in self._main_info:
            if item[6][1] == []:
                cuisines_array[k] = "no information"
                value = ", ".join(item[6][1])
                cuisines_array[k] = value
            k += 1
        return cuisines_array

    def search_types(self):
        """(RecipeData) -> Array

        Returns the array of dish types
        of all recipes.
        types_array = Array(self._arr_size)
        k = 0
        for item in self._main_info:
            if item[7][1] == []:
                types_array[k] = "no information"
                value = ", ".join(item[7][1])
                types_array[k] = value
            k += 1
        return types_array

    def search_diets(self):
        """(RecipeData) -> Array

        Returns the array of diets
        of all recipes.
        diets_array = Array(self._arr_size)
        k = 0
        for item in self._main_info:
            if item[8][1] == []:
                diets_array[k] = "no information"
                value = ", ".join(item[8][1])
                diets_array[k] = value
            k += 1
        return diets_array

    def calories(self):
        """(RecipeData) -> Array

        Returns the array with the numbers of calories in
        all recipes.
        calories_array = Array(self._arr_size)
        k = 0
        for item in self._nutrients:
            value = str(item[0][1]) + " cal"
            calories_array[k] = value
            k += 1
        return calories_array

    def count_main_nutrients(self, main_nutrients, index):
        """(RecipeData, list, int) -> int

        Returns the amount of main nutrients in the
        count = 0
        for nutrient in self._nutrients[index]:
            if nutrient[0] in main_nutrients:
                count += 1
        return count

    def main_nutrients_percents(self, main_nutrients, index):
        """(RecipeData, list, int) -> Array

        Returns the array of two arrays. First consists
        of the names of main nutrients with amounts
        and second consists of the percents of daily needs
        of those nutrients.
        information = Array(2)
        length = self.count_main_nutrients(main_nutrients, index)
        main_nutrition = Array(length)
        main_percents = Array(length)
        k = 0
        for i in range(len(self._nutrients[index])):
            if self._nutrients[index][i][0] in main_nutrients:
                name = self._nutrients[index][i][0]
                value = self._nutrients[index][i][1]
                unit = self._nutrients[index][i][2]
                percent = int(self._nutrients[index][i][3])
                new_subs = name + " " + str(value) + unit
                main_nutrition[k] = new_subs
                main_percents[k] = percent
                k += 1
            if k == length:
        information[0] = main_nutrition
        information[1] = main_percents
        return information

    def other_nutrients_percents(self, main_nutrients, index):
        """(RecipeData, list, int) -> Array

        Returns the array of two arrays. First consists
        of the names of vitamins, minerals, etc with amounts
        and second consists of the percents of daily needs
        of those vitamins and minerals.
        information_other = Array(2)
        length = len(self._nutrients[index]) - 1 -\
                 self.count_main_nutrients(main_nutrients, index)
        other_nutrients = Array(length)
        other_percents = Array(length)
        k = 0
        for i in range(len(self._nutrients[index])):
            if self._nutrients[index][i][0] not in main_nutrients and\
                    i != 0:
                name = self._nutrients[index][i][0]
                value = self._nutrients[index][i][1]
                unit = self._nutrients[index][i][2]
                percent = int(self._nutrients[index][i][3])
                new_subs = name + " " + str(value) + unit
                other_nutrients[k] = new_subs
                other_percents[k] = percent
                k += 1
        information_other[0] = other_nutrients
        information_other[1] = other_percents
        return information_other
class RecipeSearch:
    """Gets needed information about recipes"""
    def __init__(self, query, data):
        """(RecipeSearch, str, str)

        Represents recipes information.
        """ = data
        self.query = query
        self._recipes = DynamicArray()

    def get_recipes(self):

        Gets needed recipe information from dictionary.
        if self.query == 'mealplans/generate':
            data =['meals']
        elif self.query == 'complexSearch':
            data =['results']
        for recipe in data:
            res_id = recipe['id']
            res_name = recipe['title']
            meals_info = (res_id, res_name)

    def amount_of_recipes(self):
        """(RecipeSearch) -> int

        Returns the amount of recipes.
        return len(self._recipes)

    def recipe_names(self):
        """(RecipeSearch) -> DynamicArray

        Returns the array with the
        recipes' names.
        recipe_names = DynamicArray()
        for recipe in self._recipes:
            recipe_name = recipe[1]
        return recipe_names

    def recipe_ids(self):
        """(RecipeSearch) -> DynamicArray

        Returns the array with the
        recipes' id numbers.
        recipe_ids = DynamicArray()
        for recipe in self._recipes:
            recipe_id = recipe[0]
        return recipe_ids

    def recipe_selector(self, number):
        """(RecipeSearch, int)

        Selects recipes in the random way.
        new_recipes = DynamicArray()
        while len(new_recipes) != number:
            value = random.choice(self._recipes)
            if value not in new_recipes:
        self._recipes = new_recipes

    def nutrients_per_day(self):
        """(RecipeSearch) -> Array

        Returns the array with amount of nutrients for the
        mealplans search.
        if self.query != 'mealplans/generate':
            return 'This information cannot be obtained from such a request'
        nutrients_per_day = Array(3)
        dct_nutrition =['nutrients']
        i = 0
        for key, value in dct_nutrition.items():
            if key != "calories":
                val_pair = (key, value)
                nutrients_per_day[i] = val_pair
                i += 1
        return nutrients_per_day