def wrapper(args): T_LibCounts = args.totallibcounts T_mRNACounts = args.totalmRNAcounts if T_LibCounts <=0 or T_mRNACounts <= 0: raise SortSeqError('Counts must be greater than zero') model_df = io.load_model(args.model) if args.i: df =,delim_whitespace=True) else: df =,delim_whitespace=True) #make sure the library is not already sorted if len(utils.get_column_headers(df)) > 0: raise SortSeqError('Library already sorted!') header = df.columns libcounts,expcounts = main(df,model_df,T_LibCounts,T_mRNACounts,start=args.start,end=args.end) #add these counts to input dataframe lc = pd.Series(libcounts,name='ct_0') ec = pd.Series(expcounts,name='ct_1') df['ct_0'] = lc df['ct_1'] = ec df['ct'] = df[['ct_0','ct_1']].sum(axis=1) if args.out: outloc = open(args.out,'w') else: outloc = sys.stdout pd.set_option('max_colwidth',int(1e8)) # Validate dataframe for writting df = qc.validate_dataset(df,fix=True) io.write(df,outloc)
def wrapper(args): try: npar = args.noiseparam.strip("[").strip("]").split(",") except: npar = [] nbins = args.nbins # Run funciton if args.i: df =, delim_whitespace=True, dtype={"seqs": str, "batch": int}) else: df =, delim_whitespace=True, dtype={"seqs": str, "batch": int}) if len(utils.get_column_headers(df)) > 0: raise SortSeqError("Library already sorted!") model_df = io.load_model(args.model) output_df = main(df, model_df, args.noisemodel, npar, nbins, start=args.start, end=args.end) if args.out: outloc = open(args.out, "w") else: outloc = sys.stdout pd.set_option("max_colwidth", int(1e8)) # Validate dataframe for writting output_df = qc.validate_dataset(output_df, fix=True) io.write(output_df, outloc)
def wrapper(args): inloc = io.validate_file_for_reading(args.i) if args.i else sys.stdin dataset_df = io.load_dataset(inloc) model_df = io.load_model(args.model) output_df = main(dataset_df=dataset_df, model_df=model_df,\ left=args.left, right=args.right) outloc = io.validate_file_for_writing(args.out) if args.out else sys.stdout io.write(output_df,outloc,
def wrapper(args): data_df = io.load_dataset(args.dataset) # Take input from standard input or through the -i flag. if args.model: model_df = io.load_model(args.model) else: model_df = io.load_model(sys.stdin) MI,Std = main( data_df,model_df,start=args.start, end=args.end,err=args.err,coarse_graining_level = args.coarse_graining_level) output_df = pd.DataFrame([MI],columns=['info']) if args.err: output_df = pd.concat([output_df,pd.Series(Std,name='info_err')],axis=1) if args.out: outloc = open(args.out,'w') else: outloc = sys.stdout pd.set_option('max_colwidth',int(1e8)) output_df.to_string( outloc, index=False,col_space=10,float_format=utils.format_string)
def wrapper(args): data_df = io.load_dataset(args.dataset) # Take input from standard input or through the -i flag. if args.model: model_df = io.load_model(args.model) else: model_df = io.load_model(sys.stdin) MI, Std = main(data_df, model_df, start=args.start, end=args.end, err=args.err, coarse_graining_level=args.coarse_graining_level, rsquared=args.rsquared, return_freg=args.return_freg) #format output output_df = pd.DataFrame([MI], columns=['info']) #if you calculated error add column to your data frame if args.err: output_df = pd.concat( [output_df, pd.Series(Std, name='info_err')], axis=1) if args.out: outloc = open(args.out, 'w') else: outloc = sys.stdout #set output option, this will remove column length restriction pd.set_option('max_colwidth', int(1e8)) #write to file. output_df.to_string(outloc, index=False, col_space=10, float_format=utils.format_string)
import mpathic.qc as qc import as io import os import mpathic.profile_ct as profile_ct import pdb from mpathic import SortSeqError import cProfile import mpathic.profile_info as profile_info import mpathic.learn_model as learn_model import mpathic.predictiveinfo as predictiveinfo import pstats #load in data sets for the test, we will just use the sort-seq crp-wt set df = io.load_dataset('input/rnap-wt-format.txt') model_df = io.load_model('input/rnap_model') #Profile profile_info #stats_fn = 'Profile_profile_info' #stats_fn_hr = 'Profile_profile_info_hr''''profile_info.main(df,method='nsb')''',stats_fn) #Reformat and print to human readable profile #p = pstats.Stats(stats_fn,stream=open(stats_fn_hr,'w')) #p.strip_dirs() #p.sort_stats('cumtime') #p.print_stats() df_copy = df.copy() #profile learn_model lm=LS stats_fn = 'profile/Profile_learn_model_LS'
def wrapper(args): """ Wrapper for function for scan_model.main() """ # Prepare input to main model_df = io.load_model(args.model) seqtype, modeltype = qc.get_model_type(model_df) L = model_df.shape[0] if modeltype == "NBR": L += 1 chunksize = args.chunksize if not chunksize > 0: raise SortSeqError("chunksize=%d must be positive" % chunksize) if args.numsites <= 0: raise SortSeqError("numsites=%d must be positive." % args.numsites) if args.i and args.seq: raise SortSeqError("Cannot use flags -i and -s simultaneously.") # If sequence is provided manually if args.seq: pos_offset = 0 contig_str = args.seq # Add a bit on end if circular if args.circular: contig_str += contig_str[: L - 1] contig_list = [(contig_str, "manual", pos_offset)] # Otherwise, read sequence from FASTA file else: contig_list = [] inloc = io.validate_file_for_reading(args.i) if args.i else sys.stdin for i, record in enumerate(SeqIO.parse(inloc, "fasta")): name = if else "contig_%d" % i # Split contig up into chunk)size bits full_contig_str = str(record.seq) # Add a bit on end if circular if args.circular: full_contig_str += full_contig_str[: L - 1] # Define chunks containing chunksize sites start = 0 end = start + chunksize + L - 1 while end < len(full_contig_str): contig_str = full_contig_str[start:end] contig_list.append((contig_str, name, start)) start += chunksize end = start + chunksize + L - 1 contig_str = full_contig_str[start:] contig_list.append((contig_str, name, start)) if len(contig_list) == 0: raise SortSeqError("No input sequences to read.") # Compute results outloc = io.validate_file_for_writing(args.out) if args.out else sys.stdout output_df = main(model_df, contig_list, numsites=args.numsites, verbose=args.verbose) # Write df to stdout or to outfile io.write(output_df, outloc,
import mpathic.qc as qc import as io import os import mpathic.profile_ct as profile_ct import pdb from mpathic import SortSeqError import cProfile import mpathic.profile_info as profile_info import mpathic.learn_model as learn_model import mpathic.predictiveinfo as predictiveinfo import pstats #load in data sets for the test, we will just use the sort-seq crp-wt set df = io.load_dataset('input/dms_1_formatted') model_df = io.load_model('input/dms_1_model') #Profile profile_info #stats_fn = 'Profile_profile_info' #stats_fn_hr = 'Profile_profile_info_hr''''profile_info.main(df,method='nsb')''',stats_fn) #Reformat and print to human readable profile #p = pstats.Stats(stats_fn,stream=open(stats_fn_hr,'w')) #p.strip_dirs() #p.sort_stats('cumtime') #p.print_stats() df_copy = df.copy() #profile learn_model lm=LS stats_fn = 'profile/Profile_learn_model_LS_mpra'
import mpathic.qc as qc import as io import os import mpathic.profile_ct as profile_ct import pdb from mpathic import SortSeqError import cProfile import mpathic.profile_info as profile_info import mpathic.learn_model as learn_model import mpathic.predictiveinfo as predictiveinfo import pstats #load in data sets for the test, we will just use the sort-seq crp-wt set df = io.load_dataset('input/dms_1_formatted') model_df = io.load_model('input/dms_1_model') #Profile profile_info #stats_fn = 'Profile_profile_info' #stats_fn_hr = 'Profile_profile_info_hr''''profile_info.main(df,method='nsb')''',stats_fn) #Reformat and print to human readable profile #p = pstats.Stats(stats_fn,stream=open(stats_fn_hr,'w')) #p.strip_dirs() #p.sort_stats('cumtime') #p.print_stats() df_copy = df.copy() #profile learn_model lm=LS stats_fn = 'profile/Profile_learn_model_LS_dms'
import mpathic.qc as qc import as io import os import mpathic.profile_ct as profile_ct import pdb from mpathic import SortSeqError import cProfile import mpathic.profile_info as profile_info import mpathic.learn_model as learn_model import mpathic.predictiveinfo as predictiveinfo import pstats # load in data sets for the test, we will just use the sort-seq crp-wt set df = io.load_dataset("input/mpra.txt") model_df = io.load_model("input/mpra_model") # Profile profile_info # stats_fn = 'Profile_profile_info' # stats_fn_hr = 'Profile_profile_info_hr' #'''profile_info.main(df,method='nsb')''',stats_fn) # Reformat and print to human readable profile # p = pstats.Stats(stats_fn,stream=open(stats_fn_hr,'w')) # p.strip_dirs() # p.sort_stats('cumtime') # p.print_stats() df_copy = df.copy() # profile learn_model lm=LS stats_fn = "profile/Profile_learn_model_LS_mpra"
import mpathic.qc as qc import as io import os import mpathic.profile_ct as profile_ct import pdb from mpathic import SortSeqError import cProfile import mpathic.profile_info as profile_info import mpathic.learn_model as learn_model import mpathic.predictiveinfo as predictiveinfo import pstats #load in data sets for the test, we will just use the sort-seq crp-wt set df = io.load_dataset('input/mpra.txt') model_df = io.load_model('input/mpra_model') #Profile profile_info #stats_fn = 'Profile_profile_info' #stats_fn_hr = 'Profile_profile_info_hr''''profile_info.main(df,method='nsb')''',stats_fn) #Reformat and print to human readable profile #p = pstats.Stats(stats_fn,stream=open(stats_fn_hr,'w')) #p.strip_dirs() #p.sort_stats('cumtime') #p.print_stats() df_copy = df.copy() #profile learn_model lm=LS stats_fn = 'profile/Profile_learn_model_LS_mpra'