Esempio n. 1
 def set_rotatable_bonds_from_file(self,mol):
     assert mol.allAtoms.bonds[0]
     assert hasattr(self, 'activeInFile') 
     mol.allAtoms.bonds[0].possibleTors = 0
     mol.allAtoms.bonds[0].activeTors = 0
     for ll in self.activeInFile:
          #            0        1    2      3         4        5        6       7
          #ex: ll = ['REMARK', '1', 'A', 'between', 'atoms:', 'N1_1', 'and', 'C31_39']
          name1, index1 = ll[5].split('_') #index1 is NOT usable ['N1','1']@@
          name2, index2 = ll[7].split('_') #index2 is NOT ['C31','39']
          #at1 = mol.allAtoms[int(index1)-1]
          at1 = mol.allAtoms.get(name1)[0]
          #if len(ats1)==1:
          #    at1 = ats1[0]
          #?WHAT TO DO IF more than one?
          # ?check for bonded atom named at2
          ATS2 = mol.allAtoms.get(name2)
          if len(ATS2)==1:
             at2 = ATS2[0]
             for at in ATS2:
                 if at.isBonded(at1):
                     at2 = at
          #at2 = mol.allAtoms[int(index2)-1]
          bnd = AtomSet([at1,at2]).bonds[0]
          bnd.possibleTors = 1
          bnd.activeTors = 1 #?verify 'A'
          if ll[2]=='I':
             bnd.activeTors = 0     
Esempio n. 2
 def set_rotatable_bonds_from_file(self, mol):
     assert mol.allAtoms.bonds[0]
     assert hasattr(self, 'activeInFile')
     mol.allAtoms.bonds[0].possibleTors = 0
     mol.allAtoms.bonds[0].activeTors = 0
     for ll in self.activeInFile:
         #            0        1    2      3         4        5        6       7
         #ex: ll = ['REMARK', '1', 'A', 'between', 'atoms:', 'N1_1', 'and', 'C31_39']
         name1, index1 = ll[5].split(
             '_')  #index1 is NOT usable ['N1','1']@@
         name2, index2 = ll[7].split('_')  #index2 is NOT ['C31','39']
         #at1 = mol.allAtoms[int(index1)-1]
         at1 = mol.allAtoms.get(name1)[0]
         #if len(ats1)==1:
         #    at1 = ats1[0]
         #?WHAT TO DO IF more than one?
         # ?check for bonded atom named at2
         ATS2 = mol.allAtoms.get(name2)
         if len(ATS2) == 1:
             at2 = ATS2[0]
             for at in ATS2:
                 if at.isBonded(at1):
                     at2 = at
         #at2 = mol.allAtoms[int(index2)-1]
         bnd = AtomSet([at1, at2]).bonds[0]
         bnd.possibleTors = 1
         bnd.activeTors = 1  #?verify 'A'
         if ll[2] == 'I':
             bnd.activeTors = 0