Esempio n. 1
def moveHead():
    alphaDEG = toDEG(getHead()[0])
    betaDEG  = toDEG(getHead()[1])

    if(alphaDEG < 4 and alphaDEG > -4):
        motion_poseInit.setHeadMotion(30, betaDEG)

    elif(alphaDEG > 0):
        if(alphaDEG <= 90):
            motion_poseInit.setHeadMotion(alphaDEG+30, betaDEG)
            return False
            motion_poseInit.setHeadMotion(-30, betaDEG)
            return False

    elif(alphaDEG < 0):

        if(alphaDEG >= -90):
            motion_poseInit.setHeadMotion(alphaDEG-30, betaDEG)
            return False
            motion_poseInit.setHeadMotion(0, betaDEG)
            return False
Esempio n. 2
def findNXT(NXTColor):
    # set the initial head position for NAO
    motion_poseInit.setHeadMotion(0, 0)

    # this are the current intervals in degree in which the NAO looks for the nxt
    pitchIntervals = [10, 20, 0]
    yawIntervals = [0, -30, -60, 0, 30, 60]

    # in every pitch motion interval is a yaw motion of the NXT
    for g in range(0, len(pitchIntervals)):

        # move
        for h in range(0, len(yawIntervals)):
            # set the head position to the current yaw and pitch interval
            motion_poseInit.setHeadMotion(yawIntervals[h], pitchIntervals[g])

            allDetectedMarker = [[[],[],[],[], []], [[],[],[],[], []], [[],[],[],[], []], [[],[],[],[], []], [[],[],[],[], []], [[],[],[],[], []]]

            #make 5 measurements to be sure that there is / is no marker detected
            for i in range(0, 5):
                # sleep time is necessary otherwise the NAO has no chance to realize marker because of head movement
                val = memoryProxy.getData(memValue)

                # same like in detectMarkerAndCalcDist
                    numberOfMarker = len(val[1])
                    numberOfMarker = 0

                # Check whether we found some markers
                if(numberOfMarker >= 1):

                    # fill array with all possible makers
                    for j in range(0, numberOfMarker):
                            # First Field = Data field
                            markerDataField = val[1][j][0]
                            allDetectedMarker[j][0].append(markerDataField[1])    #insert the alphaValue
                            allDetectedMarker[j][1].append(markerDataField[2])    #insert the betaValue

                            # Second Field = Extra info (ie, mark ID)
                            markerID = val[1][j][1][0]
                            allDetectedMarker[j][3].append(markerID) #insert the markerID

                        except Exception, e:
                            print "Naomarks detected, but it seems getData is invalid. ALValue = "
                            print val
                            print "Error msg %s" % (str(e))

            # if could find minimal one marker
            if(allDetectedMarker[0][0] != []):

                # calculate the averages for all detected markers and the color of the marker
                for i in range(0,6):

                    # only calculate if there is one marker
                    if(allDetectedMarker[i][0] != []):
                        avgID = mostFrequent(allDetectedMarker[i][3]) #avgID
                        print allDetectedMarker

                        # center the head of the nao to the nxt marker if the right Marker was found
                        print markerPosition[0]
                        if(avgID in markerPosition[0]):
                            # TODO: make color recognition of this marker

                            avgAlpha = calculateAVG(allDetectedMarker[i][0]) #avgAlphaArray
                            avgBeta = calculateAVG(allDetectedMarker[i][1]) #avgBetaArray

                            motion_poseInit.setHeadMotion(toDEG(getHead()[0]+avgAlpha), toDEG(getHead()[1]+avgBeta))

                            tts = ALProxy("ALTextToSpeech")
                            tts.say('NXT with color ' + str(NXTColor) + ' found!')

                            return True