def get_loaders(args, pre_transforms, train=True): multi_gpu = args.multi_gpu local_rank = args.local_rank dataset_json = os.path.join(args.input) with open(dataset_json) as f: datalist = json.load(f) total_d = len(datalist) datalist = datalist[0:args.limit] if args.limit else datalist total_l = len(datalist) if multi_gpu: datalist = partition_dataset( data=datalist, num_partitions=dist.get_world_size(), even_divisible=True, shuffle=True, seed=args.seed, )[local_rank] if train: train_datalist, val_datalist = partition_dataset( datalist, ratios=[args.split, (1 - args.split)], shuffle=True, seed=args.seed, ) train_ds = PersistentDataset(train_datalist, pre_transforms, cache_dir=args.cache_dir) train_loader = DataLoader(train_ds, batch_size=args.batch, shuffle=True, num_workers=16) "{}:: Total Records used for Training is: {}/{}/{}".format( local_rank, len(train_ds), total_l, total_d)) else: train_loader = None val_datalist = datalist val_ds = PersistentDataset(val_datalist, pre_transforms, cache_dir=args.cache_dir) val_loader = DataLoader(val_ds, batch_size=args.batch, num_workers=8)"{}:: Total Records used for Validation is: {}/{}/{}".format( local_rank, len(val_ds), total_l, total_d)) return train_loader, val_loader
def __init__( self, dataset: Dataset, image_key: Optional[str] = "image", label_key: Optional[str] = "label", meta_key_postfix: str = "meta_dict", num_workers: int = 0, **kwargs, ): """ Args: dataset: dataset from which to load the data. image_key: key name of images (default: ``image``). label_key: key name of labels (default: ``label``). meta_key_postfix: use `{image_key}_{meta_key_postfix}` to fetch the meta data from dict, the meta data is a dictionary object (default: ``meta_dict``). num_workers: how many subprocesses to use for data loading. ``0`` means that the data will be loaded in the main process (default: ``0``). kwargs: other parameters (except batch_size) for DataLoader (this class forces to use ``batch_size=1``). """ self.data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=dataset, batch_size=1, num_workers=num_workers, **kwargs) self.image_key = image_key self.label_key = label_key if image_key: self.meta_key = f"{image_key}_{meta_key_postfix}" self.all_meta_data: List = []
def __init__( self, dataset: Dataset, image_key: Optional[str] = "image", label_key: Optional[str] = "label", meta_key: Optional[KeysCollection] = None, meta_key_postfix: str = DEFAULT_POST_FIX, num_workers: int = 0, **kwargs, ): """ Args: dataset: dataset from which to load the data. image_key: key name of images (default: ``image``). label_key: key name of labels (default: ``label``). meta_key: explicitly indicate the key of the corresponding meta data dictionary. for example, for data with key `image`, the metadata by default is in `image_meta_dict`. the meta data is a dictionary object which contains: filename, affine, original_shape, etc. if None, will try to construct meta_keys by `{image_key}_{meta_key_postfix}`. meta_key_postfix: use `{image_key}_{meta_key_postfix}` to fetch the meta data from dict, the meta data is a dictionary object (default: ``meta_dict``). num_workers: how many subprocesses to use for data loading. ``0`` means that the data will be loaded in the main process (default: ``0``). kwargs: other parameters (except `batch_size` and `num_workers`) for DataLoader, this class forces to use ``batch_size=1``. """ self.data_loader = DataLoader(dataset=dataset, batch_size=1, num_workers=num_workers, **kwargs) self.image_key = image_key self.label_key = label_key self.meta_key = meta_key or f"{image_key}_{meta_key_postfix}" self.all_meta_data: List = []
def __call__( self, data: Dict[str, Any], num_examples: int = 10 ) -> Union[Tuple[NdarrayOrTensor, NdarrayOrTensor, NdarrayOrTensor, float], NdarrayOrTensor]: """ Args: data: dictionary data to be processed. num_examples: number of realisations to be processed and results combined. Returns: - if `return_full_data==False`: mode, mean, std, vvc. The mode, mean and standard deviation are calculated across `num_examples` outputs at each voxel. The volume variation coefficient (VVC) is `std/mean` across the whole output, including `num_examples`. See original paper for clarification. - if `return_full_data==False`: data is returned as-is after applying the `inferrer_fn` and then concatenating across the first dimension containing `num_examples`. This allows the user to perform their own analysis if desired. """ d = dict(data) # check num examples is multiple of batch size if num_examples % self.batch_size != 0: raise ValueError("num_examples should be multiple of batch size.") # generate batch of data of size == batch_size, dataset and dataloader data_in = [deepcopy(d) for _ in range(num_examples)] ds = Dataset(data_in, self.transform) dl = DataLoader(ds, num_workers=self.num_workers, batch_size=self.batch_size, collate_fn=pad_list_data_collate) outs: List = [] for b in tqdm(dl) if has_tqdm and self.progress else dl: # do model forward pass b[self._pred_key] = self.inferrer_fn(b[self.image_key].to( self.device)) outs.extend([ self.inverter(PadListDataCollate.inverse(i))[self._pred_key] for i in decollate_batch(b) ]) output: NdarrayOrTensor = stack(outs, 0) if self.return_full_data: return output # calculate metrics _mode = mode(output, dim=0) mean = output.mean(0) std = output.std(0) vvc = (output.std() / output.mean()).item() return _mode, mean, std, vvc
def __call__(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any: decollated_data = decollate_batch(data, detach=self.detach, pad=self.pad_batch, fill_value=self.fill_value) inv_ds = _BatchInverseDataset(decollated_data, self.transform, self.pad_collation_used) inv_loader = DataLoader( inv_ds, batch_size=self.batch_size, num_workers=self.num_workers, collate_fn=self.collate_fn ) try: return first(inv_loader) except RuntimeError as re: re_str = str(re) if "equal size" in re_str: re_str += "\nMONAI hint: try creating `BatchInverseTransform` with `collate_fn=lambda x: x`." raise RuntimeError(re_str) from re
def __call__( self, data: Dict[str, Any], num_examples: int = 10 ) -> Union[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, float], np.ndarray]: """ Args: data: dictionary data to be processed. num_examples: number of realisations to be processed and results combined. Returns: - if `return_full_data==False`: mode, mean, std, vvc. The mode, mean and standard deviation are calculated across `num_examples` outputs at each voxel. The volume variation coefficient (VVC) is `std/mean` across the whole output, including `num_examples`. See original paper for clarification. - if `return_full_data==False`: data is returned as-is after applying the `inferrer_fn` and then concatenating across the first dimension containing `num_examples`. This allows the user to perform their own analysis if desired. """ d = dict(data) # check num examples is multiple of batch size if num_examples % self.batch_size != 0: raise ValueError("num_examples should be multiple of batch size.") # generate batch of data of size == batch_size, dataset and dataloader data_in = [d] * num_examples ds = Dataset(data_in, self.transform) dl = DataLoader(ds, self.num_workers, batch_size=self.batch_size, collate_fn=pad_list_data_collate) label_transform_key = self.label_key + InverseKeys.KEY_SUFFIX # create inverter inverter = BatchInverseTransform(self.transform, dl, collate_fn=list_data_collate) outputs: List[np.ndarray] = [] for batch_data in tqdm(dl) if self.progress else dl: batch_images = batch_data[self.image_key].to(self.device) # do model forward pass batch_output = self.inferrer_fn(batch_images) if isinstance(batch_output, torch.Tensor): batch_output = batch_output.detach().cpu() if isinstance(batch_output, np.ndarray): batch_output = torch.Tensor(batch_output) # create a dictionary containing the inferred batch and their transforms inferred_dict = { self.label_key: batch_output, label_transform_key: batch_data[label_transform_key] } # if meta dict is present, add that too (required for some inverse transforms) label_meta_dict_key = self.meta_keys or f"{self.label_key}_{self.meta_key_postfix}" if label_meta_dict_key in batch_data: inferred_dict[label_meta_dict_key] = batch_data[ label_meta_dict_key] # do inverse transformation (allow missing keys as only inverting label) with allow_missing_keys_mode(self.transform): # type: ignore inv_batch = inverter(inferred_dict) # append outputs.append(inv_batch[self.label_key]) # output output: np.ndarray = np.concatenate(outputs) if self.return_full_data: return output # calculate metrics mode = np.array( torch.mode(torch.Tensor(output.astype(np.int64)), dim=0).values) mean: np.ndarray = np.mean(output, axis=0) # type: ignore std: np.ndarray = np.std(output, axis=0) # type: ignore vvc: float = (np.std(output) / np.mean(output)).item() return mode, mean, std, vvc