Esempio n. 1
def calculate_matches(list_of_matches: List[Match]):
    t1 = time.clock()
    tuples_data = [(, m.fast_streamer.identifier,,
                    m.identifier) for m in list_of_matches]
    r = []
    t = set([t[0] for t in tuples_data])
    for i in t:
        s = list(filter(lambda x: x[0] == i, tuples_data))
    cost_matrix = []
    for row in r:
        cost_row = []
        for col in row:
            cost_row += [sys.maxsize - col[2]]
        cost_matrix += [cost_row]
    m = munkres.Munkres()
    indices = m.compute(cost_matrix)
    aggregate = calculate_aggregate_match_score(
        [r[row][col][2] for row, col in indices])
    post_fs = [r[row][col][3] for row, col in indices]
    final_matches = []
    for pfs in post_fs:
            list(filter(lambda x: x.identifier == pfs, list_of_matches)))
    t2 = time.clock()
    total_time = t2 - t1
    return {
        'aggregate': aggregate,
        'processing': total_time,
        'matches': final_matches
Esempio n. 2
def maximize_trace(a):
    Maximize trace by minimizing the Frobenius norm of 
    `, a)-np.eye(a.shape[0])`, where `a` is square and
    `p` is a permutation matrix. Returns permuted version of `a` with
    maximal trace.

    # Adding columns or rows with zeros to enforce that a is a square matrix.
    while a.shape[0] != a.shape[1]:

        if a.shape[0] < a.shape[1]:
            a = np.vstack((a, np.zeros(a.shape[1])))
        elif a.shape[1] < a.shape[0]:
            a = np.hstack((a, np.zeros((a.shape[0], 1))))

    assert a.shape[0] == a.shape[1]
    d = np.zeros_like(a)
    n = a.shape[0]
    b = np.eye(n, dtype=int)
    for i, j in itertools.product(range(n), range(n)):
        d[j, i] = sum((b[j, :]-a[i, :])**2)
    m = munkres.Munkres()
    inds = m.compute(d)
    return permute_cols(a, inds)
Esempio n. 3
def evaluation_window(fact, detection, window=0, return_match=False):
    """classify the detections with window option

    We construct a bipartite graph G = (V + W, E), where V is fact and W is detection.
    e = (v, w), e in G, if distance(v, w) <= window.
    cost(e) = distance(v, w)
    We find the minimum-cost maximum matching M of G.

    tp = |M|
    fp = |W| - |M|
    fn = |V| - |M|
    dis = C(M)/|M| average distance between fact and detection in mapping

        fact (list of int): the index or timestamp of facts/events to be detected
        detection (list of int): index or timestamp of detected events
        window (int): maximum distance for the correlation between fact and detection
        return_match (bool): returns the matching tuple idx [(fact_idx, detection_idx),...] if set true

        dict: {'tp':int, 'fp':int, 'fn':int, 'precision':float, 'recall':float, 'dis':float, 'match': list of tuple}

    if len(fact) == 0:
        summary = dict(tp=None, fp=len(detection), fn=None,
                       precision=None, recall=None,
                       dis=None, match=[])
        return summary
    elif len(detection) == 0:
        summary = dict(tp=0, fp=0, fn=len(fact),
                       precision=None, recall=0,
                       dis=None, match=[])
        return summary

    cost_matrix = make_cost_matrix(fact, detection, window)  # construct the cost matrix of bipartite graph

    # handle the case there is actually no edges between fact and detection
    if all([cost_matrix[i][j] == sys.maxsize for i in range(len(fact)) for j in range(len(detection))]):
        summary = dict(tp=0, fp=len(detection), fn=len(fact),
                       precision=0, recall=0,
                       dis=None, match=[])
        return summary

    match = munkres.Munkres().compute(cost_matrix)  # calculate the matching
    match = [(i, j) for i, j in match if cost_matrix[i][j] <= window]  # remove dummy edges
    # i and j here are the indices of fact and detection, i.e. ist value in fact and jst value in detection matches

    tp = len(match)
    fp = len(detection) - tp
    fn = len(fact) - tp

    summary = dict(tp=tp, fp=fp, fn=fn,
                   precision=float(tp) / (tp + fp) if len(detection) > 0 else None,
                   recall=float(tp) / (tp + fn) if len(fact) > 0 else None,
                   dis=sum([cost_matrix[i][j] for i, j in match]) / float(tp) if tp > 0 else None)

    if return_match:
        summary['match'] = match

    return summary
Esempio n. 4
def min_cost(costs):
    """Return average min-cost of assignment of row and column of the `costs`
    import munkres
    assignment = munkres.Munkres().compute(costs)
    cost = sum([costs[r][c] for r, c in assignment])
    return cost / len(costs)
Esempio n. 5
def cost_function(cost_matrix, verbose=True):
    import memotrack
    import numpy as np
    import munkres
    import scipy.spatial.distance as dist
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    import sys
    import time

    work_matrix = np.copy(cost_matrix)

    if verbose:
        print('Using ' + str(np.shape(work_matrix)[0]) +
              ' points for cost calculation.')
    # Calculate cost
    m = munkres.Munkres()
    coords = m.compute(work_matrix)
    cost = 0  # Set initial cost of zero
    for coord in coords:
        # Test changes
        if coord[0] == coord[1]:

        cost += cost_matrix[coord]  # Get the cost for each assigned coordinate

    if verbose:
        print('Final cost of ' + str(cost))

    return cost
Esempio n. 6
    def hungarian_matching(h, z):
        """Hungarian matching algorithm. O(n^3)

        Alternative approaches.
        - could compile binary and add op
        - could just wrap a python op. will be slower. (but easier)
        M = munkres.Munkres()

        def get_pairings(C):
            An implementation using munkres python library and py_wrap.
                C (np.ndArray): the costs of different pairings

                list: new pairings
            # TODO. this is WAY TOO slow. but maybe its just the hungarian algol?
            assignments = M.compute(C)
            return np.array(zip(*assignments))

        def cost_fn(x, y):
            with tf.name_scope('matching_cost'):
                return tf.reduce_mean(
                    (tf.expand_dims(x, 1) - tf.expand_dims(y, 0))**2, axis=2)

        with tf.name_scope('matching'):
            C = cost_fn(h, z)
            idx = tf.py_func(get_pairings, [C], tf.int64)
            idx = tf.reshape(idx, [2, tf.shape(h)[0]])
            return tf.gather(h, idx[0]), tf.gather(z, idx[1])
Esempio n. 7
def match():
        candidate_ids = session['candidates']
        role_ids = session['roles']
    except KeyError:
        # return redirect(url_for('matching.trial'))
        cands = Candidate.query.all()
        roles = Role.query.all()
        requested_data = 50
        candidate_ids = random.sample([ for c in cands], requested_data)
        role_ids = random.sample([ for r in roles], int(requested_data*1.5))
    ag = Algorithm(weighted_dict={'location': 5, 'skills': 10, 'private office': 10, 'organisation': 5},
                   candidate_ids=candidate_ids, role_ids=role_ids)

    candidates = Candidate.query.filter(
    roles = Role.query.filter(
    matches = [Match(r, c) for r in roles for c in candidates]
    sorted_matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda m: m.role_id)
    m = munkres.Munkres()
    table_of_objects = [sorted_matches[i:i + len(roles)] for i in range(0, len(matches), len(roles))]
    table_of_totals = [[sys.maxsize - for m in row] for row in table_of_objects]
    best_match_indices = m.compute(table_of_totals)
    best_matches = [table_of_objects[row][column] for row, column in best_match_indices]
    aggregate = sum([ for m in best_matches])
    totals = [ for m in best_matches]
    median_average = "{:.1%}".format(statistics.median(totals)/50)
    return render_template('matching/match.html', aggregate=aggregate, matches=best_matches, average=median_average)
Esempio n. 8
def hybrid_jaccard_similarity(set1, set2, threshold=0.5, function=jaro_winkler_similarity, parameters={}):

    utils.check_for_none(set1, set2)
    utils.check_for_type(set, set1, set2)

    matching_score = []
    for s1 in set1:
        inner = []
        for s2 in set2:
            score = function(s1, s2, **parameters)
            if score < threshold:
                score = 0.0
            inner.append(1.0 - score) # munkres finds out the smallest element

    indexes = munkres.Munkres().compute(matching_score)

    score_sum, matching_count = 0.0, 0
    for r, c in indexes:
        matching_count += 1
        score_sum += 1.0 - matching_score[r][c]  # go back to similarity

    if len(set1) + len(set2) - matching_count == 0:
        return 1.0
    return float(score_sum) / float(len(set1) + len(set2) - matching_count)
Esempio n. 9
def find_person_id_associations(boxes,
    Find associations between previous and current skeletons and apply temporal smoothing.
    It requires previous and current bounding boxes, skeletons, and previous person_ids.

        boxes (:class:`np.ndarray`): current person bounding boxes
        pts (:class:`np.ndarray`): current human joints
        prev_boxes (:class:`np.ndarray`): previous person bounding boxes
        prev_pts (:class:`np.ndarray`): previous human joints
        prev_person_ids (:class:`np.ndarray`): previous person ids
        next_person_id (int): the id that will be assigned to the next novel detected person
            Default: 0
        pose_alpha (float): parameter to weight between bounding box similarity and pose (oks) similarity.
            pose_alpha * pose_similarity + (1 - pose_alpha) * bbox_similarity
            Default: 0.5
        similarity_threshold (float): lower similarity threshold to have a correct match between previous and
            current detections.
            Default: 0.5
        smoothing_alpha (float): linear temporal smoothing filter. Set 0 to disable, 1 to keep the previous detection.
            Default: 0.1

            (:class:`np.ndarray`, :class:`np.ndarray`, :class:`np.ndarray`):
                A list with (boxes, pts, person_ids) where boxes and pts are temporally smoothed.
    bbox_similarity_matrix, pose_similarity_matrix = compute_similarity_matrices(
        boxes, prev_boxes, pts, prev_pts)
    similarity_matrix = pose_similarity_matrix * pose_alpha + bbox_similarity_matrix * (
        1 - pose_alpha)

    m = munkres.Munkres()
    assignments = np.asarray(m.compute(
        (1 - similarity_matrix
         ).tolist()))  # Munkres require a cost => 1 - similarity

    person_ids = np.ones(len(pts), dtype=np.int32) * -1
    for assignment in assignments:
        if similarity_matrix[assignment[0],
                             assignment[1]] > similarity_threshold:
            person_ids[assignment[0]] = prev_person_ids[assignment[1]]
            if smoothing_alpha:
                    assignment[0]] = (1 - smoothing_alpha) * boxes[assignment[
                        0]] + smoothing_alpha * prev_boxes[assignment[1]]
                pts[assignment[0]] = (1 - smoothing_alpha) * pts[
                    assignment[0]] + smoothing_alpha * prev_pts[assignment[1]]

    person_ids[person_ids == -1] = np.arange(
        next_person_id, next_person_id + np.sum(person_ids == -1))

    return boxes, pts, person_ids
Esempio n. 10
def perform_matching(reviewer_dict, conference):
    num_papers_per_reviewer = conference.num_papers_per_reviewer
    submitted_papers = conference.submitted_papers
    reviewer_id_to_index = dict()
    index_to_reviewer_id = dict()
    reviewer_id_to_assigned_paper_ids = dict()
    index_to_paper_id = dict()

    cost_matrix = np.zeros((num_papers_per_reviewer * len(reviewer_dict)))
    for i, (reviewer_id, reviewer) in enumerate(reviewer_dict.items()):
        reviewer_id_to_assigned_paper_ids[reviewer_id] = []
        reviewer_id_to_index[reviewer_id] = i
        index_to_reviewer_id[i] = reviewer_id

        for n in range(num_papers_per_reviewer):
            for x, (paper_id, paper) in enumerate(submitted_papers.items()):
                index_to_paper_id[x] = paper_id
                y = i * num_papers_per_reviewer + n
                overlap = reviewer.get_paper_research_overlap_score(paper)
                cost = -overlap
                cost_matrix[y, x] = cost
    indices = munkres.Munkres().compute(cost_matrix)
    for reviewer_slot, paper_slot in indices:
        index = reviewer_slot // num_papers_per_reviewer
        reviewer_id = index_to_reviewer_id[index]
        paper_id = index_to_paper_id[paper_slot]
    return reviewer_id_to_assigned_paper_ids
Esempio n. 11
    def maximal_match_helper(self, edges, pred_list, gold_list, row_bool):
        act_row = len(edges)
        act_col = len(edges[0])
        n = max(act_row, act_col)
        large_val = max([max(elem) for elem in edges])
        large_val = (large_val + 1) * (large_val + 1)
        m = munkres.Munkres()
        cost = [[large_val for idx in range(n)] for idx in range(n)]
        for idx in range(act_row):
            for jdx in range(act_col):
                cost[idx][jdx] = large_val - edges[idx][jdx]
        indexes = m.compute(cost)
        ret = []
        for row, col in indexes:
            if row < act_row and col < act_col:
                ret.append((large_val - cost[row][col], pred_list[row],
                if row < act_row:
                        (large_val - cost[row][col], pred_list[row], ''))
                elif col < act_col:
                        (large_val - cost[row][col], '', gold_list[col]))

        ret = sorted(ret, reverse=True)
        if row_bool:
            ret = ret[:act_row]
            ret = ret[:act_col]
        return ret
Esempio n. 12
def calc_order(d, rerank=False):
    ret = np.zeros(len(d))
    t = 10000
    for i in xrange(len(d)):
        t = min(d[i].shape[0], t)
        t = min(t, d[i].shape[1])
    for i in xrange(len(d)):
        if rerank:
            tp = min(d[i].shape[0], d[i].shape[1])
            choices_a = xrange(tp)
            choices_b = xrange(tp)
        mat = d[i][choices_a]
        mat = (mat.T)[choices_b]
        am = np.array(mat)
        M = munkres.Munkres()
        #print mat.shape
        match = M.compute(am)
        match = sorted(match)
        g = [mat[match[0][0]][match[0][1]]]
        for p in xrange(1, len(match)):
            #for q in xrange(p - 1):
            #if match[p][1] > match[q][1]:
            #    ret[i] += 1
        g = sorted(g)
        for p in xrange(t):
            ret[i] += g[p]
        print len(match), ret[i]
    #print ret
    return ret
Esempio n. 13
    def cost_to_assignment(self, cost, max_cost):
        # get nXm matrix of cost, and the maximum cost allowed, and return assignments of tracks to detections
        # inputs: cost - matrix of nXm (num of tracks X num of detections)
        #        costOfNonAssignments- scalar
        # outputs: assignments- LX2 np.array, where L is the number of detections assigned to tracks
        #                      assignments[:][0] the detections, assignments[:][1] the tracks
        #         unassignedTracks - np array of all the tracks that no detection assigned to them
        #         unassignedDetections - np array of all the detections that not assigned to tracks

        assignments = munkres.Munkres().compute(cost)
        unassignedTracks = np.empty((0, 1), dtype=int)
        unassignedDetection = np.empty((0, 1), dtype=int)
        unAssignedIdx = np.empty((0, 1), dtype=int)
        for i in range(len(assignments)):
            track = assignments[i][0]
            detection = assignments[i][1]
            if cost[track][detection] >= max_cost:  # and self.processNum>5:
                unassignedTracks = np.vstack((unassignedTracks, track))
                unassignedDetection = np.vstack(
                    (unassignedDetection, detection))
                # index from assignments
                unAssignedIdx = np.vstack((unAssignedIdx, i))
        numUnassigned = unAssignedIdx.shape
        for i in range(numUnassigned[0]):
            j = unAssignedIdx[numUnassigned[0] - i - 1]
            del assignments[j[0]]
        return assignments, unassignedTracks, unassignedDetection
Esempio n. 14
def _assign_samples(tcga_metadataset):
    import pandas as pd
    import munkres

    blacklist = []
    sample_to_task_assignment = {}
    for cancer in get_cancers():
        filename = tcga_metadataset.get_processed_filename(cancer)
        dataframe = pd.read_csv(filename, sep='\t', index_col=0, header=0)
        dataframe = dataframe.drop(blacklist, errors='ignore')
        permutation = dataframe.index[torch.randperm(len(dataframe.index))]
        dataframe = dataframe.reindex(permutation)
        labels = dataframe.notna()
        labels = labels.applymap(lambda x: 1. if x else munkres.DISALLOWED)
        all_disallowed = labels.apply(lambda x: True if all(x == munkres.DISALLOWED) else False, axis=1)
        labels = labels.drop(labels[all_disallowed].index)

        matrix = labels.values
        shape = matrix.shape
        # The +5 allows for some slack in the assignment
        # which is necessary for the used implementation to converge on BRCA
        repeats =[0] / shape[1])) + 5
        expanded_matrix = np.tile(matrix, (1, repeats))

        indices = munkres.Munkres().compute(expanded_matrix)
        mapped_indices = [(a, b % shape[1]) for a, b in indices]

        for index, mapped_index in mapped_indices:
            sample_to_task_assignment.setdefault((dataframe.columns[mapped_index], cancer), []).append(


    return sample_to_task_assignment
Esempio n. 15
 def hungurian(self, cost_matrix):
     m = munkres.Munkres()
     index = m.compute(cost_matrix.tolist())
     total = 0
     for row, column in index:
         value = cost_matrix[row][column]
         total += value
     return total, index
Esempio n. 16
def test_solve():
    测试一下 munkres 库如何使用
    matrix = [[39.4, 78.5, 81.0], [50.2, 68.0, 46.1]]
    m = munkres.Munkres()
    indexes = m.compute(matrix)
Esempio n. 17
def approx_xterm_colors(hex_rgbs):
    """Calculate the approximate unique xterm color for every input color"""
    matrix = rgb_xterm_diff_matrix(hex_rgbs)
    m = munkres.Munkres()
    indexes = m.compute(matrix)

    for _, column in indexes:
        yield column + 16
def optimalPairing(x, y):
    distances = distanceMatrix(x,y)
    perm = munkres.Munkres().compute(distances)
    p = []
    for i,(a,b) in enumerate(perm):
        assert i==a
    # assert p==slowOptimalPairing(x,y)
    return p
Esempio n. 19
def findBestPermutationListMunkres( X1, X2, atomlist = None ):
    For a given set of positions X1 and X2, find the best permutation of the
    atoms in X2.

    Use an implementation of the Hungarian Algorithm in the Python package
    index (PyPi) called munkres (another name for the algorithm).  The
    hungarian algorithm time scales as O(n^3), much faster than the O(n!) from
    looping through all permutations.
    another package, hungarian, implements the same routine in comiled C
    When I first downloaded this package I got segfaults.  The problem for me
    was casing an integer pointer as (npy_intp *).  I may add the corrected 
    version to pygmin at some point
    nsites = len(X1) / 3

    if atomlist == None:
        atomlist = range(nsites)

    # create the cost matrix
    # cost[j,i] = (X1(i,:) - X2(j,:))**2
    X1 = X1.reshape([-1,3])
    X2 = X2.reshape([-1,3])
    cost = makeCostMatrix(X1, X2, atomlist)
    #cost = np.sqrt(cost)

    # run the munkres algorithm
    matrix = cost.tolist()
    m = munkres.Munkres()
    newind = m.compute(matrix)    
    # apply the permutation
    costnew = 0.
    X2new = np.copy(X2)
    for (iold, inew) in newind:
        costnew += cost[iold, inew]
        if iold != inew:
            atomiold = atomlist[iold]
            atominew = atomlist[inew]
            X2new[atominew,:] = X2[atomiold,:]
    X1 = X1.reshape(-1)
    X2new = X2new.reshape(-1)
#    dist = np.linalg.norm(X1-X2new)
    dist = np.sqrt(costnew)
    return dist, X1.reshape(-1), X2new.reshape(-1)
Esempio n. 20
def best_alignment(true_seq, seq, K):
    Find the best matching between the classes in the true and
    predicted sequence, and return the modified sequence.
    cm = confusion_matrix(seq, true_seq, np.arange(K))
    _, perm = zip(*munkres.Munkres().compute(-cm))
    perm = np.asarray(perm)
    return perm[seq]
Esempio n. 21
    def _hungurian_method(self, C):
        m = munkres.Munkres()
        indexes = m.compute(C.tolist())
        total = 0
        for row, col in indexes:
            value = C[row][col]
            total = total + value

        return total, indexes
Esempio n. 22
 def _exec(self):
     m = munkres.Munkres()
     indexes = m.compute(self._matrix)
     for row, col in indexes:
         person = self._people[row]
         session = self._sessions[col]
         if isinstance(session, SessionCopy):
Esempio n. 23
def hungarian(cost_matrix):
    # type: (np.ndarray) -> List[(int, int)]
    Calculate the Hungarian solution to the classical assignment problem between two sets
    of elements (A) and (B).
     :param cost_matrix: cost matrix such that `cost_matrix [i, j]` represents the association
        cost of the i-th element in (A) with the j-th element in (B)
    :return: indexes for the lowest-cost pairings between rows and columns in `cost_matrix`
    if cost_matrix.size > 0:
        if cost_matrix.shape[0] > cost_matrix.shape[1]:
            cost_matrix = cost_matrix.transpose((1, 0))
            indexes = np.array(munkres.Munkres().compute(
                cost_matrix.tolist()))[:, ::-1]
            indexes = np.array(munkres.Munkres().compute(cost_matrix.tolist()))
        indexes = []
    return indexes
Esempio n. 24
File: Progetto: julenka/euler
def solve():
    matrix = get_matrix()
    cost_matrix = np.max(matrix) - matrix
    hungarian_solver = munkres.Munkres()
    indices = hungarian_solver.compute(cost_matrix)
    answer = 0
    for row, column in indices:
        answer += matrix[row, column]
        print "({}, {}) => {}".format(row, column, matrix[row, column])
    return answer
Esempio n. 25
def bipartite_ordering(home_coordinates, commute_coordinates,
    import munkres
    x = commute_coordinates[:, 0][
        np.newaxis, :] - home_coordinates[:, 0][:, np.newaxis]
    y = commute_coordinates[:, 1][
        np.newaxis, :] - home_coordinates[:, 1][:, np.newaxis]
    distances = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
    costs = np.abs(distances - commute_distances[:, np.newaxis])
    return [index[1] for index in munkres.Munkres().compute(costs)]
Esempio n. 26
def matching_diagrams(p1,
    '''Returns a list of matching components
    Possible matching methods:
    - munkress
    - marriage problem
    from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
    import munkres
    from tmd.view import common as _cm

    def plot_matching(p1, p2, indices, new_fig=True, subplot=(111)):
        '''Plots matching between p1, p2
        for the corresponding indices
        import pylab as plt
        fig, ax = _cm.get_figure(new_fig=new_fig, subplot=subplot)
        for i, j in indices:
            ax.plot((p1[i][0], p2[j][0]), (p1[i][1], p2[j][1]), color='black')
            ax.scatter(p1[i][0], p1[i][1], c='r')
            ax.scatter(p2[j][0], p2[j][1], c='b')

    if use_diag:
        p1_enh = p1 + [symmetric(i) for i in p2]
        p2_enh = p2 + [symmetric(i) for i in p1]
        p1_enh = p1
        p2_enh = p2

    D = cdist(p1_enh, p2_enh)

    if method == 'munkres':
        m = munkres.Munkres()
        indices = m.compute(np.copy(D))
    elif method == 'marriage':
        first_pref = [np.argsort(k).tolist() for k in cdist(p1_enh, p2_enh)]
        second_pref = [np.argsort(k).tolist() for k in cdist(p2_enh, p1_enh)]
        indices = marriage_problem(first_pref, second_pref)

    if plot:

    ssum = np.sum([D[i][j] for (i, j) in indices])

    return indices, ssum
def permutation_dist(X1, X2):

    cost = (((X1[np.newaxis, :] - X2[:, np.newaxis, :])**2).sum(2))
    matrix = cost.tolist()
    m = munkres.Munkres()
    newind = m.compute(matrix)
    costnew = 0.
    for (iold, inew) in newind:
        costnew += cost[iold, inew]

    return np.sqrt(costnew)
Esempio n. 28
    def __hungurian_method(self, C):
        t = time.time()
        m = munkres.Munkres()
        indexes = m.compute(C.tolist())
        total = 0
        for row, column in indexes:
            value = C[row][column]
            total += value
        print 'PROFILE HUNGURIAN ALGORITHM: ' + str(time.time() - t)

        return total, indexes
Esempio n. 29
 def lowest_cost(self,orders,couriers):
     Given a list of orders and couriers return a list of tuple of indexes that 
     specify which order is assigned to which courier
     if self.is_empty(orders) or self.is_empty(couriers):
         return []
     matrix = self.form_matrix(orders, couriers)
     mkres = munkres.Munkres()
     indexes = mkres.compute(matrix)
     return indexes
Esempio n. 30
 def generate_transformed_matrix(self):
     confusion = self.mat
     confusion = confusion.T
     cost_matrix = munkres.make_cost_matrix(
         confusion, lambda cost: sys.long_info.sizeof_digit - cost)
     m = munkres.Munkres()
     indexes = m.compute(cost_matrix)
     new_mat = np.zeros(confusion.shape)
     for i in range(len(indexes)):
         new_mat[:, i] = confusion[:, indexes[i][1]]
     return new_mat