Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, _name='ibuki'):
     print "protocol: using ibuki."
     self._name = _name
     self.param_config = utils.read_yaml('xilva_core', self._name)
     self.directions = np.array(self.get_directions())
     self.defaults = np.array(self.get_defaults())
     self.maxlimit, self.minlimit = np.array(self.get_limits())
     self.mapping = np.array(self.get_mapping())
     self.groups = self.get_groups()
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self):
        self.param_config = utils.read_yaml('xilva_core', 'ibuki_gazebo')
        self.mapping = self.param_config['mapping']

        self.angles = np.array([])
        "the selected angles are joints that are used in all fascia system"
        self.selected_angles = np.array([])
        "the line angles are joint angles that are used in a specific line"
        self.myu = 0.05
        self.pub_msg = Evans()

        self.sub = rospy.Subscriber('/silva/slave_local/vfp', Evans,
        #        self.sub = rospy.Subscriber('/silva/slave_local/vfp', Evans, self.callback) = rospy.Publisher(topics.slave[2], Evans, queue_size=2)
Esempio n. 3
        self._msgid = 1
        self._payload = []

def callback(msg, args):
    instance = args
    instance._name =
    instance._level = msg.level
    instance._msgid = msg.msgid
    instance._payload = msg.payload

"4. publish the output using the protocol"
if __name__ == "__main__":

    param_config = utils.read_yaml('xilva_core', 'config')
    _RATE = param_config['rate']

    nh = rospy.init_node('X_encoder')
    rate = rospy.Rate(_RATE)

    message = Received_msg()
    "activate logging"
    logtext = logs.Roslog('X_encoder')

    "receive the mixer message from the bus"
    sub = rospy.Subscriber(topics.comm['bus'], Evans, callback, message)
    "decide the protocol to use"
    if (dev_name == "ibuki_gazebo"):
        protocol = xprotocols.ibuki_gazebo()
        robot = Ibuki()
Esempio n. 4
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import rospy
from xilva_core.msg import EvansString

import socket, errno, sys, os

import modules.utils as utils
import modules.logging as logs

network_flag = 0 

if __name__ == "__main__":
    nh = rospy.init_node('ibuki_netlistener', anonymous = True)
    logtext = logs.Roslog('ibuki_netlistener')
    param_config = utils.read_yaml('xilva_core', 'ibuki')
    _IP = param_config['IP']
    _PORT = param_config['PORT']       
    parts_name = ['neck', 'arml', 'armr', 'handl', 'handr', 'headl', 'headc', 'headr', 'hip', 'wheel']     
    rate =rospy.Rate(1)
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        for dev_name in parts_name:
            response = os.system("ping -c 1 " +_IP[dev_name]+" -w 1 >/dev/null 2>&1")
            if response != 0:
                "interrupt 0 in the future"
                network_flag = 99
                rospy.logwarn('network erros')
#                rospy.logwarn(logtext(2))
Esempio n. 5
 def report_log(self, _code):
     log_content = utils.read_yaml('xilva_core', 'logtexts')[_code]
     log_text = "code" + str(_code) + ',' + self._name + ":" + log_content
     return log_text