def __check_joint_validity_moveit(self, joints): """ Check target joint validity (no collision) with MoveIt. :return: The target joint validity in a boolean, and the two links colliding if available """ robot_state_target = RobotStateMoveIt() robot_state_target.joint_state.header.frame_id = "world" robot_state_target.joint_state.position = joints = self.__arm_state.joints_name group_name = self.__arm.get_name() null_constraints = Constraints() try: response = self.__parameters_validator.check_state_validity( robot_state_target, group_name, null_constraints) if not response.valid: if len(response.contacts) > 0: rospy.logwarn( 'Jog Controller - Joints target unreachable because of collision between %s and %s', response.contacts[0].contact_body_1, response.contacts[0].contact_body_2) return False, response.contacts[ 0].contact_body_1, response.contacts[0].contact_body_2 else: # didn't succeed to get the contacts on the real robot rospy.logwarn_throttle( 1, 'Jog Controller - Joints target unreachable because of ' 'collision between two parts of Ned') return False, None, None else: return True, None, None except AttributeError as _e: # maybe delete later, useful for the test on real robot when using the service return True, None, None
def get_forward_kinematics(self, joints): """ Get forward kinematic from joints :param joints: list of joints value :type joints: Pose :return: A RobotState object """ try: rospy.wait_for_service('compute_fk', 2) except (rospy.ServiceException, rospy.ROSException) as e: rospy.logerr("Arm commander - Impossible to connect to FK service : " + str(e)) return RobotState() try: moveit_fk = rospy.ServiceProxy('compute_fk', GetPositionFK) fk_link = ['base_link', 'tool_link'] header = Header(0,, "world") rs = RobotStateMoveIt() = self.__arm_state.joints_name rs.joint_state.position = joints response = moveit_fk(header, fk_link, rs) except rospy.ServiceException as e: rospy.logerr("Arm commander - Failed to get FK : " + str(e)) return RobotState() pose = self.__transform_handler.ee_link_to_tcp_pose_target(response.pose_stamped[1].pose, "tool_link") quaternion = [pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y, pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w] rpy = euler_from_quaternion(quaternion) quaternion = (round(quaternion[0], 3), round(quaternion[1], 3), round(quaternion[2], 3), round(quaternion[3], 3)) point = (round(pose.position.x, 3), round(pose.position.y, 3), round(pose.position.z, 3)) return RobotState(position=Point(*point), rpy=RPY(*rpy), orientation=Quaternion(*quaternion))
def __get_plan_start_robot_state(self, plan): start_state = RobotStateMoveIt() start_state.joint_state.header.frame_id = "world" start_state.joint_state.position = plan.joint_trajectory.points[ 0].positions = self.__joints_name return start_state
def __compute_and_execute_trajectory(self, list_poses, dist_smoothing=0.01): """ Hard try to to smooth Trajectories, not really working at the moment :param list_poses: list of Pose object :param dist_smoothing: smoothing distance :return: None """ # rospy.logerr(list_poses) list_plans = [] new_state = RobotStateMoveIt() new_state.joint_state.header.stamp = = self.__joints_name # rospy.logerr(list_poses) for i, pose_target in enumerate(list_poses): # Getting plan to target self.__arm.set_pose_target(pose_target, self.__end_effector_link) list_plans.append(self.__arm.plan()) # Generating new start state for future iteration success, new_state.joint_state.position = self.get_inverse_kinematics( pose=pose_target) if not success: self.__arm.set_start_state_to_current_state() raise ArmCommanderException( CommandStatus.INVERT_KINEMATICS_FAILURE, "IK Fail") self.__arm.set_start_state(new_state) self.__arm.set_start_state_to_current_state() plan = self.__link_plans(dist_smoothing, *list_plans) # self.__display_traj(plan, id_=int(1000 * dist_smoothing)) return self.__execute_plan(plan)
def __compute_trajectory(self, list_poses, dist_smoothing=0.01): """ Hard try to to smooth Trajectories, not really working at the moment :param list_poses: list of Pose object :param dist_smoothing: smoothing distance :return: None """ self.__arm.set_start_state_to_current_state() list_plans = [] new_state = RobotStateMoveIt() new_state.joint_state.header.stamp = = self.__joints_name new_state.joint_state.position = self.__arm.get_current_joint_values() for i, pose_target in enumerate(list_poses): # Getting plan to target # Try a linear path first partial_plan = self.__traj_executor.compute_cartesian_plan( [pose_target]) if not partial_plan: # Try a PTP path if linear path failed rospy.loginfo( "Linear path not found between {} joints and {} pose". format(new_state.joint_state.position, pose_to_list(pose_target))) self.__arm.set_pose_target(pose_target, self.__end_effector_link) try: partial_plan = self.__traj_executor.plan() except ArmCommanderException as e: self.__arm.set_start_state_to_current_state() raise e list_plans.append(copy.deepcopy(partial_plan)) # Generating new start state for future iteration new_state.joint_state.position = list_plans[ -1].joint_trajectory.points[-1].positions self.__arm.set_start_state(new_state) self.__arm.set_start_state_to_current_state() if dist_smoothing > 0: plan = self.__link_plans_with_smoothing(dist_smoothing, *list_plans) else: plan = self.__link_plans(*list_plans) self.display_traj(plan, id_=int(1000 * dist_smoothing)) return plan
def __check_collision_in_joints_target(self, joints): """ Check if the joints target implies a self collision. Raise an exception is a collision is detected. :param joints: list of joints value """ try: robot_state_target = RobotStateMoveIt() robot_state_target.joint_state.header.frame_id = "world" robot_state_target.joint_state.position = joints = self.__joints_name group_name = self.__arm.get_name() response = self.__parameters_validator.check_state_validity( robot_state_target, group_name, None) if not response.valid: if len(response.contacts) > 0: rospy.logwarn( 'Arm commander - Joints target unreachable because of collision between %s and %s', response.contacts[0].contact_body_1, response.contacts[0].contact_body_2) raise ArmCommanderException( CommandStatus.INVALID_PARAMETERS, "Target joints would lead to a collision between links {} and {} " .format(response.contacts[0].contact_body_1, response.contacts[0].contact_body_2)) else: # didn't succeed to get the contacts on the real robot rospy.logwarn( 'Arm commander - Joints target unreachable because of collision between two parts of Ned' ) raise ArmCommanderException( CommandStatus.INVALID_PARAMETERS, "Target joints would lead to a collision between two parts of Ned" ) except rospy.ServiceException as e: rospy.logwarn("Arm commander - Failed to check state validity : " + str(e))