def __init__(self, n, timeout=None): self.n = n = timeout self.count = Value('i', 0) self.mutex = Semaphore(1) self.turnstile1 = Semaphore(0) self.turnstile2 = Semaphore(1)
def call_START(self, mock_pid_ptid_mapping=MagicMock(has_key=lambda *args, **kwargs: False)): self.Locks = [Lock() for _ in range(0, 3)] self.NL_L = Semaphore(2) self.free_threads = Semaphore(5) mock_proc_inter_instance = MagicMock(free_threads=self.free_threads, Locks=self.Locks, NL_L=self.NL_L, pid_ptid_mapping=MagicMock( has_key=lambda *args, **kwargs: False) ) with patch("processing_interface.ProcessingInterface.Instance", side_effect=lambda *args, **kwargs: mock_proc_inter_instance): LP = LongProcess.LongProcess(self.test_dicoms_dirs, [os.path.split(dicom_dir)[-1] for dicom_dir in self.test_dicoms_dirs]) self.__test_Locks() LP._LongProcess__START() self.__test_Locks() print LP._Process__success assert(LP._Process__success == "SUCCESS") assert(LP._Process__state == STATES.LongFS1) return LP
def setCurrentSimulationTime(self, currentSimulationTime): semaphore = Semaphore() semaphore.acquire() self.__currentSimulationTime = currentSimulationTime semaphore.release() return self.__currentSimulationTime
def _readtimestepsbond(self): # added on 2018-12-15 stepatomfiles = {} self._mkdir(self.trajatom_dir) with Pool(self.nproc, maxtasksperchild=10000) as pool: semaphore = Semaphore(360) results = pool.imap_unordered( self.bonddetector.readatombondtype, self._produce( semaphore, enumerate( zip(self.lineiter(self.bonddetector), self.erroriter() ) if self.errorfilename is not None else self. lineiter(self.bonddetector)), (self.errorfilename is not None)), 100) nstep = 0 for d, step in tqdm(results, desc="Read trajectory", unit="timestep"): for bondtypebytes, atomids in d.items(): bondtype = self._bondtype(bondtypebytes) if bondtype not in self.atombondtype: self.atombondtype.append(bondtype) stepatomfiles[bondtype] = open( os.path.join(self.trajatom_dir, f'stepatom.{bondtype}'), 'wb') stepatomfiles[bondtype].write( self.listtobytes([step, atomids])) semaphore.release() nstep += 1 pool.close() self._nstep = nstep for stepatomfile in stepatomfiles.values(): stepatomfile.close() pool.join()
def block_until_processed(cookie_jar: CookieJar, cookie_paths: Sequence[str], expected_number_of_calls_to_mark_as_complete: int): """ Puts the given cookies into the cookie jar and wait until they have been completed/marked for reprocessing. :param cookie_jar: the cookie jar to put cookies to process into :param cookie_paths: the cookie paths to process :param expected_number_of_calls_to_mark_as_complete: the number of calls expected to the Cookie jar's `mark_as_complete` method """ if cookie_jar.queue_length() != 0: raise RuntimeError("Already cookies in the jar") mark_as_complete_semaphore = Semaphore(0) original_mark_as_complete = cookie_jar.mark_as_complete def mark_as_complete(path: str): mark_as_complete_semaphore.release() original_mark_as_complete(path) cookie_jar.mark_as_complete = MagicMock(side_effect=mark_as_complete) for cookie_path in cookie_paths: cookie_jar.mark_for_processing(cookie_path) calls_to_mark_as_complete = 0 while calls_to_mark_as_complete != expected_number_of_calls_to_mark_as_complete: mark_as_complete_semaphore.acquire() assert cookie_jar.mark_as_complete.call_count <= expected_number_of_calls_to_mark_as_complete calls_to_mark_as_complete += 1 assert calls_to_mark_as_complete == cookie_jar.mark_as_complete.call_count
def _init_pool(self): """ Pool initialization Worker with parameters: - self._process_n (processes pool length) - self._thread_n (threads pool length for process) - self._daemon (True if daemon threads) - self._kill (True if kill main process when shutdown) - self._debug (True if debug mode) - self._logger (logger) """ self._pool_initialized = True self._process_n = getattr(self, '_process_n', max(2, cpu_count())) self._thread_n = getattr(self, '_thread_n', 64) self._daemon = getattr(self, '_daemon', False) self._kill = getattr(self, '_kill', True) self._debug = getattr(self, '_debug', False) self._logger = getattr(self, '_logger', None) self._keep_running = Value('i', 1) self._shutdown_event = Event() self._shutdown_event.clear() self._event = Event() self._semaphore = Semaphore(1) self._semaphore.acquire() self._closed = False self._maintain_pool()
def identify_similar_regions_for_vntrs_using_blat(): from multiprocessing import Process, Semaphore, Manager reference_vntrs = load_unique_vntrs_data() records = [] for ref_vntr in reference_vntrs: record = SeqRecord.SeqRecord('') sequence = ref_vntr.left_flanking_region[ -30:] + ref_vntr.pattern + ref_vntr.right_flanking_region[:30] record.seq = Seq.Seq(sequence) = str( records.append(record) vntr_structures_file = 'reference_vntr_structures.fa' with open(vntr_structures_file, 'w') as output_handle: SeqIO.write(records, output_handle, 'fasta') sema = Semaphore(7) manager = Manager() result_list = manager.list() process_list = [] for ref_vntr in reference_vntrs: sema.acquire() p = Process(target=find_similar_region_for_vntr, args=(sema, ref_vntr, vntr_structures_file, result_list)) process_list.append(p) p.start() for p in process_list: p.join() result_list = list(result_list) with open('similar_vntrs.txt', 'a') as out: for vntr_id in result_list: out.write('%s\n' % vntr_id)
def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size, batchifier, pool, shuffle=False, use_padding=False, no_semaphore=20): # Filtered games games = dataset.get_data() games = batchifier.filter(games) if shuffle: random.shuffle(games) self.n_examples = len(games) self.batch_size = batch_size self.n_batches = int(math.ceil(1. * self.n_examples / self.batch_size)) batch = split_batch(games, batch_size, use_padding) # no proc # = (batchifier.apply(b )for b in batch) # Multi_proc self.semaphores = Semaphore(no_semaphore) it_batch = sem_iterator(l=batch, sem=self.semaphores) self.process_iterator = pool.imap(batchifier.apply, it_batch)
def __init__(self, f=nothing, g=nothing, options=None): import os from datetime import datetime self._result_list = [] self._experiements = [] self._penalty_func = [] self.set_metric_func(f) self.set_penatly_funct(g) self._evals = 0 self._options = options self.__eval_processes = 1 self.__evalSem = Semaphore(self.__eval_processes) if os.path.exists( self._options.dataPath) and (not self._options.noSimulation): if self._options.dataPath[-1] == '/': newDir = self._options.dataPath[:-1] + "_" + str('%Y-%m-%d-%M-%S.%f')) else: newDir = self._options.dataPath + "_" + str('%Y-%m-%d-%M-%S.%f')) print "Moving old simulation data dir: " + str( self._options.dataPath) + " to " + newDir os.rename(self._options.dataPath, newDir) self._post_process_events = [] # Used to normalize results (make it possible for functions to be converted to minimizations) self._control_result = None
def relay(semaphore: mp.Semaphore, queue: mp.Queue, output_lock: mp.Lock, bmsg: bytes, addr: tuple, relay_dict, recv_time: datetime): semaphore.acquire() bmsg = bytearray(bmsg) header = DNSHeader(bmsg[:12]) header.aa = 1 bmsg = header.bmsg + bmsg[12:] assert header.qdcount == 1 question = DNSQuestion(bmsg, offset=12) with output_lock: cprint(f'[{recv_time}][recv query {bytes_to_int(bmsg[:2])}]: {bmsg} from {addr}', fore='green', style='reverse') cprint_header(header, fore='green') cprint_question(question, fore='green') if question.qname in relay_dict: if relay_dict[question.qname] == '': header.rcode = 3 answer = header.bmsg + bmsg[12:] mode = 'intercept ' elif question.qtype == 1: answer = fake_bmsg(bmsg, relay_dict[question.qname]) mode = 'local resolve ' else: answer = forward(bmsg) if answer is None: return mode = 'relay msg ' else: answer = forward(bmsg) mode = 'relay msg ' queue.put((answer, addr, recv_time, mode)) semaphore.release()
class EmbeddingWorker(Process): def __init__(self, queue, X, y, transformation_method, embedding_args): super().__init__() self.pause_lock = Semaphore(value=True) # lock is free self.embedding_args = embedding_args self.X = X self.y = y self.transformation_method = transformation_method self.queue = queue def callback(self, command, iteration, payload): # pausing acquires pause_lock and the following code only runs if # pause_lock is free with self.pause_lock: self.queue.put((command, iteration, payload)) def run(self): self.transformation_method(self.X, self.y, self.embedding_args, self.callback) def pause(self): self.pause_lock.acquire() def resume(self): self.pause_lock.release() def is_paused(self): return not self.pause_lock.get_value()
def run(): algo = parameters["algo"] files = [open(x) for x in parameters["files"]] configs = [] p = parameters["params"] max_processes = 3 semaphore = Semaphore(max_processes) # generate configurations as compination of possible # keys and product of values for keys in it.combinations(p.keys(), len(p.keys())): v = [p[k] for k in keys] for values in it.product(*v): config = {} for i, k in enumerate(keys): config[k] = values[i] configs.append(config) for f in files: for conf in configs: config = {"FILENAME":} config.update(conf) num_vars, clauses = parser.parse(f) p = MyProcess(target=run_algorithm, args=(algo, num_vars, clauses, config, semaphore)) semaphore.acquire() p.start()
def run(self, tasks, build_config, parallel_threads): semaphore = Semaphore(parallel_threads) process_finished_notify = Condition(Lock()) while tasks.count_buildable_tasks() > 0: task = tasks.get_next() if task is None: self.wait_tasks_to_complete(parallel_threads, process_finished_notify, semaphore) continue semaphore.acquire() task.state = Task.State.RUNNING logging.debug("Starting task %s", self.start_new_process(process_finished_notify, semaphore, self.process_job, task, build_config) self.wait_tasks_to_complete(parallel_threads, process_finished_notify, semaphore) if tasks.count(Task.State.FAILED) > 0: logging.error('Some packages failed to build.') logging.error(" %s", tasks.print_name(Task.State.FAILED)) return 1 if tasks.count(Task.State.RUNNING) > 0: logging.error('Something went wrong, there are still some running tasks.') return 1 if tasks.count(Task.State.NEW) > 0: logging.error('Something went wrong, there are still unprocessed tasks.') return 1"Build completed successfully.") return 0
def getNeighbors(self, peer): semaphore = Semaphore() semaphore.acquire() neighbors = self.__layout[peer.getId()].getNeighbors() semaphore.release() return neighbors
class Thread_Pool_Manager(object): def __init__(self, thread_num=cpu_count()): self.thread_num = thread_num print(thread_num) self.work_queue = JoinableQueue() self.work_num = Semaphore(0) self.mutex = Lock() def start_threads(self): for i in range(self.thread_num): thread = Process(target=self.do_job) thread.daemon = True # set thread as daemon thread.start() def do_job(self): global Numbers while True: # print(1) self.work_num.acquire() with self.mutex: print(1, self.work_queue.qsize()) thread_job = self.work_queue.get() print(0, self.work_queue.qsize()) thread_job.do_job(self.work_queue, self.work_num) print(self.work_queue.qsize()) self.work_queue.task_done() def join(self): self.work_queue.join() def add_job(self, job): self.work_queue.put(job) self.work_num.release()
def get_spanning_reads_of_aligned_pacbio_reads(self, alignment_file): sema = Semaphore(settings.CORES) manager = Manager() length_distribution = manager.list() mapped_spanning_reads = manager.list() vntr_start = self.reference_vntr.start_point vntr_end = self.reference_vntr.start_point + self.reference_vntr.get_length( ) region_start = vntr_start region_end = vntr_end read_mode = 'r' if alignment_file.endswith('sam') else 'rb' samfile = pysam.AlignmentFile(alignment_file, read_mode) reference = get_reference_genome_of_alignment_file(samfile) chromosome = self.reference_vntr.chromosome if reference == 'HG19' else self.reference_vntr.chromosome[ 3:] process_list = [] for read in samfile.fetch(chromosome, region_start, region_end): sema.acquire() p = Process(target=self.check_if_pacbio_read_spans_vntr, args=(sema, read, length_distribution, mapped_spanning_reads)) process_list.append(p) p.start() for p in process_list: p.join()'length_distribution of mapped spanning reads: %s' % list(length_distribution)) return list(mapped_spanning_reads)
def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size, batchifier, pool, shuffle= False, use_padding = False, no_semaphore= 20): print("----------------- Iterator",batch_size) # Filtered games games = dataset.get_data() # print("games = {}".format(games)) # print("dataset = {} ".format(dataset)) # exit() games = batchifier.filter(games) if shuffle: random.shuffle(games) self.n_examples = len(games) self.batch_size = batch_size self.n_batches = int(math.ceil(1. * self.n_examples / self.batch_size)) batch = split_batch(games, batch_size, use_padding) print("++++ Iterator | n_examples = {},batch_size={},n_batches={}".format(self.n_examples,self.batch_size,self.n_batches)) print("shape({},{})".format(len(batch),len(batch[0]))) # no proc # = (batchifier.apply(b )for b in batch) # Multi_proc self.semaphores = Semaphore(no_semaphore) it_batch = sem_iterator(l=batch, sem=self.semaphores) self.process_iterator = pool.imap(batchifier.apply, it_batch)
def identify_similar_regions_for_vntrs_using_blat(): from multiprocessing import Process, Semaphore, Manager reference_vntrs = load_unique_vntrs_data() sema = Semaphore(24) manager = Manager() result_list = manager.list() process_list = [] # os.system('cp hg19_chromosomes/CombinedHG19_Reference.fa /tmp/CombinedHG19_Reference.fa') for i in range(len(reference_vntrs)): if not reference_vntrs[i].is_non_overlapping( ) or reference_vntrs[i].has_homologous_vntr(): continue sema.acquire() p = Process(target=find_similar_region_for_vntr, args=(sema, reference_vntrs[i], i, result_list)) process_list.append(p) p.start() for p in process_list: p.join() result_list = list(result_list) with open('similar_vntrs.txt', 'a') as out: for vntr_id in result_list: out.write('%s\n' % vntr_id)
def __init__(self, no_cuda, model_dir, model_file, decider, threshold, entities, decider_processes, classifier_processes, batch_size): self._process_queue = [] self._process_queue_sem = Semaphore(0) self._main_sem = Semaphore(1) self._no_cuda = no_cuda self._model_dir = model_dir self._model_file = model_file self._decider = decider self._threshold = threshold self._entities = entities self._decider_processes = decider_processes self._classifier_processes = classifier_processes self._batch_size = batch_size self._rank_intervalls = np.linspace(0.001, 0.1, 100) self._quantiles = np.linspace(0.1, 1, 10) self._return_full = False self._sequence = self.process_sequence()
def start(self): if hasattr(self.__generator, 'init'): self.__generator.init() self.__status.value = True self.__inputSM = { "q": Queue(), "emptySemaphore": Semaphore(value=0), "fullSemaphore": Semaphore(value=self.__size), "mutex": Lock() } self.__batchSM = { "q": Queue(), "emptySemaphore": Semaphore(value=0), "fullSemaphore": Semaphore(value=self.__size), "mutex": Lock() } childCount = self.__childCount if self.__childCount != -1 else cpu_count( ) self.__childProcess = [] self.__mProcess = Process(target=self.monitor, args=(self.__status, self.__inputSM)) self.__mProcess.start() for i in range(childCount): p = Process(target=self.loadBatch, args=(self.__status, self.__inputSM, self.__batchSM)) p.start() self.__childProcess.append(p)
def start(self, test_q: JoinableQueue, result_q: Queue) -> None: """ Start all worker processes :return: this object """ local_test_q = JoinableQueue() self._node_manager = Node.Manager(as_main=True, port=self.__class__._node_port) start_sem = Semaphore(self._max_simultaneous_connections) # This will be used to throttle the number of connections made when makeing distributed call to get # node-level and global-level fixtures; otherwise multiproceissing can hang on these calls if # overwhelmed fixture_sem = Semaphore(self._max_simultaneous_connections) for index in range(self._num_processes): proc = WorkerSession.start( index, self._host, self._port, start_sem, fixture_sem, local_test_q, result_q, self._node_port, ) self._worker_procs.append(proc) start_sem.release() self._test_q_process = Process(target=self._process_test_q, args=(test_q, local_test_q)) self._test_q_process.start()
def __init__(self, num_processes=1): # Set up sync primitives, to communicate with the spawned children self.num_processes = num_processes # This semaphore is used as a "worker pool guard" to keep the number # of spawned workers in the pool to the specified maximum (and block # the .spawn_child() call after that) self._semaphore = Semaphore(num_processes) # This array of integers represents a slot per worker and holds the # actual pids (process ids) of the worker's children. Initially, the # array-of-pids is all zeroes. When a new child is spawned, the pid # is written into the slot. WHen a child finishes, it resets its own # slot to 0 again, effectively freeing up the slot (and allowing new # children to be spawned). self._pids = Array('i', [0] * num_processes) # This array of integers also represents a slot per worker and also # holds the actual pids of the worker's children. The difference with # _pids, however, is that this array's slots don't get reset # immediately when the children end. In order for Unix subprocesses # to actually disappear from the process list (and freeing up the # memory), they need to be waitpid()'ed for by the parent process. # When each new child is spawned, it waitpid()'s for the (finished) # child that was previously in that slot before it claims the new # slot. This mainly avoids ever-growing process lists and slowly # growing the memory footprint. self._waitfor = Array('i', [0] * num_processes) # This array of booleans represent workers that are in their idle # state (i.e. they are waiting for work). During this time, it is # safe to terminate them when the user requests so. Once they start # processing work, they flip their idle state and won't be terminated # while they're still doing work. self._idle = Array('b', [False] * num_processes)
def __init__(self, obu_idx, total_obu_num, GLOBAL_ID_OBU_i_PK_i_map): super().__init__() self.ID_OBU_i = get_ID_obu_i(obu_idx) self.total_num = total_obu_num self.idx = str(obu_idx) self.logger = get_logger("OBU_" + self.idx) # ========= 生成属性 ========= self.r_i = random.randint(1, self.P) self.x_i, self.y_i, self.PK_i = get_x_i_y_i_PK_i( self.P, self.ID_OBU_i, self.s) GLOBAL_ID_OBU_i_PK_i_map[self.ID_OBU_i] = self.PK_i self.GLOBAL_ID_OBU_i_PK_i_map = GLOBAL_ID_OBU_i_PK_i_map self.R_i = self.r_i * self.P self.Ri_map = dict() self.R = 0 self.logger.debug("x_i: {}, y_i: {}, PK_i: {}, R_i: {}".format( self.x_i, self.y_i, self.PK_i, self.R_i)) # ========= 信号量定义 ======= self.sem_r_receive = Semaphore(0) self.sem_rsp_msg = Semaphore(0) # ========= 网络设置 ======== self.send_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.send_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT, 1) self.send_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) # ========= 回包 ========= self.rsp_msg = None
def prog_proc(cam_index: int, running: Value): shm_arr_dim = (1080, 1920, 3) image_dim = (IMG_SIZE[1], IMG_SIZE[0], 3) image_processors = list() sems1 = list() sems2 = list() sems3 = list() shm_arrs = list() shm_ovl_arrs = list() out_name = profile_outdir + "test_shm_proc_" + str(cam_index) + ".prof" pflr = cProfile.Profile() pflr.enable() for i in range(NUM_CAM_PROCS): sems1.append(Semaphore(0)) sems2.append(Semaphore(0)) sems3.append(Semaphore(1)) shm_ovl_arrs.append(Array(c_char, BYTESTR_SIZE)) shm_arrs.append( Array('i', shm_arr_dim[0] * shm_arr_dim[1] * shm_arr_dim[2])) image_processors.append( Thread(target=image_processor, daemon=True, args=( cam_index, shm_arrs[i], image_dim, sems1[i], sems2[i], shm_ovl_arrs[i], running, ))) image_processors[i].start() cam = Thread(target=cam_reader, daemon=True, args=( cam_index, shm_arrs, image_dim, sems1, sems3, shm_ovl_arrs, running, )) cam.start() disp = Thread(target=vid_disp, daemon=True, args=( cam_index, shm_arrs, image_dim, sems2, sems3, running, )) disp.start() while running.value != 0: sleep(1) sleep(5) pflr.disable() pflr.dump_stats(out_name)
class Budget(object): """Device budget (for lack of a better term) Details ------- Keeps a semaphore for the total number of resources available, and a device-specific atomic counter of available slots. """ def __init__(self, devices, n_per_device): self.devices, self.n_per_device = devices, n_per_device = Semaphore(len(devices) * n_per_device) self.alloc = Array("i", len(devices) * [n_per_device]) def acquire(self): with self.alloc.get_lock(): # get the largest counter index = max(range(len(self.alloc)), key=self.alloc.__getitem__) # assert self.alloc[index] > 0 # acquire the index and decrease the counter self.alloc[index] -= 1 return index def release(self, index): with self.alloc.get_lock(): self.alloc[index] += 1 def __getitem__(self, index): return self.devices[index]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.url = kwargs.get("url") if not self.url: raise Exception("No URL to gather") self.max_depth = kwargs.get("depth", 1) self.workers = kwargs.get("workers", 1) self.max_errors = kwargs.get("acceptable_errors", None) self.out = kwargs.get("out", "/tmp/") if not self.out.endswith("/"): self.out += "/" self.out += "url_gather/" if not os.path.exists(self.out): os.makedirs(self.out) self.collector_file = kwargs.get("collector_file") self.collector_class = kwargs.get("collector_class") self._load_collector() self._gathered_urls = set() # initiate multiprocessing resources self._pool = Pool(self.workers) self._semaphore = Semaphore(self.workers) self._manager = Manager() self._url_children = self._manager.dict() self._url_errors = self._manager.dict() self._url_events = {}
class DbWriter(Process): def __init__(self, queue, stop_flag): super(DbWriter, self).__init__() self.worker_control = Semaphore(MAX_WRITER_WORKERS) self.result_queue = queue self.stop_flag = stop_flag def run(self): print(" *** DB Writer online") while True and self.stop_flag.value != 1: if self.worker_control.acquire(False): task = self.result_queue.get() if task: try: worker = WriterWorker(task, self.worker_control) worker.start() except Exception as err: print(err) print("Invalid task %s" % task) self.worker_control.release() else: self.worker_control.release() time.sleep(0.3) print("stop flag: %s" % self.stop_flag.value)
def __init__(self, size, max_seq_length, tokenizer, ned_sql_file, entities_file, embeddings, n_trees, distance_measure, entity_index_path, search_k, max_dist, sentence_subset=None, bad_count=10, lookup_processes=0, pairing_processes=0): self._size = size self._max_seq_length = max_seq_length self._tokenizer = tokenizer self._ned_sql_file = ned_sql_file self._entities_file = entities_file self._entities = pd.read_pickle(entities_file) self._embeddings = embeddings self._n_trees = n_trees self._distance_measure = distance_measure self._entity_index_path = entity_index_path self._search_k = search_k self._max_dist = max_dist self._sentence_subset = sentence_subset self._bad_count = bad_count self._max_bad_count = 50 self._sequence = self.get_features() self._counter = 0 self._lookup_processes = lookup_processes self._pairing_processes = pairing_processes self._lookup_sem = Semaphore(100) self._convert_sem = Semaphore(1000)
def main(): tic = time.perf_counter() parser = make_parser() parse(parser.parse_args()) # os.chdir(source) get_files() match_files() pages = list(chunks(matches, lines)) pages = name_pages(pages) i = 0 processes = [] concurrency = thread_count print("Currently using " + str(concurrency) + " Thread(s)") sema = Semaphore(concurrency) for page in pages: sema.acquire() progress(i + 1, len(pages) * 2, "Processing page" + str(i + 1) + " of " + str(len(pages))) process = multiprocessing.Process(target=make_page, args=(page, sema,)) processes.append(process) process.start() i += 1 for process in processes: progress(i + 1, len(pages) * 2, "Finishing page " + str((i + 1) - len(pages)) + " of " + str(len(pages))) process.join() i += 1 toc = time.perf_counter() print(f"\nFinished merging in {toc - tic:0.4f} seconds") print("\nPages have been stored at ", dest)
def _img_processor(self, sh_img_arr: Array, sem1: Semaphore, sem2: Semaphore, ovl_arr: Array) -> None: """ Process images as needed. :param sh_img_arr: The array containing the frame to work with. :param sem1: The entrance lock. :param sem2: The exit lock. :param ovl_arr: The array containing the overlay work with. :return None: """ img_dim = (EDIT_HEIGHT, self._cur_arr_shape[1], self._cur_arr_shape[2]) img_size = int(EDIT_HEIGHT * img_dim[1] * img_dim[2]) img_arr = frombuffer(sh_img_arr.get_obj(), count=img_size, dtype=DTYPE).reshape(img_dim) while self._process_imgs: sem1.acquire() if self._use_overlay: img_pil = Image.fromarray(img_arr) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img_pil) draw.text(OVL_POS, text=ovl_arr.value.decode(), font=OVL_FONT, fill=OVL_CLR) processed_img = asarray(img_pil) copyto(img_arr, processed_img) sem2.release()
def run(self, tasks, build_config, parallel_threads): semaphore = Semaphore(parallel_threads) process_finished_notify = Condition(Lock()) while tasks.count_buildable_tasks() > 0: task = tasks.get_next() if task is None: self.wait_tasks_to_complete(parallel_threads, process_finished_notify, semaphore) continue semaphore.acquire() task.state = Task.State.RUNNING logging.debug("Starting task %s", self.start_new_process(process_finished_notify, semaphore, self.process_job, task, build_config) self.wait_tasks_to_complete(parallel_threads, process_finished_notify, semaphore) if tasks.count(Task.State.FAILED) > 0: logging.error('Some packages failed to build.') logging.error(" %s", tasks.print_name(Task.State.FAILED)) return 1 if tasks.count(Task.State.RUNNING) > 0: logging.error( 'Something went wrong, there are still some running tasks.') return 1 if tasks.count(Task.State.NEW) > 0: logging.error( 'Something went wrong, there are still unprocessed tasks.') return 1"Build completed successfully.") return 0
def _spawn(self): """ Spawn spider processes. """ # create a unique result file name def create_result_file_name(dd): clean_domain = "".join(c if c in string.ascii_letters + string.digits else "_" for c in dd) return clean_domain + time.strftime("__%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.txt") self._sema = Semaphore(self.max_processes) # the spiders can crawl independently and have no common resources for u in self._urls: d = urlsplit(u).netloc.lower() s = Spider(u, d, self.limit, self.limit_param, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), create_result_file_name(d)), self.max_threads, self._sema, self.verbose) p = Process(target=Spider.crawl, args=(s, )) self._sema.acquire(True) # acquire semaphore for next spider p.start() if self.verbose: print("[+] Spawned spider for: {}".format(u))
def getPeerID(self, peerId): semaphore = Semaphore() semaphore.acquire() peer = self.__layout[peerId] semaphore.release() return peer
def run(): algo = parameters['algo'] files = [open(x) for x in parameters['files']] configs = [] p = parameters['params'] max_processes = 3 semaphore = Semaphore(max_processes) # generate configurations as compination of possible # keys and product of values for keys in it.combinations(p.keys(), len(p.keys())): v = [p[k] for k in keys] for values in it.product(*v): config = {} for i, k in enumerate(keys): config[k] = values[i] configs.append(config) for f in files: for conf in configs: config = {'FILENAME':} config.update(conf) num_vars, clauses = parser.parse(f) p = MyProcess(target=run_algorithm, args=(algo, num_vars, clauses, config, semaphore)) semaphore.acquire() p.start()
def launch_workers(outfile, start_index, end_index, score_flag, force, verbose): BASE_URL = "" # Synchronization Tools num_workers = Semaphore(MAX_NUM_PROCESSES) outfile_lock = Lock() urlopen_lock = Lock() stderr_lock = Lock() print_lock = Lock() # Write the categories if (outfile != None): outfile.write("title,link,platform,publisher,score,date\n") # Launch the workers processes = [] curr_index = start_index; while curr_index <= end_index: curr_url = BASE_URL + str(curr_index) worker = Process(target=open_url_and_parse, args=(outfile, curr_url, score_flag, force, verbose, outfile_lock, urlopen_lock, stderr_lock, print_lock, num_workers)) processes.append(worker) if verbose: print_lock.acquire() print "Launching worker for url: %s" % curr_url print_lock.release() num_workers.acquire() worker.start() curr_index += INDEX_INCREMENT; for p in processes: p.join()
def _get_all(embeddings, data_sequence, start_iteration, ent_type, w_size, batch_size, processes, evalutation_semaphore=None): # The embed semaphore makes sure that the EmbedWithContext will not over produce results in relation # to the LookUpBySurfaceAndContext creation embed_semaphore = Semaphore(100) for it, link_result in \ enumerate(, data_sequence, ent_type, w_size, batch_size, processes, embed_semaphore, start_iteration=start_iteration)): try: if evalutation_semaphore is not None: evalutation_semaphore.acquire(timeout=10) yield LookUpBySurfaceAndContext(link_result) except Exception as ex: print(type(ex)) print("Error: ", link_result) raise if it % batch_size == 0: embed_semaphore.release()
def _build_single_scenario_proc(clean: bool, allow_offset_map: bool, scenario: str, semaphore: Semaphore): semaphore.acquire() try: _build_single_scenario(clean, allow_offset_map, scenario) finally: semaphore.release()
def serve(self): """Start workers and put into queue""" # this is a shared state that can tell the workers to exit when False self.isRunning.value = True # first bind and listen to the port self.serverTransport.listen() # fork the children semaphore = Semaphore(0) for _ in range(self.numWorkers): try: w = Process(target=self.workerProcess, args=(semaphore, )) w.daemon = True w.start() self.workers.append(w) except Exception as x: logger.exception(x) # wait until all workers init finish for _ in range(self.numWorkers): semaphore.acquire() # wait until the condition is set by stop() while True: try: gevent.sleep(1) if not self.isRunning.value: break except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): break except Exception as x: logger.exception(x) self.isRunning.value = False
def _spawnmain( testid: TestId, exts: List[str], # pyre-fixme[11]: Annotation `Semaphore` is not defined as a type. sem: multiprocessing.Semaphore, resultqueue: multiprocessing.Queue, ): """run a test and report progress back intended to be spawned via multiprocessing.Process. """ hasmismatch = False def mismatchcb(mismatch: Mismatch): nonlocal hasmismatch hasmismatch = True mismatch.testname = resultqueue.put(mismatch) result = TestResult(testid=testid) try: runtest(testid, exts, mismatchcb) except TestNotFoundError as e: result.exc = e except Exception as e: result.exc = e result.tb = traceback.format_exc(limit=-1) finally: if result.exc is None and hasmismatch: result.exc = MismatchError("output mismatch") resultqueue.put(result) resultqueue.close() sem.release()
def countNeighbors(self, peer): semaphore = Semaphore() semaphore.acquire() count = peer.countNeighbors() semaphore.release() return count
def getNeighborIt(self, peer): semaphore = Semaphore() semaphore.acquire() neighbors = [] for neighbor in self.__layout[peer.getId()].getNeighbors(): neighbors.append(neighbor.getTargetPeer()) neighborIt = neighbors.__iter__() semaphore.release() return neighborIt
def addPeer(self, peer): if self.__layout.has_key(peer.getPID()): return False semaphore = Semaphore() semaphore.acquire() self.__layout[peer.getPID()] = peer semaphore.release() NetworkLogger().resgiterLoggingInfo("Add peer %s in Layout Network "%(peer.getPID())) return self.__layout.has_key(peer.getPID())
class ForkingWorker(BaseWorker): def __init__(self, num_processes=1): # Set up sync primitives, to communicate with the spawned children self._semaphore = Semaphore(num_processes) self._slots = Array('i', [0] * num_processes) def spawn_child(self): """Forks and executes the job.""" self._semaphore.acquire() # responsible for the blocking # Select an empty slot from self._slots (the first 0 value is picked) # The implementation guarantees there will always be at least one empty slot for slot, value in enumerate(self._slots): if value == 0: break # The usual hardcore forking action child_pid = os.fork() if child_pid == 0: # Within child # Disable signal handlers signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN) random.seed() try: self.fake_work() finally: # This is the new stuff. Remember, we're in the child process # currently. When all work is done here, free up the current # slot (by writing a 0 in the slot position). This # communicates to the parent that the current child has died # (so can safely be forgotten about). self._slots[slot] = 0 self._semaphore.release() os._exit(0) else: # Within parent, keep track of the new child by writing its PID # into the first free slot index. self._slots[slot] = child_pid def wait_for_children(self): for child_pid in self._slots: if child_pid != 0: os.waitpid(child_pid, 0) def get_id(self): return os.getpid()
class Msg(object): """ TODO: Not documenting this class because it may go away. """ def __init__(self, size): self.s_e = Semaphore(1) self.s_f = Semaphore(0) self.s_buf = Array(ct.c_ubyte, size) def send(self, func): self.s_e.acquire() self.s_buf.acquire() send_result = func(self.s_buf._obj) self.s_buf.release() self.s_f.release() return send_result def recv(self, func): self.s_f.acquire() self.s_buf.acquire() recv_result = func(self.s_buf._obj) self.s_buf.release() self.s_e.release() return recv_result
class Msg(object): """ Data structure encapsulating a message. """ def __init__(self, size): self.s_e = Semaphore(1) self.s_f = Semaphore(0) self.s_buf = Array(ct.c_ubyte, size) def send(self, func): self.s_e.acquire() self.s_buf.acquire() send_result = func(self.s_buf._obj) self.s_buf.release() self.s_f.release() return send_result def recv(self, func): self.s_f.acquire() self.s_buf.acquire() recv_result = func(self.s_buf._obj) self.s_buf.release() self.s_e.release() return recv_result
def disconnect(self, priority): sem = Semaphore() sem.acquire() if not self.getPeer().isConnected(): return network = self.getPeer().getNetwork() neighbors = network.getNeighbors(self.getPeer()) if len(neighbors) > 0: for n in neighbors: network.removeConnection(self.getPeer(), n) self.getPeer().disconnected() else: self.getPeer().disconnected()
class ProcessControl(): def __init__(self,forks_number): self.forks_number=forks_number self.semaphore=Semaphore(self.forks_number) def execute(self,obj,function_to_execute,data): self.semaphore.acquire() #print("Launching new process") p=Process(target=processCall, args=(self.semaphore,obj,function_to_execute,data)) p.start() def wait(self): for i in range(self.forks_number): self.semaphore.acquire()
def definyPeerTrading(self): value =0; peerAux ="" semaphore = Semaphore() semaphore.acquire() for peer,trust in self.__peersTrading.iteritems(): if trust >= value: value = trust peerAux = peer semaphore.release() return (peerAux,value)
def removeNeighbor(self, source, target): if (not self.__layout.has_key(source.getId())) and (not self.__layout.has_key(target.getId())) : return False if source.hasNeighbor(target): return False if target.hasNeighbor(source): return False semaphore = Semaphore() semaphore.acquire() flag = source.removeNeighbor(target) target.removeNeighbor(source) semaphore.release() return flag
def __init__(self): self._process_n = getattr(self, '_process_n', max(2, cpu_count())) self._thread_n = getattr(self, '_thread_n', 63) self._keep_running = Value('i', 1) self._event = Event() self._semaphore = Semaphore(1) self._semaphore.acquire() self._maintain_pool()
def __init__(self, maxreaders=120): # Linux max semaphore sets is 120 self.max = 120 self._reader = Semaphore(120) self._writer = Semaphore(1) self._sleeping = Event() # Does this process hold the write? self.localwrite = False self.thread_id = currentThread() self.create_methods() def after_fork(obj): obj._reader._after_fork() obj._writer._after_fork() obj._sleeping._after_fork() register_after_fork(self, after_fork)
def basic_call(self, f, req): free_threads = Semaphore(5) def g(): raise RuntimeError("oaiwhgfoia") mock_proc_inter_instance = MagicMock(free_threads=Semaphore(5), Lock=[Lock() for _ in range(0, 3)], NL_L=Semaphore(2), pid_ptid_mapping=MagicMock( has_key=lambda *args, **kwargs: False)) with patch("",, patch("fsspmnl_processing_interface.LongProcess.LongProcess", self.MockLP), patch("fsspmnl_processing_interface.processing_interface.ProcessingInterface.Instance", mock_proc_inter_instance), patch("fsspmnl_processing_interface.path_constants_webinterface.dicom_dir", self.basedicomdir), patch("", ret = f(req) for _ in xrange(0, 5): assert(free_threads.acquire(False)) assert(not free_threads.acquire(False)) return ret
def _init_pool(self): self._pool_initialized = True self._process_n = getattr(self, '_process_n', max(2, cpu_count())) self._thread_n = getattr(self, '_thread_n', 64) self._keep_running = Value('i', 1) self._shutdown_event = Event() self._shutdown_event.clear() self._event = Event() self._semaphore = Semaphore(1) self._semaphore.acquire() self._maintain_pool()
class EventMasterProcess(SatoriProcess): def __init__(self): super(EventMasterProcess, self).__init__('event master') self.sem = Semaphore(0) def do_run(self): listener = Listener(address=(settings.EVENT_HOST, settings.EVENT_PORT)) master = Master(mapper=TrivialMapper()) master.listen(listener) self.sem.release() def start(self, *args, **kwargs): super(EventMasterProcess, self).start(*args, **kwargs) while True: if self.sem.acquire(False): return if not self.is_alive(): raise RuntimeError('Event master failed to start') sleep(0)
class WorkQueue(object): def __init__(self): self.request_rfd, self.request_wfd = os.pipe() self.response_rfd, self.response_wfd = os.pipe() self.response_reader = ResponseReader(self.response_rfd) self.request_sem = Semaphore() self.response_sem = Semaphore() def submit_request(self, id, address, head, body): try: ip_str, port = address ipa, ipb, ipc, ipd = map(int, ip_str.split(".")) except: port = ipa = ipb = ipc = ipd = 0 os.write( self.request_wfd, REQUEST_HEADER.pack(id, ipa, ipb, ipc, ipd, port, len(head), len(body)) + head + body ) def get_request(self): self.request_sem.acquire() header = "" bytes_to_read = REQUEST_HEADER.size while bytes_to_read: header +=, bytes_to_read) bytes_to_read = REQUEST_HEADER.size - len(header) id, ipa, ipb, ipc, ipd, port, head_len, body_len = REQUEST_HEADER.unpack(header) head = StringIO() bytes_to_read = head_len while bytes_to_read: head.write(, bytes_to_read)) bytes_to_read = head_len - head.tell() body = StringIO() bytes_to_read = body_len while bytes_to_read: body.write(, bytes_to_read)) bytes_to_read = body_len - body.tell() self.request_sem.release() return id, (".".join(map(str, [ipa, ipb, ipc, ipd])), port), head.getvalue(), body.getvalue() def submit_response(self, id, response): self.response_sem.acquire() response_output = response.output() keep_alive = "\x01" if response.headers.get("Connection") == "Keep-Alive" else "\x00" os.write(self.response_wfd, RESPONSE_HEADER.pack(id, len(response_output)) + response_output + keep_alive) self.response_sem.release() def get_response(self): return
def __init__(self, api): self.api = api self.config = self.api.session.config self.download_progress = dict() self.download_progress['active'] = dict() self.download_progress['completed'] = list() self.download_progress['failed'] = list() self.pool = Pool(CORES_TO_USE, initializer=initialize_download, maxtasksperchild=1) self.sema = Semaphore()
def removePeer(self, peer): flag = True if not self.__layout.has_key(peer.getPID()): return False semaphore = Semaphore() semaphore.acquire() ''' pode travar pois estou chamando um sema dentro do outro? ''' del self.__layout[peer.getPID()] flag = not self.__layout.has_key(peer.getPID()) semaphore.release() return flag
def connect(self, priority): sem = Semaphore() sem.acquire() if self.getPeer().isConnected(): return network = self.getPeer().getNetwork() node = None if netowork.countNodes() > 0: idx = randint(0, network.countNodes() - 1) graph = network.getGraph() node = graph.keys()[idx] network.addNode(self.getPeer()) if node: network.createConnection(self.getPeer(), node) self.getPeer().connected() # randon time for disconnect disconnectionTime = randint(3600, 28800) self.getPeer().setDisconnectionTime(disconnectionTime) sem.release()