Esempio n. 1
def test_models(doctest_namespace):
    cz_model = CzjzekDistribution(0.5)
    doctest_namespace["cz_model"] = cz_model

    S0 = {"Cq": 1e6, "eta": 0.3}
    ext_cz_model = ExtCzjzekDistribution(S0, eps=0.35)
    doctest_namespace["ext_cz_model"] = ext_cz_model
def test_czjzek_distribution():
    sigma = 0.5

    # numerical Czjzek distribution
    count_ = COUNT
    zeta, eta = CzjzekDistribution(sigma).rvs(size=count_)

    # eta projection
    e_hist, ran_e = np.histogram(eta, bins=15, range=[0, 1])
    e_vector = e_hist / count_
    e_range = (ran_e[1:] + ran_e[:-1]) / 2

    # zeta projection
    z_hist, ran_z = np.histogram(zeta, bins=20, range=[-20, 20])
    z_vector = z_hist / count_
    z_range = (ran_z[1:] + ran_z[:-1]) / 2

    # czjzek distribution from analytical formula
    sigma_ = 2 * sigma
    V, e = np.meshgrid(z_range, e_range)
    denom = (2 * np.pi) ** 0.5 * sigma_**5
    res = (V**4 * e) * (1 - e**2 / 9) / denom
    res *= np.exp(-(V**2 * (1 + (e**2 / 3))) / (2 * sigma_**2))
    res /= res.sum()

    eta_pro = res.sum(axis=1)
    zeta_pro = res.sum(axis=0)

    # eta test
    message = "failed to compare eta projection for Czjzek distribution"
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(e_vector, eta_pro, decimal=2, err_msg=message)

    # zeta test
    message = "failed to compare zeta projection for Czjzek distribution"
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(z_vector, zeta_pro, decimal=2, err_msg=message)
def test_czjzek_pdf():
    sigma = 0.5
    z_range = np.arange(100) * 30 / 100 - 15
    e_range = np.arange(21) / 20

    # czjzek distribution from analytical formula
    sigma_ = 2 * sigma
    V, e = np.meshgrid(z_range, e_range)
    denom = (2 * np.pi) ** 0.5 * sigma_**5
    res = (V**4 * e) * (1 - e**2 / 9) / denom
    res *= np.exp(-(V**2 * (1 + (e**2 / 3))) / (2 * sigma_**2))
    res /= res.sum()

    _, _, amp = CzjzekDistribution(sigma).pdf([z_range, e_range])

    error = "Czjzek analytical is not equal to numerical"
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(res, amp, decimal=2, err_msg=error)
Esempio n. 4
# %%
# Generate probability distribution
# ---------------------------------

# The range of isotropic chemical shifts, the quadrupolar coupling constant, and
# asymmetry parameters used in generating a 3D grid.
iso_r = np.arange(101) / 1.5 + 30  # in ppm
Cq_r = np.arange(100) / 4  # in MHz
eta_r = np.arange(10) / 9

# The 3D mesh grid over which the distribution amplitudes are evaluated.
iso, Cq, eta = np.meshgrid(iso_r, Cq_r, eta_r, indexing="ij")

# The 2D amplitude grid of Cq and eta is sampled from the Czjzek distribution model.
Cq_dist, e_dist, amp = CzjzekDistribution(sigma=1).pdf(pos=[Cq_r, eta_r])

# The 1D amplitude grid of isotropic chemical shifts is sampled from a Gaussian model.
iso_amp = multivariate_normal(mean=58, cov=[4]).pdf(iso_r)

# The 3D amplitude grid is generated as an uncorrelated distribution of the above two
# distribution, which is the product of the two distributions.
pdf = np.repeat(amp, iso_r.size).reshape(eta_r.size, Cq_r.size, iso_r.size)
pdf *= iso_amp
pdf = pdf.T

# %%
# The two-dimensional projections from this three-dimensional distribution are shown
# below.
_, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9, 3))
def test_czjzek_polar():
    x, y = CzjzekDistribution(sigma=0.5, polar=True).rvs(size=COUNT)
    x1, y1 = x_y_from_zeta_eta(*x_y_to_zeta_eta(x, y))
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(x, x1)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(y, y1)
Esempio n. 6
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# %%
# Symmetric shielding tensor
# --------------------------
# Create the Czjzek distribution
# ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
# First, create a distribution of the zeta and eta parameters of the shielding tensors
# using the :ref:`czjzek_distribution` model as follows.

# The range of zeta and eta coordinates over which the distribution is sampled.
z_range = np.arange(100) - 50  # in ppm
e_range = np.arange(21) / 20
z_dist, e_dist, amp = CzjzekDistribution(sigma=3.1415).pdf(
    pos=[z_range, e_range])

# %%
# Here ``z_range`` and ``e_range`` are the coordinates along the :math:`\zeta` and
# :math:`\eta` dimensions that form a two-dimensional :math:`\zeta`-:math:`\eta` grid.
# The argument `sigma` of the CzjzekDistribution class is the standard deviation of the
# second-rank tensor parameters used in generating the distribution, and `pos` hold the
# one-dimensional arrays of :math:`\zeta` and :math:`\eta` coordinates, respectively.
# The following is the contour plot of the Czjzek distribution.
plt.figure(figsize=(4.25, 3.0))
plt.contourf(z_dist, e_dist, amp, levels=10)
plt.xlabel(r"$\zeta$ / ppm")