Esempio n. 1
def search(hvalue, periods, rate,
           desiredpay):  # Define a new Bisection search function
    # Start with an interval that we know contains a solution
    a = 0  # Set one side of the interval as a = 0
    b = hvalue  # Set the other side of the interval as b = hvalue
    # "hvalue equals to the home price, which is upper bound of down payment"

    while True:  # Start the loop
        import mortgage  # Import the mortgage module
        c = (a + b) / 2  # Bisect the interval
        dpayment = c  # Define dpayment (down payment)
        loan = hvalue - dpayment  # Define loan
        Fc = mortgage.mortgage_payment(loan, periods, rate) - desiredpay
        # Calculate F(c) to determine which side of the origin interval contains the solution
        if abs(Fc) < 0.000001:
            return dpayment  # If F(c) is infinately close to zero, the search is finished
            # Return c, which is also the down payment, as the result of the function
        elif Fc < 0:  # If F(c) is below 0, then the solution is in the left side of the interval
            b = c  # Replace b with c and continue
        else:  # If F(c) is above 0, then the solution is in the right side of the interval
            a = c  # Replace a with c and continue
Esempio n. 2
import math, mortgage

home = float(input('Home price: '))
mindown = int(input('Minimum down payment: '))
maxdown = int(input('Maximum down payment: '))
interest = float(input('Interest rate: '))
term = float(input('Loan term (years): '))

periods = term * 12
rate = interest / 100 / 12

for down in range(mindown, maxdown, 1000):
    loan = home - float(down)
    monthly = mortgage.mortgage_payment(loan, periods, rate)
    print(str(down) + " " + str(round(monthly, 2)))
Esempio n. 3
#Creating input functions
home_value = float(input("Home Value: "))
min_down_payment = int(input("Minimum Downpayment: "))
max_down_payment = int(input("Maximum Downpayment: "))
term = float(input("Term in years: "))
interest_rate = float(input("Interest Rate: "))

    #Calculating loan amount
for down_payment in range(min_down_payment, max_down_payment, 1000):
    def loan(home_value, down_payment):
        return(home_value - down_payment)
    l = float(loan(home_value, down_payment))

    #Calculating monthly periods
    def monthly_period(term):
    p = float(monthly_period(term))

    #Calculating monthly interest rate
    def monthly_rate(interest_rate):
    r = float(monthly_rate(interest_rate))

    #Calculating morgtage values
    m = mortgage.mortgage_payment(l, p, r)
    m = round(m, 2)
    print (down_payment, m)

Esempio n. 4
p = float(monthly_period(term))

#Calculating monthly interest rate
def monthly_rate(interest_rate):
r = float(monthly_rate(interest_rate))

#Setting the range for down_payment
min_down_payment = 0
max_down_payment = home_value

#Running a bisection function to find the value of the Downpayment
while True:
    d = (min_down_payment + max_down_payment)/2
    Fl = mortgage.mortgage_payment(home_value - d, p, r)

    if abs(Fl - d_monthly_payment) < 1:

    elif Fl < d_monthly_payment:
        #print("max is reduced")
        max_down_payment = d

        #print("min is increased")
        min_down_payment = d

print("Downpayment: ", round(d, 2))
Esempio n. 5
#Importing all modules
import mortgage

#Creating input functions
home_value = float(input("Home Value: "))
down_payment = float(input("Downpayment: "))
term = float(input("Term in years: "))
interest_rate = float(input("Interest Rate: "))

#Calculating loan amount
def loan(home_value, down_payment):
    return(home_value - down_payment)
l = float(loan(home_value, down_payment))

#Calculating monthly periods
def monthly_period(term):
p = float(monthly_period(term))

#Calculating monthly interest rate
def monthly_rate(interest_rate):
r = float(monthly_rate(interest_rate))

#Calculating mortgage payment
m = float(mortgage.mortgage_payment(l, p, r))
final_mortgage_payment = round(m, 2)
print("Monthly payment: ", final_mortgage_payment)

Esempio n. 6
import math, mortgage

home = float(input('Home price: '))
interest = float(input('Interest rate: '))
term = float(input('Loan term (years): '))
monthlygoal = float(input('Desired monthly payment: '))

loanhi = home
loanlo = 0

periods = term * 12
rate = interest / 100 / 12

while True:
    loan = (loanlo + loanhi) / 2
    floan = mortgage.mortgage_payment(loan, periods, rate) - monthlygoal
    if abs(floan) < 0.01:
    elif floan < 0:
        loanlo = loan
        loanhi = loan

down = home - loan

print("\nDown payment: " + str(round(down, 2)))