def write_frames(self, frames: List[np.ndarray], filepath: str, audio: CompositeAudioClip) -> str: """Writes the frames to a given .mp4 filepath (h264 codec)""" vclip = ImageSequenceClip(frames, fps=self.fps) audio.set_duration(vclip.duration) = audio vclip.write_videofile(filepath, codec='libx264', fps=self.fps) return filepath
def createVideo(title, script, publishTime): intro = VideoFileClip("clips/intro.mp4") body = VideoFileClip("clips/body.mp4") loop = VideoFileClip("clips/loop.mp4") outro = VideoFileClip("clips/outro.mp4") titleMP3 = ''.join(e for e in title if e.isalnum()) titleMP3 = titleMP3 + ".mp3" # title + ".mp3" audioclip = AudioFileClip(titleMP3) scriptLen = audioclip.duration loopLen = loop.duration multiplier = scriptLen / loopLen new_audioclip = CompositeAudioClip([, audioclip]) = new_audioclip x = [intro, body] multiplier = multiplier - 1 while multiplier > 0: x.extend([loop]) multiplier = multiplier - 1 x.extend([outro]) final_clip = concatenate_videoclips(x) titleMP4 = ''.join(e for e in title if e.isalnum()) titleMP4 = titleMP4 + ".mp4" # titleMP4 = title + ".mp4" final_clip.write_videofile(titleMP4) uploadVid(title, script, titleMP4, publishTime)
def video_render(txt_file,image_file,sound_file,save_file): from moviepy.editor import ImageClip from moviepy.editor import CompositeVideoClip from moviepy.editor import CompositeAudioClip from moviepy.editor import TextClip from moviepy.editor import AudioFileClip from moviepy.editor import concatenate from moviepy.config import change_settings change_settings({"IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY": "/usr/local/bin/convert"}) text=[] with open(txt_file,'r') as file: for lines in file: if lines!="\n": text.append(lines.rstrip('\n')) durs=[] for i in text: res = len(re.findall(r'\w+', i)) if res/2>3: durs.append(res/2) else: durs.append(3) total_duration=sum(durs) a_clip = AudioFileClip(sound_file) if a_clip.duration<total_duration: new_audioclip = CompositeAudioClip([a_clip, a_clip.set_start(a_clip.duration-1)]).set_duration(total_duration+3) else: new_audioclip=a_clip.set_duration(total_duration+3) screen=(1920,1080) clip_list = [] i=0 for string in text: duration=durs[i] i+=1 try: txt_clip = TextClip(string, fontsize = 70, color = 'white', method='caption',size=screen ).set_duration(duration).set_pos('center') clip_list.append(txt_clip) except UnicodeEncodeError: txt_clip = TextClip("Issue with text", fontsize = 70, color = 'white').set_duration(2) clip_list.append(txt_clip) final_text_clip = concatenate(clip_list, method = "compose").set_start(3) v_clip = ImageClip(image_file).set_duration(total_duration+3) video=CompositeVideoClip([v_clip, final_text_clip]) # video = video.set_audio(AudioFileClip('sound/Serenity (1).mp3')) video = video.set_audio(new_audioclip) video.write_videofile(save_file, codec='libx264', fps=10, threads=4, audio_codec='aac', temp_audiofile='temp-audio.m4a', remove_temp=True )
def outro(): outroimg = pathlib.Path(RESOURCES + "/images/outputMoment.jpg") audio = AudioFileClip(pathlib.Path(RESOURCES + "/sounds/outroaud.wav")) music = AudioFileClip(pathlib.Path(RESOURCES + "/sounds/jazz_lounge.mp3")) final_audio = CompositeAudioClip([audio, music]) outro = ImageClip(outroimg) outro = outro.set_fps(24) outro = outro.set_audio(final_audio) outro = outro.set_duration(30) outro.write_videofile(pathlib.Path(RESOURCES + "/vids/outro.mp4"))
def __add_audio_to_video__(self, file_path, duration, config): print(file_path) my_clip = VideoFileClip(file_path) audio_background = AudioFileClip('downloaded/audio.mp3').subclip( 0, duration - 1) final_audio = CompositeAudioClip([audio_background]) final_clip = my_clip.set_audio(final_audio) result_path = "tmp/" + self.__next_index__() + ".mp4" final_clip.write_videofile(result_path) return result_path
def add_audio_to_video(video_file_path, audio_file_path, target_file_path): videoclip = VideoFileClip(video_file_path) audioclip = AudioFileClip(audio_file_path) audioclip = audioclip.subclip(0, videoclip.duration) new_audioclip = CompositeAudioClip([audioclip]) # = new_audioclip videoclip2 = videoclip.set_audio(new_audioclip) videoclip2.write_videofile(target_file_path, codec="libx264", audio_codec="aac")
def add_background_audio(audio_clip): """ :param audio_clip: 최종 영상 오디오 클립 :return: 배경음 삽입된 오디오 클립 """ # Access audio file back_audio = AudioFileClip(settings.BASE_DIR + '/core/back_audios/' + get_selected_music() + '.wav') # New audio file new_audio_clip = CompositeAudioClip([audio_clip.fx(volumex, 7), back_audio.fx(volumex, 1)]) return new_audio_clip
def renderVideos(data): cliparr = [] for entry in data: #if data[entry] == "5.mp4": #break c = VideoFileClip(f"raw_videos/{data[entry]}", target_resolution=(1080, 1920)) t = TextClip(entry, fontsize=50, color='white') #width, height t = t.set_position((0.1, 0.8), relative=True).set_duration(c.duration) c = CompositeVideoClip([c, t]) cliparr.append(c) final_clip = concatenate_videoclips(cliparr, method='compose') final_clip = final_clip.fx(volumex, 0.3) audio_background = AudioFileClip(BACKGROUND_MUSIC_PATH).set_duration( final_clip.duration) final_audio = CompositeAudioClip([, audio_background]) ret_clip = final_clip.set_audio(final_audio) return ret_clip
def addAudioToVideo(name): try: os.chdir(os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, r"dataset/" + name)) print(os.listdir()) audiofile = AudioFileClip('audio.mp3') bgaudiofile = AudioFileClip(os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, r"bg.mp3")) videoclip = VideoFileClip("mygeneratedvideo.mp4") new_audioclip = CompositeAudioClip([audiofile, bgaudiofile]) videoclip = videoclip.set_audio(audiofile) # = new_audioclip videoclip = videoclip.subclip(0, audiofile.duration) videoclip = videoclip.speedx(factor=1.1) clip = VideoFileClip( '' ) maskedclipDurationMultiplier = int(videoclip.duration // clip.duration) maskedClipList = [] for iterator in range(maskedclipDurationMultiplier): maskedClipList.append(clip) #Adding Anchor clip = concatenate_videoclips(maskedClipList) masked_clip = clip.fx(vfx.mask_color, color=[109, 246, 16], thr=80, s=5) masked_clip = masked_clip.resize(videoclip.size).set_pos( ('center', 'bottom')) final_clip = CompositeVideoClip([videoclip, masked_clip]) final_clip = final_clip.resize((460, 720)) # videoclip = videoclip.fx(speedx, 1.3) os.chdir(os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, "")) final_clip.write_videofile("test" + ".mp4") except Exception as e: print('addaudioto video m.v.') print(e)
output = "video/" + VIDEO_SUB_PATH + "/slideshow.mp4" clip0 = VideoFileClip("video/" + VIDEO_SUB_PATH + "/slide0.mp4") # clip1 = VideoFileClip("video/"+VIDEO_SUB_PATH+"/slide1.mp4") clip2 = VideoFileClip("video/" + VIDEO_SUB_PATH + "/slide2.mp4") # clip3 = VideoFileClip("video/"+VIDEO_SUB_PATH+"/slide3.mp4") clip4 = VideoFileClip("video/" + VIDEO_SUB_PATH + "/slide4.mp4") clip5 = VideoFileClip("video/" + VIDEO_SUB_PATH + "/slide5.mp4") clip6 = VideoFileClip("video/" + VIDEO_SUB_PATH + "/slide6.mp4") clip7 = VideoFileClip("video/" + VIDEO_SUB_PATH + "/slide7.mp4") # clip8 = VideoFileClip("video/"+VIDEO_SUB_PATH+"/slide6_1.mp4") # clip9 = VideoFileClip("video/"+VIDEO_SUB_PATH+"/slide7_1.mp4") # clip10 = VideoFileClip("video/"+VIDEO_SUB_PATH+"/slide8.mp4") clip11 = VideoFileClip("video/" + VIDEO_SUB_PATH + "/slide10.mp4") audio_background = AudioFileClip(BG_AUDIO) final_audio = CompositeAudioClip([audio_background]) # slide1 = CompositeVideoClip([clip1.fx( transfx.crossfadein, delay)]) slide2 = CompositeVideoClip([clip2.fx(transfx.slide_in, delay, 'bottom')]) slide3 = CompositeVideoClip([clip11.fx(transfx.crossfadeout, 2)]) slide4 = CompositeVideoClip([clip4.fx(transfx.slide_out, delay, 'left')]) slide5 = CompositeVideoClip([clip5.fx(transfx.crossfadein, delay)]) slide6 = CompositeVideoClip([clip6.fx(transfx.crossfadein, delay)]) slide7 = CompositeVideoClip([clip7.fx(transfx.crossfadein, delay)]) # slide8 = CompositeVideoClip([clip8.fx( transfx.slide_in, delay, 'right')]) # slide9 = CompositeVideoClip([clip9.fx( transfx.crossfadein, delay)]) # slide10 = CompositeVideoClip([clip10.fx( transfx.crossfadein, delay)]) # slided_clips = concatenate([clip0, slide1, slide2, slide3, slide4, slide6, slide7, slide8, slide9, slide5], padding=-delay, method="compose") # slided_clips = concatenate([clip0, slide1, slide2, slide6, slide7, slide8, slide9, slide10, slide4, slide3, slide5], padding=-delay, method="compose").set_audio(final_audio) slided_clips = concatenate( [clip0, slide2, slide6, slide7, slide4, slide3, slide5],
# parse the arguments args = parser.parse_args() video_file = args.video_file audio_file = args.audio_file start = args.start end = args.end composite = args.composite volume_factor = args.volume_factor # print the passed parameters, just for logging print(vars(args)) # load the video video_clip = VideoFileClip(video_file) # load the audio audio_clip = AudioFileClip(audio_file) # use the volume factor to increase/decrease volume audio_clip = audio_clip.volumex(volume_factor) # if end is not set, use video clip's end if not end: end = video_clip.end # make sure audio clip is less than video clip in duration # setting the start & end of the audio clip to `start` and `end` paramters audio_clip = audio_clip.subclip(start, end) # composite with the existing audio in the video if composite parameter is set if composite: final_audio = CompositeAudioClip([, audio_clip]) else: final_audio = audio_clip # add the final audio to the video final_clip = video_clip.set_audio(final_audio) # save the final clip final_clip.write_videofile("final.mp4")
final_audio_dir = os.path.join(mixed_audio_dir, 'final-audio.mp3') final_video_dir = os.path.join(mixed_audio_dir, 'final-video.mp4') video_clip = VideoFileClip(source_video_path) original_audio = # extracting the original audio original_audio.write_audiofile(og_audio_dir) # another audio file to clip background_audio_clip = AudioFileClip(source_audio_path) # making subclip of this of same length of video clip bg_music = background_audio_clip.subclip(t_start=0, t_end=video_clip.duration) # now we want the background music to be low bg_music = bg_music.volumex(0.10) # 10% of it's audio # or bg_music = bg_music.fx(vfx.volumex, 0.10) final_audio = CompositeAudioClip([original_audio, bg_music]) final_audio.write_audiofile(final_audio_dir, fps=original_audio.fps) final_clip = video_clip.set_audio(final_audio) final_clip.write_videofile(final_video_dir) # if error in audio file: # new_audio = AudioFileClip(final_audio_path) # final_clip = video_clip.set_audio(new_audio) # if above not work (it is for mp4) # final_clip.write_videofile(final_video_dir, codec='libx264', # audio_codec='aac')
video = combined_clip #audio audio_files = [] for i in os.listdir(): if i.endswith(".mp3") or i.endswith(".wav"): audio_files.append(i) print("Audio files loaded are: " + str(audio_files)) for i, clip in enumerate(audio_files): audio_files[i] = AudioFileClip(clip) #ToDo Concatenate audio tracks into audioclip combined_audio = concatenate_audioclips(audio_files) #Set Duration of audioclip background_audio = combined_audio.set_duration(video.duration) #combine videos' audio and audio track video_audio = print(background_audio) print(video_audio) final_audio = CompositeAudioClip([background_audio, video_audio]) final_clip = video.set_audio(final_audio) #render print("Composition successful. Rendering!") final_clip.write_videofile(output_name, fps=fr, logger=None)
def get_chunk(user, send_end=None, compress_render=False, chunk_render=False, chunk_number=0, all_clips=True): try: start_time_count = time.time() log_name = "%Y.%m.%d-%H-%M-%S" ) + "_chunk_service_instance_id_{}_TESTING.log".format(user) # Look for the json file in the project folder try: json_data = sherpaUtils.open_proj(user) except FileNotFoundError as e: logging.error("File or folder cannot be found") logging.error(e) results = "Render exited without error [Unable to find file or folder]", 0 if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) return results # If a file can be found, but no edit data exists in the file if not json_data['CutAwayFootage'] and not json_data[ 'InterviewFootage']: logging.error( "This project seems to have no edit data recorded. Exiting render session" ) results = "Render exited without error [No edit data exists in JSON]", 0 if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) return results # Collecting garbage to clear out memory gc.collect() # Creating a logging instance for testing log_file_name = os.path.join(Config.BASE_DIR, Config.LOGS_LOCATION, Config.RENDER_LOGS, log_name) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', filename=log_file_name) logging.debug( "Beginning render instance of project id {}".format(user)) global_frames = generateEffects.get_fps(user) logging.debug("Global fps has been set to {}".format(global_frames)) vid_type = json_data['VideoType'] one_to_one = True if vid_type == "Square" else False # Get timeline lengths cutaway_timeline_length = round( sherpaUtils.calculate_timeline_length(json_data['CutAwayFootage']), 2) interview_timeline_length = round( sherpaUtils.calculate_timeline_length( json_data['InterviewFootage']), 2) logging.debug("Cutaway length: {}s Interview length: {}s".format( cutaway_timeline_length, interview_timeline_length)) # Find the smallest timeline length smallest_timeline = sherpaUtils.order_picker( cutaway_timeline_length, interview_timeline_length) if smallest_timeline == "CutAwayFootage": if not json_data['CutAwayFootage']: logging.debug( "Cutaways is empty, making interview line the new cutaway line" ) json_data['CutAwayFootage'] = json_data['InterviewFootage'] json_data['InterviewFootage'] = dict() cutaway_timeline_length = round( sherpaUtils.calculate_timeline_length( json_data['CutAwayFootage']), 2) interview_timeline_length = round( sherpaUtils.calculate_timeline_length( json_data['InterviewFootage']), 2) smallest_timeline = sherpaUtils.order_picker( cutaway_timeline_length, interview_timeline_length) logging.debug( "Smallest timeline is currently the Cut Away Timeline, correcting timelines as necessary" ) blank_no = 1 # While the smallest timeline is the cut away timeline # TODO: THIS ISSUE MAY ONLY OCCUR IF THE CUTAWAY TIMELINE IS SHORTER THAN THE TOP TIMELINE while smallest_timeline == 'CutAwayFootage': if blank_no > 100: logging.debug( "There's something wrong with the blank placement for {}. Terminating project" .format(user)) results = "Fatal error, blank placement is in infinite loop", 99 if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) return results # Calculate the length of the blank that should be playing at the smallest timeline current_interview_clip = sherpaUtils.current_interview_footage( json_data, cutaway_timeline_length)[0] # Calculate when the clip om the interview timeline should be playing (globally), and returns the length that the blank clip should be blank_len = round( sherpaUtils.calculate_time_at_clip( current_interview_clip['Meta'], json_data['InterviewFootage'], timeline_len=cutaway_timeline_length), 2) # Creating a blank clip to insert into time blank_name = "end_of_line_blank_" + str(blank_no) end_of_line_blank = { blank_name: { "Meta": { "name": blank_name, "startTime": 0, "endTime": blank_len, "audioLevel": 1, "order": len(json_data[smallest_timeline]) + 1, "clipType": "Blank" }, "edit": {} } } blank_no += 1 logging.debug(blank_name + ":") logging.debug(end_of_line_blank) # Insert it into the timeline json_data[smallest_timeline].update(end_of_line_blank) # Update the length cutaway_timeline_length = round( (cutaway_timeline_length + blank_len), 2) logging.debug("Cutaway length: {}, Inteview length: {}".format( cutaway_timeline_length, interview_timeline_length)) smallest_timeline = sherpaUtils.order_picker( cutaway_timeline_length, interview_timeline_length) blank_replace = True #print(json_data) #print(sherpaUtils.calculate_timeline_length(json_data['CutAwayFootage'])) if not json_data['CutAwayFootage']: logging.debug("Only interview exists") json_data['CutAwayFootage'] = json_data['InterviewFootage'] json_data['InterviewFootage'] = dict() blank_replace = False if not json_data['InterviewFootage']: logging.debug("Only CutAway Exists") blank_replace = False if blank_replace: #blank replacement full_context_start = 0 for clip in json_data['CutAwayFootage']: full_context_end = round( full_context_start + sherpaUtils.calculate_clip_length( json_data['CutAwayFootage'][clip]['Meta']), 2) json_data['CutAwayFootage'][clip]['Meta'][ 'fullContextStart'] = full_context_start json_data['CutAwayFootage'][clip]['Meta'][ 'fullContextEnd'] = full_context_end full_context_start = full_context_end full_context_start = 0 for clip in json_data['InterviewFootage']: full_context_end = round( full_context_start + sherpaUtils.calculate_clip_length( json_data['InterviewFootage'][clip]['Meta']), 2) json_data['InterviewFootage'][clip]['Meta'][ 'fullContextStart'] = full_context_start json_data['InterviewFootage'][clip]['Meta'][ 'fullContextEnd'] = full_context_end full_context_start = full_context_end logging.debug( "Full context start and end for all clips calculated") print(json_data) cp = copy.deepcopy(json_data['CutAwayFootage']) for clip in cp: # If there's any blank, clean the whole thing up if json_data['CutAwayFootage'][clip]['Meta'].get( 'clipType') == "Blank": if not json_data['CutAwayFootage'][clip]['edit']: blank_start = json_data['CutAwayFootage'][clip][ 'Meta']['fullContextStart'] blank_end = json_data['CutAwayFootage'][clip]['Meta'][ 'fullContextEnd'] print("BLANK START ", blank_start) print("BLANK END ", blank_end) interview_clip = sherpaUtils.blank_json_replace( blank_start, blank_end, json_data, json_data['CutAwayFootage'][clip]) print(interview_clip) if interview_clip is not None: logging.debug( "Blank instance has interview clips playing below it" ) if isinstance(interview_clip, list): # Update all the orders from the blank onwards #amnt = (len(interview_clip) - 1) #json_data['CutAwayFootage'] = sherpaUtils.update_order(json_data['CutAwayFootage'], json_data['CutAwayFootage'][clip]['Meta']['order'], amnt) print(interview_clip[0]) json_data['CutAwayFootage'][ clip] = interview_clip[0] interview_clip.pop(0) pos = 0 count = 9999 for _item in interview_clip: clip_name = str(count) json_data['CutAwayFootage'][ clip_name] = interview_clip[pos] pos += 1 count += 1 else: json_data['CutAwayFootage'][ clip] = interview_clip print(json_data) full_context_start = 0 full_context_end = 0 for clip in json_data['CutAwayFootage']: full_context_end = round( full_context_start + sherpaUtils.calculate_clip_length( json_data['CutAwayFootage'][clip]['Meta']), 2) #print("START: ", full_context_start) #print("END: ", full_context_end) json_data['CutAwayFootage'][clip]['Meta'][ 'fullContextStart'] = full_context_start json_data['CutAwayFootage'][clip]['Meta'][ 'fullContextEnd'] = full_context_end full_context_start = full_context_end #print("After") print(json_data) logging.debug("JSON data is now: ") logging.debug(json_data) video_list = [] top_audio = [] cutaway_timeline = 0 logging.debug("Clips ready in: {}".format(time.time() - start_time_count)) print("Clips ready in: ", time.time() - start_time_count) for clip_name in json_data['CutAwayFootage']: logging.debug(clip_name + ":") logging.debug("Cutaway Timeline: {}".format(cutaway_timeline)) # Initialise clip data first clip_data = json_data['CutAwayFootage'][clip_name] clip_type = clip_data['Meta'].get('clipType') # If its a cutaway, just generate the clip and add a caption if it exists if clip_type == "CutAway" or clip_type == "Interview": logging.debug(clip_name + " is a cutaway.") clip = generateEffects.generate_clip( clip_data=clip_data['Meta'], user=user, compressed=compress_render or chunk_render, render_type=one_to_one) # Generate caption data logging.debug("Generating audio for {}".format(clip_name)) clip = generateEffects.better_generate_text_caption( clip, clip_data['edit'], compressed=compress_render or chunk_render, render_type=one_to_one) logging.debug( "Inserting audio for clip '{}' Clip Audio is {} Audio length is {}" .format(clip_name,, clip.duration)) top_audio.append( # Generate image elif clip_type == "Image": logging.debug(clip_name + " is an image.") clip = generateEffects.generate_image_clip( clip_data['Meta'], user) logging.debug("Generating audio for {}".format(clip_name)) clip = generateEffects.better_generate_text_caption( clip, clip_data['edit'], compressed=compress_render or chunk_render, render_type=one_to_one) logging.debug( "Inserting audio for clip '{}' Clip Audio is {} Audio length is {}" .format(clip_name,, clip.duration)) top_audio.append( # If it's a blank elif clip_type == "Blank" or clip_type == "CustomBlank": logging.debug(clip_name + " is a Blank.") clip = generateEffects.generate_blank( clip_data['Meta'], compressed=compress_render or chunk_render, render_type=one_to_one) logging.debug("Generating audio for {}".format(clip_name)) clip = generateEffects.better_generate_text_caption( clip, clip_data['edit'], compressed=compress_render or chunk_render, render_type=one_to_one) logging.debug( "Inserting audio for clip '{}' Clip Audio is {} Audio length is {}" .format(clip_name,, clip.duration)) top_audio.append( # Insert clip into correct position in array logging.debug("Inserted clip '{}' into pos {}.".format( clip_name, clip_data['Meta'].get('order') - 1)) cutaway_timeline = round((cutaway_timeline + clip.duration), 2) video_list.append(clip) logging.debug("Final Cutaway Timeline: {}".format(cutaway_timeline)) # Video list logging.debug("Video list:") logging.debug(video_list) # Create audio from the interview Footage bottom_audio = generateEffects.interview_audio_builder( interview_data=json_data['InterviewFootage'], user=user) # We need to insert the intro if it exists # If its a chunk render, ignore input if not chunk_render: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(attach_dir, user, 'Template.json')): logging.debug("Creating intro, this may take some time") try: intro, transparent = getAndProcessTemplate.getandprocesstemplate( user) if transparent: logging.debug("Transparent intro") logging.debug( "Creating composite of intro and first clip in render" ) # First clip has been removed from project first_clip = video_list.pop(0) # Create composite, and insert back into project intro = CompositeVideoClip([first_clip, intro]) logging.debug( "Replacing first clip in project with intro") video_list.insert(0, intro) # No sound adding necessary, transparent intros take sound from first clip else: logging.debug("Opaque intro") = AudioFileClip( os.path.join(resource_path, 'silence.mp3')).set_duration( intro.duration) video_list.insert(0, intro) top_audio.insert(0, except: logging.error("Error occured during intro generation") logging.exception('') else: logging.debug( "Intro json data can't be found, continuing render service" ) # Concatenate the clips together top_audio = concatenate_audioclips(top_audio) logging.debug("Top audio len: {}".format(round(top_audio.duration, 2))) # Try adding the music if it exists logging.debug("Attempting to add music...") try: music_data = json_data['MusicTrackURL'] music_audio_lvl = float(json_data['MusicAudioLevel']) music = generateEffects.open_music(music_data, music_audio_lvl, cutaway_timeline) # If the video is longer than the music, replay it if music.duration > cutaway_timeline: music = CompositeAudioClip([ music, generateEffects.open_music( music_data, music_audio_lvl, cutaway_timeline - music.duration) ]) top_audio = CompositeAudioClip([music, top_audio]) logging.debug("Music added successfully") except Exception as e: logging.debug( "Exception occured in render - during music audio building:") logging.debug(e) finished_audio = top_audio # Try adding the voice over logging.debug("Attempting to add voice over...") try: voice_data = json_data['VoiceTrackURL'] voice_audio_lvl = float(json_data['VoiceoverAudioLevel']) voice = generateEffects.open_voice(voice_data, voice_audio_lvl, user) if voice.duration > cutaway_timeline: voice = voice.set_end(cutaway_timeline) voice = voice.audio_fadeout(2) top_audio = CompositeAudioClip([voice, top_audio]) logging.debug("Music added successfully") except Exception as e: logging.debug( "Exception occured in render - during voiceover audio building:" ) logging.debug(e) finished_audio = top_audio # Try concatenating the top and bottom audio lines together logging.debug("Attepting to add interview audio...") try: bottom_audio = concatenate_audioclips(bottom_audio) logging.debug("Bottom audio len: {}".format( round(bottom_audio.duration, 2))) finished_audio = CompositeAudioClip([top_audio, bottom_audio]) logging.debug("Interview audio addedd successfully") except Exception as e: logging.debug( "Exception occured in render - during interview audio building:" ) logging.debug(e) finished_audio = top_audio logging.debug("Finished audio len: {}".format( round(finished_audio.duration, 2))) # Concatenate the video files together finished_video = concatenate_videoclips(video_list) finished_video = finished_video.set_audio(finished_audio) try: if not chunk_render: if one_to_one: logging.debug("Defunct. Square render handled elsewhere.") #insta_rez = (round(1080*0.44357), round(1080*0.44357)) if compress_render else (1080, 1080) #logging.debug("Resizing video to {}".format(insta_rez)) #finished_video = crop(finished_video, x1=0, y1=0, x2=insta_rez[0], y2=insta_rez[1]) except: logging.error("Error occured in Square Video resize") logging.exception("") # Defining path here is cleaner vid_name = user + "_com_chunk_edited_TESTING.mp4" vid_dir = os.path.join(attach_dir, user, vid_name) logging.debug( "Rendering {} clip(s) together, of total length {}.".format( len(video_list), round(finished_video.duration, 2))) logging.debug("Writing '{}' to {}".format(vid_name, vid_dir)) logging.debug("Videos placed in {} seconds".format(time.time() - start_time_count)) if chunk_render: if all_clips == True: chunk_len = Config.PREVIEW_CHUNK_LENGTH start_time = 0 end_time = start_time + chunk_len finished_dur = round(finished_video.duration, 2) preview_chunks = [] segment_no = ceil(finished_dur / chunk_len) # hangover segment logging.debug( "Video duration: {}s /{}s = {} segments full segments: {}" .format(finished_dur, chunk_len, finished_dur / chunk_len, segment_no)) # _ is for non important variable for i in range(segment_no): preview_clip = finished_video.subclip( start_time, min(start_time + chunk_len, finished_dur)) logging.debug("Clip is currently from {} to {}".format( start_time, round(min(start_time + chunk_len, finished_dur), 2))) start_time += chunk_len logging.debug("Segment {} is {}s long".format( i, round(preview_clip.duration, 2))) logging.debug("Global framerate: {}".format(global_frames)) preview_clip.fps = global_frames if preview_clip.duration < chunk_len / 2: logging.debug( "Clip is smaller than {}s, so appending it to last clip instead." .format(chunk_len / 2)) preview_clip = concatenate_videoclips( [preview_clip, preview_chunks[-1]]) del preview_chunks[-1] preview_chunks.append(preview_clip) logging.debug("Preview chunk list: ") logging.debug(preview_chunks) logging.debug("Rendering out {} videos in {}s chunks".format( len(preview_chunks), chunk_len)) for video in preview_chunks: try: vid_name = user + "_com_chunk_" + str( preview_chunks.index(video)) + "_edited.mp4" vid_dir = os.path.join(attach_dir, user, vid_name) logging.debug( "Global framerate: {}".format(global_frames)) logging.debug("Rendering {} at time {}s".format( vid_name, (time.time() - start_time_count))) video.write_videofile(vid_dir, threads=8, preset="ultrafast", bitrate="1000k", audio_codec="aac", remove_temp=True, fps=global_frames) results = "Chunk {} Rendered Successfully".format( str(preview_chunks.index(video))), 1 results = "Chunk 1 Rendered Successfully", 1 if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) except: logging.error( "Fatal error occured while writing video - Chunk Render" ) logging.exception("") logging.error( "Exiting program without writing video file correctly" ) results = "Video not rendered [ERROR OCCURED, VIEW LOGS '{}' FOR MORE DETAILS]".format( log_name), 99 if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) return results #results = "Video Rendered Successfully", 1 logging.debug("All chunks rendered to {}".format(vid_dir)) logging.debug( "Completed in {} seconds".format(time.time() - start_time_count)) logging.debug("Closing render instance - Chunk") if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) return results else: start_time = chunk_number * Config.PREVIEW_CHUNK_LENGTH end_time = min(start_time + Config.PREVIEW_CHUNK_LENGTH, finished_video.duration) vid_name = user + "_com_chunk_" + str( chunk_number) + "_edited.mp4" vid_dir = os.path.join(attach_dir, user, vid_name) finished_video = finished_video.subclip( start_time, min(end_time, finished_video.end)) video.write_videofile(vid_dir, threads=8, preset="ultrafast", bitrate="1000k", audio_codec="aac", remove_temp=True, fps=global_frames) print(("Done in {} seconds".format(time.time() - start_time_count))) logging.debug("Done in {} seconds".format(time.time() - start_time_count)) logging.debug("File '{}' successfully written to {}".format( vid_name, vid_dir)) logging.debug("Closing render instance - Chunk") results = "Chunk {} Rendered Successfully".format( chunk_number), 1 if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) return results if compress_render: logging.debug("Running compress render instance") try: vid_name = user + "_com_preview_edited.mp4" vid_dir = os.path.join(attach_dir, user, vid_name) logging.debug("Global framerate: {}".format(global_frames)) finished_video.write_videofile(vid_dir, threads=8, bitrate="1000k", audio_codec="aac", remove_temp=True, fps=global_frames) results = "Video Rendered Successfully", 1 logging.debug("File '{}' successfully written to {}".format( vid_name, vid_dir)) logging.debug( "Completed in {} seconds".format(time.time() - start_time_count)) logging.debug("Closing render instance - Compress") if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) return results except: logging.error( "Fatal error occured while writing video - Compressed Render" ) logging.exception("") logging.error( "Exiting program without writing video file correctly") results = "Video not rendered [ERROR OCCURED, VIEW LOGS '{}' FOR MORE DETAILS]".format( log_name), 99 if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) return results else: logging.debug("Running full render instance") try: vid_name = user + "_edited.mp4" vid_dir = os.path.join(attach_dir, user, vid_name) logging.debug("Rendering {}".format(vid_name)) logging.debug("Global framerate: {}".format(global_frames)) finished_video.write_videofile(vid_dir, threads=8, audio_codec="aac", bitrate="6000k", remove_temp=True, fps=global_frames) results = "Video Rendered Successfully", 1 logging.debug("File '{}' successfully written to {}".format( vid_name, vid_dir)) logging.debug( "Completed in {} seconds".format(time.time() - start_time_count)) logging.debug("Closing render instance - Full") if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) return results except: logging.error( "Fatal error occured while writing video - Full Render") logging.exception("") logging.error( "Exiting program without writing video file correctly") results = "Video not rendered [ERROR OCCURED, VIEW LOGS '{}' FOR MORE DETAILS]".format( log_name), 99 if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) return results except: logging.error( "Unknown Fatal Error occured during render instance of '{}'". format(user)) logging.exception("") logging.error("Exiting program without writing video file correctly") results = "Video not rendered [ERROR OCCURED, VIEW LOGS '{}' FOR MORE DETAILS]".format( log_name), 99 if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) return results
# 完事还可以继续给视频添加背景音乐, 视频处理有专门的包moviepy video = VideoFileClip("image/ball.mp4") print(video.duration) audio = AudioFileClip("sound/bg_music.ogg") audio = audio.subclip(0, video.duration) print(audio.duration) # 注意, 视频, 音频不同长不要直接去合并, 总长度会按长的来, 但 # 视频过长, 后面没声音; 音频过长, 视频虽然显示长度长, 但播放一半闪退 video = video.set_audio(audio) video.write_videofile("image/ball2.mp4") # 更灵活的处理方法是截取视频不同的subclip, 混淆声音后设为背景, 再把各视频clip拼接起来 # 比如以bass2.mp4为基础, 在10s位置再混入笑声 video = VideoFileClip("image/ball2.mp4") video_clip1 = video.subclip(0, 10) video_clip2 = video.subclip(10, video.duration) laugh = AudioFileClip("sound/laugh.wav") audio_clip1 = audio_clip2 = # 注意混入不需要俩音频一般长 audio_clip2 = CompositeAudioClip([audio_clip2, laugh]) video_clip2 = video_clip2.set_audio(audio_clip2) video = concatenate_videoclips([video_clip1, video_clip2]) video.write_videofile("image/ball3.mp4")
def join_audios(self, audio_1: str, audio_2: str, destination: str) -> None: audio_clip_1 = AudioFileClip(audio_1) audio_clip_2 = AudioFileClip(audio_2) new_audio_clip = CompositeAudioClip([audio_clip_1, audio_clip_2]) new_audio_clip.write_audiofile(destination, fps=44100)
# pip install moviepy from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip, concatenate_videoclips, vfx, AudioFileClip, afx, CompositeAudioClip clip1 = VideoFileClip("one.mp4").subclip(10,20).fx(vfx.fadein, 1).fx(vfx.fadeout, 1) clip2 = VideoFileClip("two.mp4").subclip(10,20).fx(vfx.fadein, 1).fx(vfx.fadeout, 1) clip3 = VideoFileClip("one.mp4").subclip(20,30).fx(vfx.fadein, 1).fx(vfx.fadeout, 1) clip4 = VideoFileClip("one.mp4").subclip(10,20).fx(vfx.colorx, 1.5)\ .fx(vfx.lum_contrast, 0, 50, 128) audio = AudioFileClip("intro.mp4").fx(afx.audio_fadein, 1).fx(afx.volumex, 0.1) combined = concatenate_videoclips([clip1, clip2, clip3, clip4]) = CompositeAudioClip([audio]) combined.write_videofile("combined.mp4")
def downloadRedditVideos(subreddit, time=1000, filter="month", output="output.mp4"): for filename in os.listdir("videos/"): file_path = os.path.join("videos/", filename) try: if os.path.isfile(file_path) or os.path.islink(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) except Exception as e: print("Failed to delete %s. Reason: %s" % (file_path, e)) addTime = 0 i = 0 if subreddit is 1: subreddit = "perfectlycutscreams" elif subreddit is 2: subreddit = "watchpeopledieinside" elif subreddit is 3: subreddit = "contagiouslaughter" elif subreddit is 4: subreddit = "livestreamfail" elif subreddit is 5: subreddit = "whatcouldgowrong" for submission in reddit.subreddit(subreddit).hot(limit=500): if is not None: if ( "" in submission.url and "tt_" not in submission.url ): if addTime < time: dl_clip(submission.url, str(i).rjust(2, "0")) videoD = VideoFileClip( "videos/" + str(i).rjust(2, "0") + ".mp4" ).duration addTime += videoD i += 1 elif "reddit_video" in if ( addTime < time and["reddit_video"]["duration"] < 200 ): video =["reddit_video"]["fallback_url"] v = requests.get(video) open("tmp/video.mp4", "wb").write(v.content) a = requests.get(re.sub("[^/]*$", "audio", video, 1)) if a.status_code != 200: b = requests.get(re.sub("[^/]*$", "DASH_audio.mp4", video, 1)) if b.status_code != 200: open("videos/" + str(i).rjust(2, "0") + ".mp4", "wb").write( v.content ) else: open("tmp/audio.mp4", "wb").write(b.content) combined = VideoFileClip("tmp/video.mp4") = CompositeAudioClip( [AudioFileClip("tmp/audio.mp4")] ) combined.write_videofile( "videos/" + str(i).rjust(2, "0") + ".mp4", temp_audiofile="tmp/tmp_audio.mp3", ) else: open("tmp/audio.mp4", "wb").write(a.content) combined = VideoFileClip("tmp/video.mp4") = CompositeAudioClip( [AudioFileClip("tmp/audio.mp4")] ) combined.write_videofile( "videos/" + str(i).rjust(2, "0") + ".mp4", temp_audiofile="tmp/tmp_audio.mp3", ) os.unlink("tmp/video.mp4") os.unlink("tmp/audio.mp4") addTime +=["reddit_video"]["duration"] print("Video seconds: " + str(addTime)) i += 1
segment_index += 1 else: raise NotImplementedError('The segment type ' + song_segments[segment_index][1] + ' is not supported') # for s in range(len(showcase_segments)): # if s == 0: # downtime_length = showcase_segments[s][0] - (period * 0.6) # else: # downtime_length = (showcase_segments[s][0] - showcase_segments[s - 1][1]) - (period * 0.6) # exposition_clip_files = random.sample(clip_files, math.floor(downtime_length / 3.5) ) # for exp_clip_file in exposition_clip_files: # clip = VideoFileClip(join(clip_folder, exp_clip_file)) # clip = clip.set_duration(downtime_length / len(exposition_clip_files)) # clips.append(clip) # print('Downtime Clip Added!') # # offset = clip_index # for i in range(math.floor((showcase_segments[s][1] - showcase_segments[s][0]) / period)): # clip = VideoFileClip(join(clip_folder, clip_files[i + offset])) # clip = clip.subclip(5 - (period * .6), 5 + (period * .4)) # clips.append(clip) # print('Showcase Clip Added!') # clip_index += 1 output = concatenate_videoclips(videos) output = output.set_audio(CompositeAudioClip([, song])) # final_clip = final_clip.set_audio(AudioFileClip(song_file)) output.write_videofile('./output2.mp4')
def render_video(user, send_end=None, compress_render=False, chunk_render=False): """ User: String -> The ID of the project (User is just a hangover from previous builds) compress_render: Bool -> Set to true if you want this function to return a quick render """ try: if chunk_render: chunk.get_chunk(sherpaUtils.open_proj(user), user, 1) else: log_name ="%Y.%m.%d-%H-%M-%S") + "_render_service_instance_id_{}.log".format(user) # Collecting garbage to clear out memory gc.collect() # Creating a logging instance for testing log_file_name = os.path.join( Config.BASE_DIR, Config.LOGS_LOCATION, Config.RENDER_LOGS, log_name ) logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', filename=log_file_name) logging.debug("Beginning render instance of project id {}".format(user)) # For logging start_time = time.time() # Finished timeline video video_list = [] # Top audio timeline top_audio = [] # Define current length of video, in terms of the 'main' timeline cutaway_timeline = 0 # Look for the json file in the project folder try: json_file = sherpaUtils.open_proj(user) except FileNotFoundError as e: logging.error("File or folder cannot be found") logging.error(e) results = "Render exited without error [Unable to find file or folder]", 0 if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) return results # If a file can be found, but no edit data exists in the file if not json_file['CutAwayFootage'] and not json_file['InterviewFootage']: logging.error("This project seems to have no edit data recorded. Exiting render session") results = "Render exited without error [No edit data exists in JSON]", 0 if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) return results # Get timeline lengths cutaway_timeline_length = round(sherpaUtils.calculate_timeline_length(json_file['CutAwayFootage']), 2) interview_timeline_length = round(sherpaUtils.calculate_timeline_length(json_file['InterviewFootage']), 2) logging.debug("Cutaway length: {}s Interview length: {}s".format(cutaway_timeline_length, interview_timeline_length)) # Find the smallest timeline length smallest_timeline = sherpaUtils.order_picker(cutaway_timeline_length, interview_timeline_length) if smallest_timeline == "CutAwayFootage": if not json_file['CutAwayFootage']: logging.debug("Cutaways is empty, making interview line the new cutaway line") json_file['CutAwayFootage'] = json_file['InterviewFootage'] json_file['InterviewFootage'] = dict() cutaway_timeline_length = round(sherpaUtils.calculate_timeline_length(json_file['CutAwayFootage']), 2) interview_timeline_length = round(sherpaUtils.calculate_timeline_length(json_file['InterviewFootage']), 2) smallest_timeline = sherpaUtils.order_picker(cutaway_timeline_length, interview_timeline_length) logging.debug("Smallest timeline is currently the Cut Away Timeline, correcting timelines as necessary") blank_no = 1 # While the smallest timeline is the cut away timeline # TODO: THIS ISSUE MAY ONLY OCCUR IF THE CUTAWAY TIMELINE IS SHORTER THAN THE TOP TIMELINE while smallest_timeline == 'CutAwayFootage': if blank_no > 100: logging.debug("There's something wrong with the blank placement for {}. Terminating project".format(user)) results = "Fatal error, blank placement is in infinite loop", 99 if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) return results # Calculate the length of the blank that should be playing at the smallest timeline current_interview_clip = sherpaUtils.current_interview_footage( json_file, cutaway_timeline_length )[0] # Calculate when the clip om the interview timeline should be playing (globally), and returns the length that the blank clip should be blank_len = sherpaUtils.calculate_time_at_clip( current_interview_clip['Meta'], json_file['InterviewFootage'], timeline_len=cutaway_timeline_length ) # Creating a blank clip to insert into time blank_name = "end_of_line_blank_" + str(blank_no) end_of_line_blank = { blank_name: { "Meta": { "name": blank_name, "startTime": 0, "endTime": blank_len, "audioLevel": 1, "order": len(json_file[smallest_timeline])+1, "clipType": "Blank" }, "edit": { } } } blank_no += 1 logging.debug(blank_name + ":") logging.debug(end_of_line_blank) # Insert it into the timeline json_file[smallest_timeline].update(end_of_line_blank) # Update the length cutaway_timeline_length = round((cutaway_timeline_length+blank_len),2) logging.debug("Cutaway length: {}, Inteview length: {}".format(cutaway_timeline_length, interview_timeline_length)) smallest_timeline = sherpaUtils.order_picker(cutaway_timeline_length, interview_timeline_length) # Automated all the clips - Run through all the cutaway footage for clip_name in json_file['CutAwayFootage']: logging.debug(clip_name + ":") logging.debug("Cutaway Timeline: {}".format(cutaway_timeline)) # Initialise clip data first clip_data = json_file['CutAwayFootage'][clip_name] clip_type = clip_data['Meta'].get('clipType') # If its a cutaway, just generate the clip and add a caption if it exists if clip_type == "CutAway" or clip_type == "Interview": logging.debug(clip_name + " is a cutaway.") clip = generateEffects.generate_clip(clip_data=clip_data['Meta'], user=user, compressed=compress_render or chunk_render) # Generate caption data logging.debug("Generating audio for {}".format(clip_name)) clip = generateEffects.better_generate_text_caption(clip, clip_data['edit'], compressed=compress_render or chunk_render) logging.debug("Inserting audio for clip '{}' Clip Audio is {} Audio length is {}".format(clip_name,, clip.duration)) top_audio.insert(clip_data['Meta'].get('order'), # Generate image elif clip_type == "Image": logging.debug(clip_name + " is an image.") clip = generateEffects.generate_image_clip(clip_data['Meta'], user) logging.debug("Generating audio for {}".format(clip_name)) clip = generateEffects.better_generate_text_caption(clip, clip_data['edit'], compressed=compress_render or chunk_render) logging.debug("Inserting audio for clip '{}' Clip Audio is {} Audio length is {}".format(clip_name,, clip.duration)) top_audio.insert(clip_data['Meta'].get('order'), # If it's a blank elif clip_type == "Blank": # These values are used later in the blank process some_filler = False total_insert_length = 0 logging.debug("Inserting audio for blank '{}'".format(clip_name)) top_audio.insert(clip_data['Meta'].get('order'), generateEffects.get_blank_audio(clip_data)) # We need to see if we can find any clips to replace the blank with try: logging.debug(clip_name + " is a blank.") # We need to find the clip that should be playing in the interview timeline cutaway_blank_len = sherpaUtils.calculate_clip_length(clip_data['Meta']) # Gets clip on interview timeline that should be playing, as well as its start time on the interview timeline relevant_interview_clip_data, interview_start_time = sherpaUtils.current_interview_footage( data=json_file, clip_timeline=cutaway_timeline ) # rounding for simple calculation interview_start_time = round(interview_start_time, 2) # Set metadata for clip rendering and order for timeline insert interview_clip_meta_data = relevant_interview_clip_data['Meta'] interview_clip_ord = interview_clip_meta_data.get('order') # Difference between the current time in the video, and the start time of the interview clip dif = round(cutaway_timeline-interview_start_time, 2) logging.debug("Interview clip starts at {}, Blank clip starts at {}, so difference is {}".format( interview_start_time, cutaway_timeline, dif) ) # Define clip length clip_dur = sherpaUtils.calculate_clip_length(clip_data['Meta']) sub_clip_start = (interview_clip_meta_data.get('startTime')) + dif # Get end of clip or end of blank, whichever comes first sub_clip_end = min( ((interview_clip_meta_data.get('startTime')) + dif + clip_dur), interview_clip_meta_data.get('endTime') ) # Round data off for simple calculation sub_clip_start = round(sub_clip_start, 2) sub_clip_end = round(sub_clip_end, 2) logging.debug("Sub clip starts at {}, ends at {}".format(sub_clip_start, sub_clip_end)) sub_clip_length = sub_clip_end - sub_clip_start total_insert_length += sub_clip_length interview_clip_type = interview_clip_meta_data.get('clipType') # Create video clip from data found above # Audio is not needed, we will insert it later if interview_clip_type == "Interview": logging.debug("Replacing blank {} with interview clip {}".format( clip_data['Meta'].get('name'), interview_clip_meta_data.get('name') )) # Create clip with parameterised start and end times clip = generateEffects.generate_clip( clip_data=interview_clip_meta_data, user=user, start=sub_clip_start, end=sub_clip_end, compressed=compress_render ) clip = generateEffects.better_generate_text_caption(clip, relevant_interview_clip_data['edit'], compressed=compress_render or chunk_render) # Blanks from the cutaway can be placed instead elif interview_clip_type == "Blank": logging.debug("Replacing blank {} with interview blank {}".format( clip_data['Meta'].get('name'), interview_clip_meta_data.get('name') )) clip = generateEffects.generate_blank(interview_clip_meta_data, start=sub_clip_start, end=sub_clip_end, compressed=compress_render or chunk_render) clip = generateEffects.better_generate_text_caption(clip, relevant_interview_clip_data['edit'], compressed=compress_render or chunk_render) # TODO: Careful here, rounding could cause issues total_insert_length = round(total_insert_length, 2) logging.debug("Insert lenght: {}".format(total_insert_length)) # If the blank length is longer than the length of the videos being inserted while not isclose(total_insert_length, cutaway_blank_len): some_filler = True logging.debug("Clip length didn't suffice for blank, adding more files as necessary") time_to_fill = cutaway_blank_len - total_insert_length time_to_fill = round(time_to_fill, 2) logging.debug("Time left to fill is {}".format(time_to_fill)) interview_clip_ord+=1 next_clip_data = sherpaUtils.give_clip_order(interview_clip_ord, json_file['InterviewFootage']) # Clip should be the the same size as the time to fill if possible # But it's also possible that the next clip isn't bi enough either # So we'll need to go further on # To stop bugs, we need to set our end time as either the time left to fill, or the length of the clip end_time = round(min( next_clip_data['Meta'].get('startTime') + time_to_fill, sherpaUtils.calculate_clip_length(next_clip_data['Meta']) ), 2) logging.debug("End time for clip is {}".format(end_time)) if next_clip_data['Meta'].get('clipType') == "Interview": next_clip = generateEffects.generate_clip( clip_data=next_clip_data['Meta'], end=next_clip_data['Meta'].get('startTime')+end_time, user=user, compressed=compress_render or chunk_render ) next_clip = generateEffects.better_generate_text_caption(next_clip, next_clip_data['edit'], compressed=compress_render or chunk_render) elif next_clip_data['Meta'].get('clipType') == "Blank": next_clip = generateEffects.generate_blank(next_clip_data['Meta'], end=end_time, compressed=compress_render or chunk_render) next_clip = generateEffects.better_generate_text_caption(next_clip, next_clip_data['edit'], compressed=compress_render or chunk_render) total_insert_length += next_clip.duration logging.debug("Total insert length {}".format(total_insert_length)) clip = concatenate_videoclips([clip, next_clip]) logging.debug("Blank clip '{}' has been replaced with interview clips as necessary".format(clip_name)) # No clip can be found, generate the clip from the blank data in the cutaway timeline except TypeError: if some_filler: logging.debug("Some suitable clips have been found from the interview clip, but a discrepency has still occured") logging.debug("{}s of footage failed to be found in the interview footage".format(time_to_fill)) logging.debug("Inserting interview clips that have been found.") if some_filler == False: logging.error("TypeError in render - No clip found to replace blank '{}'".format(clip_data['Meta'].get("name"))) logging.debug("Rendering out blank file found in cutaway timeline instead") clip = generateEffects.generate_blank(clip_data['Meta'], compressed=compress_render or chunk_render) logging.debug("Generating audio for {}".format(clip_name)) clip = generateEffects.better_generate_text_caption(clip, clip_data['edit'], compressed=compress_render or chunk_render) # Insert clip into correct position in array logging.debug("Inserted clip '{}' into pos {}.".format(clip_name, clip_data['Meta'].get('order')-1)) cutaway_timeline = round((cutaway_timeline+clip.duration), 2) video_list.insert(clip_data['Meta'].get('order')-1, clip) # Video list logging.debug("Video list:") logging.debug(video_list) # Create audio from the interview Footage bottom_audio = generateEffects.interview_audio_builder(interview_data=json_file['InterviewFootage'], user=user) # We need to insert the intro if it exists if os.path.exists(os.path.join(attach_dir, user, "intro.mp4")): logging.debug("Intro clip found") logging.error("WE ARE CURRENTLY NOT IMPLEMENTING INTROS") """ intro_clip = generateEffects.create_intro_clip(user, compressed=compress_render or chunk_render) video_list.insert(0, intro_clip) logging.debug("Inserting audio for clip '{}' Clip Audio is {} Audio length is {}".format(intro_clip,, intro_clip.duration)) top_audio.insert(0, bottom_audio.insert(0,""" else: logging.error("No intro clip found, continuing") # Concatenate the clips together top_audio = concatenate_audioclips(top_audio) logging.debug("Top audio len: {}".format(round(top_audio.duration, 2))) # Try adding the music if it exists logging.debug("Attempting to add music...") try: music_data = json_file['MusicTrackURL'] music_audio_lvl = float(json_file['MusicAudioLevel']) music = generateEffects.open_music(music_data, music_audio_lvl, cutaway_timeline) # If the video is longer than the music, replay it if music.duration > cutaway_timeline: music = CompositeAudioClip([music, generateEffects.open_music(music_data, music_audio_lvl, cutaway_timeline - music.duration)]) top_audio = CompositeAudioClip([top_audio, music]) logging.debug("Music added successfully") except Exception as e: logging.debug("Exception occured in render - during music audio building:") logging.debug(e) finished_audio = top_audio # Try adding the voice over logging.debug("Attempting to add voice over...") try: voice_data = json_file['VoiceTrackURL'] voice_audio_lvl = float(json_file['VoiceoverAudioLevel']) voice = generateEffects.open_voice(voice_data, voice_audio_lvl, user) top_audio = CompositeAudioClip([top_audio, voice]) logging.debug("Music added successfully") except Exception as e: logging.debug("Exception occured in render - during voiceover audio building:") logging.debug(e) finished_audio = top_audio # Try concatenating the top and bottom audio lines together logging.debug("Attepting to add interview audio...") try: bottom_audio = concatenate_audioclips(bottom_audio) logging.debug("Bottom audio len: {}".format(round(bottom_audio.duration, 2))) finished_audio = CompositeAudioClip([top_audio, bottom_audio]) logging.debug("Interview audio addedd successfully") except Exception as e: logging.debug("Exception occured in render - during interview audio building:") logging.debug(e) finished_audio = top_audio logging.debug("Finished audio len: {}".format(round(finished_audio.duration, 2))) # Concatenate the video files together finished_video = concatenate_videoclips(video_list) finished_video = finished_video.set_audio(finished_audio) # Defining path here is cleaner vid_name = user + "_com_preview_edited.mp4" if compress_render else user + "_edited.mp4" vid_dir = os.path.join(attach_dir, user, vid_name) logging.debug("Rendering {} clip(s) together, of total length {}.".format(len(video_list), round(finished_video.duration, 2))) logging.debug("Writing '{}' to {}".format(vid_name, vid_dir)) logging.debug("Videos placed in {} seconds".format(time.time() - start_time)) # Render the finished project out into an mp4 if chunk_render: if finished_video.duration<Config.PREVIEW_CHUNK_LENGTH: logging.debug("Rendering Video as it's smaller than chunk length") vid_dir = os.path.join(attach_dir, user, user + "_com_chunk_0_edited.mp4") finished_video.write_videofile( vid_dir, threads=8, preset="ultrafast", bitrate="1000k", audio_codec="aac", remove_temp=True, fps=24 ) results = "Chunk Rendered Successfully", 1 if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) return results logging.debug("Running chunk render instance") # Get 10 second chunks of videos logging.debug("Splitting video up into 10s chunks.") # Initialising variables finished_dur = round(finished_video.duration, 2) chunk_len = Config.PREVIEW_CHUNK_LENGTH preview_chunks = [] playtime = 0 # Getting segment amount (rounded up to account for section that doesn't fit within chunk lenght) segment_no = ceil(finished_dur/chunk_len) # hangover segment logging.debug("Video duration: {}s /{}s = {} segments full segments: {}".format(finished_dur, chunk_len, finished_dur/chunk_len, segment_no)) # _ is for non important variable for i in range(segment_no): preview_clip = finished_video.subclip(playtime, min(playtime+chunk_len, finished_dur)) logging.debug("Clip is currently from {} to {}".format(playtime, round(min(playtime+chunk_len, finished_dur), 2))) playtime+=chunk_len logging.debug("Segment {} is {}s long".format(i, round(preview_clip.duration, 2))) preview_clip.fps = 24 if preview_clip.duration < chunk_len/2: logging.debug("Clip is smaller than {}s, so appending it to last clip instead.".format(chunk_len/2)) preview_clip = concatenate_videoclips([preview_clip, preview_chunks[-1]]) del preview_chunks[-1] preview_chunks.append(preview_clip) logging.debug("Preview chunk list: ") logging.debug(preview_chunks) logging.debug("Rendering out {} videos in {}s chunks".format(len(preview_chunks), chunk_len)) for video in preview_chunks: try: vid_name = user + "_com_chunk_" + str(preview_chunks.index(video)) + "_edited.mp4" vid_dir = os.path.join(attach_dir, user, vid_name) logging.debug("Rendering {} at time {}s".format(vid_name, (time.time() - start_time))) video.write_videofile( vid_dir, threads=8, preset="ultrafast", bitrate="1000k", audio_codec="aac", remove_temp=True, fps=24 ) results = "Chunk {} Rendered Successfully".format(str(preview_chunks.index(video))), 1 results = "Chunk 1 Rendered Successfully", 1 if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) except: logging.error("Fatal error occured while writing video - Chunk Render") logging.exception("") logging.error("Exiting program without writing video file correctly") results = "Video not rendered [ERROR OCCURED, VIEW LOGS '{}' FOR MORE DETAILS]".format(log_name), 99 if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) return results #results = "Video Rendered Successfully", 1 logging.debug("File '{}' successfully written to {}".format(vid_name, vid_dir)) logging.debug("Completed in {} seconds".format(time.time() - start_time)) logging.debug("Closing render instance - Chunk") if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) return results if compress_render: logging.debug("Running compress render instance") try: finished_video.write_videofile( vid_dir, threads=8, bitrate="1000k", audio_codec="aac", remove_temp=True, fps=24 ) results = "Video Rendered Successfully", 1 logging.debug("File '{}' successfully written to {}".format(vid_name, vid_dir)) logging.debug("Completed in {} seconds".format(time.time() - start_time)) logging.debug("Closing render instance - Compress") if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) return results except: logging.error("Fatal error occured while writing video - Compressed Render") logging.exception("") logging.error("Exiting program without writing video file correctly") results = "Video not rendered [ERROR OCCURED, VIEW LOGS '{}' FOR MORE DETAILS]".format(log_name), 99 if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) return results else: logging.debug("Running full render instance") try: logging.debug("Rendering {}".format(vid_name)) finished_video.write_videofile( vid_dir, threads=8, audio_codec="aac", bitrate="8000k", remove_temp=True, fps=24 ) results = "Video Rendered Successfully", 1 logging.debug("File '{}' successfully written to {}".format(vid_name, vid_dir)) logging.debug("Completed in {} seconds".format(time.time() - start_time)) logging.debug("Closing render instance - Full") if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) return results except: logging.error("Fatal error occured while writing video - Full Render") logging.exception("") logging.error("Exiting program without writing video file correctly") results = "Video not rendered [ERROR OCCURED, VIEW LOGS '{}' FOR MORE DETAILS]".format(log_name), 99 if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) return results except: logging.error("An unknown error has occured, causing video render instance to crash:") logging.exception("") results = "Unforseen error has occured [Contact admin]", 99 if send_end is not None: send_end.send(results) return results
def main(self): #setting the thread and tts for title self.submission = self.reddit.submission(id=self.thread) self.submission.comment_sort = 'top' # If the submission is stickied or not a text post, then return nothing if self.submission.stickied or not self.submission.is_self: print("Error! Invalid submission") return tts = gTTS(text=self.submission.title, lang=choice(self.english))'temp_files/title/title.mp3') self.engine = pyttsx3.init() self.voices = self.engine.getProperty('voices') # Making male voice more common self.weights = [ 0.7 if "DAVID" in else 0.15 for voice in self.voices ] self.engine.setProperty('rate', 150) self.status = "Getting Comments" print("Getting Comments") self.draw_title() for count, self.top_level_comment in enumerate( tqdm(self.submission.comments[:self.total_num_comments], leave=False)): try: self.top_level_comment.body = self.remove_urls( self.top_level_comment.body) if self.valid_comment(1000, 600, top=True): #valid_comment(score, len) self.second_level_comment = self.top_level_comment.replies[ 0] self.second_level_comment.body = self.remove_urls( self.second_level_comment.body) self.third_level_comment = self.second_level_comment.replies[ 0] self.third_level_comment.body = self.remove_urls( self.third_level_comment.body) if self.valid_comment((self.top_level_comment.score // 10), 400, second=True): if self.valid_comment( (self.top_level_comment.score // 12), 200, third=True): self.make_comments(count, third=True) self.num_comments_dict[str(count)] = 3 else: self.make_comments(count, second=True) self.num_comments_dict[str(count)] = 2 else: self.make_comments(count, top=True) self.num_comments_dict[str(count)] = 1 elif self.valid_comment(4000, 1200, top=True): self.make_comments(count, top=True) self.num_comments_dict[str(count)] = 1 except: pass self.create_audio_file() self.create_video_file() music = [music_name for music_name in glob.glob("music/*.mp3")] music_choice = choice(music) audio_foreground = AudioFileClip('comments/all.mp3') audio_background = AudioFileClip(music_choice).volumex(0.12) audio_ratio = ceil(audio_foreground.duration / audio_background.duration) audio_concat = concatenate_audioclips([audio_background] * audio_ratio) final_audio = CompositeAudioClip([audio_foreground, audio_concat]) self.status = "Writing Video" print("Writing Video") final_audio = final_audio.set_end(audio_foreground.duration + 1) final = self.concat_clip.set_audio(final_audio) final.write_videofile(f"{}.mp4", fps=24, threads=4) #clearing the temp directory for file in [ img_file for img_file in glob.glob("temp_files/Images/*.png") ]: os.remove(file) for file in [ name for name in glob.glob("temp_files/comment_files/*.mp3") ]: os.remove(file)