def bc(t): #bc_v = [DirichletBC(W.sub(0), (.0, .0), boundaries, 4)] v1 = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), (1.e-4 * 2.0, 0.0), boundaries, 1) v2 = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), (0.0, 0.0), boundaries, 2) v4 = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), (0.0, 0.0), boundaries, 4) bc_v = [v1, v2, v4] return BlockDirichletBC([bc_v, None])
def bc(t): p5 = DirichletBC(C.sub(0), exact_solution_expression1, boundaries, 1, method="geometric") return BlockDirichletBC([p5])
def _get_bc_2(block_V): on_boundary = OnBoundary() shape_2 = block_V[1].ufl_element().value_shape() if len(shape_2) is 0: bc2_fun = Constant(11.) elif len(shape_2) is 1 and shape_2[0] is 2: bc2_fun = Constant((11., 12.)) elif len(shape_2) is 1 and shape_2[0] is 3: bc2_fun = Constant((11., 12., 13.)) elif len(shape_2) is 2: bc2_fun = Constant(((11., 12.), (13., 14.))) return DirichletBC(block_V.sub(1), bc2_fun, on_boundary)
def _get_bc_1(block_V): on_boundary = OnBoundary() shape_1 = block_V[0].ufl_element().value_shape() if len(shape_1) is 0: bc1_fun = Constant(1.) elif len(shape_1) is 1 and shape_1[0] is 2: bc1_fun = Constant((1., 2.)) elif len(shape_1) is 1 and shape_1[0] is 3: bc1_fun = Constant((1., 2., 3.)) elif len(shape_1) is 2: bc1_fun = Constant(((1., 2.), (3., 4.))) return DirichletBC(block_V.sub(0), bc1_fun, on_boundary)
def addPressureBC(self, mark, value): if self.split: self.pDirichlet.append(DirichletBC(, value, self.grid.boundaries, mark)) else: self.dirichlet.append(DirichletBC(, value, self.grid.boundaries, mark))
def addPressureHomogeneousBC(self, mark): if self.split: self.pDirichlet.append(DirichletBC(, Constant(0.), self.grid.boundaries, mark)) else: self.dirichlet.append(DirichletBC(, Constant(0.), self.grid.boundaries, mark))
def addDisplacementBC(self, mark, value, direction): if self.split: self.uDirichlet.append(DirichletBC(, value, self.grid.boundaries, mark)) else: self.dirichlet.append(DirichletBC(, value, self.grid.boundaries, mark))
def addDisplacementHomogeneousBC(self, mark, direction): if self.split: self.uDirichlet.append(DirichletBC(, Constant(0.), self.grid.boundaries, mark)) else: self.dirichlet.append(DirichletBC(, Constant(0.), self.grid.boundaries, mark))
def m_linear(integrator_type, mesh, subdomains, boundaries, t_start, dt, T, solution0, \ alpha_0, K_0, mu_l_0, lmbda_l_0, Ks_0, \ alpha_1, K_1, mu_l_1, lmbda_l_1, Ks_1, \ alpha, K, mu_l, lmbda_l, Ks, \ cf_0, phi_0, rho_0, mu_0, k_0,\ cf_1, phi_1, rho_1, mu_1, k_1,\ cf, phi, rho, mu, k, \ pressure_freeze): # Create mesh and define function space parameters["ghost_mode"] = "shared_facet" # required by dS dx = Measure('dx', domain=mesh, subdomain_data=subdomains) ds = Measure('ds', domain=mesh, subdomain_data=boundaries) dS = Measure('dS', domain=mesh, subdomain_data=boundaries) C = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 2) C = BlockFunctionSpace([C]) TM = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0) PM = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0) n = FacetNormal(mesh) vc = CellVolume(mesh) fc = FacetArea(mesh) h = vc/fc h_avg = (vc('+') + vc('-'))/(2*avg(fc)) monitor_dt = dt f_stress_x = Constant(-1.e3) f_stress_y = Constant(-20.0e6) f = Constant((0.0, 0.0)) #sink/source for displacement I = Identity(mesh.topology().dim()) # Define variational problem psiu, = BlockTestFunction(C) block_u = BlockTrialFunction(C) u, = block_split(block_u) w = BlockFunction(C) theta = -1.0 a_time = inner(-alpha*pressure_freeze*I,sym(grad(psiu)))*dx #quasi static a = inner(2*mu_l*strain(u)+lmbda_l*div(u)*I, sym(grad(psiu)))*dx rhs_a = inner(f,psiu)*dx \ + dot(f_stress_y*n,psiu)*ds(2) r_u = [a] #DirichletBC bcd1 = DirichletBC(C.sub(0).sub(0), 0.0, boundaries, 1) # No normal displacement for solid on left side bcd3 = DirichletBC(C.sub(0).sub(0), 0.0, boundaries, 3) # No normal displacement for solid on right side bcd4 = DirichletBC(C.sub(0).sub(1), 0.0, boundaries, 4) # No normal displacement for solid on bottom side bcs = BlockDirichletBC([bcd1,bcd3,bcd4]) AA = block_assemble([r_u]) FF = block_assemble([rhs_a - a_time]) bcs.apply(AA) bcs.apply(FF) block_solve(AA, w.block_vector(), FF, "mumps") export_solution = w return export_solution, T
init_scalar_parameter(rho, rho_values[0], 500, subdomains) init_scalar_parameter(vis, vis_values[0], 500, subdomains) init_scalar_parameter(ct, ct_values[0], 500, subdomains) init_scalar_parameter(rho, rho_values[1], 501, subdomains) init_scalar_parameter(vis, vis_values[1], 501, subdomains) init_scalar_parameter(ct, ct_values[1], 501, subdomains) init_from_file_parameter_scalar_to_tensor(k, "data/het_0.csv") T = 500.0 t = 0.0 dt = 20.0 bcd1 = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(0), Constant(0.0), boundaries, 1) # No normal displacement for solid on left side bcd3 = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(0), Constant(0.0), boundaries, 3) # No normal displacement for solid on right side bcd4 = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), Constant(0.0), boundaries, 4) # No normal displacement for solid on bottom side bcs = BlockDirichletBC([[bcd1, bcd3, bcd4], []]) a = inner(2 * mu_l * strain(u) + lmbda_l * div(u) * I, sym(grad(v))) * dx b = inner(-alpha * p * I, sym(grad(v))) * dx c = rho * alpha * div(u) * q * dx d = (rho * ct * p * q * dx + dt * dot(rho * k / vis * grad(p), grad(q)) * dx - dt * dot(avg_w(rho * k / vis * grad(p), weight_e(k, n)), jump(q, n)) * dS -