def ignore_test_should_understand_redirects_to_external_targets(self): web = Web() moodle = Moodle(web) username = "" password = "" moodle.login(username, password) paeps = [ course for course in moodle.my_courses() if u"dagogische Psychologie" in ].pop() materials = moodle.material_page_for( links = materials.find_links_in_content(materials.markup) for link in links: resource = Resource(link.getText(), link.get('href'), web, "") response = web.head(resource.url) print print resource.url print response.getcode()
parser.add_argument('quiz', help="The category to check", default='TEST 1') args = parser.parse_args() config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()[args.config, os.path.expanduser('~/.moodleapi.cfg')]) username = config.get("account", "user") password = config.get("account", "pass") course = args.course if args.user: username = parser.user if args.password: password = args.password m = Moodle(args.url) m.login(username, password) m.course = course result = m.extract_quiz(args.quiz) with open("overview.csv", "w") as f: f.write("duration,points\n") for r in result: f.write("{0},{1}\n".format(r["duration"].total_seconds(), r["total_points"])) for i in [0, 1]: with open("q.csv".format(i+1), "w") as f: f.write("duration,tries,points\n") for r in result: f.write("{0},{1},{2}\n".format(r["duration"].total_seconds(), r["questions"][i]["tries"], r["questions"][i]["points"]))
def __init__(self, username, password): self.output_dir = "output/" self.database = "database.json" self.db = {} self.moodle = Moodle(username, password) if not self.moodle.login(): exit() self.initDatabase()
def __init__(self, username, password, chat_id): self.username = username self.password = password self.chat_id = chat_id self.moodle = Moodle() self.can_upload = False = {}
def uploadMoodleQuizScores(): config = utils.getConfig() m = Moodle(config['moodleLogin'], config['moodlePasswd']) _, scores = m.getScores(config['moodleCourseId']) # Fields: 0:FN, 1:LN, 2:pid, 3:inst, 4:dpt, 5:email, 6:total, 7:score data = [{'name': '%s, %s' % (row[1], row[0]), 'score': row[7], 'pid': row[2], 'email': row[5]} for row in scores if row[7] not in [0, '0', '-', '']] utils.check("Moodle data: ", data) g = Gradesource(config['gradesourceLogin'], config['gradesourcePasswd']) g.importScoresBy(data, 'pid')
def getFeedback(reportId, column): gradesource = Gradesource('quentin', getpass('Gradesource password: '******'Emails', emails) moodle = Moodle('qpleple', getpass('Moodle password: '******'Feedback', feedback) GSnames = gradesource.matchNames(feedback.keys(), emails.keys()) data = {} for name, content in feedback.items(): # print '%s %s %s' % (name, colored(email, 'blue'), colored(content, 'green')) # answer = raw_input() data[name] = { 'email': emails[GSnames[name]], 'feedback': content, } utils.check('Feedback', data) return data
from moodle import Moodle import sys import pprint import wget import urllib import configparser # get config config = configparser.RawConfigParser()'config.cfg') endpoint = config.get('moodle', 'endpoint') wstoken = config.get('moodle', 'wstoken') # create webservice client moodle = Moodle(endpoint, wstoken) # get assignment cm id from command line if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("\nUsage:\n") print("pythong3 <assignment id>\n") sys.exit(0) cmid = sys.argv[1] # look up cmid to get assignment instanceid (hopefully) cm = moodle.core_course_get_course_module(cmid) instance = cm['instance'] modname = cm['modname'] name = cm['name'] print("\nGET COURSE MODULE FOR id=" + cmid) print(" instance = " + str(instance)) print(" name = " + name)
class User(): def __init__(self, username, password, chat_id): self.username = username self.password = password self.chat_id = chat_id self.moodle = Moodle() self.can_upload = False = {} def SELECT_DOWNLECTURES(self): self.can_upload = False courses = self.moodle.core_course_get_courses(self.username, self.password) if len(courses) != 0: inlinekeyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width = 2) course_list = [] for i in courses: course_list.append(InlineKeyboardButton(' '.join(i.split()[:-1]), callback_data=i.split()[-1])) inlinekeyboard.add(*course_list) bot.send_message(self.chat_id, 'Fanlar:' +'\n' + '\n'.join([' '.join(i.split()[:-1]) for i in courses]), reply_markup=inlinekeyboard) else: bot.send_message(self.chat_id, 'Saytdan ma\'lumot kelmadi. Agarda login-parolingizni almashtirgan bo\'lsangiz, botga qayta\ /start bering!') def SELECT_LOADFILES(self): self.can_upload = False courses = self.moodle.core_course_get_courses(self.username, self.password) if len(courses) != 0: list = [] inlinekeyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=2) for i in range(0, len(courses)): # InlineKeyboardButtonning callback_datasiga course_id ni yozadi, Text iga course_name list.append(InlineKeyboardButton(' '.join(courses[i].split()[:-1]), callback_data=courses[i].split()[-1] + '#')) inlinekeyboard.add(*list) bot.send_message(self.chat_id, 'Qaysi fanga topshiriq joylamoqchisiz ?', reply_markup=inlinekeyboard) else: bot.send_message(self.chat_id, 'Saytdan ma\'lumot kelmadi. Agarda login-parolingizni almashtirgan bo\'lsangiz, botga qayta\ /start bering!') def GET_FILES_FROM_TELEGRAM(self, message):#shu funksiyani ko'rish kerak if not self.can_upload: return if message.document.file_size>52428800: bot.send_message(, "Fayl hajmi 50MBdan katta!") return self.can_upload = True inlinekeyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup() # Foydalanuvchiga ziplab yoki fayl o'zi so'rovi inlinekeyboard.add(InlineKeyboardButton("Zipdan ochib", callback_data="Yes"), InlineKeyboardButton("Faylning o'zi", callback_data="No"), InlineKeyboardButton("Bekor qilish", callback_data = "misha, ovqat otmen!")) x = bot.send_message(, "Saytga zipdan ochib joylansinmi yoki o'zi joylansinmi",reply_markup=inlinekeyboard) file_info = bot.get_file(message.document.file_id) # file ni download qiladi downloaded_file = bot.download_file(file_info.file_path) # file name src = message.document.file_name datas[self.chat_id]['file_name'] = src # file ni downloads papkasiga yozadi with open(os.getcwd() + "/downloads/" + src, 'wb') as new_file: new_file.write(downloaded_file) #bot.delete_message(, x.message.message_id) def GET_CONTENTS(self, data): self.can_upload = 0 contents = self.moodle.core_course_get_contents(self.username, self.password, data) if 'Bu yerda yuklanadigan hech narsa yo\'q :/' in contents: markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup() markup.add(InlineKeyboardButton("🔙", callback_data = "to_course_list")) bot.send_message(self.chat_id, 'Bu yerda yuklanadigan hech narsa yo\'q', reply_markup = markup) elif len(contents) != 0: _list = [] inlinekeyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=5) for i in range(0, len(contents)): # InlineKeyboardButtonning callback_datasiga section + course_id ni yozadi, Text iga section _list.append(InlineKeyboardButton(str(i + 1), callback_data=str(i+1) + ' ' + data)) _list.append(InlineKeyboardButton("🔙", callback_data = "to_course_list")) inlinekeyboard.add(*_list) bot.send_message(self.chat_id, '\n'.join([' '.join(i.split(' ')[:-1]) for i in contents]), reply_markup=inlinekeyboard) else: bot.send_message(self.chat_id, 'Saytdan ma\'lumot kelmadi. Agarda login-parolingizni almashtirgan bo\'lsangiz, botga qayta\ /start bering!') def GET_LECTURES(self, course_id, section): self.can_upload =False _isdownloaded = self.moodle.core_course_get_files(self.username, self.password, course_id, section) if _isdownloaded == 0: folder = os.getcwd() + '/temp/' document_id = [] for filename in os.listdir(folder): with open(folder + filename, 'rb') as f: # temp papkdagi fayllarni userga tashlaydi x = bot.send_document(self.chat_id, f) # fayl_id ni yozib oladi document_id.append(str(x.document.file_id)) bot.send_message(self.chat_id, 'Yuklash yakunlandi!') if file_id.get(course_id): file_id[course_id][section]= document_id else: file_id[course_id] = {section: document_id} with open("file_id.json", 'w') as file: json.dump(file_id, file) # temp papkani tozalaydi for filename in os.listdir(folder): file_path = os.path.join(folder, filename) try: if os.path.isfile(file_path) or os.path.islink(file_path): os.remove(file_path) elif os.path.isdir(file_path): shutil.rmtree(file_path) except Exception as e: bot.send_message(319202816, 'Failed to delete %s. Reason: %s' % (file_path, e)) else: bot.send_message(self.chat_id, 'Saytdan ma\'lumot kelmadi. Agarda login-parolingizni almashtirgan bo\'lsangiz, botga qayta\ /start bering!') def GET_COURSE_LIST(self, course_id): self.can_upload = False get_exercises = self.moodle.core_course_get_tasks(self.username, self.password, course_id) _list = [] if get_exercises[0]=="Bu yerda topshiriqlar yo'q :)": markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup() markup.add(InlineKeyboardButton("🔙", callback_data = "to_task_course_list")) bot.send_message(self.chat_id, "Bu yerda yuklanadigan topshiriqlar yo'q :)", reply_markup = markup) return inlinekeyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=5) for i in range(0, len(get_exercises)): # InlineKeyboardButtonning callback_datasiga task_id va course_id ni yozadi, Text iga Raqamlar _list.append(InlineKeyboardButton(str(i + 1), callback_data=get_exercises[i].split()[-1] + '@' + str(course_id))) _list.append(InlineKeyboardButton("🔙", callback_data = "to_task_list")) inlinekeyboard.add(*_list) bot.send_message(self.chat_id, '\n'.join([' '.join(i.split(' ')[:-1]) for i in get_exercises]), reply_markup=inlinekeyboard) def GET_TASK_INFO(self, task_id, course_id, to_task_list): task_info = self.moodle.core_task_get_info(self.username, self.password, task_id) task_files = task_info['task_files'] submitted_files = task_info['submitted_files'] inlinekeyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup() task_data = f"Kurs nomi: <b>{task_info['course_name']}</b>" if task_info['task']!='': task_data += '<b>{}</b> \n'.format('Topshiriq :') + task_info['task'] + '\n' marked_data = '\n<b>{}</b> \n'.format('Yuklangan topshiriq infosi:') + task_info['info'].replace("😁", "\n") + '\n' if task_files: # InlineKeyboardButtonning callback_datasiga task_id va submission ni yozadi inlinekeyboard.add(InlineKeyboardButton('Berilgan topshiriqlarni yuklash', callback_data='task_files|'+str(task_id)+'|True')) if submitted_files: # InlineKeyboardButtonning callback_datasiga task_id va submission ni yozadi inlinekeyboard.add(InlineKeyboardButton('Taqdim qilingan fayllar', callback_data='task_files|' +str(task_id)+'|False')) inlinekeyboard.add(InlineKeyboardButton('Topshiriq joylash', callback_data='upload_files|' + str(task_id) + '|' + str(course_id))) if to_task_list: inlinekeyboard.add(InlineKeyboardButton("🔙", callback_data = "to_task_list|"+str(course_id))) else: inlinekeyboard.add(InlineKeyboardButton("🔙", callback_data = "to_calendar|"+str(course_id))) bot.send_message(self.chat_id, task_data + marked_data, parse_mode='html', reply_markup=inlinekeyboard) def GET_TASK_FILES(self, task_id, _selection): self.can_upload = False _result = self.moodle.core_task_get_files(self.username, self.password, task_id, _selection) if _result == 0: folder = os.getcwd() + '/tasks/' for filename in os.listdir(folder): with open(folder + filename, 'rb') as f: # tasks papkdagi fayllarni userga tashlaydi x = bot.send_document(self.chat_id, f) # tasks papkani tozalaydi bot.send_message(self.chat_id, "Yuklash yakunlandi!") for filename in os.listdir(folder): file_path = os.path.join(folder, filename) try: if os.path.isfile(file_path) or os.path.islink(file_path): os.remove(file_path) elif os.path.isdir(file_path): shutil.rmtree(file_path) except Exception as e: bot.send_message(319202816, 'Failed to delete %s. Reason: %s' % (file_path, e)) else: bot.send_message(self.chat_id, 'Saytdan ma\'lumot kelmadi. Agarda login-parolingizni almashtirgan bo\'lsangiz, botga qayta\ /start bering!') def GET_GRADES(self):# saytdan grade ga talaba baholarini oladi self.can_upload = False grade = self.moodle.core_course_get_grades(self.username, self.password) if grade != "": bot.send_message(self.chat_id, grade) else: bot.send_message(self.chat_id, 'Saytdan ma\'lumot kelmadi. Agarda login-parolingizni almashtirgan bo\'lsangiz, botga qayta\ /start bering!') def CHECKLOGIN(self, username, password): self.can_upload = False name = self.moodle.core_auth_confirm_user(username, password) if name: self.username = username self.password = password markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup() markup.add(btn_dwnlectures,btn_loadfiles) markup.add(btn_grades, btn_calendar) markup.add(btn_statistic, btn_security) markup.add(btn_faq, btn_about) markup.resize_keyboard = True bot.send_message(self.chat_id, 'Parol : <b>{}</b> ga tegishliligi tasdiqlandi ✅. Davom etish uchun quyidagilardan birini tanlang👇'.format(name), parse_mode='html', reply_markup=markup) with open("users.json") as file: temp = json.loads( temp[self.chat_id] = [self.username, self.password] with open("users.json", 'w') as file: json.dump(temp, file) else: bot.send_message(self.chat_id, "Login yoki parol xato kiritilgan! Qayta urinib ko'ring") def UPLOAD_SUBMISSION(self, data, submission): self.can_upload = False try: result = self.moodle.core_task_upload_file(self.username, self.password, data['course_id'], data['task_id'], submission, data['file_name']) except Exception as e: if e.__class__.__name__ == "ValueError": bot.send_message(self.chat_id, "Berilgan zip faylda fayllar hajmi yoki soni so'ralgan limitdan chiqib ketgan!") return bot.send_message(self.chat_id, "Zip fayl bilan muammo mavjud: faylni parollanmaganligiga va zip formatda ekanligiga ishonch hosil qiling!") return if result == 255: bot.send_message(self.chat_id, 'Saytdan ma\'lumot kelmadi. Agarda login-parolingizni almashtirgan bo\'lsangiz, botga qayta\ /start bering!') return bot.send_message(self.chat_id, "Fayl muvaffaqqiyatli joylandi!") file = open("submissions.txt") f = int( file.close() file = open("submissions.txt", 'w') file.write(str(f + result)) file.close() #Faylni kanalga tashlab qo'yamiz #try: file = open(os.getcwd()+"/downloads/"+data['file_name'], 'rb') bot.send_document(-1001216613696, data=file, caption = f"#{data['course_id']}") file.close() os.remove(os.getcwd()+"/downloads/"+data["file_name"]) #except Exception as e: # bot.send_message(534270777, e) # bot.send_message(319202816, e) def GET_CALENDAR_MONTH(self, message, _time=''): markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup() markup.row_width = 5 data = self.moodle.core_calendar_get_days(self.username, self.password, _time) msg = data['current']+"\nQuyida faqat topshiriqlarni oxirgi muddatlari belgilangan kunlar. Kerakli kunni tanlang:" l = [] for i in data['days']: l.append(InlineKeyboardButton(i, callback_data = "day "+data['days'][i])) markup.add(*l) markup.add(InlineKeyboardButton(f"◀️{data['previous']['name']}", callback_data = "month "+data['previous']['_time']), InlineKeyboardButton(f"{data['next']['name']}▶️", callback_data = "month "+data['next']['_time'])) if _time!='': bot.delete_message(, message.message_id) bot.send_message(, msg, reply_markup = markup) def GET_CALENDAR_DAYS(self, call, _time): try: bot.delete_message(self.chat_id, call.message.message_id) except Exception as e: pass data = self.moodle.core_calendar_get_tasks(self.username, self.password, _time) markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup() markup.row_width = 5 if{}: = self.moodle.core_calendar_get_days(self.username, self.password) l = [] for i in['days']: l.append(InlineKeyboardButton(i, callback_data = "day "['days'][i])) markup.add(*l) markup.add(InlineKeyboardButton(f"◀️{['previous']['name']}", callback_data = "month "['previous']['_time']), InlineKeyboardButton(f"{['next']['name']}▶️", callback_data = "month "['next']['_time'])) l = [] msg = data['current'] counter = 1 for i in data['tasks']: msg+=i['name'] if i['callback_data'] is None: counter+=1; continue l.append(InlineKeyboardButton(str(counter), callback_data = i['callback_data']+f"@@{_time}")) counter+=1 if len(l): markup.add(InlineKeyboardButton("Topshiriq raqamlari quyida:", callback_data="Bosma_buni")) markup.add(*l) bot.send_message(, msg, reply_markup = markup, parse_mode="html")
def test_should_login(self): moodle = Moodle(web=self.web) moodle.login("user","pass") self.assertTrue(moodle.isLoggedIn())
# COPYRIGHT (C) 2019 Henrik A. Christensen # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. from getpass import getpass from moodle import Moodle if __name__ == '__main__': calmoodle_id = int(input('Enter calmoodle id: ')) moodle = Moodle() days = moodle.get_schedule(calmoodle_id)
parser.add_argument('quiz', help="The category to check", default='TEST 1') args = parser.parse_args() config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()[args.config, os.path.expanduser('~/.moodleapi.cfg')]) username = config.get("account", "user") password = config.get("account", "pass") course = args.course if args.user: username = parser.user if args.password: password = args.password m = Moodle(args.url) m.login(username, password) m.course = course result = m.extract_quiz(args.quiz) with open("overview.csv", "w") as f: f.write("duration,points\n") for r in result: f.write("{0},{1}\n".format(r["duration"].total_seconds(), r["total_points"])) for i in [0, 1]: with open("q.csv".format(i + 1), "w") as f: f.write("duration,tries,points\n") for r in result: f.write("{0},{1},{2}\n".format(r["duration"].total_seconds(), r["questions"][i]["tries"],
def test_should_return_all_resources_on_the_test_page(self): moodle = Moodle(web=self.web) course = 6704 page = moodle.material_page_for(course) materials = page.resources() self.assertEqual(len(materials), 8)
def test_should_not_return_any_resources_for_inexistent_ids(self): moodle = Moodle(web=self.web) courses_on_the_test_page = 12 courses = moodle.my_courses() self.assertEqual(len(courses), courses_on_the_test_page)
def test_should_could_not_log_in(self): password = "******"; moodle = Moodle(web=self.web) moodle.login("user", password) self.assertFalse(moodle.isLoggedIn())
help="Password to use to connect") parser.add_argument('--config', dest='config', help='config file to load', default='moodle.cfg') parser.add_argument('--url', dest='url', help='moodle base url', default='') parser.add_argument('category', help="The category to check", default='TEST 2') args = parser.parse_args() config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()[args.config, os.path.expanduser('~/.moodleapi.cfg')]) username = config.get("account", "user") password = config.get("account", "pass") course = args.course if args.user: username = parser.user if args.password: password = args.password m = Moodle(args.url) m.login(username, password) m.course = course m.check_questions(args.category, verify)
def moodle(domain: str) -> Moodle: username = "******" password = "******" return Moodle.login(domain, username, password)
class Moodle_parser(object): def __init__(self, username, password): self.output_dir = "output/" self.database = "database.json" self.db = {} self.moodle = Moodle(username, password) if not self.moodle.login(): exit() self.initDatabase() def makeDir(self, path): os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) def fileWrite(self, filePath, text): with open(filePath, "w") as f: f.write(text) return True def sanitizeInput(self, inputText): #specialchars list (excluding `-`, `_`, `/` and `.`) punc = string.punctuation. \ replace("-", ""). \ replace("_", ""). \ replace(".", ""). \ replace("/", "") #replacement chars reps = [ ["æ", "ae"], ["ø", "oe"], ["å", "aa"], [" ", "-"], ["_", "-"], ] # lowercase it inputText = inputText.lower() # remove all puncution chars for char in punc: inputText = inputText.replace(char, "") # replace chars for rep in reps: inputText = inputText.replace(rep[0], rep[1]) # replace double `-` strLen = len(inputText) while True: inputText = inputText.replace("--", "-") if len(inputText) == strLen: break strLen = len(inputText) return inputText def initDatabase(self): if not os.path.isfile(self.database): self.fileWrite(self.database, '{"files": []}') data = open(self.database, "r").read() self.db = json.loads(data) return True def saveDatabase(self): self.fileWrite(self.database, json.dumps(self.db)) def findFile(self, fileid = None, href = None, etag = None, sha1 = None): for mFile in self.db["files"]: if (href and mFile["href"] == href or etag and mFile["etag"] == etag or fileid and mFile["fileid"] == fileid or sha1 and mFile["sha1"] == sha1): return mFile return False def getFile(self, href, folder): headers = {} fileDb = self.findFile(href=href) if fileDb: headers["If-None-Match"] = fileDb["etag"] r = self.moodle.getFile(href, tempfile = "file.tmp", headers=headers) if not r: return False if r.status_code == 304: return True d = r.headers["content-disposition"] fname = re.findall("filename=(.+)", d) fname = fname[0][1:-1] self.db["files"].append({ "etag": r.headers["Etag"], "href": href, }) os.rename("file.tmp", folder+"/"+self.sanitizeInput(fname)) return True def download_files(self): semesters = self.moodle.semesters() if not semesters: return False for semester in semesters: if not semester["name"] == "Autumn 2018": continue self.getSemester(semester) def getSemester(self, semester): semesterName = self.sanitizeInput(semester["name"]) semesterFolder = self.output_dir+semesterName self.makeDir(semesterFolder) for course in semester["courses"]: courseDict = self.moodle.course(course["href"]) if not courseDict: continue self.getCourse(semesterFolder, course, courseDict) def getCourse(self, folder, course, sections): courseName = self.sanitizeInput(course["name"][:course["name"].rfind("(")-1]) courseFolder = folder+"/"+courseName self.makeDir(courseFolder) for section in sections: self.getSection(courseFolder, section) def getSection(self, folder, section): sectionName = self.sanitizeInput(section["name"]).replace(".", "") sectionFolder = folder+"/"+section["number"]+"-"+sectionName self.makeDir(sectionFolder) if section["summary"]: self.fileWrite(sectionFolder+"/summary.txt", section["summary"]) for child in section["children"]: if child["type"] == "resource": self.getFile(child["href"], sectionFolder) elif child["type"] == "folder": folderName = self.sanitizeInput(child["name"]) folderFolder = sectionFolder+"/"+folderName self.makeDir(folderFolder) if child["text"]: self.fileWrite(folderFolder+"/summary.txt", child["text"]) for f in child["files"]: self.getFile(f["href"], folderFolder) elif child["type"] == "page": pageName = self.sanitizeInput(child["name"]) if child["text"]: self.fileWrite(sectionFolder+"/"+pageName, child["text"])
return not ("[" in control.value or '(' in control.value) if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Verify moodle questions') parser.add_argument('--course', dest="course", default="COMP10060") parser.add_argument('--user', dest='user', help="Username used to connect to moodle") parser.add_argument('--password', dest='password', help="Password to use to connect") parser.add_argument('--config', dest='config', help='config file to load', default='moodle.cfg') parser.add_argument('--url', dest='url', help='moodle base url', default='') parser.add_argument('category', help="The category to check", default='TEST 2') args = parser.parse_args() config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()[args.config, os.path.expanduser('~/.moodleapi.cfg')]) username = config.get("account", "user") password = config.get("account", "pass") course = args.course if args.user: username = parser.user if args.password: password = args.password m = Moodle(args.url) m.login(username, password) m.course = course m.check_questions(args.category, verify)
# if config file exists get config if os.path.isfile('config.ini'): config = configparser.RawConfigParser()'config.ini') if not moodleurl: moodleurl = config.get('moodle', 'moodleurl') if not token: token = config.get('moodle', 'token') # are we set up? if (not token) or (not moodleurl): print('Token and Moodle URL must be specified either on command line or in config.ini file') sys.exit(0) # create webservice client moodle = Moodle(moodleurl, token) # user-delete (list of usernames) if command == "user-delete": print("user-delete: requires web service core_user_delete_users, core_user_get_users") # Find the users in Moodle users = []; for username in arguments: user = moodle.core_user_get_users('username', username) if user: users.append(user) # run through and delete for user in users: name = user['firstname'] + ' ' + user['lastname']
def moodle(domain: str) -> Moodle: username = '******' password = '******' return Moodle.login(domain, username, password)