def attachStimulus( fname, rdes ):
    compts = rdes.elecid.compartments
    heads = []
    lookupSpineIndexFromCompt = []
    for i in compts:
        sl = rdes.elecid.spinesOnCompartment[i]
        lookupSpineIndexFromCompt.append( len( heads ) )
        heads.extend( sl[1::2] )

    ampar = moose.wildcardFind( '/model/elec/#/glu' )
    assert( len(ampar) == len( heads ) )
    moose.RandSpike( '/model/elec/spike', len( heads ) )
    spikes = moose.vec( '/model/elec/spike' )
    spikes.rate = params['meanSpikeRate']
    spikes.refractT = params['refractoryPeriod']
    amparSynWeight = params['amparSynapseWeight']
    nmdarSynWeight = params['nmdarSynapseWeight']

    for j in zip( heads, range( len( heads ) ) ):
        sh = moose.element( j[0].path + '/glu/sh' )
        sh.numSynapses = 1
        sh.synapse[0].weight = amparSynWeight
        moose.connect( spikes[j[1]], 'spikeOut', sh.synapse[0], 'addSpike' )
        sh = moose.element( j[0].path + '/NMDA/sh' )
        sh.numSynapses = 1
        sh.synapse[0].weight = nmdarSynWeight
        moose.connect( spikes[j[1]], 'spikeOut', sh.synapse[0], 'addSpike' )

    thetaGaba = moose.Function( '/model/elec/thetaGabaRhythm' )
    timeExpr = 'cos( 6.283 * t * ' + str(params['thetaFreq']/2.0) + ' )^2'
    rateExpr = str( 2.0 * params['thetaGabaSpikeRate'])
    thetaGaba.expr = str( params['baseGabaSpikeRate']) + ' + ' + rateExpr + ' * ' +  timeExpr
    print thetaGaba.expr,
    gabar = moose.wildcardFind( '/model/elec/#/GABA' )
    print "     NUM-GABA = ", len(gabar)
    rsGabar = moose.RandSpike( '/model/elec/gabaSpike', len( gabar ) )
    moose.connect( thetaGaba, 'valueOut', rsGabar, 'setRate', 'OneToAll' )
    gabaSpikes = moose.vec( '/model/elec/gabaSpike' )
    #spikes.rate = params['meanSpikeRate']
    gabaSpikes.refractT = params['refractoryPeriod']
    gabarSynWeight = params['gabarSynapseWeight']
    for i in range( len(gabar) ):
        sh = moose.element( gabar[i].path + '/sh' )
        sh.numSynapses = 1
        sh.synapse[0].weight = gabarSynWeight
        moose.connect( gabaSpikes[i], 'spikeOut', sh.synapse[0], 'addSpike' )

    return lookupSpineIndexFromCompt
Esempio n. 2
def example():
    The RandSpike class generates spike events from a Poisson process
    and sends out a trigger via its `spikeOut` message. It is very
    common to approximate the spiking in many neurons as a Poisson
    process, i.e., the probability of `k` spikes in any interval `t`
    is given by the Poisson distribution:


    for k = 0, 1, 2, ... u is the rate of spiking (the mean of the
    Poisson distribution). See `wikipedia
    <>`__ for details.

    Many cortical neuron types spontaneously fire action
    potentials. These are called ectopic spikes. In this example we
    simulate this with a RandSpike object with rate 10 spikes/s and
    send this to a single compartmental neuron via a synapse.

    In this model the synaptic conductance is set so high that each
    incoming spike evokes an action potential.
    ectopic = moose.RandSpike('ectopic_input')
    ectopic.rate = 10.0
    cellmodel = create_cell()
    moose.connect(ectopic, 'spikeOut',
                  cellmodel['synhandler'].synapse[0], 'addSpike')
    tab_vm = moose.Table('/Vm')
    moose.connect(tab_vm, 'requestOut', cellmodel['neuron'], 'getVm')
    return tab_vm
Esempio n. 3
def createRandSpike(spikeParams, synHandler):
    pre_syn = moose.RandSpike(spikeParams['name'])
    pre_syn.rate = spikeParams['rate']
    pre_syn.refractT = spikeParams['refractT']
    index = synHandler.synapse.num
    synHandler.synapse.num = synHandler.synapse.num + 1
    synHandler.synapse[index].delay = spikeParams['delay']
    moose.connect(pre_syn, 'spikeOut', synHandler.synapse[index], 'addSpike')
    return pre_syn
Esempio n. 4
def make_synInput(name='RandSpike', parent='/library'):
    if moose.exists('/library/' + name):
    rs = moose.RandSpike(parent + '/' + name + '_rs')
    rs.rate = 0  # mean firing rate
    rs.refractT = 5e-3  # 5 ms.

    # Connect rand spike to channel that it is sitting on.
    addmsg1 = moose.Mstring(rs.path + '/addmsg1')
    addmsg1.value = '.  spikeOut  ../sh/synapse[0]  addSpike'

    return rs
Esempio n. 5
def make_model():
    sinePeriod = 50
    maxFiringRate = 10
    refractT = 0.05

    for i in range(20):
        moose.setClock(i, dt)

    ############### Create objects ###############
    stim = moose.StimulusTable('stim')
    spike = moose.RandSpike('spike')
    syn = moose.SimpleSynHandler('syn')
    fire = moose.IntFire('fire')
    stats1 = moose.SpikeStats('stats1')
    stats2 = moose.Stats('stats2')
    plots = moose.Table('plots')
    plot1 = moose.Table('plot1')
    plot2 = moose.Table('plot2')
    plotf = moose.Table('plotf')

    ############### Set up parameters ###############
    stim.vector = [
        maxFiringRate * numpy.sin(x * 2 * numpy.pi / sinePeriod)
        for x in range(sinePeriod)
    stim.startTime = 0
    stim.stopTime = sinePeriod
    stim.loopTime = sinePeriod
    stim.stepSize = 0
    stim.stepPosition = 0
    stim.doLoop = 1

    spike.refractT = refractT
    syn.synapse.num = 1
    syn.synapse[0].weight = 1
    syn.synapse[0].delay = 0

    fire.thresh = 100  # Don't want it to spike, just to integrate
    fire.tau = 1.0 / maxFiringRate

    stats1.windowLength = int(1 / dt)
    stats2.windowLength = int(1 / dt)

    ############### Connect up circuit ###############
    moose.connect(stim, 'output', spike, 'setRate')
    moose.connect(spike, 'spikeOut', syn.synapse[0], 'addSpike')
    moose.connect(spike, 'spikeOut', stats1, 'addSpike')
    moose.connect(syn, 'activationOut', fire, 'activation')
    moose.connect(stats2, 'requestOut', fire, 'getVm')
    moose.connect(plots, 'requestOut', stim, 'getOutputValue')
    moose.connect(plot1, 'requestOut', stats1, 'getWmean')
    moose.connect(plot2, 'requestOut', stats2, 'getWmean')
    moose.connect(plotf, 'requestOut', fire, 'getVm')
Esempio n. 6
def create_spikegen(name, type, refractory_period, rate=None, threshold=None):
    ''' Create spikegen which is used as pre synaptic trigger.
    if not moose.exists('/spikegens'):
        spikelib = moose.Neutral('/spikegens')
    if type.lower() in "random" and rate is not None:
        spikegen = moose.RandSpike('/spikegens/' + name)
        spikegen.rate = np.float(rate)
    elif type.lower() in "linear" and threshold is not None:
        spikegen = moose.SpikeGen('/spikegens/' + name)
        spikegen.threshold = np.float(threshold)
    spikegen.refractT = np.float(refractory_period)
    return spikegen
def attachStimulus2( fname ):
    ampar = moose.wildcardFind( '/model/elec/#/glu' )
    nmdar = moose.wildcardFind( '/model/elec/#/NMDA' )
    numSyn = len( ampar )
    assert( numSyn == len( nmdar ) );
    moose.le( '/model' )

    moose.RandSpike( '/model/elec/spike', len( ampar ) )
    spikes = moose.vec( '/model/elec/spike' )
    spikes.rate = params['meanSpikeRate']
    spikes.refractT = params['refractoryPeriod']
    amparSynWeight = params['amparSynapseWeight']
    nmdarSynWeight = params['nmdarSynapseWeight']
    for i in range( numSyn ):
        sh = moose.element( ampar[i].path + '/sh' )
        sh.numSynapses = 1
        sh.synapse[0].weight = amparSynWeight
        moose.connect( spikes[i], 'spikeOut', sh.synapse[0], 'addSpike' )
        sh = moose.element( nmdar[i].path + '/sh' )
        sh.numSynapses = 1
        sh.synapse[0].weight = nmdarSynWeight
        moose.connect( spikes[i], 'spikeOut', sh.synapse[0], 'addSpike' )
Esempio n. 8
gammaP = 725.085  # factor for potentiation term

J = 5e-3  # V            # delta function synapse, adds to Vm
weight = 0.43  # initial synaptic weight
# gammaP/(gammaP+gammaD) = eq weight w/o noise
# see eqn (22), noiseSD also appears
# but doesn't work here,
# weights away from 0.4 - 0.5 screw up the STDP rule!!

bistable = True  # if bistable is True, use bistable potential for weights
noisy = True  # use noisy weight updates given by noiseSD
noiseSD = 3.3501  # if noisy, use noiseSD (3.3501 from Higgins et al 2014)


prePoisson = moose.RandSpike('/pre')
prePoisson.rate = frate
postPoisson = moose.RandSpike('/post')
postPoisson.rate = frate

syn = moose.GraupnerBrunel2012CaPlasticitySynHandler('/syn')
syn.numSynapses = 1  # 1 synapse
# many pre-synaptic inputs can connect to a synapse

# spikes from presynaptic Poisson generator
moose.connect(prePoisson, 'spikeOut', syn.synapse[0], 'addSpike')

# post-synaptic spikes from postsynaptic Poisson generator
moose.connect(postPoisson, 'spikeOut', syn, 'addPostSpike')

syn.synapse[0].delay = 0.0
Esempio n. 9
import moose

simtime = 0.1
simdt = 0.25e-5
plotdt = 0.25e-3
for i in range(10):
    moose.setClock(i, simdt)
moose.setClock(8, plotdt)

spike = moose.RandSpike("/spike0")
spike.rate = 1300
spike.refractT = 1e-3

tab = moose.Table("/pre0")
moose.connect(spike, "spikeOut", tab, "spike")


Esempio n. 10
def createRandSpike(path, rate):
    spike = moose.RandSpike(path)
    spike.rate = rate
    spike.refractT = 1e-3
    return spike
Esempio n. 11
def makeGlobalBalanceNetwork():
    stim = moose.RandSpike('/model/stim', params['numInputs'])
    inhib = moose.LIF('/model/inhib', params['numInhib'])
    insyn = moose.SimpleSynHandler(inhib.path + '/syns', params['numInhib'])
    moose.connect(insyn, 'activationOut', inhib, 'activation', 'OneToOne')
    output = moose.LIF('/model/output', params['numOutput'])
    outsyn = moose.SimpleSynHandler(output.path + '/syns', params['numOutput'])
    moose.connect(outsyn, 'activationOut', output, 'activation', 'OneToOne')
    outInhSyn = moose.SimpleSynHandler(output.path + '/inhsyns',
    moose.connect(outInhSyn, 'activationOut', output, 'activation', 'OneToOne')

    iv = moose.vec(insyn.path + '/synapse')
    ov = moose.vec(outsyn.path + '/synapse')
    oiv = moose.vec(outInhSyn.path + '/synapse')

    assert len(iv) == 0
    assert len(ov) == 0
    assert len(oiv) == 0

    temp = moose.connect(stim, 'spikeOut', iv, 'addSpike', 'Sparse')
    inhibMatrix = moose.element(temp)
    cl = inhibMatrix.connectionList

    # This can change when random-number generator changes.
    # This was before we used c++11 <random> to generate random numbers. This
    # test has changes on Tuesday 31 July 2018 11:12:35 AM IST
    #  expectedCl = [ 1,4,13,13,26,42,52,56,80,82,95,97,4,9,0,9,4,8,0,6,1,6,6,7]
    expectedCl = [0, 6, 47, 50, 56, 67, 98, 2, 0, 3, 5, 4, 8, 3]

    assert list(cl) == expectedCl, "Expected %s, got %s" % (expectedCl, cl)

    temp = moose.connect(stim, 'spikeOut', ov, 'addSpike', 'Sparse')
    excMatrix = moose.element(temp)

    temp = moose.connect(inhib, 'spikeOut', oiv, 'addSpike', 'Sparse')
    negFFMatrix = moose.element(temp)

    # print("ConnMtxEntries: ", inhibMatrix.numEntries, excMatrix.numEntries, negFFMatrix.numEntries)
    got = (inhibMatrix.numEntries, excMatrix.numEntries,
    expected = (7, 62, 55)
    assert expected == got, "Expected %s, Got %s" % (expected, got)

    cl = negFFMatrix.connectionList
    numInhSyns = []
    niv = 0
    nov = 0
    noiv = 0
    for i in moose.vec(insyn):
        niv += i.synapse.num
        if i.synapse.num > 0:
            i.synapse.weight = params['wtStimToInh']

    #  expected = [2,1,0,0,2,0,3,1,1,2]
    expected = [1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]
    assert numInhSyns == expected, "Expected %s, got %s" % (expected,

    for i in moose.vec(outsyn):
        print('111', i)
        nov += i.synapse.num
        if i.synapse.num > 0:
            i.synapse.weight = params['wtStimToOut']
    for i in moose.vec(outInhSyn):
        noiv += i.synapse.num
        #print i.synapse.num
        if i.synapse.num > 0:
            i.synapse.weight = params['wtInhToOut']

    print("SUMS: ", sum(iv.numField), sum(ov.numField), sum(oiv.numField))
    assert [1, 64,
            25] == [sum(iv.numField),
    print("SUMS2: ", niv, nov, noiv)
    assert [7, 62, 55] == [niv, nov, noiv]
    print("SUMS3: ", sum(insyn.vec.numSynapses), sum(outsyn.vec.numSynapses),
    assert [7, 62, 55] == [

    # print(oiv.numField)
    # print(insyn.vec[1].synapse.num)
    # print(insyn.vec.numSynapses)
    # print(sum( insyn.vec.numSynapses ))
    # niv = iv.numSynapses
    # ov = iv.numSynapses

    sv = moose.vec(stim)
    sv.rate = params['randInputRate']
    sv.refractT = params['randRefractTime']
    #moose.showfield( sv[7] )

    inhib.vec.thresh = params['inhibThresh']
    inhib.vec.Rm = params['Rm']
    inhib.vec.Cm = params['Cm']
    inhib.vec.vReset = params['inhVreset']
    inhib.vec.refractoryPeriod = params['inhibRefractTime']
    output.vec.thresh = params['outputThresh']
    output.vec.Rm = params['Rm']
    output.vec.Cm = params['Cm']
    output.vec.refractoryPeriod = params['outputRefractTime']
    otab = moose.Table('/model/otab', params['numOutput'])
    moose.connect(otab, 'requestOut', output, 'getVm', 'OneToOne')
    itab = moose.Table('/model/itab', params['numInhib'])
    moose.connect(itab, 'requestOut', inhib, 'getVm', 'OneToOne')
    return inhib, output
Esempio n. 12
synchan.tau2 = 2E-3
synchan.Ek = -10E-3

# Connections

moose.connect(soma, 'axialOut', dend, 'handleAxial')
moose.connect(dend, 'channel', synchan, 'channel')

sh = moose.SimpleSynHandler(synchan.path + '/synhandler')

moose.connect(sh, 'activationOut', synchan, 'activation')
sh.synapse.num = 1
sh.synapse[0].delay = 1E-3

presyn = moose.RandSpike('presyn_input')
presyn.rate = 1.3
presyn.refractT = 1E-3
moose.connect(presyn, 'spikeOut', sh.synapse[0], 'addSpike')

sh.synapse.num = 2
sh.synapse[1].delay = 0.1E-3

presyn2 = moose.RandSpike('presyn_input2')
presyn2.rate = 3.5
presyn2.refractT = 1E-3
moose.connect(presyn2, 'spikeOut', sh.synapse[1], 'addSpike')

spiketable1 = moose.Table('spikes1')
moose.connect(presyn, 'spikeOut', spiketable1, 'spike')
spiketable2 = moose.Table('spikes2')
Esempio n. 13
def main():
    Simulate pre and post Poisson firing for a synapse with
    Ca plasticity of Graupner and Brunel 2012.
    See the trace over time (lifetime) for the synaptic efficacy,
    similar to figure 2A of Higgins, Graupner, Brunel, 2014.

    Author: Aditya Gilra, NCBS, Bangalore, October, 2014.

    numrepeats = 10  # repeat runtime for numrepeats

    frate = 1.0  # pre- and post-synaptic firing rate
    # 1 Hz gives ~300s lifetime, ~0.2 efficacy (weight)
    # 10 Hz gives ~10s lifetime, ~0.5 efficacy (weight)
    # high firing rates make synaptic efficacy go to 0.5.
    runtime = 600.0 / frate  # s

    # Ca Plasticity parameters: synapses (not for ExcInhNetBase)

    ## Cortical slice values -- Table Suppl 2 in Graupner & Brunel 2012
    ## Also used in Higgins et al 2014
    tauCa = 22.6936e-3  # s # Ca decay time scale
    tauSyn = 346.3615  # s # synaptic plasticity time scale
    ## in vitro values in Higgins et al 2014, faster plasticity
    CaPre = 0.56175  # mM
    CaPost = 1.2964  # mM
    ## in vivo values in Higgins et al 2014, slower plasticity
    #CaPre = 0.33705         # mM
    #CaPost = 0.74378        # mM
    delayD = 4.6098e-3  # s # CaPre is added to Ca after this delay
    # proxy for rise-time of NMDA
    thetaD = 1.0  # mM # depression threshold for Ca
    thetaP = 1.3  # mM # potentiation threshold for Ca
    gammaD = 331.909  # factor for depression term
    gammaP = 725.085  # factor for potentiation term

    J = 5e-3  # V            # delta function synapse, adds to Vm
    weight = 0.43  # initial synaptic weight
    # gammaP/(gammaP+gammaD) = eq weight w/o noise
    # see eqn (22), noiseSD also appears
    # but doesn't work here,
    # weights away from 0.4 - 0.5 screw up the STDP rule!!

    bistable = True  # if bistable is True, use bistable potential for weights
    noisy = True  # use noisy weight updates given by noiseSD
    noiseSD = 3.3501  # if noisy, use noiseSD (3.3501 from Higgins et al 2014)


    prePoisson = moose.RandSpike('/pre')
    prePoisson.rate = frate
    postPoisson = moose.RandSpike('/post')
    postPoisson.rate = frate

    syn = moose.GraupnerBrunel2012CaPlasticitySynHandler('/syn')
    syn.numSynapses = 1  # 1 synapse
    # many pre-synaptic inputs can connect to a synapse

    # spikes from presynaptic Poisson generator
    moose.connect(prePoisson, 'spikeOut', syn.synapse[0], 'addSpike')

    # post-synaptic spikes from postsynaptic Poisson generator
    moose.connect(postPoisson, 'spikeOut', syn, 'addPostSpike')

    syn.synapse[0].delay = 0.0
    syn.synapse[0].weight = 1.0  # starting weight to decay from
    syn.CaInit = 0.0
    syn.tauCa = tauCa
    syn.tauSyn = tauSyn
    syn.CaPre = CaPre
    syn.CaPost = CaPost
    syn.delayD = delayD
    syn.thetaD = thetaD
    syn.thetaP = thetaP
    syn.gammaD = gammaD
    syn.gammaP = gammaP
    syn.weightMax = 1.0  # bounds on the weight
    syn.weightMin = 0.

    syn.noisy = noisy
    syn.noiseSD = noiseSD
    syn.bistable = bistable

    # ###########################################
    # Setting up tables
    # ###########################################

    CaTable = moose.Table('/plotCa', 1)
    moose.connect(CaTable, 'requestOut', syn, 'getCa')
    WtTable = moose.Table('/plotWeight', 1)
    moose.connect(WtTable, 'requestOut', syn.synapse[0], 'getWeight')

    # ###########################################
    # Simulate
    # ###########################################

    dt = 1e-3  # s
    # moose simulation
    #moose.useClock( 0, '/syn', 'process' )
    #moose.useClock( 1, '/pre', 'process' )
    #moose.useClock( 1, '/post', 'process' )
    # I think MOOSE uses a different clock than 3 for Tables
    # anyway, we use the default one and set all clocks to dt below
    #moose.useClock( 3, '/plotCa', 'process' )
    #moose.useClock( 3, '/plotWeight', 'process' )
    ## use setClock to set the dt different from default dt
    for i in range(10):
        moose.setClock(i, dt)


    # function to make the aPlus and aMinus settle to equilibrium values
    print(("Rates of pre- and post-syanptic neurons =", frate))
    WtSeries = []
    numsteps = int(runtime / dt)
    for i in range(numrepeats):
        syn.synapse[0].weight = 1.0  # starting weight to decay from
        syn.Ca = 0.0
        print(("Repeat number", i, "running..."))
        WtSeries.append(WtTable.vector[i * numsteps:(i + 1) * numsteps])
    WtSeries = array(WtSeries)
    WtMean = mean(WtSeries, axis=0)

    # ###########################################
    # Plot the simulated weights and Ca vs time
    # ###########################################

    timeseries = linspace(0.0, runtime, numsteps)
    # Ca plots for the synapse
    # only the first repeat
    plot(timeseries, CaTable.vector[:numsteps], color='r')
        linestyle='dashed',label='pot thresh')
        linestyle='dashed',label='dep thresh')
    xlabel('time (s)')
    ylabel('Ca (arb)')
    title("Ca conc in the synapse @ " + str(frate) + " Hz firing")

    # Weight plots for the synapse
    for i in range(numrepeats):
        plot(timeseries, WtSeries[i], alpha=0.5)
    plot(timeseries, WtMean, color='k', linewidth=2)
    xlabel('time (s)')
    title("Efficacy of the synapse @ " + str(frate) + " Hz firing")

def main():
Simulate pre and post Poisson firing for a synapse with
Ca plasticity of Graupner and Brunel 2012.
See the trace over time (lifetime) for the synaptic efficacy,
similar to figure 2A of Higgins, Graupner, Brunel, 2014.

Author: Aditya Gilra, NCBS, Bangalore, October, 2014.


    prePoisson = moose.RandSpike('/pre')
    prePoisson.rate = frate
    postPoisson = moose.RandSpike('/post')
    postPoisson.rate = frate

    syn = moose.GraupnerBrunel2012CaPlasticitySynHandler( '/syn' )
    syn.numSynapses = 1     # 1 synapse
                            # many pre-synaptic inputs can connect to a synapse

    # spikes from presynaptic Poisson generator
    moose.connect( prePoisson,'spikeOut', syn.synapse[0], 'addSpike')

    # post-synaptic spikes from postsynaptic Poisson generator
    moose.connect( postPoisson, 'spikeOut', syn, 'addPostSpike')

    syn.synapse[0].delay = 0.0
    syn.synapse[0].weight = 1.0 # starting weight to decay from
    syn.CaInit = 0.0
    syn.tauCa = tauCa
    syn.tauSyn = tauSyn
    syn.CaPre = CaPre
    syn.CaPost = CaPost
    syn.delayD = delayD
    syn.thetaD = thetaD
    syn.thetaP = thetaP
    syn.gammaD = gammaD
    syn.gammaP = gammaP
    syn.weightMax = 1.0     # bounds on the weight
    syn.weightMin = 0.

    syn.noisy = noisy
    syn.noiseSD = noiseSD
    syn.bistable = bistable

    # ###########################################
    # Setting up tables
    # ###########################################

    CaTable = moose.Table( '/plotCa', 1 )
    moose.connect( CaTable, 'requestOut', syn, 'getCa')
    WtTable = moose.Table( '/plotWeight', 1 )
    moose.connect( WtTable, 'requestOut', syn.synapse[0], 'getWeight')

    # ###########################################
    # Simulate
    # ###########################################

    dt = 1e-3 # s
    # moose simulation
    #moose.useClock( 0, '/syn', 'process' )
    #moose.useClock( 1, '/pre', 'process' )
    #moose.useClock( 1, '/post', 'process' )
    # I think MOOSE uses a different clock than 3 for Tables
    # anyway, we use the default one and set all clocks to dt below
    #moose.useClock( 3, '/plotCa', 'process' )
    #moose.useClock( 3, '/plotWeight', 'process' )
    ## use setClock to set the dt different from default dt
    for i in range(10):
        moose.setClock( i, dt )


    # function to make the aPlus and aMinus settle to equilibrium values
    print(("Rates of pre- and post-syanptic neurons =",frate))
    WtSeries = []
    numsteps = int(runtime/dt)
    for i in range(numrepeats):
        syn.synapse[0].weight = 1.0 # starting weight to decay from
        syn.Ca = 0.0
        print(("Repeat number",i,"running..."))
    WtSeries = array(WtSeries)
    WtMean = mean(WtSeries,axis=0)

    # ###########################################
    # Plot the simulated weights and Ca vs time
    # ###########################################

    timeseries = linspace(0.0,runtime,numsteps)
    # Ca plots for the synapse
    # only the first repeat
        linestyle='dashed',label='pot thresh')
        linestyle='dashed',label='dep thresh')
    xlabel('time (s)')
    ylabel('Ca (arb)')
    title("Ca conc in the synapse @ "+str(frate)+" Hz firing")

    # Weight plots for the synapse
    for i in range(numrepeats):
    xlabel('time (s)')
    title("Efficacy of the synapse @ "+str(frate)+" Hz firing")

Esempio n. 15
def makeGlobalBalanceNetwork():
    stim = moose.RandSpike('/model/stim', params['numInputs'])
    inhib = moose.LIF('/model/inhib', params['numInhib'])
    insyn = moose.SimpleSynHandler(inhib.path + '/syns', params['numInhib'])
    moose.connect(insyn, 'activationOut', inhib, 'activation', 'OneToOne')
    output = moose.LIF('/model/output', params['numOutput'])
    outsyn = moose.SimpleSynHandler(output.path + '/syns', params['numOutput'])
    moose.connect(outsyn, 'activationOut', output, 'activation', 'OneToOne')
    outInhSyn = moose.SimpleSynHandler(output.path + '/inhsyns',
    moose.connect(outInhSyn, 'activationOut', output, 'activation', 'OneToOne')

    iv = moose.vec(insyn.path + '/synapse')
    ov = moose.vec(outsyn.path + '/synapse')
    oiv = moose.vec(outInhSyn.path + '/synapse')

    temp = moose.connect(stim, 'spikeOut', iv, 'addSpike', 'Sparse')
    inhibMatrix = moose.element(temp)
    cl = inhibMatrix.connectionList
    expectedCl = [
        1, 4, 13, 13, 26, 42, 52, 56, 80, 82, 95, 97, 4, 9, 0, 9, 4, 8, 0, 6,
        1, 6, 6, 7
    assert list(cl) == expectedCl, "Expected %s, got %s" % (expectedCl, cl)

    temp = moose.connect(stim, 'spikeOut', ov, 'addSpike', 'Sparse')
    excMatrix = moose.element(temp)

    temp = moose.connect(inhib, 'spikeOut', oiv, 'addSpike', 'Sparse')
    negFFMatrix = moose.element(temp)

    # print("ConnMtxEntries: ", inhibMatrix.numEntries, excMatrix.numEntries, negFFMatrix.numEntries)
    assert (12, 57, 48) == (inhibMatrix.numEntries, excMatrix.numEntries,

    cl = negFFMatrix.connectionList
    numInhSyns = []
    niv = 0
    nov = 0
    noiv = 0
    for i in moose.vec(insyn):
        niv += i.synapse.num
        if i.synapse.num > 0:
            i.synapse.weight = params['wtStimToInh']

    assert numInhSyns == [2, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 3, 1, 1, 2]

    for i in moose.vec(outsyn):
        nov += i.synapse.num
        if i.synapse.num > 0:
            i.synapse.weight = params['wtStimToOut']
    for i in moose.vec(outInhSyn):
        noiv += i.synapse.num
        #print i.synapse.num
        if i.synapse.num > 0:
            i.synapse.weight = params['wtInhToOut']

    # print("SUMS: ", sum( iv.numField ), sum( ov.numField ), sum( oiv.numField ))
    assert [4, 49,
            9] == [sum(iv.numField),
    # print("SUMS2: ", niv, nov, noiv)
    assert [12, 57, 48] == [niv, nov, noiv]
    # print("SUMS3: ", sum( insyn.vec.numSynapses ), sum( outsyn.vec.numSynapses ), sum( outInhSyn.vec.numSynapses ))
    assert [12, 57, 48] == [

    # print(oiv.numField)
    # print(insyn.vec[1].synapse.num)
    # print(insyn.vec.numSynapses)
    # print(sum( insyn.vec.numSynapses ))
    # niv = iv.numSynapses
    # ov = iv.numSynapses

    sv = moose.vec(stim)
    sv.rate = params['randInputRate']
    sv.refractT = params['randRefractTime']
    #moose.showfield( sv[7] )

    inhib.vec.thresh = params['inhibThresh']
    inhib.vec.Rm = params['Rm']
    inhib.vec.Cm = params['Cm']
    inhib.vec.vReset = params['inhVreset']
    inhib.vec.refractoryPeriod = params['inhibRefractTime']
    output.vec.thresh = params['outputThresh']
    output.vec.Rm = params['Rm']
    output.vec.Cm = params['Cm']
    output.vec.refractoryPeriod = params['outputRefractTime']
    otab = moose.Table('/model/otab', params['numOutput'])
    moose.connect(otab, 'requestOut', output, 'getVm', 'OneToOne')
    itab = moose.Table('/model/itab', params['numInhib'])
    moose.connect(itab, 'requestOut', inhib, 'getVm', 'OneToOne')
    return inhib, output