Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: schoolhui/mtpy
 def _get_utm(self):
     get utm coordinates from lat and lon
     self.utm_zone, self.east, self.north = MTutm.LLtoUTM(self._utm_ellipsoid,
                                                , self.lon)
Esempio n. 2
def latlon2xy(lat, lon, origin):
    """returns position in local rectangular coordinates.

    x is positive northwards, y positive eastwards, values given in meter

    origin must be given as a 2-tuple/-array in (lat,lon) form


    #using existing tool for conversion from lat/lon to northing/easting, then just take planar approximation

    #comment: to be checked for overlapping UTM zones!!

    dummy1, utm_local_east, utm_local_north = ll2utm.LLtoUTM(23, lat, lon)
    dummy2, utm_origin_east, utm_origin_north = ll2utm.LLtoUTM(
        23, origin[0], origin[1])

    x = utm_local_north - utm_origin_north
    y = utm_local_east - utm_origin_east

    return x, y
x = np.zeros(line_arr.shape[0])
y = np.zeros(line_arr.shape[0])
z = np.zeros(line_arr.shape[0])
mag = np.zeros(line_arr.shape[0])

#east_0 = 334460.0
#north_0 = 4173370.0
east_0 = 336800.0
north_0 = 4167525.0

for ii, l_arr in enumerate(line_arr[:-1]):
    lat = float(l_arr[7])
    lon = float(l_arr[8])
    depth = float(l_arr[9])
    mag[ii] = float(l_arr[10])

    zone, east, north = ll2utm.LLtoUTM(23, lat, lon)
    x[ii] = (east - east_0) / 1000.
    y[ii] = (north - north_0) / 1000.
    z[ii] = depth + 3

        'depth': z,
        'magnitude': mag
Esempio n. 4
dfn = r"c:\Users\jpeacock\Documents\Geothermal\Washington\MB\modem_inv\mb_rot_err03_tip02_cov03_NLCG_016.dat"

save_root = 'mb_rot_m40'
rot_angle = -40.0

#--> read model file
mod_obj = modem.Model()

#--> read data file
d_obj = modem.Data()

#--> get center position
model_center = d_obj.center_position
c_zone, c_east, c_north = utm2ll.LLtoUTM(23, model_center[0], model_center[1])

#--> set padding
east_pad = mod_obj.pad_east + 4
north_pad = mod_obj.pad_north + 4
z_pad = np.where(mod_obj.grid_z > 20000)[0][0]

cos_ang = np.cos(np.deg2rad(rot_angle))
sin_ang = np.sin(np.deg2rad(rot_angle))
rot_matrix = np.matrix(np.array([[cos_ang, sin_ang], [-sin_ang, cos_ang]]))

#--> write model xyz file
lines = []
for kk, zz in enumerate(mod_obj.grid_z[0:z_pad]):
    for jj, yy in enumerate(mod_obj.grid_east[east_pad:-east_pad]):
        for ii, xx in enumerate(mod_obj.grid_north[north_pad:-north_pad]):
import mtpy.utils.latlongutmconversion as utm2ll
from matplotlib.colorbar import *
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
import pickle

# Inputs

plot_type = 'pseudo'  #map of pseudo for map or pseudo section
diff_yn = 'y'
line_dir = 'ew'
borehole_loc = (139.72851, -30.2128)

bhz, bhe, bhn = utm2ll.LLtoUTM(23, borehole_loc[1], borehole_loc[0])

# a few constants

refe = 23
#phase tensor map
ptcmapdict = {
    'red': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
    'green': ((0.0, 0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0, 1.0)),
    'blue': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
ptcmap = LinearSegmentedColormap('ptcmap', ptcmapdict, 256)

#phase tensor map for difference (reverse)
Esempio n. 6
### --> gps Source locations
# Newman 2009
feng_09 = {"lat": 37.678, "lon": -118.930, "depth": 6.0, "name": "Feng_2009"}

# Langbein 1995
lb_95_01 = {"lat": 37.6869, "lon": -118.9150, "depth": 5.5, "name": "langbein_1995"}
lb_95_02 = {"lat": 37.6325, "lon": -118.9353, "depth": 13, "name": "langbein_1995"}

battaglia_03 = {"lat": 37.67856, "lon": -119.0164, "depth": 6, "name": "battaglia_2003"}
mb_15 = {"lat": 37.67852, "lon": -118.914, "depth": 7, "name": "montgomery_brown_2015"}

df = pd.DataFrame()

line_list = []
for gps_dict in [feng_09, lb_95_01, lb_95_02, battaglia_03, mb_15]:
    zone, east, north = utm2ll.LLtoUTM(23, gps_dict["lat"], gps_dict["lon"])
    gps_east = (east - east_0) / 1000.0
    gps_north = (north - north_0) / 1000.0
    gps_dict["model_east"] = gps_east
    gps_dict["model_north"] = gps_north

    line = "{0} center: {1:.2f} E, {2:.2f} N, Depth {3:.1f}".format(
        gps_dict["name"], gps_east, gps_north, gps_dict["depth"]

    if len(line_list) == 0:
        line_list.append(",".join([key for key in sorted(gps_dict.keys())]))
    line_str = ["{0}".format(gps_dict[key]) for key in sorted(gps_dict.keys())]

Esempio n. 7
### --> gps Source locations
# Newman 2009
feng_09 = {'lat':37.678, 'lon':-118.930, 'depth': 6.0, 'name':'Feng_2009'}

# Langbein 1995
lb_95_01 = {'lat':37.6869, 'lon':-118.9150, 'depth':5.5, 'name':'langbein_1995'}
lb_95_02 = {'lat':37.6325, 'lon':-118.9353, 'depth':13, 'name':'langbein_1995'}

battaglia_03 = {'lat':37.67856, 'lon':-119.0164, 'depth':6, 'name':'battaglia_2003'}
mb_15 =  {'lat':37.67852, 'lon':-118.914, 'depth':7, 'name':'montgomery_brown_2015'}

df = pd.DataFrame()

line_list = []
for gps_dict in [feng_09, lb_95_01, lb_95_02, battaglia_03, mb_15]:
    zone, east, north = utm2ll.LLtoUTM(23, gps_dict['lat'], gps_dict['lon'])
    gps_east = (east-east_0)/1000.
    gps_north = (north-north_0)/1000.
    gps_dict['model_east'] = gps_east
    gps_dict['model_north'] = gps_north
    line = '{0} center: {1:.2f} E, {2:.2f} N, Depth {3:.1f}'.format(gps_dict['name'],
            gps_east, gps_north, gps_dict['depth']) 
    if len(line_list) == 0:
        line_list.append(','.join([key for key in sorted(gps_dict.keys())]))
    line_str = ['{0}'.format(gps_dict[key]) for key in sorted(gps_dict.keys())]
Created on Thu Mar 20 17:28:04 2014

@author: jpeacock

import os
from evtk.hl import pointsToVTK
import numpy as np
import mtpy.utils.latlongutmconversion as utm2ll

sfn = r"/mnt/hgfs/jpeacock/Documents/MountainPass/Maps/MountainPass_GIS/southern_california_earthquake_locations_crop.txt"
mc_lat = 35.464
mc_lon = -115.472

zone, east_0, north_0 = utm2ll.LLtoUTM(23, mc_lat, mc_lon)

s_array = np.loadtxt(sfn,
                     dtype=[('year', np.float), ('month', np.float),
                            ('day', np.float), ('hour', np.float),
                            ('minute', np.float), ('second', np.float),
                            ('lat', np.float), ('lon', np.float),
                            ('depth', np.float), ('mag', np.float)],

east = np.zeros(s_array.shape[0])
north = np.zeros(s_array.shape[0])

for ii, ss in enumerate(s_array):
    zz, ee, nn = utm2ll.LLtoUTM(23, ss['lat'], ss['lon'])
Esempio n. 9
s_array = np.loadtxt(sfn, delimiter=',', 
                     dtype = [('year', np.float),
                              ('month', np.float),
                              ('day', np.float),
                              ('lat', np.float),
                              ('lon', np.float),
                              ('depth', np.float),
                              ('mag', np.float)],
east = np.zeros(s_array.shape[0])
north = np.zeros(s_array.shape[0])

for ii, ss in enumerate(s_array):
    zz, ee, nn = utm2ll.LLtoUTM(23, ss['lat'], ss['lon'])
    east[ii] = (ee-east_0)/1000.
    north[ii] = (nn-north_0)/1000.

x = north.copy()
y = east.copy()
z = s_array['depth'].copy()
mag = s_array['mag'].copy()

for xx, yy, zz, mm in zip(x, y, z, mag):
    print 'N={0:.2f}, E={1:.2f}, Z={2:.2f}, M={3:.2f}'.format(xx, yy, zz, mm)
pointsToVTK(r"/home/jpeacock/Documents/mb_LP_locations", x, y, z, 
            data={'mag':mag, 'depth':z})
@author: jpeacock-pr

import os
import numpy as np
import mtpy.core.edi as mtedi
import mtpy.core.z as mtz
import mtpy.utils.latlongutmconversion as utmll

data_file = r"C:\Users\jpeacock-pr\Documents\MonoBasin\LV_Wannamaker\LVMTdat.txt"
loc_file = r"c:\Users\jpeacock-pr\Documents\MonoBasin\LV_Wannamaker\LV-LOC.txt"
well_loc = (-118.908611, 37.679722)

save_path = r"c:\Users\jpeacock-pr\Documents\MonoBasin\LV_Wannamaker"

well_zone, well_east, well_north = utmll.LLtoUTM(23, well_loc[1], well_loc[0])
dipole_len = 100
# read location file
loc_fid = file(loc_file, 'r')

loc_lines = loc_fid.readlines()

ns = int(loc_lines[0].strip())

locations = np.zeros(ns,
                     dtype=[('name', '|S10'), ('lat', np.float),
                            ('lon', np.float)])
loc_dict = {}
for ii, line in enumerate(loc_lines[1:ns + 1]):
Esempio n. 11
for ii in range(1, int(ny) + 2):
    dline = dfid.readline()
    if len(str(dline)) > 1:
        # needs to be backwards because first line is the furthest north row.
        elevation[:, -ii] = np.array(dline.strip().split(" "), dtype="float")

# create lat and lon arrays from the dem fle
lon = np.arange(x0, x0 + cs * (nx), cs)
lat = np.arange(y0, y0 + cs * (ny), cs)

# calculate the lower left and uper right corners of the grid in meters
ll_en = ll2utm.LLtoUTM(23, lat[0], lon[0])
ur_en = ll2utm.LLtoUTM(23, lat[-1], lon[-1])

# estimate cell sizes for each dem measurement
d_east = abs(ll_en[1] - ur_en[1]) / nx
d_north = abs(ll_en[2] - ur_en[2]) / ny

# calculate the number of new cells
num_cells = int(cell_size / np.mean([d_east, d_north]))

# make easting and northing arrays in meters corresponding to lat and lon
east = np.arange(ll_en[1], ur_en[1], d_east)
north = np.arange(ll_en[2], ur_en[2], d_north)

# resample the data accordingly
new_east = east[np.arange(0, east.shape[0], num_cells)]
# model center
east_0 = 555703. - 253
north_0 = 5132626.0 + 26

with open(msh_eq_fn, 'r') as fid:
    lines = fid.readlines()

eq_arr = np.zeros(len(lines) - 1,
                  dtype=([('depth', np.float), ('east', np.float),
                          ('north', np.float), ('mag', np.float)]))

eq_df = pd.read_csv(msh_eq_fn)

for ii in range(eq_df.shape[0]):
    eq = eq_df.iloc[ii]
    zone, east, north = utm2ll.LLtoUTM(23, eq.LATITUDE_D, eq.LONGITUDE_)
    eq_arr[ii]['east'] = (east - east_0) / 1000
    eq_arr[ii]['north'] = (north - north_0) / 1000
    eq_arr[ii]['depth'] = eq.EARTHQUA_1
    eq_arr[ii]['mag'] = eq.EARTHQUA_2

                'depth': eq_arr['depth'],
                'magnitude': eq_arr['mag']
Esempio n. 13
model_vel = np.zeros((n_north, n_east, n_z))
model_vel_change = np.zeros((n_north, n_east, n_z))

# lin has west as positive and east as negative
for v_arr in vel_arr:
    e_index = east_index_dict[v_arr["east"] * -1]
    n_index = north_index_dict[v_arr["north"]]
    z_index = z_index_dict[v_arr["depth"]]
    v_avg = vel_arr[np.where(vel_arr[:]["depth"] == v_arr["depth"])]["Vp"].mean()
    model_vel[n_index, e_index, z_index] = v_arr["Vp"]
    model_vel_change[n_index, e_index, z_index] = 100 * ((v_arr["Vp"] - v_avg) / v_avg)

# find the shift between the center of each grid
v_zone, v_east, v_north = ll2utm.LLtoUTM(
    23, vel_arr["lat"].mean(), vel_arr["lon"].mean()

shift_east = (v_east - mt_east) / 1000.0
shift_north = (v_north - mt_north) / 1000.0

# vel.reshape()
    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(vp_fn), "lv_3d_models", "lin2015_vp_lvc"),
    north + shift_north,
    east + shift_east,
    z + 2,
    cellData={"Vp": model_vel, "Vp_change": model_vel_change},
# a2vtk.gridToVTK(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(vp_fn), 'lin2015_vp_change'),
#                north+shift_north, east+shift_east, z,
Esempio n. 14
Created on Thu Mar 20 17:28:04 2014

@author: jpeacock

import os
from evtk.hl import pointsToVTK
import numpy as np
import mtpy.utils.latlongutmconversion as utm2ll

sfn = r"/mnt/hgfs/jpeacock/Documents/MountainPass/Maps/MountainPass_GIS/southern_california_earthquake_locations_crop.txt"
mc_lat = 35.464
mc_lon = -115.472

zone, east_0, north_0 = utm2ll.LLtoUTM(23, mc_lat, mc_lon)

s_array = np.loadtxt(
        ("year", np.float),
        ("month", np.float),
        ("day", np.float),
        ("hour", np.float),
        ("minute", np.float),
        ("second", np.float),
        ("lat", np.float),
        ("lon", np.float),
        ("depth", np.float),
        ("mag", np.float),
Esempio n. 15
        ("year", np.float),
        ("month", np.float),
        ("day", np.float),
        ("lat", np.float),
        ("lon", np.float),
        ("depth", np.float),
        ("mag", np.float),

east = np.zeros(s_array.shape[0])
north = np.zeros(s_array.shape[0])

for ii, ss in enumerate(s_array):
    zz, ee, nn = utm2ll.LLtoUTM(23, ss["lat"], ss["lon"])
    east[ii] = (ee - east_0) / 1000.0
    north[ii] = (nn - north_0) / 1000.0

x = north.copy()
y = east.copy()
z = s_array["depth"].copy()
mag = s_array["mag"].copy()

for xx, yy, zz, mm in zip(x, y, z, mag):
    print "N={0:.2f}, E={1:.2f}, Z={2:.2f}, M={3:.2f}".format(xx, yy, zz, mm)

    r"/home/jpeacock/Documents/mb_LP_locations", x, y, z, data={"mag": mag, "depth": z}
Esempio n. 16
    loc_list = line.replace("w", " ").replace("n", " ").strip().split()[4:]
    loc_list = [float(jj) for jj in loc_list]
    eq_arr[ii][loc_header[0]] = loc_list[0] + loc_list[1] / 60.0
    eq_arr[ii][loc_header[1]] = loc_list[2] + loc_list[3] / 60.0
    eq_arr[ii][loc_header[2]] = loc_list[4]
    eq_arr[ii][loc_header[3]] = loc_list[5]
    eq_arr[ii][loc_header[4]] = loc_list[6]
    eq_arr[ii][loc_header[5]] = loc_list[7]
    eq_arr[ii][loc_header[6]] = loc_list[8]
    eq_arr[ii][loc_header[7]] = loc_list[9]
    eq_arr[ii][loc_header[8]] = loc_list[10]

##-> write vtk files
# figure out shift in model centers
# mt_zone, mt_east, mt_north = ll2utm.LLtoUTM(23, modem_center[0], modem_center[1])
v_zone, v_east, v_north = ll2utm.LLtoUTM(23, v_lat, v_lon - 0.29)

shift_east = (mt_east - v_east + 4000) / 1000.0
shift_north = (mt_north - v_north + 1000) / 1000.0

# vtk_grid_east = np.append(grid_east, grid_east[-1]*1.1)-shift_east
# vtk_grid_north = np.append(grid_north, grid_north[-1]*1.1)-shift_north
vtk_grid_east = grid_east[1:-1] - shift_east
vtk_grid_north = grid_north[1:-1] - shift_north
vtk_grid_east = np.append(vtk_grid_east, vtk_grid_east[-1] * 1.1)
vtk_grid_north = np.append(vtk_grid_north, vtk_grid_north[-1] * 1.1)
vtk_gz = grid_z[2:-1] + 2

# vtk_vp = np.rot90(f_vp, 3)
vtk_vp = np.flipud(np.fliplr(np.rot90(f_vp[1:-1, 1:-1, :], 1)))
vtk_vs = np.flipud(np.fliplr(np.rot90(f_vs[1:-1, 1:-1, :], 1)))
lines = sfid.readlines()

x = np.zeros(len_file)
y = np.zeros(len_file)
z = np.zeros(len_file)

read_line = 0
east_0 = 336800.00
north_0 = 4167510.00

for sline in lines[14:]:
    slst = sline.strip().split()
    lat = float(slst[6])
    lon = float(slst[7])
    depth = float(slst[8])
    zone, east, north = utm2ll.LLtoUTM(23, lat, lon)
    x[read_line] = (east-east_0)/1000.
    y[read_line] = (north-north_0)/1000.
    z[read_line] = depth
    read_line += 1

pointsToVTK(r"c:\Users\jpeacock\Documents\LV\lv_3d_models\shelly_2015_mm_eq_lcv", y, x, z, 
model_vel = np.zeros((n_north, n_east, n_z))
model_vel_change = np.zeros((n_north, n_east, n_z))

# lin has west as positive and east as negative
for v_arr in vel_arr:
    e_index = east_index_dict[v_arr['east'] * -1]
    n_index = north_index_dict[v_arr['north']]
    z_index = z_index_dict[v_arr['depth']]
    v_avg = vel_arr[np.where(
        vel_arr[:]['depth'] == v_arr['depth'])]['Vp'].mean()
    model_vel[n_index, e_index, z_index] = v_arr['Vp']
    model_vel_change[n_index, e_index,
                     z_index] = 100 * ((v_arr['Vp'] - v_avg) / v_avg)

# find the shift between the center of each grid
v_zone, v_east, v_north = ll2utm.LLtoUTM(23, vel_arr['lat'].mean(),

shift_east = (v_east - mt_east) / 1000.
shift_north = (v_north - mt_north) / 1000.

a2vtk.gridToVTK(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(vp_fn), 'lv_3d_models',
                north + shift_north,
                east + shift_east,
                z + 2,
                    'Vp': model_vel,
                    'Vp_change': model_vel_change
#a2vtk.gridToVTK(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(vp_fn), 'lin2015_vp_change'),