Esempio n. 1
def resize(a, new_shape):
    """resize(a,new_shape) returns a new array with the specified shape.
    The original array's total size can be any size. It
    fills the new array with repeated copies of a.

    Note that a.resize(new_shape) will fill array with 0's
    beyond current definition of a.

    if isinstance(new_shape, (int, nt.integer)):
        new_shape = (new_shape,)
    a = ravel(a)
    Na = len(a)
    if not Na: return mu.zeros(new_shape, a.dtype.char)
    total_size = um.multiply.reduce(new_shape)
    n_copies = int(total_size / Na)
    extra = total_size % Na

    if total_size == 0:
        return a[:0]

    if extra != 0:
        n_copies = n_copies+1
        extra = Na-extra

    a = concatenate( (a,)*n_copies)
    if extra > 0:
        a = a[:-extra]

    return reshape(a, new_shape)
Esempio n. 2
def resize(a, new_shape):
    """Return a new array with the specified shape.

    The original array's total size can be any size.  The new array is
    filled with repeated copies of a.

    Note that a.resize(new_shape) will fill the array with 0's beyond
    current definition of a.


        a : {array_like}
            Array to be reshaped.

        new_shape : {tuple}
            Shape of reshaped array.


        reshaped_array : {array}
            The new array is formed from the data in the old array, repeated if
            necessary to fill out the required number of elements, with the new

    if isinstance(new_shape, (int, nt.integer)):
        new_shape = (new_shape,)
    a = ravel(a)
    Na = len(a)
    if not Na: return mu.zeros(new_shape, a.dtype.char)
    total_size = um.multiply.reduce(new_shape)
    n_copies = int(total_size / Na)
    extra = total_size % Na

    if total_size == 0:
        return a[:0]

    if extra != 0:
        n_copies = n_copies+1
        extra = Na-extra

    a = concatenate( (a,)*n_copies)
    if extra > 0:
        a = a[:-extra]

    return reshape(a, new_shape)
Esempio n. 3
def _get_precisions(typecodes):
    lst = []
    for t in typecodes:
        lst.append((zeros((1, ), t).itemsize() * 8, t))
    return lst
Esempio n. 4
def _get_precisions(typecodes):
    lst = []
    for t in typecodes:
        lst.append( (zeros( (1,), t ).itemsize()*8, t) )
    return lst
Esempio n. 5
""" A simple hack to start thinking about a better way to handle
Esempio n. 6
""" A simple hack to start thinking about a better way to handle