Esempio n. 1
 def custom_setup(self):
     for item_names, item_acl, item_content in self.items:
         meta = {NAME: item_names}
         if item_acl is not None:
             meta.update({ACL: item_acl})
         update_item(item_names[0], meta, item_content)
Esempio n. 2
 def custom_setup(self):
     for item_name, item_acl, item_content in self.items:
         if item_acl is not None:
             update_item(item_name, {ACL: item_acl}, item_content)
             update_item(item_name, {}, item_content)
Esempio n. 3
def test_validjson():
    Tests for changes to metadata when modifying an item.

    Does not apply to usersettings form.
    app.cfg.namespace_mapping = [(u'', 'default_backend'), (u'ns1/', 'default_backend'), (u'users/', 'other_backend')]
    item = Item.create(u'users/existingname')
    meta = {NAMESPACE: u'users', CONTENTTYPE: u'text/plain;charset=utf-8'}
    item._save(meta, data='This is a valid Item.')

    valid_itemid = 'a1924e3d0a34497eab18563299d32178'
    # ('names', 'namespace', 'field', 'value', 'result')
    tests = [([u'somename', u'@revid'], '', '', 'somename', False),  # item names cannot begin with @
             # TODO for above? - create item @x, get error message, change name in meta to xx, get an item with names @40x and alias of xx
             ([u'bar', u'ns1'], '', '', 'bar', False),  # item names cannot match namespace names
             ([u'foo', u'foo', u'bar'], '', '', 'foo', False),  # names in the name list must be unique.
             ([u'ns1ns2ns3', u'ns1/subitem'], '', '', 'valid', False),  # Item names must not match with existing namespaces; items cannot be in 2 namespaces
             ([u'foobar', u'validname'], '', ITEMID, valid_itemid + '8080', False),  # attempts to change itemid in meta result in "Item(s) named foobar, validname already exist."
             ([u'barfoo', u'validname'], '', ITEMID, valid_itemid.replace('a', 'y'), False),  # similar to above
             ([], '', 'itemid', valid_itemid, True),  # deleting all names from the metadata of an existing item will make it nameless, succeeds
             ([u'existingname'], 'users', '', 'existingname', False),  # item already exists
    for name, namespace, field, value, result in tests:
        meta = {NAME: name, NAMESPACE: namespace}
        x = JSON(json.dumps(meta))
        y = Names(name)
        state = dict(fqname=CompositeName(namespace, field, value), itemid=None, meta=meta)
        value = x.validate(state) and y.validate(state)
        assert value == result
Esempio n. 4
    def test_dict(self):
        somedict = {u"One": u"1",
                    u"Two": u"2"}
        update_item(u'TestDict', {SOMEDICT: somedict}, "This is a dict item.")

        return u"TestDict"
Esempio n. 5
    def custom_setup(self):

        somedict = {"First": "first item",
                    "text with spaces": "second item",
                    'Empty string': '',
                    "Last": "last item"}
        update_item('SomeTestDict', {SOMEDICT: somedict}, DATA)

        somedict = {"One": "1",
                    "Two": "2"}
        update_item('SomeOtherTestDict', {SOMEDICT: somedict}, DATA)
Esempio n. 6
    def custom_setup(self):

        somedict = {
            u"First": u"first item",
            u"text with spaces": u"second item",
            u'Empty string': u'',
            u"Last": u"last item"
        update_item(u'SomeTestDict', {SOMEDICT: somedict}, DATA)

        somedict = {u"One": u"1", u"Two": u"2"}
        update_item(u'SomeOtherTestDict', {SOMEDICT: somedict}, DATA)
Esempio n. 7
    def test_appending_group_item(self):
        Test scalability by appending a name to a large list of group members.
        # long list of users
        members = create_random_string_list(length=15, count=1234)
        test_user = create_random_string_list(length=15, count=1)[0]
        update_item(u'UserGroup', {USERGROUP: members}, DATA)
        update_item(u'UserGroup', {USERGROUP: members + [test_user]}, '')
        result = test_user in flaskg.groups['UserGroup']

        assert result
Esempio n. 8
    def test_rename_group_item(self):
        Tests renaming of a group item.
        update_item(u'SomeGroup', {USERGROUP: ["ExampleUser"]}, DATA)
        assert u'ExampleUser' in flaskg.groups[u'SomeGroup']
                      lambda: flaskg.groups[u'AnotherGroup'])

        update_item(u'SomeGroup', {
            NAME: [
            USERGROUP: ["ExampleUser"]
        }, DATA)
        assert u'ExampleUser' in flaskg.groups[u'AnotherGroup']
                      lambda: flaskg.groups[u'SomeGroup'])
Esempio n. 9
    def test_wiki_backend_item_acl_usergroupmember_item(self):
        Test if the wiki group backend works with acl code.
        First check acl rights of a user that is not a member of group
        then add user member to an item group and check acl rights
        update_item(u'NewGroup', {USERGROUP: ["ExampleUser"]}, DATA)

        acl_rights = ["NewGroup:read,write"]
        acl = AccessControlList(acl_rights, valid=app.cfg.acl_rights_contents)

        has_rights_before = acl.may(u"AnotherUser", "read")

        # update item - add AnotherUser to a item group NewGroup
        update_item(u'NewGroup', {USERGROUP: ["AnotherUser"]}, '')

        has_rights_after = acl.may(u"AnotherUser", "read")

        assert not has_rights_before, 'AnotherUser has no read rights because in the beginning he is not a member of a group item NewGroup'
        assert has_rights_after, 'AnotherUser must have read rights because after appenditem he is member of NewGroup'
Esempio n. 10
    def test_member_removed_from_group_item(self):
        Tests appending a member to a large list of group members and
        recreating the item without the member.

        # long list of users
        members = create_random_string_list()
        update_item(u'UserGroup', {USERGROUP: members}, DATA)

        # updates the text with the text_user
        test_user = create_random_string_list(length=15, count=1)[0]
        update_item(u'UserGroup', {USERGROUP: [test_user]}, DATA)
        result = test_user in flaskg.groups[u'UserGroup']
        assert result

        # updates the text without test_user
        update_item(u'UserGroup', {}, DATA)
        result = test_user in flaskg.groups[u'UserGroup']
        assert not result
Esempio n. 11
    def testCRUD(self):
        name = u'NewItem'
        contenttype = u'text/plain;charset=utf-8'
        data = 'foobar'
        meta = {'foo': 'bar', CONTENTTYPE: contenttype}
        comment = u'saved it'
        item = Item.create(name)
        # save rev 0
        item._save(meta, data, comment=comment)
        # check save result
        item = Item.create(name)
        saved_meta, saved_data = item.meta,
        assert saved_meta[CONTENTTYPE] == contenttype
        assert saved_meta[COMMENT] == comment
        assert saved_data == data

        data = rev1_data = data * 10000
        comment += u' again'
        # save rev 1
        item._save(meta, data, comment=comment)
        # check save result
        item = Item.create(name)
        saved_meta, saved_data = dict(item.meta),
        assert saved_meta[CONTENTTYPE] == contenttype
        assert saved_meta[COMMENT] == comment
        assert saved_data == data

        data = ''
        comment = 'saved empty data'
        # save rev 2 (auto delete)
        item._save(meta, data, comment=comment)
        # check save result
        item = Item.create(name)
        saved_meta, saved_data = dict(item.meta),
        assert saved_meta[CONTENTTYPE] == contenttype
        assert saved_meta[COMMENT] == comment
        assert saved_data == data
Esempio n. 12
 def custom_setup(self):
     for group, members in self.test_groups.iteritems():
         update_item(group, {USERGROUP: members}, DATA)