def demo_fixed_size_axes(): fig1 = plt.figure(1, (6, 6)) h = [Size.Fixed(1.0), Size.Fixed(4.5)] v = [Size.Fixed(0.7), Size.Fixed(5.)] divider = Divider(fig1, (0.0, 0.0, 1., 1.), h, v, aspect=False) ax = LocatableAxes(fig1, divider.get_position()) ax.set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=1, ny=1)) fig1.add_axes(ax) ax.plot([1,2,3])
def demo_fixed_pad_axes(): fig = plt.figure(2, (6, 6)) h = [Size.Fixed(1.0), Size.Scaled(1.), Size.Fixed(.2),] v = [Size.Fixed(0.7), Size.Scaled(1.), Size.Fixed(.5),] divider = Divider(fig, (0.0, 0.0, 1., 1.), h, v, aspect=False) ax = LocatableAxes(fig, divider.get_position()) ax.set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=1, ny=1)) fig.add_axes(ax) ax.plot([1,2,3])
def demo_fixed_size_axes(): fig1 = plt.figure(1, (6, 6)) # The first items are for padding and the second items are for the axes. # sizes are in inch. h = [Size.Fixed(1.0), Size.Fixed(4.5)] v = [Size.Fixed(0.7), Size.Fixed(5.)] divider = Divider(fig1, (0.0, 0.0, 1., 1.), h, v, aspect=False) # the width and height of the rectangle is ignored. ax = LocatableAxes(fig1, divider.get_position()) ax.set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=1, ny=1)) fig1.add_axes(ax) ax.plot([1,2,3])
def subplot_array( self, hsize, vsize=(1.0,), figsize=(10,10)): """ Use the axes_divider module to make a single row of plots hsize : list of floats horizontal spacing: alternates Scaled for plot, Fixed for between plots vsize : list of floats vertical spacing ref: """ nx = (len(hsize)+1)/2 ny = (len(vsize)+1)/2 fig, axx = plt.subplots(ny,nx,squeeze=False, figsize=figsize) # just to make the axes, will move them sizer = lambda x,i: axes_size.Scaled(x) if i%2==0 else axes_size.Fixed(x) horiz = [ sizer(h,i) for i,h in enumerate(hsize) ] vert = [ sizer(v,i) for i,v in enumerate(vsize) ] divider = Divider(fig, (0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8), horiz, vert, aspect=False) for i,ax in enumerate(axx.flatten()): iy = i//nx; ix = i%nx ax.set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=2*ix, ny=2*iy)) return fig, axx
def subplot_array(self, hsize, vsize=(1.0, ), figsize=(10, 10)): """ Use the axes_divider module to make a single row of plots hsize : list of floats horizontal spacing: alternates Scaled for plot, Fixed for between plots vsize : list of floats vertical spacing ref: """ nx = (len(hsize) + 1) / 2 ny = (len(vsize) + 1) / 2 fig, axx = plt.subplots( ny, nx, squeeze=False, figsize=figsize) # just to make the axes, will move them sizer = lambda x, i: axes_size.Scaled( x) if i % 2 == 0 else axes_size.Fixed(x) horiz = [sizer(h, i) for i, h in enumerate(hsize)] vert = [sizer(v, i) for i, v in enumerate(vsize)] divider = Divider(fig, (0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8), horiz, vert, aspect=False) for i, ax in enumerate(axx.flatten()): iy = i // nx ix = i % nx ax.set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=2 * ix, ny=2 * iy)) return fig, axx
import mpl_toolkits.axes_grid.axes_size as Size from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid import Divider import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig1 = plt.figure(1, (5.5, 4.)) # the rect parameter will be ignore as we will set axes_locator rect = (0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8) ax = [fig1.add_axes(rect, label="%d"%i) for i in range(4)] horiz = [Size.Scaled(1.5), Size.Fixed(.5), Size.Scaled(1.), Size.Scaled(.5)] vert = [Size.Scaled(1.), Size.Fixed(.5), Size.Scaled(1.5)] # divide the axes rectangle into grid whose size is specified by horiz * vert divider = Divider(fig1, rect, horiz, vert, aspect=False) ax[0].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=0, ny=0)) ax[1].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=0, ny=2)) ax[2].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=2, ny=2)) ax[3].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=2, nx1=4, ny=0)) for ax1 in ax: plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels()+ax1.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) plt.draw()
import mpl_toolkits.axes_grid.axes_size as Size from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid import Divider import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig1 = plt.figure(1, (5.5, 4.)) # the rect parameter will be ignore as we will set axes_locator rect = (0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8) ax = [fig1.add_axes(rect, label="%d" % i) for i in range(4)] horiz = [Size.Scaled(1.5), Size.Fixed(.5), Size.Scaled(1.), Size.Scaled(.5)] vert = [Size.Scaled(1.), Size.Fixed(.5), Size.Scaled(1.5)] # divide the axes rectangle into grid whose size is specified by horiz * vert divider = Divider(fig1, rect, horiz, vert, aspect=False) ax[0].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=0, ny=0)) ax[1].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=0, ny=2)) ax[2].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=2, ny=2)) ax[3].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=2, nx1=4, ny=0)) for ax1 in ax: plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels() + ax1.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) plt.draw()
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid import Divider import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig1 = plt.figure(1, (5.5, 4)) # the rect parameter will be ignore as we will set axes_locator rect = (0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8) ax = [fig1.add_axes(rect, label="%d"%i) for i in range(4)] horiz = [Size.AxesX(ax[0]), Size.Fixed(.5), Size.AxesX(ax[1])] vert = [Size.AxesY(ax[0]), Size.Fixed(.5), Size.AxesY(ax[2])] # divide the axes rectangle into grid whose size is specified by horiz * vert divider = Divider(fig1, rect, horiz, vert, aspect=False) ax[0].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=0, ny=0)) ax[1].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=2, ny=0)) ax[2].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=0, ny=2)) ax[3].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=2, ny=2)) ax[0].set_xlim(0, 2) ax[1].set_xlim(0, 1) ax[0].set_ylim(0, 1) ax[2].set_ylim(0, 2) divider.set_aspect(1.)
def create_multipanel_plot(size, dpi, shape, layout, var_info, cmap, lims): fig = plt.figure(figsize=size, dpi=dpi) rings = [] # the rect parameter will be ignore as we will set axes_locator rect = (0.08, 0.08, 0.9, 0.9) nrow,ncol = shape # divide the axes rectangle into grid whose size is specified # by horiz * vert horiz = [Scaled(1.)] for i in range(ncol - 1): horiz.extend([Fixed(.2), Scaled(1.)]) vert = [Scaled(.1), Fixed(.35), Scaled(1.)] for i in range(nrow - 1): vert.extend([Fixed(.1), Scaled(1.)]) divider = Divider(fig, rect, horiz, vert, aspect=False) # ax0 = fig.add_axes(rect, label="0") # ax0.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') # ax = [ax0] + [fig.add_axes(rect, label="%d"%i, sharex=ax0, sharey=ax0) # for i in range(1,6)] ax = [fig.add_axes(rect, label="%d"%i) for i in range(len(layout))] cax = [fig.add_axes(rect, label='cb%d'%i) for i in range(ncol)] for i,a in enumerate(ax): # a.set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=(i // nrow) * 2, # ny=((i%nrow) + 1) * 2)) a.set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=(i % ncol) * 2, ny=(nrow - (i // ncol)) * 2)) a.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') for i,a in enumerate(cax): a.set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=2 * i, ny=0)) for num,(a,(data, label, var)) in enumerate(zip(ax, layout)): norm,ticks,units = var_info[var] ppi_plot(init_data.xlocs, init_data.ylocs, data, norm=norm, cmap=cmap, ax=a, rings=rings) # a.set_title('%s (%s)' % (moment, units)) if num >= ncol: a.set_xlabel('X Distance (km)') cbar = ColorbarBase(ax=cax[num%ncol], norm=norm, cmap=cmap, orientation='horizontal') cbar.set_label('%s (%s)' % (label, units)) cbar.set_ticks(ticks) else: a.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) if num % ncol == 0: a.set_ylabel('Y Distance (km)') else: a.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) if lims: a.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(lims[0])) a.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(lims[0])) a.set_xlim(*lims[1:3]) a.set_ylim(*lims[3:]) # loc = 2 is upper left. TODO: Should patch matplotlib to use # same strings as legend at = AnchoredText("%s)" % chr(97 + num), loc=2, prop=dict(size='large'), frameon=True) # at.patch.set_boxstyle("round, pad=0., rounding_size=0.2") a.add_artist(at) return fig
def redraw(self): if len(self.input) == 0: self.warning("Empty input") return fast_redraw = in self.pp.get_figlabels() fig = self.pp.figure( axes = fig.add_subplot(111) if not fast_redraw: self.draw_grid(axes) else: while len(axes.texts): axes.texts[0].remove() # Draw the inner hexagons with text all_patches = [list() for _ in range(len(self.fitness_by_label))] hits_max = numpy.max(self.input) if hits_max == 0: hits_max = 1 reversed_result = {} for label, neurons in enumerate(self.result): for neuron in neurons: reversed_result[neuron] = label # Add hexagons one by one for y in range(self.height): for x in range(self.width): neuron = y * self.width + x fitness = self.fitness_by_neuron[neuron] number = self.input[y * self.width + x] if numpy.sqrt(number / hits_max) <= \ KohonenHits.SIZE_TEXT_THRESHOLD: fitness = 0 try: label = reversed_result[neuron] except KeyError: continue patches = all_patches[label] self._add_hexagon(axes, patches, x, y, fitness) if fast_redraw: axes.collections = [axes.collections[-1]] else: legend_patches = [] cmap = getattr(, self.cmap) for index, patches in enumerate(all_patches): if len(patches) == 0: continue facecolor = cmap(index * cmap.N // len(all_patches)) col = self.matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection( patches, edgecolors='none', facecolors=facecolor) axes.add_collection(col) if not fast_redraw: legend_patches.append( self.matplotlib.patches.Patch( color=facecolor, label="%d - %.2f" % (index, self.fitness_by_label[index]))) # Make the grid to be drawn last axes.collections = axes.collections[1:] + [axes.collections[0]] if not fast_redraw: legend = axes.legend(handles=legend_patches, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), borderaxespad=0.0, title="Fitness: %.2f" % fig.tight_layout() # The legend becomes truncated, but it should not # Measure the legend width to fix buggy matplotlib layout # Without drawing, window extent equals to 1 if legend is not None: legend.draw(fig.canvas.get_renderer()) bbox = legend.get_window_extent() bbox = bbox.transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid import Divider from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid.axes_size import Fixed, Scaled divider = Divider( fig, (0.05, 0.05, 0.9, 0.9), (Scaled(1.0), Fixed(bbox.width), Scaled(0.05)), (Scaled(1), Fixed(0))) axes.set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(0, 0)) else: # Modify legend title and labels legend = axes.get_legend() if legend is not None: legend.set_title("Fitness: %.2f" % for index, text in enumerate(legend.get_texts()): text.set_text("%d - %.2f" % (index, self.fitness_by_label[index])) self.show_figure(fig) fig.canvas.draw() return fig
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid import Size, Divider import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig1 = plt.figure(1, (6, 6)) horiz = [Size.Fixed(1.), Size.Fixed(.5), Size.Fixed(1.5), Size.Fixed(.5)] vert = [Size.Fixed(1.5), Size.Fixed(.5), Size.Fixed(1.)] rect = (0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8) divider = Divider(fig1, rect, horiz, vert, aspect=False) ax1 = fig1.add_axes(rect, label="1") ax2 = fig1.add_axes(rect, label="2") ax3 = fig1.add_axes(rect, label="3") ax4 = fig1.add_axes(rect, label="4") ax1.set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=0, ny=0)) ax2.set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=0, ny=2)) ax3.set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=2, ny=2)) ax4.set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=2, nx1=4, ny=0)) plt.draw()
def main(path): adsdata = ads_data.AdsData(path) all_structs = adsdata.get_all_structs() print(all_structs) all_temps = adsdata.get_all_temps() print(all_temps) all_num_comps = adsdata.get_all_num_comps() print(all_num_comps) all_comps = adsdata.get_all_comps() print(all_comps) all_possible_ratios = adsdata.get_all_possible_ratios() print(all_possible_ratios) num_grids = len(all_temps) # dubug grid indexing #num_grids = 6 with PdfPages(os.getcwd() + "/delH_asfcn_n.pdf") as pdf: #print(adsdata.master_dict[all_structs[-1]][all_temps[-1]][all_num_comps[-1]][all_comps[-1]]) curr_fig = 0 # Max num of columns of grid is 2 if(num_grids == 1): colnum = 1 else: colnum = 2 # all the rest of the grids get stacked in the rows underneath rownum = int(math.ceil(float(num_grids)/colnum)) # one special object is buffered in the first row to the right of the two grids special_obj_buffer = 2.6 grid_x = 3.5 grid_y = 2.9 if(rownum == 1): figsize = (colnum*grid_x+special_obj_buffer, rownum*grid_y) else: figsize = (colnum*grid_x+special_obj_buffer, rownum*grid_y+1.2) fig = plt.figure(curr_fig, figsize=figsize) # the location of the axes in each grid #rect = (0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8) rect = (0.06,0.16,0.2,0.2) #rect = (0.0,0.0,0.2,0.2) #ax = [fig.add_axes(rect, label="%d"%i) for i in range((colnum+1)*rownum)] ax = [fig.add_axes(rect, label="%d"%i) for i in range(num_grids+1)] horiz = [] vert = [] all_rect = [] #for i in range(colnum): # horiz += [Size.Fixed(3.5)] #for j in range(rownum): # vert += [Size.Fixed(2.8)] # all_rect.append(rect) #print(Size.Scaled(1).get_size()) for i in range(colnum): horiz += [Size.Fixed(2.9), Size.Fixed(0.6)] for j in range(rownum): vert += [Size.Fixed(2.2), Size.Fixed(0.6)] horiz.pop() horiz += [Size.Fixed(0.2)] vert.pop() horiz += [Size.Fixed(special_obj_buffer - 1.0),Size.Fixed(0.2)] divider = Divider(fig, rect, horiz, vert, aspect=False) this_rect = divider.get_position() print('num_grids' + str(num_grids)) print('num_rows' + str(rownum)) print('num_rows' + str(colnum)) # set all access, i counts across rows and wraps to the next row after reaching max of columns for i in range(num_grids): print(rownum) print(int(np.floor(i/colnum))) if(num_grids <= colnum): row_ind = 0 else: row_ind = 2*((rownum-1) - int(np.floor(i/colnum))) col_ind = 2*(np.mod(i,colnum)) print(str(i) + ": " + " nx: " + str(col_ind) + " ny: " + str(row_ind)) ax[i].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx = col_ind, ny = row_ind)) # set special object access to last column in first row special_col_ind = 2*(colnum) special_row_ind = 2*(rownum-1) print(str("s") + ": " + " nx: " + str(special_col_ind) + " ny: " + str(special_row_ind)) ax[num_grids].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx = special_col_ind, ny=0, ny1 = special_row_ind+1)) # for keeping track of the 95% drop summary1 = [] summary2 = [] ax_iter = -1 plot_max_max = -1 for this_temp in all_temps: ax_iter += 1 print("\n\nPREPARING TEMP = " + str(this_temp) + " K\n----------------------------------") temp = this_temp temp_ind = all_temps.index(temp) xkey = "water" plot_xs = [] plot_ys = [] plot_ys_err = [] percentage_drop = [] labels = [] colors = [] markers = [] linestyles = [] facecolors = [] edgecolors = [] mfcs = [] plot_max = 0.0 for i in range(len(all_structs)): for j in range(len(all_num_comps)): comp = all_comps[j] if(all_structs[i] == "0_all_conf_0_0_full_symm"): this_struct = "Mg$_2$(DOBDC)" markers += ["o" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] labels.append(this_struct + ": " + comp) linestyles += ["--" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] mfcs.append('white') facecolors.append('white') edgecolors.append('blue') colors.append('blue') print(markers) elif(all_structs[i] == "1000_all_conf_0_0_full_symm"): this_struct = "Mg$_2$(DHFUMA)" labels.append(this_struct + ": " + comp) markers += ["^" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] linestyles += ["-" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] mfcs.append('blue') facecolors.append('blue') edgecolors.append('blue') colors.append('blue') print(markers) elif(all_structs[i] == "Fe_dobdc"): this_struct = "Fe$_2$(DOBDC)" labels.append(this_struct + ": " + comp) markers += ["o" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] linestyles += ["--" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] mfcs.append('white') facecolors.append('white') edgecolors.append('firebrick') colors.append('firebrick') print(markers) elif(all_structs[i] == "Fe_dhfuma"): this_struct = "Fe$_2$(DHFUMA)" labels.append(this_struct + ": " + comp) markers += ["^" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] linestyles += ["-" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] mfcs.append('firebrick') facecolors.append('firebrick') edgecolors.append('firebrick') colors.append('firebrick') print(markers) elif(all_structs[i] == "Co_dobdc"): this_struct = "Co$_2$(DOBDC)" labels.append(this_struct + ": " + comp) markers += ["o" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] linestyles += ["--" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] mfcs.append('white') facecolors.append('white') edgecolors.append('dimgray') colors.append('dimgray') print(markers) elif(all_structs[i] == "Co_dhfuma"): this_struct = "Co$_2$(DHFUMA)" labels.append(this_struct + ": " + comp) markers += ["^" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] linestyles += ["-" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] mfcs.append('dimgray') facecolors.append('dimgray') edgecolors.append('dimgray') colors.append('dimgray') print(markers) elif(all_structs[i] == "Ni_dobdc"): this_struct = "Ni$_2$(DOBDC)" labels.append(this_struct + ": " + comp) markers += ["o" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] linestyles += ["--" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] mfcs.append('white') facecolors.append('white') edgecolors.append('gold') colors.append('gold') print(markers) elif(all_structs[i] == "Ni_dhfuma"): this_struct = "Ni$_2$(DHFUMA)" labels.append(this_struct + ": " + comp) markers += ["^" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] linestyles += ["-" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] mfcs.append('gold') facecolors.append('gold') edgecolors.append('gold') colors.append('gold') print(markers) elif(all_structs[i] == "Zn_dobdc"): this_struct = "Zn$_2$(DOBDC)" labels.append(this_struct + ": " + comp) markers += ["o" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] linestyles += ["--" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] mfcs.append('white') facecolors.append('white') edgecolors.append('green') colors.append('green') print(markers) elif(all_structs[i] == "Zn_dhfuma"): this_struct = "Zn$_2$(DHFUMA)" labels.append(this_struct + ": " + comp) markers += ["^" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] linestyles += ["-" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] mfcs.append('green') facecolors.append('green') edgecolors.append('green') colors.append('green') print(markers) elif(all_structs[i] == "1001_all_conf_0_0_full_symm"): this_struct = "MW_INV" labels.append(this_struct + ": " + comp) markers += ["o" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] linestyles += ["-" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] mfcs.append('black') facecolors.append('black') edgecolors.append('black') colors.append('black') else: this_struct = all_structs[i] labels.append(this_struct + ": " + comp) markers += ["o" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] linestyles += ["-" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] mfcs.append('black') facecolors.append('black') edgecolors.append('black') colors.append('black') # NOTE all keys #temp comp partial_p partial_f fugacity_coeff avg_load[molec/unit_cell] avg_err[molec/unit_ce ll] avg_load[mol/kg] avg_err[mol/kg] avg_load[mg/g] avg_err[mg/g] exs_load[molec/unit_cell] exs_err[molec/unit_cell] exs_load [mol/kg] exs_err[mol/kg] exs_load[mg/g] exc_err[mg/g] heat_of_des[K] heat_of_des_err[K] heat_of_des[kJ/mol] heat_of_des_err[k J/mol] # Some structs/temps may have different ratio_keys x, y = adsdata.extract_data(all_structs[i], all_temps[temp_ind],"1", comp, len(all_possible_ratios), yheader = "heat_of_des[kJ/mol]") x_err, y_err = adsdata.extract_data(all_structs[i], all_temps[temp_ind],"1", comp, len(all_possible_ratios), yheader = "heat_of_des_err[kJ/mol]") x = np.array(x)/100000 y = np.array(y) y_err = np.array(y_err) perm = x.argsort() x = x[perm] y = y[perm] y_err = y_err[perm] # Print debug info to terminal print(this_struct + ": " + comp) print("x: " + str(x)) print("y: " + str(y)) plot_xs.append(x) plot_ys.append(y) plot_ys_err.append(y_err) try: if(max(y) > plot_max): plot_max = max(y) except: plot_max = plot_max if(plot_max > plot_max_max): plot_max_max = float(plot_max) print("Data max:" + str(plot_max)) print("Overall max:" + str(plot_max_max)) #fig = plt.figure(curr_fig, figsize = (7,5.6)) #ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax[ax_iter].set_xlabel(r'CO$_2$ Pressure [bar]') ax[ax_iter].set_ylabel(r'Avg. Heat of Des. [kJ/mol]') ax[ax_iter].set_xscale('log') #ax[ax_iter].set_xlim((0, 1)) ax[ax_iter].set_ylim(0,plot_max_max*1.2) label = this_temp ax[ax_iter].legend(label, title='T=' + str(this_temp) + ' K', loc='upper left', frameon = False, framealpha=1.0, prop={'size':10}) #axtwin = ax[ax_iter].twinx() #axtwin.set_ylabel(r'% CO$_2$ Capacity Lost') #axtwin.set_ylim(0,100) merge_legends = [] #for i in range(len(all_structs)*int(all_num_comps[0]) + int(all_num_comps[0])): # if((i+1)%(int(all_num_comps[0])+1)==0): # print("twin axis: " + str(i)) # #merge_legends += axtwin.plot(plot_xs[i], plot_ys[i], label=labels[i], color = colors[i], marker = markers[i], linestyle = linestyles[i], fillstyle='none') # else: for i in range(len(markers)): merge_legends += ax[ax_iter].plot(plot_xs[i], plot_ys[i], label=labels[i], ms = 3, marker = markers[i], linestyle = linestyles[i], color = colors[i], mfc = mfcs[i], mec = edgecolors[i], markeredgewidth = 1) #ax[ax_iter].errorbar(plot_xs[i], plot_ys[i], yerr = plot_ys_err[i], label=labels[i], marker = markers[i], linestyle = linestyles[i],color = colors[i], mfc = mfcs[i], mec = edgecolors[i], markeredgewidth = 1) ax[ax_iter].scatter(plot_xs[i], plot_ys[i], label=labels[i], marker = markers[i], s = 3, facecolors = facecolors[i], edgecolors = edgecolors[i], linestyle = linestyles[i]) print(type(merge_legends)) merge_labels = [l.get_label() for l in merge_legends] #merge_legends = np.array(merge_legends) #merge_labels = np.array(merge_labels) #perm = merge_labels.argsort(key=lambda x:x[0]) #merge_legends = merge_legends[perm] lab_leg = zip(merge_labels, merge_legends) lab_leg.sort(key=lambda x:x[0:6][0]) merge_labels = [lab_leg[i][0] for i in range(len(lab_leg))] merge_legends = [lab_leg[i][1] for i in range(len(lab_leg))] #merge_labels, merge_legends #merge_labels.sort(key=lambda x:x[0]) # ax num_grids is the axis allocated for the legend ax[num_grids].legend(merge_legends, merge_labels, loc='center left', prop={'size':12}) ax[num_grids].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax[num_grids].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax[num_grids].set_frame_on(False) #ax.legend(merge_legends, merge_labels, loc='best', prop={'size':12}) #plt.tight_layout() #pdf.savefig(fig) fig.savefig(os.getcwd() + "/" + all_comps[0] + "_heat_of_des_ALL_T.png", dpi = 300) #curr_fig += 1 print("Summary1:") for i in range(len(summary1)): print(summary1[i]) print("Summary2:") for i in range(len(summary2)): print(summary2[i])
def static_plot_grid_hist_selections(lst_det_left, lst_det_right, selection, fname_det): """ :param lst_det_left: :param lst_det_right: :param selection: :param fname_det: """ # Plot starts here: cms = color_map_left = cms.Blues color_map_right = cms.RdPu if fname_det: f1 = plt.figure(1, (23, 13), dpi=1200) else: f1 = plt.figure(1, (15, 8)) vel_range = range(-90, 70) f1.clf() # the rect parameter is ignored as we set the axes_locator rect = (0.05, 0.07, 0.9, 0.87) f1ax = [f1.add_axes(rect, label="%d" % i) for i in range(7)] horiz = [ Size.Scaled(5.), Size.Fixed(1.0), Size.Scaled(1.5), Size.Fixed(1.0), Size.Scaled(2.) ] vert = [ Size.Scaled(1.), Size.Fixed(0.5), Size.Scaled(1.), Size.Fixed(0.5), Size.Scaled(1.), Size.Fixed(0.5), Size.Scaled(1.) ] # divide the axes rectangle into grid whose size is specified by horiz * vert divider = Divider(f1, rect, horiz, vert, aspect=False) f1ax[0].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=0, ny=0, ny1=7)) f1ax[1].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=2, ny=0)) f1ax[2].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=2, ny=2)) f1ax[3].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=2, ny=4)) f1ax[4].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=2, ny=6)) f1ax[5].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=4, ny=0, ny1=3)) f1ax[6].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx=4, ny=4, ny1=7)) f1ax[0].axis([-40, 100, -80, 80]) f1ax[5].axis([-140, 140, 0, 100]) f1ax[6].axis([-140, 140, -100, 80]) f1ax[0].grid(True) f1ax[1].grid(True) f1ax[2].grid(True) f1ax[3].grid(True) f1ax[4].grid(True) f1ax[5].grid(True) f1ax[6].grid(True) number_of_dets_left = 0 number_of_dets_left_processed = 0 number_of_dets_right = 0 number_of_dets_right_processed = 0 # Left radar plot if lst_det_left: LR_data = lst_det_left.get_array_detections_selected( selection=selection) if LR_data["mcc"].any(): LR_data_exists = True f1ax[2].hist(LR_data["rvelocity"], vel_range, color=color_map_left(0.4), normed=1) number_of_dets_left = np.size(LR_data["mcc"]) if selection["beam_tp"].count(0): selection_tp = copy.deepcopy(selection) selection_tp["beam_tp"] = [0] LR0_data = lst_det_left.get_array_detections_selected( selection=selection_tp) f1ax[1].hist(LR0_data["rvelocity"], vel_range, color=color_map_left(0.2), normed=1, label='beam 0') f1ax[0].plot(LR0_data["x"], LR0_data["y"], color=color_map_left(0.2), marker='o', ls='None', label='Left RDR, beam 0') f1ax[6].plot(-180 * LR0_data["razimuth"] / np.pi, LR0_data["rvelocity"], color=color_map_left(0.2), marker='o', ls='None', label='Left RDR, beam 0') f1ax[5].plot(-180 * LR0_data["razimuth"] / np.pi, LR0_data["range"], color=color_map_left(0.2), marker='o', ls='None', label='Left RDR, beam 0') number_of_dets_left_processed += np.size(LR0_data["mcc"]) if selection["beam_tp"].count(1): selection_tp = copy.deepcopy(selection) selection_tp["beam_tp"] = [1] LR1_data = lst_det_left.get_array_detections_selected( selection=selection_tp) f1ax[1].hist(LR1_data["rvelocity"], vel_range, color=color_map_left(0.4), normed=1, label='beam 1') f1ax[0].plot(LR1_data["x"], LR1_data["y"], color=color_map_left(0.4), marker='o', ls='None', label='Left RDR, beam 1') f1ax[6].plot(-180 * LR1_data["razimuth"] / np.pi, LR1_data["rvelocity"], color=color_map_left(0.4), marker='o', ls='None', label='Left RDR, beam 1') f1ax[5].plot(-180 * LR1_data["razimuth"] / np.pi, LR1_data["range"], color=color_map_left(0.4), marker='o', ls='None', label='Left RDR, beam 1') number_of_dets_left_processed += np.size(LR1_data["mcc"]) if selection["beam_tp"].count(2): selection_tp = copy.deepcopy(selection) selection_tp["beam_tp"] = [2] LR2_data = lst_det_left.get_array_detections_selected( selection=selection_tp) f1ax[1].hist(LR2_data["velocity"], vel_range, color=color_map_left(0.6), normed=1, label='beam 2') f1ax[0].plot(LR2_data["x"], LR2_data["y"], color=color_map_left(0.6), marker='o', ls='None', label='Left RDR, beam 2') f1ax[6].plot(-180 * LR2_data["azimuth"] / np.pi, LR2_data["velocity"], color=color_map_left(0.6), marker='o', ls='None', label='Left RDR, beam 2') f1ax[5].plot(-180 * LR2_data["azimuth"] / np.pi, LR2_data["range"], color=color_map_left(0.6), marker='o', ls='None', label='Left RDR, beam 2') number_of_dets_left_processed += np.size(LR2_data["mcc"]) if selection["beam_tp"].count(3): selection_tp = copy.deepcopy(selection) selection_tp["beam_tp"] = [3] LR3_data = lst_det_left.get_array_detections_selected( selection=selection_tp) f1ax[1].hist(LR3_data["rvelocity"], vel_range, color=color_map_left(0.8), normed=1, label='beam 3') f1ax[0].plot(LR3_data["x"], LR3_data["y"], color=color_map_left(0.8), marker='o', ls='None', label='Left RDR, beam 3') f1ax[6].plot(-180 * LR3_data["razimuth"] / np.pi, LR3_data["rvelocity"], color=color_map_left(0.8), marker='o', ls='None', label='Left RDR, beam 3') f1ax[5].plot(-180 * LR3_data["razimuth"] / np.pi, LR3_data["range"], color=color_map_left(0.8), marker='o', ls='None', label='Left RDR, beam 3') number_of_dets_left_processed += np.size(LR3_data["mcc"]) plt.draw() else: LR_data_exists = False # Right radar plot if lst_det_right: RR_data = lst_det_right.get_array_detections_selected( mcc=selection['mcc_tp']) if RR_data["mcc"].any(): RR_data_exists = True f1ax[4].hist(RR_data["velocity"], vel_range, color=color_map_left(0.4), normed=1) number_of_dets_right = np.size(RR_data["mcc"]) if selection["beam_tp"].count(0): selection_tp = copy.deepcopy(selection) selection_tp["beam_tp"] = [0] RR0_data = lst_det_right.get_array_detections_selected( selection=selection_tp) f1ax[3].hist(RR0_data["velocity"], vel_range, color=color_map_right(0.2), normed=1, label='beam 0') f1ax[0].plot(RR0_data["x"], RR0_data["y"], color=color_map_right(0.2), marker='o', ls='None', label='Right RDR, beam 0') f1ax[6].plot(-180 * RR0_data["azimuth"] / np.pi, RR0_data["velocity"], color=color_map_right(0.2), marker='o', ls='None', label='Right RDR, beam 0') f1ax[5].plot(-180 * RR0_data["azimuth"] / np.pi, RR0_data["range"], color=color_map_right(0.2), marker='o', ls='None', label='Right RDR, beam 0') number_of_dets_right_processed += np.size(RR0_data["mcc"]) if selection["beam_tp"].count(1): selection_tp = copy.deepcopy(selection) selection_tp["beam_tp"] = [1] RR1_data = lst_det_right.get_array_detections_selected( selection=selection_tp) f1ax[3].hist(RR1_data["velocity"], vel_range, color=color_map_right(0.4), normed=1, label='beam 1') f1ax[0].plot(RR1_data["x"], RR1_data["y"], color=color_map_right(0.4), marker='o', ls='None', label='Right RDR, beam 1') f1ax[6].plot(-180 * RR1_data["azimuth"] / np.pi, RR1_data["velocity"], color=color_map_right(0.4), marker='o', ls='None', label='Right RDR, beam 1') f1ax[5].plot(-180 * RR1_data["azimuth"] / np.pi, RR1_data["range"], color=color_map_right(0.4), marker='o', ls='None', label='Right RDR, beam 1') number_of_dets_right_processed += np.size(RR1_data["mcc"]) if selection["beam_tp"].count(2): selection_tp = copy.deepcopy(selection) selection_tp["beam_tp"] = [2] RR2_data = lst_det_right.get_array_detections_selected( selection=selection_tp) f1ax[3].hist(RR2_data["velocity"], vel_range, color=color_map_right(0.6), normed=1, label='beam 2') f1ax[0].plot(RR2_data["x"], RR2_data["y"], color=color_map_right(0.6), marker='o', ls='None', label='Right RDR, beam 2') f1ax[6].plot(-180 * RR2_data["azimuth"] / np.pi, RR2_data["velocity"], color=color_map_right(0.6), marker='o', ls='None', label='Right RDR, beam 2') f1ax[5].plot(-180 * RR2_data["azimuth"] / np.pi, RR2_data["range"], color=color_map_right(0.6), marker='o', ls='None', label='Right RDR, beam 2') number_of_dets_right_processed += np.size(RR2_data["mcc"]) if selection["beam_tp"].count(3): selection_tp = copy.deepcopy(selection) selection_tp["beam_tp"] = [3] RR3_data = lst_det_right.get_array_detections_selected( selection=selection_tp) f1ax[3].hist(RR3_data["velocity"], vel_range, color=color_map_right(0.8), normed=1, label='beam 3') f1ax[0].plot(RR3_data["x"], RR3_data["y"], color=color_map_right(0.8), marker='o', ls='None', label='Right RDR, beam 3') f1ax[6].plot(-180 * RR3_data["azimuth"] / np.pi, RR3_data["velocity"], color=color_map_right(0.8), marker='o', ls='None', label='Right RDR, beam 3') f1ax[5].plot(-180 * RR3_data["azimuth"] / np.pi, RR3_data["range"], color=color_map_right(0.8), marker='o', ls='None', label='Right RDR, beam 3') number_of_dets_right_processed += np.size(RR3_data["mcc"]) plt.draw() else: RR_data_exists = False if LR_data_exists and RR_data_exists: lgd2 = f1ax[0].legend(loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.0)) f1ax[0].set_xlabel('x [meters]') f1ax[0].set_ylabel('y [meters]') f1ax[1].set_ylabel('Left RDR, separate') f1ax[1].set_xlabel('Velocity $v(mcc)$ [m/s]') f1ax[2].set_ylabel('Left RDR, all') f1ax[3].set_ylabel('Right RDR, separate') f1ax[4].set_ylabel('Right RDR, all') f1ax[5].set_xlabel('Azimuth [deg]') f1ax[5].set_ylabel('Range [meters]') f1ax[6].set_ylabel('Velocity [km h$^{-1}$]') tit = "MCC: %08d Num of Det: L=%d R=%d In Selected Beams: L=%d R=%d" % ( selection["mcc_tp"][0], number_of_dets_left, number_of_dets_right, number_of_dets_left_processed, number_of_dets_right_processed) f1.suptitle(tit, fontsize=14, fontweight='bold') if fname_det: f1.savefig(fname_det, format='eps', dpi=1200) else: else: print("Nothing to plot for MCC:", selection["mcc_tp"])
def main(path): adsdata = AdsData(path) all_structs = adsdata.get_all_structs() print(all_structs) all_temps = adsdata.get_all_temps() print(all_temps) all_num_comps = adsdata.get_all_num_comps() print(all_num_comps) all_comps = adsdata.get_all_comps() print(all_comps) all_possible_ratios = adsdata.get_all_possible_ratios() print(all_possible_ratios) num_grids = len(all_temps) # dubug grid indexing #num_grids = 6 with PdfPages(os.getcwd() + "/H20_CO2_reduction.pdf") as pdf: #print(adsdata.master_dict[all_structs[-1]][all_temps[-1]][all_num_comps[-1]][all_comps[-1]]) curr_fig = 0 # Max num of columns of grid is 2 if(num_grids == 1): colnum = 1 else: colnum = 2 # all the rest of the grids get stacked in the rows underneath rownum = int(math.ceil(float(num_grids)/colnum)) # one special object is buffered in the first row to the right of the two grids special_obj_buffer = 2.6 grid_x = 3.5 grid_y = 2.8 if(rownum == 1): figsize = (colnum*3.5+special_obj_buffer, rownum*2.8) else: figsize = (colnum*3.5+special_obj_buffer, rownum*2.8+1.2) fig = plt.figure(curr_fig, figsize=figsize) # the location of the axes in each grid #rect = (0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8) rect = (0.06,0.16,0.2,0.2) #rect = (0.0,0.0,0.2,0.2) #ax = [fig.add_axes(rect, label="%d"%i) for i in range((colnum+1)*rownum)] ax = [fig.add_axes(rect, label="%d"%i) for i in range(num_grids+1)] horiz = [] vert = [] all_rect = [] #for i in range(colnum): # horiz += [Size.Fixed(3.5)] #for j in range(rownum): # vert += [Size.Fixed(2.8)] # all_rect.append(rect) #print(Size.Scaled(1).get_size()) for i in range(colnum): horiz += [Size.Fixed(2.9), Size.Fixed(0.6)] for j in range(rownum): vert += [Size.Fixed(2.2), Size.Fixed(0.6)] horiz.pop() horiz += [Size.Fixed(0.2)] vert.pop() horiz += [Size.Fixed(special_obj_buffer - 1.0),Size.Fixed(0.2)] divider = Divider(fig, rect, horiz, vert, aspect=False) this_rect = divider.get_position() print('num_grids' + str(num_grids)) print('num_rows' + str(rownum)) print('num_rows' + str(colnum)) # set all access, i counts across rows and wraps to the next row after reaching max of columns for i in range(num_grids): print(rownum) print(int(np.floor(i/colnum))) if(num_grids <= colnum): row_ind = 0 else: row_ind = 2*((rownum-1) - int(np.floor(i/colnum))) col_ind = 2*(np.mod(i,colnum)) print(str(i) + ": " + " nx: " + str(col_ind) + " ny: " + str(row_ind)) ax[i].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx = col_ind, ny = row_ind)) # set special object access to last column in first row special_col_ind = 2*(colnum) special_row_ind = 2*(rownum-1) print(str("s") + ": " + " nx: " + str(special_col_ind) + " ny: " + str(special_row_ind)) ax[num_grids].set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(nx = special_col_ind, ny=0, ny1 = special_row_ind+1)) # for keeping track of the 95% drop summary1 = [] summary2 = [] ax_iter = -1 plot_max_max = -1 for this_temp in all_temps: ax_iter += 1 print("\n\nPREPARING TEMP = " + str(this_temp) + " K\n----------------------------------") temp = this_temp temp_ind = all_temps.index(temp) xkey = "water" plot_xs = [] plot_ys = [] percentage_drop = [] labels = [] colors = [] markers = [] linestyles = [] plot_max = 0.0 for i in range(len(all_structs)): for j in range(len(all_num_comps)): comp = all_comps[0] if(all_structs[i] == "0_all_conf_0_0_full_symm"): this_struct = "Mg$_2$(DOBDC)" markers += ["o" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] linestyles += ["-" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] print(markers) elif(all_structs[i] == "1000_all_conf_0_0_full_symm"): this_struct = "Mg$_2$(DHFUMA)" markers += ["^" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] linestyles += ["-" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] print(markers) elif(all_structs[i] == "Fe_dobdc"): this_struct = "Fe$_2$(DOBDC)" markers += ["o" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] linestyles += ["-" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] print(markers) elif(all_structs[i] == "Fe_dhfuma"): this_struct = "Fe$_2$(DHFUMA)" markers += ["^" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] linestyles += ["-" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] print(markers) elif(all_structs[i] == "Co_dobdc"): this_struct = "Co$_2$(DOBDC)" markers += ["o" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] linestyles += ["-" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] print(markers) elif(all_structs[i] == "Co_dhfuma"): this_struct = "Co$_2$(DHFUMA)" markers += ["^" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] linestyles += ["-" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] print(markers) elif(all_structs[i] == "Ni_dobdc"): this_struct = "Ni$_2$(DOBDC)" markers += ["o" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] linestyles += ["-" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] print(markers) elif(all_structs[i] == "Ni_dhfuma"): this_struct = "Ni$_2$(DHFUMA)" markers += ["^" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] linestyles += ["-" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] print(markers) elif(all_structs[i] == "Zn_dobdc"): this_struct = "Zn$_2$(DOBDC)" markers += ["o" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] linestyles += ["-" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] print(markers) elif(all_structs[i] == "Zn_dhfuma"): this_struct = "Zn$_2$(DHFUMA)" markers += ["^" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] linestyles += ["-" for k in range(int(all_num_comps[j]))] print(markers) elif(all_structs[i] == "1001_all_conf_0_0_full_symm"): this_struct = "MW_INV" else: this_struct = all_structs[i] labels.append(this_struct + ": " + comp) # Some structs/temps may have different ratio_keys ratio_keys = adsdata.master_dict[all_structs[i]][all_temps[temp_ind]]["2"][comp].keys() x, y = adsdata.extract_data(all_structs[i], all_temps[temp_ind],"2", comp, len(ratio_keys), xkey = "water") # Print debug info to terminal print(this_struct + ": " + comp) print("x: " + str(x)) print("y: " + str(y)) plot_xs.append(x) plot_ys.append(y) try: if(max(y) > plot_max): plot_max = max(y) except: plot_max = plot_max colors.append("black") comp = all_comps[1] labels.append(this_struct + ": " + comp) # Some structures may have diff ratio keys ratio_keys = adsdata.master_dict[all_structs[i]][all_temps[temp_ind]]["2"][comp].keys() x1, y1 = adsdata.extract_data(all_structs[i], all_temps[temp_ind], "2", comp, len(ratio_keys), xkey = "water") # Print debug info to terminal print(this_struct + ": " + comp) print("x1: " + str(x1)) print("y1: " + str(y1)) plot_xs.append(x1) plot_ys.append(y1) colors.append("red") #try: # if(max(y1) > plot_max): # plot_max = max(y1) #except: # plot_max = plot_max # NOTE for now kind of irrelevant to calculate % loss, it's easily determined visually percent = [] for k in range(len(x)): percent.append((y[0] - y[k])/y[0]*100) print(this_struct + " percent") print("x: " + str(x)) print("y: " + str(percent)) #plot_xs.append(x) #plot_ys.append(percent) #colors.append("black") #labels.append(this_struct + ": % loss") # Calculate critical water fraction compile_summary = False for k in range(len(percent)): if(k != len(percent)-1): if(10.0 > percent[k] and 10.0 < percent[k+1]): ind1 = int(k) ind2 = int(k+1) h2Omolfrac=(x[k+1]-x[k])/(percent[k+1]-percent[k]) + x[k] compile_summary = True else: break # Calculate CO2 capacity at that point # For now we know x,y contains CO2 stats and x1,y1 contains water if(compile_summary): CO290percent = y[ind1] + (y[ind2]-y[ind1])/(x[ind2]-x[ind1])*(h2Omolfrac-x[ind1]) print("<H2Omolfrac> <90%CO2capacity> <temp>") print(str(h2Omolfrac) + " " + str(CO290percent) + " " + str(this_temp)) else: print("Not a high enough H20 fraction to see 90% CO2 capacity") if(i==0): summary1 += [str(h2Omolfrac) + " " + str(CO290percent) + " " + str(this_temp)] elif(i==1): summary2 += [str(h2Omolfrac) + " " + str(CO290percent) + " " + str(this_temp)] if(plot_max > plot_max_max): plot_max_max = float(plot_max) print("Data max:" + str(plot_max)) print("Overall max:" + str(plot_max_max)) #fig = plt.figure(curr_fig, figsize = (7,5.6)) #ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax[ax_iter].set_xlabel(r'H$_2$O Mol Fraction') ax[ax_iter].set_ylabel(r'Avg. Loading [mol/kg]') ax[ax_iter].set_xscale('log') ax[ax_iter].set_xlim((1e-5, 1)) ax[ax_iter].set_ylim(0,plot_max_max*1.2) label = this_temp ax[ax_iter].legend(label, title='T=' + str(this_temp) + ' K', loc='upper left', frameon = False, framealpha=1.0, prop={'size':10}) #axtwin = ax[ax_iter].twinx() #axtwin.set_ylabel(r'% CO$_2$ Capacity Lost') #axtwin.set_ylim(0,100) merge_legends = [] #for i in range(len(all_structs)*int(all_num_comps[0]) + int(all_num_comps[0])): # if((i+1)%(int(all_num_comps[0])+1)==0): # print("twin axis: " + str(i)) # #merge_legends += axtwin.plot(plot_xs[i], plot_ys[i], label=labels[i], color = colors[i], marker = markers[i], linestyle = linestyles[i], fillstyle='none') # else: for i in range(len(markers)): merge_legends += ax[ax_iter].plot(plot_xs[i], plot_ys[i], label=labels[i], color = colors[i], marker = markers[i], linestyle = linestyles[i]) merge_labels = [l.get_label() for l in merge_legends] ax[num_grids].legend(merge_legends, merge_labels, loc='center left', prop={'size':12}) ax[num_grids].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax[num_grids].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax[num_grids].set_frame_on(False) #ax.legend(merge_legends, merge_labels, loc='best', prop={'size':12}) #plt.tight_layout() #pdf.savefig(fig) fig.savefig(os.getcwd() + "/H2O_CO2_reduction_ALL_T.png", dpi = 300) #curr_fig += 1 print("Summary1:") for i in range(len(summary1)): print(summary1[i]) print("Summary2:") for i in range(len(summary2)): print(summary2[i])
def redraw(self): if len(self.input) == 0: self.warning("Empty input") return fast_redraw = in self.pp.get_figlabels() fig = self.pp.figure( axes = fig.add_subplot(111) if not fast_redraw: self.draw_grid(axes) else: while len(axes.texts): axes.texts[0].remove() # Draw the inner hexagons with text all_patches = [list() for _ in range(len(self.fitness_by_label))] hits_max = numpy.max(self.input) if hits_max == 0: hits_max = 1 reversed_result = {} for label, neurons in enumerate(self.result): for neuron in neurons: reversed_result[neuron] = label # Add hexagons one by one for y in range(self.height): for x in range(self.width): neuron = y * self.width + x fitness = self.fitness_by_neuron[neuron] number = self.input[y * self.width + x] if numpy.sqrt(number / hits_max) <= \ KohonenHits.SIZE_TEXT_THRESHOLD: fitness = 0 try: label = reversed_result[neuron] except KeyError: continue patches = all_patches[label] self._add_hexagon(axes, patches, x, y, fitness) if fast_redraw: axes.collections = [axes.collections[-1]] else: legend_patches = [] cmap = getattr(, self.cmap) for index, patches in enumerate(all_patches): if len(patches) == 0: continue facecolor = cmap(index * cmap.N // len(all_patches)) col = self.matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection( patches, edgecolors='none', facecolors=facecolor) axes.add_collection(col) if not fast_redraw: legend_patches.append(self.matplotlib.patches.Patch( color=facecolor, label="%d - %.2f" % (index, self.fitness_by_label[index]))) # Make the grid to be drawn last axes.collections = axes.collections[1:] + [axes.collections[0]] if not fast_redraw: legend = axes.legend(handles=legend_patches, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), borderaxespad=0.0, title="Fitness: %.2f" % fig.tight_layout() # The legend becomes truncated, but it should not # Measure the legend width to fix buggy matplotlib layout # Without drawing, window extent equals to 1 if legend is not None: legend.draw(fig.canvas.get_renderer()) bbox = legend.get_window_extent() bbox = bbox.transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid import Divider from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid.axes_size import Fixed, Scaled divider = Divider(fig, (0.05, 0.05, 0.9, 0.9), (Scaled(1.0), Fixed(bbox.width), Scaled(0.05)), (Scaled(1), Fixed(0))) axes.set_axes_locator(divider.new_locator(0, 0)) else: # Modify legend title and labels legend = axes.get_legend() if legend is not None: legend.set_title("Fitness: %.2f" % for index, text in enumerate(legend.get_texts()): text.set_text("%d - %.2f" % (index, self.fitness_by_label[index])) self.show_figure(fig) fig.canvas.draw() return fig