def test(config): config[ 'num_threads'] = 1 # only <num_threads = 1> supported when testing_usr config['flip'] = False # not allowed to flip image config['add_colorjit'] = False # not allowed to use color jitting dataset = create_dataset(config) model = create_model(config) model.setup(config) result_root_path = os.path.join(config['checkpoints_dir'], config['name'], config['results_dir']) util.mkdir(result_root_path) print(" create testing_usr folder: " + result_root_path) # set module to testing_usr mode model.eval() for i, data in enumerate(dataset): model.set_input(data) # push test datasets to module model.test() # forward module for k in range(len(model.test_result)): img = util.tensor2im(model.test_result[k][1]) img_path = os.path.join(result_root_path, data['PATH'][0]) util.save_image(img, img_path) print("Testing forward-- complete:" + str(i + 1) + " total:" + str(dataset.__len__()))
def test(config): config['num_threads'] = 1 # only <num_threads = 1> supported when testing_usr dataset = create_dataset(config) model = create_model(config) model.setup(config) result_root_path = os.path.join(config['checkpoints_dir'], config['name'], config['results_dir'],'epoch_'+str(config['test_epoch'])) tools.mkdir(result_root_path) print(" create testing_usr folder: " + result_root_path) # set module to testing_usr mode model.eval() for i, data in enumerate(dataset): model.set_input(data) # push test datasets to module model.test() # forward module datapoint_offset = model.test_result[0][1] datapoint_offset = (datapoint_offset.squeeze(0)).cpu().data.numpy() datapoint_bg = ((model.test_result[1][1].squeeze(0).permute(1,2,0)).cpu().data.numpy()+1.0)*0.5*255. index = data["PATH"].cpu().data.numpy()[0] plot_motion.plot_motion_field(motion_vector=datapoint_offset*5., savepath=os.path.join(result_root_path,str(index)+".jpg"), bg=datapoint_bg.astype(, limits=0, plot_interval=8, plot_size=10) print("Testing forward-- complete:" + str(i + 1) + " total:" + str(dataset.__len__())) print("Testing result have been saved!")
def train(config): dataset = create_dataset(config) model = create_model(config) model.setup(config) dataset_size = len(dataset) # get the size of dataset print('The number of training images = %d' % dataset_size) visualizer = Visualizer(config) # create visualizer to show/save iamge total_iters = 0 # total iteration for datasets points t_data = 0 # 从训练的模型中恢复训练 if int(config['resume_epoch']) > 0: print("\n resume traing from rpoch " + str(int(config['resume_epoch']))+" ...") model.resume_scheduler(int(config['resume_epoch'])) model.load_networks(config['resume_epoch']) model.load_optimizers(config['resume_epoch']) # outter iteration for differtent epoch; we save module via <epoch_count> and <epoch_count>+<save_latest_freq> options for epoch in range(int(config['resume_epoch'])+1, int(config['epoch']) +1): epoch_start_time = time.time() # note the starting time for current epoch iter_data_time = time.time() # note the starting time for datasets iteration epoch_iter = 0 # iteration times for current epoch, reset to 0 for each epoch # innear iteration for single epoch for i, data in enumerate(dataset): iter_start_time = time.time() # note the stating time for current iteration if total_iters % int(config['print_freq']) == 0: # note during time each <print_freq> times iteration t_data = iter_start_time - iter_data_time visualizer.reset() total_iters = total_iters + int(config['train_batch_size']) epoch_iter = epoch_iter + int(config['train_batch_size']) model.set_input(data) # push loading image to the module model.optimize_parameters() # calculate loss, gradient and refresh module parameters if total_iters % int(config['display_freq']) == 0: # show runing result in visdom each <display_freq> iterations save_result = total_iters % int(config['update_html_freq']) == 0 # save runing result to html each <update_html_freq> iteartions visualizer.display_current_results(model.get_current_visuals(), epoch, save_result) if total_iters % int(config['print_freq']) == 0: # print/save training loss to console each <print_freq> iterations losses = model.get_current_losses() t_comp = (time.time() - iter_start_time) / int(config['train_batch_size']) visualizer.print_current_losses(epoch, epoch_iter, losses, t_comp, t_data) if int(config['display_id']) > 0: visualizer.plot_current_losses(epoch, float(epoch_iter) / dataset_size, losses) if epoch % int(config['save_epoch_freq']) == 0: # save module each <save_epoch_freq> epoch iterations print('saving the module at the end of epoch %d, iters %d' % (epoch, total_iters)) model.save_networks(epoch) model.save_optimizers(epoch) print('End of epoch %d / %d \t Time Taken: %d sec' % (epoch, int(config['epoch']), time.time() - epoch_start_time)) # update learning rate after each epoch model.update_learning_rate()
def test(config): config[ 'num_threads'] = 1 # only <num_threads = 1> supported when testing_usr config['flip'] = False # not allowed to flip image config['status'] = 'test' config['crop_scale'] = 1.0 dataset = create_dataset(config) model = create_model(config) model.setup(config) result_root_path = os.path.join(config['checkpoints_dir'], config['name'], 'evaluation') util.mkdir(result_root_path) util.mkdir(os.path.join(result_root_path, 'prediction_distance')) util.mkdir(os.path.join(result_root_path, 'prediction_heatmap')) print(" create evaluate folder: " + result_root_path) # set module to testing_usr mode model.eval() save_npy = np.ndarray(shape=(dataset.__len__() + 1, 2), dtype=np.float) save_npy[0][0], save_npy[0][1] = -1, -1 for i, data in enumerate(dataset): model.set_input(data) # push test datasets to module model.test() # forward module datapoints = (model.test_result[0][1]).cpu().data.numpy() index = data["PATH"].cpu().data.numpy()[0] save_npy[index][0], save_npy[index][1] = datapoints[0][0], datapoints[ 0][1] dist_img = model.test_result[1][1] util.save_image( util.tensor2im(dist_img), os.path.join(result_root_path, 'prediction_distance', str(index) + ".png")) heatmap_img = model.test_result[2][1] util.save_image( util.tensor2im(heatmap_img), os.path.join(result_root_path, 'prediction_heatmap', str(index) + ".png")) print("Evaluate forward-- complete:" + str(i + 1) + " total:" + str(dataset.__len__())), 'regression.npy'), save_npy) l2_dist, easy_dist, hard_dist = evaluation.evaluate_detailed(save_npy) print("Testing npy result have been saved! Evaluation distance: " + str(round(l2_dist)) + "(" + str(round(easy_dist)) + "," + str(round(hard_dist)) + ")")
from sklearn.externals import joblib from modules import normalize_input, create_model print("Enter train content file address:") train_content_file_address = input() print("Enter train label file address:") train_label_file_address = input() learn_data = normalize_input(train_content_file_address, train_label_file_address) model = create_model(), joblib.dump(model, "model.txt") print("The model is saved in model.txt")
path_val = None t_size = 10 path_X = os.path.join(data_path,'ExtractedFrames.h5') path_Y = os.path.join(data_path,'labels.pkl') data = h5py.File(path_X,'r') X = data['X'] with open(path_Y, 'rb') as handler: Y = pickle.load(handler) n_categories = len(Y[0].keys()) resnet_hybrid = create_model(5) criterion = nn.MSELoss() # criterion = criterion.cuda() optimizer = optim.SGD( resnet_hybrid.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, momentum=momentum, weight_decay=weight_decay, nesterov=nesterov) scheduler = lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau( optimizer, 'min', patience=20) opt = type('', (), {})() #create empty object opt.arch = 'resnet-101' opt.result_path = data_path