Esempio n. 1
    def document_number(self) -> bool:
        """Return True if the document number format is validated, False otherwise."""

        s = self._document_number
        return self._report(
            "document number format", not check.is_empty(s)
            and check.is_printable(s) and not check.begin_by(s, "<"))
Esempio n. 2
 def identifier(self) -> bool:
     """Return True is the identifier is validated overcoming the checks, False otherwise."""
     full_id = self._identifier.rstrip("<")
     padding = self._identifier[len(full_id):]
     id2iter = full_id.split("<<")
     id_len = len(id2iter)
     primary = secondary = None
     if not check.is_printable(self._identifier):
         ok = False
     elif check.is_empty(self._identifier):
         self._report("empty identifier", level=Kind.ERROR)
         ok = False
         if id_len == len([i for i in id2iter if i]):
             if id_len == 2:
                 primary, secondary = id2iter
                 ok = True
             elif id_len == 1:
                 primary, secondary = id2iter[0], ""
                 self._report("only one identifier", level=Kind.WARNING)
                 ok = not self._compute_warnings
                 self._report("more than two identifiers", level=Kind.ERROR)
                 ok = False
         else:  # too many '<' in id
             self._report("invalid identifier format", level=Kind.ERROR)
             ok = False
     # print("Debug. id2iter ............:", id2iter)
     # print("Debug. (secondary, primary):", (secondary, primary))
     # print("Debug. padding ............:", padding)
     if ok:
         if check.uses_nums(full_id):
             self._report("identifier with numbers", level=Kind.ERROR)
             ok = False
         if primary.startswith(
                 "<") or secondary and secondary.startswith("<"):
             self._report("some identifier begin by '<'", level=Kind.ERROR)
             ok = False
         if not padding:
             self._report("possible truncating", level=Kind.WARNING)
             ok = False if self._compute_warnings else ok
         for i in range(id_len):
             for itm in id2iter[i].split("<"):
                 if itm:
                     for tit in titles:
                         if tit == itm:
                             if i:  # secondary id
                                     "Possible unauthorized prefix or suffix in identifier",
                             else:  # primary id
                                     "Possible not recommended prefix or suffix in identifier",
                             ok = False if self._compute_warnings else ok
     self._id_secondary = str(secondary)
     self._id_primary = str(primary)
     return self._report("identifier", ok)
Esempio n. 3
    def identifier(self) -> bool:
        """Return True is the identifier is validated overcoming the checks, False otherwise."""

        id_ = self._identifier
        if not check.is_printable(id_):
            return self._report("identifier", False)
        ok = True
        if check.is_empty(id_):
            return self._report("empty identifier", kind=2)
        if check.uses_nums(id_):
            self._report("identifier with numbers", kind=2)
            ok &= False
        id2iter = id_.split("<<")
        if len(id2iter) == 1:
            secondary = id2iter[0]
            primary = ""
            ok &= False if self._compute_warnings else ok
            # print("Only one identifier")
            self._report("only one identifier", kind=1)
            secondary = id2iter[1]
            primary = id2iter[0]
        # print("Debug. (name, surname):", (secondary, primary))
        # secondary is not ok. secondary -= padding  # secondary.replace(padding, "")
        padding = id_[id_.find(secondary) + len(secondary):]
        padding = padding if primary != secondary else padding.replace(secondary, "")
        # print("Debug. padding:", padding)
        if not len(padding) and id_[-1] in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ":
            self._report("possible truncating", kind=1)
            ok &= False if self._compute_warnings else ok  # TODO: compute as False?
        if not check.is_empty(padding):
            # print("Error, Padding is not empty")
            self._report("more than two identifiers", kind=2)
            ok &= False
        if check.begin_by(primary, "<") or check.begin_by(secondary, "<"):
            self._report("some identifier begin by '<'", kind=2)
            ok &= False
        for i in range(2):
            for itm in id2iter[i].split("<"):
                if not itm:
                    for tit in titles:
                        if tit == itm:
                            if i == 1:
                                self._report("Possible unauthorized prefix or suffix in identifier", kind=1)
                                self._report("Possible not recommended prefix or suffix in identifier", kind=1)
                            ok &= False if self._compute_warnings else ok
        return self._report("identifier", ok)
Esempio n. 4
 def optional_data_2(self) -> bool:
     """Return True if the format of the optional data field is validated, False otherwise."""
     s = self._optional_data_2
     return True if check.is_empty(s) else self._report("optional data 2 format", check.is_printable(s))
Esempio n. 5
 def identifier(self) -> bool:
     """Return True is the identifier is validated overcoming the checks, False otherwise."""
     full_id = self._identifier.rstrip("<")
     padding = self._identifier[len(full_id):]
     id2iter = full_id.lstrip("<<").split(
         "<<") if full_id[2] in ascii_uppercase else full_id.split("<<")
     id_len = len(id2iter)
     primary = secondary = None
     if not check.is_printable(self._identifier):
         ok = False
     elif check.is_empty(self._identifier):
         self._report("empty identifier", kind=2)
         ok = False
         if id_len == len([i for i in id2iter if i]):
             if id_len == 2:
                 primary, secondary = id2iter
                 ok = True
             elif id_len == 1:
                 primary, secondary = id2iter[0], ""
                 self._report("only one identifier", kind=1)
                 ok = not self._compute_warnings
                 self._report("more than two identifiers", kind=2)
                 ok = False
         else:  # too many '<' in id
             self._report("invalid identifier format", kind=2)
             ok = False
     # print("Debug. id2iter ............:", id2iter)
     # print("Debug. (secondary, primary):", (secondary, primary))
     # print("Debug. padding ............:", padding)
     if ok:
         if False and not full_id.startswith("<<"):
             self._report("identifier doesn't starts with '<<'", kind=2)
             ok = False
             # If you want to report as a warning instead of as an error uncomment lines below
             # self._report("identifier doesn't starts with '<<'", kind=1)
             # ok = False if self._compute_warnings else ok
         if check.uses_nums(full_id):
             self._report("identifier with numbers", kind=2)
             ok = False
         if primary.startswith(
                 "<") or secondary and secondary.startswith("<"):
             self._report("some identifier begin by '<'", kind=2)
             ok = False
         if not padding:
             self._report("possible truncating", kind=1)
             ok = False if self._compute_warnings else ok
         for i in range(id_len):
             for itm in id2iter[i].split("<"):
                 if itm:
                     for tit in titles:
                         if tit == itm:
                             if i:  # secondary id
                                     "Possible unauthorized prefix or suffix in identifier",
                             else:  # primary id
                                     "Possible not recommended prefix or suffix in identifier",
                             ok = False if self._compute_warnings else ok
     return self._report("identifier", ok)
Esempio n. 6
    def optional_data(self) -> bool:
        """Return True if the format of the optional data field is validated, False otherwise."""

        s = self._optional_data = self.mrz_code.splitlines()[1][28:36]
        return True if check.is_empty(s) else
            "optional data format", check.is_printable(s))
Esempio n. 7
 def optional_data(self) -> bool:
     """Return True if the format of the optional data field is validated, False otherwise."""
     s = self._optional_data
     return True if check.is_empty(s) else
         "id number format", check.is_printable(s))