Esempio n. 1
def plot_metrics(directory_metrics, parts_directory_plot_metrics, legend):	
	print "\t\t[ Plotting metrics... ]"

	for metric in metrics:
		for i in range(0, 2):
			d = directory_metrics + "/" + parts[i] + "/" + metric + "_" + parts[i]

			print "\tPlotting %s ..." % d

			if not os.path.isdir(d):
				print "[%s directory not found]" % d
				xlog = False
				ylog = False
				if metric in metrics_log:
					xlog = True
					ylog = True				
				data_distribution = {}
				with open(d + "/" + metric + "_" + parts[i] + "", 'r') as file:
					for line in file:						
						line = line.replace("\n", "").split()
						data_distribution[modules.extra.num(line[0])] = modules.extra.num(line[1])
				title = ""
				xlabel = metric
				ylabel = ""
				plot_file = parts_directory_plot_metrics[i] + "/" + xlabel + "_distribution"
				plot_parameters = dict(marker="o", markersize=11, linewidth=0, alpha=0.5, color=colorset[0])

				if data_distribution:
					P = Plot(plot_file, title, xlabel, ylabel, xlog, ylog, [legend])
					P.plot_single(data_distribution, plot_parameters)
					print "[Impossible to plot because no distribution data]"


				# PLOT CDF
				data_reverse_cdf = {}
				with open(d + "/" + metric + "_" + parts[i] + "", 'r') as file:
					for line in file:
						line = line.replace("\n", "").split()
						data_reverse_cdf[modules.extra.num(line[0])] = modules.extra.num(line[1])
				title = ""
				xlabel = metric
				ylabel = ""
				plot_file = parts_directory_plot_metrics[i] + "/" + xlabel + "_reverse_cdf"
				plot_parameters = dict(linestyle="-", marker="s", markersize=8, linewidth=2.5, markeredgecolor=colorset[0], color=colorset[0])
				if data_reverse_cdf:
					P = Plot(plot_file, title, xlabel, ylabel, False, False, [legend], formatter=True)
					P.plot_single(data_reverse_cdf, plot_parameters)
					print "[Impossible to plot because no reverse CDF data]"