Esempio n. 1
def strideLength( model , heel_joint ,  toeBase_joint , end_joint ):
    """ This function returns the average stride length of the walk animation of the model"""
    """ Parameters : 
            model : An instance of the class model.Model .
            heel_joint : A string with the name of the joint that resembles the 'Heel' of a chosen foot .
            oeBase_joint : A string with the name of the joint that resembles the 'Toe Base' of a chosen foot .
            end_joint : A string with the name of the joint that resembles the 'End' of a chosen foot .

    frames = footOnFloorFrames( model , heel_joint ,  toeBase_joint , end_joint )

    ### Check if frames size is larger than 1
    if( len( frames ) <= 1  ):
        return False

    ### Find the frames in the middle of a step ( foot on the floor )
    stepFrames = []

    startStep = frames[ 0 ]

    for index in range( 1 , len( frames ) ):

        if( abs( frames[ index ] - frames[ index - 1 ] ) > 1 ):
            endStep = frames[ index - 1 ]

            stepFrames.append( int( ( endStep + startStep ) / 2 ) )

            startStep = frames[ index ]

    ### Calculate the distance between the consecutive steps
    strideLengthSum = 0 

    heel_position = movement.getJointPosition( model , heel_joint )

    lastStepPosition = None

    for frameIndex in stepFrames:

        currentStepPosition = heel_position[ frameIndex ]

        if( lastStepPosition is None ):

            lastStepPosition = currentStepPosition 


            strideLengthSum += np.linalg.norm( currentStepPosition - lastStepPosition )

    averageStrideLength = strideLengthSum / ( len( stepFrames ) - 1 )

    return averageStrideLength
Esempio n. 2
### Sesión

########### Cubic spline interpolation

import model as m
modelo =  m.Model( "../sample-mocap-data//05//05_01_ignoreFirstFrame.bvh" )

import movement as mov
data = mov.getJointPosition( modelo , "LeftFoot" ) 
signal = [ position[ 1 , 0 ] for position in data ]

import data as dt
f = dt.cubicInterpolation( signal )

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

axis = range( 0 , len( signal ) )

x = np.linspace( 0 , len( signal ) - 1 , 10000 )
y = f( x )

plt.plot( axis, signal, 'ro', x , y , 'g-' )

########### Plot speed and acceleration

import model as m
modelo =  m.Model( "sample-mocap-data//05//05_01_ignoreFirstFrame.bvh" )