def computeRate(selector):
    myMultistrand = MergeSim()
    myMultistrand.setOptionsFactory2(genOptions, NUMOFPATHS, selector) 
    myMultistrand.setLeakMode()  # the new leak object -- faster bootstrapping.
    return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
    myFSR = myMultistrand.results  
    low, high = myFSR.doBootstrap()
    return myFSR.k1(), low, high 
# FD: This script is now set to use 4 threads and just 50,000 trajectories.
# FD: This is different from the results in case1.pdf
# FD: The results of this study heavily depend on the parameterization of the Metropolis model: JS or DNA23 (see below).

from multistrand.objects import StopCondition, Domain, Complex, Strand
from multistrand.options import Options, Literals
from multistrand.concurrent import MergeSim
from multistrand._options.interface import FirstStepResult

import numpy as np

ATIME_OUT = 10.0

myMultistrand = MergeSim()

def first_step_simulation(strand_seq, trials, T=25, material="DNA"):

        "Running first step mode simulations for %s (with Boltzmann sampling)..."
        % (strand_seq))

    # Using domain representation makes it easier to write secondary structures.
    onedomain = Domain(name="onedomain", sequence=strand_seq)
    gdomain = Domain(name="gdomain", sequence="TTTT")

    top = Strand(name="top", domains=[onedomain])
    bot = top.C
    dangle = Strand(name="Dangle", domains=[onedomain, gdomain])