Esempio n. 1
def plot_fewer_markers(
    x, ax, marker_npnt, line_npnt,
    style, **kwargs
    """Same line, different number of markers.
    @param ax: axes object handle
    @param x: abscissa vector
    @param marker_npnt: # markers
    @param line_npnt: # points used for line
    @param style: line and marker style
         = plot style string, e.g., 'ro--'
         | cell array {graph_color, line_style,
                       marker_style}, e.g.,
           {'b', '--', 'o'}, or {[0,0,1], '--', 'o'}
           note: the 2nd option allows for
           RGB color specification.
    # input
    if nargin < 3:
        style = ''
        # defaults by parse_plot_style
    if nargin < 4:
        marker_npnt = 10
    if nargin < 5:
        line_npnt = 100
    # cell with RGB color specs ?
    if iscell(style):
        graph_color = style[0]
        line_style = style[1]
        marker_style = style[2]
        # or string style ?
        graph_color, marker_style, \
        line_style = parse_plot_style(style) # nargout=3
    # plot
    c = takehold(ax, 'on')
    # marker of 1st pnt for legend to get correct style
    plot(ax, x[:, 0], 'Color', graph_color,
         'LineStyle', line_style, 'Marker', marker_style)
    # line
    plot_subsample(ax, x, line_npnt, 'Color',
                   graph_color, 'LineStyle',
                   line_style, 'Marker', 'none',
                   'HandleVisibility', 'off')
    # markers
    plot_subsample(ax, x, marker_npnt, 'Color',
                   graph_color, 'LineStyle', 'none',
                   'Marker', marker_style,
                   'HandleVisibility', 'off')
    restorehold(ax, c)
Esempio n. 2
def plot_subsample_arclength(x, n=100, ax, **kwargs):
    """Subsample wrt arclength metric & plot curve.
    @param ax: axes object handle where to plot
    @param x: point abscissas (as passed to plot)
    @param y: point ordinates (as passed to plot)
    @param n: number of points to keep > 0
    @param kwargs: arguments passed to plot
    if not  isscalar(n):
        error('n: # of sample, must be scalar.')
    # plot
    x = subsample(x, n, 2, 'arclength')
    plot(ax, x, varargin[:])
Esempio n. 3
def test_plot_subsample_arclength():
    """Visually compare plot, plot_subsample, plot_subsample_arclength.
    from math import exp
    t = 2 *np.pi /exp(range(10) )
    x = np.array([cos(t), sin(t)]).reshape(1, -1)
    fig = figure
    ax = newax(fig, np.array([1, 3]).reshape(1, -1))
    mhold(ax, 'on')
    plot(ax, x, 'ro-')
    plot_subsample(ax(2), x, 100, 'm--*')
    plot_subsample_arclength(ax(3), x, 100, 'bs')
    supertitle(fig, 'Comparison: plot subsampling methods')
    stitle = ['plot', 'plot\\_subsample', 'plot\\_subsample\\_arclength']
    plotidy2(ax, '$x$', '$y$', stitle)
    axis(ax, 'image')
Esempio n. 4
def example_plot_subsample():
    """example using plot_subsample, plot2_subsample
    npnt = 1000
    n_sample = 10
    t = linspace(0, 4 * pi, npnt)
    fig = figure
    ax = newax(fig, np.array([1, 2]).reshape(1, -1))
    mhold(ax, 'on')
    """2d example"""
    x = t
    y = sin(t)
    plt.plot(ax(1), x, y, 'b-')
    plot2_subsample(ax(1), x, y, n_sample, 'r--o')
    """3d example"""
    x = np.array([t, cos(t), sin(t)]).reshape(1, -1)
    plot(ax(2), x, 'b-')
    plot_subsample(ax(2), x, n_sample, 'r--o')
    axis(ax(2), 'equal')