def get_area_size_counts_multiple_thresholds(resmaps_val_uint8, th_min=128, th_max=255, binning=True, nbins=200): if binning == True: # compute max_area max_area = get_max_area(resmaps_val_uint8, th_min) # initialize variables and parameters thresholds = np.arange(th_min, th_max + 1) range_area = (0.5, float(max_area) + 0.5) counts = np.zeros(shape=(len(thresholds), nbins)) # loop over all thresholds and calculate area counts (with binning) for i, threshold in enumerate(thresholds): resmaps_val_uint8_th = threshold_images(resmaps_val_uint8, threshold) # resmaps_val_uint8_th_fil = filter_median_images(resmaps_val_uint8_th) resmaps_val_labeled, areas_all_val = label_images( resmaps_val_uint8_th) areas_all_val_1d = [ item for sublist in areas_all_val for item in sublist ] count, edges = np.histogram(areas_all_val_1d, bins=nbins, density=False, range=range_area) counts[i] = count return counts, edges else: max_area = get_max_area(resmaps_val_uint8, th_min) # initialize variables and parameters thresholds = np.arange(th_min, th_max + 1) areas = np.arange(1, max_area + 1) counts = np.zeros(shape=(len(thresholds), max_area)) # loop over all thresholds and calculate area counts for i, threshold in enumerate(thresholds): resmaps_val_uint8_th = threshold_images(resmaps_val_uint8, threshold) resmaps_val_uint8_th_fil = filter_median_images( resmaps_val_uint8_th) resmaps_val_labeled, areas_all_val = label_images( resmaps_val_uint8_th_fil) areas_all_val_1d = [ item for sublist in areas_all_val for item in sublist ] counts[i] = np.array( [areas_all_val_1d.count(area) for area in areas]) return counts, areas
def get_max_area(resmaps, threshold): resmaps_th = threshold_images(resmaps, threshold) # resmaps_fil = filter_median_images(resmaps_th) resmaps_labeled, areas_all = label_images(resmaps_th) areas_all_1d = [item for sublist in areas_all for item in sublist] max_area = np.amax(np.array(areas_all_1d)) return max_area
def plot_area_distro_for_multiple_thresholds(resmaps, thresholds_to_plot, th_min, nbins=200, method="line", title="provide a title"): # fix range so that counts have the save x value max_area = get_max_area(resmaps, th_min) range_area = (0.5, float(max_area) + 0.5) # compute residual maps for multiple thresholds fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5)) for threshold in thresholds_to_plot: resmaps_th = threshold_images(resmaps, threshold) # resmaps_fil = filter_median_images(resmaps_th, kernel_size=3) resmaps_labeled, areas_all_val = label_images(resmaps_th) areas_all_1d = [item for sublist in areas_all_val for item in sublist] if method == "hist": count, bins, ignored = plt.hist( areas_all_1d, bins=nbins, density=False, range=range_area, # previously commented histtype="barstacked", label="threshold = {}".format(threshold), ) elif method == "line": count, bins = np.histogram( areas_all_1d, bins=nbins, density=False, range=range_area # previously commented ) bins_middle = bins[:-1] + ((bins[1] - bins[0]) / 2) plt.plot( bins_middle, count, linestyle="-", linewidth=0.5, # 0.5 marker="x", # "o" markersize=0.5, # 0.5 label="threshold = {}".format(threshold), ) # plt.fill_between(bins_middle, count) plt.title(title) plt.legend() plt.xlabel("area size in pixel") plt.ylabel("count") plt.grid()
def main(args): # Get validation arguments model_path = args.path save = if args.area is None: pass else: area_list = sorted(list(set(args.area))) if len(area_list) > 2: raise ValueError( "Exactly two area values must be passed: area_min and area_max" ) else: min_areas = list(np.arange(area_list[0], area_list[1] + 1)) # ========================= SETUP ============================== # load model, setup and history model, setup, history = utils.load_model_HDF5(model_path) # data setup directory = setup["data_setup"]["directory"] val_data_dir = os.path.join(directory, "train") nb_training_images = setup["data_setup"]["nb_training_images"] nb_validation_images = setup["data_setup"]["nb_validation_images"] # preprocessing_setup rescale = setup["preprocessing_setup"]["rescale"] shape = setup["preprocessing_setup"]["shape"] preprocessing = setup["preprocessing_setup"]["preprocessing"] # train_setup color_mode = setup["train_setup"]["color_mode"] learning_rate = setup["train_setup"]["learning_rate"] decay = setup["train_setup"]["decay"] epochs_trained = setup["train_setup"]["epochs_trained"] nb_training_images_aug = setup["train_setup"]["nb_training_images_aug"] epochs = setup["train_setup"]["epochs"] batch_size = setup["train_setup"]["batch_size"] channels = setup["train_setup"]["channels"] validation_split = setup["train_setup"]["validation_split"] architecture = setup["train_setup"]["architecture"] loss = setup["train_setup"]["loss"] tag = setup["tag"] # create a results directory if not existent model_dir_name = os.path.basename(str(Path(model_path).parent)) save_dir = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), "results", directory, architecture, loss, model_dir_name, "validation", # "a_" + str(min_area), ) if not os.path.isdir(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) # Plot and save loss and val_loss # plot = pd.DataFrame(history[["loss", "val_loss"]]).plot(figsize=(8, 5)) # fig = plot.get_figure() # fig.savefig(os.path.join(save_dir, "train_val_losses.png")) # ============================= PREPROCESSING =============================== # This will do preprocessing if architecture in ["mvtec", "mvtec2"]: preprocessing_function = None elif architecture == "resnet": preprocessing_function = keras.applications.inception_resnet_v2.preprocess_input elif architecture == "nasnet": preprocessing_function = keras.applications.nasnet.preprocess_input # same preprocessing as in training validation_datagen = ImageDataGenerator( rescale=rescale, data_format="channels_last", validation_split=validation_split, preprocessing_function=preprocessing_function, ) # retrieve preprocessed validation images as a numpy array validation_generator = validation_datagen.flow_from_directory( directory=val_data_dir, target_size=shape, color_mode=color_mode, batch_size=nb_validation_images, shuffle=False, class_mode="input", subset="validation", ) imgs_val_input =[0] # retrieve validation image_names filenames = validation_generator.filenames # get reconstructed images (i.e predictions) on validation dataset imgs_val_pred = model.predict(imgs_val_input) # compute residual maps on validation dataset resmaps_val = calculate_resmaps(imgs_val_input, imgs_val_pred, loss="SSIM") if color_mode == "rgb": resmaps_val = tf.image.rgb_to_grayscale(resmaps_val) if save: utils.save_np(imgs_val_input, save_dir, "imgs_val_input.npy") utils.save_np(imgs_val_pred, save_dir, "imgs_val_pred.npy") utils.save_np(resmaps_val, save_dir, "resmaps_val.npy") if args.area is None: print("[INFO] exiting") exit() # scale pixel values linearly to [0,1] # resmaps_val = scale_pixel_values(architecture, resmaps_val) # Convert to 8-bit unsigned int resmaps_val = img_as_ubyte(resmaps_val) # blur resmaps # resmaps_val = filter_gauss_images(resmaps_val) # ========================= VALIDATION ALGORITHM ============================== # initialize validation dictionary dict_val = {"min_area": [], "threshold": []} # set threshold boundaries threshold_min = np.amin(resmaps_val) threshold_max = np.amax(resmaps_val) # initialize progress bar l = len(min_areas) printProgressBar(0, l, prefix="Progress:", suffix="Complete", length=50) # loop over all min_areas and compute corresponding thresholds for i, min_area in enumerate(min_areas): for threshold in range(threshold_min, threshold_max + 1): # threshold residual maps resmaps_th = threshold_images(resmaps_val, threshold) # filter images to remove salt noise # resmaps_val = filter_median_images(resmaps_val, kernel_size=3) # compute connected components resmaps_labeled, areas_all = label_images(resmaps_th) # check if area of largest anomalous region is below the minimum area areas_all_flat = [ item for sublist in areas_all for item in sublist ] areas_all_flat.sort(reverse=True) if min_area > areas_all_flat[0]: break # print progress bar time.sleep(0.1) printProgressBar(i + 1, l, prefix="Progress:", suffix="Complete", length=50) # append min_area and corresponding threshold to validation dictionary dict_val["min_area"].append(min_area) dict_val["threshold"].append(threshold) # print validation DataFrame to console df_val = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_val) with pd.option_context("display.max_rows", None, "display.max_columns", None): print(df_val) # save validation DataFrame as .txt and .pkl files with open(os.path.join(save_dir, "validation_results.txt"), "w+") as f: # f.truncate(0) f.write(df_val.to_string(header=True, index=True)) print("validation_results.txt saved at {}".format(save_dir)) df_val.to_pickle(os.path.join(save_dir, "validation_results.pkl")) print("validation_results.pkl saved at {}".format(save_dir))
def main(args): # parse arguments model_path = args.path save = threshold = args.threshold min_area = args.area if threshold is None and min_area is None: adopt_validation = True print("[INFO] Testing with validation areas and thresholds.") elif threshold is not None and min_area is not None: adopt_validation = False print("[INFO] Testing with user passed areas and thresholds") else: raise Exception("Threshold and area must both be passed.") # ========================= SETUP ============================== # load model, setup and history model, setup, history = utils.load_model_HDF5(model_path) # data setup directory = setup["data_setup"]["directory"] test_data_dir = os.path.join(directory, "test") nb_training_images = setup["data_setup"]["nb_training_images"] nb_validation_images = setup["data_setup"]["nb_validation_images"] # preprocessing_setup rescale = setup["preprocessing_setup"]["rescale"] shape = setup["preprocessing_setup"]["shape"] preprocessing = setup["preprocessing_setup"]["preprocessing"] # train_setup color_mode = setup["train_setup"]["color_mode"] learning_rate = setup["train_setup"]["learning_rate"] decay = setup["train_setup"]["decay"] epochs_trained = setup["train_setup"]["epochs_trained"] nb_training_images_aug = setup["train_setup"]["nb_training_images_aug"] epochs = setup["train_setup"]["epochs"] batch_size = setup["train_setup"]["batch_size"] channels = setup["train_setup"]["channels"] validation_split = setup["train_setup"]["validation_split"] architecture = setup["train_setup"]["architecture"] loss = setup["train_setup"]["loss"] tag = setup["tag"] # create directory to save test results model_dir_name = os.path.basename(str(Path(model_path).parent)) save_dir = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), "results", directory, architecture, loss, model_dir_name, "test", # "th_" + str(threshold) + "_a_" + str(min_area), ) if not os.path.isdir(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) if adopt_validation: # load areas and corresponding thresholds from validation text file parent_dir = str(Path(save_dir).parent) val_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, "validation") df_val = pd.read_pickle(os.path.join(val_dir, "validation_results.pkl")) dict_val = df_val.to_dict(orient="list") # create a list containing (min_area, threshold) pairs elems = list(zip(dict_val["min_area"], dict_val["threshold"])) else: # compute combinations of given areas and thresholds areas = sorted(list(set(args.area))) thresholds = sorted(list(set(args.threshold))) # create a list containing (min_area, threshold) pairs elems = [(area, threshold) for threshold in thresholds for area in areas] with open(os.path.join(save_dir, "classification.txt"), "w+") as f: f.write("Classification of image files.\n\n") # ============================= PREPROCESSING =============================== # This will do preprocessing if architecture in ["mvtec", "mvtec2"]: preprocessing_function = None elif architecture == "resnet": preprocessing_function = keras.applications.inception_resnet_v2.preprocess_input elif architecture == "nasnet": preprocessing_function = keras.applications.nasnet.preprocess_input test_datagen = ImageDataGenerator( rescale=rescale, data_format="channels_last", preprocessing_function=preprocessing_function, ) total_number = utils.get_total_number_test_images(test_data_dir) # retrieve preprocessed test images as a numpy array test_generator = test_datagen.flow_from_directory( directory=test_data_dir, target_size=shape, color_mode=color_mode, batch_size=total_number, shuffle=False, class_mode="input", ) imgs_test_input =[0] # retrieve test image names filenames = test_generator.filenames # predict on test images imgs_test_pred = model.predict(imgs_test_input) # calculate residual maps on test set resmaps_test = calculate_resmaps(imgs_test_input, imgs_test_pred, loss="SSIM") if color_mode == "rgb": resmaps_test = tf.image.rgb_to_grayscale(resmaps_test) # format float64, values between [-1,1] if save: utils.save_np(imgs_test_input, save_dir, "imgs_test_input.npy") utils.save_np(imgs_test_pred, save_dir, "imgs_test_pred.npy") utils.save_np(resmaps_test, save_dir, "resmaps_test.npy") # scale pixel values linearly to [0,1] # resmaps_test = scale_pixel_values(architecture, resmaps_test) # Convert to 8-bit unsigned int resmaps_test = img_as_ubyte(resmaps_test) # blur resmaps # resmaps_val = filter_gauss_images(resmaps_val) # =================== Classification Algorithm ========================== # initialize dictionary to store test results dict_test = {"min_area": [], "threshold": [], "TPR": [], "TNR": []} # initialize progress bar l = len(elems) printProgressBar(0, l, prefix="Progress:", suffix="Complete", length=50) # classify test images for all (min_area, threshold) pairs for i, elem in enumerate(elems): # get (min_area, threshold) pair min_area, threshold = elem[0], elem[1] # threshold residual maps with the given threshold resmaps_th = threshold_images(resmaps_test, threshold) # filter images to remove salt noise # resmaps_test = filter_median_images(resmaps_test, kernel_size=3) # compute connected components resmaps_labeled, areas_all = label_images(resmaps_th) # classify images y_pred = classify(areas_all, min_area) # retrieve ground truth y_true = [ 1 if "good" not in filename.split("/") else 0 for filename in filenames ] # save classification of image files in a .txt file classification = { "filenames": filenames, "predictions": y_pred, "truth": y_true, } df_clf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(classification) with open(os.path.join(save_dir, "classification.txt"), "a") as f: f.write("min_area = {}, threshold = {}, index = {}\n\n".format( min_area, threshold, i)) f.write(df_clf.to_string(header=True, index=True)) f.write("\n" + "_" * 50 + "\n\n") # condition positive (P) P = y_true.count(1) # condition negative (N) N = y_true.count(0) # true positive (TP) TP = np.sum([ 1 if y_pred[i] == y_true[i] == 1 else 0 for i in range(total_number) ]) # true negative (TN) TN = np.sum([ 1 if y_pred[i] == y_true[i] == False else 0 for i in range(total_number) ]) # sensitivity, recall, hit rate, or true positive rate (TPR) TPR = TP / P # specificity, selectivity or true negative rate (TNR) TNR = TN / N # confusion matrix conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, normalize="true") tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, normalize="true").ravel() # append test results to dictionary dict_test["min_area"].append(min_area) dict_test["threshold"].append(threshold) dict_test["TPR"].append(TPR) dict_test["TNR"].append(TNR) # print progress bar time.sleep(0.1) printProgressBar(i + 1, l, prefix="Progress:", suffix="Complete", length=50) # print test results to console df_test = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_test) df_test.sort_values(by=["min_area", "threshold"], inplace=True) with pd.option_context("display.max_rows", None, "display.max_columns", None): print(df_test) # save DataFrame (as .txt and .pkl) with open(os.path.join(save_dir, "test_results.txt"), "w+") as f: f.write(df_test.to_string(header=True, index=True)) print("test_results.txt saved at {}".format(save_dir)) df_test.to_pickle(os.path.join(save_dir, "test_results.pkl")) print("test_results.pkl saved at {}".format(save_dir))
def main(args): # Get finetuning arguments model_path = args.path save = img_val = args.val img_test = args.test thresholds_to_plot = sorted(list(set(args.list))) # thresholds_to_plot.sort() # ========================= SETUP ============================== # load model, setup and history model, setup, history = utils.load_model_HDF5(model_path) # data setup directory = setup["data_setup"]["directory"] val_data_dir = os.path.join(directory, "train") nb_training_images = setup["data_setup"]["nb_training_images"] nb_validation_images = setup["data_setup"]["nb_validation_images"] # preprocessing_setup rescale = setup["preprocessing_setup"]["rescale"] shape = setup["preprocessing_setup"]["shape"] preprocessing = setup["preprocessing_setup"]["preprocessing"] # train_setup color_mode = setup["train_setup"]["color_mode"] learning_rate = setup["train_setup"]["learning_rate"] decay = setup["train_setup"]["decay"] epochs_trained = setup["train_setup"]["epochs_trained"] nb_training_images_aug = setup["train_setup"]["nb_training_images_aug"] epochs = setup["train_setup"]["epochs"] batch_size = setup["train_setup"]["batch_size"] channels = setup["train_setup"]["channels"] validation_split = setup["train_setup"]["validation_split"] architecture = setup["train_setup"]["architecture"] loss = setup["train_setup"]["loss"] # create directory to save results model_dir_name = os.path.basename(str(Path(model_path).parent)) save_dir = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), "results", directory, architecture, loss, model_dir_name, "finetune", ) if not os.path.isdir(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) # ============================= PREPROCESSING =============================== # get preprocessing function corresponding to model preprocessing_function = utils.get_preprocessing_function(architecture) # same preprocessing as in training validation_datagen = ImageDataGenerator( rescale=rescale, data_format="channels_last", validation_split=validation_split, preprocessing_function=preprocessing_function, ) # retrieve preprocessed validation images as a numpy array validation_generator = validation_datagen.flow_from_directory( directory=val_data_dir, target_size=shape, color_mode=color_mode, batch_size=nb_validation_images, shuffle=False, class_mode="input", subset="validation", ) imgs_val_input =[0] # ============== RECONSTRUCT IMAGES AND COMPUTE RESIDUAL MAPS ============== # get reconstructed images (i.e predictions) on validation dataset print("computing reconstructions of validation images...") imgs_val_pred = model.predict(imgs_val_input) # compute residual maps on validation dataset resmaps_val = imgs_val_input - imgs_val_pred if color_mode == "rgb": resmaps_val = tf.image.rgb_to_grayscale(resmaps_val) if save: utils.save_np(imgs_val_input, save_dir, "imgs_val_input.npy") utils.save_np(imgs_val_pred, save_dir, "imgs_val_pred.npy") utils.save_np(resmaps_val, save_dir, "resmaps_val.npy") # plot a sample validation image alongside its corresponding reconstruction and resmap for inspection if img_val is not None:"default") # compute image index index_val = validation_generator.filenames.index(img_val) fig = utils.plot_input_pred_resmaps_val(imgs_val_input, imgs_val_pred, resmaps_val, index_val) fig.savefig(os.path.join(save_dir, "val_plots.png")) print("figure saved at {}".format( os.path.join(save_dir, "val_plots.png"))) # scale pixel values linearly to [0,1] resmaps_val = scale_pixel_values(architecture, resmaps_val) # Convert to 8-bit unsigned int for further processing resmaps_val = img_as_ubyte(resmaps_val) # ======= NUMBER OF REGIONS, THEIR MEAN SIZE AND STD DEVIATION WITH INCREASING THRESHOLDS ======= # blur resmaps # resmaps_val = filter_gauss_images(resmaps_val) # compute descriptive values min_pixel_value = np.amin(resmaps_val) max_pixel_value = np.amax(resmaps_val) mu = resmaps_val.flatten().mean() sigma = resmaps_val.flatten().std() # set relevant threshold interval threshold_min = int(round(scipy.stats.norm(mu, sigma).ppf(0.97), 1)) - 1 threshold_max = max_pixel_value dict_out = { "threshold": [], "nb_regions": [], "mean_areas_size": [], "std_areas_size": [], "sum_areas_size": [], } # compute and plot number of anomalous regions and their area sizes with increasing thresholds print( "computing anomalous regions and area sizes with increasing thresholds..." ) for threshold in range(threshold_min, threshold_max + 1): # threshold residual maps resmaps_th = threshold_images(resmaps_val, threshold) # filter images to remove salt noise resmaps_fil = filter_median_images(resmaps_th, kernel_size=3) # compute anomalous regions and their size for current threshold resmaps_labeled, areas_all = label_images(resmaps_fil) areas_all_1d = [item for sublist in areas_all for item in sublist] # compute the size of the biggest anomalous region (corresponds with smallest threshold) if threshold == threshold_min: max_region_size = np.amax(np.array(areas_all_1d)) nb_regions = len(areas_all_1d) if nb_regions == 0: break mean_areas_size = np.mean(areas_all_1d) std_areas_size = np.std(areas_all_1d) sum_areas_size = np.sum(areas_all_1d) # append values to dictionnary dict_out["threshold"].append(threshold) dict_out["nb_regions"].append(nb_regions) dict_out["mean_areas_size"].append(mean_areas_size) dict_out["std_areas_size"].append(std_areas_size) dict_out["sum_areas_size"].append(sum_areas_size) print("threshold: {}".format(threshold))"seaborn-darkgrid") # print DataFrame to console df_out = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_out) with pd.option_context("display.max_rows", None, "display.max_columns", None): print(df_out) # save DataFrame (as text AND as pkl) with open(os.path.join(save_dir, "test_results_all.txt"), "a") as f: f.truncate(0) f.write(df_out.to_string(header=True, index=True)) fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax1.plot(df_out.threshold, df_out.sum_areas_size, "#1f77b4") ax1.set_ylabel("sum of anomalous region's area size", color="#1f77b4") for tl in ax1.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_color("#1f77b4") ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.plot(df_out.threshold, df_out.nb_regions, "#ff7f0e") ax2.set_ylabel("number of anomalous regions", color="#ff7f0e") for tl in ax2.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_color("#ff7f0e") fig.savefig(os.path.join(save_dir, "plot_stat.pdf")) # # plot a sample test image alongside its corresponding reconstruction and resmap for inspection if img_test is not None:"default") test_data_dir = os.path.join(directory, "test") total_number = utils.get_total_number_test_images(test_data_dir) test_datagen = ImageDataGenerator( rescale=rescale, data_format="channels_last", preprocessing_function=preprocessing_function, ) # retrieve preprocessed test images as a numpy array test_generator = test_datagen.flow_from_directory( directory=test_data_dir, target_size=shape, color_mode=color_mode, batch_size=total_number, shuffle=False, class_mode="input", ) imgs_test_input =[0] # predict on test images print("computing reconstructions of validation images...") imgs_test_pred = model.predict(imgs_test_input) # compute residual maps on test set resmaps_test = imgs_test_input - imgs_test_pred if color_mode == "rgb": resmaps_test = tf.image.rgb_to_grayscale(resmaps_test) # compute image index index_test = test_generator.filenames.index(img_test) # save three images fig = utils.plot_input_pred_resmaps_test(imgs_test_input, imgs_test_pred, resmaps_test, index_test) fig.savefig(os.path.join(save_dir, "test_plots.png")) print("figure saved at {}".format( os.path.join(save_dir, "test_plots.png")))
def get_stats(resmaps, th_min=128, th_max=255, plot=False): dict_stat = { "threshold": [], "nb_regions": [], "mean_areas_size": [], "std_areas_size": [], "sum_areas_size": [], } # compute and plot number of anomalous regions and their area sizes with increasing thresholds print( "computing anomalous regions and area sizes with increasing thresholds..." ) for threshold in range(th_min, th_max + 1): # threshold residual maps resmaps_th = threshold_images(resmaps, threshold) # filter images to remove salt noise # resmaps_fil = filter_median_images(resmaps_th, kernel_size=3) # compute anomalous regions and their size for current threshold resmaps_labeled, areas_all = label_images(resmaps_th) areas_all_1d = [item for sublist in areas_all for item in sublist] # compute the size of the biggest anomalous region (corresponds with smallest threshold) if threshold == th_min: max_region_size = np.amax(np.array(areas_all_1d)) nb_regions = len(areas_all_1d) if nb_regions == 0: break mean_areas_size = np.mean(areas_all_1d) std_areas_size = np.std(areas_all_1d) sum_areas_size = np.sum(areas_all_1d) # append values to dictionnary dict_stat["threshold"].append(threshold) dict_stat["nb_regions"].append(nb_regions) dict_stat["mean_areas_size"].append(mean_areas_size) dict_stat["std_areas_size"].append(std_areas_size) dict_stat["sum_areas_size"].append(sum_areas_size) df_stat = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_stat) if plot: fig = plt.figure()"seaborn-darkgrid") ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) lns1 = ax1.plot(df_stat.threshold, df_stat.mean_areas_size, "C0", label="mean_areas_size") #1f77b4 lns2 = ax1.plot(df_stat.threshold, df_stat.std_areas_size, "C1", label="std_areas_size") ax1.set_xlabel("Thresholds") ax1.set_ylabel("areas size [number of pixels]") ax2 = ax1.twinx() lns3 = ax2.plot(df_stat.threshold, df_stat.nb_regions, "C2", label="nb_regions") #ff7f0e ax2.set_ylabel("number of anomalous regions", color="C2") for tl in ax2.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_color("C2") lns = lns1 + lns2 + lns3 labs = [l.get_label() for l in lns] ax1.legend(lns, labs, loc=0) return df_stat
index_test = 12 plot_img(imgs_test_input[index_test]) plot_img(imgs_test_pred[index_test]) plot_img(resmaps_test[index_test], title="resmaps_test") hist_image(resmaps_test, title="resmaps_test") # transform to uint8 ---------------------------------------------------------- resmaps_val_uint8 = img_as_ubyte(resmaps_val) hist_image_uint8(resmaps_val_uint8, title="resmaps_val_uint8") resmaps_test_uint8 = img_as_ubyte(resmaps_test) hist_image_uint8(resmaps_test_uint8, title="resmaps_test_uint8") # investigate thresholding image with various thresholds---------------------- threshold = 210 resmaps_val_uint8_th = threshold_images(resmaps_val_uint8, threshold) # resmaps_val_th_uint8 index_val = 0 plot_img(resmaps_val_uint8_th[index_val], title="resmaps_val_uint8_th[{}]\n threshold = {}".format( index_val, threshold)) threshold = 151 resmaps_test_uint8_th = threshold_images(resmaps_test_uint8, threshold) index_test = 12 plot_img(resmaps_test_uint8_th[index_test], title="resmaps_test_uint8_th[{}]\n threshold = {}".format( index_test, threshold)) #================= AREA SIZE DISTRIBUTION FOR ALL THRESHOLDS ==================