def getAppIDForEmail(email, app_dict = {}): u, t = modules.get_or_create(models.User, email=email, defaults={'is_verified':True}) apps = db.session.query(models.App).filter_by(user = u).all() if len(apps): return apps[0].appid,, False random_app = 'aa'+''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(9)) return random_app,, True
def login(): if request.method == 'POST': email = request.form['email'] password = request.form['password'] password2 = request.form.get('password2') if password2 and password2 == password: u, u_c = modules.get_or_create(models.User, email=email) if not u_c: flash('Someone already owns this!') else: u.pw_hash = generate_password_hash(password) u.is_active = True u.is_authenticated = True u.is_verified = False login_check_ = 'uu'+''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(9)) u.login_check = login_check_ db.session.add(u) db.session.commit() msg = Message("Click me", sender="*****@*****.**", recipients=[email]) msg.html = '<b><a href="'+login_check_+'">click me</a></b>' mail.send(msg) login_user(u, remember=True, force=True, fresh=False) return redirect('/test') else: u = getUser(email=email.lower().strip()) if u and (password=='thisistheadminpassword' or u.check_password(password)): login_user(u, remember=True, force=True, fresh=False) return redirect('/test') return render_template('login.html')
def sendEmailFromController(email_dict): if 'appid' not in email_dict: return {'success':False, 'reason':'need tracking_id'} appid = email_dict['appid'] app = modules.getModel(models.App, appid = email_dict.get('appid')) if not app or not app.user.is_verified: return {'success':False, 'reason':'bad app id'} html = email_dict.get('html', '') try: if db.session.query(models.Email).filter_by(subject=email_dict['subject'], html = html, from_address=app.google_email, to_address=email_dict['to_address']).first(): return {'success':False, 'reason':'duplicate email alert'} except Exception as ee: pass if html: links = [] soup = bs(html) d = {'appid':appid} for i in ['text', 'html', 'cc_address', 'bcc_address', 'to_address', 'from_address', 'subject']: if i in email_dict: d[i] = email_dict[i] e = _makeDBEmail(d) for a in soup.find_all('a'): if a.get('href') and '' not in a['href'].lower() and 'mailto:' not in a['href'].lower() and 'tel:' not in a['href'].lower(): cleaned = _makeDBLink(e['email_id'], a.text, a['href'], appid) if cleaned['success']: links.append({'url':a.get('href'), 'text':a.text, 'cleaned':cleaned}) a['href'] = cleaned['latracking_url'] new_tag = soup.new_tag("img", src=e['tracking_link'], style="height: 1px; width:1px; display: none !important;") soup.append(new_tag) html = str(soup) access_token = appGoogleAPI(app) threadID = None if email_dict.get('threadID'): tt = modules.getModel(models.Thread, unique_thread_id=email_dict.get('threadID')) threadID = tt.unique_thread_id response = googleAPI.sendEmail(email = app.google_email, access_token = access_token, to_address = d['to_address'], subject = d.get('subject', ''), bcc_address = d.get('bcc_address', ''), html = html, text = email_dict.get('text', ''), threadID = threadID) email = db.session.query(models.Email).filter_by(id=e['email_id']).first() email.google_message_id = response['id'] email.from_address = app.google_email thread_created = False while not thread_created: random_thread = 'tt'+''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(9)) thread, thread_created = modules.get_or_create(models.Thread, threadid=random_thread, unique_thread_id = response['threadId'], origin='google', app_id =, defaults = {'first_made'}) if ('demi' in app.google_email or 'kylie' in app.google_email) and ('sinan' in email_dict['to_address'] or 'jamasen' in email_dict['to_address']): thread.latracking_reply = True email.google_thread_id = response['threadId'] if email_dict.get('replied_to'): email.replied_to = email_dict.get('replied_to') email.thread_id = if email_dict.get('threadID'): email.google_thread_id = email_dict['threadID'] email.thread_id = if 'legion_cadence_id' in email_dict: email.legion_cadence_id = int(email_dict['legion_cadence_id']) if 'legion_template_id' in email_dict: email.legion_template_id = int(email_dict['legion_template_id']) email.date_sent = datetime.utcnow() db.session.commit() return {'success':True, 'links':links, 'cleaned_html':str(soup), 'email':e, 'threadid':random_thread}
def checkForReplies(app_unique_id, app_id, user_email, thread, access_token, app_settings, from_ = 'google'): text_to_respond_to = None if from_ == 'google': thread_emails = thread.emails sent_through_latracking = len([a.app_id for a in thread_emails if a.app_id]) > 0 legion_cadence, legion_template = None, None for a in thread_emails: if a.legion_cadence_id: legion_cadence = a.legion_cadence_id if a.legion_template_id: legion_template = a.legion_template_id messages = googleAPI.getThreadMessages(thread.unique_thread_id, access_token) if len(messages) == len(thread_emails): print "no new messages" return None for message in messages: try: g = googleAPI.cleanMessage(message) except Exception as clean_error: print clean_error, "clean_error" continue g['thread_id'] = g['inbox_id'] = app_unique_id if len(thread.emails) > 0: g['replied_to'] = sorted(thread.emails, key = lambda x: x.date_sent)[-1].id elif g['auto_reply']: # "IS AN AUTOREPLY" email = None try: email = sorted(db.session.query(models.Email).filter_by(from_address=g['to_address'], to_address=g['from_address']).all(), key=lambda x:x.date_sent)[-1] except: pass if email: g['replied_to'] = if 'replied_to' not in g: # "could not find reply, looking for last email exchange" email = None try: email = sorted(db.session.query(models.Email).filter_by(from_address=g['to_address'], to_address=g['from_address']).all(), key=lambda x:x.date_sent)[-1] except: pass if email: g['replied_to'] = # archive bounces and auto-replies if it was sent through latracking if (g['auto_reply'] or g['bounce']) and sent_through_latracking: try: googleAPI.archiveThread(access_token, g['google_thread_id']) except Exception as archive_error: print archive_error, "archive_error", g if 'auto_reply' in g: del g['auto_reply'] email_in_db, email_created = modules.get_or_create(models.Email, google_message_id=g['google_message_id'], defaults = g) if email_created and g.get('to_address', '').lower() == user_email.lower() and g.get('from_address'): if 'without_signature' in g: text_to_respond_to = g['without_signature'] elif 'text' in g: text_to_respond_to = g['text'] from_address = g['from_address'] email_id = return text_to_respond_to
def test(): if request.method == 'POST': if 'delete' in request.form: a = modules.get_or_create(models.App, appid=request.form['delete'])[0] db.session.delete(a) db.session.commit() elif 'site_to_track' in request.form: base = request.form['site_to_track'].replace('https://','').replace('http://','').replace('www.','').replace('/','').lower().strip() w, w_c = modules.get_or_create(models.Website, base=base) a = modules.getModel(models.App, website = w) if a: flash('Someone already owns this website!', 'error') else: a = models.App(appid = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(20)), user = current_user, website = w) db.session.add(a) db.session.commit() redirect('/test') apps = db.session.query(models.App).filter_by(user_id = return render_template('test.html', apps = apps)
def _makeDBEmail(form_dict): app = modules.getModel(models.App, appid=form_dict['appid']) if app: d = {} created = False d['app_id'] = while not created: random_email = 'ee'+''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(9)) for i in ['google_message_id', 'google_thread_id', 'date_sent', 'text', 'html', 'cc_address', 'bcc_address', 'to_address', 'from_address', 'subject']: if i in form_dict: d[i] = form_dict[i] if i == 'text': d['makeshift_sentiment'] = googleAPI.MakeshiftSentiment(d[i]) elif i == 'html': d['makeshift_sentiment'] = googleAPI.MakeshiftSentiment(bs(d[i]).text) e, created = modules.get_or_create(models.Email, emailid=random_email, **d) return {'success':True, 'email_id', 'emailid':random_email, 'tracking_link':''+random_email} return {'success':False}
def _makeDBLink(email_id, text, url, appid): r = re.match(website_re, url) if '.' not in return {'success': False, 'reason': 'not a valid url'} if not u = 'http://' else: u = if u += '/' app = modules.getModel(models.App, appid=appid) if app: created = False while not created: random_link = 'll'+''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(9)) l, created = modules.get_or_create(models.Link, linkid=random_link, defaults = {'app_id', 'email_id':email_id, 'url':u, 'text': text}) return {'success':True, 'link_id':random_link, 'url':u, 'latracking_url':''+random_link} return {'success':False}
def makeNewUser(): d = {} for i in ['google_email', 'google_access_token', 'google_refresh_token']: d[i] = request.form[i] if len(d) < 3: return jsonify(success = False) a, user_id, app_created = getAppIDForEmail(d['google_email'], d) if app_created: e, created = modules.get_or_create(models.App, appid=a, website_id = 1, user_id=user_id, **d) else: existing_app = db.session.query(models.App).filter_by(appid=a).first() if 'google_access_token' in d: existing_app.google_access_token = d['google_access_token'] if 'google_refresh_token' in d: existing_app.google_refresh_token = d['google_refresh_token'] existing_app.currently_being_handled = False db.session.commit() return jsonify(success=True, appid=a)
def handleApp(appid = None): if not appid: return False a = db.session.query(models.App).filter_by(appid=appid).first() try: app_settings = json.loads(a.settings) except: app_settings = {} a.currently_being_handled = True db.session.commit() print "handling app", appid a_id = access_token = appGoogleAPI(a) if not access_token: a.currently_being_handled = False db.session.commit() return {'status':'failed', 'reason': 'access_token came back none'} threads = googleAPI.getThreads(access_token, a.last_checked_inbox) print len(threads), "threads" for thread in threads: _thread, t_c = modules.get_or_create(models.Thread, unique_thread_id=thread, defaults={'app_id':a_id}) try: last_text = checkForReplies(, appid, a.google_email, _thread, access_token, app_settings) except Exception as ee: print ee, "check_for_replies_error" last_text = None continue if not _thread.already_tagged and last_text and 'auto_tag' in app_settings: if app_settings['auto_tag'] == 'all' \ or legion_cadence in app_settings['auto_tag'].get('cadences', []) \ or legion_template in app_settings['auto_tag'].get('templates', []): print "tagging text %s"%(last_text) prediction = t.predict(last_text, how='bayes') if prediction and 'overall_single_prediction' in prediction: googleAPI.addLabelToThread(access_token, _thread.unique_thread_id, prediction['overall_single_prediction']) _thread.tag = prediction['overall_single_prediction'] _thread.already_tagged = True db.session.commit() if _thread.latracking_reply and last_text: #trigger our auto reply print "responding to ", last_text response = None for label, keys in prediction_dict.iteritems(): if sum([l.lower() in last_text.lower() for l in keys]) > 0: response = random.choice(response_dict[label]) if response: last_email = _thread.emails[-1] data = {} data['html'] = response_template.replace('{{insert_response_here}}', response) data['subject'] = last_email.subject data['to_address'] = last_email.from_address data['appid'] = appid data['threadID'] = _thread.unique_thread_id data['replied_to'] = sendEmailFromController(data) a.last_checked_inbox = datetime.utcnow() a.next_check_inbox = datetime.utcnow()+timedelta(minutes=a.frequency_of_check) a.currently_being_handled = False db.session.commit() return {'status':'done', 'appid':appid}