Esempio n. 1
    def testGetOpSize(self):
        # Verify correct size for regular ops.
        self.assertEqual(5, op_handler_util.get_op_size(self.relu2_op))
        self.assertEqual(6, op_handler_util.get_op_size(self.relu3_op))
        self.assertEqual(7, op_handler_util.get_op_size(self.relu4_op))

        # Verify correct size for ops with multiple outputs.
        split = tf.split(self.conv_op.outputs[0], [2, 3], axis=3)
        self.assertEqual(5, op_handler_util.get_op_size(split[0].op))
  def _is_broadcast(self, op, op_reg_manager):
    """Returns True if op is broadcast.

      op: A tf.Operation.
      op_reg_manager: OpRegularizerManager to keep track of the grouping.

      A boolean indicating if op is broadcast.
    op_slices = op_reg_manager.get_op_slices(op)
    op_groups = [op_reg_manager.get_op_group(op_slice)
                 for op_slice in op_slices]
    return op_handler_util.get_op_size(op) == 1 and all(op_groups)
    def get_op_slices(self, op):
        """Returns OpSlice objects that are mapped to op.

    If no mapping exists, a new OpSlice object will be created and mapped to op.

      op: A tf.Operation to get OpSlice for.

      List of OpSlice that constitute op.
        if op not in self._op_slice_dict:
            # No OpSlice exists for op so create a new one.
            size = op_handler_util.get_op_size(op)
            if size > 0:
                new_op_slice = OpSlice(op, Slice(0, size))
                self._op_slice_dict[op] = [new_op_slice]
                self._op_slice_dict[op] = []
        return self._op_slice_dict[op]
    def assign_grouping(self, op, op_reg_manager):
        """Assign grouping to the given op and updates the manager.

      op: tf.Operation to assign grouping to.
      op_reg_manager: OpRegularizerManager to keep track of the grouping.
        # Check if all input ops have groups, or tell the manager to process them.
        input_ops = op_handler_util.get_input_ops(op, op_reg_manager)
        input_ops_without_group = op_handler_util.get_ops_without_groups(
            input_ops, op_reg_manager)

        # Check if all output ops have groups, or tell the manager to process them.
        output_ops = op_handler_util.get_output_ops(op, op_reg_manager)
        output_ops_without_group = op_handler_util.get_ops_without_groups(
            output_ops, op_reg_manager)

        # Remove non-passthrough ops from outputs ops to group with.
        output_ops = op_handler_util.remove_non_passthrough_ops(
            output_ops, op_reg_manager)

        # Only group with ops that have the same size.  Defer the ops that have
        # mismatched size.
        input_ops_to_group = input_ops
        output_ops_to_group, output_ops_to_defer = (
            op_handler_util.separate_same_size_ops(op, output_ops))

        # Also defer ungrouped ops.
        input_ops_to_defer = input_ops_without_group
        for output_op_without_group in output_ops_without_group:
            if output_op_without_group not in output_ops_to_defer:

        # Only slice and merge if all inputs are grouped.
        if input_ops_to_defer:

        block_size = op.get_attr('block_size')
        block_group = block_size * block_size

        # For DepthToSpace, slice ops into individual channels before mapping.  For
        # example, this op might reshape a tensor [N, H, W, 4] -> [N, 2H, 2W, 1]
        # where the 4 input channels are mapped to 1 output channel.  Thus, slice
        # the input into individual OpSlice in order to group.
        assert len(input_ops_to_group) == 1
        input_op = input_ops_to_group[0]
        op_handler_util.reslice_ops(input_ops, [1] *
        op_handler_util.reslice_ops([op] + output_ops_to_group,
                                    [1] * op_handler_util.get_op_size(op),

        # Repopulate OpSlice data.
        op_slices = op_reg_manager.get_op_slices(op)
        input_op_slices = op_handler_util.get_op_slices(
            input_ops, op_reg_manager)

        # Group blocks of input channels with output channels based on block group.
        # For block_size B, the block group is B * B.  For example, if the input
        # tensor is [N, H, W, 18] with block_size 3, the output tensor is
        # [N, 3H, 3W, 2] where block_size * block_size number of channels are mapped
        # to space values (i.e. 3H and 3W).  See Tensorflow documentation for
        # additional details.
        for i, op_slice in enumerate(op_slices):
            for input_op_slice in input_op_slices:
                    input_op_slice[i * block_group:(i + 1) * block_group] +

        # Process deferred ops.
        if input_ops_to_defer or output_ops_to_defer:
            op_reg_manager.process_ops(output_ops_to_defer +
Esempio n. 5
  def assign_grouping(self, op, op_reg_manager):
    """Assign grouping to the given op and updates the manager.

      op: tf.Operation to assign grouping to.
      op_reg_manager: OpRegularizerManager to keep track of the grouping.
    assert op.type == 'DepthwiseConv2dNative'

    # Get output size.
    output_size = op_handler_util.get_op_size(op)

    # Get input size.
    input_size = op_handler_util.get_op_size(op.inputs[0].op)

    # Take depth_multiplier from size of weight tensor.
    depth_multiplier = op.inputs[1].shape.as_list()[-1]

    if depth_multiplier == 1:
      super(DepthwiseConvolutionOpHandler, self).assign_grouping(
          op, op_reg_manager)

    # Check if all input ops have groups, or tell the manager to process them.
    input_ops = op_handler_util.get_input_ops(op, op_reg_manager)
    input_ops_without_group = op_handler_util.get_ops_without_groups(
        input_ops, op_reg_manager)

    # Check if all output ops have groups, or tell the manager to process them.
    output_ops = op_handler_util.get_output_ops(op, op_reg_manager)
    output_ops_without_group = op_handler_util.get_ops_without_groups(
        output_ops, op_reg_manager)

    # Remove non-passthrough ops from outputs ops to group with.
    output_ops = op_handler_util.remove_non_passthrough_ops(
        output_ops, op_reg_manager)

    # Only group with ops that have the same size.  Process the ops that have
    # mismatched size.  For the input, we hardcode that inputs[0] is a normal
    # input while inputs[1] is the depthwise filter.
    input_ops_to_group = [input_ops[0]]
    input_ops_to_process = input_ops_without_group
    output_ops_to_group, output_ops_to_process = (
        op_handler_util.separate_same_size_ops(op, output_ops))

    # Also process ungrouped ops.
    for output_op_without_group in output_ops_without_group:
      if output_op_without_group not in output_ops_to_process:

    # Slice ops into individual channels.  For example, consider 3 input
    # channels and depth_multiplier = 2.  Let the input channels be [0, 1, 2]
    # and the output channels be [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].  The channels should be
    # individually sliced and grouped with consecutive groups of size
    # depth_multiplier.  Thus, this would end up grouping [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2] and
    # [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] into groups (0, 3, 4), (1, 5, 6), and (2, 7, 8).
    aligned_op_slice_sizes = [1] * output_size
        input_ops_to_group, [1] * input_size, op_reg_manager)
        [op] + output_ops_to_group, aligned_op_slice_sizes, op_reg_manager)

    # Rearrange OpSlice to align input and output.
    input_op_slices, output_op_slices = (
            input_ops_to_group, input_size, output_ops_to_group,
            op_reg_manager, depth_multiplier))

    # Group with inputs and outputs.
        op, input_ops_to_process, output_ops_to_process, input_op_slices,
        output_op_slices, aligned_op_slice_sizes, op_reg_manager)