Esempio n. 1
def ch1_basic_II_C_4(show=True, *arguments, **keywords):
    data = [[clef.TrebleClef(), 'b#4', 'e4', 'd#5'], 
            [clef.AltoClef(), 'c-4'], 
            [clef.BassClef(), 'f#3', 'c3']]
    ex = ch1_basic_II_C(data, '-h')
    if show:
Esempio n. 2
class Instrument:  # TODO
    represents an instrument; associated with midi channel etc (see music21 docs)
    # TODO detector for whether instrument is capable of specific technique,
    # double-stop, etc.
    # TODO instruments like cello may use multiple clefs
    name_to_instrument21 = {
        'violin': instrument21.Violin(),
        'viola': instrument21.Viola(),
        'cello': instrument21.Violoncello()
    name_to_clef21 = {
        'violin': clef21.TrebleClef(),
        'viola': clef21.AltoClef(),
        'cello': clef21.BassClef()

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.instrument = Instrument.name_to_instrument21[name]
        self.clef = Instrument.name_to_clef21[name]

    # there isn't a precise to_music21 analogue

    def check_pitch(self, pitch):
        # true if pitch within instrument's range
        low = self.instrument.lowestNote  # assume these are always music21 Pitch objects
        high = self.instrument.highestNote
        pitch_21 = pitch.to_music21()
        if low is not None and low > pitch_21:
            return False
        if high is not None and high < pitch_21:
            return False
        return True
Esempio n. 3
def ch1_basic_II_C_3(show=True, *arguments, **keywords):
    data = [[clef.BassClef(), 'f#2', 'c-3'], 
            [clef.TrebleClef(), 'e4', 'b-5', 'a#4'], 
            [clef.AltoClef(), 'f-3']]
    ex = ch1_basic_II_C(data, 'h')
    if show:
Esempio n. 4
    def toBasicGABC(self, useClef=None):
        returns the character representing inNote in the given clef (default = AltoClef)

        see for more details.  'd' = lowest line

        >>> n = alpha.chant.GregorianNote("C4")
        >>> c = clef.AltoClef()
        >>> n.toBasicGABC(c)

        >>> c2 = clef.SopranoClef()
        >>> n.toBasicGABC(c2)

        inNote = self
        usedDefaultClef = False
        if useClef is None:
            useClef = clef.AltoClef()
            usedDefaultClef = True

        asciiD = 100
        asciiA = 97
        asciiM = 109

        if not hasattr(useClef, 'lowestLine'):
            raise ChantException(
                "useClef has to define the diatonicNoteNum representing the lowest line"

        stepsAboveLowestLine = inNote.pitch.diatonicNoteNum - useClef.lowestLine
        asciiNote = stepsAboveLowestLine + asciiD

        if asciiNote < asciiA:
            if usedDefaultClef is True:
                raise ChantException(
                    "note is too low for the default clef (AltoClef), choose a lower one"
                raise ChantException(
                    "note is too low for the clef (%s), choose a lower one" %
        elif asciiNote > asciiM:
            if usedDefaultClef is True:
                raise ChantException(
                    "note is too high for the default clef (AltoClef), choose a higher one"
                raise ChantException(
                    "note is too high for the clef (%s), choose a higher one" %
            return six.unichr(asciiNote)  # unichr on python2; chr python3
Esempio n. 5
def ch1_writing_I_B_1(show=True, *arguments, **keywords):
    Transcribe these melodies into the clef specified without changing octaves.
    # camptown races
    ex = converter.parse("tinynotation: 2/4 g8 g e g", makeNotation=False)
    ex.insert(0, clef.AltoClef()) # maintain clef
    if show:
Esempio n. 6
def ch1_writing_I_B_1(show=True, *arguments, **keywords):
    Transcribe these melodies into the clef specified without changing octaves.
    from music21 import tinyNotation

    # camptown races
    ex = tinyNotation.TinyNotationStream("g8 g e g", "2/4")
    ex.insert(0, clef.AltoClef()) # maintain clef
    if show:
Esempio n. 7
def ch1_basic_II_B_1(show=True, *arguments, **keywords):
    For each of the five trebleclef pitches on the left, write the alto-clef equivalent on the right. Then label each pitch with the correct name and octave designation.
    humdata = '''
    exercise = converter.parseData(humdata)
    for n in exercise.flat.notes: # have to use flat here
        n.lyric = n.nameWithOctave
    exercise.insert(0, clef.AltoClef())
    if show:
Esempio n. 8
    def testSimpleFile(self):
        s = GregorianStream()
        n = GregorianNote("C4")
        l = note.Lyric("Po")
        l.syllabic = "start"
        n.oriscus = True
        n2 = GregorianNote("D4")
        n3 = GregorianNote("C4")
        n3.stropha = True
        n4 = GregorianNote("B3")
        n4.stropha = True

        gabcText = s.toGABCText()
        bsc = BaseScoreConverter()
        bsc.score = gabcText
        bsc.incipit = "Populus"
        bsc.mode = 'VII'
        fn = bsc.writeFile("style: modern;\n\n%%\n" + gabcText)
        texfn = bsc.launchGregorio(fn)
        texfh = open(texfn)
        texcontents =
        bsc.score = texcontents
        dtw = DefaultTeXWrapper()
        newgabcText = dtw.substituteInfo(bsc)
        texfh2 = open(texfn, 'w')
        pdffn = bsc.launchLaTeX(texfn)
        os.system('open %s' % pdffn)
Esempio n. 9
    def matrix_to_score(self, matrix, verbose=False):
        Takes a matrix of (P, T, 2) and turn it into a object, where P is the number of parts, T is the number of time slices, and dim is the note vector.
        # (4 parts, # ticks, 2)
        assert len(matrix.shape) == 3, \
            "Input matrix needs to have 3-dimensions."

        num_parts, num_ticks, num_dim = matrix.shape
        assert num_parts == 4, "Input matrix needs to have 4 parts."
        assert num_ticks > 0, "No time slices in this matrix."
        assert num_dim == 2, "Note vector size mismatch."

        # need to make sure all pieces start with an articulated note, even if
        # it's a rest.
        matrix[:, 0, 1] = [1, 1, 1, 1]

        score = Score()
        parts = list(map(self._matrix_to_part, matrix))

        parts[0].insert(0, instrument.Violin())
        parts[0].partName = "Violin I"
        parts[0].clef = clef.TrebleClef()

        parts[1].insert(0, instrument.Violin())
        parts[1].partName = "Violin II"
        parts[1].clef = clef.TrebleClef()

        parts[2].insert(0, instrument.Viola())
        parts[2].clef = clef.AltoClef()

        parts[3].insert(0, instrument.Violoncello())
        parts[3].clef = clef.BassClef()
        _ = list(map(lambda part: score.append(part), parts))

        return score
Esempio n. 10
    def testStreams01(self):
        Basic stream issues
        #from music21 import note, stream, clef, metadata, spanner

        #==== "fig-df02"
        # Storing, Ordering, and Timing Elements

        n1 = note.Note('g3', type='half')
        n2 = note.Note('d4', type='half')
        cf1 = clef.AltoClef()

        m1 = stream.Measure(number=1)
        m1.append([n1, n2])
        m1.insert(0, cf1)

        # the measure has three elements
        assert len(m1) == 3
        # the offset returned is the most-recently set
        assert n2.offset == 2.0
        # automatic sorting positions Clef first
        assert m1[0] == cf1
        # list-like indices follow sort order
        assert m1.index(n2) == 2
        # can find an element based on a given offset
        assert m1.getElementAtOrBefore(3) == n2

        n3 = note.Note('g#3', quarterLength=0.5)
        n4 = note.Note('d-4', quarterLength=3.5)

        m2 = stream.Measure(number=2)
        m2.append([n3, n4])

        # appended position is after n3
        assert n4.offset == .5
        assert m2.highestOffset == .5
        # can access objects on elements
        assert m2[1].duration.quarterLength == 3.5
        # the Stream duration is the highest offset + duration
        assert m2.duration.quarterLength == 4

        p1 = stream.Part()
        p1.append([m1, m2])

        # the part has 2 components
        assert len(p1) == 2
        # the Stream duration is the highest offset + durations
        assert p1.duration.quarterLength == 8
        # can access Notes from Part using multiple indices
        assert p1[1][0].pitch.nameWithOctave == 'G#3'

        s1 = stream.Score()
        md1 = metadata.Metadata(title='The music21 Stream')
        s1.insert(0, md1)
        # calling show by default renders musicxml output

        #==== "fig-df02" end

        #==== "fig-df03"
        # Positioning the Same Element in Multiple Containers
        # show positioning the same element in multiple containers
        # do not yet use a flat representation
        s2 = stream.Stream()
        s3 = stream.Stream()
        s2.insert(10, n2)
        s3.insert(40, n2)

        # the offset attribute returns the last assigned
        assert n2.offset == 40
        # we can provide a site to finde a location-specific offset
        assert n2.getOffsetBySite(m1) == 2.0
        assert n2.getOffsetBySite(s2) == 10
        # the None site provides a default offset
        assert set(n2.sites.get()) == set([None, m1, s2, s3])
        # the same instance is found in all Streams
        assert m1.hasElement(n2) == True
        assert s2.hasElement(n2) == True
        assert s3.hasElement(n2) == True

        # only offset is independent to each location
        n2.pitch.transpose('-M2', inPlace=True)
        assert s2[s2.index(n2)].nameWithOctave == 'C4'
        assert s3[s3.index(n2)].nameWithOctave == 'C4'
        assert m1[m1.index(n2)].nameWithOctave == 'C4'

        # the transposition is maintained in the original context

        #==== "fig-df03" end

        #==== "fig-df04"
        # Simultaneous Access to Hierarchical and Flat Representations't')

        # lengths show the number of elements; indices are sequential
        s1Flat = s1.flat
        assert len(s1) == 2
        assert len(s1Flat) == 6
        assert s1Flat[4] == n3
        assert s1Flat[5] == n4

        # adding another Part to the Score results in a different flat representation
        n5 = note.Note('a#1', quarterLength=2.5)
        n6 = note.Note('b2', quarterLength=1.5)
        m4 = stream.Measure(number=2)
        m4.append([n5, n6])

        r1 = note.Rest(type='whole')
        cf2 = clef.bestClef(m4)  # = BassClef
        m3 = stream.Measure(number=1)
        m3.append([cf2, r1])

        p2 = stream.Part()
        p2.append([m3, m4])
        s1.insert(0, p2)

        assert 'BassClef' in cf2.classes

        # objects are sorted by offset
        s1Flat = s1.flat
        assert len(s1) == 3
        assert len(s1.flat) == 10
        assert s1Flat[6] == n3
        assert s1Flat[7] == n5
        assert s1Flat[8] == n4
        assert s1Flat[9] == n6

        # the F-sharp in m. 2 now as offsets for both flat non-flat sites
        assert n3.getOffsetBySite(m2) == 0
        assert n3.getOffsetBySite(s1Flat) == 4
        # the B in m. 2 now as offsets for both flat non-flat sites
        assert n6.getOffsetBySite(m4) == 2.5
        assert n6.getOffsetBySite(s1Flat) == 6.5

        #==== "fig-df04" end

        #==== "fig-df05"
        # Iterating and Filtering Elements by Class

        # get the Clef object, and report its sign, from Measure 1
        assert m1.getElementsByClass('Clef').stream()[0].sign == 'C'
        # collect into a list the sign of all clefs in the flat Score
        assert [cf.sign
                for cf in s1.flat.getElementsByClass('Clef')] == ['C', 'F']

        # collect the offsets Measures in the first part
        assert [e.offset for e in p1.elements] == [0.0, 4.0]
        # collect the offsets of Note in the first part flattened
        assert [e.offset
                for e in p1.flat.notesAndRests] == [0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 4.5]
        # collect the offsets of Notes in all parts flattened
        assert [e.offset for e in s1.flat.notesAndRests
                ] == [0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.5, 6.5]

        # get all pitch names
        match = []
        for e in s1.flat.getElementsByClass('Note').stream():
        assert match == ['G3', 'C4', 'G#3', 'A#1', 'D-4', 'B2']

        # collect all Notes and transpose up a perfect fifth
        for n in s1.flat.getElementsByClass('Note').stream():
            n.transpose('P5', inPlace=True)

        # check that all pitches are correctly transposed
        match = []
        for e in s1.flat.getElementsByClass('Note').stream():
        assert match == ['D4', 'G4', 'D#4', 'E#2', 'A-4', 'F#3']

        #==== "fig-df05" end

        #==== "fig-df06"
        # Searching by Locations and Contexts

        # a Note can always find a Clef
        self.assertIs(n4.getContextByClass('Clef'), cf1)
        # must search oldest sites first
        assert n6.getContextByClass('Clef',
                                    sortByCreationTime='reverse') == cf2

        #        # a Note can find their Measure number from a flat Part
        #        match = []
        #        for e in p1.flat.getElementsByClass('Note'):
        #            match.append(e.getContextByClass('Measure').number)
        #        assert match == [1, 1, 2, 2]

        # all Notes can find their Measure number from a flat Score
        match = []
        for e in s1.flat.notesAndRests:
            match.append([, e.getContextByClass('Measure').number])
        assert match == [['D', 1], ['rest', 1], ['G', 1], ['D#', 2], ['E#', 2],
                         ['A-', 2], ['F#', 2]]
        #==== "fig-df06" end

        #==== "fig-df06"
        # Non-Hierarchical Object Associations
        #oldIds = []
        #for idKey in n1.sites.siteDict:
        #    print (idKey, n1.sites.siteDict[idKey].isDead)
        #    oldIds.append(idKey)

        # Spanners can be positioned in Parts or Measures
        sp1 = spanner.Slur([n1, n4])
        sp2 = spanner.Slur([n5, n6])
        m4.insert(0, sp2)

        #print(id(sp1), id(sp1.spannerStorage), n1.sites.siteDict[id(sp1.spannerStorage)].isDead)
        #if id(sp1.spannerStorage) in oldIds:
        #    print ("******!!!!!!!!!*******")

        # Elements can report on what Spanner they belong to
        ss1 = n1.getSpannerSites()
        self.assertTrue(sp1 in ss1, (ss1, sp1))

        ss6 = n6.getSpannerSites()
        assert sp2 in ss6

        #         p1Flat = p1.flat
        #         assert sp1.getDurationSpanBySite(p1Flat) == [0.0, 8.0]
        #         p2Flat = p2.flat
        #         assert sp2.getDurationSpanBySite(p2Flat) == [4.0, 8.0]
        #==== "fig-df06" end

        # additional tests
        self.assertEqual(m1.clef, cf1)
Esempio n. 11
    def createClef(self, attributes):
        Add a new clef to the current measure and return the currentClef.
        Clef lines should look like: \|Clef\|Type:ClefType  or
        \|Clef\|Type:ClefType\|OctaveShift:Octave Down (or Up)
        >>> nwt = noteworthy.translate.NoteworthyTranslator()
        >>> nwt.currentMeasure = stream.Measure()
        >>> nwt.createClef({"Type": "Treble"})
        {0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef>      
        >>> nwt.currentClef
        >>> nwt.createClef({"Type" : "Bass", "OctaveShift" : "Octave Down"})
        {0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef>      
        {0.0} <music21.clef.Bass8vbClef>      
        If no clef can be found then it raises a NoteworthyTranslate exception
        >>> nwt.createClef({"Type" : "OBonobo"})
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        NoteworthyTranslateException: Did not find a proper clef in type, OBonobo
        currentClef = None
        if 'OctaveShift' in attributes:
            if attributes['OctaveShift'] == 'Octave Down':
                octaveShift = -1
            elif attributes['OctaveShift'] == 'Octave Up':
                octaveShift = 1
                raise NoteworthyTranslateException(
                    'Did not get a proper octave shift from %s' % attributes[3])
            octaveShift = 0
        cl = attributes['Type']   
        if cl == "Treble":
            if octaveShift == 0: 
                currentClef = "TREBLE"
            elif octaveShift == -1:
                currentClef = "TREBLE8dw"
            elif octaveShift == 1:
                currentClef = "TREBLE8up"                   
        elif cl == "Bass":
            if octaveShift == 0: 
                currentClef = "BASS"
            elif octaveShift == -1:
                currentClef = "BASS8dw"
            elif octaveShift == 1:
                currentClef = "BASS8up"                   
        elif cl == "Alto":
            if octaveShift != 0: 
                raise NoteworthyTranslateException('cannot shift octaves on an alto clef')
            currentClef = "ALTO" 
        elif cl == "Tenor":
            if octaveShift != 0: 
                raise NoteworthyTranslateException('cannot shift octaves on a tenor clef')
            currentClef = "TENOR" 
        if currentClef is None:
            raise NoteworthyTranslateException('Did not find a proper clef in type, %s' % cl)
        self.currentClef = currentClef
Esempio n. 12
 def test_clef_to_lily_8(self):
     bee_ell = clef.AltoClef()
     expected = u"\\clef alto\n"
     self.assertEqual(functions.clef_to_lily(bee_ell), expected)
Esempio n. 13
    def createClef(self, attributes):
        Add a new clef to the current measure and return the currentClef.

        Clef lines should look like: \|Clef\|Type:ClefType  or
        \|Clef\|Type:ClefType\|OctaveShift:Octave Down (or Up)

        >>> nwt = noteworthy.translate.NoteworthyTranslator()
        >>> nwt.currentMeasure = stream.Measure()
        >>> nwt.createClef({'Type': 'Treble'})
        {0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef>
        >>> nwt.currentClef
        >>> nwt.createClef({'Type' : 'Bass', 'OctaveShift' : 'Octave Down'})
        {0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef>
        {0.0} <music21.clef.Bass8vbClef>

        If no clef can be found then it raises a NoteworthyTranslate exception

        >>> nwt.createClef({'Type' : 'OrangeClef'})
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        music21.noteworthy.translate.NoteworthyTranslateException: Did
            not find a proper clef in type, OrangeClef

        currentClef = None
        if 'OctaveShift' in attributes:
            if attributes['OctaveShift'] == 'Octave Down':
                octaveShift = -1
            elif attributes['OctaveShift'] == 'Octave Up':
                octaveShift = 1
                raise NoteworthyTranslateException(
                    f'Did not get a proper octave shift from {attributes[3]}')
            octaveShift = 0

        cl = attributes['Type']
        if cl == 'Treble':
            if octaveShift == 0:
                currentClef = 'TREBLE'
            elif octaveShift == -1:
                currentClef = 'TREBLE8dw'
            elif octaveShift == 1:
                currentClef = 'TREBLE8up'

        elif cl == 'Bass':
            if octaveShift == 0:
                currentClef = 'BASS'
            elif octaveShift == -1:
                currentClef = 'BASS8dw'
            elif octaveShift == 1:
                currentClef = 'BASS8up'

        elif cl == 'Alto':
            if octaveShift != 0:
                raise NoteworthyTranslateException(
                    'cannot shift octaves on an alto clef')
            currentClef = 'ALTO'
        elif cl == 'Tenor':
            if octaveShift != 0:
                raise NoteworthyTranslateException(
                    'cannot shift octaves on a tenor clef')
            currentClef = 'TENOR'
        if currentClef is None:
            raise NoteworthyTranslateException(
                f'Did not find a proper clef in type, {cl}')
        self.currentClef = currentClef