Esempio n. 1
def mp_comb(N, k):
	The number of combinations of N things taken k at a time, with multiprecision floating-point output.
	This is often expressed as "N choose k".

	N : int, ndarray
		Number of things.
	k : int, ndarray
		Number of elements taken.

	val : int,
		The total number of combinations, with floating-point multiprecision.

	- Array arguments accepted only for exact=False case.
	- If k > N, N < 0, or k < 0, then a 0 is returned.

	>>> n = 80000
	>>> k = 40000
	>>> mp_comb(n, k)
    import mpmath as mp
    val = mp.factorial(N) / (mp.factorial(k) * mp.factorial(N - k))
    return val
Esempio n. 2
def mp_comb(N,k):
	The number of combinations of N things taken k at a time, with multiprecision floating-point output.
	This is often expressed as "N choose k".
	N : int, ndarray
		Number of things.
	k : int, ndarray
		Number of elements taken.
	val : int,
		The total number of combinations, with floating-point multiprecision.
	- Array arguments accepted only for exact=False case.
	- If k > N, N < 0, or k < 0, then a 0 is returned.
	>>> n = 80000
	>>> k = 40000
	>>> mp_comb(n, k)
	import mpmath as mp
	val = mp.factorial(N)/(mp.factorial(k)*mp.factorial(N-k))
	return val
Esempio n. 3
def sorted_coefficients(H_M):
    M = sym.simplify(sym.log(H_M.shape[0]) / sym.log(2))
    return sym.Matrix([
        1 / sym.Integer(factorial(M)) * sym.simplify(H_M[0, 0]),
        1 / sym.Integer(factorial(M - 1)) * sym.simplify(H_M[1, 1]),
        1 / sym.Integer(factorial(M - 2)) * sym.simplify(H_M[1, 2])
Esempio n. 4
def integral(pos, shift, poles):
		Returns the inner product of two monic monomials with respect to the
		positive measure prefactor that turns a `PolynomialVector` into a rational
		approximation to a conformal block.
    single_poles = []
    double_poles = []
    ret = mpmath.mpf(0)

    for p in poles:
        p = mpmath.mpf(str(p))

        if (p - shift) in single_poles:
            single_poles.remove(p - shift)
            double_poles.append(p - shift)
        elif (p - shift) < 0:
            single_poles.append(p - shift)

    for i in range(0, len(single_poles)):
        denom = mpmath.mpf(1)
        pole = single_poles[i]
        other_single_poles = single_poles[:i] + single_poles[i + 1:]
        for p in other_single_poles:
            denom *= pole - p
        for p in double_poles:
            denom *= (pole - p)**2
        ret += (mpmath.mpf(1) / denom) * (rho_cross**pole) * (
            (-pole)**pos) * mpmath.factorial(pos) * mpmath.gammainc(
                -pos, a=pole * mpmath.log(rho_cross))

    for i in range(0, len(double_poles)):
        denom = mpmath.mpf(1)
        pole = double_poles[i]
        other_double_poles = double_poles[:i] + double_poles[i + 1:]
        for p in other_double_poles:
            denom *= (pole - p)**2
        for p in single_poles:
            denom *= pole - p
        # Contribution of the most divergent part
        ret += (mpmath.mpf(1) /
                (pole * denom)) * ((-1)**(pos + 1)) * mpmath.factorial(pos) * (
        ret -= (mpmath.mpf(1) / denom) * (rho_cross**pole) * (
            (-pole)**(pos - 1)) * mpmath.factorial(pos) * mpmath.gammainc(
                -pos, a=pole *
                mpmath.log(rho_cross)) * (pos + pole * mpmath.log(rho_cross))

        factor = 0
        for p in other_double_poles:
            factor -= mpmath.mpf(2) / (pole - p)
        for p in single_poles:
            factor -= mpmath.mpf(1) / (pole - p)
        # Contribution of the least divergent part
        ret += (factor / denom) * (rho_cross**pole) * (
            (-pole)**pos) * mpmath.factorial(pos) * mpmath.gammainc(
                -pos, a=pole * mpmath.log(rho_cross))

    return (rho_cross**shift) * ret
Esempio n. 5
def L(m, n, d):
    list1 = range(m * n + 1, m * n + m + 1 + 1)
    prod1 = fprod(list1)
    list2 = []
    for k in range(m + 1):
        list2.append(((-1)**(m * n + m + k)) * comb(m, k) / prod0(m, n, k))
    return (1 + d)**(m + 3 / 2) * prod1 / factorial(m) * sqrt(
        factorial(m * n + m) * fsum(list2))
Esempio n. 6
def xyz2sph_real(lx, ly, lz, m):
    Factor of xyz component for normalized real spherical harmonic functions

         r^l*Y(l,m) = \sum_{lx+ly+lz=l} x^lx*y^lyz^lz * c(l,m,lx,ly,lz)

    Y(l,m) is a real spherical harmonic function with Condon-Shortley phase
      H. B. Schlegel and M. J. Frisch, Int. J. Quant. Chem., 54(1995), 83-87.

    if (lx + ly + m) % 2:
        return 0

    l = lx + ly + lz
    j = (lx + ly - abs(m)) // 2
    num = (2 * l + 1) * mpmath.factorial(l - abs(m))
    div = mpmath.factorial(l + abs(m))
    c0 = mpmath.sqrt(num /
                     (div * 4 * mpmath.pi)) * (.5**l) / mpmath.factorial(l)

    cp = 0
    for i in range(max(0, j), (l - abs(m)) // 2 + 1):
        cp0 = binomial(l,i) * binomial(i,j) \
            * mpmath.factorial(2*l-2*i) / mpmath.factorial(l-abs(m)-2*i)
        if i % 2:
            cp -= cp0
            cp += cp0
    c0 = c0 * cp

    cp = 0
    if m >= 0:
        for k in range(max(0, (lx - abs(m) + 1) // 2), min(j, lx // 2) + 1):
            cp0 = binomial(j, k) * binomial(abs(m), lx - 2 * k)
            r = (abs(m) - lx + 2 * k) % 4
            if r == 0:
                cp = cp + cp0
            elif r == 2:
                cp = cp - cp0
        if m == 0:
            c = c0 * cp
            c = mpmath.sqrt(2) * c0 * cp
        for k in range(max(0, (lx - abs(m) + 1) // 2), min(j, lx // 2) + 1):
            cp0 = binomial(j, k) * binomial(abs(m), lx - 2 * k)
            r = (abs(m) - lx + 2 * k) % 4
            if r == 1:
                cp = cp - cp0
            elif r == 3:
                cp = cp + cp0
        c = -mpmath.sqrt(2) * c0 * cp

    return c
Esempio n. 7
def projectToRelativeCoordinateBasis_mpmathVersion(r, s, m, M):
    sumRange = range(max([0, r - M]), min([r, m]) + 1)
    x = mpmath.factorial(r) / mpmath.factorial(m)
    y = mpmath.factorial(s) / mpmath.factorial(M)
    z = 2**(m + M)
    upFrontFactor = mpmath.sqrt(x * y / z)
    return sum([
        upFrontFactor * nCrMP(m, a) * nCrMP(M, r - a) * ((-1)**a)
        for a in sumRange
def sample_coefs(k, sigma, interaction=False, intercept=False):
    coefs = []
    n_int_terms = 0
    for i in range(k):
        if interaction:
            if i > 1:
                n_int_terms = int(factorial(i) / (factorial(2) * factorial(i - 2)))
        coefs += [np.random.normal(0, sigma, size=i + n_int_terms + 1)]
    if not intercept:
        for coef in coefs:
            coef[0] = 0
    return coefs
Esempio n. 9
def factorial(B):
    ! B
    B = fuzzyInteger(B)

        if isinstance(B, int):
            return int(mpmath.factorial(B))

        return float(mpmath.factorial(B))
    except ValueError:
        assertError("DOMAIN ERROR")
Esempio n. 10
def norm2(n, magneticLength):
    Computes <m|m> where <z|m> = z^m*usual exp factor.
    return math.pi * mpmath.factorial(n) * (2**(n +
                                                1)) * magneticLength**(2 *
                                                                       (n + 1))
Esempio n. 11
def twothree_n(parameters, n):
    """Analytic solution to the 2^3 multistate model for a single copy number n.

    parameters -- List of the ten rate parameters: lamda0,mu0,lamda1,mu1,lamda2,mu2, KB,k0,k1,k2
    n -- Copy number at which the distribution is evaluated."""

    # Set up the parameters
    lamda0, mu0, lamda1, mu1, lamda2, mu2, KB, k0, k1, k2 = parameters
    k0A, k1A = mpm.mpf(KB), mpm.mpf(k0 + KB)
    k0B, k1B = mpm.mpf(0), mpm.mpf(k1)
    k0C, k1C = mpm.mpf(0), mpm.mpf(k2)

    # Obtain list of all possible combinations of r_i
    r_combinations = [(i, j, k, n - i - j - k) for i in range(n + 1)
                      for j in range(n + 1 - i) for k in range(n + 1 - i - j)]

    p = mpm.mpf(0)
    for rc, r0, r1, r2 in r_combinations:
        p += multinomial_mpm(r_combinations) * power_mpm_memo(KB,rc) * exp_mpm_memo(-KB) * \
            power_mpm_memo(k0,r0)*fracrise_mpm_memo(lamda0, mu0, r0) * hyp_mpm_memo(lamda0, mu0, k0, r0) * \
            power_mpm_memo(k1,r1)*fracrise_mpm_memo(lamda1, mu1, r1) * hyp_mpm_memo(lamda1, mu1, k1, r1) * \
            power_mpm_memo(k2,r2)*fracrise_mpm_memo(lamda2, mu2, r2) * hyp_mpm_memo(lamda2, mu2, k2, r2)

    return p / mpm.factorial(n)
Esempio n. 12
def compute_single_item_loss_list(u, node_capacity, n_seats, p0):
    u_to_the_n = math.power(u, node_capacity)
    C_fact = math.factorial(n_seats)
    C_to_the_n_minus_c = math.power(n_seats, (node_capacity - n_seats))
    denominator = math.fmul(C_fact, C_to_the_n_minus_c)
    fraction = math.fdiv(u_to_the_n, denominator)
    return math.fmul(fraction, p0)
Esempio n. 13
def tcaf(y):
    Find an x such that x! =~ y, ie Gamma(x + 1) =~ y.
    x = mpmath.findroot(lambda t: mpmath.factorial(t) - y, (1, 100),
    return x
Esempio n. 14
    def __dip__(self, p: int, kmax: int, f: LambdaType, x: list,
                eps: float) -> tuple:
        Calculates the df(s) = (s-1)-th derivative of f at O , for s = 1 .. p+1. Uses k-th degree polynomial for some k
        satisfying p <= k <= kmax. If the relative change in df(s) from k - 1 to k is less than eps then this determines
         k and success is true. Otherwise k = kmax and success is false.
        :param p:  maximum derivative to calculate; p <= length(x) <= kmax
        :param kmax: maximum degree of the interpolating polynomial
        :param f: function to derive
        :param x: array of values around 0
        :param eps: desired tolerance
        :return: array of derivatives at 0
        self.C = mp.zeros(1, int(kmax * (kmax + 3) / 2) + 1)
        df = mp.zeros(1, p + 1)

        for k in range(0, kmax + 1):
            self.__update__(int(k), int(p), x, f(x[int(k)]))
            if k < p:
            self.r = mp.mpf(1)
            for s in range(0, p + 1):
                if self.r:
                    self.r = mp.mpf(
                        mp.fabs(self.C[k - s] - df[s]) <= eps *
                        mp.fabs(self.C[k - s]))
                df[s] = self.C[k - s]
            if self.r:

        for s in range(1, p + 1):
            df[s] = mp.factorial(s) * df[s]

        return df
	def H_eff_n(self, n):
		# k<=m => j<=(n)/2
		r = 0
		for j in xrange(1, int(math.ceil( n/2. )) + 1 ):
			b = 2*(2**(2*j)-1)*mpmath.bernoulli(2*j)/mpmath.factorial(2*j)
			r += b**j-1,n-1)).dot(self.P_0)
		return r
Esempio n. 16
def revert(coeffs, taylor=True):
    Series reversion.

    Given `coeffs`, the Taylor coefficients of a function, find the
    Taylor coefficients of the compositional inverse of the function.

    The calculation here is based on the formulas for the coefficients
    of the inverse in terms of Bell polynomials:

    If the argument `taylor` is True, the coefficients must be the
    Taylor series coefficients.  If it is not True, the coefficients
    are the derivatives.  That is, they are the Taylor coefficients
    multiplied by the factorial terms.
    c0 = coeffs[0]
    if coeffs[1] == 0:
        raise ValueError('coeffs[1] must be nonzero.')

    if taylor:
        # Rescale the coefficients to the derivative values.
        f = [c * mpmath.factorial(i) for i, c in enumerate(coeffs)]
        f = coeffs

    m = len(f)
    f_hat = [f[k + 1] / ((k + 1) * f[1]) for k in range(1, m - 1)]

    # inv_derivs will be the series of derivatives of the inverse.
    g = [0] * m
    g[1] = 1 / f[1]

    for n in range(2, m):
        s = sum((-1)**k * mpmath.rf(n, k) *
                _bell_incomplete_poly(n - 1, k, f_hat[:n - k])
                for k in range(1, n))
        g[n] = s / f[1]**n

    if taylor:
        # Convert the derivatives to the Taylor coefficients
        inv_coeffs = [c / mpmath.factorial(k) for k, c in enumerate(g)]
        inv_coeffs = g

    return inv_coeffs, c0
Esempio n. 17
def zetac_series(N):
    coeffs = []
    with mpmath.workdps(100):
        for n in range(1, N):
            coeff = mpmath.diff(mpmath.zeta, 0, n) / mpmath.factorial(n)
    return coeffs
Esempio n. 18
 def H_eff_n(self, n):
     # k<=m => j<=(n)/2
     r = 0
     for j in xrange(1, int(math.ceil(n / 2.)) + 1):
         b = 2 * (2**(2 * j) - 1) * mpmath.bernoulli(
             2 * j) / mpmath.factorial(2 * j)
         r += b * * j - 1, n - 1)).dot(self.P_0)
     return r
Esempio n. 19
def zetac_series(N):
    coeffs = []
    with mpmath.workdps(100):
        for n in range(1, N):
            coeff = mpmath.diff(mpmath.zeta, 0, n)/mpmath.factorial(n)
    return coeffs
Esempio n. 20
def main():
    func = lambda x: mpmath.exp(mpmath.power(x, 2))
    precision = sys.argv[1].split('**')
    precision = math.pow(int(precision[0]), int(precision[1]))
    x = mpmath.mpf(float(sys.argv[2]))

    print "expected value = %f" % mpmath.quad(func, [0, x])
    print "precision = %f" % precision
    print "x = %f" % x
    print "max Taylor degree to try = %s" % sys.argv[3]
    print ""

    upperbound = int(sys.argv[3])
    lowerbound = 0
    lowestn = 0

    # find the degree logarithmically, this is usually faster than trying 0..n
    while lowerbound < upperbound:
        n = (lowerbound + upperbound) / 2

        # estimate the remainder
        diff = mpmath.diff(func, x, n)
        rn = diff / mpmath.factorial(n + 1)
        rn = rn * mpmath.power(x, n + 1)

        # is it good enough?
        if rn < precision:
            upperbound = n
            lowestn = n
            lowerbound = n + 1

    if lowestn:
        print "lowest Taylor degree needed = %d" % lowestn
        coefficients = []

        # find the coefficients of our Taylor polynomial
        for k in reversed(range(lowestn + 1)):
            if k > 0:
                coefficients.append(mpmath.diff(func, 0, k - 1) / mpmath.factorial(k))

        # compute the value of the polynomial (add 0 for the free variable, the value of the indefinite integral at 0)
        p = mpmath.polyval(coefficients + [0], x)
        print "computed value = %f" % p
        print "max n is too low"
Esempio n. 21
def test_sf(k, lam):
    with mpmath.extradps(5):
        sf = poisson.sf(k, lam)
        S = sum([mpmath.power(lam, i) / mpmath.factorial(i)
                 for i in range(k+1)])
        expected = 1 - mpmath.exp(-lam) * S

    assert abs(sf - expected) < 1e-40
Esempio n. 22
 def test_power_series(self, A, T, depth=15):
     A_t = -A * T
     A_i = A_t
     series = eye(4)                
     for i in xrange(1, depth):
         print i
         series = series + A_i / mp.factorial(i + 1)
         A_i = A_i * A_t        
     return T * series        
Esempio n. 23
def pmf(k, lam):
    Probability mass function of the Poisson distribution.
    if k < 0:
    with mpmath.extradps(5):
        lam = mpmath.mpf(lam)
        return mpmath.power(lam, k) * mpmath.exp(-lam) / mpmath.factorial(k)
Esempio n. 24
def u_binom(N):
  out = np.zeros((len(x),len(t)))
  out = out + 0.5*W(0)[...,None]*np.ones(len(t))
  with mpmath.workdps(workdps):
    for n in range(1,N):
      coeff = np.zeros(len(x))    
      for m in range(n):     
        coeff = coeff + (-1)**((n-1)-m)*mpmath.binomial(n-1,m)*W(m+1)
      out = out + coeff[...,None]*((t/(2*tau))**n)/mpmath.factorial(n)       
  return out
Esempio n. 25
    def getCoefficient(self, i: int) -> float:
        '''Return the i'th coefficient.

        :param i: the index
        :returns: the coefficient of x^i'''

        # we need to adapt the step distance for the integration
        # so that it is smaller than 1 / i
        step = 1 / (numpy.ceil((i + 1) / 99) * 100)

        return float((self._differentiate(0.0, i, dx=step) / factorial(i)).real)
Esempio n. 26
def zeta_even_integers(N):
    values = []
    for n in range(0, N + 1):
        zeta_2n = (
            (-1)**(n + 1)
            * mpmath.bernoulli(2 * n)
            * (2 * mpmath.pi)**(2 * n)
            / (2 * mpmath.factorial(2 * n))
    return values
def GetAnalyticalPDF(kon,koff,kdeg,ksyn):
    """ Get the analytical probability density function. The analytical solution is taken from Sharezaei and Swain 2008 - Analytical distributions for stochastic gene expression """    
    import mpmath    = True
    x_values = np.linspace(0,50,10000)
    y_values = []
    for m in x_values:
        a = ((ksyn/kdeg)**m)*np.exp(-ksyn/kdeg)/mpmath.factorial(m)
        b = * + koff/kdeg)/ ( + koff/kdeg + m)*
        c =,kon/kdeg + koff/kdeg + m,ksyn/kdeg)
    return x_values,y_values
Esempio n. 28
def sigma_plus(n, l, E, Z):
    """Cross section for bound-free absorption from (n, l) through
    dipole transition to E with angular momentum l+1"""
    eta = (Z**2 * Ry_in_erg / E)**.5
    rho = eta / n
    nu = E / h
    GlA = G_l(l + 1, -(l + 1 - n), eta, rho)
    GlB = G_l(l + 1, -(l - n), eta, rho)

    prefactor = 2**(4 * l + 6) / 3 * np.pi * e_e**2 / m_e / c / nu

    A = 1
    for l_i in range(l + 1):
        A *= ((l_i + 1)**2 + eta**2)
    B = (l + 1)**2 * factorial(n + l) / (2 * l + 1) / factorial(2 * l + 1) / \
        factorial(2 * l + 2) / factorial(n - l - 1) / ((l + 1)**2 + eta**2)**2

    C = np.exp(-4 * eta * np.arctan2(1, rho)) / (1 - np.exp(-2 * np.pi * eta))
    D = rho**(2 * l + 4) * eta**2 / (1 + rho**2)**(2 * n)
    E = ((l + 1 - n) * GlA + (l + 1 + n) / (1 + rho**2) * GlB)**2
    return prefactor * A * B * C * D * E
Esempio n. 29
def summed_score_pv(sum_score, num_segments, raw=True):
    Compute p-value over sum of scores for top r segments.
    As opposed to multi_segment_pv, this considers the
    total sum of scores for the top r scoring segments

    Computes formula [5] in Karlin & Altschul, PNAS 1993

    Prob(Tr >= x) ~ exp(-x) * x**(r-1) / r! * (r - 1)!

    where Tr = S1' + ... + Sr' is the sum over the
    normalized scores of the top r segments

    :param sum_score:
    :param num_segments:
    :param raw: return raw P-value instead of -log10(pv)
    with mpm.workprec(NUM_PREC_KA_PV):
        x = mpm.convert(sum_score)
        r = mpm.convert(str(num_segments))
        rm1 = mpm.fsub(r, mpm.convert('1'))
        enum = mpm.fmul(mpm.exp(mpm.fneg(x)), mpm.power(x, rm1))
        denom = mpm.fmul(mpm.factorial(r), mpm.factorial(rm1))
        res = mpm.fdiv(enum, denom)
        if not raw:
            res = mpm.fneg(mpm.log10(res))
            res = float(res)

    # Equivalent implementation using Python standard library:
    # r = num_segments
    # x = sum_score
    # enum = math.exp(-x) * math.pow(x, (r - 1))
    # denom = math.factorial(r) * math.factorial(r - 1)
    # res = enum / denom
    # if not raw:
    #     res = -1 * math.log10(res)
    return res
Esempio n. 30
def sigma_minus(n, l, E, Z):
    """Cross section for bound-free absorption from (n, l) through
    dipole transition to E with angular momentum l-1"""
    eta = (Z**2 * Ry_in_erg / E)**.5
    nu = E / h
    if l == 0:
        return 0

    rho = eta / n
    GlA = G_l(l, -(l + 1 - n), eta, rho)
    GlB = G_l(l, -(l - 1 - n), eta, rho)

    prefactor = 2**(4 * l) / 3 * np.pi * e_e**2 / m_e / c / nu

    A = 1
    for l_i in range(1, l):
        A *= (l_i**2 + eta**2)
    B = l**2 * factorial(n + l) / factorial(2 * l + 1) / \
        factorial(2 * l - 1) / factorial(n - l - 1)
    C = np.exp(-4 * eta * np.arctan2(1, rho)) / (1 - np.exp(-2 * np.pi * eta))
    D = rho**(2 * l + 2) / (1 + rho**2)**(2 * n - 2)
    E = (GlA - (1 + rho**2)**(-2) * GlB)**2
    return prefactor * A * B * C * D * E
	def _S(self, n):
		if n < 1:
			raise ValueError("i must be greater than or equal to zero.")
		elif n == 1:
			return self.L(self.V_od)
		elif n == 2:
			return -self.L(self.hat(self.V_d, self.S(1)))
			r = -self.L(self.hat(self.V_d, self.S(n-1)))
			# k<=m => j<=(n-1)/2
			for j in xrange(1, int(math.ceil( (n-1)/2 )) + 1 ):
				a = 2**(2*j) * mpmath.bernoulli(2*j) / mpmath.factorial(2*j)
				r += a * self.L(self.S_k(2*j, n-1))
			return r
Esempio n. 32
def get_args():
    Parse argv
    import smartparse as argparse

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
                        help="Spec to intersect to_spec with")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    if args.y < 1.0 or args.y > mpmath.factorial(100):
        parser.error("y should be >= 1 and <= 100!")
    return args
Esempio n. 33
 def _S(self, n):
     if n < 1:
         raise ValueError("i must be greater than or equal to zero.")
     elif n == 1:
         return self.L(self.V_od)
     elif n == 2:
         return -self.L(self.hat(self.V_d, self.S(1)))
         r = -self.L(self.hat(self.V_d, self.S(n - 1)))
         # k<=m => j<=(n-1)/2
         for j in xrange(1, int(math.ceil((n - 1) / 2)) + 1):
             a = 2**(2 * j) * mpmath.bernoulli(2 * j) / mpmath.factorial(
                 2 * j)
             r += a * self.L(self.S_k(2 * j, n - 1))
         return r
Esempio n. 34
def analytic_twostate(parameters, N):
    """ Analytic steady state distribution for a two-state model (leaky telegraph).

    Requires computation at high precision via mpm for accurate convergence of
    the summation.

    parameters -- List of the four rate parameters: v12,v21,K0,K1
    N -- Maximal mRNA copy number. The distribution is evaluated for n=0:N-1"""

    v12 = mpm.mpf(parameters[0])
    v21 = mpm.mpf(parameters[1])
    K0 = mpm.mpf(parameters[2])
    K1 = mpm.mpf(parameters[3])

    P = mpm.matrix(np.zeros(N))  # Preallocate at high precision
    for n in range(N):
        for r in range(n + 1):
            mpmCalc = mpm.power(K1,n-r) * mpm.power(K0-K1,r) * mpm.exp(-K0) * \
            mpm.hyp1f1(v12,v12+v21+r,K0-K1) / (mpm.factorial(n-r) * mpm.factorial(r))
            P[n] += mpmCalc * fracrise_mpm(v21, v21 + v12, r)

    P = np.array([float(p) for p in P])
    return P / P.sum()
Esempio n. 35
def I_graph(m, µ, σ):
    Return two array x, y
    representing the graph of I
    (with mean value m, mean
    log_pgen µ, var log_pgen σ)
    rg = np.linspace(0, 3 * m * µ, 1000)
    S = [(k, scipy.stats.poisson.pmf(k, m)) for k in  np.arange(1, max(int(3*m), 200))]
    Is = [float(mpmath.fsum(1/mpmath.sqrt(2 * np.pi * σ**2 * k) *
                            mpmath.exp(-m) * mpmath.power(m, k) / mpmath.factorial(k) *
                            mpmath.exp(-(x - μ*k)**2/(2 * σ**2 * k))
                            for k, s in S if s > 1e-6))
          + (scipy.stats.poisson.pmf(0, m) if x == 0. else 0)
          for x in rg]
    return np.array(rg), np.array(Is)
Esempio n. 36
def compute_formula_second_term(u_divided_by_nseat, node_capacity, n_seats, u):
    u_to_c_over_c_fact = math.fdiv(math.power(u, n_seats),
    second_fraction = 0

    if u_divided_by_nseat == 1:
        second_fraction = node_capacity - n_seats + 1
        u_div_C_to_K_minus_C_plus1 = math.power(u_divided_by_nseat,
                                                (node_capacity - n_seats + 1))
        one_minus_u_div_C = math.fsub(1, u_divided_by_nseat)
        second_fraction_numerator = math.fsub(1, u_div_C_to_K_minus_C_plus1)
        second_fraction = math.fdiv(second_fraction_numerator,

    return math.fmul(u_to_c_over_c_fact, second_fraction)
Esempio n. 37
def GetAnalyticalPDF(kon, koff, kdeg, ksyn):
    """ Get the analytical probability density function. The analytical solution is taken from Sharezaei and Swain 2008 - Analytical distributions for stochastic gene expression """
    import mpmath = True
    x_values = np.linspace(0, 50, 10000)
    y_values = []
    for m in x_values:
        a = ((ksyn / kdeg)**m) * np.exp(-ksyn / kdeg) / mpmath.factorial(m)
        b = / kdeg) +
                            m) * / kdeg + koff / kdeg) / (
                       / kdeg + koff / kdeg + m) *
                       / kdeg))
        c = / kdeg, kon / kdeg + koff / kdeg + m,
                             ksyn / kdeg)
        y_values.append(a * b * c)
    return x_values, y_values
Esempio n. 38
 def test_int(self, A, B, steady_state):        
     x_0 = Matrix([[self.initial[i]] for i in xrange(len(self.initial))])
     rho = Matrix([[self.input[i]] for i in xrange(len(self.input))])
     t = symbols("t") 
     t_e = 0.3        
     print "Calc matrix exponentials"
     A = A.subs([(self.q[i], self.initial[i]) for i in xrange(len(self.q) - 1)])
     A = A.subs([(self.qdot[i], self.initial[i + len(self.qdot) - 1]) for i in xrange(len(self.qdot) - 1)])
     B = B.subs([(self.q[i], self.initial[i]) for i in xrange(len(self.q) - 1)])
     B = B.subs([(self.qdot[i], self.initial[i + len(self.qdot) - 1]) for i in xrange(len(self.qdot) - 1)])
     print "A:" 
     print A
     print "B:"
     print N(B)
     A_exp1 = exp(t_e * A)        
     A_exp2 = exp(-t * A)        
     #A_exp1 = A_exp1.subs([(self.q[i], self.initial[i]) for i in xrange(len(self.q))])
     #A_exp1 = A_exp1.subs([(self.qdot[i], self.initial[i + len(self.qdot)]) for i in xrange(len(self.qdot))])
     #A_exp2 = A_exp2.subs([(self.q[i], self.initial[i]) for i in xrange(len(self.q))])
     #A_exp2 = A_exp2.subs([(self.qdot[i], self.initial[i + len(self.qdot)]) for i in xrange(len(self.qdot))])
     print "calculate integral"
     #integral = integrate(A_exp2, (t, 0, t_e))
     t0 = time.time()
     integral = self.test_power_series(A, t_e, 15)
     print "Integration took " + str(time.time() - t0) + " seconds"
     #print integral
     print "===================="
     print "integral " + str(integral)
     f = A_exp1 * x_0 + A_exp1 * integral * B * rho
     f = f.subs(t, t_e)    
     print f
     print N(f)
     print "factorial " + str(mp.factorial(4))
Esempio n. 39
 def eqn8(N, B):
     sumterms = [power(B, n) / factorial(n) for n in range(int(N) + 1)]
     return 1. / (exp(-B) * fsum(sumterms))
Esempio n. 40
def _mpmath_kraft_burrows_nousek(N, B, CL):
    '''Upper limit on a poisson count rate

    The implementation is based on Kraft, Burrows and Nousek in
    `ApJ 374, 344 (1991) <>`_.
    The XMM-Newton upper limit server used the same formalism.

    N : int
        Total observed count number
    B : float
        Background count rate (assumed to be known with negligible error
        from a large background area).
    CL : float
       Confidence level (number between 0 and 1)

    S : source count limit

    Requires the `mpmath <>`_ library.  See
    `~astropy.stats.scipy_poisson_upper_limit` for an implementation
    that is based on scipy and evaluates faster, but runs only to about
    N = 100.
    from mpmath import mpf, factorial, findroot, fsum, power, exp, quad

    N = mpf(N)
    B = mpf(B)
    CL = mpf(CL)

    def eqn8(N, B):
        sumterms = [power(B, n) / factorial(n) for n in range(int(N) + 1)]
        return 1. / (exp(-B) * fsum(sumterms))

    eqn8_res = eqn8(N, B)
    factorial_N = factorial(N)

    def eqn7(S, N, B):
        SpB = S + B
        return eqn8_res * (exp(-SpB) * SpB**N / factorial_N)

    def eqn9_left(S_min, S_max, N, B):
        def eqn7NB(S):
            return eqn7(S, N, B)
        return quad(eqn7NB, [S_min, S_max])

    def find_s_min(S_max, N, B):
        Kraft, Burrows and Nousek suggest to integrate from N-B in both
        directions at once, so that S_min and S_max move similarly (see
        the article for details). Here, this is implemented differently:
        Treat S_max as the optimization parameters in func and then
        calculate the matching s_min that has has eqn7(S_max) =
        eqn7(S_min) here.
        y_S_max = eqn7(S_max, N, B)
        if eqn7(0, N, B) >= y_S_max:
            return 0.
            def eqn7ysmax(x):
                return eqn7(x, N, B) - y_S_max
            return findroot(eqn7ysmax, (N - B) / 2.)

    def func(s):
        s_min = find_s_min(s, N, B)
        out = eqn9_left(s_min, s, N, B)
        return out - CL

    S_max = findroot(func, N - B, tol=1e-4)
    S_min = find_s_min(S_max, N, B)
    return float(S_min), float(S_max)
Esempio n. 41
 def __init__(self,rang=10,acc=100):
 # Generates the coefficients of Legendre polynomial of n-th order.
 # acc is the number of decimal characters of the coefficients.
 # is the list with coefficients.
 self.rang = rang
 self.acc = mp.dps = acc
 cn = mpf(0.0)
 k = mpf(0)
 n = mpf(rang)
 m = mpf(n/2)
 cf = []
 for k in range(n+1):
 cn = (-

 # Generates the coefficients of of the
implicit Runge-Kutta scheme of Gauss-Legendre type.
 # acc is the number of the decimal
characters of the coefficients.
 # Gives back the cortege (r,b,a), the terms
of which correspond to Butcher scheme
 # r1 | a11 . . . а1n
 # . | . .
 # . | . .
 # . | . .
 # rn | an1 . . . ann
 # ---+--------------
 # | b1 . . . bn
 self.r = polyroots(cf)
 A1 = matrix(rang)
 for j in range(n):
 for k in range(n):
 A1[k,j] = self.r[j]**k
 bn = []
 for j in range(n):
 B = matrix(bn)
 self.b = lu_solve(A1,B)
 self.a = matrix(rang)
 for i in range(1,n+1):
 A1 = matrix(rang)
 cil = []
 for l in range(1,n+1):
 for j in range(n):
 A1[l-1,j] = self.r[j]**(l-1)
 Cil = matrix(cil)
 an = lu_solve(A1,Cil)
 for k in range(n):
 self.a[i-1,k] = an[k]
 def init(self,f,t,h,initvalues):
 self.size = len(initvalues)
 self.f = f
 self.t = t
 self.h = h
 self.yb = matrix(initvalues)
 self.ks = matrix(self.size,self.rang)
 for k in range(self.size):
 for i in range(self.rang):
 self.ks[k,i] = self.r[i] = matrix(1,self.rang)
 for i in range(self.rang):[i] = t + h*self.r[i]
 self.y = matrix(self.size,self.rang)
 for k in range(self.size):
 for i in range(self.rang):
 self.y[k,i] = self.yb[k]
 temp = mpf(0.0)
 for j in range(self.rang):
 temp += self.a[i,j]*self.ks[k,j]
 self.y[k,i] += temp
 self.yn = matrix(self.yb)

 def iterate(self,tn,y,yn,ks):
 # Generates the coefficients of the implicit
Runge-Kutta scheme for the given step
 # with the method of the simple iteration
with an initial value, coinciding with the coefficients,
 # calculated at the previous step. At
sufficiently small step this must
 # work. There exists such a value of the
step, Under which convergence is guaranteed.
 # No automatic re-setup of the step is
foreseen in this procedure.
 mp.dps = self.acc
 y0 = matrix(yn)
 norme = mpf(1.0)
 #eps0 = pow(eps,mpf(3.0)/mpf(4.0))
 eps0 = sqrt(eps)
 ks1 = matrix(self.size,self.rang)
 yt = matrix(1,self.size)
 count = 0
 while True:
 count += 1
 for i in range(self.rang):
 for k in range(self.size):
 yt[k] = y[k,i]
 for k in range(self.size):
 ks1[k,i] = self.f(tn,yt)[k]
 norme = mpf(0.0)
 for k in range(self.size):
 for i in range(self.rang):
 norme += (ks1[k,i]-
 norme = sqrt(norme)
 for k in range(self.size):
 for i in range(self.rang):
 ks[k,i] = ks1[k,i]
 for k in range(self.size):
 for i in range(self.rang):
 y[k,i] = y0[k]
 for j in range(self.rang):
 y[k,i] +=
 if norme <= eps0:
 if count >= 100:
 print unicode('No convergence','UTF-8')
 return ks1
 def step(self):
 mp.dps = self.acc
 self.ks =
 for k in range(self.size):
 for i in range(self.rang):
 self.yn[k] +=
 for k in range(self.size):
 for i in range(self.rang):
 self.y[k,i] = self.yn[k]
 for j in range(self.rang):
 self.y[k,i] +=
 self.t += self.h
 for i in range(self.rang):[i] = self.t + self.h*self.r[i]
 return self.yn
Backend.engineFunction("+", lambda op: op[0] + op[1])
Backend.engineFunction("-", lambda op: op[0] - op[1])
Backend.engineFunction("mul", lambda op: op[0] * op[1])
Backend.engineFunction("div", lambda op: op[0] / op[1])
Backend.engineFunction("^", lambda op: op[0] ** op[1])
Backend.engineFunction("10^x", lambda op: 10 ** op, operands=1)
Backend.engineFunction("x^2", lambda op: op ** 2, operands=1)
Backend.engineFunction("neg", lambda op: op * -1, operands=1)
Backend.engineFunction("%", lambda op: op[0] * op[1] / 100)
Backend.engineFunction("inv", lambda op: 1 / op, operands=1)
Backend.engineFunction("sqrt", lambda op: mpmath.sqrt(op), operands=1)
Backend.engineFunction("nthroot", lambda op: mpmath.root(op[0], op[1]))
Backend.engineFunction("log", lambda op: mpmath.log(op, b=10), operands=1)
Backend.engineFunction("ln", lambda op: mpmath.log(op), operands=1)
Backend.engineFunction("e^x", lambda op: mpmath.exp(op), operands=1)
Backend.engineFunction("factorial", lambda op: mpmath.factorial(op), operands=1)

def addall(op):
    expr = op[0]
    for i in range(1, len(op)):
        expr = expr + op[i]
    return expr

def suball(op):
    expr = op[0]
    for i in range(1, len(op)):
        expr = expr - op[i]
    return expr
Esempio n. 43
 def eval(self, z):
     return mpmath.factorial(z)
Esempio n. 44
def T_n(

    np.seterr(divide="ignore", over="ignore", under="ignore", invalid="ignore")

	Takes some global variables! Be carefull if you remove or split some stuff to different container! 
    n = np.float64(n)

    if len(M.shape) == 0:
        T = np.ones(1)
        M = np.array([M])
        R = np.array([R])
        T = np.ones(len(M), dtype=np.longdouble)

    if profile == "dm":
        for i in range(len(M)):

            i_range = np.linspace(0, R[i], 100)

            Ti = (mp.mpf(4.0 * np.pi) / (M[i] * (mp.factorial(2.0 * n + 1.0)))) * mp.mpf(
                Integrate((i_range ** (2.0 * (1.0 + n))) * (NFW(rho_mean, Con(z, M[i]), i_range)), i_range)

            T[i] = ld.string2longdouble(str(Ti))

    elif profile == "gas":
        for i in range(len(M)):

            i_range = np.linspace(0, R[i], 100)

            Ti = (mp.mpf(4.0 * np.pi) / (M[i] * (mp.factorial(2.0 * n + 1.0)))) * mp.mpf(
                    (i_range ** (2.0 * (1.0 + n)))
                    * (baryons.u_g(np.float64(i_range), slope, r_char[i], omegab, omegac, M[i])),

            T[i] = ld.string2longdouble(str(Ti))

    elif profile == "stars":
        for i in range(len(M)):

            i_range = np.linspace(0, R[i], 100)

            Ti = (mp.mpf(4.0 * np.pi) / (M[i] * (mp.factorial(2.0 * n + 1.0)))) * mp.mpf(
                    (i_range ** (2.0 * (1.0 + n)))
                    * (

            T[i] = ld.string2longdouble(str(Ti))

    return T
Esempio n. 45
def sph_jn_power(n, z, terms=100):
    zm = mpmathify(z)
    s = sum((-zm**2/2)**k/(factorial(k) * fac2(2*n + 2*k + 1)) for k in xrange(terms))
    return zm**n * s