Esempio n. 1
    def node(self, data, tags):
        capture_tags = {}
        keys = tags.keys()
        err = []

        # node[place=locality][name=~/.+([- ]([Nn]ord|[Ss]ud$|[Ee]st|[Oo]uest|[Cc]entre))$/][inside("FR")]
        # node[place=hamlet][name=~/.+([- ]([Nn]ord|[Ss]ud$|[Ee]st|[Oo]uest|[Cc]entre))$/][inside("FR")]
        if (u'name' in keys and u'place' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'place')
                        == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'locality')
                        and mapcss.regexp_test(
                            mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 1,
                            mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags,
                        and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'place')
                        == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'hamlet')
                        and mapcss.regexp_test(
                            mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 1,
                            mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags,
                        and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"5080/50801/1"
                # throwError:tr("Hamlet or Locality name suffix Nord, Sud, Est, Ouest, Centre should be removed from Cadastre name. Place should be integrated only once.")
                # -osmoseAssertNoMatchWithContext:list('node place=hamlet name="Kerbrest"',"inside=FR")
                # -osmoseAssertNoMatchWithContext:list('node place=hamlet name="ZA Sud Loire"',"inside=FR")
                # -osmoseAssertMatchWithContext:list('node place=hamlet name=Montdésert-Sud',"inside=FR")
                    tr(u'Hamlet or Locality name suffix Nord, Sud, Est, Ouest, Centre should be removed from Cadastre name. Place should be integrated only once.'

        return err
Esempio n. 2
    def way(self, data, tags, nds):
        capture_tags = {}
        keys = tags.keys()
        err = []

        # way[place=locality][name=~/.+([Nn]ord|[Ss]ud$|[Ee]st|[Oo]uest|[Cc]entre)$/][inside("FR")]
        # way[place=hamlet][name=~/.+([Nn]ord|[Ss]ud$|[Ee]st|[Oo]uest|[Cc]entre)$/][inside("FR")]
        if (u'name' in keys and u'place' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'place')
                        == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'locality')
                        and mapcss.regexp_test_(
                            mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 1,
                            mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags,
                        and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'place')
                        == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'hamlet')
                        and mapcss.regexp_test_(
                            mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 1,
                            mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags,
                        and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"5080/50801/1"
                # throwError:tr("Hamlet or Locality name suffix Nord, Sud, Est, Ouest, Centre should be removed from Cadastre name. Place should be integrated only once.")
                    tr(u'Hamlet or Locality name suffix Nord, Sud, Est, Ouest, Centre should be removed from Cadastre name. Place should be integrated only once.'

        return err
    def relation(self, data, tags, members):
        capture_tags = {}
        keys = tags.keys()
        err = []

        # *[amenity=pharmacy][!dispensing][inside("IT")]
        if ('amenity' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'amenity')
                        == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, 'pharmacy')
                        and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags,
                        and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, 'IT'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # -osmoseTags:list("fix:chair")
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2100/21001/3"
                # throwWarning:tr("{0} without {1}","{0.tag}","{1.key}")
          '{0} without {1}',
                              mapcss._tag_uncapture(capture_tags, '{0.tag}'),
                              mapcss._tag_uncapture(capture_tags, '{1.key}'))

        return err
Esempio n. 4
    def node(self, data, tags):
        capture_tags = {}
        keys = tags.keys()
        err = []
        set_pt_route = set_pt_route_master = False

        # node[highway=bus_stop][amenity=bus_station]
        if (u'amenity' in keys and u'highway' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'highway')
                        == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'bus_stop')
                        and mapcss._tag_capture(
                            capture_tags, 1, tags,
                            u'amenity') == mapcss._value_capture(
                                capture_tags, 1, u'bus_station'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Is it a bus stop or a bus station?")
                # fixRemove:"amenity"
          'Is it a bus stop or a bus station?'),
                    'fix': {
                        '-': ([u'amenity'])

        # node[highway=bus_stop][!public_transport]
        if (u'highway' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'highway')
                        == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'bus_stop')
                        and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags,
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # group:tr("Missing public_transport tag on a public transport stop")
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21411:0/3"
                # throwError:tr("Specify if it is a stop (platform) or a location on the road (stop_position)")
                # fixAdd:"public_transport=platform"
                # assertNoMatch:"node highway=bus_stop public_transport=platform"
                # assertNoMatch:"node highway=bus_stop public_transport=stop_position"
                # assertMatch:"node highway=bus_stop"
                    tr(u'Specify if it is a stop (platform) or a location on the road (stop_position)'
                    'fix': {
                        '+': dict([[u'public_transport', u'platform']])

        # node[railway=tram_stop][!public_transport]
        if (u'railway' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'railway')
                        == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'tram_stop')
                        and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags,
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # group:tr("Missing public_transport tag on a public transport stop")
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21411:1/3"
                # throwError:tr("Specify if it is a stop (platform) or a location on the rails (stop_position)")
                # fixAdd:"public_transport=stop_position"
                # assertNoMatch:"node railway=tram_stop public_transport=platform"
                # assertNoMatch:"node railway=tram_stop public_transport=stop_position"
                # assertMatch:"node railway=tram_stop"
                    tr(u'Specify if it is a stop (platform) or a location on the rails (stop_position)'
                    'fix': {
                        '+': dict([[u'public_transport', u'stop_position']])

        # node[public_transport=platform][!highway][!railway][!bus][!shelter]
        if (u'public_transport' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags,
                        == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'platform')
                        and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags,
                        and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 2, tags,
                                                    u'railway') and
                        not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 3, tags, u'bus')
                        and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 4, tags,
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # group:tr("Missing legacy tag on a public transport stop")
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21412:1/3"
                # throwError:tr("The legacy tag is missing, add the tag highway=bus_stop / railway=tram_stop")
                    tr(u'The legacy tag is missing, add the tag highway=bus_stop / railway=tram_stop'

        # node[public_transport=platform][!highway][!railway][bus=yes]
        # node[public_transport=platform][!highway][!railway][shelter]
        if (u'bus' in keys and u'public_transport' in keys) or (
                u'public_transport' in keys and u'shelter' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags,
                        == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'platform')
                        and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags,
                        and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 2, tags,
                        and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 3, tags, u'bus')
                        == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 3, u'yes'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (mapcss._tag_capture(
                        capture_tags, 0, tags,
                        u'public_transport') == mapcss._value_capture(
                            capture_tags, 0, u'platform')
                             and not mapcss._tag_capture(
                                 capture_tags, 1, tags, u'highway')
                             and not mapcss._tag_capture(
                                 capture_tags, 2, tags, u'railway')
                             and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 3, tags,
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # group:tr("Missing legacy tag on a public transport stop")
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21412:0/3"
                # throwError:tr("Is this a bus stop? add the tag highway=bus_stop")
                # fixAdd:"highway=bus_stop"
                # assertMatch:"node public_transport=platform shelter=yes"
                        u'Is this a bus stop? add the tag highway=bus_stop'),
                    'fix': {
                        '+': dict([[u'highway', u'bus_stop']])

        # node[highway=bus_stop][note]
        # node[highway=bus_stop][note:fr][inside("FR")]
        if (u'highway' in keys
                and u'note' in keys) or (u'highway' in keys
                                         and u'note:fr' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'highway')
                        == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'bus_stop')
                        and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags,
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'highway')
                        == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'bus_stop')
                        and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags,
                        and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # throwWarning:tr("Check if the note can be deleted")
          'Check if the note can be deleted')

        # node[highway=bus_stop][network][inside("FR")]
        if (u'highway' in keys and u'network' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'highway')
                        == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'bus_stop')
                        and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags,
                        and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # throwWarning:tr("The network should be on the transport lines and not on the stops")
                # fixRemove:"network"
                    tr(u'The network should be on the transport lines and not on the stops'
                    'fix': {
                        '-': ([u'network'])

        # node[highway=bus_stop][operator][inside("FR")]
        if (u'highway' in keys and u'operator' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'highway')
                        == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'bus_stop')
                        and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags,
                        and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # throwWarning:tr("The operator should be on the transport lines and not on the stops")
                # fixRemove:"operator"
                    tr(u'The operator should be on the transport lines and not on the stops'
                    'fix': {
                        '-': ([u'operator'])

        return err
Esempio n. 5
    def way(self, data, tags, nds):
        capture_tags = {}
        keys = tags.keys()
        err = []

        # *[addr:street=~/(?i).*Strasse.*/][addr:street!~/(?i).*Strasser.*/][inside("DE,AT")]
        # *[name=~/(?i).*Strasse.*/][name!~/(?i).*Strasser.*/][inside("DE,AT")]
        if (u'addr:street' in keys) or (u'name' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_5b84a257), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'addr:street')) and not mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_const_capture(capture_tags, 1, self.re_559797c8, u'(?i).*Strasser.*'), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'addr:street')) and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'DE,AT'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_5b84a257), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'name')) and not mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_const_capture(capture_tags, 1, self.re_559797c8, u'(?i).*Strasser.*'), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'name')) and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'DE,AT'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("street name contains ss")
                # assertMatch:"way name=Hauptstrasse"
                # assertNoMatch:"way name=Hauptstraße"
                # assertNoMatch:"way name=Kapitän-Strasser-Straße"
                # assertNoMatch:"way name=Peter-Strasser-Platz"
                err.append({'class': 9009002, 'subclass': 821908491, 'text':'street name contains ss')})

        # *[addr:street=~/(?i).*Straße.*/][inside("LI,CH")]
        # *[name=~/(?i).*Straße.*/][inside("LI,CH")]
        if (u'addr:street' in keys) or (u'name' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_3d3faeb5), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'addr:street')) and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'LI,CH'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_3d3faeb5), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'name')) and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'LI,CH'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("street name contains ß")
                # assertNoMatch:"way name=Hauptstrasse"
                # assertMatch:"way name=Hauptstraße"
                err.append({'class': 9009003, 'subclass': 610086334, 'text':'street name contains ß')})

        return err
Esempio n. 6
    def relation(self, data, tags, members):
        capture_tags = {}
        keys = tags.keys()
        err = []

        # *[addr:street=~/(?i).*Strasse.*/][addr:street!~/(?i).*Strasser.*/][inside("DE,AT")]
        # *[name=~/(?i).*Strasse.*/][name!~/(?i).*Strasser.*/][inside("DE,AT")]
        if (u'addr:street' in keys) or (u'name' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_5b84a257), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'addr:street')) and not mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_const_capture(capture_tags, 1, self.re_559797c8, u'(?i).*Strasser.*'), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'addr:street')) and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'DE,AT'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_5b84a257), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'name')) and not mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_const_capture(capture_tags, 1, self.re_559797c8, u'(?i).*Strasser.*'), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'name')) and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'DE,AT'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("street name contains ss")
                err.append({'class': 9009002, 'subclass': 821908491, 'text':'street name contains ss')})

        # *[addr:street=~/(?i).*Straße.*/][inside("LI,CH")]
        # *[name=~/(?i).*Straße.*/][inside("LI,CH")]
        if (u'addr:street' in keys) or (u'name' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_3d3faeb5), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'addr:street')) and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'LI,CH'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_3d3faeb5), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'name')) and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'LI,CH'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("street name contains ß")
                err.append({'class': 9009003, 'subclass': 610086334, 'text':'street name contains ß')})

        # relation[type=associatedStreet][inside("DE")]
        if (u'type' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'type') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'associatedStreet') and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'DE'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # group:tr("deprecated tagging")
                # throwWarning:tr("{0} is deprecated in {1}","{0.tag}","Deutschland")
                # suggestAlternative:"addr:street"
                err.append({'class': 9009001, 'subclass': 746730328, 'text':'{0} is deprecated in {1}', mapcss._tag_uncapture(capture_tags, u'{0.tag}'), u'Deutschland')})

        return err
Esempio n. 7
    def node(self, data, tags):
        capture_tags = {}
        keys = tags.keys()
        err = []
        set_ok_housenumber = False

        # *[addr:housenumber][addr:housename]["addr:housenumber"=*"addr:housename"]
        if ('addr:housename' in keys and 'addr:housenumber' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = ((mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags,
                             and (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags,
                             and (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 2, tags,
                                  == mapcss._value_capture(
                                      capture_tags, 2,
                                      mapcss.tag(tags, 'addr:housename'))))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # throwWarning:tr("Same value of {0} and {1}","{0.key}","{1.key}")
                # assertMatch:"node addr:housename=1 addr:housenumber=1"
                # assertNoMatch:"node addr:housename=1 addr:housenumber=2"
          'Same value of {0} and {1}',
                              mapcss._tag_uncapture(capture_tags, '{0.key}'),
                              mapcss._tag_uncapture(capture_tags, '{1.key}'))

        # *[addr:housenumber=bb][inside("BA")]
        if ('addr:housenumber' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = ((mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags,
                              == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, 'bb'))
                             (mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, 'BA')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # setok_housenumber
                set_ok_housenumber = True

        # *[addr:housenumber][addr:housenumber!~/[0-9]/]!.ok_housenumber
        if ('addr:housenumber' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = ((not set_ok_housenumber) and (mapcss._tag_capture(
                        capture_tags, 0, tags,
                        'addr:housenumber')) and (not mapcss.regexp_test(
                                capture_tags, 1, self.re_4983542e, '[0-9]'),
                            mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags,
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # throwWarning:tr("{0} without number","{0.key}")
          '{0} without number',
                              mapcss._tag_uncapture(capture_tags, '{0.key}'))

        return err
Esempio n. 8
    def node(self, data, tags):
        capture_tags = {}
        keys = tags.keys()
        err = []
        set_pt_route = set_pt_route_master = False

        # node[highway=bus_stop][amenity=bus_station]
        if (u'amenity' in keys and u'highway' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'highway') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'bus_stop') and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'amenity') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 1, u'bus_station'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Is it a bus stop or a bus station?")
                # fixRemove:"amenity"
                err.append({'class': 9014002, 'subclass': 1676203359, 'text':'Is it a bus stop or a bus station?'), 'allow_fix_override': True, 'fix': {
                    '-': ([

        # node[highway=bus_stop][!public_transport]
        if (u'highway' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'highway') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'bus_stop') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'public_transport'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # group:tr("Missing public_transport tag on a public transport stop")
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21411:0/3"
                # throwError:tr("Specify if it is a stop (platform) or a location on the road (stop_position)")
                # fixAdd:"public_transport=platform"
                # assertNoMatch:"node highway=bus_stop public_transport=platform"
                # assertNoMatch:"node highway=bus_stop public_transport=stop_position"
                # assertMatch:"node highway=bus_stop"
                err.append({'class': 21411, 'subclass': 0, 'text':'Specify if it is a stop (platform) or a location on the road (stop_position)'), 'allow_fix_override': True, 'fix': {
                    '+': dict([

        # node[railway=tram_stop][!public_transport]
        if (u'railway' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'railway') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'tram_stop') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'public_transport'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # group:tr("Missing public_transport tag on a public transport stop")
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21411:1/3"
                # throwError:tr("Specify if it is a stop (platform) or a location on the rails (stop_position)")
                # fixAdd:"public_transport=stop_position"
                # assertNoMatch:"node railway=tram_stop public_transport=platform"
                # assertNoMatch:"node railway=tram_stop public_transport=stop_position"
                # assertMatch:"node railway=tram_stop"
                err.append({'class': 21411, 'subclass': 1, 'text':'Specify if it is a stop (platform) or a location on the rails (stop_position)'), 'allow_fix_override': True, 'fix': {
                    '+': dict([

        # node[public_transport=platform][!highway][!railway][!bus][!shelter]
        if (u'public_transport' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'public_transport') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'platform') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'highway') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 2, tags, u'railway') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 3, tags, u'bus') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 4, tags, u'shelter'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # group:tr("Missing legacy tag on a public transport stop")
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21412:1/3"
                # throwError:tr("The legacy tag is missing, add the tag highway=bus_stop / railway=tram_stop")
                err.append({'class': 21412, 'subclass': 1, 'text':'The legacy tag is missing, add the tag highway=bus_stop / railway=tram_stop')})

        # node[public_transport=platform][!highway][!railway][bus=yes]
        # node[public_transport=platform][!highway][!railway][shelter]
        if (u'bus' in keys and u'public_transport' in keys) or (u'public_transport' in keys and u'shelter' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'public_transport') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'platform') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'highway') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 2, tags, u'railway') and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 3, tags, u'bus') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 3, u'yes'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'public_transport') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'platform') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'highway') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 2, tags, u'railway') and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 3, tags, u'shelter'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # group:tr("Missing legacy tag on a public transport stop")
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21412:0/3"
                # throwError:tr("Is this a bus stop? add the tag highway=bus_stop")
                # fixAdd:"highway=bus_stop"
                # assertMatch:"node public_transport=platform shelter=yes"
                err.append({'class': 21412, 'subclass': 0, 'text':'Is this a bus stop? add the tag highway=bus_stop'), 'allow_fix_override': True, 'fix': {
                    '+': dict([

        # node[highway=bus_stop][note]
        # node[highway=bus_stop][note:fr][inside("FR")]
        if (u'highway' in keys and u'note' in keys) or (u'highway' in keys and u'note:fr' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'highway') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'bus_stop') and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'note'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'highway') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'bus_stop') and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'note:fr') and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwWarning:tr("Check if the note can be deleted")
                err.append({'class': 9014006, 'subclass': 673170504, 'text':'Check if the note can be deleted')})

        # node[highway=bus_stop][network][inside("FR")]
        if (u'highway' in keys and u'network' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'highway') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'bus_stop') and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'network') and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwWarning:tr("The network should be on the transport lines and not on the stops")
                # fixRemove:"network"
                err.append({'class': 9014007, 'subclass': 1428913922, 'text':'The network should be on the transport lines and not on the stops'), 'allow_fix_override': True, 'fix': {
                    '-': ([

        # node[highway=bus_stop][operator][inside("FR")]
        if (u'highway' in keys and u'operator' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'highway') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'bus_stop') and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'operator') and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwWarning:tr("The operator should be on the transport lines and not on the stops")
                # fixRemove:"operator"
                err.append({'class': 9014008, 'subclass': 210603856, 'text':'The operator should be on the transport lines and not on the stops'), 'allow_fix_override': True, 'fix': {
                    '-': ([

        return err
    def way(self, data, tags, nds):
        capture_tags = {}
        keys = tags.keys()
        err = []

        # way[railway=rail][!gauge][inside("FR")]
        if (u'railway' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'railway') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'rail') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'gauge') and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # -osmoseTags:list("tag","railway")
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2160/21600/3"
                # throwWarning:tr("Missing tag gauge on rail")
                # suggestAlternative:"gauge"
                # -osmoseAssertNoMatchWithContext:list("way railway=disused","inside=FR")
                # -osmoseAssertNoMatchWithContext:list("way railway=rail gauge=1435","inside=FR")
                # -osmoseAssertMatchWithContext:list("way railway=rail","inside=FR")
                err.append({'class': 21600, 'subclass': 0, 'text':'Missing tag gauge on rail')})

        # *[name=~/(?i)co.?voiturage/][amenity!=car_pooling][!carpool][inside("FR")]
        if (u'name' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_045a0f34), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'name')) and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'amenity') != mapcss._value_const_capture(capture_tags, 1, u'car_pooling', u'car_pooling') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 2, tags, u'carpool') and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # -osmoseTags:list("parking","amenity","fix:chair")
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2080/20806/3"
                # throwWarning:tr("Missing tag carpool on area")
                # fixAdd:"amenity=car_pooling"
                # fixAdd:"carpool=designated"
                # -osmoseAssertNoMatchWithContext:list("way name='Aire de covoiturage' amenity=car_pooling","inside=FR")
                # -osmoseAssertMatchWithContext:list("way name='Aire de covoiturage' amenity=car_sharing","inside=FR")
                # -osmoseAssertNoMatchWithContext:list("way name='Aire de covoiturage' amenity=parking carpool=designated","inside=FR")
                err.append({'class': 20806, 'subclass': 0, 'text':'Missing tag carpool on area'), 'allow_fix_override': True, 'fix': {
                    '+': dict([

        return err
Esempio n. 10
    def relation(self, data, tags, members):
        capture_tags = {}
        keys = tags.keys()
        err = []

        # *[takeaway:covid19=yes][takeaway!=yes][inside("FR")]
        if ('takeaway:covid19' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags,
                        == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, 'yes') and
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, 'takeaway')
                        != mapcss._value_const_capture(capture_tags, 1, 'yes',
                        and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, 'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"4010/202004/2"
                # throwWarning:tr("This store offered a take-away service during the lockdown. Does it still offer take-away in usual times")
                # fixChangeKey:"takeaway:covid19=>takeaway"
                    tr('This store offered a take-away service during the lockdown. Does it still offer take-away in usual times'
                    'fix': {
                            mapcss.tag(tags, 'takeaway:covid19')
                        '-': (['takeaway:covid19'])

        # *[delivery:covid19=yes][delivery!=yes][inside("FR")]
        if ('delivery:covid19' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags,
                        == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, 'yes') and
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, 'delivery')
                        != mapcss._value_const_capture(capture_tags, 1, 'yes',
                        and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, 'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"4010/202004/2"
                # throwWarning:tr("This store offered a delivery service during the lockdown. Does it still offer delivery in usual times")
                # fixChangeKey:"delivery:covid19=>delivery"
                    tr('This store offered a delivery service during the lockdown. Does it still offer delivery in usual times'
                    'fix': {
                            mapcss.tag(tags, 'delivery:covid19')
                        '-': (['delivery:covid19'])

        # *[opening_hours:covid19][opening_hours:covid19=~/off|restricted/][inside("FR")]
        if ('opening_hours:covid19' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags,
                             and mapcss.regexp_test(
                                 mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 1,
                                 mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags,
                             and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options,
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"4010/202004/2"
                # throwWarning:tr("The lockdown is over. Has this place reopened?")
                # fixRemove:"opening_hours:covid19"
                        'The lockdown is over. Has this place reopened?'),
                    'fix': {
                        '-': (['opening_hours:covid19'])

        # *[opening_hours:covid19][opening_hours:covid19!~/same|off|open|restricted/][!opening_hours][inside("FR")]
        if ('opening_hours:covid19' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags,
                             and not mapcss.regexp_test(
                                     capture_tags, 1, self.re_64916a2b,
                                 mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags,
                             and not mapcss._tag_capture(
                                 capture_tags, 2, tags, 'opening_hours') and
                             mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, 'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"4010/202004/2"
                # throwWarning:tr("This store was on an adapted schedule during the lockdown. Are these opening hours still in effect?")
                # fixChangeKey:"opening_hours:covid19=>opening_hours"
                    tr('This store was on an adapted schedule during the lockdown. Are these opening hours still in effect?'
                    'fix': {
                            mapcss.tag(tags, 'opening_hours:covid19')
                        '-': (['opening_hours:covid19'])

        return err
Esempio n. 11
    def way(self, data, tags, nds):
        capture_tags = {}
        keys = tags.keys()
        err = []

        # way[place=locality][name=~/.+([Nn]ord|[Ss]ud$|[Ee]st|[Oo]uest|[Cc]entre)$/][inside("FR")]
        # way[place=hamlet][name=~/.+([Nn]ord|[Ss]ud$|[Ee]st|[Oo]uest|[Cc]entre)$/][inside("FR")]
        if (u'name' in keys and u'place' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'place') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'locality') and mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 1, self.re_422a87ff), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'name')) and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'place') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'hamlet') and mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 1, self.re_422a87ff), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'name')) and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"5080/50801/1"
                # throwError:tr("Hamlet or Locality name suffix Nord, Sud, Est, Ouest, Centre should be removed from Cadastre name. Place should be integrated only once.")
                # -osmoseAssertNoMatchWithContext:list('node place=hamlet name="ZA Sud Loire"',"inside=FR")
                # -osmoseAssertMatchWithContext:list('node place=hamlet name=Montdésert-Sud',"inside=FR")
                err.append({'class': 50801, 'subclass': 0, 'text':'Hamlet or Locality name suffix Nord, Sud, Est, Ouest, Centre should be removed from Cadastre name. Place should be integrated only once.')})

        return err
    def node(self, data, tags):
        capture_tags = {}
        keys = tags.keys()
        err = []

        # *[name=~/(?i)co.?voiturage/][amenity!=car_pooling][!carpool][inside("FR")]
        if (u'name' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (
                            mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0,
                            mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags,
                                                u'name')) and
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'amenity')
                        != mapcss._value_const_capture(
                            capture_tags, 1, u'car_pooling', u'car_pooling')
                        and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 2, tags,
                        and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # -osmoseTags:list("parking","amenity","fix:chair")
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2080/20806/3"
                # throwWarning:tr("Missing tag carpool on area")
                # fixAdd:"amenity=car_pooling"
                # fixAdd:"carpool=designated"
                # -osmoseAssertMatchWithContext:list("node name='Aire de Covoiturage' amenity=parking","inside=FR")
                    'class': 20806,
                    'subclass': 0,
                    'text':'Missing tag carpool on area'),
                    'allow_fix_override': True,
                    'fix': {
                        dict([[u'amenity', u'car_pooling'],
                              [u'carpool', u'designated']])

        # *[amenity=fuel][fuel:octane_95=yes][!fuel:e10][inside("FR")]
        if (u'amenity' in keys and u'fuel:octane_95' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'amenity')
                        == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'fuel')
                        and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags,
                        == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 1, u'yes')
                        and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 2, tags,
                        and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # -osmoseTags:list("parking","amenity","fix:chair")
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"4061/40612/2"
                # throwWarning:tr("Does this station still sell SP95, or has it been replaced by the SP95-E10?")
                # suggestAlternative:"fuel:e10=yes/no"
                    tr(u'Does this station still sell SP95, or has it been replaced by the SP95-E10?'

        return err
Esempio n. 13
    def relation(self, data, tags, members):
        capture_tags = {}
        keys = tags.keys()
        err = []
        set_pt_route = set_pt_route_master = False

        # relation[type=route][!route]
        if (u'type' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'type') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'route') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'route'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Missing transportation mode, add a tag route = bus/coach/tram/etc")
                err.append({'class': 9014009, 'subclass': 828849115, 'text':'Missing transportation mode, add a tag route = bus/coach/tram/etc')})

        # relation[type=route_master][!route_master][!route]
        if (u'type' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'type') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'route_master') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'route_master') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 2, tags, u'route'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Missing transportation mode, add a tag route = bus/coach/tram/etc")
                err.append({'class': 9014009, 'subclass': 607011337, 'text':'Missing transportation mode, add a tag route = bus/coach/tram/etc')})

        # relation[type=route_master][!route_master][route]
        if (u'route' in keys and u'type' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'type') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'route_master') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'route_master') and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 2, tags, u'route'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Missing transportation mode, change tag route to route_master")
                # fixChangeKey:"route=>route_master"
                err.append({'class': 9014010, 'subclass': 3385524, 'text':'Missing transportation mode, change tag route to route_master'), 'allow_fix_override': True, 'fix': {
                    '+': dict([
                    [u'route_master', mapcss.tag(tags, u'route')]]),
                    '-': ([

        # relation[type=route][route=~/^(bus|coach|train|subway|monorail|trolleybus|aerialway|funicular|ferry|tram|share_taxi|light_rail|school_bus|walking_bus)$/]
        if (u'route' in keys and u'type' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'type') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'route') and mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 1, self.re_6194d2a4), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'route')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # setpt_route
                set_pt_route = True

        # relation[type=route_master][route_master=~/^(bus|coach|train|subway|monorail|trolleybus|aerialway|funicular|ferry|tram|share_taxi|light_rail|school_bus|walking_bus)$/]
        if (u'route_master' in keys and u'type' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'type') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'route_master') and mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 1, self.re_6194d2a4), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'route_master')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # setpt_route_master
                set_pt_route_master = True

        # relation.pt_route[!public_transport:version]
        if True:
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'public_transport:version'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21401/3"
                # throwError:tr("Missing public_transport:version tag on a public_transport route relation")
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus public_transport:version=1"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus"
                err.append({'class': 21401, 'subclass': 0, 'text':'Missing public_transport:version tag on a public_transport route relation')})

        # relation.pt_route[!network]
        # relation.pt_route_master[!network]
        if True:
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'network'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route_master and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'network'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21402/3"
                # throwError:tr("Missing network tag on a public_transport relation")
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus network=BiBiBus"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus"
                err.append({'class': 21402, 'subclass': 0, 'text':'Missing network tag on a public_transport relation')})

        # relation.pt_route[!operator]
        # relation.pt_route_master[!operator]
        if True:
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'operator'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route_master and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'operator'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21403/3"
                # throwError:tr("Missing operator tag on a public_transport relation")
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus operator=BiBiBus"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus"
                err.append({'class': 21403, 'subclass': 0, 'text':'Missing operator tag on a public_transport relation')})

        # relation.pt_route[!ref]
        # relation.pt_route_master[!ref]
        if True:
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'ref'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route_master and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'ref'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21404/3"
                # throwError:tr("Missing ref tag for line number on a public_transport relation")
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus ref=3"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus"
                err.append({'class': 21404, 'subclass': 0, 'text':'Missing ref tag for line number on a public_transport relation')})

        # relation.pt_route[!from]
        # relation.pt_route[!to]
        if True:
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'from'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'to'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21405/3"
                # throwError:tr("Missing from/to tag on a public_transport route relation")
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus from=A to=B"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus from=A"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus to=B"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus"
                err.append({'class': 21405, 'subclass': 0, 'text':'Missing from/to tag on a public_transport route relation')})

        # relation.pt_route[tag(network)!=parent_tag(network)]
        # Part of rule not implemented

        # relation.pt_route[tag(operator)!=parent_tag(operator)]
        # Part of rule not implemented

        # relation.pt_route[tag(ref)!=parent_tag(ref)]
        # Part of rule not implemented

        # relation.pt_route[tag(colour)!=parent_tag(colour)]
        # Part of rule not implemented

        # relation.pt_route[tag(route)!=parent_tag(route_master)]
        # Part of rule not implemented

        # relation.pt_route[!colour][color]
        # relation.pt_route_master[!colour][color]
        if (u'color' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'colour') and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'color'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route_master and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'colour') and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'color'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("The color of the public transport line should be in a colour tag")
                # fixChangeKey:"color=>colour"
                err.append({'class': 9014020, 'subclass': 218794881, 'text':'The color of the public transport line should be in a colour tag'), 'allow_fix_override': True, 'fix': {
                    '+': dict([
                    [u'colour', mapcss.tag(tags, u'color')]]),
                    '-': ([

        # relation.pt_route["operator"=~/STIF|Kéolis|Véolia/][inside("FR")]
        # relation.pt_route_master["operator"=~/STIF|Kéolis|Véolia/][inside("FR")]
        if (u'operator' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route and mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_25554804), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'operator')) and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route_master and mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_25554804), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'operator')) and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Check the operator tag : this operator does not exist, it may be a typo")
                err.append({'class': 9014025, 'subclass': 286137008, 'text':'Check the operator tag : this operator does not exist, it may be a typo')})

        # relation.pt_route["network"=~/STIF|Kéolis|Véolia/][inside("FR")]
        # relation.pt_route_master["network"=~/STIF|Kéolis|Véolia/][inside("FR")]
        if (u'network' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route and mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_25554804), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'network')) and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route_master and mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_25554804), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'network')) and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Check the network tag : this network does not exist, it may be a typo")
                err.append({'class': 9014026, 'subclass': 735027962, 'text':'Check the network tag : this network does not exist, it may be a typo')})

        # relation[highway=bus_stop]
        if (u'highway' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'highway') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'bus_stop'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("A bus stop is supposed to be a node")
                err.append({'class': 9014019, 'subclass': 1590282811, 'text':'A bus stop is supposed to be a node')})

        # relation.pt_route!.route_ok
        # Use undeclared class pt_route, route_ok

        # relation.pt_route[interval][interval!~/^([0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?|[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](:[0-5][0-9])?)$/]
        # relation.pt_route_master[interval][interval!~/^([0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?|[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](:[0-5][0-9])?)$/]
        if (u'interval' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'interval') and not mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_const_capture(capture_tags, 1, self.re_2fe0817d, u'^([0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?|[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](:[0-5][0-9])?)$'), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'interval')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route_master and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'interval') and not mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_const_capture(capture_tags, 1, self.re_2fe0817d, u'^([0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?|[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](:[0-5][0-9])?)$'), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'interval')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("The interval is invalid (try a number of minutes)")
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus interval=00:05"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus interval=00:10:00"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus interval=00:70:00"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus interval=02:00:00"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus interval=10"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus interval=120"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus interval=5"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus interval=irregular"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=ferry interval=2heures"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route_master route_master=bus interval=1240"
                err.append({'class': 9014021, 'subclass': 170114261, 'text':'The interval is invalid (try a number of minutes)')})

        # relation.pt_route[duration][duration!~/^([0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?|(PT)?[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](:[0-5][0-9])?|P(?!$)((\d+Y)|(\d+\.\d+Y$))?((\d+M)|(\d+\.\d+M$))?((\d+W)|(\d+\.\d+W$))?((\d+D)|(\d+\.\d+D$))?(T(?=\d)((\d+H)|(\d+\.\d+H$))?((\d+M)|(\d+\.\d+M$))?(\d+(\.\d+)?S)?)??)$/]
        # relation.pt_route_master[duration][duration!~/^([0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?|(PT)?[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](:[0-5][0-9])?|P(?!$)((\d+Y)|(\d+\.\d+Y$))?((\d+M)|(\d+\.\d+M$))?((\d+W)|(\d+\.\d+W$))?((\d+D)|(\d+\.\d+D$))?(T(?=\d)((\d+H)|(\d+\.\d+H$))?((\d+M)|(\d+\.\d+M$))?(\d+(\.\d+)?S)?)??)$/]
        if (u'duration' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'duration') and not mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_const_capture(capture_tags, 1, self.re_181de9b6, u'^([0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?|(PT)?[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](:[0-5][0-9])?|P(?!$)((\d+Y)|(\d+\.\d+Y$))?((\d+M)|(\d+\.\d+M$))?((\d+W)|(\d+\.\d+W$))?((\d+D)|(\d+\.\d+D$))?(T(?=\d)((\d+H)|(\d+\.\d+H$))?((\d+M)|(\d+\.\d+M$))?(\d+(\.\d+)?S)?)??)$'), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'duration')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route_master and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'duration') and not mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_const_capture(capture_tags, 1, self.re_181de9b6, u'^([0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?|(PT)?[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](:[0-5][0-9])?|P(?!$)((\d+Y)|(\d+\.\d+Y$))?((\d+M)|(\d+\.\d+M$))?((\d+W)|(\d+\.\d+W$))?((\d+D)|(\d+\.\d+D$))?(T(?=\d)((\d+H)|(\d+\.\d+H$))?((\d+M)|(\d+\.\d+M$))?(\d+(\.\d+)?S)?)??)$'), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'duration')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("The duration is invalid (try a number of minutes)")
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus duration=20minutes"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus duration=25:00"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=ferry duration=120"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=ferry duration=1240"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=ferry duration=20"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=ferry duration=P0.5D"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=ferry duration=PT02:25:06"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=ferry duration=PT120M"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=ferry duration=PT20M"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=ferry duration=PT2H25M6S"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=ferry duration=PT50S"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route_master route=bus duration=02:00:00"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route_master route=ferry duration=PT4H"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route_master route_master=bus duration=5"
                err.append({'class': 9014022, 'subclass': 305414991, 'text':'The duration is invalid (try a number of minutes)')})

        # relation.pt_route["interval:conditional"][!interval]
        # relation.pt_route_master["interval:conditional"][!interval]
        if (u'interval:conditional' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'interval:conditional') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'interval'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route_master and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'interval:conditional') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'interval'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Missing interval tag to specify the main interval")
                err.append({'class': 9014023, 'subclass': 1710360237, 'text':'Missing interval tag to specify the main interval')})

        # relation.pt_route["interval:conditional"][!opening_hours]
        # relation.pt_route_master["interval:conditional"][!opening_hours]
        if (u'interval:conditional' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'interval:conditional') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'opening_hours'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route_master and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'interval:conditional') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'opening_hours'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Missing opening_hours tag")
                err.append({'class': 9014024, 'subclass': 210081506, 'text':'Missing opening_hours tag')})

        return err
Esempio n. 14
    def relation(self, data, tags, members):
        capture_tags = {}
        keys = tags.keys()
        err = []
        set_pt_route = set_pt_route_master = False

        # relation[type=route][!route]
        if (u'type' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'type')
                        == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'route')
                        and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags,
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Missing transportation mode, add a tag route = bus/coach/tram/etc")
                    tr(u'Missing transportation mode, add a tag route = bus/coach/tram/etc'

        # relation[type=route_master][!route_master][!route]
        if (u'type' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (mapcss._tag_capture(
                        capture_tags, 0, tags,
                        u'type') == mapcss._value_capture(
                            capture_tags, 0, u'route_master')
                             and not mapcss._tag_capture(
                                 capture_tags, 1, tags, u'route_master')
                             and not mapcss._tag_capture(
                                 capture_tags, 2, tags, u'route'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Missing transportation mode, add a tag route = bus/coach/tram/etc")
                    tr(u'Missing transportation mode, add a tag route = bus/coach/tram/etc'

        # relation[type=route_master][!route_master][route]
        if (u'route' in keys and u'type' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (mapcss._tag_capture(
                        capture_tags, 0, tags,
                        u'type') == mapcss._value_capture(
                            capture_tags, 0, u'route_master')
                             and not mapcss._tag_capture(
                                 capture_tags, 1, tags, u'route_master')
                             and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 2, tags,
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Missing transportation mode, change tag route to route_master")
                # fixChangeKey:"route=>route_master"
                    tr(u'Missing transportation mode, change tag route to route_master'
                    'fix': {
                               mapcss.tag(tags, u'route')]]),
                        '-': ([u'route'])

        # relation[type=route][route=~/^(bus|coach|train|subway|monorail|trolleybus|aerialway|funicular|ferry|tram|share_taxi|light_rail|school_bus)$/]
        if (u'route' in keys and u'type' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'type')
                        == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'route')
                        and mapcss.regexp_test(
                            mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 1,
                            mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags,
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # setpt_route
                set_pt_route = True

        # relation[type=route_master][route_master=~/^(bus|coach|train|subway|monorail|trolleybus|aerialway|funicular|ferry|tram|share_taxi|light_rail|school_bus)$/]
        if (u'route_master' in keys and u'type' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (mapcss._tag_capture(
                        capture_tags, 0, tags,
                        u'type') == mapcss._value_capture(
                            capture_tags, 0, u'route_master')
                             and mapcss.regexp_test(
                                 mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 1,
                                 mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags,
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # setpt_route_master
                set_pt_route_master = True

        # relation.pt_route[!public_transport:version]
        if True:
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (set_pt_route and not mapcss._tag_capture(
                        capture_tags, 0, tags, u'public_transport:version'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21401/3"
                # throwError:tr("Missing public_transport:version tag on a public_transport route relation")
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus public_transport:version=1"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus"
                    tr(u'Missing public_transport:version tag on a public_transport route relation'

        # relation.pt_route[!network]
        # relation.pt_route_master[!network]
        if True:
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (set_pt_route and not mapcss._tag_capture(
                        capture_tags, 0, tags, u'network'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (set_pt_route_master and not mapcss._tag_capture(
                        capture_tags, 0, tags, u'network'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21402/3"
                # throwError:tr("Missing network tag on a public_transport relation")
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus network=BiBiBus"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus"
                        u'Missing network tag on a public_transport relation')

        # relation.pt_route[!operator]
        # relation.pt_route_master[!operator]
        if True:
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (set_pt_route and not mapcss._tag_capture(
                        capture_tags, 0, tags, u'operator'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (set_pt_route_master and not mapcss._tag_capture(
                        capture_tags, 0, tags, u'operator'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21403/3"
                # throwError:tr("Missing operator tag on a public_transport relation")
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus operator=BiBiBus"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus"
                        u'Missing operator tag on a public_transport relation')

        # relation.pt_route[!ref]
        # relation.pt_route_master[!ref]
        if True:
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (set_pt_route and not mapcss._tag_capture(
                        capture_tags, 0, tags, u'ref'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (set_pt_route_master and not mapcss._tag_capture(
                        capture_tags, 0, tags, u'ref'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21404/3"
                # throwError:tr("Missing ref tag for line number on a public_transport relation")
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus ref=3"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus"
                    tr(u'Missing ref tag for line number on a public_transport relation'

        # relation.pt_route[!from]
        # relation.pt_route[!to]
        if True:
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (set_pt_route and not mapcss._tag_capture(
                        capture_tags, 0, tags, u'from'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (set_pt_route and not mapcss._tag_capture(
                        capture_tags, 0, tags, u'to'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21405/3"
                # throwError:tr("Missing from/to tag on a public_transport route relation")
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus from=A to=B"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus from=A"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus to=B"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus"
                    tr(u'Missing from/to tag on a public_transport route relation'

        # relation.pt_route["operator"=~/STIF|Kéolis|Véolia/][inside("FR")]
        # relation.pt_route_master["operator"=~/STIF|Kéolis|Véolia/][inside("FR")]
        if (u'operator' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (set_pt_route and mapcss.regexp_test(
                        mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0,
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags,
                                            u'operator')) and
                             mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (set_pt_route_master and mapcss.regexp_test(
                        mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0,
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags,
                                            u'operator')) and
                             mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Check the operator tag")
                    'class': 9014013,
                    'subclass': 286137008,
                    'text':'Check the operator tag')

        # relation.pt_route["network"=~/STIF|Kéolis|Véolia/][inside("FR")]
        # relation.pt_route_master["network"=~/STIF|Kéolis|Véolia/][inside("FR")]
        if (u'network' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (set_pt_route and mapcss.regexp_test(
                        mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0,
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'network'))
                             and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options,
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                    match = (set_pt_route_master and mapcss.regexp_test(
                        mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0,
                        mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'network'))
                             and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options,
                except mapcss.RuleAbort:
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Check the network tag")
                    'class': 9014014,
                    'subclass': 735027962,
                    'text':'Check the network tag')

        # relation.pt_route!.route_ok
        # Use undeclared class pt_route, route_ok

        return err
    def way(self, data, tags, nds):
        capture_tags = {}
        keys = tags.keys()
        err = []

        # way[railway=rail][!gauge][inside("FR")]
        if (u'railway' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'railway') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'rail') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'gauge') and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # -osmoseTags:list("tag","railway")
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2160/21600/3"
                # throwWarning:tr("Tag gauge manquant sur rail")
                # suggestAlternative:"gauge"
                # -osmoseAssertNoMatchWithContext:list("way railway=disused","inside=FR")
                # -osmoseAssertNoMatchWithContext:list("way railway=rail gauge=1435","inside=FR")
                # -osmoseAssertMatchWithContext:list("way railway=rail","inside=FR")
                err.append({'class': 21600, 'subclass': 0, 'text':'Tag gauge manquant sur rail')})

        return err
Esempio n. 16
    def way(self, data, tags, nds):
        capture_tags = {}
        keys = tags.keys()
        err = []

        # *[operator=ERDF][inside("FR")]
        if (u'operator' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'operator') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'ERDF') and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # group:tr("deprecated tagging")
                # throwWarning:tr("{0} is deprecated","{0.tag}")
                # suggestAlternative:"operator=Enedis"
                # fixAdd:"operator=Enedis"
                err.append({'class': 9009001, 'subclass': 262422756, 'text':'{0} is deprecated', mapcss._tag_uncapture(capture_tags, u'{0.tag}')), 'allow_fix_override': True, 'fix': {
                    '+': dict([

        # *[addr:street=~/(?i).*Strasse.*/][addr:street!~/(?i).*Strasser.*/][inside("DE,AT")]
        # *[name=~/(?i).*Strasse.*/][name!~/(?i).*Strasser.*/][inside("DE,AT")]
        if (u'addr:street' in keys) or (u'name' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_5b84a257), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'addr:street')) and not mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 1, self.re_559797c8), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'addr:street')) and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'DE,AT'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_5b84a257), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'name')) and not mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 1, self.re_559797c8), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'name')) and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'DE,AT'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("street name contains ss")
                # assertMatch:"way name=Hauptstrasse"
                # assertNoMatch:"way name=Hauptstraße"
                # assertNoMatch:"way name=Kapitän-Strasser-Straße"
                # assertNoMatch:"way name=Peter-Strasser-Platz"
                err.append({'class': 9009002, 'subclass': 821908491, 'text':'street name contains ss')})

        # *[addr:street=~/(?i).*Straße.*/][inside("LI,CH")]
        # *[name=~/(?i).*Straße.*/][inside("LI,CH")]
        if (u'addr:street' in keys) or (u'name' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_3d3faeb5), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'addr:street')) and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'LI,CH'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_3d3faeb5), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'name')) and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'LI,CH'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("street name contains ß")
                # assertNoMatch:"way name=Hauptstrasse"
                # assertMatch:"way name=Hauptstraße"
                err.append({'class': 9009003, 'subclass': 610086334, 'text':'street name contains ß')})

        return err
Esempio n. 17
    def relation(self, data, tags, members):
        capture_tags = {}
        keys = tags.keys()
        err = []
        set_pt_route = set_pt_route_master = False

        # relation[type=route][!route]
        if ('type' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'type') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, 'route')) and (not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, 'route')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Missing transportation mode, add a tag route = bus/coach/tram/etc")
                err.append({'class': 9014009, 'subclass': 828849115, 'text':'Missing transportation mode, add a tag route = bus/coach/tram/etc')})

        # relation[type=route_master][!route_master][!route]
        if ('type' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'type') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, 'route_master')) and (not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, 'route_master')) and (not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 2, tags, 'route')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Missing transportation mode, add a tag route = bus/coach/tram/etc")
                err.append({'class': 9014009, 'subclass': 607011337, 'text':'Missing transportation mode, add a tag route = bus/coach/tram/etc')})

        # relation[type=route_master][!route_master][route]
        if ('route' in keys and 'type' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'type') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, 'route_master')) and (not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, 'route_master')) and (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 2, tags, 'route')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Missing transportation mode, change tag route to route_master")
                # fixChangeKey:"route=>route_master"
                err.append({'class': 9014010, 'subclass': 3385524, 'text':'Missing transportation mode, change tag route to route_master'), 'allow_fix_override': True, 'fix': {
                    '+': dict([
                    ['route_master', mapcss.tag(tags, 'route')]]),
                    '-': ([

        # relation[type=route][route=~/^(bus|coach|train|subway|monorail|trolleybus|aerialway|funicular|ferry|tram|share_taxi|light_rail|school_bus|walking_bus)$/]
        if ('route' in keys and 'type' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'type') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, 'route')) and (mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 1, self.re_6194d2a4), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, 'route'))))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # setpt_route
                set_pt_route = True

        # relation[type=route_master][route_master=~/^(bus|coach|train|subway|monorail|trolleybus|aerialway|funicular|ferry|tram|share_taxi|light_rail|school_bus|walking_bus)$/]
        if ('route_master' in keys and 'type' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'type') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, 'route_master')) and (mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 1, self.re_6194d2a4), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, 'route_master'))))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # setpt_route_master
                set_pt_route_master = True

        # relation.pt_route[!public_transport:version]
        if True:
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((set_pt_route) and (not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'public_transport:version')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21401/3"
                # throwError:tr("Missing public_transport:version tag on a public_transport route relation")
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus public_transport:version=1"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus"
                err.append({'class': 21401, 'subclass': 0, 'text':'Missing public_transport:version tag on a public_transport route relation')})

        # relation.pt_route[!network]
        # relation.pt_route_master[!network]
        if True:
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((set_pt_route) and (not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'network')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((set_pt_route_master) and (not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'network')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21402/3"
                # throwError:tr("Missing network tag on a public_transport relation")
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus network=BiBiBus"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus"
                err.append({'class': 21402, 'subclass': 0, 'text':'Missing network tag on a public_transport relation')})

        # relation.pt_route[!operator]
        # relation.pt_route_master[!operator]
        if True:
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((set_pt_route) and (not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'operator')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((set_pt_route_master) and (not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'operator')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21403/3"
                # throwError:tr("Missing operator tag on a public_transport relation")
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus operator=BiBiBus"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus"
                err.append({'class': 21403, 'subclass': 0, 'text':'Missing operator tag on a public_transport relation')})

        # relation.pt_route[!from]
        # relation.pt_route[!to]
        if True:
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((set_pt_route) and (not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'from')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((set_pt_route) and (not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'to')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21405/3"
                # throwError:tr("Missing from/to tag on a public_transport route relation")
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus from=A to=B"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus from=A"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus to=B"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus"
                err.append({'class': 21405, 'subclass': 0, 'text':'Missing from/to tag on a public_transport route relation')})

        # relation.pt_route[tag(network)!=parent_tag(network)]
        # Part of rule not implemented

        # relation.pt_route[tag(operator)!=parent_tag(operator)]
        # Part of rule not implemented

        # relation.pt_route[tag(ref)!=parent_tag(ref)]
        # Part of rule not implemented

        # relation.pt_route[tag(colour)!=parent_tag(colour)]
        # Part of rule not implemented

        # relation.pt_route[tag(route)!=parent_tag(route_master)]
        # Part of rule not implemented

        # relation.pt_route[!colour][color]
        # relation.pt_route_master[!colour][color]
        if ('color' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((set_pt_route) and (not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'colour')) and (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, 'color')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((set_pt_route_master) and (not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'colour')) and (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, 'color')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("The color of the public transport line should be in a colour tag")
                # fixChangeKey:"color=>colour"
                err.append({'class': 9014020, 'subclass': 218794881, 'text':'The color of the public transport line should be in a colour tag'), 'allow_fix_override': True, 'fix': {
                    '+': dict([
                    ['colour', mapcss.tag(tags, 'color')]]),
                    '-': ([

        # relation.pt_route["operator"=~/STIF|Kéolis|Véolia/][inside("FR")]
        # relation.pt_route_master["operator"=~/STIF|Kéolis|Véolia/][inside("FR")]
        if ('operator' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((set_pt_route) and (mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_25554804), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'operator'))) and (mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, 'FR')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((set_pt_route_master) and (mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_25554804), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'operator'))) and (mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, 'FR')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Check the operator tag : this operator does not exist, it may be a typo")
                err.append({'class': 9014025, 'subclass': 286137008, 'text':'Check the operator tag : this operator does not exist, it may be a typo')})

        # relation.pt_route["network"=~/STIF|Kéolis|Véolia/][inside("FR")]
        # relation.pt_route_master["network"=~/STIF|Kéolis|Véolia/][inside("FR")]
        if ('network' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((set_pt_route) and (mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_25554804), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'network'))) and (mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, 'FR')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((set_pt_route_master) and (mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_25554804), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'network'))) and (mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, 'FR')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Check the network tag : this network does not exist, it may be a typo")
                err.append({'class': 9014026, 'subclass': 735027962, 'text':'Check the network tag : this network does not exist, it may be a typo')})

        # relation[highway=bus_stop]
        if ('highway' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'highway') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, 'bus_stop')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("A bus stop is supposed to be a node")
                err.append({'class': 9014019, 'subclass': 1590282811, 'text':'A bus stop is supposed to be a node')})

        # relation.pt_route!.route_ok
        if True:
            match = False
            # Skip selector using undeclared class pt_route, route_ok
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("The line variant does not belong to any line, add it to the route_master relation")
                err.append({'class': 9014028, 'subclass': 1286525207, 'text':'The line variant does not belong to any line, add it to the route_master relation')})

        # relation.pt_route[interval][interval!~/^([0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?|[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](:[0-5][0-9])?)$/]
        # relation.pt_route_master[interval][interval!~/^([0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?|[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](:[0-5][0-9])?)$/]
        if ('interval' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((set_pt_route) and (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'interval')) and (not mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_const_capture(capture_tags, 1, self.re_2fe0817d, '^([0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?|[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](:[0-5][0-9])?)$'), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, 'interval'))))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((set_pt_route_master) and (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'interval')) and (not mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_const_capture(capture_tags, 1, self.re_2fe0817d, '^([0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?|[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](:[0-5][0-9])?)$'), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, 'interval'))))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("The interval is invalid (try a number of minutes)")
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus interval=00:05"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus interval=00:10:00"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus interval=00:70:00"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus interval=02:00:00"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus interval=10"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus interval=120"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus interval=5"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus interval=irregular"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=ferry interval=2heures"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route_master route_master=bus interval=1240"
                err.append({'class': 9014021, 'subclass': 170114261, 'text':'The interval is invalid (try a number of minutes)')})

        # relation.pt_route[duration][duration!~/^([0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?|[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](:[0-5][0-9])?)$/]
        # relation.pt_route_master[duration][duration!~/^([0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?|[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](:[0-5][0-9])?)$/]
        if ('duration' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((set_pt_route) and (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'duration')) and (not mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_const_capture(capture_tags, 1, self.re_2fe0817d, '^([0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?|[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](:[0-5][0-9])?)$'), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, 'duration'))))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((set_pt_route_master) and (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'duration')) and (not mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_const_capture(capture_tags, 1, self.re_2fe0817d, '^([0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?|[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](:[0-5][0-9])?)$'), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, 'duration'))))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("The duration is invalid (try a number of minutes)")
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus duration=20minutes"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus duration=25:00"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=ferry duration=120"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=ferry duration=1240"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=ferry duration=20"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route_master route=bus duration=02:00:00"
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route_master route_master=bus duration=5"
                err.append({'class': 9014022, 'subclass': 317647061, 'text':'The duration is invalid (try a number of minutes)')})

        # relation.pt_route["interval:conditional"][!interval]
        # relation.pt_route_master["interval:conditional"][!interval]
        if ('interval:conditional' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((set_pt_route) and (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'interval:conditional')) and (not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, 'interval')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((set_pt_route_master) and (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'interval:conditional')) and (not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, 'interval')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Missing interval tag to specify the main interval")
                err.append({'class': 9014023, 'subclass': 1710360237, 'text':'Missing interval tag to specify the main interval')})

        # relation.pt_route["interval:conditional"][!opening_hours]
        # relation.pt_route_master["interval:conditional"][!opening_hours]
        if ('interval:conditional' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((set_pt_route) and (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'interval:conditional')) and (not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, 'opening_hours')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((set_pt_route_master) and (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'interval:conditional')) and (not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, 'opening_hours')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Missing opening_hours tag")
                err.append({'class': 9014024, 'subclass': 210081506, 'text':'Missing opening_hours tag')})

        # relation[railway=subway_entrance]
        # relation[railway=train_station_entrance]
        if ('railway' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'railway') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, 'subway_entrance')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = ((mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, 'railway') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, 'train_station_entrance')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Subway entrances should be mapped as nodes")
                err.append({'class': 9014027, 'subclass': 569512108, 'text':'Subway entrances should be mapped as nodes')})

        return err
    def relation(self, data, tags, members):
        capture_tags = {}
        keys = tags.keys()
        err = []

        # *[name=~/(?i)co.?voiturage/][amenity!=car_pooling][!carpool][inside("FR")]
        if (u'name' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_045a0f34), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'name')) and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'amenity') != mapcss._value_const_capture(capture_tags, 1, u'car_pooling', u'car_pooling') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 2, tags, u'carpool') and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # -osmoseTags:list("parking","amenity","fix:chair")
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2080/20806/3"
                # throwWarning:tr("Missing tag carpool on area")
                # fixAdd:"amenity=car_pooling"
                # fixAdd:"carpool=designated"
                err.append({'class': 20806, 'subclass': 0, 'text':'Missing tag carpool on area'), 'allow_fix_override': True, 'fix': {
                    '+': dict([

        return err
Esempio n. 19
    def relation(self, data, tags, members):
        capture_tags = {}
        keys = tags.keys()
        err = []
        set_pt_route = set_pt_route_master = False

        # relation[type=route][!route]
        if (u'type' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'type') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'route') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'route'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Missing transportation mode, add a tag route = bus/coach/tram/etc")
                err.append({'class': 9014009, 'subclass': 828849115, 'text':'Missing transportation mode, add a tag route = bus/coach/tram/etc')})

        # relation[type=route_master][!route_master][!route]
        if (u'type' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'type') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'route_master') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'route_master') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 2, tags, u'route'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Missing transportation mode, add a tag route = bus/coach/tram/etc")
                err.append({'class': 9014009, 'subclass': 607011337, 'text':'Missing transportation mode, add a tag route = bus/coach/tram/etc')})

        # relation[type=route_master][!route_master][route]
        if (u'route' in keys and u'type' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'type') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'route_master') and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'route_master') and mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 2, tags, u'route'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Missing transportation mode, change tag route to route_master")
                # fixChangeKey:"route=>route_master"
                err.append({'class': 9014010, 'subclass': 3385524, 'text':'Missing transportation mode, change tag route to route_master'), 'allow_fix_override': True, 'fix': {
                    '+': dict([
                    [u'route_master', mapcss.tag(tags, u'route')]]),
                    '-': ([

        # relation[type=route][route=~/^(bus|coach|train|subway|monorail|trolleybus|aerialway|funicular|ferry|tram|share_taxi|light_rail|school_bus)$/]
        if (u'route' in keys and u'type' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'type') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'route') and mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 1, self.re_37f81db8), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'route')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # setpt_route
                set_pt_route = True

        # relation[type=route_master][route_master=~/^(bus|coach|train|subway|monorail|trolleybus|aerialway|funicular|ferry|tram|share_taxi|light_rail|school_bus)$/]
        if (u'route_master' in keys and u'type' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'type') == mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, u'route_master') and mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 1, self.re_37f81db8), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 1, tags, u'route_master')))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # setpt_route_master
                set_pt_route_master = True

        # relation.pt_route[!public_transport:version]
        if True:
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'public_transport:version'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21401/3"
                # throwError:tr("Missing public_transport:version tag on a public_transport route relation")
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus public_transport:version=1"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus"
                err.append({'class': 21401, 'subclass': 0, 'text':'Missing public_transport:version tag on a public_transport route relation')})

        # relation.pt_route[!network]
        # relation.pt_route_master[!network]
        if True:
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'network'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route_master and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'network'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21402/3"
                # throwError:tr("Missing network tag on a public_transport relation")
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus network=BiBiBus"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus"
                err.append({'class': 21402, 'subclass': 0, 'text':'Missing network tag on a public_transport relation')})

        # relation.pt_route[!operator]
        # relation.pt_route_master[!operator]
        if True:
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'operator'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route_master and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'operator'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21403/3"
                # throwError:tr("Missing operator tag on a public_transport relation")
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus operator=BiBiBus"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus"
                err.append({'class': 21403, 'subclass': 0, 'text':'Missing operator tag on a public_transport relation')})

        # relation.pt_route[!ref]
        # relation.pt_route_master[!ref]
        if True:
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'ref'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route_master and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'ref'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21404/3"
                # throwError:tr("Missing ref tag for line number on a public_transport relation")
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus ref=3"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus"
                err.append({'class': 21404, 'subclass': 0, 'text':'Missing ref tag for line number on a public_transport relation')})

        # relation.pt_route[!from]
        # relation.pt_route[!to]
        if True:
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'from'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route and not mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'to'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # -osmoseItemClassLevel:"2140/21405/3"
                # throwError:tr("Missing from/to tag on a public_transport route relation")
                # assertNoMatch:"relation type=route route=bus from=A to=B"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus from=A"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus to=B"
                # assertMatch:"relation type=route route=bus"
                err.append({'class': 21405, 'subclass': 0, 'text':'Missing from/to tag on a public_transport route relation')})

        # relation.pt_route["operator"=~/STIF|Kéolis|Véolia/][inside("FR")]
        # relation.pt_route_master["operator"=~/STIF|Kéolis|Véolia/][inside("FR")]
        if (u'operator' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route and mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_25554804), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'operator')) and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route_master and mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_25554804), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'operator')) and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Check the operator tag")
                err.append({'class': 9014013, 'subclass': 286137008, 'text':'Check the operator tag')})

        # relation.pt_route["network"=~/STIF|Kéolis|Véolia/][inside("FR")]
        # relation.pt_route_master["network"=~/STIF|Kéolis|Véolia/][inside("FR")]
        if (u'network' in keys):
            match = False
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route and mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_25554804), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'network')) and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if not match:
                capture_tags = {}
                try: match = (set_pt_route_master and mapcss.regexp_test(mapcss._value_capture(capture_tags, 0, self.re_25554804), mapcss._tag_capture(capture_tags, 0, tags, u'network')) and mapcss.inside(self.father.config.options, u'FR'))
                except mapcss.RuleAbort: pass
            if match:
                # throwError:tr("Check the network tag")
                err.append({'class': 9014014, 'subclass': 735027962, 'text':'Check the network tag')})

        # relation.pt_route!.route_ok
        # Use undeclared class pt_route, route_ok

        return err