def test_recreates_clients_after_set_timeout(self, mock_MongoClient, mock_MongoReplicaSetClient): """ Ensure that all created Clients are dropped and new ones are created after a set_timeout call to ensure the correct timeout value is used """ pool = MongoPool(self.config) new_timeout = 5 pool.db1 pool.db2 mock_MongoClient.reset_mock() mock_MongoReplicaSetClient.reset_mock() pool.set_timeout(new_timeout) pool.db1 self.call_arguments['socketTimeoutMS'] = new_timeout mock_MongoClient.assert_called_once_with(**self.call_arguments) call_arguments = {'hosts_or_uri': '', 'replicaSet': 'rset0', 'socketTimeoutMS': new_timeout, 'safe': True, 'read_preference': 0} pool.db2 mock_MongoReplicaSetClient.assert_called_with(**call_arguments)
def test_raises_exception_for_invalid_host(self): config = [{'label': {'port': 27017, 'dbpath': '.*'}}] # Expect exception to be raised when no host is provided with self.assertRaises(TypeError): MongoPool(config) # Expect exception to be raised when host is neither a string, # nor a list config[0]['label']['host'] = 1 with self.assertRaises(TypeError): MongoPool(config) # Expect validation to pass when host is a string config[0]['label']['host'] = '' try: MongoPool(config) except TypeError:'MongoPool._validate_config raised Type Error while ' 'valid config was provided') # Expect validation to pass when host is a list config[0]['label']['host'] = [''] try: MongoPool(config) except TypeError:'MongoPool._validate_config raised Type Error while ' 'valid config was provided')
def test_get_cluster_inexistent(self): """ Ensure that raises an exception when it is required to return a connection to a cluster that is not present in the config """ pool = MongoPool(self.config) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): pool.get_cluster('_doesntexist')
def test_get_cluster_existent(self, ReconnectingConnection_mock): """ Ensures that get_cluster returns the correct connection to a cluster """ pool = MongoPool(self.config) pool.get_cluster('label1') ReconnectingConnection_mock.assert_called_once_with(**self.call_arguments) pool.db1 # Test that is the same connection used for databases in mongoi dbpath ReconnectingConnection_mock.assert_called_once_with(**self.call_arguments)
def test_rasies_exception_for_invalid_replica_set(self): config = [{'label': {'host': '', 'port': 27017, 'dbpath': '.*'}}] config[0]['label']['replicaSet'] = 1 with self.assertRaises(TypeError): MongoPool(config) config[0]['label']['replicaSet'] = 'replicaa' try: MongoPool(config) except TypeError:'MongoPool._validate_config raised Type Error while ' 'valid config was provided')
def test_uses_set_timeout(self, mock_MongoClient): """ Ensure that Clients are created with the correct timeout after set_timeout method is called """ pool = MongoPool(self.config) new_timeout = 5 pool.set_timeout(new_timeout) pool.db1 self.call_arguments['socketTimeoutMS'] = new_timeout mock_MongoClient.assert_called_with(**self.call_arguments)
def test_recreates_clients_after_set_timeout(self, mock_MongoClient): """ Ensure that all created Clients are dropped and new ones are created after a set_timeout call to ensure the correct timeout value is used """ pool = MongoPool(self.config) new_timeout = 5 pool.db1 mock_MongoClient.reset_mock() pool.set_timeout(new_timeout) pool.db1 self.call_arguments['socketTimeoutMS'] = new_timeout mock_MongoClient.assert_called_once_with(**self.call_arguments)
def test_uses_passed_connection_class(self, mock_connection): """ Ensure passed custom connection classes are used. """ kwarguments = {'connection_class': mock_connection} pool = MongoPool(self.config, **kwarguments) self.assertIs(pool._connection_class, mock_connection, "Does not use passed connection class")
def test_default_connection_classes(self): """ Ensure that if no custom classes are provided, the default one are used (MongoClient, MongoReplicaSetClient). """ pool = MongoPool(self.config) self.assertIs(pool._connection_class, pymongo.MongoClient, "Does not use MongoClient by default.")
def test_that_connections_are_saved(self, mock_MongoClient): pool = MongoPool(self.config) pool.dbpattern1 mock_MongoClient.reset_mock() pool.dbpattern2 self.assertFalse(mock_MongoClient.called, "New connections are " "created for each database access")
def test_exception_is_raised_when_the_database_is_not_configured(self): """ Ensure that an exception is raised while trying to access a database which doesn't match any pattern of the configured clusters """ pool = MongoPool(self.config) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(Exception, "No such database .*"): pool.inexistentdb
def test_raises_exception_for_invalid_dbpath(self): config = [{'label': {'host': '', 'port': 27017}}] with self.assertRaises(TypeError): MongoPool(config) config[0]['label']['dbpath'] = 1 with self.assertRaises(TypeError): MongoPool(config) config[0]['label']['dbpath'] = '.*' try: MongoPool(config) except TypeError:'MongoPool._validate_config raised Type Error while ' 'valid config was provided') config[0]['label']['dbpath'] = ['db1', 'db2'] try: MongoPool(config) except TypeError:'MongoPool._validate_config raised Type Error while ' 'valid config was provided')
def test_matches_dbpaths_in_array(self, mock_MongoClient): """ Ensure that the correct database is returned when specifying dbpaths as arrays """ pool = MongoPool(self.config) pool.arraydb9xyz self.call_arguments['port'] = 27021 mock_MongoClient.assert_called_with(**self.call_arguments)
def test_creates_simple_client(self, mock_MongoClient): """ Ensure that a MongoClient is created when replicaSet is not specified in the configurations and the correct database is returned """ pool = MongoPool(self.config) mock = mock_MongoClient() pool.db1 mock_MongoClient.assert_called_with(**self.call_arguments) mock.__getitem__.assert_called_once_with('db1')
def test_matches_dbpaths_correctly(self, mock_MongoClient): """ Ensure that dbpaths are matched in the order specified in the given order and a Client connecting to the first match is returned """ pool = MongoPool(self.config) pool.dbp pool.dbpattern123 pool.dbpat self.call_arguments['port'] = 27018 calls = [call(**self.call_arguments)] self.call_arguments['port'] = 27020 calls.append(call(**self.call_arguments)) self.call_arguments['port'] = 27019 calls.append(call(**self.call_arguments)) self.assertEqual(mock_MongoClient.call_args_list, calls, "Didn't retrieve the databases in the correct order")
def test_creates_replica_set_client(self, mock_MongoClient): """ Ensure that a MongoClient is created when replicaSet is specified in the configurations and the correct database is returned. """ replica_set_name = 'replicaa' replica_set_config = [ {'label1': {'host': ['', ''], 'port': 27017, 'dbpath': 'db1', 'replicaSet': replica_set_name} }] call_args = deepcopy(self.call_arguments) call_args['replicaSet'] = replica_set_name pool = MongoPool(self.config) mock = mock_MongoClient() pool.db1 mock_MongoClient.assert_called_with(**self.call_arguments) mock.__getitem__.assert_called_once_with('db1')