def test_rfftn(self):
        force = np.zeros([2 * r for r in self.res])

        force[:self.res[0], :self.res[1]] = np.random.random(self.res)
        from muFFT import FFT
        ref = rfftn(force.T).T
        fftengine = FFT([2 * r for r in self.res], fft="serial")
        tested = np.zeros(fftengine.nb_fourier_grid_pts,
        fftengine.fft(force, tested)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(ref.real, tested.real)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(ref.imag, tested.imag)
class PeriodicFFTElasticHalfSpace(ElasticSubstrate):
    """ Uses the FFT to solve the displacements and stresses in an elastic
        Halfspace due to a given array of point forces. This halfspace
        implementation cheats somewhat: since a net pressure would result in
        infinite displacement, the first term of the FFT is systematically
        The implementation follows the description in Stanley & Kato J. Tribol.
        119(3), 481-485 (Jul 01, 1997)

    name = "periodic_fft_elastic_halfspace"
    _periodic = True

    def __init__(self,
                 physical_sizes=2 * np.pi,
        nb_grid_pts : int tuple
            containing number of points in spatial directions.
            The length of the tuple determines the spatial dimension
            of the problem.
        young : float
            Young's modulus, if poisson is not specified it is the
            contact modulus as defined in Johnson, Contact Mechanics
        physical_sizes : float or float tuple
            (default 2π) domain size.
            For multidimensional problems,
            a tuple can be provided to specify the lengths per
            dimension. If the tuple has less entries than dimensions,
            the last value in repeated.
        stiffness_q0 : float, optional
            Substrate stiffness at the Gamma-point (wavevector q=0).
            If None, this is taken equal to the lowest nonvanishing
            stiffness. Cannot be used in combination with thickness.
        thickness : float, optional
            Thickness of the elastic half-space. If None, this
            models an infinitely deep half-space. Cannot be used in
            combination with stiffness_q0.
        poisson : float
            Default 0
             Poisson number. Need only be specified for substrates
             of finite thickness. If left unspecified for substrates
             of infinite thickness, then young is the contact
        superclass : bool
            (default True)
            client software never uses this.
            Only inheriting subclasses use this.
        fft: string
            Default: 'serial'
            FFT engine to use. Options are 'fftw', 'fftwmpi', 'pfft' and
            'p3dfft'. 'serial' and 'mpi' can also be specified, where the
            choice of the appropriate fft is made by muFFT
        communicator : mpi4py communicator or NuMPI stub communicator
            MPI communicator object.
        if not hasattr(nb_grid_pts, "__iter__"):
            nb_grid_pts = (nb_grid_pts, )
        if not hasattr(physical_sizes, "__iter__"):
            physical_sizes = (physical_sizes, )
        self.__dim = len(nb_grid_pts)
        if self.dim not in (1, 2):
            raise self.Error(
                ("Dimension of this problem is {}. Only 1 and 2-dimensional "
                 "problems are supported").format(self.dim))
        if stiffness_q0 is not None and thickness is not None:
            raise self.Error("Please specify either stiffness_q0 or thickness "
                             "or neither.")
        self._nb_grid_pts = nb_grid_pts
        tmpsize = list()
        for i in range(self.dim):
            tmpsize.append(physical_sizes[min(i, len(physical_sizes) - 1)])
        self._physical_sizes = tuple(tmpsize)

            self._steps = tuple(
                float(size) / res
                for size, res in zip(self.physical_sizes, self.nb_grid_pts))
        except ZeroDivisionError as err:
            raise ZeroDivisionError(
                ("{}, when trying to handle "
                 "    self._steps = tuple("
                 "        float(physical_sizes)/res for physical_sizes, res in"
                 "        zip(self.physical_sizes, self.nb_grid_pts))"
                 "Parameters: self.physical_sizes = {}, self.nb_grid_pts = {}"
                 "").format(err, self.physical_sizes, self.nb_grid_pts))
        self.young = young
        self.poisson = poisson
        self.contact_modulus = young / (1 - poisson**2)
        self.stiffness_q0 = stiffness_q0
        self.thickness = thickness

        self.fftengine = FFT(self.nb_domain_grid_pts,
        # Allocate buffers and create plan for one degree of freedom
        self.real_buffer = self.fftengine.register_real_space_field(
            "real-space", 1)
        self.fourier_buffer = self.fftengine.register_fourier_space_field(
            "fourier-space", 1)

        self.greens_function = None
        self.surface_stiffness = None

        self._communicator = communicator
        self.pnp = Reduction(communicator)

        if superclass:
            self.greens_function = self._compute_greens_function()
            self.surface_stiffness = self._compute_surface_stiffness()

    def dim(self, ):
        "return the substrate's physical dimension"
        return self.__dim

    def nb_grid_pts(self):
        return self._nb_grid_pts

    def area_per_pt(self):
        return /

    def physical_sizes(self):
        return self._physical_sizes

    def nb_domain_grid_pts(self, ):
        usually, the nb_grid_pts of the system is equal to the geometric
        nb_grid_pts (of the surface). For example free boundary conditions,
        require the computational nb_grid_pts to differ from the geometric one,
        see FreeFFTElasticHalfSpace.
        return self.nb_grid_pts

    def nb_subdomain_grid_pts(self):
        When working in Parallel one processor holds only Part of the Data

        return self.fftengine.nb_subdomain_grid_pts

    def topography_nb_subdomain_grid_pts(self):
        return self.nb_subdomain_grid_pts

    def subdomain_locations(self):
        When working in Parallel one processor holds only Part of the Data

        return self.fftengine.subdomain_locations

    def topography_subdomain_locations(self):
        return self.subdomain_locations

    def subdomain_slices(self):
        When working in Parallel one processor holds only Part of the Data

        return self.fftengine.subdomain_slices

    def topography_subdomain_slices(self):
        return tuple([
            slice(s, s + n)
            for s, n in zip(self.topography_subdomain_locations,

    def local_topography_subdomain_slices(self):
        slice representing the local subdomain without the padding area
        return tuple(
            [slice(0, n) for n in self.topography_nb_subdomain_grid_pts])

    def nb_fourier_grid_pts(self):
        When working in Parallel one processor holds only Part of the Data

        return self.fftengine.nb_fourier_grid_pts

    def fourier_locations(self):
        When working in Parallel one processor holds only Part of the Data

        return self.fftengine.fourier_locations

    def fourier_slices(self):
        When working in Parallel one processor holds only Part of the Data

        return self.fftengine.fourier_slices

    def communicator(self):
        """Return the MPI communicator"""
        return self._communicator

    def __repr__(self):
        dims = 'x', 'y', 'z'
        size_str = ', '.join('{}: {}({})'.format(dim, size, nb_grid_pts)
                             for dim, size, nb_grid_pts in zip(
                                 dims, self.physical_sizes, self.nb_grid_pts))
        return "{0.dim}-dimensional halfspace '{}', " \
               "physical_sizes(nb_grid_pts) in {1}, E' = {0.young}" \
            .format(self, size_str)

    def _compute_greens_function(self):
        Compute the weights w relating fft(displacement) to fft(pressure):
        fft(u) = w*fft(p), see (6) Stanley & Kato J. Tribol. 119(3), 481-485
        (Jul 01, 1997).

        For the infinite halfspace,
        .. math ::

            w = q E^* / 2

        q is the wavevector (:math:`2 \pi / wavelength`)

        WARNING: the paper is dimensionally *incorrect*. see for the correct
        1D formulation: Section 13.2 in
            K. L. Johnson. (1985). Contact Mechanics. [Online]. Cambridge:
            Cambridge  University Press. Available from: Cambridge Books Online
            <> [Accessed 16 February
        for correct 2D formulation: Appendix 1, eq A.2 in
            Johnson, Greenwood and Higginson, "The Contact of Elastic Regular
            Wavy surfaces", Int. J. Mech. Sci. Vol. 27 No. 6, pp. 383-396, 1985
            <> [Accessed 18 March
        if self.dim == 1:
            nx, = self.nb_grid_pts
            sx, = self.physical_sizes
            # Note: q-values from 0 to 1, not from 0 to 2*pi
            qx = np.arange(self.fourier_locations[0],
                           self.fourier_locations[0] +
            qx = np.where(qx <= nx // 2, qx / sx, (nx - qx) / sx)
            surface_stiffness = np.pi * self.contact_modulus * qx

            if self.stiffness_q0 is None:
                surface_stiffness[0] = surface_stiffness[1].real
            elif self.stiffness_q0 == 0.0:
                surface_stiffness[0] = 1.0
                surface_stiffness[0] = self.stiffness_q0

            greens_function = 1 / surface_stiffness
            if self.fourier_locations == (0, ):
                if self.stiffness_q0 == 0.0:
                    greens_function[0, 0] = 0.0

        elif self.dim == 2:
            if == 0:
                greens_function = np.zeros(self.nb_fourier_grid_pts,
                nx, ny = self.nb_grid_pts
                sx, sy = self.physical_sizes
                # Note: q-values from 0 to 1, not from 0 to 2*pi
                qx = np.arange(self.fourier_locations[0],
                               self.fourier_locations[0] +
                qx = np.where(qx <= nx // 2, qx / sx, (nx - qx) / sx)
                qy = np.arange(self.fourier_locations[1],
                               self.fourier_locations[1] +
                qy = np.where(qy <= ny // 2, qy / sy, (ny - qy) / sy)
                q = np.sqrt((qx * qx).reshape(-1, 1) +
                            (qy * qy).reshape(1, -1))
                if self.fourier_locations == (0, 0):
                    q[0, 0] = np.NaN
                    # q[0,0] has no Impact on the end result,
                    # but q[0,0] =  0 produces runtime Warnings
                    # (because corr[0,0]=inf)
                surface_stiffness = np.pi * self.contact_modulus * q
                #                   E* / 2 (2 \pi / \lambda)
                #                   (q is 1 / lambda, here)
                if self.thickness is not None:
                    # Compute correction for finite thickness
                    q *= 2 * np.pi * self.thickness
                    fac = 3 - 4 * self.poisson
                    off = 4 * self.poisson * (2 * self.poisson - 3) + 5
                    with np.errstate(over="ignore",
                        corr = (fac * np.cosh(2 * q) + 2 * q ** 2 + off) / \
                               (fac * np.sinh(2 * q) - 2 * q)
                    # The expression easily overflows numerically. These are
                    # then q-values that are converged to the infinite system
                    # expression.
                    corr[np.isnan(corr)] = 1.0
                    surface_stiffness *= corr
                    if self.fourier_locations == (0, 0):
                        surface_stiffness[0, 0] = \
                            self.young / self.thickness * \
                            (1 - self.poisson) / ((1 - 2 * self.poisson) *
                                                  (1 + self.poisson))
                    if self.fourier_locations == (0, 0):
                        if self.stiffness_q0 is None:
                            surface_stiffness[0, 0] = \
                                (surface_stiffness[1, 0].real +
                                 surface_stiffness[0, 1].real) / 2
                        elif self.stiffness_q0 == 0.0:
                            surface_stiffness[0, 0] = 1.0
                            surface_stiffness[0, 0] = self.stiffness_q0

                greens_function = 1 / surface_stiffness
                if self.fourier_locations == (0, 0):
                    if self.stiffness_q0 == 0.0:
                        greens_function[0, 0] = 0.0
        return greens_function

    def _compute_surface_stiffness(self):
        Invert the weights w relating fft(displacement) to fft(pressure):
        surface_stiffness = np.zeros(self.nb_fourier_grid_pts,
        surface_stiffness[self.greens_function != 0] = \
            1. / self.greens_function[self.greens_function != 0]
        return surface_stiffness

    def evaluate_disp(self, forces):
        """ Computes the displacement due to a given force array
        Keyword Arguments:
        forces   -- a numpy array containing point forces (*not* pressures)
        if forces.shape != self.nb_subdomain_grid_pts:
            raise self.Error(
                ("force array has a different shape ({0}) than this "
                 "halfspace's nb_grid_pts ({1})").format(
                     forces.shape, self.nb_subdomain_grid_pts))
        self.real_buffer.array()[...] = -forces
        self.fftengine.fft(self.real_buffer, self.fourier_buffer)
        self.fourier_buffer.array()[...] *= self.greens_function
        self.fftengine.ifft(self.fourier_buffer, self.real_buffer)
        return self.real_buffer.array().real / \
            self.area_per_pt * self.fftengine.normalisation

    def evaluate_force(self, disp):
        """ Computes the force (*not* pressures) due to a given displacement

        Keyword Arguments:
        disp   -- a numpy array containing point displacements
        if disp.shape != self.nb_subdomain_grid_pts:
            raise self.Error(
                ("displacements array has a different shape ({0}) than "
                 "this halfspace's nb_grid_pts ({1})").format(
                     disp.shape, self.nb_subdomain_grid_pts))
        self.real_buffer.array()[...] = disp
        self.fftengine.fft(self.real_buffer, self.fourier_buffer)
        self.fourier_buffer.array()[...] *= self.surface_stiffness
        self.fftengine.ifft(self.fourier_buffer, self.real_buffer)
        return -self.real_buffer.array().real * \
            self.area_per_pt * self.fftengine.normalisation

    def evaluate_k_disp(self, forces):
        """ Computes the K-space displacement due to a given force array
        Keyword Arguments:
        forces   -- a numpy array containing point forces (*not* pressures)
        if forces.shape != self.nb_subdomain_grid_pts:
            raise self.Error(
                ("force array has a different shape ({0}) than this halfspace'"
                 "s nb_grid_pts ({1})").format(
                     forces.shape, self.nb_subdomain_grid_pts))  # nopep8
        self.real_buffer.array()[...] = -forces
        self.fftengine.fft(self.real_buffer, self.fourier_buffer)
        return self.greens_function * \
            self.fourier_buffer.array() / self.area_per_pt

    def evaluate_k_force(self, disp):
        """ Computes the K-space forces (*not* pressures) due to a given
        displacement array.

        Keyword Arguments:
        disp   -- a numpy array containing point displacements
        if disp.shape != self.nb_subdomain_grid_pts:
            raise self.Error(
                ("displacements array has a different shape ({0}) than this "
                 "halfspace's nb_grid_pts ({1})").format(
                     disp.shape, self.nb_subdomain_grid_pts))  # nopep8
        self.real_buffer.array()[...] = disp
        self.fftengine.fft(self.real_buffer, self.fourier_buffer)
        return -self.surface_stiffness * \
            self.fourier_buffer.array() * self.area_per_pt

    def evaluate_k_force_k(self, disp_k):
        """ Computes the K-space forces (*not* pressures) due to a given
        displacement array.

        disp_k: complex nd_array
            a numpy array containing the rfft of point displacements

        return -self.surface_stiffness * disp_k * self.area_per_pt

    def evaluate_elastic_energy(self, forces, disp):
        computes and returns the elastic energy due to forces and displacements
        forces -- array of forces
        disp   -- array of displacements
        # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        return .5 *, np.ravel(-forces))

    def evaluate_scalar_product_k_space(self, ka, kb):
        Computes the scalar product, i.e. the power, between the `a` and `b`,
        given their fourier representation.

        `Power theorem

        .. math ::

            P = \sum_{ij} a_{ij} b_{ij} =
                \frac{1}{n_x n_y}\sum_{ij}
                \tilde a_{ij} \overline{\tilde b_{ij}}

        Note that for `a`, `b` real,

        .. math :: P = \sum_{kl} Re(\tilde a_{kl}) Re(\tilde b_{kl})
        + Im(\tilde a_{kl}) Im(\tilde b_{kl})

        ka, kb:
            arrays of complex type and of size substrate.nb_fourier_grid_pts
            Fourier representation (output of a 2D rfftn) `a` (resp. `b`)
            (`nx, ny` real array)

            The scalar product of a and b


        # ka and kb are the output of the 2D rfftn, that means the a
        # part of the transform is omitted because of the symetry along the
        # last dimension
        # That's why the components whose symetrics have been omitted are
        # weighted with a factor of 2.
        # The first column (indexes [...,0], wavevector 0 along the last
        # dimension) has no symetric
        # When the number of points in the last dimension is even, the last
        # column (Nyquist Frequency) has also no symetric.
        # The serial code implementation would look like this
        # if (self.nb_domain_grid_pts[-1] % 2 == 0)
        #   return .5*(np.vdot(ka, kb).real +
        #           # adding the data that has been omitted by rfftn
        #           np.vdot(ka[..., 1:-1], kb[..., 1:-1]).real
        #           # because of symetry
        #           )/self.nb_pts
        # else :
        #   return .5 * (np.vdot(ka, kb).real +
        #                  # adding the data that has been omitted by rfftn
        #      #           np.vdot(ka[..., 1:], kb[..., 1:]).real
        #      #           # because of symetry
        #      #           )/self.nb_pts
        # Parallelized Version
        # The inner part of the fourier data should always be symetrized (i.e.
        # multiplied by 2). When the fourier subdomain contains boundary values
        # (wavevector 0 (even and odd) and ny//2 (only for odd)) these values
        # should only be added once

        if ka.size > 0:
            if self.fourier_locations[0] == 0:
                # First row of this fourier data is first of global data
                fact0 = 1
            elif self.nb_fourier_grid_pts[0] > 1:
                # local first row is not the first in the global data
                fact0 = 2
                fact0 = 0

            if self.fourier_locations[0] == 0 and \
                    self.nb_fourier_grid_pts[0] == 1:
                factend = 0
            elif (self.nb_domain_grid_pts[0] % 2 == 1):
                # odd number of points, last row have always to be symmetrized
                factend = 2
            elif self.fourier_locations[0] + \
                    self.nb_fourier_grid_pts[0] - 1 == \
                    self.nb_domain_grid_pts[0] // 2:
                # last row of the global rfftn already contains it's symmetric
                factend = 1
                # print("last Element of the even data has to be accounted
                # only once")
                factend = 2
                # print("last element of this local slice is not last element
                # of the total global data")
            # print("fact0={}".format(fact0))
            # print("factend={}".format(factend))

            if self.nb_fourier_grid_pts[0] > 2:
                factmiddle = 2
                factmiddle = 0

            # vdot(a, b) = conj(a) .  b
            locsum = (factmiddle * np.vdot(ka[1:-1, ...], kb[1:-1, ...]).real +
                      fact0 * np.vdot(ka[0, ...], kb[0, ...]).real + factend *
                      np.vdot(ka[-1, ...], kb[-1, ...]).real) /
                          self.nb_domain_grid_pts)  # nopep8
            # We divide by the total number of points to get the appropriate
            # normalisation of the Fourier transform (in numpy the division by
            # happens only at the inverse transform)
            # This handles the case where the processor holds an empty
            # subdomain
            locsum = np.array([], dtype=ka.real.dtype)
        # print(locsum)
        return self.pnp.sum(locsum)

    def evaluate_elastic_energy_k_space(self, kforces, kdisp):
        Computes the Energy due to forces and displacements using their Fourier

        .. math ::
            E_{el} &= - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{ij} u_{ij} f_{ij}  

                   &= - \frac{1}{2} \frac{1}{n_x n_y} \sum_{kl} \tilde u{kl} \overline{\tilde f_{kl}} 
        (:math:`\tilde f_{ij} = - \tilde K_{ijkl} u`)
        In a parallelized code kforces and kdisp contain only the slice 
        attributed to this processor
            array of complex type and of size substrate.nb_fourier_grid_pts
            Fourier representation (output of a 2D rfftn) of the forces acting on the grid points
            array of complex type and of physical_sizes substrate.nb_fourier_grid_pts
            Fourier representation (output of a 2D rfftn) of the displacements of the grid points

            The elastic energy due to the forces and displacements
        """  # noqa: E501, W291, W293

        return -0.5 * self.evaluate_scalar_product_k_space(kdisp, kforces)

    def evaluate(self, disp, pot=True, forces=False):
        """Evaluates the elastic energy and the point forces
        Keyword Arguments:
        disp   -- array of distances
        pot    -- (default True) if true, returns potential energy
        forces -- (default False) if true, returns forces
        force = potential = None
        if forces:
            force = self.evaluate_force(disp)
            if pot:
                potential = self.evaluate_elastic_energy(force, disp)
        elif pot:
            kforce = self.evaluate_k_force(disp)
            # TODO: OPTIMISATION: here kdisp is computed twice, because it's
            #  needed in kforce
            self.real_buffer.array()[...] = disp
            self.fftengine.fft(self.real_buffer, self.fourier_buffer)
            potential = self.evaluate_elastic_energy_k_space(
                kforce, self.fourier_buffer.array())
        return potential, force

    def evaluate_k(self, disp_k, pot=True, forces=False):
        """Evaluates the elastic energy and the point forces
        Keyword Arguments:
        disp   -- array of distances
        pot    -- (default True) if true, returns potential energy
        forces -- (default False) if true, returns forces
        potential = None
        if forces:
            force_k = self.evaluate_k_force_k(disp_k)
            if pot:
                potential = self.evaluate_elastic_energy_k_space(
                    force_k, disp_k)
        elif pot:
            force_k = self.evaluate_k_force_k(disp_k)
            potential = self.evaluate_elastic_energy_k_space(force_k, disp_k)
        return potential, force_k
Esempio n. 3
def test_sineWave_disp(comm, pnp, nx, ny, basenpoints):
    for given sinusoidal displacements, compares the pressures and the energies
    to the analytical solutions

    Special cases at the edges of the fourier domain are done



    nx += basenpoints
    ny += basenpoints
    sx = 2.45  # 30.0
    sy = 1.0

    # equivalent Young's modulus
    E_s = 1.0

    for k in [(1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 2), (nx // 2, 0), (1, ny // 2), (0, 2),
              (nx // 2, ny // 2), (0, ny // 2)]:
        # print("testing wavevector ({}* np.pi * 2 / sx,
        # {}* np.pi * 2 / sy) ".format(*k))
        qx = k[0] * np.pi * 2 / sx
        qy = k[1] * np.pi * 2 / sy
        q = np.sqrt(qx**2 + qy**2)

        Y, X = np.meshgrid(
            np.linspace(0, sy, ny + 1)[:-1],
            np.linspace(0, sx, nx + 1)[:-1])
        disp = np.cos(qx * X + qy * Y) + np.sin(qx * X + qy * Y)

        refpressure = -disp * E_s / 2 * q

        substrate = PeriodicFFTElasticHalfSpace((nx, ny),
                                                E_s, (sx, sy),
        fftengine = FFT((nx, ny), fft='mpi', communicator=comm)

        kpressure = substrate.evaluate_k_force(
            disp[substrate.subdomain_slices]) / substrate.area_per_pt / (nx *
        expected_k_disp = np.zeros((nx // 2 + 1, ny), dtype=complex)
        expected_k_disp[k[0], k[1]] += .5 - .5j

        # add the symetrics
        if k[0] == 0:
            expected_k_disp[0, -k[1]] += .5 + .5j
        if k[0] == nx // 2 and nx % 2 == 0:
            expected_k_disp[k[0], -k[1]] += .5 + .5j

        fft_disp = np.zeros(substrate.nb_fourier_grid_pts,
        fftengine.fft(disp[substrate.subdomain_slices], fft_disp)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(fft_disp / (nx * ny),

        expected_k_pressure = -E_s / 2 * q * expected_k_disp

        computedpressure = substrate.evaluate_force(
            disp[substrate.subdomain_slices]) / substrate.area_per_pt

        computedenergy_kspace = \
            substrate.evaluate(disp[substrate.subdomain_slices], pot=True,
        computedenergy = \
            substrate.evaluate(disp[substrate.subdomain_slices], pot=True,
        refenergy = E_s / 8 * 2 * q * sx * sy

        # print(substrate.nb_domain_grid_pts[-1] % 2)
        # print(substrate.nb_fourier_grid_pts)
        # print(substrate.fourier_locations[-1] +
        # substrate.nb_fourier_grid_pts[-1] - 1)
        # print(substrate.nb_domain_grid_pts[-1] // 2 )
        # print(computedenergy)
        # print(computedenergy_kspace)
        # print(refenergy)
            err_msg="wavevektor {} for nb_domain_grid_pts {}, "
            "subdomain nb_grid_pts {}, nb_fourier_grid_pts {}".format(
                k, substrate.nb_domain_grid_pts,
            err_msg="wavevektor {} for nb_domain_grid_pts {}, "
            "subdomain nb_grid_pts {}, nb_fourier_grid_pts {}".format(
                k, substrate.nb_domain_grid_pts,