Esempio n. 1
    def onSave(self, event):
        nfHPM = 0  # number of frames in which head position is missing
        nfHDM = 0  # number of frames in which head direction is missing
        fp_ = self.fPath + '.csv'
        fh = open(fp_, 'w')
        fh.write('frame-index, hPosX, hPosY, mHPos, bPosX, bPosY, hDir, mHD\n')
        for fi in range(1, self.frame_cnt + 1):
            d_ = self.oData[fi]
            if d_['hPos'] == ('None', 'None') or d_['hPos'] == ('D', 'D'):
                nfHPM += 1  # head position is missing
            if type(d_['hD']) != int: nfHDM += 1  # head direction is missing
            line = '%i, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n' % (fi, str(
                d_['hPos'][0]), str(d_['hPos'][1]), str(
                    d_['mHPos']), str(d_['bPos'][0]), str(
                        d_['bPos'][1]), str(d_['hD']), str(d_['mHD']))
        fh.write('Number of frames in which head position is missing, %i\n' %
        fh.write('Number of frames in which head direction is missing, %i\n' %

        msg = 'Saved.\n'
        chr_num = 50  # characters in one line
        if len(fp_) > chr_num:
            for i in range(len(fp_) / chr_num):
                msg += '%s\n' % (fp_[chr_num * i:chr_num * (i + 1)])
            msg += '%s\n' % (fp_[chr_num * (i + 1):])
        show_msg(msg, size=(400, 200))
Esempio n. 2
    def onSave(self, event):
        WD = 0 # walking distance
        HM = 0 # head movements without walking (~ looking around)
        nfH = 0 # number of frames when only head tag is detected
        nfT = 0 # number of frames when only tail tag is detected
        nfB = 0 # number of frames when only both tags are detected
        nfN = 0 # number of frames when only no tags were detected 
        fp_ = self.fPath + '.csv'
        fh = open(fp_, 'w')
        fh.write('frame-index, hPosX, hPosY, tbPosX, tbPosY, WD, HM, h2ac_dist\n')
        hsf = self.vFPS/2 # half second frames
        for fi in range(1, self.frame_cnt+1):
            h_ = self.oData[fi]['hPos']
            t_ = self.oData[fi]['tbPos']
            if type(h_[0]) == int and type(t_[0]) == int: nfB += 1
            elif type(h_[0]) == int and type(t_[0]) != int: nfH += 1
            elif type(h_[0]) != int and type(t_[0]) == int: nfT += 1
            elif type(h_[0]) != int and type(t_[0]) != int: nfN += 1 
            wd_ = 0; hm_ = 0
            if fi > (hsf) and fi % hsf == 0:
                ### every half second, calculate walking-distance and head-movement
                ph_ = self.oData[fi-hsf]['hPos']
                pt_ = self.oData[fi-hsf]['tbPos']
                if type(h_[0])==int and type(h_[1])==int and type(ph_[0])==int and type(ph_[1])==int: # all the head position info available
                    hl = np.sqrt( (h_[0]-ph_[0])**2 + (h_[1]-ph_[1])**2 ) # line connecting two head tag positions
                    if hl > (self.tagSz/2): # if movement distance is too small, discard
                        if type(t_[0])==int and type(t_[1])==int and type(pt_[0])==int and type(pt_[1])==int: # all the tail position info available
                            hla = np.degrees(np.arctan2( (h_[1]-ph_[1]), (h_[0]-ph_[0]) )) # degree of line connecting two head tag positions 
                            tla = np.degrees(np.arctan2( (t_[1]-pt_[1]), (t_[0]-pt_[0]) )) # degree of line connecting two tail tag positions
                            angle_diff = calc_angle_diff(hla, tla)
                            if angle_diff < 45: # 45 degrees difference is considered as more or less similar direction to account it as 'walking'
                                wd_ = hl # walking distance for one frame
                                WD += hl # total walking distance
                        if wd_ == 0:
                            # if walking didn't happen, hl is recorded as head movement
                            hm_ = hl
                            HM += hl
            line = '%i, %s, %s, %s, %s, %i, %i, %s\n'%(fi, str(h_[0]), str(h_[1]), str(t_[0]), str(t_[1]), wd_, hm_, str(self.oData[fi]['h2ac_dist'])) 
        fh.write('Total walking distance, %i\n'%WD)
        fh.write('Total head movements without walking, %i\n'%HM)
        fh.write('Number of frames when both tags are detected, %i\n'%nfB)
        fh.write('Number of frames when only head tag is detected, %i\n'%nfH)
        fh.write('Number of frames when only tail tag is detected, %i\n'%nfT)
        fh.write('Number of frames when no tags are detected, %i\n'%nfN)

        msg = 'Saved.\n'
        chr_num = 50 # characters in one line
        if len(fp_) > chr_num:
            for i in range(len(fp_)/chr_num):
                msg += '%s\n'%(fp_[chr_num*i:chr_num*(i+1)])
            msg += '%s\n'%(fp_[chr_num*(i+1):])
        show_msg(msg, size=(400,200))
Esempio n. 3
    def start_arduino(self):
        if DEBUG: print('CATOSFrame.start_arduino()')

        self.mods["arduino"] = Arduino(self, self.output_folder)
        if self.mods["arduino"].aConn == None:
            return  # !!! remove for actual setup. This is for testing purpose.
            msg = "Arduino chip is not found.\nPlease connect it and retry."
            show_msg(msg, self.panel)
                  "%s, [CATOS], arduino mod init.\n" % (get_time_stamp()))
Esempio n. 4
 def onClose(self, event):
     result = True
     if self.session_start_time != -1: # session is running
         result = show_msg(msg='Session is not stopped..\nUnsaved data will be lost. (Stop analysis or Cmd+S to save.)\nOkay to proceed to exit?', cancel_btn = True)
     if result == True:
         if self.cv_proc.video_rec != None: self.cv_proc.stop_video_rec()
         wx.FutureCall(500, self.Destroy)
Esempio n. 5
 def start_arduino(self):
     self.mods["arduino"] = Arduino(self, self.output_folder)
     if self.mods["arduino"].aConn == None:
         show_msg('Arduino chip is not found.\nPlease connect it and retry.', self.panel)
     writeFile(self.log_file_path, '%s, [CATOS], arduino mod init.\n'%(get_time_stamp()))
Esempio n. 6
 def onStartStopAnalyzeVideo(self, event):
     '''Choose a video file and starts analysis'''
     if self.session_start_time == -1:  # not in analysis session. start a session
         dlg = wx.DirDialog(self, "Choose directory for analysis", getcwd(),
                            wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE | wx.DD_DIR_MUST_EXIST)
         if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return
         self.fPath = dlg.GetPath()
         self.frame_cnt = len(glob(path.join(self.fPath, 'f*.jpg')))
         if self.frame_cnt == 0:
             show_msg('No jpg frame images in the chosen directory.')
             self.fPath = ''
         if path.isfile(path.join(self.fPath, 'bg.jpg')) == False:
                 msg="'bg.jpg' file is not found in the chosen directory.",
             return = load_img(path.join(self.fPath, 'bg.jpg'),
                                    flag='cv')  # load background image = self.onLoadImg(
         self.onChangeAnimalSp(None)  # set default parameters of cv_proc
         self.sTxt_fp.SetLabel('%s' % (path.basename(self.fPath)))
         result_csv_file = self.fPath + '.csv'
         if path.isfile(
                 result_csv_file) == False:  # result CSV file doesn't exist
             for i in range(1, self.frame_cnt + 1):
                 self.oData[i] = dict(
                     hPos=('None', 'None'),
                     bPos=('None', 'None'),
                 )  # head position, head position was manually determined, base of head(around nect), head direction, head direction was manually determined
         else:  # result CSV file exists
             f = open(result_csv_file, 'r')
             lines = f.readlines()
             for i in range(1, self.frame_cnt + 1):
                 self.oData[i] = dict(hPos=('None', 'None'),
                                      bPos=('None', 'None'),
                 if i < len(lines):
                     items = [x.strip() for x in lines[i].split(',')]
                     idx_ = int(items[0])
                     if items[1] == 'None': hPos_val = ('None', 'None')
                     elif items[1] == 'D': hPos_val = ('D', 'D')
                     else: hPos_val = (int(items[1]), int(items[2]))
                     if items[3] == 'True': mHPos_val = True
                     else: mHPos_val = False
                     if items[4] == 'None': bPos_val = ('None', 'None')
                     elif items[4] == 'D': bPos_val = ('D', 'D')
                     else: bPos_val = (int(items[4]), int(items[5]))
                     if items[6] == 'None': hD_val = 'None'
                     elif items[6] == 'D': hD_val = 'D'
                     else: hD_val = int(items[6])
                     if items[7] == 'True': mHD_val = True
                     else: mHD_val = False
                     self.oData[idx_]['hPos'] = copy(hPos_val)
                     self.oData[idx_]['mHPos'] = copy(mHPos_val)
                     self.oData[idx_]['bPos'] = copy(bPos_val)
                     self.oData[idx_]['hD'] = copy(hD_val)
                     self.oData[idx_]['mHD'] = copy(mHD_val) = 1
         self.session_start_time = time()
         self.btn_start.SetLabel('Stop analysis')
         ### start video recorder
         self.video_path = self.fPath + '.avi'
         fp = path.join(self.fPath, self.filenames %
         img = load_img(fp, flag='cv')
         img = self.onLoadImg(img)
         self.cv_proc.start_video_rec(self.video_path, img)
         self.proc_img()  # process 1st image
     else:  # in session. stop it.
         result = show_msg(msg='Save data?', cancel_btn=True)
         if result == True: self.onSave(None)
         if self.is_running == True: self.onSpace(None)
         self.session_start_time = -1
         self.btn_start.SetLabel('Analyze video (folder)')
         self.fPath = ''
         self.frame_cnt = 0 = 0
         self.oData = {}
Esempio n. 7
 def onStartStopAnalyzeVideo(self, event):
     '''Choose a video file and starts analysis'''
     if self.session_start_time == -1: # not in analysis session. start a session
         dlg = wx.DirDialog(self, "Choose directory for analysis", getcwd(), wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE|wx.DD_DIR_MUST_EXIST)
         if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return
         self.fPath = dlg.GetPath()
         self.sString = self.fPath[-8:]
         self.frame_cnt = len(glob(path.join(self.fPath, '*.jpg')))
         if self.frame_cnt == 0:
             show_msg('No jpg frame images in the chosen directory.')
             self.fPath = ''
         fNames = self.fPath.split('/')
         self.sTxt_fp.SetLabel( '%s / %s / %s / %s'%(fNames[-4],fNames[-3],fNames[-2],fNames[-1]) )
         result_csv_file = self.fPath + '.csv'
         if path.isfile(result_csv_file) == False: # result CSV file doesn't exist
             for i in range(1, self.frame_cnt+1):
                 self.oData[i] = dict( hPos = (None,None), tbPos = (None,None), h2ac_dist = None )
                 # hPos: head tag position, 
                 # tbPos: tail-base tag position, 
                 # h2ac_dist: distance from the head tag to the arena center 
         else: # result CSV file exists
             f = open(result_csv_file, 'r')
             lines = f.readlines()
             for i in range(1, self.frame_cnt+1):
                 self.oData[i] = dict( hPos = (None,None), tbPos = (None,None), h2ac_dist = None )
                 if i < len(lines):
                     items = [ x.strip() for x in lines[i].split(',') ]
                     idx_ = int(items[0])
                     if items[1] == 'None': hPos_val = (None, None)
                     elif items[1] == 'D': hPos_val = ('D', 'D')
                     else: hPos_val = ( int(items[1]), int(items[2]) )
                     if items[3] == 'None': tbPos_val = (None, None)
                     elif items[3] == 'D': tbPos_val = ('D', 'D')
                     else: tbPos_val = ( int(items[3]), int(items[4]) )
                     if items[7] == 'None': h2ac_dist_val = None
                     else: h2ac_dist_val = int(items[7])
                     self.oData[idx_]['hPos'] = copy(hPos_val)
                     self.oData[idx_]['tbPos'] = copy(tbPos_val)
                     self.oData[idx_]['h2ac_dist'] = copy(h2ac_dist_val) = 1
         self.session_start_time = time()
         self.btn_start.SetLabel('Stop analysis')
         ### start video recorder
         self.video_path = self.fPath + '.avi'
         fp = path.join(self.fPath, 'f%06i.jpg'
         img = load_img(fp, flag='cv')
         self.cv_proc.start_video_rec( self.video_path, img )
         self.proc_img() # process 1st image
     else: # in session. stop it.
         result = show_msg(msg='Save data?', cancel_btn = True)
         if result == True: self.onSave(None)
         if self.is_running == True: self.onSpace(None)
         self.session_start_time = -1
         self.btn_start.SetLabel('Analyze video (folder)')
         self.fPath = ''
         self.sString = ''
         self.frame_cnt = 0 = 0
         self.oData = {}