def _login(): from modules.login import generate_jwt_token json_form = request.get_json(force=True, silent=True) address = json_form.get('address') signature = json_form.get('signature') signature_version = json_form.get('signature_version', 1) user_name = json_form.get('user_name', '') platform_type = json_form.get('platform_type') if platform_type not in PLATFORM_TYPES: return helper.response_err(ER.INVALID_REQUEST_BODY, ER.INVALID_REQUEST_BODY_MSG) web3 = get_web3() with db.engine_rdwr.connect() as connection: jwt_token = generate_jwt_token( connection, web3, address, signature, platform_type=platform_type, signature_version=signature_version, default_user_name=user_name ) if jwt_token: return helper.response_ok(jwt_token) else: return helper.response_err(ER.AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, ER.AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_MSG)
def _upload_paper(): """ Uploads a paper file from client. json form: { "hash": file hash string, "price": uint256, "encrypted": true | false, } Server downloads the paper file by its IPFS process from the client IPFS node and it creates a muzika contract for creating a paper in the block chain network. Server must have an IPFS node and it pins the object file for spreading the paper file. """ json_form = request.get_json(force=True, silent=True) file_hash = json_form.get('hash') wallet_address = request.user['address'] price = json_form.get('price') encrypted = json_form.get('encrypted', False) # check request json if not isinstance(file_hash, str) or not isinstance( price, int) or not isinstance(encrypted, bool): return helper.response_err(ER.INVALID_REQUEST_BODY, ER.INVALID_REQUEST_BODY_MSG) # pin the file for spreading out the paper relay_ipfs = RelayIpfs() api = relay_ipfs.get_connection() # TODO : process if failed to pin (timeout problem) api.pin_add(file_hash) # create a paper contract web3 = get_web3() contract_handler = MuzikaContractHandler() paper_contract = contract_handler.get_contract(web3, 'MuzikaPaperContract') tx_hash = paper_contract.constructor( web3.toChecksumAddress(wallet_address), price, file_hash, '').transact() return helper.response_ok({'status': 'success'})
def _get_user(address): """ Returns an user information by wallet address. If user(address) does not exist, give a random message for signing """ s3_base_url = 'https://s3.{region}'.format(region=s3_policy['profile']['region']) user_query_stmt = """ SELECT `u`.*, CONCAT(:s3_base_url, '/', `f`.`bucket`, '/', `f`.`object_key`) AS `profile_image` FROM `{}` `u` LEFT JOIN `{}` `f` ON (`f`.`file_id` = `u`.`profile_file_id` AND `f`.`type` = :file_type) WHERE `u`.`address` = :address LIMIT 1 """.format(db.table.USERS, db.table.FILES) # if invalid address format, don't generate message if not check_address_format(address): return helper.response_err(ERR.COMMON.INVALID_REQUEST_BODY) web3 = get_web3() web3.toChecksumAddress(address) with db.engine_rdonly.connect() as connection: user = connection.execute( text(user_query_stmt), s3_base_url=s3_base_url, address=address, file_type='profile' ).fetchone() if user is None: return helper.response_err(ERR.COMMON.NOT_EXIST) return helper.response_ok(db.to_relation_model(user))
def _get_paper_file(contract_address): """ Get aes key for decrypt a paper from a contract. json form: { "public_key": public key for encryption } """ json_form = request.get_json(force=True, silent=True) public_key = json_form.get('public_key') # not support downloading without encryption if not isinstance(public_key, str): return helper.response_err(ERR.COMMON.INVALID_REQUEST_BODY) # parse public key try: public_key = RSA.import_key(public_key) except ValueError: return helper.response_err(ERR.COMMON.INVALID_REQUEST_BODY) user_address = request.user['address'] web3 = get_web3() contract_address = web3.toChecksumAddress(contract_address) contract = MuzikaPaperContract(web3, contract_address=contract_address) if not contract.purchased(user_address, {'from': user_address}): # if the user hasn't purchased this paper return helper.response_err(ERR.COMMON.AUTHENTICATION_FAILED) key_query_statement = """ SELECT `if`.`ipfs_hash`, `if`.`encrypted`, `fp`.`aes_key` FROM `music_contracts` `mc` INNER JOIN `ipfs_files` `if` ON (`mc`.`ipfs_file_id` = `if`.`file_id`) LEFT JOIN `ipfs_files_private` `fp` ON (`if`.`file_id` = `fp`.`file_id`) WHERE `contract_address` = :contract_address AND `mc`.`status` = :contract_status LIMIT 1 """ with db.engine_rdonly.connect() as connection: key_query = connection.execute(text(key_query_statement), contract_address=contract_address, contract_status='success').fetchone() # if the contract is not registered in the server or does not have IPFS file if not key_query: return helper.response_err(ERR.COMMON.NOT_EXIST) ipfs_hash = key_query['ipfs_hash'] encrypted = key_query['encrypted'] aes_key = key_query['aes_key'] if not encrypted: # if the file is not encrypted, response with null key return helper.response_ok({'key': None}) else: # if the file is encrypted, response with AES key encrypted by user's public key. from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_OAEP cipher = encrypted_aes_key = cipher.encrypt(aes_key) return helper.response_ok({'key': encrypted_aes_key})
def update_payments(): """ All of transaction for purchase of music is not reliable, which can have price, buyer or contract address. Therefore we have to wait for transaction to be mined with txHash and get receipt of the txHash, then all of information (price, buyer etc.) are obtained by the receipt. Then, save the information to our database Status pending : Ready for mined transaction given hash. success : The transaction is valid and accepted in the blockchain. failed : The transaction is failed because of out of gas, not enough muzika or any other reason. invalid : The transaction is invalid (e.g. this transaction is not for purchase of music) disabled : The transaction is not found in the blockchain (That is, timeout of waiting for transaction) """ web3 = get_web3() purchase_event_name = web3.sha3(b'Purchase(address,uint256)') # query for updating status of timeout transaction update_query_statement = """ UPDATE `{}` SET `status` = 'disabled' WHERE `status` = 'pending' AND `created_at` < NOW() - INTERVAL 3 HOUR """.format(db.table.MUSIC_PAYMENTS) # query for deleting timeout transaction delete_query_statement = """ DELETE FROM `{}` WHERE `status` = 'disabled' AND `created_at` < NOW() - INTERVAL 6 HOUR """.format(db.table.MUSIC_PAYMENTS) with db.engine_rdwr.connect() as connection: # get list of payment history that is not mined (wait) payments = db.to_relation_model_list( db.Statement(db.table.MUSIC_PAYMENTS).where( status='pending').select(connection)) def invalid_payment(__payment): # this transaction is not valid db.Statement(db.table.MUSIC_PAYMENTS)\ .set(status='invalid')\ .where(payment_id=__payment['payment_id'])\ .update(connection) for payment in payments: try: receipt = web3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt( transaction_hash=payment['tx_hash'], timeout=1) except Timeout: continue if not receipt: continue if receipt.status == 0: # this transaction is failed db.Statement(db.table.MUSIC_PAYMENTS)\ .set(status='failed')\ .where(payment_id=payment['payment_id'])\ .update(connection) continue """ Because we use approval function to purchase music, value of `to` in transaction is MuzikaCoin contract's address MuzikaCoin.address == tx['to'] Contract address is equal to event.address """ purchase_events = [ event for event in receipt.logs if event.topics[0] == purchase_event_name ] if len(purchase_events) == 0: # Purchase event is not emitted invalid_payment(payment) continue event = purchase_events[-1] contract_address = event.address contract_exists = db.Statement(db.table.MUSIC_CONTRACTS).columns('"_"')\ .where(contract_address=contract_address, status='success')\ .limit(1).select(connection).fetchone() if contract_exists is None: # Contract is not exists in our database. It is not a contract for muzika platform invalid_payment(payment) continue """ Contract is valid for our platform. Use it! """ # price is equal to (type is str) price = # buyer is equal to event.topics[1] # structure of event is `Purchase(address,uint256)` # type is HexBytes buyer = web3.toChecksumAddress('0x' + event.topics[1].hex()[-40:]) db.Statement(db.table.MUSIC_PAYMENTS)\ .set(buyer_address=buyer, contract_address=contract_address, price=price, status='success')\ .where(payment_id=payment['payment_id'])\ .update(connection) # execute update query connection.execute(text(update_query_statement)) # execute delete query (timeout is doubled) connection.execute(text(delete_query_statement))
def _get_paper_file(contract_address): """ Downloads a paper from a contract. json form: { "public_key": public key for encryption } """ json_form = request.get_json(force=True, silent=True) public_key = json_form.get('public_key') # not support downloading without encryption if not isinstance(public_key, str): return helper.response_err(ER.INVALID_REQUEST_BODY, ER.INVALID_REQUEST_BODY_MSG) # parse public key try: public_key = RSA.import_key(public_key) except ValueError: return helper.response_err(ER.INVALID_REQUEST_BODY, ER.INVALID_REQUEST_BODY_MSG) user_address = request.user['address'] web3 = get_web3() contract = MuzikaPaperContract(web3, contract_address=contract_address) if not contract.purchased(user_address): # if the user hasn't purchased this paper return helper.response_err(ER.AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, ER.AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_MSG) paper_statement = db.Statement( db.table.PAPERS).where(contract_address=contract_address).limit(1) with db.engine_rdonly.connect() as connection: paper = db.to_relation_model( # if not supporting this paper contract if not paper: return helper.response_err(ER.NOT_EXIST, ER.NOT_EXIST_MSG) file_id = paper['file_id'] # if not having file if not file_id: # TODO: return helper.response_err(ER.NOT_EXIST, ER.NOT_EXIST_MSG) else: # get ipfs file hash file_hash = paper['ipfs_file_hash'] # download from bucket bucket = MuzikaS3Bucket() s3_response = bucket.get(connection, file_id) file_blob = s3_response['Body'].read() block = Block(data=file_blob, hash=file_hash) block_request = BlockRequest(block_hash=file_hash, public_key=public_key) encrypted_block = block_request.encrypt(block) response_body = encrypted_block.encrypted_key + response = make_response(response_body) response.headers['content-length'] = len(response_body) response.headers['content-type'] = 'text/plain' return response
'--directory', help='directory that has the truffle contract json file') args.add_argument('-r', '--recursive', help='Recursively search contract json file', required=False, default=False) args.add_argument('-n', '--version', help='Network protocol version', required=False) args = args.parse_args() if args.version: web3 = get_web3() network_version = else: network_version = args.version contracts_json = {} contracts_address = {} # load all contract json files for file_path in glob.glob(os.path.join(, '*'), recursive=args.recursive): # if not json file, ignore it _, ext = os.path.splitext(file_path) if ext != '.json': continue
def update_contracts(): web3 = get_web3() complete_delete_query_statement = """ DELETE FROM `{}` WHERE `status` NOT IN :delete_status AND `created_at` < NOW() - INTERVAL 6 HOUR """.format(db.table.MUSIC_CONTRACTS) # query for deleting music contracts and their IPFS files list if not mined delete_query_statement = """ UPDATE `{}` `mc` LEFT JOIN `{}` `mb` ON (`mb`.`post_id` = `mc`.`post_id`) SET `mb`.`status` = :set_board_status, `mc`.`status` = :set_contract_status WHERE `mc`.`status` = :delete_status AND `mc`.`created_at` < NOW() - INTERVAL 3 HOUR """.format(db.table.MUSIC_CONTRACTS, db.table.board('music')) transaction_query_statement = """ SELECT `mc`.*, `u`.`address` FROM `{}` `mc` LEFT JOIN `{}` `mb` ON (`mb`.`post_id` = `mc`.`post_id`) LEFT JOIN `{}` `u` ON (`u`.`user_id` = `mb`.`user_id`) WHERE `mc`.`status` = :track_status """.format(db.table.MUSIC_CONTRACTS, db.table.board('music'), db.table.USERS) with db.engine_rdwr.connect() as connection: # DELETE contracts completely that are not mined over specific time connection.execute(text(complete_delete_query_statement), delete_status=['success']) # DELETE contracts that are not mined over specific time connection.execute(text(delete_query_statement), set_board_status='deleted', set_contract_status='disabled', delete_status='pending') # QUERY not mined contracts contracts = db.to_relation_model_list( connection.execute(text(transaction_query_statement), track_status='pending') ) # get original bytecode of the paper contract contract_handler = MuzikaContractHandler() payment_interface_contract = contract_handler.get_interface('Dispatcher') payment_contract = contract_handler.get_interface('MuzikaPaperContract') contract_bytecode = payment_contract['bytecode'][:-68] contract_bytecode = contract_bytecode.replace( '__LibPaperPaymentInterface______________', payment_interface_contract['networks'][]['address'][2:] ) for contract in contracts: contract_status = 'success' board_status = 'posted' try: tx_receipt = web3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(transaction_hash=contract['tx_hash'], timeout=1) except Timeout: # if failed to get contract (not mined or fake transaction), check next contract continue if tx_receipt: # TODO : validate the contract try: contract_address = tx_receipt['contractAddress'] tx_contract = MuzikaPaperContract(web3, contract_address=contract_address) seller_address = tx_contract.get_seller() tx = web3.eth.getTransaction(contract['tx_hash']) # if tx data is invalid, set contract status to invalid and board status to deleted if tx.input[:len(contract_bytecode)] != contract_bytecode: contract_status = 'invalid' board_status = 'deleted' # Check seller. # If the contract is derived from music post but the author of it is different from the real # contract owner, set status to success but delete post if contract['address'] and seller_address != contract['address']: board_status = 'deleted' except ValueError as e: # if ValueError occurs (may be wrong transaction), set invalid contracvt and delete post contract_status = 'invalid' board_status = 'deleted' if board_status == 'deleted': db.Statement(db.table.board('music'))\ .set(status='deleted')\ .where(post_id=contract['post_id'])\ .update(connection) if contract_status == 'success': db.Statement(db.table.MUSIC_CONTRACTS)\ .set(contract_address=contract_address, seller_address=seller_address, status='success')\ .where(contract_id=contract['contract_id'])\ .update(connection) else: db.Statement(db.table.MUSIC_CONTRACTS)\ .set(status=contract_status)\ .where(contract_id=contract['contract_id'])\ .update(connection)