Esempio n. 1
def add_gen_info(conn, cursor, file_number, user_name, folders):
    table = "Patient_Information_History"
    #file_row(cursor, file_number)
    enter = ask_y_n("Enter Patient Biographical Information")
    if enter:
        data = bio_info(file_number)
        update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, pccm_names.names_info("bio_info"),
                        file_number, data)
    enter = ask_y_n("Enter Patient habits")
    if enter:
        data = phys_act(conn, cursor, file_number)
        update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, pccm_names.names_info("phys_act"),
                        file_number, data)
        data = habits(file_number)
        update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, pccm_names.names_info("habits"),
                        file_number, data)
        data = nut_supplements(conn, cursor, file_number)
        update_multiple(conn, cursor, table,
                        pccm_names.names_info("nut_supplements"), file_number,
    enter = ask_y_n("Enter Patient family and reproductive details?")
    if enter:
        data = family_details(conn, cursor, file_number)
        update_multiple(conn, cursor, table,
                        pccm_names.names_info("family_details"), file_number,
    enter = ask_y_n("Enter Patient medical history?")
    if enter:
        data = med_history(conn, cursor, file_number)
        update_multiple(conn, cursor, table,
                        pccm_names.names_info("med_history"), file_number,
        data = cancer_history(conn, cursor, file_number)
        update_multiple(conn, cursor, table,
                        pccm_names.names_info("cancer_history"), file_number,
    enter = ask_y_n("Enter patient family cancer history")
    if enter:
        data = family_cancer(conn, cursor, file_number)
        update_multiple(conn, cursor, table,
                        pccm_names.names_info("family_cancer"), file_number,
    enter = ask_y_n("Enter Patient Symptoms?")
    if enter:
        data = det_by(file_number)
        update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, pccm_names.names_info("det_by"),
                        file_number, data)
        data = breast_symptoms(file_number, user_name)
        update_multiple(conn, cursor, table,
                        pccm_names.names_info("breast_symptoms"), file_number,
    print_info(cursor, file_number, folders)
Esempio n. 2
def edit_data(conn, cursor, file_number, user_name, folders):
    table = "Patient_Information_History"
    print("Patient Biographical Information")
    col_list = pccm_names.names_info("bio_info")
    enter = review_data(conn, cursor, table, file_number, col_list)
    if enter:
        data = bio_info(file_number)
        update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, col_list, file_number, data)
    col_list = pccm_names.names_info("phys_act") + pccm_names.names_info(
        "habits") + pccm_names.names_info("nut_supplements")
    print("Patient habits")
    enter = review_data(conn, cursor, table, file_number, col_list)
    if enter:
        data_phys = phys_act(conn, cursor, file_number)
        data_hab = habits(file_number)
        data_nut = nut_supplements(conn, cursor, file_number)
        data = data_phys + data_hab + data_nut
        update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, col_list, file_number, data)
    print("Patient family and reproductive details")
    col_list = pccm_names.names_info("family_details")
    enter = review_data(conn, cursor, table, file_number, col_list)
    if enter:
        data = family_details(conn, cursor, file_number)
        update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, col_list, file_number, data)
    print("Patient medical history")
    col_list = pccm_names.names_info("med_history") + pccm_names.names_info(
    enter = review_data(conn, cursor, table, file_number, col_list)
    if enter:
        data_med = med_history(conn, cursor, file_number)
        data_can = cancer_history(conn, cursor, file_number)
        data = data_med + data_can
        update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, col_list, file_number, data)
    print("Patient Family Cancer History")
    col_list = pccm_names.names_info("family_cancer")
    enter = review_data(conn, cursor, table, file_number, col_list)
    if enter:
        data_fam = family_cancer(conn, cursor, file_number)
        update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, col_list, file_number, data_fam)
    print("Patient Symptoms")
    col_list = pccm_names.names_info("det_by") + pccm_names.names_info(
    enter = review_data(conn, cursor, table, file_number, col_list)
    if enter:
        data_det = det_by(file_number)
        data_symp = breast_symptoms(file_number, user_name)
        data = data_det + data_symp
        update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, col_list, file_number, data)
    print_info(cursor, file_number, folders)
Esempio n. 3
def metastasis_symp(file_number):
    module_name = "metastasis_symp"
    check = False
    while not check:
        met_none = ask_y_n("Metastatis Symptoms Present?")
        met = []
        if not met_none:
            met = [["No Metastatis Symptoms"]]
            met_bone = ask_y_n("Bone Pain")
            if met_bone:
                met.append(["Bone Pain"])
            met_cough = ask_y_n("Cough")
            if met_cough:
            met_jaundice = ask_y_n("Jaundice")
            if met_jaundice:
            met_headache = ask_y_n("Headache")
            if met_headache:
            met_weight = ask_y_n("Weight loss")
            if met_weight:
        met_flat = [item for sublist in met for item in sublist]
        data_met = "; ".join(met_flat)
        columns_list = pccm_names.names_info(module_name)
        check = review_input(file_number, columns_list, [data_met])
    return (str(data_met))
Esempio n. 4
def print_info(cursor, file_number, folders):
    import docx
    from datetime import date
    import modules.pccm_names as pccm_names
    import os.path
    module_name = [
        "bio_info", "nut_supplements", "phys_act", "habits", "family_details",
        "med_history", "cancer_history", "family_cancer", "det_by",
    folder = folders + '/Gen_Info_Docs'
    file_name = "Folder_" + (file_number.replace("/", "_")) + ".docx"
    path = os.path.join(folder, file_name)
    p_date_to_print ='%d-%b-%Y')
    doc = docx.Document()
    doc.add_paragraph(("File Number " + file_number), style="Title")
    doc.add_paragraph(("Document Created on " + p_date_to_print),
    for index in range(0, len(module_name)):
        col_titles = pccm_names.names_info(module_name[index])
        columns = ", ".join(col_titles)
        sql = 'SELECT ' + columns + ' FROM Patient_Information_History WHERE File_number = \'' + file_number + "'"
        data = cursor.execute(sql)
        data_file = data.fetchall()
        data_print = list(data_file[0])
        text_titles = pccm_names.info_print_all(module_name[index])
        for i in range(0, len(data_print)):
            p = doc.add_paragraph((text_titles[i] + ":  "),
                                  style="List Bullet")
            (p.add_run(data_print[i])).bold = True
def habits(file_number):
    module_name = "habits"
    check = False
    while not check:
        category = "Diet"
        options = ["Vegetarian", "Non-Vegetarian", "Ovo-Vegetarian", "Other"]
        diet = ask_option(category, options)
        alcohol = ask_y_n("Alcohol consumption")
        if alcohol:
            alcohol_consump = "Alcohol Consumption"
            alcohol_age = input("Consumption of alcohol from which age (yrs): ")
            alcohol_quant = input("Quantity of alcohol consumed per week: ")
            alcohol_duration = input("Duration of alcohol consumption: ")
            alcohol_comments = input("Additional comments for alcohol consumption: ")
            alcohol_consump = "No Alcohol Consumption"
            alcohol_age, alcohol_quant, alcohol_duration, alcohol_comments = ("NA",) * 4
        data_list_alc = [diet, alcohol_consump, alcohol_age, alcohol_quant, alcohol_duration, alcohol_comments]
        tobacco = ask_y_n("Tobacco exposure (Passive and/or Active)")
        if tobacco:
            tobacco = "Tobacco consumption"
            exposure_type = ask_option("Mode of exposure to Tobacco", ["Passive", "Active", "Other"])
            if exposure_type =="Passive":
                tobacco_type_partic = ask_option("Mode of passive consumption", ["Home", "Work", "Commute",
                                                                                 "Social Interactions"])
                if tobacco_type_partic == "Home":
                    tobacco_type_who = input ("What is the specific source?")
                    tobacco_passive = tobacco_type_partic + (" : ") + tobacco_type_who

                    tobacco_passive = tobacco_type_partic
                tobacco_passive = "NA"
            tobacco_type = ask_option("Type of tobacco use", ["Cigarette", "Beedi", "Gutkha", "Pan Masala",
                                                              "Jarda/Maava", "Hookah", "Nicotine Patch", "Mishri",
            tobacco_age = input("Consumption of tobacco from which age (yrs): ")
            tobacco_freq = input ("Frequency of tobacco consumption: ")
            tobacco_quant = input("Quantity of tobacco consumed per week: ")
            tobacco_duration = input("Duration of tobacco consumption: ")
            tobacco_comments = input("Additional comments for tobacco consumption: ")
            tobacco = "No Tobacco Consumption"
            exposure_type, tobacco_type, tobacco_passive, tobacco_age, tobacco_freq, tobacco_quant, tobacco_duration, \
            tobacco_comments = ("NA",) * 8
        other_del_habits = input("Other Deleterious Habits (if present give details): ")
        data_list_tob = [tobacco, exposure_type, tobacco_passive,tobacco_type, tobacco_age, tobacco_freq,
                         tobacco_quant, tobacco_duration, tobacco_comments, other_del_habits]
        columns_list = pccm_names.names_info(module_name)
        data_list = data_list_alc + data_list_tob
        check = review_input(file_number, columns_list, data_list)
    return (tuple(data_list))
Esempio n. 6
def bio_info(file_number):
    module_name = "bio_info"
    check = False
    while not check:
        mr_number = input('MR number :')
        name = input('Name :')
        aadhaar_card = input("Aadhaar card number (if available): ")
        date_first = check_date("Date of first visit: ")
        permanent_address = input('Permanent Address :')
        current_address_check = ask_option('Current Address',
                                           ["Same as Permanent", "Different"])
        if current_address_check == "Different":
            current_address = input("Current Address: ")
            current_address = permanent_address
        phone = input('Phone :')
        email_id = input('Email_ID :')
        gender = ask_option('Gender', ["Female", "Male", "Other"])
        age_yrs = input('Age at first visit (yrs) :')
        age_diag = input('Age at diagnosis (yrs): ')
        date_of_birth = check_date('Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy):')
        place_birth = input('Place of Birth :')
        height = ask_option("Height unit",
                            ["cm", "feet/inches", "Height not available"])
        if height == "Height not available":
            height_cm = "NA"
            weight_kg = input('Weight (kg) (if available else enter NA) :')
            BMI = "NA"
            if height == "cm":
                height_cm = input('Height (cm) :')
                height_feet = float(input("Height (feet)"))
                height_inch = float(input("Height (inches)"))
                height_inch = height_inch + 12 * height_feet
                height_cm = str(height_inch * 2.54)
            weight_kg = input('Weight (kg) (if available else enter NA) :')
                weight = float(weight_kg)
                height = float(height_cm) / 100
                BMI = str(round(weight / (height * height)))
            except ValueError:
                BMI = 'NA'
        columns_list = pccm_names.names_info(module_name)
        new_data = [
            mr_number, name, aadhaar_card, date_first, permanent_address,
            current_address, phone, email_id, gender, age_yrs, age_diag,
            date_of_birth, place_birth, height_cm, weight_kg, BMI
        check = review_input(file_number, columns_list, new_data)
    return (tuple(new_data))
Esempio n. 7
def det_by(file_number):
    module_name = "det_by"
    check = False
    while not check:
        category = "Current Breast Cancer Detected by"
        options = ["Self", "Physician", "Screening Camp", "Other"]
        determined_by = ask_option(category, options)
        if determined_by == "Screening Camp":
            sc_id = input("Screening Camp ID: ")
            determined_by = "Screening Camp ID " + sc_id
        det_date = input("Date of current breast cancer detection: ")
        columns_list = pccm_names.names_info(module_name)
        data_list = [determined_by, det_date]
        check = review_input(file_number, columns_list, data_list)
    return (tuple(data_list))
Esempio n. 8
def db_dict(table, module):
    db_tables = {
        "Patient_Information_History": names.names_info(module),
        "Biopsy_Report_Data": names.names_biopsy_new(module),
        "Radiology": names.names_radio(module),
        "Neo_Adjuvant_Therapy": names.names_nact(module),
        "Surgery_Report": names.names_surgery_information(module),
        "Surgery_Block_Report_Data": names.names_surgery(module),
        "Adjuvant_ChemoTherapy": names.names_chemotherapy(module),
        "Radiotherapy": names.names_radiation(),
        "HormoneTherapy_Survival": names.names_longterm(module),
        "Follow_up_Data": names.name_follow_up()
    cols = db_tables.get(table)
    return cols
def family_cancer(conn, cursor, file_number):
    module_name = "family_cancer"
    check = False
    while not check:
        family_cancer_history_y_n = ask_y_n('Cancer history in Family')
        if family_cancer_history_y_n:
            family_cancer = family_cancer_table(conn, cursor, file_number)
            family_cancer_history_y_n = "Family History of Cancer"
            family_cancer_history_y_n = "No Family History of Cancer"
            family_cancer = "NA"
        data_list = [family_cancer_history_y_n, family_cancer]
        columns_list = pccm_names.names_info(module_name)
        check = review_input(file_number, columns_list, data_list)
    return (tuple(data_list))
Esempio n. 10
def physical_activity_table(conn, cursor, file_number):
    table_act = "Physical_Activity"
    columns = ", ".join(pccm_names.names_info("phys_act_table"))
    add_act = True
    type_phys_list, freq_phys_list = [], []
    while add_act:
        type_phys_act = input("Type of physical activity: ")
        freq_phys_act = input("Frequency of physical activity: ")
        data = file_number, type_phys_act, freq_phys_act
        insert(conn, cursor, table_act, columns, data)
        add_act = ask_y_n("Add further activities?")
    type_phys = '; '.join(type_phys_list)
    freq_phys = '; '.join(freq_phys_list)
    return (type_phys, freq_phys)
def med_history(conn, cursor, file_number):
    module_name = "med_history"
    check = False
    while not check:
        medical_history_y_n = ask_y_n("Any Other Medical History ?")
        if medical_history_y_n:
            med_hist = med_history_table(conn, cursor, file_number)
            medical_history_y_n = "Previous medical history present"
            medical_history_y_n = "No previous medical history present"
            med_hist = ("NA",) * 3
        condition_hist, diagnosis_date_hist, treatment_hist = med_hist
        data_list = [medical_history_y_n, condition_hist, diagnosis_date_hist, treatment_hist]
        columns_list = pccm_names.names_info(module_name)
        check = review_input(file_number, columns_list, data_list)
    return (tuple(data_list))
def phys_act(conn, cursor, file_number):
    module_name = "phys_act"
    check = False
    while not check:
        phys_act = ask_y_n("Any Physical Activities ?")
        if phys_act:
            phys = physical_activity_table(conn, cursor, file_number)
            phys_act = "Physical Activities Performed"
            phys_act_done, phys_act_freq = phys
            phys_act = "No Physical Activities"
            phys_act_done, phys_act_freq = ("NA",) * 2
        data_list = [phys_act, phys_act_done, phys_act_freq]
        columns_list = pccm_names.names_info(module_name)
        check = review_input(file_number, columns_list, data_list)
    return (tuple(data_list))
def nut_supplements(conn, cursor, file_number):
    module_name = "nut_supplements"
    check = False
    while not check:
        nut_supplements = ask_y_n("Nutritional supplements taken")
        if nut_supplements:
            nuts = nut_supp_table(conn, cursor, file_number)
            nut_supplements = "Nutritional supplements taken"
            nut_supplements = "No nutritional supplements taken"
            nuts = ("NA",) * 3
        nuts_type, nuts_quant, nuts_dur = nuts
        data_list = [nut_supplements, nuts_type, nuts_quant, nuts_dur]
        columns_list = pccm_names.names_info(module_name)
        check = review_input(file_number, columns_list, data_list)

    return (tuple(data_list))
def cancer_history(conn, cursor, file_number):
    module_name = "cancer_history"
    check = False
    while not check:
        previous_cancer_history_y_n = ask_y_n("Previous history of cancer ?")
        if previous_cancer_history_y_n:
            previous_cancer = cancer_table(conn, cursor, file_number)
            previous_cancer_history_y_n = "Previous history of cancer"
            previous_cancer_history_y_n = "No previous history of cancer"
            previous_cancer = ("NA",) * 5
        type_of_cancer_list, year_diagnosis_list, treat_all, type_all, duration_all = previous_cancer
        data_list = [previous_cancer_history_y_n, type_of_cancer_list, year_diagnosis_list, treat_all,
                     type_all, duration_all]
        columns_list = pccm_names.names_info(module_name)
        check = review_input(file_number, columns_list, data_list)
    return (tuple(data_list))
Esempio n. 15
def db_dict(table, module):
    db_tables = {
        "patient_information_history": names.names_info(module),
        "radiology": names.names_radio(module),
        'pet_reports': names.names_pet(module),
        'biopsy_path_report_data': names.names_biopsy(module),
        "neo_adjuvant_therapy": names.names_nact(module),
        "surgery_report": names.names_surgery_information(module),
        'surgery_path_report_data': names.names_surgery(module),
        "adjuvant_chemotherapy": names.names_chemotherapy(module),
        "radiotherapy": names.names_radiation(),
        "hormonetherapy_survival": names.names_longterm(module),
        "follow_up_data": names.name_follow_up(),
        'block_list': names.block_list(module)

    cols = db_tables.get(table)
    return cols
Esempio n. 16
def nut_supp_table(conn, cursor, file_number):
    type_nut_list, quant_nut_list, duration_nut_list = [], [], []
    add_supp = True
    table_nut = "Nutritional_Supplements"
    columns = ", ".join(pccm_names.names_info("nut_sup"))
    while add_supp:
        nut_supplements_type = input("Type of nutritional supplements taken: ")
        nut_supplements_quant = input(
            "Quantity of nutritional supplements taken per day: ")
        nut_supplements_duration = input(
            "Duration of nutritional supplements use: ")
        new_data = file_number, nut_supplements_type, nut_supplements_quant, nut_supplements_duration
        insert(conn, cursor, table_nut, columns, new_data)
        add_supp = ask_y_n('Add more nutritional supplements?')
    type_nut = '; '.join(type_nut_list)
    quant_nut = '; '.join(quant_nut_list)
    duration_nut = "; ".join(duration_nut_list)
    return (type_nut, quant_nut, duration_nut)
Esempio n. 17
table = "HormoneTherapy_Recurrence_Survival"
col_list = [
] + names.names_longterm("hormone") + names.names_longterm("metastasis")
sql = ('SELECT ' + ", ".join(col_list[:-2]) + " FROM '" + table + "'")
df = pd.read_sql(sql, conn)
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Hormone_RecurrenceSurvival")

table = "Follow_up_Data"
col_list = ["File_number"] + names.name_follow_up()
sql = ('SELECT ' + ", ".join(col_list[:-2]) + " FROM '" + table + "'")
df = pd.read_sql(sql, conn)
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=table)

table = "Patient_Information_History"
col_list_bio = names.names_info("bio_info")

col_list = ["File_number"] + col_list_bio + names.names_info("phys_act") + names.names_info("habits") + \
           names.names_info("nut_supplements") + names.names_info("family_details") + names.names_info("med_history") + \
           names.names_info("cancer_history") + names.names_info("family_cancer") + names.names_info("breast_symptoms")
sql = ('SELECT ' + ", ".join(col_list) + " FROM '" + table + "'")
df = pd.read_sql(sql, conn)
df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=table)


table = "Biopsy_Report_Data"
module_names = ["biopsy_report_info", "tumour_biopsy_data", "lymphnode_biopsy"]
col_list = ["File_number"]
for index in module_names:
Esempio n. 18
def family_details(conn, cursor, file_number):
    module_name = "family_details"
    check = False
    while not check:
        marital_status = input('Marital Status :')
        siblings = ask_y_n_na('Siblings')
        if siblings == 'Yes':
            siblings_number = input("Number of siblings: ")
            sisters = input('Sisters :')
            brothers = input('Brothers :')
        elif siblings == 'No':
            siblings_number, sisters, brothers = "No Siblings", "0", "0"
            siblings_number, sisters, brothers = (siblings, ) * 3
        children_y_n = ask_y_n_na('Children')
        if children_y_n == 'Yes':
            children_number = input("Number of children: ")
            daughters = input('Daughters :')
            sons = input('Sons :')
        elif children_y_n == 'No':
            children_number, daughters, sons = "No Children", "0", "0"
            children_number, daughters, sons = (children_y_n, ) * 3
        menarche = input('Age at menarche (yrs): ')
        category = "Menopausal Status"
        options = [
            "Pre-menopausal", "Peri-menopausal", "Post-Menopausal", "Other"
        menopause = ask_option(category, options)
        menopause_age = menopause
        if menopause == "Post-Menopausal":
            menopause_age = input('Age at menopause (yrs): ')
            lmp = "Last menstrual period " + menopause_age + " yrs"
            period_type = "NA"
            lmp = input("Date of last menstrual period: ")
            category = "Type of Period"
            options = ["Regular", "Irregular", "Other"]
            period_type = ask_option(category, options)
        number_pregnancy = input(
            "Number of pregnancies (enter Requires Follow-up if no data given): "
        if number_pregnancy == "0":
            age_first_preg, age_last_preg, number_term, number_abortion, age_first, age_last, twice_birth, \
            breast_feeding_data, kid_feeding, duration_feeding, breast_usage = ('No children',) * 11
        elif number_pregnancy == "Requires Follow-up":
            age_first_preg, age_last_preg, number_term, number_abortion, age_first, age_last, twice_birth, \
            breast_feeding_data, kid_feeding, duration_feeding, breast_usage = ('Requires Follow-up',) * 11
            number_term = input(
                "Pregnancy carried to term (include abortion after 6 months): "
            number_abortion = input("Number of abortions: ")
            age_first_preg = input("Age at first pregnancy: ")
            age_last_preg = "NA"
                sql = (
                    'SELECT Age_at_First_Visit_yrs FROM Patient_Information_History WHERE File_number = \''
                    + file_number + "'")
                age = cursor.fetchall()
                age_mother = age[0][0]
                age_mother = input("Age at first visit to clinic")
            if children_number == 'No Children':
                age_first, age_last, twice_birth, breast_feeding_data, kid_feeding, \
                duration_feeding, breast_usage = (children_number,) * 7
            elif children_y_n == 'Yes':
                age_first = input("Age of first child: ")
                if age_first_preg == "NA":
                    age_first_preg = str(int(age_mother) - int(age_first))
                if int(children_number) > 1:
                    age_last = input("Age of last child: ")
                    age_last_preg = input("Age at last pregnancy: ")
                    if age_last_preg == "NA":
                        age_last_preg = str(int(age_mother) - int(age_last))
                    twice_birth = ask_y_n("Two births in a year (not twins)",
                                          "Two births in a year",
                                          "No two births in a year")
                    age_last = age_first
                    age_last_preg, twice_birth = ("NA", ) * 2
                breast_feeding = ask_y_n("Breast feeding?")
                if breast_feeding:
                    breast_feeding_data = "Breast feeding"
                    feed_details = feed_duration(conn, cursor, file_number,
                    breast_feeding_data = "No Breast feeding"
                    feed_details = ("NA", ) * 3
                kid_feeding, duration_feeding, breast_usage = feed_details
                age_first, age_last, twice_birth, breast_feeding_data, kid_feeding, \
                duration_feeding, breast_usage = (children_y_n,) * 7
        fert_treat_y_n = ask_y_n_na(
            "Have any fertility treatments ever been used")
        if fert_treat_y_n == 'Yes':
            fert_treat = "Fertility Treatment used"
            type_fert = input("Type of fertility treatment used: ")
            detail_fert = input("Details of fertility treatment used:")
            cycles_fert = input(
                "Number of cycles of fertility treatment taken: ")
            success_fert = ask_y_n(
                "Did fertility treatment result in successful pregnancy? ",
                "Pregnancy from Treatment", "No pregnancy from treatment")
        elif fert_treat_y_n == "No":
            fert_treat = "No Fertility Treatment used"
            type_fert, detail_fert, cycles_fert, success_fert = (
                "No Fertility Treatment used", ) * 4
            fert_treat, type_fert, detail_fert, cycles_fert, success_fert = (
                fert_treat_y_n, ) * 5
        birth_control = ask_y_n_na("Birth control used?")
        if birth_control == 'Yes':
            type_birth_control = ask_option("Type of birth control used",
                                            ["Birth control pills", "Other"])
            detail_birth_control = input("Details of birth control used: ")
            duration_birth_control = input("Duration of birth control use: ")
        elif birth_control == 'No':
            type_birth_control, detail_birth_control, duration_birth_control = (
                "No birth control used", ) * 3
            type_birth_control, detail_birth_control, duration_birth_control = (
                birth_control, ) * 3
        data_list = [
            marital_status, siblings_number, sisters, brothers,
            children_number, daughters, sons, menarche, menopause,
            menopause_age, lmp, period_type, number_pregnancy, number_term,
            number_abortion, age_first, age_first_preg, age_last,
            age_last_preg, twice_birth, breast_feeding_data, kid_feeding,
            duration_feeding, breast_usage, fert_treat, type_fert, detail_fert,
            cycles_fert, success_fert, type_birth_control,
            detail_birth_control, duration_birth_control
        columns_list = pccm_names.names_info(module_name)
        check = review_input(file_number, columns_list, data_list)
    return tuple(data_list)
Esempio n. 19
import pandas as pd

folder = "d:/repos/pccm_db/main/DB/DB_with_real_data"
db_name = 'PCCM_BreastCancerDB_all_data.db'
path = os.path.join(folder, db_name)
conn_all = sqlite3.connect(path)
cursor_all = conn_all.cursor()
file_number = "File_number"
table = "Patient_Information_History"
if table_check(cursor_all, table) == 0:
    cursor_all.execute('CREATE TABLE {tn}({nf})'\
                   .format(tn=table, nf=file_number))
    module_names = ["bio_info", "phys_act", "habits", "nut_supplements", "family_details", "med_history",
                    "cancer_history", "family_cancer", "det_by", "breast_symptoms"]
    for index in module_names:
        col_name = pccm_names.names_info(index)
        add_columns(cursor_all, table, col_name)
table = "Radiotherapy"
if table_check(cursor_all, table) == 0:
    column = ", ".join(pccm_names.names_radiation())
    cols_file = "File_number, "+column
    cursor_all.execute('CREATE TABLE {tn}({nf})'.format(tn=table, nf=cols_file))

table = "Follow_up_Data"
if table_check(cursor_all, table) == 0:
    column = ", ".join(pccm_names.name_follow_up())
    cols_file = "File_number, " + column
    cursor_all.execute('CREATE TABLE {tn}({nf})'.format(tn=table, nf=cols_file))

table = "HormoneTherapy_Recurrence_Survival"
if table_check(cursor_all, table) == 0:
Esempio n. 20
def breast_symptoms(file_number, user_name):
    module_name = "breast_symptoms"
    check = False
    while not check:
        symp_present = ask_y_n(
            "Does the file include on patient symptoms at presentations?")
        if symp_present:
            #   note = "Pain or tenderness; Lumps, Nipple Discharge - Milky/water discharge on pressing nippple, " \
            #          "Nipple Retraction - nipple reagion goes inside, Dimpling small pits anwywhere on breast, " \
            #          "Discolouration - may occur after surgery, Ulceration (small boils on surface), " \
            #          "Eczema - Reddish spots with without itching"
            #   wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=100)
            #   string = wrapper.fill(text=note)
            #   print(string)
            symp_state = [
                "Pain or tenderness", "Lumps", "Nipple Discharge",
                "Nipple Retraction", "Dimpling", "Discolouration",
                "Ulceration", "Eczema"
            rb_symp_list = []
            rb_dur_list = []
            lb_symp_list = []
            lb_dur_list = []
            for index in symp_state:
                symp = ask_y_n("Is " + index + " present")
                if symp:
                    RB = ask_y_n(index + " in Right Breast?")
                    if RB:
                        rb_symp = index
                        rb_dur = input("Duration of " + index + ": ")
                    LB = ask_y_n(index + " in Left Breast?")
                    if LB:
                        lb_symp = index
                        lb_dur = input("Duration of " + index + ": ")
            rb_symps = "; ".join(rb_symp_list)
            rb_duration = "; ".join(rb_dur_list)
            lb_symps = "; ".join(lb_symp_list)
            lb_duration = "; ".join(lb_dur_list)
            data_list_symp = [rb_symps, rb_duration, lb_symps, lb_duration]
            for index in range(0, len(data_list_symp)):
                if data_list_symp[index] == '':
                    data_list_symp[index] = "NA"
            rb_symp_list = []
            rb_dur_list = []
            lb_symp_list = []
            lb_dur_list = []
            other_symptom = ask_y_n("Other Symptoms?")
            if other_symptom:
                check = True
                while check:
                    type = input("Other Symptoms type? ")
                    RB = ask_y_n(type + " in Right Breast?")
                    if RB:
                        rb_symp = type
                        rb_dur = input("Duration of " + type)
                    LB = ask_y_n(type + " in Left Breast?")
                    if LB:
                        lb_symp = type
                        lb_dur = input("Duration of " + type)
                    check = ask_y_n("Additional Symptoms?")
            rb_symps_other = "; ".join(rb_symp_list)
            rb_duration_other = "; ".join(rb_dur_list)
            lb_symps_other = "; ".join(lb_symp_list)
            lb_duration_other = "; ".join(lb_dur_list)
            data_list_other = [
                rb_symps_other, rb_duration_other, lb_symps_other,
            for index in range(0, len(data_list_other)):
                if data_list_other[index] == '':
                    data_list_other[index] = "NA"
            met = []
            met_bone = ask_y_n("Is Bone Pain present?")
            if met_bone:
                met.append(["Bone Pain"])
            met_cough = ask_y_n("Is Cough present")
            if met_cough:
            met_jaundice = ask_y_n("Is Jaundice present")
            if met_jaundice:
            met_headache = ask_y_n("Is Headache present")
            if met_headache:
            met_weight = ask_y_n("Has Weight loss occurred")
            if met_weight:
            met_flat = [item for sublist in met for item in sublist]
            data_met = "; ".join(met_flat)
            if met_flat == []:
                data_met = "No Metastatis Symptoms"
            data_list_other = [
                "Requires Follow-up",
            ] * 4
            data_list_symp = [
                "Requires Follow-up",
            ] * 4
            data_met = "Requires Follow-up"
        columns_list = pccm_names.names_info(module_name)
        last_update ="%Y-%b-%d %H:%M")
        data_list = data_list_symp + data_list_other + [
            data_met, user_name, last_update
        check = review_input(file_number, columns_list, data_list)
    return tuple(data_list)