def calc(psi, nt, C): i = slice(halo, psi.size - halo) for _ in range(nt): ### #psi[:halo] = psi[i][-halo:] #psi[-halo:] = psi[i][:halo] rank = mpi.Get_rank() size = mpi.Get_size() right = (rank + 1) % size left = (rank - 1 + size) % size psi_without_halo = psi[i] psi_with_halo = psi mpi.send(psi_without_halo[-halo:], dest=right) psi_with_halo[:halo] = mpi.recv(source=left) mpi.send(psi_without_halo[:halo], dest=left) psi_with_halo[-halo:] = mpi.recv(source=right) ### psi[i] = upwind(psi, i, C) return psi
def main(): args = parse_args() assert args.pretrained_model_path is None or args.pretrained_model_path.endswith( ".ckpt") os.makedirs(args.save_dir, exist_ok=True) save_args(args) set_seed(args.seed + COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() * 100) nprocs = COMM_WORLD.Get_size() # Initialize model and agent policy aurora = Aurora(args.seed + COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() * 100, args.save_dir, int(7200 / nprocs), args.pretrained_model_path, tensorboard_log=args.tensorboard_log) # training_traces, validation_traces, training_traces = [] val_traces = [] if args.train_trace_file: with open(args.train_trace_file, 'r') as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if args.dataset == 'pantheon': queue = 100 # dummy value # if "ethernet" in line: # queue = 500 # elif "cellular" in line: # queue = 50 # else: # queue = 100 training_traces.append(Trace.load_from_pantheon_file( line, queue=queue, loss=0)) elif args.dataset == 'synthetic': training_traces.append(Trace.load_from_file(line)) else: raise ValueError if args.val_trace_file: with open(args.val_trace_file, 'r') as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if args.dataset == 'pantheon': queue = 100 # dummy value # if "ethernet" in line: # queue = 500 # elif "cellular" in line: # queue = 50 # else: # queue = 100 val_traces.append(Trace.load_from_pantheon_file( line, queue=queue, loss=0)) elif args.dataset == 'synthetic': val_traces.append(Trace.load_from_file(line)) else: raise ValueError print(args.randomization_range_file) aurora.train(args.randomization_range_file, args.total_timesteps, tot_trace_cnt=args.total_trace_count, tb_log_name=args.exp_name, validation_flag=args.validation, training_traces=training_traces, validation_traces=val_traces)
def plot(x, psi, psi_0, nt, v): ### rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [8 / mpi.Get_size(), 5] ### pyplot.step(x, psi_0(x), label='initial', where='mid') pyplot.step(x, psi_0(x - v * nt), label='analytical', where='mid') pyplot.step(x, psi, label='numerical', where='mid') pyplot.grid() pyplot.gca().set_ylim([0, 12]) pyplot.legend() ### # pyplot.savefig("out.svg") pyplot.savefig(f"out.{mpi.Get_rank()}.svg")
def __init__(self, shape, device, context): """ Constructor for the Space class. Input variables shape -- Three-element tuple of positive integers defining the size of the space in the x-, y-, and z-directions. """ # Make sure shape has exactly three elements. if len(shape) is not 3: raise TypeError('Shape must have exactly three elements.') # Make sure they are all integers. if any([type(s) is not int for s in shape]): raise TypeError('Shape must have only integer elements.') # Make sure all elements are positive. if any([s < 1 for s in shape]): raise TypeError('Shape must have only integer elements.') # # Make sure stencil is a single, non-negative integer. # if (type(stencil) is not int) or (stencil < 0): # raise TypeError('Stencil must be a non-negative scalar integer.') # # Initialize the space. self.shape = shape # Get MPI information. rank = comm.Get_rank() size = comm.Get_size() # Nodes to pass forward and backward (along x) to. self.mpi_adj = {'forw': (rank + 1) % size, 'back': (rank - 1) % size} # Grid is too small to be partitioned. if (size > self.shape[0]): raise TypeError('Shape is too short along x to be partitioned.') # Create the context on the appropriate GPU. # self.device, self.context = self._init_gpu(comm) self.device = device self.context = context # Partition the space. # Each space is responsible for field[x_range[0]:x_range[1],:,:]. get_x_range = lambda r: (int(self.shape[0] * (float(r) / size)), \ int(self.shape[0] * (float(r+1) / size))) self.x_range = get_x_range(rank) self.all_x_ranges = [get_x_range(r) for r in range(size)]
def get_cpu_raw(cpu_data, k): # Make sure overlapped data is accurate as well. xr = space.get_space_info()['x_range'] if comm.Get_rank() == 0: pad_back = cpu_data[-k:, :, :] else: pad_back = cpu_data[xr[0] - k:xr[0], :, :] if comm.Get_rank() == comm.Get_size() - 1: pad_front = cpu_data[:k, :, :] else: pad_front = cpu_data[xr[1]:xr[1] + k, :, :] return np.concatenate((pad_back, cpu_data[xr[0]:xr[1],:,:], \ pad_front), axis=0)
def process_dir(indir, outdir): main_text_files = glob.glob("{0}/main/*.txt".format(indir)) rank = world.Get_rank() size = world.Get_size() main_text_files_2 = [] for m in main_text_files: tilename = find_tilename(m) out_main = "{0}/main/{1}.fits".format(outdir, tilename) out_epoch = "{0}/epoch/{1}.fits".format(outdir, tilename) if not (os.path.exists(out_main) and os.path.exists(out_epoch)): main_text_files_2.append(m) main_text_files = main_text_files_2 print "{0} files left to do".format(len(main_text_files)) for i, main_text_file in enumerate(main_text_files): if i % size != rank: continue print rank, main_text_file tilename = find_tilename(main_text_file) epoch_text_file = "{0}/epoch/{1}.epoch.txt".format(indir, tilename) out_main = "{0}/main/{1}.fits".format(outdir, tilename) out_epoch = "{0}/epoch/{1}.fits".format(outdir, tilename) if os.path.exists(out_main) and os.path.exists(out_epoch): continue try: process_text(main_text_file, epoch_text_file, out_main, out_epoch, "r", blind=False, quiet=False, report=report) except: print "{} did not work".format(out_main) if report: return
def main(nt, nx, dt, C, x_min, x_max): dx = (x_max - x_min) / nx ### size = mpi.Get_size() rank = mpi.Get_rank() # dla nx=5 i size=3: lepiej 2+2+1 niż 1+1+3 import math nx_max = math.ceil(nx / size) nx = nx_max if (rank + 1) * nx_max <= nx else nx - rank * nx_max assert nx > 0 x_min += dx * nx_max * rank x_max = min(x_max, x_min + dx * nx_max) #print(rank, '/', size, ':', nx, x_min, x_max) ### x = np.linspace(x_min - halo * dx, x_max + halo * dx, num=nx + 2 * halo, endpoint=False) psi = calc(psi_0(x), nt, C) plot(x[halo:-halo], psi[halo:-halo], psi_0, nt, v=C / dt * dx)
def main(): args = parse_inputs() if args.adaptive_bins == 'False': args.adaptive_bins = False else: args.adaptive_bins = True file = open(args.file, 'r') loaded_fields = pickle.load(file) distance = loaded_fields[0] y = loaded_fields[1] bin_data = loaded_fields[2] rank = CW.Get_rank() size = CW.Get_size() dist_min = np.min(distance) dist_max = np.max(distance) if args.adaptive_bins: rs = [0] + list(set(distance)) rs = np.sort(rs) #rs = rs[::2] rs = np.array(rs) rs = np.append(rs, (dist_max + (rs[-1] - rs[-2]))) else: rs = np.linspace(dist_min, dist_max, args.no_of_bins) rs = np.append(rs, (dist_max + (rs[-1] - rs[-2]))) bin_size = rs[-1] - rs[-2] rs = np.append(rs, rs[-1] + bin_size) gradient = np.array(np.zeros(np.shape(distance))) #print "RS:", rs rit = 1 printed = False print_cen = False for r in range(len(rs)): if rank == rit: grad_add = np.array(np.zeros(np.shape(distance))) if r - 1 < 0: r_0 = rs[r] else: r_0 = rs[r - 1] r_1 = rs[r] if r + 1 == len(rs): r_2 = rs[r] else: r_2 = rs[r + 1] if r + 2 == len(rs) + 1: r_3 = rs[r] elif r + 2 == len(rs): r_3 = rs[r + 1] else: r_3 = rs[r + 2] mid_01 = (r_1 + r_0) / 2. mid_23 = (r_3 + r_2) / 2. shell_01 = np.where((distance >= r_0) & (distance < r_1))[0] shell_12 = np.where((distance >= r_1) & (distance < r_2))[0] shell_23 = np.where((distance >= r_2) & (distance < r_3))[0] if len(shell_01) == 0: print("FOUND EMPTY SHELL") y_01 = 0.0 else: y_01 = np.mean(y[shell_01]) if len(shell_23) == 0: y_23 = 0.0 print("FOUND EMPTY SHELL") else: y_23 = np.mean(y[shell_23]) grad_val = (y_23 - y_01) / (2. * (mid_23 - mid_01)) #if rank == 1: #print "r_0, r_1, r_2, r_3:", r_0, r_1, r_2, r_3 #print "mid_01, mid_12, mid_23:", mid_01, mid_12, mid_23 #print "y_01, y_12, y_23:", y_01, y_12, y_23, "on rank", rank #print "grad_1, grad_2, average", grad_1, grad_2, grad_val, "on rank", rank #print "Gradient =", grad_val, "at Distance =", np.mean([mid_01, mid_23]), "on rank", rank grad_add[shell_12] = grad_val #grad_add[shell] = grad_val CW.send(grad_add, dest=0, tag=rank) if rank == 0: grad_add = CW.recv(source=rit, tag=rit) gradient = gradient + grad_add rit = rit + 1 if rit == size: rit = 1 if rank == 0: os.remove(args.file) file = open(args.save_file, 'w+') print("pickle file:", args.save_file) pickle.dump(gradient, file) file.close()
def test_mpi4py(self): from mpi4py.MPI import COMM_WORLD self.assertGreaterEqual(COMM_WORLD.Get_size(), 1)
def test_size(sut): size = sut() assert size == COMM_WORLD.Get_size()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection import numpy as np import matplotlib.tri as mtri from matplotlib.tri import tricontour from matplotlib.tri import TriContourSet from mpi4py.MPI import COMM_WORLD as comm from import remove_safe rank = comm.Get_rank() size = comm.Get_size() __all__ = ["plot_edges", "plot_faces", "plot_contour", "plot_quiver", "zero_level_set", "plot_fancy", "plot_any_field"] class Figure: def __init__(self, title=None, show=True, aspect_equal=True, save=None, base_fig=None, xlabel="x", ylabel="y", colorbar=True, clabel=None, subplots=False, tight_layout=False, ticks=True): self.title = title = show self.aspect_equal = aspect_equal = save self.base_fig = base_fig self.colorbar = colorbar self.subplots = subplots self.colorbar_ax = None
seed = comm.bcast(seed) np.random.seed(seed + comm.Get_rank()) generating_components = [] for i in range(10): # With the invocation "mpirun -n 10 python", there are # 10 processes which means in order to draw 1,000 samples # ```` makes each process draw # 100 samples. # Hereby the generating proposal component for each sample in each process # is returned by ````. # In the master process, ```` is a list containing the # return values of the sequential ``run`` method of every process. # In all other processes, ```` returns the generating # component for its own samples only. last_generating_components =, trace_sort=True) # In addition to the generating components, the ```` # method automatically sends all samples to the master # process i.e. the process which fulfills comm.Get_rank() == 0. if comm.Get_rank() == 0: print("\rstep", i, "...\n\t", end='') # Now let PMC run only in the master process: # ``sampler.samples_list`` and ``sampler.weights_list`` store the weighted samples # sorted by the resposible process: # The History objects that are held by process i can be accessed via # ``sampler.<samples/weights>_list[i]``. The master process (i=0) also produces samples. # Combine the weights and samples to two arrays of 1,000 samples
seed = comm.bcast(seed) np.random.seed(seed + comm.Get_rank()) generating_components = [] for i in range(10): # With the invocation "mpirun -n 10 python", there are # 10 processes which means in order to draw 1,000 samples # ```` makes each process draw # 100 samples. # Hereby the generating proposal component for each sample in each process # is returned by ````. # In the master process, ```` is a list containing the # return values of the sequential ``run`` method of every process. # In all other processes, ```` returns the generating # component for its own samples only. last_generating_components = // comm.Get_size(), trace_sort=True) # In addition to the generating components, the ```` # method automatically sends all samples to the master # process i.e. the process which fulfills comm.Get_rank() == 0. if comm.Get_rank() == 0: print("\rstep", i, "...\n\t", end='') # Now let PMC run only in the master process: # ``sampler.samples_list`` and ``sampler.weights_list`` store the weighted samples # sorted by the resposible process: # The History objects that are held by process i can be accessed via # ``sampler.<samples/weights>_list[i]``. The master process (i=0) also produces samples.
n_common_d = np.sum(bulge_good & disc_good & disc_better) n_only_b = np.sum(bulge_good & (~disc_good)) n_only_d = np.sum(disc_good & (~bulge_good)) n_check = n_only_b + n_only_d + n_common_b + n_common_d cat_final.write(bord_filename) print '%s n_total=%d n_common=%d n_common_b=%d n_common_d=%d n_only_b=%d n_only_d=%d n_check=%d' % (bord_filename,n_total,n_common,n_common_b,n_common_d,n_only_b,n_only_d,n_check) return disc_ids, bulge_ids import sys if '--mpi' in sys.argv: from mpi4py.MPI import COMM_WORLD as world rank = world.Get_rank() size = world.Get_size() else: rank = 0 size = 1 def main(): bulge_path = 'bulge/main/DES*' disc_path = 'disc/main/DES*' print "Running merge script." bulge_files = glob.glob(bulge_path) disc_files = glob.glob(disc_path) bulge_tiles = [os.path.split(b)[1] for b in bulge_files]
#! /usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np # import pylab as pl import matplotlib.pyplot as pl from pylab import * from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d import dbr import timeit from tools import mkdir import sys from mpi4py.MPI import COMM_WORLD as mpi from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages size = mpi.Get_size() rank = mpi.Get_rank() args = np.loadtxt("args.txt") job = int(sys.argv[1]) path = str(sys.argv[2]) # folder do którego zostaną zapisane wyniki m = 0 # liczba miejsc wybranych spośród n odwiedzonych miejsc i gorszych od e nep = 0 # liczba pszczół przydzielonych do najlepszych e miejsc e = 0 # liczba najlepszych miejsc spośród wyselekcjonowanych n miejsc nsp = 0 # liczba pszczół zrekrutowanych do m wybranych miejsc n = int(args[job][0]) # liczba zwiadowców Neighb = args[job][ 1] # odległość przeszukiwania od najlepszego aktualnego rozwiązania ngh = args[job][ 2] # odległość przeszukiwania od rozwiązania bazowego przy przeszukiwaniu sąsiedztwa
def main(): rank = CW.Get_rank() size = CW.Get_size() args = parse_inputs() prev_args = args print("Starting mosaic_mod_script on rank", rank) # Read in directories: input_file = args.input_file #save_dir = args.save_directory #if os.path.exists(save_dir) == False: # os.makedirs(save_dir) # Read in input file print("Reading in input mosaic file on rank", rank) positions = [] paths = [] args_dict = [] with open(input_file, 'rU') as mosaic_file: reader = csv.reader(mosaic_file) for row in reader: if row[0] == 'Grid_inputs:': glr = float(row[1]) grl = float(row[2]) glw = float(row[3]) ghspace = float(row[4]) elif row[0][0] != '#': positions.append((int(row[0]), int(row[1]))) paths.append(row[2]) dict = "" for col in row[3:]: dict = dict + col if col != row[-1]: dict = dict + ',' dict = ast.literal_eval(dict) args_temp = argparse.Namespace(**vars(args)) for key in list(dict.keys()): if key in args: exec("args_temp."+ key + " = " + "str(dict[key])") args_dict.append(args_temp) del args_temp args = prev_args import pdb pdb.set_trace() positions = np.array(positions) c = define_constants() mym.set_global_font_size(args.text_font) files = [] simfo = [] X = [] Y = [] X_vel = [] Y_vel = [] sim_files = [] L = None for pit in range(len(paths)): fs = get_files(paths[pit], args_dict[pit]) files.append(fs) #print "paths =", paths #print "fs =", fs #print "args_dict =", args_dict sfo = sim_info(paths[pit], fs[-1], args_dict[pit]) simfo.append(sfo) if args_dict[pit].yt_proj == False: x, y, x_vel, y_vel, cl = mym.initialise_grid(files[pit][-1], zoom_times=args_dict[pit].zoom_times) X.append(x) Y.append(y) X_vel.append(x_vel) Y_vel.append(y_vel) else: x = np.linspace(sfo['xmin'], sfo['xmax'], sfo['dimension']) y = np.linspace(sfo['ymin'], sfo['ymax'], sfo['dimension']) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) annotate_space = (simfo[pit]['xmax'] - simfo[pit]['xmin'])/31. x_ind = [] y_ind = [] counter = 0 while counter < 31: val = annotate_space*counter + annotate_space/2. + simfo[pit]['xmin'] x_ind.append(int(val)) y_ind.append(int(val)) counter = counter + 1 x_vel, y_vel = np.meshgrid(x_ind, y_ind) if args_dict[pit].projection_orientation != None: y_val = 1./np.tan(np.deg2rad(float(args_dict[pit].projection_orientation))) if np.isinf(y_val): y_val = 0.0 L = [1.0, y_val, 0.0] else: if has_particles == False or len(dd['particle_posx']) == 1: L = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] else: pos_vec = [np.diff(dd['particle_posx'].value)[0], np.diff(dd['particle_posy'].value)[0]] L = [-1*pos_vec[-1], pos_vec[0]] L.append(0.0) if L[0] > 0.0: L = [-1.0*L[0], -1.0*L[1], 0.0] print("SET PROJECTION ORIENTATION L=", L) L = np.array(L) X.append(x) Y.append(y) X_vel.append(x_vel) Y_vel.append(y_vel) if rank == 0: print("shape of x, y", np.shape(x), np.shape(y)) if args_dict[pit].yt_proj == False and args_dict[pit].image_center != 0: sim_fs = sorted(glob.glob(paths[pit] + 'WIND_hdf5_plt_cnt*')) elif args_dict[pit].yt_proj != False and args_dict[pit].image_center != 0: sim_fs = files else: sim_fs = [] sim_files.append(sim_fs) #myf.set_normal(L) #print "SET PROJECTION ORIENTATION L=", myf.get_normal() # Initialise Grid and build lists if args.plot_time != None: m_times = [args.plot_time] else: m_times = mym.generate_frame_times(files[0], args.time_step, presink_frames=args.presink_frames, end_time=args.end_time) no_frames = len(m_times) m_times = m_times[args.start_frame:] sys.stdout.flush() CW.Barrier() usable_files = [] usable_sim_files = [] for pit in range(len(paths)): usable_fs = mym.find_files(m_times, files[pit]) usable_files.append(usable_fs) if args_dict[pit].image_center != 0 and args_dict[pit].yt_proj == False: usable_sfs = mym.find_files(m_times, sim_files[pit]) usable_sim_files.append(usable_fs) del sim_files[pit] else: usable_sim_files.append([]) sys.stdout.flush() CW.Barrier() frames = list(range(args.start_frame, no_frames)) sink_form_time = [] for pit in range(len(paths)): sink_form = mym.find_sink_formation_time(files[pit]) print("sink_form_time", sink_form_time) sink_form_time.append(sink_form) del files # Define colourbar bounds cbar_max = args.colourbar_max cbar_min = args.colourbar_min if L is None: if args.axis == 'xy': L = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] else: L = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] L = np.array(L) if args.axis == 'xy': y_int = 1 else: y_int = 2 sys.stdout.flush() CW.Barrier() rit = args.working_rank for frame_val in range(len(frames)): if rank == rit: time_val = m_times[frame_val] plt.clf() columns = np.max(positions[:,0]) rows = np.max(positions[:,1]) width = float(columns)*(14.5/3.) height = float(rows)*(17./4.) fig =plt.figure(figsize=(width, height)) gs_left = gridspec.GridSpec(rows, columns-1) gs_right = gridspec.GridSpec(rows, 1) gs_left.update(right=glr, wspace=glw, hspace=ghspace) gs_right.update(left=grl, hspace=ghspace) axes_dict = {} counter = 1 for pit in range(len(paths)): try: title_parts = args_dict[pit].title except: title_parts = args_dict[pit]['title'] title = '' for part in title_parts: if part != title_parts[-1]: title = title + part + ' ' else: title = title + part ax_label = 'ax' + str(counter) yit = np.where(positions[:,1] == positions[pit][1])[0][0] if positions[pit][0] == 1 and positions[pit][1] == 1: if columns > 1: axes_dict.update({ax_label:fig.add_subplot(gs_left[0,0])}) #print "ADDED SUBPLOT:", counter, "on rank", rank else: axes_dict.update({ax_label:fig.add_subplot(gs_right[0,0])}) #print "ADDED SUBPLOT:", counter, "on rank", rank elif positions[pit][0] != columns: if args.share_x and args.share_y: if yit >= len(axes_dict): axes_dict.update({ax_label:fig.add_subplot(gs_left[positions[pit][1]-1,positions[pit][0]-1], sharex=axes_dict['ax1'])}) #print "ADDED SUBPLOT:", counter, "on rank", rank else: axes_dict.update({ax_label:fig.add_subplot(gs_left[positions[pit][1]-1,positions[pit][0]-1], sharex=axes_dict['ax1'], sharey=axes_dict[list(axes_dict.keys())[yit]])}) #print "ADDED SUBPLOT:", counter, "on rank", rank elif args.share_x: axes_dict.update({ax_label:fig.add_subplot(gs_left[positions[it][1]-1,positions[pit][0]-1], sharex=axes_dict['ax1'])}) #print "ADDED SUBPLOT:", counter, "on rank", rank elif args.share_y and positions[pit][0]!=1: yit = np.where(positions[:,1] == positions[pit][1])[0][0] axes_dict.update({ax_label:fig.add_subplot(gs_left[positions[pit][1]-1,positions[pit][0]-1], sharey=axes_dict[list(axes_dict.keys())[yit]])}) #print "ADDED SUBPLOT:", counter, "on rank", rank elif args.share_y: axes_dict.update({ax_label:fig.add_subplot(gs_left[positions[pit][1]-1,positions[pit][0]-1])}) #print "ADDED SUBPLOT:", counter, "on rank", rank else: axes_dict.update({ax_label:fig.add_subplot(gs_left[positions[pit][1]-1,positions[pit][0]-1])}) #print "ADDED SUBPLOT:", counter, "on rank", rank else: if args.share_x and args.share_y: yit = np.where(positions[:,1] == positions[pit][1])[0][0] axes_dict.update({ax_label:fig.add_subplot(gs_right[positions[pit][1]-1,0], sharex=axes_dict['ax1'], sharey=axes_dict[list(axes_dict.keys())[yit]])}) #print "ADDED SUBPLOT:", counter, "on rank", rank elif args.share_x: axes_dict.update({ax_label:fig.add_subplot(gs_right[positions[pit][1]-1,0], sharex=axes_dict['ax1'])}) #print "ADDED SUBPLOT:", counter, "on rank", rank elif args.share_y: yit = np.where(positions[:,1] == positions[pit][1])[0][0] axes_dict.update({ax_label:fig.add_subplot(gs_right[positions[pit][1]-1,0], sharey=axes_dict[list(axes_dict.keys())[yit]])}) #print "ADDED SUBPLOT:", counter, "on rank", rank else: axes_dict.update({ax_label:fig.add_subplot(gs_right[positions[pit][1]-1,0])}) #print "ADDED SUBPLOT:", counter, "on rank", rank counter = counter + 1 axes_dict[ax_label].set(adjustable='box-forced', aspect='equal') if args.yt_proj and args.plot_time==None and os.path.isfile(paths[pit] + "movie_frame_" + ("%06d" % frames[frame_val]) + ".pkl"): pickle_file = paths[pit] + "movie_frame_" + ("%06d" % frames[frame_val]) + ".pkl" print("USING PICKLED FILE:", pickle_file) file = open(pickle_file, 'r') #weight_fieldstuff = pickle.load(file) X[pit], Y[pit], image, magx, magy, X_vel[pit], Y_vel[pit], velx, vely, part_info, args_dict[pit], simfo[pit] = pickle.load(file) #file_time = stuff[17] file.close() else: time_val = m_times[frame_val] print("FILE =", usable_files[pit][frame_val]) has_particles = has_sinks(usable_files[pit][frame_val]) if has_particles: part_info = mym.get_particle_data(usable_files[pit][frame_val], args_dict[pit].axis, proj_or=L) else: part_info = {} center_vel = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] if args.image_center != 0 and has_particles: original_positions = [X[pit], Y[pit], X_vel[pit], y_vel[pit]] x_pos = np.round(part_info['particle_position'][0][args.image_center - 1]/cl)*cl y_pos = np.round(part_info['particle_position'][1][args.image_center - 1]/cl)*cl pos = np.array([part_info['particle_position'][0][args.image_center - 1], part_info['particle_position'][1][args.image_center - 1]]) X[pit] = X[pit] + x_pos Y[pit] = Y[pit] + y_pos X_vel[pit] = X_vel[pit] + x_pos Y_vel[pit] = Y_vel[pit] + y_pos if args.yt_proj == False: sim_file = usable_sim_files[frame_val][:-12] + 'part' + usable_sim_files[frame_val][-5:] else: sim_file = part_file if len(part_info['particle_mass']) == 1: part_ind = 0 else: min_dist = 1000.0 for part in range(len(part_info['particle_mass'])): f = h5py.File(sim_file, 'r') temp_pos = np.array([f[list(f.keys())[11]][part][13]/c['au'], f[list(f.keys())[11]][part][13+y_int]/c['au']]) f.close() dist = np.sqrt(np.abs(np.diff((temp_pos - pos)**2)))[0] if dist < min_dist: min_dist = dist part_ind = part f = h5py.File(sim_file, 'r') center_vel = [f[list(f.keys())[11]][part_ind][18], f[list(f.keys())[11]][part_ind][19], f[list(f.keys())[11]][part_ind][20]] f.close() xabel, yabel, xlim, ylim = image_properties(X[pit], Y[pit], args_dict[pit], simfo[pit]) if args_dict[pit].axis == 'xy': center_vel=center_vel[:2] else: center_vel=center_vel[::2] if args_dict[pit].ax_lim != None: if has_particles and args_dict[pit].image_center != 0: xlim = [-1*args_dict[pit].ax_lim + part_info['particle_position'][0][args_dict[pit].image_center - 1], args_dict[pit].ax_lim + part_info['particle_position'][0][args_dict[pit].image_center - 1]] ylim = [-1*args_dict[pit].ax_lim + part_info['particle_position'][1][args_dict[pit].image_center - 1], args_dict[pit].ax_lim + part_info['particle_position'][1][args_dict[pit].image_center - 1]] else: xlim = [-1*args_dict[pit].ax_lim, args_dict[pit].ax_lim] ylim = [-1*args_dict[pit].ax_lim, args_dict[pit].ax_lim] if args.yt_proj == False: f = h5py.File(usable_files[pit][frame_val], 'r') image = get_image_arrays(f, simfo[pit]['field'], simfo[pit], args_dict[pit], X[pit], Y[pit]) magx = get_image_arrays(f, 'mag'+args.axis[0]+'_'+simfo[pit]['movie_file_type']+'_'+args.axis, simfo[pit], args_dict[pit], X[pit], Y[pit]) magy = get_image_arrays(f, 'mag'+args.axis[1]+'_'+simfo[pit]['movie_file_type']+'_'+args.axis, simfo[pit], args_dict[pit], X[pit], Y[pit]) x_pos_min = int(np.round(np.min(X[pit]) - simfo[pit]['xmin_full'])/simfo[pit]['cell_length']) y_pos_min = int(np.round(np.min(Y[pit]) - simfo[pit]['xmin_full'])/simfo[pit]['cell_length']) if np.shape(f['vel'+args.axis[0]+'_'+simfo[pit]['movie_file_type']+'_'+args.axis]) == (2048, 2048): velocity_data = [f['vel'+args.axis[0]+'_'+simfo[pit]['movie_file_type']+'_'+args.axis], f['vel'+args.axis[1]+'_'+simfo[pit]['movie_file_type']+'_'+args.axis]] elif args.axis == 'xy': velocity_data = [f['vel'+args.axis[0]+'_'+simfo[pit]['movie_file_type']+'_'+args.axis][:,:,0], f['vel'+args.axis[1]+'_'+simfo[pit]['movie_file_type']+'_'+args.axis][:,:,0]] else: velocity_data = [f['vel'+args.axis[0]+'_'+simfo[pit]['movie_file_type']+'_'+args.axis][:,0,:], f['vel'+args.axis[1]+'_'+simfo[pit]['movie_file_type']+'_'+args.axis][:,0,:]] velx, vely = mym.get_quiver_arrays(y_pos_min, x_pos_min, X[pit], velocity_data[0], velocity_data[1], center_vel=center_vel) else: if args_dict[pit].image_center == 0 or has_particles == False: center_pos = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) else: dd = f.all_data() center_pos = np.array([dd['particle_posx'][args.image_center-1].in_units('AU'), dd['particle_posy'][args.image_center-1].in_units('AU'), dd['particle_posz'][args.image_center-1].in_units('AU')]) x_width = (xlim[1] -xlim[0]) y_width = (ylim[1] -ylim[0]) thickness = yt.YTArray(args.slice_thickness, 'AU') proj = yt.OffAxisProjectionPlot(f, L, [simfo[pit]['field'], 'cell_mass', 'velz_mw', 'magz_mw', 'Projected_Magnetic_Field_mw', 'Projected_Velocity_mw'], center=(center_pos, 'AU'), width=(x_width, 'AU'), depth=(args.slice_thickness, 'AU')) image = ([simfo[pit]['field']]/thickness.in_units('cm')).value velx_full = ([('gas', 'Projected_Velocity_mw')].in_units('g*cm**2/s')/thickness.in_units('cm')).value vely_full = ([('gas', 'velz_mw')].in_units('g*cm**2/s')/thickness.in_units('cm')).value magx = ([('gas', 'Projected_Magnetic_Field_mw')].in_units('g*gauss*cm')/thickness.in_units('cm')).value magy = ([('gas', 'magz_mw')].in_units('g*gauss*cm')/thickness.in_units('cm')).value mass = ([('gas', 'cell_mass')].in_units('cm*g')/thickness.in_units('cm')).value velx_full = velx_full/mass vely_full = vely_full/mass magx = magx/mass magy = magy/mass del mass velx, vely = mym.get_quiver_arrays(0.0, 0.0, X[pit], velx_full, vely_full, center_vel=center_vel) del velx_full del vely_full if len(frames) == 1: if rank == 0: pickle_file = paths[pit] + "movie_frame_" + ("%06d" % frames[frame_val]) + ".pkl" file = open(pickle_file, 'w+') pickle.dump((X[pit], Y[pit], image, magx, magy, X_vel[pit], Y_vel[pit], velx, vely, xlim, ylim, has_particles, part_info, simfo[pit], time_val,xabel, yabel), file) file.close() print("Created Pickle:", pickle_file, "for file:", usable_files[pit][frame_val]) else: pickle_file = paths[pit] + "movie_frame_" + ("%06d" % frames[frame_val]) + ".pkl" file = open(pickle_file, 'w+') pickle.dump((X[pit], Y[pit], image, magx, magy, X_vel[pit], Y_vel[pit], velx, vely, xlim, ylim, has_particles, part_info, simfo[pit], time_val,xabel, yabel), file) file.close() print("Created Pickle:", pickle_file, "for file:", usable_files[pit][frame_val]) f.close() plot = axes_dict[ax_label].pcolormesh(X[pit], Y[pit], image,, norm=LogNorm(vmin=cbar_min, vmax=cbar_max), rasterized=True) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') if frame_val > 0 or time_val > -1.0: axes_dict[ax_label].streamplot(X[pit], Y[pit], magx, magy, density=4, linewidth=0.25, arrowstyle='-', minlength=0.5) else: axes_dict[ax_label].streamplot(X[pit], Y[pit], magx, magy, density=4, linewidth=0.25, minlength=0.5) xlim = args_dict[pit]['xlim'] ylim = args_dict[pit]['ylim'] mym.my_own_quiver_function(axes_dict[ax_label], X_vel[pit], Y_vel[pit], velx, vely, plot_velocity_legend=bool(args_dict[pit]['annotate_velocity']), limits=[xlim, ylim], standard_vel=args.standard_vel) if args_dict[pit]['has_particles']: if args.annotate_particles_mass == True: mym.annotate_particles(axes_dict[ax_label], part_info['particle_position'], part_info['accretion_rad'], limits=[xlim, ylim], annotate_field=part_info['particle_mass']) else: mym.annotate_particles(axes_dict[ax_label], part_info['particle_position'], part_info['accretion_rad'], limits=[xlim, ylim], annotate_field=None) if args.plot_lref == True: r_acc = np.round(part_info['accretion_rad']) axes_dict[ax_label].annotate('$r_{acc}$='+str(r_acc)+'AU', xy=(0.98*simfo[pit]['xmax'], 0.93*simfo[pit]['ymax']), va="center", ha="right", color='w', fontsize=args_dict[pit].text_font) if args.annotate_time == "True" and pit == 0: print("ANNONTATING TIME:", str(int(time_val))+'yr') time_text = axes_dict[ax_label].text((xlim[0]+0.01*(xlim[1]-xlim[0])), (ylim[1]-0.03*(ylim[1]-ylim[0])), '$t$='+str(int(time_val))+'yr', va="center", ha="left", color='w', fontsize=args.text_font) time_text.set_path_effects([path_effects.Stroke(linewidth=3, foreground='black'), path_effects.Normal()]) #ax.annotate('$t$='+str(int(time_val))+'yr', xy=(xlim[0]+0.01*(xlim[1]-xlim[0]), ylim[1]-0.03*(ylim[1]-ylim[0])), va="center", ha="left", color='w', fontsize=args.text_font) title_text = axes_dict[ax_label].text((np.mean(xlim)), (ylim[1]-0.03*(ylim[1]-ylim[0])), title, va="center", ha="center", color='w', fontsize=(args.text_font+2)) title_text.set_path_effects([path_effects.Stroke(linewidth=3, foreground='black'), path_effects.Normal()]) if positions[pit][0] == columns: cbar = plt.colorbar(plot, pad=0.0, ax=axes_dict[ax_label]) cbar.set_label('Density (gcm$^{-3}$)', rotation=270, labelpad=14, size=args.text_font) axes_dict[ax_label].set_xlabel(args_dict[pit]['xabel'], labelpad=-1, fontsize=args.text_font) if positions[pit][0] == 1: axes_dict[ax_label].set_ylabel(args_dict[pit]['yabel'], labelpad=-20, fontsize=args.text_font) axes_dict[ax_label].set_xlim(xlim) axes_dict[ax_label].set_ylim(ylim) for line in axes_dict[ax_label].xaxis.get_ticklines(): line.set_color('white') for line in axes_dict[ax_label].yaxis.get_ticklines(): line.set_color('white') plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16) for line in axes_dict[ax_label].xaxis.get_ticklines(): line.set_color('white') for line in axes_dict[ax_label].yaxis.get_ticklines(): line.set_color('white') if positions[pit][0] != 1: yticklabels = axes_dict[ax_label].get_yticklabels() plt.setp(yticklabels, visible=False) if positions[pit][0] == 1: axes_dict[ax_label].tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=args.text_font) if positions[pit][1] == rows: axes_dict[ax_label].tick_params(axis='x', which='major', labelsize=args.text_font) if positions[pit][0] != 1: xticklabels = axes_dict[ax_label].get_xticklabels() plt.setp(xticklabels[0], visible=False) if len(usable_files[pit]) > 1: if args.output_filename == None: import pdb pdb.set_trace() file_name = save_dir + "movie_frame_" + ("%06d" % frames[frame_val]) else: file_name = args.output_filename + "_" + str(int(time_val)) else: if args.output_filename != None: file_name = args.output_filename else: import pdb pdb.set_trace() file_name = save_dir + "time_" + str(args.plot_time) plt.savefig(file_name + ".eps", format='eps', bbox_inches='tight') #plt.savefig(file_name + ".pdf", format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight') #plt.savefig(file_name + ".jpg", format='jpeg', bbox_inches='tight') call(['convert', '-antialias', '-quality', '100', '-density', '200', '-resize', '100%', '-flatten', file_name+'.eps', file_name+'.jpg']) os.remove(file_name + '.eps') del image del magx del magy del velx del vely if args.image_center != 0 and has_particles: X[pit], Y[pit], X_vel[pit], Y_vel[pit] = original_positions print('Created frame', (frames[frame_val]), 'of', str(frames[-1]), 'on rank', rank, 'at time of', str(time_val), 'to save_dir:', file_name + '.eps') rit = rit +1 if rit == size: rit = 0 print("completed making movie frames on rank", rank)
import os import logging import itertools import pickle import json import warnings from glob import glob import tables import numpy as np import mdtraj as md from mpi4py.MPI import COMM_WORLD as mpi_comm if mpi_comm.Get_size() > 1: RANKSTR = "[Rank %s]" % mpi_comm.Get_rank() logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG if mpi_comm.Get_rank() == 0 else logging.INFO, format=('%(asctime)s ' + RANKSTR + ' %(name)-26s %(levelname)-7s %(message)s'), datefmt='%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S') mpi_mode = True else: logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format=('%(asctime)s %(name)-8s %(levelname)-7s %(message)s'), datefmt='%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S') mpi_mode = False from enspara.apps.reassign import reassign
def __init__(self): self.f = None self.P = COMM_WORLD.Get_size() self.rank = COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()
def get_world_size(comm: MPI.COMM_WORLD = None) -> int: if comm is None: comm = _get_comm() return comm.Get_size()
def main(): args = parse_inputs() center = int( if args.adaptive_bins == 'False': args.adaptive_bins = False a = args.semimajor_axis max_radius = args.max_r file = open(args.file, 'r') loaded_fields = pickle.load(file) distance = loaded_fields[0] cell_mass = loaded_fields[1] part_mass = loaded_fields[2] rank = CW.Get_rank() size = CW.Get_size() dist_min = np.min(distance) dist_max = np.max(distance) if args.adaptive_bins: rs = [0] rs = rs + list(set(distance[distance <= max_radius])) rs = np.sort(rs) bin_freq = len(rs) / 500 if bin_freq > 0: rs = rs[::bin_freq] rs = np.array(rs) rs = np.append(rs, max_radius) else: rs = np.linspace(0.0, max_radius, args.no_of_bins) bin_size = rs[-1] - rs[-2] #print "bin_size =", bin_size/1.49597870751e+13 #print "max_radius =", max_radius/1.49597870751e+13 rs = np.append(rs, rs[-1] + bin_size) enclosed_mass = np.array(np.zeros(np.shape(distance))) rit = 1 printed = False print_cen = False for r in range(len(rs))[1:]: if rank == rit: enclosed_mass = np.array(np.zeros(np.shape(distance))) ind = np.where((distance >= rs[r - 1]) & (distance < rs[r]))[0] enclosed_dist = np.where(distance < rs[r - 1])[0] if len(enclosed_dist) == 0: enclosed_dist = np.where(distance < (dist_min + 1)) enclosed_mass_val = np.sum(cell_mass[enclosed_dist]) if center != 0: enclosed_mass_val = enclosed_mass_val + part_mass[center - 1] if print_cen == False: #print "Centered on particle with mass", part_mass[center-1]/1.98841586e+33 print_cen = True if center != 0 and rs[r] > a and len(part_mass) > 1: if center == 1: enclosed_mass_val = enclosed_mass_val + part_mass[1] else: enclosed_mass_val = enclosed_mass_val + part_mass[0] if printed == False: #print "Added other particle with mass", part_mass[0]/1.98841586e+33 printed = True elif center == 0 and rs[r] > a / 2. and len(part_mass) > 0: enclosed_mass_val = enclosed_mass_val + np.sum(part_mass) if printed == False: #print "Added both particles with mass", np.sum(part_mass)/1.98841586e+33 printed = True enclosed_mass[ind] = enclosed_mass_val #print "enclosed mass =", enclosed_mass_val/1.98841586e+33, ", Radius =", rs[r]/1.49597870751e+13, "on rank", rank CW.send(enclosed_mass, dest=0, tag=rank) if rank == 0: enclosed_mass_add = CW.recv(source=rit, tag=rit) enclosed_mass = enclosed_mass + enclosed_mass_add rit = rit + 1 if rit == size: rit = 1 if rank == 0: os.remove(args.file) file = open(args.save_file, 'w+') print("pickle file:", args.save_file) pickle.dump(enclosed_mass, file) file.close()
th_e = mp.mpf(th_e) th_i = mp.mpf(tmp) tmp = (1/(mp.besselk(2, 1/th_e) * mp.besselk(2, 1/th_i))) * (((2*(th_e + th_i)**2 + 1)/(th_e + th_i)) * mp.besselk(1, (th_e + th_i)/(th_e*th_i)) + 2*mp.besselk(0, (th_e + th_i)/(th_e*th_i))) # print repr(tmp) return float(tmp) def eqn(th_e, A, B, C): return ((3.0/8.0)*(m_e/m_i)*ln_Lambda)*(A - (m_e/m_i)*(1.0 + chi)*th_e)*f(th_e, A) - B*th_e*(1.0 + 4.0*th_e) + (1.0/4.0)*B*C # ----------+---------- start: program execution ----------+---------- rank = COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() size = COMM_WORLD.Get_size() print 'hello from ' + repr(rank) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() A_grid = np.logspace(-15, 15, 301, endpoint = True) B_grid = np.logspace(-15, 15, 301, endpoint = True) C_grid = np.logspace(-6, 1, 71, endpoint = True) C_grid = np.insert(C_grid, 0, 0.0) # ----------+---------- root process ----------+---------- if (rank == 0): # start the clock start_time = time.time()
def main(): rank = CW.Get_rank() size = CW.Get_size() args = parse_inputs() n_orb = int(args.no_orbits) n_systems = int(args.no_systems) q_min = 0.05 my_orb = bo.random_orbits(n_orb=n_orb) US_group_vel = 10. UCL_group_vel = 4. #Madsen, 2002 gives the STANDARD ERROR of the US and UCL velcs to be 1.3 and 1.9km/s US_group_std = 1.3 * args.group_velocity_sigma #From Preibisch et al., 2008 UCL_group_std = 1.3 * args.group_velocity_sigma standard_std = {'F': 1.08, 'G': 0.63, 'K': 1.43, 'M': 2.27} # 2.0 astrophysical_std = args.astrophysical_std #Astrophysical radial velocity uncertainty Object = [] Region = [] IR_excess = [] Temp_sptype = [] Pref_template = [] Obs_info = [] all_bayes = [[], []] RV_standard_info = {} sys.stdout.flush() CW.Barrier() #Read in RV standard list header = 0 with open('/home/100/rlk100/RV_standard_list.csv', 'rU') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader: if header != 0: RV_standard_info[row[0]] = (float(row[5]), float(row[6]), float(row[7])) else: header = 1 f.close() sys.stdout.flush() CW.Barrier() print("Reading in current spreadsheet", args.input_file) header = 0 reshape_len = -1 with open(args.input_file, 'rU') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader: if header != 0: if 'U4' in row[0]: row[0] = 'UCAC4' + row[0].split('U4')[-1] Object.append(row[0]) Region.append(row[1]) IR_excess.append(row[5]) Pref_template.append(row[15]) #row[18]) Temp_sptype.append(row[16]) #row[19]) if len(row) > 17: Obs = np.array(row[17:]) Obs = np.delete(Obs, np.where(Obs == '')) if reshape_len == -1: for ob in Obs: reshape_len = reshape_len + 1 if '/' in ob and ob != Obs[0]: break #if len(Obs) > 5: # Obs = np.reshape(Obs, (len(Obs)/5, 5)) Obs = np.reshape(Obs, (len(Obs) / reshape_len, reshape_len)) for ind_obs in Obs: if '/' in ind_obs[0]: new_format = '20' + ind_obs[0].split('/')[ -1] + '-' + ind_obs[0].split('/')[-2] + '-' + ( "%02d" % int(ind_obs[0].split('/')[-3])) ind_obs[0] = new_format else: Obs = np.array([]) Obs_info.append(Obs) if header == 0: header = 1 f.close() del header sys.stdout.flush() CW.Barrier() Obj_bayes = np.nan * np.zeros(len(Object)) #Read in currently calculated Bayes Factors: if args.restart_calc != 'False': print("Reading in calulated Bayes factors") header = 0 with open(args.bayes_file, 'rU') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader: if header != 0: ind = Object.index(row[0]) Obj_bayes[ind] = float(row[2]) if row[1] == 'US': all_bayes[0].append(float(row[2])) else: all_bayes[1].append(float(row[2])) del ind else: header = 1 f.close() del header sys.stdout.flush() CW.Barrier() if args.restart_calc != 'False' and rank == 0: print("Creating new bayes file") f = open(args.bayes_file, 'w') f.write('Object,Region,Bayes_factor\n') f.close() sys.stdout.flush() CW.Barrier() inds = list(range(len(Object))) skip_inds = np.where(np.array(IR_excess) == 'NN')[0] for skit in skip_inds: inds.remove(skit) skip_inds = np.where(np.array(Pref_template) == '')[0] for skit in skip_inds: inds.remove(skit) del skip_inds del IR_excess rit = 0 sys.stdout.flush() CW.Barrier() for obj in inds: Pref_template_name = Pref_template[obj].split('_')[0] if np.isnan(Obj_bayes[obj]) and rank == rit: print("Doing object:", Object[obj], "on rank:", rank) likelihoods = [] single_likelihoods = [] #Produces masses within +/- 10% of the mass of the template. #!!! Mike suggests a single mass. M_1 = (np.random.random(n_systems) * (RV_standard_info[Pref_template_name][1] - RV_standard_info[Pref_template_name][0]) ) + RV_standard_info[Pref_template_name][0] #Generates mass ratios with minium mass ratio of q_min (default 0.01?, should this be dependant on the primary mass? Because sometimes low mass ratios could give very low mass companions i.e. BD mass...) #!!! Mike suggests 0.05 due to brown dwarf desert. q = (np.random.random(n_systems) * (1 - q_min)) + q_min #from Primary masses and mass ratios, secondary masses can get calculated M_2 = M_1 * q #Get dates of the observations of the object jds = Obs_info[obj][:, 1].astype(np.float) #get observed data, and add in the error in the standards in quadrature. #This relates to the spectrograph stability #There is also an astrophysical error due to these objects being rapid rotators etc. RV_standard_err = standard_std[Temp_sptype[obj][0]] err = np.sqrt(Obs_info[obj][:, 3].astype(float)**2 + RV_standard_err**2 + astrophysical_std**2) observed_rv = Obs_info[obj][:, 2].astype(float) #IN A LOOP iterate over random orbits: for orb in range(n_orb): #FIXME: Figure out which velocity to use! if Region[obj] == 'US': if args.group_velocity == 'True': v_group = np.random.normal( US_group_vel, np.sqrt(US_group_std**2 + RV_standard_err**2), n_systems) else: v_group = np.random.normal( np.mean(observed_rv), np.sqrt(US_group_std**2 + RV_standard_err**2), n_systems) else: if args.group_velocity == 'True': v_group = np.random.normal( UCL_group_vel, np.sqrt(UCL_group_std**2 + RV_standard_err**2), n_systems) else: v_group = np.random.normal( np.mean(observed_rv), np.sqrt(UCL_group_std**2 + RV_standard_err**2), n_systems) #generate orbit? #!!! Find just one set of orbital parameters at at a time, and #scale the RVS. OR if you really want you can compute a, i etc #yourself and plug these into my_orb, but some RV scalign is still needed. rho, theta, normalised_vr = bo.binary_orbit(my_orb, jds, plot_orbit_no=orb) for system in range(n_systems): actual_vr = bo.scale_rv(normalised_vr, my_orb['P'][orb], M_1[system], M_2[system], my_orb['i'][orb], group_velocity=v_group[system]) this_likelihood = bo.calc_likelihood( actual_vr, observed_rv, err) likelihoods.append(this_likelihood) #THEN CALCULATE PROBABILITY OF BEING A SINGLE STAR single_likelihoods.append( bo.calc_likelihood(v_group[system], observed_rv, err)) del actual_vr del this_likelihood del v_group del M_1 del q del M_2 del jds del RV_standard_err del err del observed_rv #THEN CALCULATE BAYES FACTOR bayes_factor = np.mean(likelihoods) / np.mean(single_likelihoods) print(("Bayes Factor: {0:5.2f} for ".format(bayes_factor) + Object[obj]), "on rank", rank, "with SpT", Temp_sptype[obj]) del likelihoods del single_likelihoods if Region[obj] == 'US': send_data = [0.0, float(obj), bayes_factor, Temp_sptype[obj]] #print "Sending data:", send_data, "from rank:", rank if rank == 0: bayes_update = send_data else: CW.send(send_data, dest=0, tag=rank) else: send_data = [1.0, float(obj), bayes_factor, Temp_sptype[obj]] #print "Sending data:", send_data, "from rank:", rank if rank == 0: bayes_update = send_data else: CW.send(send_data, dest=0, tag=rank) del send_data if rank == 0: all_bayes[int(bayes_update[0])].append(bayes_update[2]) Obj_bayes[int(bayes_update[1])] = bayes_update[2] print("Updated Bayes factors retrieved from rank 0 for object", Object[int(bayes_update[1])]) f = open(args.bayes_file, 'a') write_string = Object[int(bayes_update[1])] + ',' + Region[int( bayes_update[1])] + ',' + str(bayes_update[2]) + ',' + str( bayes_update[3]) + '\n' f.write(write_string) f.close() del bayes_update del write_string rit = rit + 1 if rit == size: sys.stdout.flush() CW.Barrier() rit = 0 if rank == 0: print("UPDATING CALCULATED BAYES VALUES") for orit in range(1, size): bayes_update = CW.recv(source=orit, tag=orit) all_bayes[int(bayes_update[0])].append(bayes_update[2]) Obj_bayes[int(bayes_update[1])] = bayes_update[2] print("Updated Bayes factors retrieved from rank", orit, "for object", Object[int(bayes_update[1])]) f = open(args.bayes_file, 'a') write_string = Object[int( bayes_update[1])] + ',' + Region[int( bayes_update[1])] + ',' + str( bayes_update[2]) + ',' + str( bayes_update[3]) + '\n' f.write(write_string) f.close() del bayes_update del write_string sys.stdout.flush() CW.Barrier() sys.stdout.flush() CW.Barrier() if rank == 0: print("UPDATING CALCULATED BAYES VALUES") for orit in range(1, size): bayes_update = CW.recv(source=orit, tag=orit) all_bayes[int(bayes_update[0])].append(bayes_update[2]) Obj_bayes[int(bayes_update[1])] = bayes_update[2] print("Updated Bayes factors retrieved from rank", orit, "for object", Object[int(bayes_update[1])]) f = open(args.bayes_file, 'a') write_string = Object[int(bayes_update[1])] + ',' + Region[int( bayes_update[1])] + ',' + str(bayes_update[2]) + ',' + str( bayes_update[3]) + '\n' f.write(write_string) f.close() del bayes_update del write_string sys.stdout.flush() CW.Barrier() print("Finished Calculating bayes factors!")
def main(): args = parse_args() assert (not args.pretrained_model_path or args.pretrained_model_path.endswith(".ckpt")) os.makedirs(args.save_dir, exist_ok=True) save_args(args, args.save_dir) set_seed(args.seed + COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() * 100) nprocs = COMM_WORLD.Get_size() # Initialize model and agent policy aurora = Aurora( args.seed + COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() * 100, args.save_dir, int(args.val_freq / nprocs), args.pretrained_model_path, tensorboard_log=args.tensorboard_log, ) # training_traces, validation_traces, training_traces = [] val_traces = [] if args.curriculum == "udr": config_file = args.config_file if args.train_trace_file: with open(args.train_trace_file, "r") as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() training_traces.append(Trace.load_from_file(line)) if args.validation and args.val_trace_file: with open(args.val_trace_file, "r") as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if args.dataset == "pantheon": queue = 100 # dummy value val_traces.append( Trace.load_from_pantheon_file(line, queue=queue, loss=0)) elif args.dataset == "synthetic": val_traces.append(Trace.load_from_file(line)) else: raise ValueError train_scheduler = UDRTrainScheduler( config_file, training_traces, percent=args.real_trace_prob, ) elif args.curriculum == "cl1": config_file = args.config_files[0] train_scheduler = CL1TrainScheduler(args.config_files, aurora) elif args.curriculum == "cl2": config_file = args.config_file train_scheduler = CL2TrainScheduler(config_file, aurora, args.baseline) else: raise NotImplementedError aurora.train( config_file, args.total_timesteps, train_scheduler, tb_log_name=args.exp_name, validation_traces=val_traces, )
def main(): args = parse_inputs() center = int( if args.adaptive_bins == 'False': args.adaptive_bins = False a = args.semimajor_axis max_radius = args.max_r file = open(args.file, 'r') loaded_fields = pickle.load(file) distance = loaded_fields[0] y = loaded_fields[1] rank = CW.Get_rank() size = CW.Get_size() dist_min = np.min(distance) dist_max = np.max(distance) if args.adaptive_bins: rs = [0] rs = rs + list(set(distance[distance <= max_radius])) rs = np.sort(rs) rs = rs[::2] rs = np.array(rs) rs = np.append(rs, max_radius) else: rs = np.linspace(0.0, max_radius, args.no_of_bins) bin_size = rs[-1] - rs[-2] rs = np.append(rs, rs[-1] + bin_size) gradient = np.array(np.zeros(np.shape(distance))) rit = 1 printed = False print_cen = False for r in range(len(rs)): if rank == rit: grad_add = np.array(np.zeros(np.shape(distance))) if r - 1 < 0: r_0 = rs[r] else: r_0 = rs[r - 1] r_1 = rs[r] if r + 1 == len(rs): r_2 = rs[r] else: r_2 = rs[r + 1] if r + 2 == len(rs) + 1: r_3 = rs[r] elif r + 2 == len(rs): r_3 = rs[r + 1] else: r_3 = rs[r + 2] shell_0_1 = np.where((distance >= r_0) & (distance < r_1))[0] shell_1_2 = np.where((distance >= r_1) & (distance < r_2))[0] shell_2_3 = np.where((distance >= r_2) & (distance < r_3))[0] if len(shell_0_1) == 0: y_0_1 = 0.0 else: y_0_1 = np.mean(y[shell_0_1]) if len(shell_1_2) == 0: y_1_2 = 0.0 else: y_1_2 = np.mean(y[shell_1_2]) if len(shell_2_3) == 0: y_2_3 = 0.0 else: y_2_3 = np.mean(y[shell_2_3]) grad_val = ((y_1_2 - y_0_1) / (r_1 - r_0) + (y_2_3 - y_1_2) / (r_2 - r_1)) / 2. print("Gradient =", grad_val, "at Distance =", r_1, "on rank", rank) grad_add[shell_1_2] = grad_val if len(enclosed_dist) == 0: enclosed_dist = np.where(distance < (dist_min + 1)) enclosed_mass_val = np.sum(cell_mass[enclosed_dist]) if center != 0: enclosed_mass_val = enclosed_mass_val + part_mass[center - 1] if print_cen == False: #print "Centered on particle with mass", part_mass[center-1]/1.98841586e+33 print_cen = True if center != 0 and rs[r] > a and len(part_mass) > 1: if center == 1: enclosed_mass_val = enclosed_mass_val + part_mass[1] else: enclosed_mass_val = enclosed_mass_val + part_mass[0] if printed == False: #print "Added other particle with mass", part_mass[0]/1.98841586e+33 printed = True elif center == 0 and rs[r] > a / 2. and len(part_mass) > 0: enclosed_mass_val = enclosed_mass_val + np.sum(part_mass) if printed == False: #print "Added both particles with mass", np.sum(part_mass)/1.98841586e+33 printed = True enclosed_mass[ind] = enclosed_mass_val print("enclosed mass =", enclosed_mass_val / 1.98841586e+33, ", Radius =", rs[r] / 1.49597870751e+13, "on rank", rank) CW.send(enclosed_mass, dest=0, tag=rank) if rank == 0: enclosed_mass_add = CW.recv(source=rit, tag=rit) enclosed_mass = enclosed_mass + enclosed_mass_add rit = rit + 1 if rit == size: rit = 1 if rank == 0: os.remove(args.file) file = open(args.save_file, 'w+') print("pickle file:", args.save_file) pickle.dump(enclosed_mass, file) file.close()
import matplotlib.patches import collections import sys from scipy import stats from mpi4py.MPI import COMM_WORLD as CW def flatten(x): if isinstance(x, collections.Iterable): return [a for i in x for a in flatten(i)] else: return [x] rank = CW.Get_rank() size = CW.Get_size() two_col_width = 7.20472 #inches single_col_width = 3.50394 #inches page_height = 10.62472 font_size = 10 sys.stdout.flush() CW.Barrier() pickle_file = sys.argv[1] true_birth_con_pickle = sys.argv[2] plot_gradient = False read_pickle = bool(sys.argv[3]) baseline_yr = float(sys.argv[4]) #plot_key = sys.argv[2]
import logging import itertools import pickle import json from glob import glob import numpy as np import mdtraj as md try: # this mpi will get overriden by the enspara mpi module in a few lines. from mpi4py.MPI import COMM_WORLD as mpi # this happens now and here becuase otherwise these changes to logging # don't propagate to enspara submodules. if mpi.Get_size() > 1: RANKSTR = "[Rank %s]" % mpi.Get_rank() logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG if mpi.Get_rank() == 0 else logging.INFO, format=('%(asctime)s ' + RANKSTR + ' %(name)-26s %(levelname)-7s %(message)s'), datefmt='%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S') mpi_mode = True else: logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format=('%(asctime)s %(name)-8s %(levelname)-7s %(message)s'), datefmt='%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S') mpi_mode = False except ModuleNotFoundError: