Esempio n. 1
 def Pinv(self, P):
     from mpmath import ellipf, sqrt, asin, acos, mpc, mpf
     Delta = self.Delta
     e1, e2, e3 = self.__roots
     if self.__ng3:
         P = -P
     if Delta > 0:
         m = (e2 - e3) / (e1 - e3)
         retval = (1 / sqrt(e1 - e3)) * ellipf(
             asin(sqrt((e1 - e3) / (P - e3))), m=m)
     elif Delta < 0:
         H2 = (sqrt((e2 - e3) * (e2 - e1))).real
         assert (H2 > 0)
         m = mpf(1) / mpf(2) - 3 * e2 / (4 * H2)
         retval = 1 / (2 * sqrt(H2)) * ellipf(acos(
             (e2 - P + H2) / (e2 - P - H2)),
         g2, g3 = self.__invariants
         if g2 == 0 and g3 == 0:
             retval = 1 / sqrt(P)
             c = e1 / 2
             retval = (1 / sqrt(3 * c)) * asin(sqrt((3 * c) / (P + c)))
     if self.__ng3:
         retval /= mpc(0, 1)
     alpha, beta, _, _ = self.reduce_to_fpp(retval)
     T1, T2 = self.periods
     return T1 * alpha + T2 * beta
	def Pinv(self,P):
		from mpmath import ellipf, sqrt, asin, acos, mpc, mpf
		Delta = self.Delta
		e1, e2, e3 = self.__roots
		if self.__ng3:
			P = -P
		if Delta > 0:
			m = (e2 - e3) / (e1 - e3)
			retval = (1 / sqrt(e1 - e3)) * ellipf(asin(sqrt((e1 - e3)/(P - e3))),m=m)
		elif Delta < 0:
			H2 = (sqrt((e2 - e3) * (e2 - e1))).real
			assert(H2 > 0)
			m = mpf(1) / mpf(2) - 3 * e2 / (4 * H2)
			retval = 1 / (2 * sqrt(H2)) * ellipf(acos((e2-P+H2)/(e2-P-H2)),m=m)
			g2, g3 = self.__invariants
			if g2 == 0 and g3 == 0:
				retval = 1 / sqrt(P)
				c = e1 / 2
				retval = (1 / sqrt(3 * c)) * asin(sqrt((3 * c)/(P + c)))
		if self.__ng3:
			retval /= mpc(0,1)
		alpha, beta, _, _ = self.reduce_to_fpp(retval)
		T1, T2 = self.periods
		return T1 * alpha + T2 * beta
Esempio n. 3
def phi_inf(P, M):
    Qvar = Q(P, M)
    ksq = (Qvar - P + 6. * M) / (2. * Qvar)
    zinf = zeta_inf(P, M)
    phi = 2. * (mpmath.sqrt(
        P / Qvar)) * (mpmath.ellipk(ksq) - mpmath.ellipf(zinf, ksq))
    return phi
Esempio n. 4
def calc_lambda_0(chi, zp, zm, En, Lz, aa, slr, x):
    Mino time as a function of polar angle, chi

        chi (float): polar angle
        zp (float): polar root
        zm (float): polar root
        En (float): energy
        Lz (float): angular momentum
        aa (float): spin
        slr (float): semi-latus rectum
        x (float): inclination

        lambda_0 (float)

    pi = mp.pi
    beta = aa * aa * (1 - En * En)
    k = sqrt(zm / zp)
    k2 = k * k
    prefactor = 1 / sqrt(beta * zp)
    ellipticK_k = ellipk(k2)
    ellipticF = ellipf(pi / 2 - chi, k2)

    return prefactor * (ellipticK_k - ellipticF)
Esempio n. 5
def z_Zolotarev(N, x, m):
    Function to evaluate the Zolotarev polynomial (eq 1, [McNamara93]_).
    :param N:    Order of the Zolotarev polynomial
    :param x:    The argument at which one would like to evaluate the Zolotarev polynomial
    :param m:    m is the elliptic parameter (not the modulus k and not the nome q)
    :rtype:      Returns a float, the value of Zolotarev polynomial at x
    M = -ellipk(m) / N
    x3 = ellipfun('sn', u=-M, m=m)
    xbar = x3 * mp.sqrt(
        (x**2 - 1) / (x**2 - x3**2))  # rearranged eq 21, [Levy70]_
    u = ellipf(mp.asin(xbar),
               m)  # rearranged eq 20, [Levy70]_, asn(x) = F(asin(x)|m)
    f = mp.cosh((N / 2) * mp.log(z_eta(M + u, m) / z_eta(M - u, m)))
    if f.imag / f.real > 1e-10:
        print("imaginary part of the Zolotarev function is not negligible!")
        print("f_imaginary = ", f.imag)
        if (x > 0):  # no idea why I am doing this ... anyhow, it seems working
            f = -f.real
            f = f.real
    return f
Esempio n. 6
    def param_position(self, x, y, z):
        from mpmath import ellipf
        x = x.reshape(-1).astype(numpy.complex)

        # coefs shortcut
        n = self.coef
        ni = numpy.sqrt(n * 1j)
        sq3 = numpy.sqrt(3)

        sq9n2x4 = numpy.sqrt(9 * (n**2) * (x**4) + 1)

        # calculation
        num1 = 27 * (n**3) * (x**5)
        num2 = 2 * sq3 * sq9n2x4

        num3 = 1j * numpy.arcsinh(sq3 * ni * x)
        for i, n in enumerate(num3):
            num3[i] = ellipf(n, -1)

        num4 = 3 * n * x

        den = 9 * n * sq9n2x4

        x = (num1 - num2 * num3 + num4) / den
        x = numpy.real(x)
        return numpy.hstack([x.reshape(-1, 1), y.reshape(-1, 1)])
	def __compute_t_r(self,n_lobes,lobe_idx,H_in,Hr,d_eval,p4roots,lead_cf):
		from pyranha import math
		from mpmath import asin, sqrt, ellipf, mpf
		assert(n_lobes == 1 or n_lobes == 2)
		C = -lead_cf
		assert(C > 0)
		# First determine if we are integrating in the upper or lower plane.
		# NOTE: we don't care about eps, we are only interested in the sign.
		if (self.__F1 * math.sin(pt('h_\\ast'))).trim().evaluate(d_eval) > 0:
			sign = 1
			sign = -1
		if n_lobes == 2:
			assert(lobe_idx == 0 or lobe_idx == 1)
			r0,r1,r2,r3 = p4roots
			# k is the same in both cases.
			k = sqrt(((r3-r2)*(r1-r0))/((r3-r1)*(r2-r0)))
			if lobe_idx == 0:
				assert(Hr == r0)
				phi = asin(sqrt(((r3-r1)*(H_in-r0))/((r1-r0)*(r3-H_in))))
				assert(Hr == r2)
				phi = asin(sqrt(((r3-r1)*(H_in-r2))/((H_in-r1)*(r3-r2))))
			return -sign * mpf(2) / sqrt(C * (r3 - r1) * (r2 - r0)) * ellipf(phi,k**2)
			# TODO: single lobe case.
Esempio n. 8
 def do_approximation(self):
     epsilonp = np.sqrt(np.power(10, self.Ap / 10) - 1)
     gp = np.power(10, -self.Ap / 20)
     k1 = np.sqrt((np.power(10, self.Ap / 10) - 1) /
                  (np.power(10, self.Ao / 10) - 1))
     k = 1 / self.wan
     a = mp.asin(1j / epsilonp)
     vo = mp.ellipf(1j / epsilonp, k1) / (1j * self.n)
     self.n = np.ceil(
         special.ellipk(np.sqrt(1 - np.power(k1, 2))) * special.ellipk(k) /
         (special.ellipk(k1) * special.ellipk(np.sqrt(1 - np.power(k, 2)))))
     for i in range(1, int(np.floor(self.n / 2)) + 1):
         cd = mp.ellipfun('cd', (2 * i - 1) / self.n, k)
         zero = (1j / (float(k * cd.real) + 1j * float(k * cd.imag)))
         self.num = self.num * np.poly1d([1 / zero, 1])
         self.num = self.num * np.poly1d([1 / np.conj(zero), 1])
         cd = mp.ellipfun('cd', (2 * i - 1) / self.n - 1j * vo, k)
         pole = 1j * (float(cd.real) + 1j * float(cd.imag))
         if np.real(pole) <= 0:
             self.den = self.den * np.poly1d([-1 / pole, 1])
             self.den = self.den * np.poly1d([-1 / np.conj(pole), 1])
     if np.mod(self.n, 2) == 1:
         sn = 1j * mp.ellipfun('sn', 1j * vo, k)
         pole = 1j * (float(sn.real) + 1j * float(sn.imag))
         if np.real(pole) <= 0:
             self.den = self.den * np.poly1d([-1 / pole, 1])
             self.den = self.den * np.poly1d([-1 / np.conj(pole), 1])
     self.zeroes = np.roots(self.num)
     self.poles = np.roots(self.den)
     self.aprox_gain = np.power(gp, 1 - (self.n - 2 * np.floor(self.n / 2)))
     self.num = self.num * self.aprox_gain
     self.norm_sys = signal.TransferFunction(
         self.num, self.den)  #Filter system is obtained
Esempio n. 9
def F(zeta: float, m):
    """Calculates the incomplete elliptic integral of argument zeta and mod m = k²
        zeta: the argument of the elliptic integral
        m: the modulus of the elliptic integral. mpmath takes m=k² as modulus
        float: the value of the elliptic integral of argument zeta and modulus m=k²"""
    return mpmath.ellipf(zeta, m)  # takes k**2 as mod, not k
Esempio n. 10
def one_side(x,y):
    m = ((-1 + x)*(1 + y))/((1 + x)*(-1 + y))
    k = sqrt(m)
    u = asin(1/k)
    EE = ellipe(m)
    EF = re(ellipf(u,m))
    n = (-1 + x)/(-1 + y)
    EPI = ellippi(n/m,1/m)/k
    #EPI = ellippi(n,u,m)
    return re(-(EE*(1 + x)*(-1 + y) + (x - y)*(EF + EPI*(x-y) + EF*y))/sqrt(((1 + x)*(1 - y))))
Esempio n. 11
	def __compute_tau_eta(self):
		# Gradshtein 3.131.5.
		from mpmath import sqrt, asin, ellipf
		u = self.__init_coordinates[1]**2 / 2
		c,b,a = self.__roots_eta
		k = asin(sqrt(((a - c) * (u - b)) / ((a - b) * (u - c))))
		p = sqrt((a - b) / (a - c))
		retval = 1 / sqrt(8 * self.eps) * (2 / sqrt(a - c)) * ellipf(k,p**2)
		if self.__init_momenta[1] >= 0:
			return -abs(retval)
			return abs(retval)
Esempio n. 12
def psi_x(z, x, beta):
    Eq.(24) from Ref[1] with argument zeta=0 and no constant factor e*beta**2/2/rho**2.
    Note that 'x' here corresponds to 'chi = x/rho', 
    and 'z' here corresponds to 'xi = z/2/rho' in the paper. 
    kap = kappa(z, x, beta)
    alp = alpha(z, x, beta)
    arg2 = -4 * (1 + x) / x**2

    T1 = (1 / fabs(x) / (1 + x) *
          ((2 + 2 * x + x**2) * ellipf(alp, arg2) - x**2 * ellipe(alp, arg2)))
    D = kap**2 - beta**2 * (1 + x)**2 * sin(2 * alp)**2
    T2 = ((kap**2 - 2 * beta**2 * (1 + x)**2 + beta**2 * (1 + x) *
           (2 + 2 * x + x**2) * cos(2 * alp)) / beta / (1 + x) / D)
    T3 = -kap * sin(2 * alp) / D
    T4 = kap * beta**2 * (1 + x) * sin(2 * alp) * cos(2 * alp) / D
    T5 = 1 / fabs(x) * ellipf(alp, arg2)  # psi_phi without e/rho**2 factor
    out = re((T1 + T2 + T3 + T4) - 2 / beta**2 * T5)

    return out
Esempio n. 13
 def __compute_tau_eta(self):
     # Gradshtein 3.131.5.
     from mpmath import sqrt, asin, ellipf
     u = self.__init_coordinates[1]**2 / 2
     c, b, a = self.__roots_eta
     k = asin(sqrt(((a - c) * (u - b)) / ((a - b) * (u - c))))
     p = sqrt((a - b) / (a - c))
     retval = 1 / sqrt(8 * self.eps) * (2 / sqrt(a - c)) * ellipf(k, p**2)
     if self.__init_momenta[1] >= 0:
         return -abs(retval)
         return abs(retval)
Esempio n. 14
 def __compute_tau_xi(self):
     from mpmath import sqrt, asin, ellipf, mpc, atan
     if self.bound:
         # Gradshtein 3.131.3.
         u = self.__init_coordinates[0]**2 / 2
         c, b, a = self.__roots_xi
         gamma = asin(sqrt((u - c) / (b - c)))
         q = sqrt((b - c) / (a - c))
         # NOTE: here it's q**2 instead of q because of the difference in
         # convention between G and mpmath :(
         # NOTE: the external factor 1 / sqrt(8 * self.eps) comes from the fact
         # that G gives the formula for a polynomial normalised by its leading coefficient.
         retval = 1 / sqrt(8 * self.eps) * (2 / sqrt(a - c)) * ellipf(
             gamma, q**2)
         # Here we will need two cases: one for when the other two roots are real
         # but negative, one for when the other two roots are imaginary.
         if isinstance(self.__roots_xi[1], mpc):
             # G 3.138.7.
             m = self.__roots_xi[1].real
             n = abs(self.__roots_xi[1].imag)
             # Only real root is the first one.
             a = self.__roots_xi[0]
             u = self.__init_coordinates[0]**2 / 2
             p = sqrt((m - a)**2 + n**2)
             retval = 1 / sqrt(8 * self.eps) * (1 / sqrt(p)) * ellipf(
                 2 * atan(sqrt((u - a) / p)), (p + m - a) / (2 * p))
             # G 3.131.7.
             u = self.__init_coordinates[0]**2 / 2
             c, b, a = self.__roots_xi
             mu = asin(sqrt((u - a) / (u - b)))
             q = sqrt((b - c) / (a - c))
             retval = 1 / sqrt(8 * self.eps) * (2 / sqrt(a - c)) * ellipf(
                 mu, q**2)
     # Fix the sign according to the initial momentum.
     if self.__init_momenta[0] >= 0:
         return -abs(retval)
         return abs(retval)
Esempio n. 15
 def xtau(phi):
     out = np.zeros((6, ))
     s, c, A, B = consts(phi)
     E = ellipe(asin(w * c), 1 / w)
     F = ellipf(asin(w * c), 1 / w)
     out[0] = -2 * A * (s**2 * B + w * s**3)  # x_D1
     out[1] = A * (w * E + 3 * w * c + 2 * s * c * B - 2 * w * c**3)  # y_D1
     out[3] = 2 * l * F / w - 3 * w * E * A - 3 * w * c * A  # y_D2
     out[4] = A * (B *
                   (2 * w**2 * c**2 - w**2 - 1) - 2 * w**3 * s**3 + 2 * w *
                   (w**2 - 1) * s)  # x_I
     out[5] = A * (w * E + 2 * w**2 * s * c * B - 2 * w**3 * c**3 + w * c *
                   (2 + w**2))  # y_I
     return out
Esempio n. 16
	def __compute_tau_xi(self):
		from mpmath import sqrt, asin, ellipf, mpc, atan
		if self.bound:
			# Gradshtein 3.131.3.
			u = self.__init_coordinates[0]**2 / 2
			c,b,a = self.__roots_xi
			gamma = asin(sqrt((u - c)/(b - c)))
			q = sqrt((b - c)/(a - c))
			# NOTE: here it's q**2 instead of q because of the difference in
			# convention between G and mpmath :(
			# NOTE: the external factor 1 / sqrt(8 * self.eps) comes from the fact
			# that G gives the formula for a polynomial normalised by its leading coefficient.
			retval = 1 / sqrt(8 * self.eps) * (2 / sqrt(a - c)) * ellipf(gamma,q**2)
			# Here we will need two cases: one for when the other two roots are real
			# but negative, one for when the other two roots are imaginary.
			if isinstance(self.__roots_xi[1],mpc):
				# G 3.138.7.
				m = self.__roots_xi[1].real
				n = abs(self.__roots_xi[1].imag)
				# Only real root is the first one.
				a = self.__roots_xi[0]
				u = self.__init_coordinates[0]**2 / 2
				p = sqrt((m - a)**2 + n**2)
				retval = 1 / sqrt(8 * self.eps) * (1 / sqrt(p)) * ellipf(2 * atan(sqrt((u - a) / p)),(p + m - a) / (2*p))
				# G 3.131.7.
				u = self.__init_coordinates[0]**2 / 2
				c,b,a = self.__roots_xi
				mu = asin(sqrt((u - a)/(u - b)))
				q = sqrt((b - c)/(a - c))
				retval = 1 / sqrt(8 * self.eps) * (2 / sqrt(a - c)) * ellipf(mu,q**2)
		# Fix the sign according to the initial momentum.
		if self.__init_momenta[0] >= 0:
			return -abs(retval)
			return abs(retval)
Esempio n. 17
def elliptic_core_g(x,y):
  x = x/2
  y = y/2
  factor = (cos(x)/sin(y) + sin(y)/cos(x) - (cos(y)/tan(y)/cos(x) + sin(x)*tan(x)/sin(y)))/pi
  k = tan(x)/tan(y)
  m = k*k
  n = (sin(x)/sin(y))*(sin(x)/sin(y))
  u = asin(tan(y)/tan(x))

  complete = ellipk(m) - ellippi(n, m)
  incomplete = ellipf(u,m) - ellippi(n/k/k,1/m)/k
  #incomplete = ellipf(u,m) - ellippi(n,u,m)

  return re(1.0 - factor*(incomplete + complete))
Esempio n. 18
def z_Zolotarev(N, x, m):
    """Function to evaluate the Zolotarev polynomial (eq 1, [McNamara93]_)."""
    M = -ellipk(m) / N
    x3 = ellipfun('sn', u= -M, m=m)  
    xbar = x3 * mp.sqrt((x ** 2 - 1) / (x ** 2 - x3 ** 2)) # rearranged eq 21, [Levy70]_
    u = ellipf(mp.asin(xbar), m) # rearranged eq 20, [Levy70]_, asn(x) = F(asin(x)|m)     
    f = mp.cosh((N / 2) * mp.log(z_eta(M + u, m) / z_eta(M - u, m)))
    if (f.imag / f.real > 1e-10):
        print "imaginary part of the Zolotarev function is not negligible!"
        print "f_imaginary = ", f.imag
        if (x > 0): # no idea why I am doing this ... anyhow, it seems working
            f = -f.real  
            f = f.real        
    return f
Esempio n. 19
def calc_abel(k, zeta, eta):
    k1 = sqrt(1 - k**2)

    a = k1 + complex(0, 1) * k

    b = k1 - complex(0, 1) * k

    abel_tmp = map(lambda zetai : \
                       complex(0, 1) * 1/(complex64(ellipk(k**2))*2*b) \
                       * complex64(ellipf( asin( (zetai )/a), mfrom(k=a/b))) \
                       - taufrom(k=k)/2,

    abel = []
    for i in range(0, 4, 1):
        abel.append(abel_select(k, abel_tmp[i], eta[i]))

    return abel
Esempio n. 20
def calc_abel(k, zeta, eta):
    k1 = sqrt(1-k**2)

    a=k1+complex(0, 1)*k

    b=k1-complex(0, 1)*k

    abel_tmp = map(lambda zetai : \
                       complex(0, 1) * 1/(complex64(ellipk(k**2))*2*b) \
                       * complex64(ellipf( asin( (zetai )/a), mfrom(k=a/b))) \
                       - taufrom(k=k)/2,

    abel = []
    for i in range(0, 4, 1):
        abel.append(abel_select(k, abel_tmp[i], eta[i]))

    return abel
Esempio n. 21
def z_Zolotarev(N, x, m):
    """Function to evaluate the Zolotarev polynomial (eq 1, [McNamara93]_)."""
    M = -ellipk(m) / N
    x3 = ellipfun('sn', u=-M, m=m)
    xbar = x3 * mp.sqrt(
        (x**2 - 1) / (x**2 - x3**2))  # rearranged eq 21, [Levy70]_
    u = ellipf(mp.asin(xbar),
               m)  # rearranged eq 20, [Levy70]_, asn(x) = F(asin(x)|m)
    f = mp.cosh((N / 2) * mp.log(z_eta(M + u, m) / z_eta(M - u, m)))
    if (f.imag / f.real > 1e-10):
        print("imaginary part of the Zolotarev function is not negligible!")
        print("f_imaginary = ", f.imag)
        if (x > 0):  # no idea why I am doing this ... anyhow, it seems working
            f = -f.real
            f = f.real
    return f
Esempio n. 22
def test_on_line(k, x0, x1, y, z, partition_size):

    k1 = sqrt(1 - k**2)
    a = k1 + complex(0, 1) * k
    b = k1 - complex(0, 1) * k

    x_step = (x1 - x0) / partition_size

    for i in range(0, partition_size):
        x = x0 + i * x_step
        zeta = calc_zeta(k, x, y, z)
        eta = calc_eta(k, x, y, z)
        abel = calc_abel(k, zeta, eta)
        mu = calc_mu(k, x, y, z, zeta, abel)

        print "zeta/a", zeta[0] / a, zeta[1] / a, zeta[2] / a, zeta[3] / a, '\n'
        print "eta", eta[0], eta[1], eta[2], eta[3], '\n'
        print "abel", abel[0], abel[1], abel[2], abel[3], '\n'

        abel_tmp= map(lambda zetai : \
                complex(0, 1) * 1/(complex64(ellipk(k**2))*2*b) \
                * complex64(ellipf( asin( (zetai )/a), mfrom(k=a/b))) \
                - taufrom(k=k)/2,
        print "abel_tmp", abel_tmp[0], abel_tmp[1], abel_tmp[2], abel_tmp[
            3], '\n'

        print abel[0] + conj(abel[2]), abel[1] + conj(abel[3]), '\n'
        print -taufrom(k=k) / 2, '\n'
        for l in range(0, 4):
            tmp = abs(complex64(calc_eta_by_theta(k, abel[l])) - eta[l])
            print tmp

        value = higgs_squared(k, x, y, z)
        print "higgs", higgs_squared(k, x, y, z)
        if (value > 1.0 or value < 0.0):
            print "Exception"

        print '\n'
        # print mu[0]+mu[2], mu[1]+mu[3], '\n'

Esempio n. 23
def test_on_line(k, x0, x1, y, z, partition_size):

    k1 = sqrt(1-k**2)
    a=k1+complex(0, 1)*k
    b=k1-complex(0, 1)*k

    x_step = (x1 - x0) / partition_size

    for i in range(0, partition_size):
        zeta = calc_zeta(k ,x, y, z)
        eta = calc_eta(k, x, y, z)
        abel = calc_abel(k, zeta, eta)
        mu = calc_mu(k, x, y, z, zeta, abel)

        print "zeta/a", zeta[0]/a, zeta[1]/a, zeta[2]/a, zeta[3]/a, '\n'
        print "eta", eta[0], eta[1], eta[2], eta[3], '\n'
        print "abel",  abel[0], abel[1],abel[2],abel[3],'\n'

        abel_tmp= map(lambda zetai : \
                complex(0, 1) * 1/(complex64(ellipk(k**2))*2*b) \
                * complex64(ellipf( asin( (zetai )/a), mfrom(k=a/b))) \
                - taufrom(k=k)/2,
        print "abel_tmp",  abel_tmp[0], abel_tmp[1],abel_tmp[2],abel_tmp[3],'\n'

        print  abel[0]+conj(abel[2]), abel[1]+conj(abel[3]), '\n'
        print - taufrom(k=k)/2, '\n'
        for l in range(0,4):
            tmp= abs(complex64(calc_eta_by_theta(k, abel[l])) - eta[l])
            print tmp

        value = higgs_squared(k, x, y, z)
        print "higgs", higgs_squared(k,x,y,z)
        if (value > 1.0 or value <0.0):
            print "Exception"

        print '\n'
        # print mu[0]+mu[2], mu[1]+mu[3], '\n'

Esempio n. 24
def calc_lambda_r(r, r1, r2, r3, r4, En):
    Mino time as a function of r (which in turn is a function of psi)

        r (float): radius
        r1 (float): radial root
        r2 (float): radial root
        r3 (float): radial root
        r4 (float): radial root
        En (float): energy

        lambda (float)
    kr = ((r1 - r2) * (r3 - r4)) / ((r1 - r3) * (r2 - r4))
    # if r1 == r2:
    #     # circular orbit
    #     print('Circular orbits currently do not work.')
    #     return 0
    yr = sqrt(((r - r2) * (r1 - r3)) / ((r1 - r2) * (r - r3)))
    F_asin = ellipf(asin(yr), kr)
    return (2 * F_asin) / (sqrt(1 - En * En) * sqrt((r1 - r3) * (r2 - r4)))
Esempio n. 25
def calc_wr(psi, ups_r, En, Lz, Q, aa, slr, ecc, x):
    Computes wr by analytic evaluation of the integral in Drasco and Hughes (2005)
    a1 = (1 - ecc**2) * (1 - En**2)
    b1 = 2 * (1 - En**2 - (1 - ecc**2) / slr)
    c1 = (((3 + ecc**2) * (1 - En**2)) / (1 - ecc**2) - 4 / slr +
          ((1 - ecc**2) * (aa**2 * (1 - En**2) + Lz**2 + Q)) / slr**2)

    if psi == mp.pi:
        # the closed form function has a singularity at psi = pi
        # but it can be evaluated in integral form to be pi
        return mp.pi
        return ((-2j * (1 - ecc**2) * ups_r * cos(psi / 2.)**2 * ellipf(
            1j * asinh(
                sqrt((a1 - (-1 + ecc) * (b1 + c1 - c1 * ecc)) /
                     (a1 + b1 + c1 - c1 * ecc**2 + sqrt(
                         (b1**2 - 4 * a1 * c1) * ecc**2))) * tan(psi / 2.)),
            (a1 + b1 + c1 - c1 * ecc**2 + sqrt(
                (b1**2 - 4 * a1 * c1) * ecc**2)) /
            (a1 + b1 + c1 - c1 * ecc**2 - sqrt(
                (b1**2 - 4 * a1 * c1) * ecc**2))) *
                 sqrt(2 + (2 * (a1 - (-1 + ecc) *
                                (b1 + c1 - c1 * ecc)) * tan(psi / 2.)**2) /
                      (a1 + b1 + c1 - c1 * ecc**2 - sqrt(
                          (b1**2 - 4 * a1 * c1) * ecc**2))) *
                 sqrt(1 + ((a1 - (-1 + ecc) *
                            (b1 + c1 - c1 * ecc)) * tan(psi / 2.)**2) /
                      (a1 + b1 + c1 - c1 * ecc**2 + sqrt(
                          (b1**2 - 4 * a1 * c1) * ecc**2)))) /
                (sqrt((a1 - (-1 + ecc) * (b1 + c1 - c1 * ecc)) /
                      (a1 + b1 + c1 - c1 * ecc**2 + sqrt(
                          (b1**2 - 4 * a1 * c1) * ecc**2))) * slr *
                 sqrt(2 * a1 + 2 * b1 + 2 * c1 + c1 * ecc**2 + 2 *
                      (b1 + 2 * c1) * ecc * cos(psi) +
                      c1 * ecc**2 * cos(2 * psi))))
Esempio n. 26
def z_Zolotarev(N, x, m):
    Function to evaluate the Zolotarev polynomial (eq 1, [McNamara93]_).
    :param N:    Order of the Zolotarev polynomial
    :param x:    The argument at which one would like to evaluate the Zolotarev polynomial
    :param m:    m is the elliptic parameter (not the modulus k and not the nome q)
    :rtype:      Returns a float, the value of Zolotarev polynomial at x
    M = -ellipk(m) / N
    x3 = ellipfun('sn', u= -M, m=m)  
    xbar = x3 * mp.sqrt((x ** 2 - 1) / (x ** 2 - x3 ** 2)) # rearranged eq 21, [Levy70]_
    u = ellipf(mp.asin(xbar), m) # rearranged eq 20, [Levy70]_, asn(x) = F(asin(x)|m)     
    f = mp.cosh((N / 2) * mp.log(z_eta(M + u, m) / z_eta(M - u, m)))
    if (f.imag / f.real > 1e-10):
        print "imaginary part of the Zolotarev function is not negligible!"
        print "f_imaginary = ", f.imag
        if (x > 0): # no idea why I am doing this ... anyhow, it seems working
            f = -f.real  
            f = f.real        
    return f
Esempio n. 27
def K(m):
    """Calculates the complete elliptic integral of mod m=k²"""
    return mpmath.ellipf(np.pi / 2, m)
Esempio n. 28
def fermat_length(a,x):
    F = mp.ellipf(mp.acos((0.5-x) / (0.5+x)), 0.5)
    return a*(F + sqrt(2*x*(4*x**2+1))) / sqrt(18)