def contactSequenceFromRBPRMConfigs(fb, beginId, endId):
    Build a multicontact_api ContactSequence from rbprm states list
    :param fb: an instance of rbprm.FullBody
    :param beginId: the first state Id
    :param endId: the last state Id
    :return: a multicontact_api ContactSequence
    logger.warning("generate contact sequence from planning : ")
    n_states = endId - beginId + 1
    # There could be either contact break, creation or repositionning between each adjacent states.
    # But there should be only contacts break or creation between each adjacent contactPhases
    cs = ContactSequence(0)
    prev_phase = None
    phaseId = 0

    # create initial ContactPhase
    cs.append(createPhaseFromRBPRMState(fb, beginId))
    for stateId in range(beginId + 1,
                         endId + 1):  # from the second state to the last one"current state id = %d", stateId)
        previous_phase = cs.contactPhases[-1]
        eeName, variationType = getContactVariationBetweenStates(
            fb, stateId - 1, stateId)

        if eeName is not None:
            if variationType == VariationType.REPOSITIONNED:
                # in case of repositionning, the centroidal motion will happend in the next intermediate phase,
                # and thus the previous_phase will not move :
                # set the final values of the previous phase to be the current one :
                setPhaseFinalValues(fb, stateId, previous_phase)

            if variationType == VariationType.BROKEN:
                # remove the given contact :
                # get placement of the new contact from the planning :
                contact_placement = contactPlacementFromRBPRMState(
                    fb, stateId, eeName)
            if variationType == VariationType.CREATED:
                # create a new contact :
                cs.createContact(eeName, ContactPatch(contact_placement))
            elif variationType == VariationType.REPOSITIONNED:
                # move existing contact to new placement :
                cs.moveEffectorToPlacement(eeName, contact_placement)
                # set the initial values for the current phase from planning :
                setPhaseInitialValues(fb, stateId, cs.contactPhases[-1])
                # set the same values as the final ones for the intermediate state created :
                setPhaseFinalValues(fb, stateId, cs.contactPhases[-2])
        # else : no contact changes, ignore this state
    setPhaseFinalValues(fb, endId, cs.contactPhases[-1])
    return cs
Esempio n. 2
addPhaseFromConfig(fb, cs, q_ref, [fb.rLegId, fb.lLegId, fb.rArmId, fb.lArmId])

num_steps = 1
step_height = 0.22
step_width = 0.207

displacement = SE3.Identity()
displacement.translation = array([step_width, 0, step_height])

gait = [fb.rhand, fb.lhand, fb.rfoot, fb.lfoot]
for i in range(num_steps):
    for eeName in gait:
        cs.moveEffectorOf(eeName, displacement)


q_end = q_ref[::]
q_end[0] += 0.15 + num_steps * step_width
q_end[2] += num_steps * step_height
com = fb.getCenterOfMass()
setFinalState(cs, com, q=q_end)

display_tools.displaySteppingStones(cs, gui, sceneName, fb)

DEMO_NAME = "talos_stairsAirbus"
filename = DEMO_NAME + ".cs"
print("Write contact sequence binary file : ", filename)
Esempio n. 3
# q_ref[3:7] =   # quaternion (x,y,z) of the base

# display the configuration

# create a first contact phase corresponding to this configuration
limbsInContact = [fb.rLegId, fb.lLegId
                  ]  # define the limbs in contact for this first phase
addPhaseFromConfig(fb, cs, q_ref, limbsInContact)

print("number of contact phases in the contact sequence : ", cs.size())
# there is now one phase in our 'cs' object

# we can now add new contact phases by changing the contacts of the last phase of the sequence:
)  # add a new contact phase to the sequence: break the right feet contact
# create a new contact for the right feet at a different position :
placement = cs.contactPhases[0].contactPatch(
    fb.rfoot).placement.copy()  # take the previous position of the right feet
pos = placement.translation
pos[0] += 0.15  # move of 15cm in the x direction
placement.translation = pos
# add a new contact phase, with a contact created for the right feet at the given placement :
cs.createContact(fb.rfoot, ContactPatch(placement))

#display the contacts in gepetto viewer :
#display_tools.displaySteppingStones(cs, gui, v.sceneName, fb)
print("number of contact phases in the contact sequence : ", cs.size())
# There is now 3 contact phases (corresponding to one step)