Esempio n. 1
def make_out_of_turn_move(player, current_gameboard, allowable_moves, code):
    The agent is in the out-of-turn phase and must decide what to do (next). This simple dummy agent skips the turn, and
     doesn't do anything.
    :param player: A Player instance. You should expect this to be the player that is 'making' the decision (i.e. the player
    instantiated with the functions specified by this decision agent).
    :param current_gameboard: A dict. The global data structure representing the current game board.
    :param allowable_moves: A set of functions, each of which is defined in action_choices (imported in this file), and that
    will always be a subset of the action choices for out_of_turn in the game schema. Your returned action choice must be from
    allowable_moves; we will check for this when you return.
    :param code: See the preamble of this file for an explanation of this code
    :return: A 2-element tuple, the first of which is the action you want to take, and the second is a dictionary of
    parameters that will be passed into the function representing that action when it is executed.
    The dictionary must exactly contain the keys and expected value types expected by that action in
    Agent V4
    Similar to V3 in terms of rolling out trade offers to multiple players but makes more aggressive trading strategies.
    1. When I only offer to sell my properties in return for cash greater than the market price (and do not request for properties):
    - If the other player has a lot of money, I try to exploit that by asking for 70%, 60% or 50% of the other players current cash since
     he has a lot of money and can afford to give me so much for a monopoly.
    - If the player isnt very rich, then I offer the property only if he is ready to give me atleast 1.5 times the market price.
    2. When I am only ready to buy properties and have no properties to offer, then:
    - if the player from whom I request properties is near bankruptcy, then I request to buy at 1.125 times the market cost else the 
    player has no incentive to sell it to me. He might as well make a sell property offer during his turn for a higher price from me.
    - But if the player is rich, then I only offer to pay 0.75 times the market price since that property is not of much use to him and 
    might do me a favor by giving it to me.
    3. When exchanging properties:
    - I again exploit the other players current cash by asking for 70%, 60% or 50% if he is wealthy and can afford to spend a lot of money for a monopoly.
    - If he does not have sufficient cash, I play it safe since I need to increase my number of monopolies and request for cash only = 1.5 times 
    the market price for my property and agree to buy his lone property at 0.75 times the market price.
    Agent V3
    This updated version of the agent can make trade offers with MULTIPLE players simultaneously.
    All strategies available in Agent V2 is still available in V3
    Note that this version of the agent also engages in the trade of only one set of properties like the previous version, ie 
    - only one property will be requested if it is a buy property offer or
    - only one property will be offered if it is a sell property offer or
    - only one property will be offered and one property requested during an exchange property offer.
    Agent V2
    NOTE: The background agent that could make_sell_property_offer is deprecated (available as
    This version of the agent can only make_trade_offer and accept trade offer. Trade involves buy or sell or exchange property offers.
    Accept_sell_property_offer function is still available in case some different agent decides to make a sell property offer.
    Ideally, accept_sell_property_offer() function should never enter allowable moves.
    Make sell property offer can be replicated by making a trade offer that only offers to sell properties in return for cash
    and doesnot involve a buy property or exchange property offer.
    A buy property offer can be duplicated by including only requested properties by offering cash without offering properties.
    Properties and cash can be exchanged which lets both players get an advantage of increasing their respective number of monopolies.
    This version of the agent background_agent_v1 supports making sell property offers in return for cash via make_trade_offer, 
    buy trade offers and exchange property offers.
    Note that this version of the agent engages in the trade of only one set of properties, ie 
    - only one property will be requested if it is a buy property offer or
    - only one property will be offered if it is a sell property offer or
    - only one property will be offered and one property requested during an exchange property offer.

    if action_choices.accept_trade_offer in allowable_moves:
        param = dict()
        param['player'] = player
        param['current_gameboard'] = current_gameboard
        logger.debug(player.player_name+ ': Should I accept the trade offer by '+player.outstanding_trade_offer['from_player'].player_name+'?')
        logger.debug('('+player.player_name+' currently has cash balance of '+str(player.current_cash)+')')

        if (player.outstanding_trade_offer['cash_offered'] <= 0 and len(player.outstanding_trade_offer['property_set_offered'])==0) and \
                (player.outstanding_trade_offer['cash_wanted'] > 0 or len(player.outstanding_trade_offer['property_set_wanted']) > 0):
            logger.debug('Asking for free money or property without money or property in return.')
            logger.debug(player.player_name + " rejected trade offer from " + player.outstanding_trade_offer['from_player'].player_name)
            pass   #asking for free money or property without anything in return(ie no money and no property offered), -->reject the trade offer

        elif player.outstanding_trade_offer['cash_wanted'] - player.outstanding_trade_offer['cash_offered'] > player.current_cash:
            logger.debug('Cash wanted from me in the trade offer is more than the cash in hand with me or I am near bankruptcy situation and need to play safe.')
            logger.debug(player.player_name + " rejected trade offer from " + player.outstanding_trade_offer['from_player'].player_name)
            pass  #cash wanted is more than that offered and the net difference exceeds the cash that the player has --> then reject the tade offer

            reject_flag = 0
            offered_properties_net_worth = 0
            wanted_properties_net_worth = 0
            for prop in player.outstanding_trade_offer['property_set_wanted']:
                if prop.is_mortgaged:
                    reject_flag = 1  #cannot trade mortgaged properties, reject trade offer
                    logger.debug('Trade offer invovlves mortgaged properties.')
                    logger.debug(player.player_name + " rejected trade offer from " + player.outstanding_trade_offer['from_player'].player_name)
                    wanted_properties_net_worth += prop.price

            if reject_flag == 0:
                for prop in player.outstanding_trade_offer['property_set_offered']:
                    if prop.is_mortgaged:
                        reject_flag = 1  #from_player cannot offer mortgaged properties, reject trade offer
                        logger.debug('Trade offer invovlves mortgaged properties.')
                        logger.debug(player.player_name + " rejected trade offer from " + player.outstanding_trade_offer['from_player'].player_name)
                        offered_properties_net_worth += prop.price
            if reject_flag == 0:
                #GOAL -- increase monopolies
                #calculate the net worth of offer vs net worth of request --> makes sense to accept trade only if the offer is greater than request
                #net worth of offer = cash + total price of all houses
                #positive net_amount_requested implies that the requested net amount is greater than offered net amount
                net_offer_worth = (offered_properties_net_worth + player.outstanding_trade_offer['cash_offered']) - \
                                  (wanted_properties_net_worth + player.outstanding_trade_offer['cash_wanted'])
                net_amount_requested = -1*net_offer_worth

                count_create_new_monopoly = 0
                count_lose_existing_monopoly = 0 ##ideally player doesnot have to worry about losing monopolies since the player who makes the offer
                #only requests for lone properties
                for prop in player.outstanding_trade_offer['property_set_offered']:
                    if agent_helper_functions.will_property_complete_set(player,prop,current_gameboard):
                        count_create_new_monopoly += 1
                for prop in player.outstanding_trade_offer['property_set_wanted']:
                    if prop.color in player.full_color_sets_possessed:
                        count_lose_existing_monopoly += 1

                #if you end up losing more monopolies than gaining monopolies (although this condition should never come up) then reject trade offer
                if count_lose_existing_monopoly - count_create_new_monopoly > 0:
                    logger.debug('Player loses more monopolies than he gains.')
                    logger.debug(player.player_name + " rejected trade offer from " + player.outstanding_trade_offer['from_player'].player_name)
                    reject_flag = 1

                #if you end up losing the same number of monopolies as you gain, then accept the offer based on the following multiple conditions.
                #Basically you get no new monopolies since ideally you dont lose monopolies (only properties that dont belong to your monopolized color
                # groups are only requested from you in the trade.)
                elif count_lose_existing_monopoly - count_create_new_monopoly <= 0:
                    if (player.outstanding_trade_offer['cash_wanted'] - player.outstanding_trade_offer['cash_offered']) >= player.current_cash:
                        logger.debug('Cash wanted from me in the trade offer is more than the cash in hand with me or I am near bankruptcy situation and need to play safe.')
                        logger.debug(player.player_name + " rejected trade offer from " + player.outstanding_trade_offer['from_player'].player_name)
                        reject_flag = 1  ##just double checking although this condition was verified before getting here.
                    elif player.current_cash - (player.outstanding_trade_offer['cash_wanted'] - player.outstanding_trade_offer['cash_offered']) < current_gameboard['go_increment']/2:
                        logger.debug('Cash wanted from me in the trade offer is more than the cash in hand with me or I am near bankruptcy situation and need to play safe.')
                        logger.debug(player.player_name + " rejected trade offer from " + player.outstanding_trade_offer['from_player'].player_name)
                        reject_flag = 1  ##too risky if players cash after transaction drops below half of go_increment value --> hence reject trade offer
                    elif (player.current_cash - (player.outstanding_trade_offer['cash_wanted'] - player.outstanding_trade_offer['cash_offered']) < current_gameboard['go_increment']) \
                            and net_offer_worth <= 0:
                        logger.debug('No gain from accepting trade offer.')
                        logger.debug(player.player_name + " rejected trade offer from " + player.outstanding_trade_offer['from_player'].player_name)
                        reject_flag =1  ##if player has cash > go_increement/2 and < go_increement but net worth of total transaction is negative --> reject trade offer
                        reject_flag =0  ##accept only if you end up getting a higher net worth by accepting the trade although you get no new monopolies

                #else you get to monopolize more locations than you had before --> then ACCEPT THE TRADE OFFER
                elif count_create_new_monopoly - count_lose_existing_monopoly > 0:
                    if (player.outstanding_trade_offer['cash_wanted'] - player.outstanding_trade_offer['cash_offered']) >= player.current_cash:
                        logger.debug('Cash wanted from me in the trade offer is more than the cash in hand with me or I am near bankruptcy situation and need to play safe.')
                        logger.debug(player.player_name + " rejected trade offer from " + player.outstanding_trade_offer['from_player'].player_name)
                        reject_flag = 1  ##just double checking although this condition was verified before getting here.
                        reject_flag = 0

            if reject_flag == 0:
                logger.debug(player.player_name + " accepted trade offer from " + player.outstanding_trade_offer['from_player'].player_name)
                logger.debug(player.player_name + " recieved amount = " + str(player.outstanding_trade_offer['cash_offered']) + " and offered amount = " +
                             str(player.outstanding_trade_offer['cash_wanted']) + " during trade")
                player.agent._agent_memory['previous_action'] = action_choices.accept_trade_offer
                return (action_choices.accept_trade_offer, param)
            elif reject_flag == 1:
                #logger.debug(player.player_name + " rejected trade offer from " + player.outstanding_trade_offer['from_player'].player_name)

    if action_choices.accept_sell_property_offer in allowable_moves:
        ## Ideally accept_sell_offer should never enter allowable moves since henceforth make_trade_offer also takes care of make_sell_offer and
        ## accept_trade_offer takes care of accept_sell_offer.
        ## This case is included to accomodate a make_sell_property offer raised by an external agent.
        ## Our agent will never make a sell property offer, only makes trade offers which raises an accpet_trade_offer action.
        param = dict()
        param['player'] = player
        param['current_gameboard'] = current_gameboard
        # we accept an offer under one of two conditions:
        logger.debug(player.player_name+ ': Should I accept the offer by '+player.outstanding_property_offer['from_player'].player_name+' to buy '+\
            player.outstanding_property_offer['asset'].name+' for '+str(player.outstanding_property_offer['price'])+'?')
        logger.debug('('+player.player_name+' currently has cash balance of '+str(player.current_cash)+')')
        if player.outstanding_property_offer['asset'].is_mortgaged or player.outstanding_property_offer['price']>player.current_cash:
            pass # ignore the offer if the property is mortgaged or will result in insolvency. This pass doesn't require 'filling' in.
        elif player.current_cash-player.outstanding_property_offer['price'] >= current_gameboard['go_increment'] and \
            # 1. we can afford it, and it's at or below market rate so let's buy it
            logger.debug(player.player_name+ ': I am accepting the offer to buy '+player.outstanding_property_offer['asset'].name+' since I can afford' \
                                                    'it and it is being offered at or below market rate.')
            player.agent._agent_memory['previous_action'] = action_choices.accept_sell_property_offer
            return (action_choices.accept_sell_property_offer, param)
        elif agent_helper_functions.will_property_complete_set(player, player.outstanding_property_offer['asset'],current_gameboard):
            # 2. less affordable, but we stand to gain by monopoly
            if player.current_cash - player.outstanding_property_offer['price'] >= current_gameboard['go_increment']/2: # risky, but worth it
                logger.debug(player.player_name+ ': I am accepting the offer to buy '+ player.outstanding_property_offer[
                    'asset'].name+ ' since I can afford ' \
                                   'it (albeit barely so) and it will let me complete my color set.')
                player.agent._agent_memory['previous_action'] = action_choices.accept_sell_property_offer
                return (action_choices.accept_sell_property_offer, param)

    if player.status != 'current_move': # these actions are considered only if it's NOT our turn to roll the dice.
        if action_choices.improve_property in allowable_moves: # beef up full color sets to maximize rent potential.
            param = agent_helper_functions.identify_improvement_opportunity(player, current_gameboard)
            if param:
                if player.agent._agent_memory['previous_action'] == action_choices.improve_property and code == -1:
                    logger.debug(player.player_name+ ': I want to improve property '+param['asset'].name+ ' but I cannot, due to reasons I do not understand. Aborting improvement attempt...')
                    logger.debug(player.player_name+ ': I am going to improve property '+param['asset'].name)
                    player.agent._agent_memory['previous_action'] = action_choices.improve_property
                    return (action_choices.improve_property, param)

        player_mortgaged_assets_list = list()
        if player.mortgaged_assets:
            player_mortgaged_assets_list = _set_to_sorted_list_mortgaged_assets(player.mortgaged_assets)
        for m in player_mortgaged_assets_list:
            if player.current_cash-(*(1+current_gameboard['bank'].mortgage_percentage)) >= current_gameboard['go_increment'] and action_choices.free_mortgage in allowable_moves:
                # free mortgages till we can afford it. the second condition should not be necessary but just in case.
                param = dict()
                param['player'] = player
                param['asset'] = m
                param['current_gameboard'] = current_gameboard
                logger.debug(player.player_name+ ': I am going to free mortgage on '+ param['asset'].name)
                player.agent._agent_memory['previous_action'] = action_choices.free_mortgage
                return (action_choices.free_mortgage, param)

        #purpose_flags are sent while curating a trade offer to imply why the trade offer was made:
         ## 1 --> low on cash, urgently in need of cash
         ## 2 --> gain monopoly
        if player.current_cash < current_gameboard['go_increment'] and action_choices.make_trade_offer in allowable_moves:
            # in this case, the trade offer is a duplication of make_sell_property_offer since the player is in urgent need of cash and
            #cannot strategize a trade
            potential_offer_list = agent_helper_functions.identify_property_trade_offer_to_player(player, current_gameboard)
            potential_request_list = agent_helper_functions.identify_property_trade_wanted_from_player(player, current_gameboard)
            param_list = agent_helper_functions.curate_trade_offer_multiple_players_aggressive(player, potential_offer_list, potential_request_list, current_gameboard, purpose_flag=1)
            return_action_list = []
            return_param_list = []

            if param_list and player.agent._agent_memory['previous_action'] != action_choices.make_trade_offer: # we only make one offer per turn. Otherwise we'd
                # be stuck in a loop
                if len(param_list)>1:
                    logger.debug(player.player_name + ": I am going to make trade offers to multiple players, ie " + str(len(param_list)) + " players.")
                for param in param_list:
                    logger.debug(player.player_name+ ': I am making an offer to trade '+list(param['offer']['property_set_offered'])[0].name+' to '+
                                 param['to_player'].player_name+' for '+str(param['offer']['cash_wanted'])+' dollars')
                    player.agent._agent_memory['previous_action'] = action_choices.make_trade_offer
                return (return_action_list, return_param_list)

        elif action_choices.make_trade_offer in allowable_moves:
            # trade offer is being curated to maximise monopolies
            potential_offer_list = agent_helper_functions.identify_property_trade_offer_to_player(player, current_gameboard)
            potential_request_list = agent_helper_functions.identify_property_trade_wanted_from_player(player, current_gameboard)
            param_list = agent_helper_functions.curate_trade_offer_multiple_players_aggressive(player, potential_offer_list, potential_request_list, current_gameboard, purpose_flag=2)
            return_action_list = []
            return_param_list = []

            if param_list and player.agent._agent_memory['previous_action'] != action_choices.make_trade_offer:  # we only make one offer per turn. Otherwise we'd
                # be stuck in a loop
                if len(param_list)>1:
                    logger.debug(player.player_name + ": I am going to make trade offers to multiple players, ie " + str(len(param_list)) + " players.")
                for param in param_list:
                    logger.debug(player.player_name+ ': I am making a trade offer with '+ param['to_player'].player_name)
                    player.agent._agent_memory['previous_action'] = action_choices.make_trade_offer
                return (return_action_list, return_param_list)

    # if we ran the gamut, and did not return, then it's time to skip turn or conclude actions
    if action_choices.skip_turn in allowable_moves:
        logger.debug(player.player_name+ ': I am skipping turn')
        player.agent._agent_memory['previous_action'] = action_choices.skip_turn
        return (action_choices.skip_turn, dict())
    elif action_choices.concluded_actions in allowable_moves:
        logger.debug(player.player_name+ ': I am concluding actions')
        # player.agent._agent_memory['previous_action'] = action_choices.concluded_actions
        return (action_choices.concluded_actions, dict())
Esempio n. 2
def make_out_of_turn_move(player, current_gameboard, allowable_moves, code):
    The agent is in the out-of-turn phase and must decide what to do (next). This simple dummy agent skips the turn, and
     doesn't do anything.
    :param player: A Player instance. You should expect this to be the player that is 'making' the decision (i.e. the player
    instantiated with the functions specified by this decision agent).
    :param current_gameboard: A dict. The global data structure representing the current game board.
    :param allowable_moves: A set of functions, each of which is defined in action_choices (imported in this file), and that
    will always be a subset of the action choices for out_of_turn in the game schema. Your returned action choice must be from
    allowable_moves; we will check for this when you return.
    :param code: See the preamble of this file for an explanation of this code
    :return: A 2-element tuple, the first of which is the action you want to take, and the second is a dictionary of
    parameters that will be passed into the function representing that action when it is executed.
    The dictionary must exactly contain the keys and expected value types expected by that action in
    NOTE: The background agent that could make_sell_property_offer is deprecated (available as
    This version of the agent can only make_trade_offer and accept trade offer. Trade involves buy or sell or exchange property offers.
    Accept_sell_property_offer function is still available in case some different agent decides to make a sell property offer.
    Ideally, accept_sell_property_offer() function should never enter allowable moves.
    Make sell property offer can be replicated by making a trade offer that only offers to sell properties in return for cash
    and doesnot involve a buy property or exchange property offer.
    A buy property offer can be duplicated by including only requested properties by offering cash without offering properties.
    Properties and cash can be exchanged which lets both players get an advantage of increasing their respective number of monopolies.
    This version of the agent background_agent_v1 only supports making sell property offers in return for cash via make_trade_offer. 
    Buy and exchange property offers are not involved in the trade.

    if action_choices.accept_trade_offer in allowable_moves:
        if len(player.outstanding_trade_offer["property_set_wanted"]
               ) or player.outstanding_trade_offer["cash_offered"] > 0:
                "I am background_agent_v1 and I can only accept trade offers that involve buying others properties in return for cash to increase"
                + "my monopolies. I donot sell my properties to others.")
    elif action_choices.accept_trade_offer in allowable_moves:
        param = dict()
        param['player'] = player
        param['current_gameboard'] = current_gameboard
        logger.debug(player.player_name+ ': Should I accept the offer by '+player.outstanding_trade_offer['from_player'].player_name+' to buy '+\
            list(player.outstanding_trade_offer['property_set_offered'])[0].name+' for '+str(player.outstanding_trade_offer['cash_wanted'])+'?')
        logger.debug('(' + player.player_name +
                     ' currently has cash balance of ' +
                     str(player.current_cash) + ')')
        if list(player.outstanding_trade_offer['property_set_offered']
                )[0].is_mortgaged or player.outstanding_trade_offer[
                    'cash_wanted'] > player.current_cash:
            pass  # ignore the offer if the property is mortgaged or will result in insolvency. This pass doesn't require 'filling' in.
        elif player.current_cash-player.outstanding_trade_offer['cash_wanted'] >= current_gameboard['go_increment'] and \
            # 1. we can afford it, and it's at or below market rate so let's buy it
            logger.debug(player.player_name+ ': I am accepting the offer to buy '+list(player.outstanding_trade_offer['property_set_offered'])[0].name+' since I can afford' \
                                                    'it and it is being offered at or below market rate.')
                'previous_action'] = action_choices.accept_sell_property_offer
            return (action_choices.accept_trade_offer, param)
        elif agent_helper_functions.will_property_complete_set(
            # 2. less affordable, but we stand to gain by monopoly
            if player.current_cash - player.outstanding_trade_offer[
                    'cash_wanted'] >= current_gameboard[
                        'go_increment'] / 2:  # risky, but worth it
                logger.debug(player.player_name+ ': I am accepting the offer to buy '+ list(player.outstanding_trade_offer['property_set_offered'])[0].name+ ' since I can afford ' \
                                   'it (albeit barely so) and it will let me complete my color set.')
                    'previous_action'] = action_choices.accept_trade_offer
                return (action_choices.accept_trade_offer, param)

    if action_choices.accept_sell_property_offer in allowable_moves:
        ## Ideally accept_sell_offer should never enter allowable moves since henceforth make_trade_offer also takes care of make_sell_offer and
        ## accept_trade_offer takes care of accept_sell_offer.
        param = dict()
        param['player'] = player
        param['current_gameboard'] = current_gameboard
        # we accept an offer under one of two conditions:
        logger.debug(player.player_name+ ': Should I accept the offer by '+player.outstanding_property_offer['from_player'].player_name+' to buy '+\
            player.outstanding_property_offer['asset'].name+' for '+str(player.outstanding_property_offer['price'])+'?')
        logger.debug('(' + player.player_name +
                     ' currently has cash balance of ' +
                     str(player.current_cash) + ')')
        if player.outstanding_property_offer[
                'asset'].is_mortgaged or player.outstanding_property_offer[
                    'price'] > player.current_cash:
            pass  # ignore the offer if the property is mortgaged or will result in insolvency. This pass doesn't require 'filling' in.
        elif player.current_cash-player.outstanding_property_offer['price'] >= current_gameboard['go_increment'] and \
            # 1. we can afford it, and it's at or below market rate so let's buy it
            logger.debug(player.player_name+ ': I am accepting the offer to buy '+player.outstanding_property_offer['asset'].name+' since I can afford' \
                                                    'it and it is being offered at or below market rate.')
                'previous_action'] = action_choices.accept_sell_property_offer
            return (action_choices.accept_sell_property_offer, param)
        elif agent_helper_functions.will_property_complete_set(
                player, player.outstanding_property_offer['asset'],
            # 2. less affordable, but we stand to gain by monopoly
            if player.current_cash - player.outstanding_property_offer[
                    'price'] >= current_gameboard[
                        'go_increment'] / 2:  # risky, but worth it
                logger.debug(player.player_name+ ': I am accepting the offer to buy '+ player.outstanding_property_offer[
                    'asset'].name+ ' since I can afford ' \
                                   'it (albeit barely so) and it will let me complete my color set.')
                    'previous_action'] = action_choices.accept_sell_property_offer
                return (action_choices.accept_sell_property_offer, param)

    if player.status != 'current_move':  # these actions are considered only if it's NOT our turn to roll the dice.
        if action_choices.improve_property in allowable_moves:  # beef up full color sets to maximize rent potential.
            param = agent_helper_functions.identify_improvement_opportunity(
                player, current_gameboard)
            if param:
                if player.agent._agent_memory[
                        'previous_action'] == action_choices.improve_property and code == -1:
                        player.player_name + ': I want to improve property ' +
                        param['asset'].name +
                        ' but I cannot, due to reasons I do not understand. Aborting improvement attempt...'
                    logger.debug(player.player_name +
                                 ': I am going to improve property ' +
                        'previous_action'] = action_choices.improve_property
                    return (action_choices.improve_property, param)

        for m in player.mortgaged_assets:
            if player.current_cash - ( * 1.1) >= current_gameboard[
                    'go_increment'] and action_choices.free_mortgage in allowable_moves:
                # free mortgages till we can afford it. the second condition should not be necessary but just in case.
                param = dict()
                param['player'] = player
                param['asset'] = m
                param['current_gameboard'] = current_gameboard
                logger.debug(player.player_name +
                             ': I am going to free mortgage on ' +
                    'previous_action'] = action_choices.free_mortgage
                return (action_choices.free_mortgage, param)

    else:  # it is our current move. We should raise money if necessary, especially if we're low on cash.
        if player.current_cash < current_gameboard[
                'go_increment'] and action_choices.make_trade_offer in allowable_moves:
            # let's try to see if we can sell property to other players at a premium using make_trade_offer without wanting any properties
            # the current agent does not try to raise money any other way. The reason is that selling houses, hotels, properties
            # or mortgaging properties are all available to us both in post-roll and also in handle_negative_cash_balance. A more proactive
            # agent (which isn't us) may want to make sure cash reserves are high before rolling the dice. Similarly, a more opportunistic
            # agent may choose to make a sell offer even if cash reserves aren't too low.
            potential_offer_list = agent_helper_functions.identify_property_trade_offer_to_player(
                player, current_gameboard)
            potential_request_list = None
            param = agent_helper_functions.curate_trade_offer(
            if param and player.agent._agent_memory[
                    'previous_action'] != action_choices.make_trade_offer:  # we only make one offer per turn. Otherwise we'd
                # be stuck in a loop
                    player.player_name + ': I am making an offer to trade ' +
                    list(param['offer']['property_set_offered'])[0].name +
                    ' to ' + param['to_player'].player_name + ' for ' +
                    str(param['offer']['cash_wanted']) + ' dollars')
                    'previous_action'] = action_choices.make_trade_offer
                return (action_choices.make_trade_offer, param)
        elif action_choices.make_trade_offer in allowable_moves:  # let's try to see if we can sell property to other players at an insane premium
            # even though we don't 'need' the money
            potential_offer_list = agent_helper_functions.identify_property_trade_offer_to_player(
                player, current_gameboard)
            potential_request_list = None
            param = agent_helper_functions.curate_trade_offer(
            if param and player.agent._agent_memory[
                    'previous_action'] != action_choices.make_trade_offer:  # we only make one offer per turn. Otherwise we'd
                # be stuck in a loop
                    player.player_name + ': I am making an offer to trade ' +
                    list(param['offer']['property_set_offered'])[0].name +
                    ' to ' + param['to_player'].player_name + ' for ' +
                    str(param['offer']['cash_wanted']) + ' dollars')
                    'previous_action'] = action_choices.make_trade_offer
                return (action_choices.make_trade_offer, param)

    # if we ran the gamut, and did not return, then it's time to skip turn or conclude actions
    if action_choices.skip_turn in allowable_moves:
        logger.debug(player.player_name + ': I am skipping turn')
            'previous_action'] = action_choices.skip_turn
        return (action_choices.skip_turn, dict())
    elif action_choices.concluded_actions in allowable_moves:
        logger.debug(player.player_name + ': I am concluding actions')
        # player.agent._agent_memory['previous_action'] = action_choices.concluded_actions
        return (action_choices.concluded_actions, dict())