Esempio n. 1
 def generateRandomRealization(self):
     Generates a random realization of a figured bass as a :class:``, 
     with the default rules set **and** a soprano line limited to stepwise motion.
     .. note:: Deprecated. Use :meth:`~music21.figuredBass.realizer.FiguredBassLine.realize`
         which returns a :class:`~music21.figuredBass.realizer.Realization`. Then, call :meth:`~music21.figuredBass.realizer.Realization.generateRandomRealization`.
     fbRules = rules.Rules()
     fbRules.partMovementLimits = [(1, 2), (2, 12), (3, 12)]
     return self.realize(fbRules).generateRandomRealization()
Esempio n. 2
    def singlePossibilityRules(self, fbRules=None):
        A framework for storing single possibility rules and methods to be applied
        in :meth:`~music21.figuredBass.segment.Segment.allCorrectSinglePossibilities`.
        Takes in a :class:`~music21.figuredBass.rules.Rules` object, fbRules.
        If None then a new rules object is created.
        Items are added within this method in the following form:
        (willRunOnlyIfTrue, methodToRun, keepSolnsWhichReturn, optionalArgs)

        These items are compiled internally when 
        is called on a Segment. Here, the compilation of rules and 
        methods bases on a default fbRules is shown.
        >>> from music21.figuredBass import segment
        >>> segmentA = segment.Segment()
        >>> allSingleRules = segmentA.singlePossibilityRules()
        >>> segment.printRules(allSingleRules)
        Will run:  Method:                       Keep solutions which return:  Arguments:
        True       isIncomplete                  False                         ['C', 'E', 'G']
        True       upperPartsWithinLimit         True                          12
        True       voiceCrossing                 False                         None
        Here, a modified fbRules is provided, which allows for incomplete possibilities.
        >>> from music21.figuredBass import rules
        >>> fbRules = rules.Rules()
        >>> fbRules.forbidIncompletePossibilities = False
        >>> allSingleRules = segmentA.singlePossibilityRules(fbRules)
        >>> segment.printRules(allSingleRules)
        Will run:  Method:                       Keep solutions which return:  Arguments:
        False      isIncomplete                  False                         ['C', 'E', 'G']
        True       upperPartsWithinLimit         True                          12
        True       voiceCrossing                 False                         None
        if fbRules is None:
            fbRules = rules.Rules()

        singlePossibRules = [
            (fbRules.forbidIncompletePossibilities, possibility.isIncomplete,
             False, [self.pitchNamesInChord]),
            (True, possibility.upperPartsWithinLimit, True,
            (fbRules.forbidVoiceCrossing, possibility.voiceCrossing, False)

        return singlePossibRules
Esempio n. 3
    def retrieveSegments(self, fbRules=None, numParts=4, maxPitch=None):
        generates the segmentList from an fbList, including any overlaid Segments

        if fbRules is None, creates a new rules.Rules() object

        if maxPitch is None, uses pitch.Pitch('B5')
        if fbRules is None:
            fbRules = rules.Rules()
        if maxPitch is None:
            maxPitch = pitch.Pitch('B5')
        segmentList = []
        bassLine = self.generateBassLine()
        if len(self._overlaidParts) >= 1:
            currentMapping = checker.extractHarmonies(self._overlaidParts)
            currentMapping = checker.createOffsetMapping(bassLine)
        allKeys = sorted(currentMapping.keys())
        bassLine = bassLine.flatten().notes
        bassNoteIndex = 0
        previousBassNote = bassLine[bassNoteIndex]
        bassNote = currentMapping[allKeys[0]][-1]
        previousSegment = segment.OverlaidSegment(
            bassNote, bassNote.editorial.notationString, self._fbScale,
            fbRules, numParts, maxPitch)
        previousSegment.quarterLength = previousBassNote.quarterLength
        for k in allKeys[1:]:
            (startTime, unused_endTime) = k
            bassNote = currentMapping[k][-1]
            currentSegment = segment.OverlaidSegment(
                bassNote, bassNote.editorial.notationString, self._fbScale,
                fbRules, numParts, maxPitch)
            for partNumber in range(1, len(currentMapping[k])):
                upperPitch = currentMapping[k][partNumber - 1]
                    (partNumber, upperPitch))
            if startTime == previousBassNote.offset + previousBassNote.quarterLength:
                bassNoteIndex += 1
                previousBassNote = bassLine[bassNoteIndex]
                currentSegment.quarterLength = previousBassNote.quarterLength
                for partNumber in range(len(currentMapping[k]), numParts + 1):
                # Fictitious, representative only for harmonies preserved
                # with addition of melody or melodies
                currentSegment.quarterLength = 0.0
            previousSegment = currentSegment
        return segmentList
Esempio n. 4
 def showRandomRealization(self):
     Displays a random realization of a figured bass as a musicxml in external software, 
     with the default rules set **and** a soprano line limited to stepwise motion.
     .. note:: Deprecated. Use :meth:`~music21.figuredBass.realizer.FiguredBassLine.realize`
         which returns a :class:`~music21.figuredBass.realizer.Realization`. Then, call :meth:`~music21.figuredBass.realizer.Realization.generateRandomRealization`
         followed by a call to :meth:``.
     fbRules = rules.Rules()
     fbRules.partMovementLimits = [(1, 2), (2, 12), (3, 12)]
     return self.realize(fbRules).generateRandomRealization().show()
Esempio n. 5
def generateTripletBlues(blRealization=None, numRepeats=5):  # 12/8
    Turns whole notes in twelve bar blues bass line to triplet blues bass line. Takes
    in numRepeats, which is the number of times to repeat the bass line. Also, takes in a
    realization of :meth:`~music21.figuredBass.examples.twelveBarBlues`. If none is provided,
    a default realization with :attr:`~music21.figuredBass.rules.Rules.forbidVoiceOverlap`
    set to False and :attr:`~music21.figuredBass.rules.Rules.partMovementLimits` set to
    [(1, 4), (2, 12), (3, 12)] is used.

    >>> from music21.figuredBass import examples
    >>> #_DOCS_SHOW examples.generateTripletBlues(numRepeats=1).show()

    .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_tripletBlues.*
        :width: 700
    from music21 import converter
    from music21 import stream
    from music21 import interval
    from music21 import meter
    if blRealization is None:
        bluesLine = twelveBarBlues()
        fbRules = rules.Rules()
        fbRules.partMovementLimits = [(1, 4), (2, 12), (3, 12)]
        fbRules.forbidVoiceOverlap = False
        blRealization = bluesLine.realize(fbRules)

    sampleScore = blRealization.generateRandomRealizations(numRepeats)
    tripletBassLine = converter.parse(
        "tinynotation: BB-4 BB-8 D4 D8 F4 F8 A-8 G8 F8", makeNotation=False)

    newBassLine = stream.Part()
    for n in sampleScore[1].notes:
        i = interval.notesToInterval(tripletBassLine[0], n)
        tp = tripletBassLine.transpose(i)
        for lyr in n.lyrics:
        for m in tp.notes:

    newTopLine = stream.Part()
    for sampleChord in sampleScore[0].notes:
        sampleChordCopy = copy.deepcopy(sampleChord)
        sampleChordCopy.quarterLength = 6.0

    newScore = stream.Score()
    newScore.append(meter.TimeSignature("12/8"))  # Time signature
    newScore.append(sampleScore[1][1])  # Key signature
    newScore.insert(0, newTopLine)
    newScore.insert(0, newBassLine)
    return newScore
Esempio n. 6
 def generateRandomRealization(self):
     Generates a random realization of a figured bass as a :class:``, 
     with the default rules set **and** a soprano line limited to stepwise motion.
     .. note:: Deprecated. Use :meth:`~music21.figuredBass.realizer.FiguredBassLine.realize`
         which returns a :class:`~music21.figuredBass.realizer.Realization`. Then, call :meth:`~music21.figuredBass.realizer.Realization.generateRandomRealization`.
     _environRules = environment.Environment(_MOD)
         "The method generateRandomRealization() is deprecated. Use realize() instead and call generateRandomRealization() on the result.",
     fbRules = rules.Rules()
     fbRules.partMovementLimits = [(1, 2), (2, 12), (3, 12)]
     return self.realize(fbRules).generateRandomRealization()
Esempio n. 7
def generateBoogieVamp(blRealization=None, numRepeats=5):
    Turns whole notes in twelve bar blues bass line to blues boogie woogie bass line. Takes
    in numRepeats, which is the number of times to repeat the bass line. Also, takes in a
    realization of :meth:`~music21.figuredBass.examples.twelveBarBlues`. If none is provided,
    a default realization with :attr:`~music21.figuredBass.rules.Rules.forbidVoiceOverlap`
    set to False and :attr:`~music21.figuredBass.rules.Rules.partMovementLimits` set to
    [(1, 4), (2, 12), (3, 12)] is used.

    >>> from music21.figuredBass import examples
    >>> #_DOCS_SHOW examples.generateBoogieVamp(numRepeats=1).show()

    .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_boogieVamp.*
        :width: 700
    from music21 import converter
    from music21 import stream
    from music21 import interval
    if blRealization is None:
        bluesLine = twelveBarBlues()
        fbRules = rules.Rules()
        fbRules.partMovementLimits = [(1, 4), (2, 12), (3, 12)]
        fbRules.forbidVoiceOverlap = False
        blRealization = bluesLine.realize(fbRules)

    sampleScore = blRealization.generateRandomRealizations(numRepeats)
    boogieBassLine = converter.parse(
        "tinynotation: BB-8. D16 F8. G16 A-8. G16 F8. D16", makeNotation=False)

    newBassLine = stream.Part()
    newBassLine.append(sampleScore[1][0])  # Time signature
    newBassLine.append(sampleScore[1][1])  # Key signature

    for n in sampleScore[1].notes:
        i = interval.notesToInterval(boogieBassLine[0], n)
        tp = boogieBassLine.transpose(i)
        for lyr in n.lyrics:
        for m in tp.notes:

    newScore = stream.Score()
    newScore.insert(0, sampleScore[0])

    return newScore
Esempio n. 8
    def showAllRealizations(self):
        Displays all realizations of a figured bass as a musicxml in external software, 
        with the default rules set **and** a soprano line limited to stepwise motion.
        .. note:: Deprecated. Use :meth:`~music21.figuredBass.realizer.FiguredBassLine.realize`
            which returns a :class:`~music21.figuredBass.realizer.Realization`. Then, call :meth:`~music21.figuredBass.realizer.Realization.generateAllRealizations`
            followed by a call to :meth:``.

        .. warning:: This method is unoptimized, and may take a prohibitive amount
            of time for a Realization which has more than tens of unique realizations.
        fbRules = rules.Rules()
        fbRules.partMovementLimits = [(1, 2), (2, 12), (3, 12)]
        return self.realize(fbRules).generateAllRealizations().show()
Esempio n. 9
    def realize(self, fbRules=None, numParts=4, maxPitch=None):
        Creates a :class:`~music21.figuredBass.segment.Segment` for each (bassNote, notationString) pair
        added using :meth:`~music21.figuredBass.realizer.FiguredBassLine.addElement`. Each Segment is associated
        with the :class:`~music21.figuredBass.rules.Rules` object provided, meaning that rules are
        universally applied across all Segments. The number of parts in a realization
        (including the bass) can be controlled through numParts, and the maximum pitch can
        likewise be controlled through maxPitch. Returns a :class:`~music21.figuredBass.realizer.Realization`.
        If this methods is called without having provided any (bassNote, notationString) pairs,
        a FiguredBassLineException is raised. If only one pair is provided, the Realization will
        contain :meth:`~music21.figuredBass.segment.Segment.allCorrectConsecutivePossibilities`
        for the one note.

        if `fbRules` is None, creates a new rules.Rules() object
        if `maxPitch` is None, uses pitch.Pitch('B5')

        >>> from music21.figuredBass import realizer
        >>> from music21.figuredBass import rules
        >>> from music21 import key
        >>> from music21 import meter
        >>> from music21 import note
        >>> fbLine = realizer.FiguredBassLine(key.Key('B'), meter.TimeSignature('3/4'))
        >>> fbLine.addElement(note.Note('B2'))
        >>> fbLine.addElement(note.Note('C#3'), "6")
        >>> fbLine.addElement(note.Note('D#3'), "6")
        >>> fbRules = rules.Rules()
        >>> r1 = fbLine.realize(fbRules)
        >>> r1.getNumSolutions()
        >>> fbRules.forbidVoiceOverlap = False
        >>> r2 = fbLine.realize(fbRules)
        >>> r2.getNumSolutions()
        >>> fbLine3 = realizer.FiguredBassLine(key.Key('C'), meter.TimeSignature('2/4'))
        >>> h1 = harmony.ChordSymbol('C')
        >>> h1.bass().octave = 4
        >>> fbLine3.addElement(h1)
        >>> h2 = harmony.ChordSymbol('G')
        >>> h2.bass().octave = 4
        >>> fbLine3.addElement(h2)
        >>> r3 = fbLine3.realize()
        >>> r3.getNumSolutions()
        >>> fbLine4 = realizer.FiguredBassLine(key.Key('C'), meter.TimeSignature('2/4'))
        >>> fbLine4.addElement(roman.RomanNumeral('I'))
        >>> fbLine4.addElement(roman.RomanNumeral('IV'))
        >>> r4 = fbLine4.realize()
        >>> r4.getNumSolutions()

        if fbRules is None:
            fbRules = rules.Rules()
        if maxPitch is None:
            maxPitch = pitch.Pitch('B5')

        segmentList = []

        listOfHarmonyObjects = False
        for item in self._fbList:
                c = item.classes
            except AttributeError:
            if 'Note' in c:
            #!---------- Added to accommodate harmony.ChordSymbol and roman.RomanNumeral objects --------!
            if 'RomanNumeral' in c or 'ChordSymbol' in c:  #and item.isClassOrSubclass(harmony.Harmony):
                listOfHarmonyObjects = True

        if listOfHarmonyObjects:
            for harmonyObject in self._fbList:
                listofpitchesjustnames = []
                for thisPitch in harmonyObject.pitches:
                #remove duplicates just in case...
                d = {}
                for x in listofpitchesjustnames:
                    d[x] = x
                outputList = d.values()
                g = lambda x: x if x != 0.0 else 1.0
                passedNote = note.Note(
                correspondingSegment = segment.Segment(bassNote=passedNote, \
                fbScale=self._fbScale, fbRules=fbRules, numParts=numParts, maxPitch=maxPitch, listOfPitches=outputList)
                correspondingSegment.quarterLength = g(
        #!---------- Original code - Accommodates a tuple (figured bass)  --------!
            segmentList = self.retrieveSegments(fbRules, numParts, maxPitch)

        if len(segmentList) >= 2:
            for segmentIndex in range(len(segmentList) - 1):
                segmentA = segmentList[segmentIndex]
                segmentB = segmentList[segmentIndex + 1]
                correctAB = segmentA.allCorrectConsecutivePossibilities(
                segmentA.movements = collections.defaultdict(list)
                listAB = list(correctAB)
                for (possibA, possibB) in listAB:
        elif len(segmentList) == 1:
            segmentA = segmentList[0]
            segmentA.correctA = list(segmentA.allCorrectSinglePossibilities())
        elif len(segmentList) == 0:
            raise FiguredBassLineException(
                "No (bassNote, notationString) pairs to realize.")

        return Realization(realizedSegmentList=segmentList,
Esempio n. 10
def generateBaroqueRules():
    fbRules = rules.Rules()
    return fbRules
Esempio n. 11
    def __init__(self,
        A Segment corresponds to a 1:1 realization of a bassNote and notationString 
        of a :class:`~music21.figuredBass.realizer.FiguredBassLine`.
        It is created by passing six arguments: a 
        :class:`~music21.figuredBass.realizerScale.FiguredBassScale`, a bassNote, a notationString,
        a :class:`~music21.figuredBass.rules.Rules` object, a number of parts and a maximum pitch. 
        Realizations of a Segment are represented 
        as possibility tuples (see :mod:`~music21.figuredBass.possibility` for more details). 
        Methods in Python's `itertools <>`_ 
        module are used extensively. Methods 
        which generate possibilities or possibility progressions return iterators, 
        which are turned into lists in the examples 
        for display purposes only.
        if fbScale is None, a realizerScale.FiguredBassScale() is created

        if fbRules is None, a rules.Rules() instance is created.  Each Segment gets 
        its own deepcopy of the one given.
        Here, a Segment is created using the default values: a FiguredBassScale in C, 
        a bassNote of C3, an empty notationString, and a default
        Rules object.
        >>> from music21.figuredBass import segment
        >>> s1 = segment.Segment()
        >>> s1.bassNote
        <music21.note.Note C>
        >>> s1.numParts
        >>> s1.pitchNamesInChord
        ['C', 'E', 'G']
        >>> [str(p) for p in s1.allPitchesAboveBass]
        ['C3', 'E3', 'G3', 'C4', 'E4', 'G4', 'C5', 'E5', 'G5']
        >>> s1.segmentChord
        <music21.chord.Chord C3 E3 G3 C4 E4 G4 C5 E5 G5>
        if common.isStr(bassNote):
            bassNote = note.Note(bassNote)
        if common.isStr(maxPitch):
            maxPitch = pitch.Pitch(maxPitch)

        if fbScale is None:
            if _defaultRealizerScale['scale'] is None:
                    'scale'] = realizerScale.FiguredBassScale()
            fbScale = _defaultRealizerScale['scale']  # save making it

        if fbRules is None:
            self.fbRules = rules.Rules()
            self.fbRules = copy.deepcopy(fbRules)

        self._specialResolutionRuleChecking = None
        self._singlePossibilityRuleChecking = None
        self._consecutivePossibilityRuleChecking = None

        self.bassNote = bassNote
        self.numParts = numParts
        self._maxPitch = maxPitch
        if notationString == None and listOfPitches != None:  #must be a chord symbol or roman num.
            self.pitchNamesInChord = listOfPitches
        #!------ Added to accommodate harmony.ChordSymbol and roman.RomanNumeral objects ------!
            self.pitchNamesInChord = fbScale.getPitchNames(
                self.bassNote.pitch, notationString)

        self.allPitchesAboveBass = getPitches(self.pitchNamesInChord,
        self.segmentChord = chord.Chord(self.allPitchesAboveBass,
        self._environRules = environment.Environment(_MOD)
Esempio n. 12
    def specialResolutionRules(self, fbRules=None):
        A framework for storing methods which perform special resolutions
        on Segments. Unlike the methods in 
        :meth:`~music21.figuredBass.segment.Segment.singlePossibilityRules` and
        these methods deal with the Segment itself, and rely on submethods
        to resolve the individual possibilities accordingly depending on what
        the resolution Segment is. 
        If fbRules is None, then a new rules.Rules() object is created.
        Items are added within this method in the following form:

        (willRunOnlyIfTrue, methodToRun, optionalArgs)
        These items are compiled internally 
        when :meth:`~music21.figuredBass.segment.Segment.allCorrectConsecutivePossibilities`
        is called on a Segment. Here, the compilation of rules and methods 
        based on a default fbRules is shown.
        >>> from music21.figuredBass import segment
        >>> segmentA = segment.Segment()
        >>> allSpecialResRules = segmentA.specialResolutionRules()
        >>> segment.printRules(allSpecialResRules, maxLength = 3)
        Will run:  Method:                          Arguments:
        False      resolveDominantSeventhSegment    None
        False      resolveDiminishedSeventhSegment  False
        False      resolveAugmentedSixthSegment     None
        Dominant Seventh Segment:
        >>> from music21 import note
        >>> segmentA = segment.Segment(bassNote = note.Note('B2'), notationString = "6,5")
        >>> allSpecialResRules = segmentA.specialResolutionRules()
        >>> segment.printRules(allSpecialResRules, maxLength = 3)
        Will run:  Method:                          Arguments:
        True       resolveDominantSeventhSegment    None
        False      resolveDiminishedSeventhSegment  False
        False      resolveAugmentedSixthSegment     None
        Fully-Diminished Seventh Segment:
        >>> segmentA = segment.Segment(bassNote = note.Note('B2'), notationString = "-7")
        >>> allSpecialResRules = segmentA.specialResolutionRules()
        >>> segment.printRules(allSpecialResRules, maxLength = 3)
        Will run:  Method:                          Arguments:
        False      resolveDominantSeventhSegment    None
        True       resolveDiminishedSeventhSegment  False
        False      resolveAugmentedSixthSegment     None
        Augmented Sixth Segment:
        >>> segmentA = segment.Segment(bassNote = note.Note('A-2'), notationString = "#6,b5")
        >>> allSpecialResRules = segmentA.specialResolutionRules()
        >>> segment.printRules(allSpecialResRules, maxLength = 3)
        Will run:  Method:                          Arguments:
        False      resolveDominantSeventhSegment    None
        False      resolveDiminishedSeventhSegment  False
        True       resolveAugmentedSixthSegment     None
        if fbRules is None:
            fbRules = rules.Rules()

        isDominantSeventh = self.segmentChord.isDominantSeventh()
        isDiminishedSeventh = self.segmentChord.isDiminishedSeventh()
        isAugmentedSixth = self.segmentChord.isAugmentedSixth()

        specialResRules = [
             and isDominantSeventh, self.resolveDominantSeventhSegment),
             and isDiminishedSeventh, self.resolveDiminishedSeventhSegment,
             and isAugmentedSixth, self.resolveAugmentedSixthSegment)

        return specialResRules
Esempio n. 13
    def consecutivePossibilityRules(self, fbRules=None):
        A framework for storing consecutive possibility rules and methods to be applied
        in :meth:`~music21.figuredBass.segment.Segment.allCorrectConsecutivePossibilities`.
        Takes in a :class:`~music21.figuredBass.rules.Rules` object, fbRules; if None
        then a new rules.Rules() object is created.
        Items are added within this method in the following form:
        (willRunOnlyIfTrue, methodToRun, keepSolnsWhichReturn, optionalArgs)
        These items are compiled internally when 
        is called on a Segment. Here, the compilation of rules and methods 
        bases on a default fbRules is shown.
        >>> from music21.figuredBass import segment
        >>> segmentA = segment.Segment()
        >>> allConsecRules = segmentA.consecutivePossibilityRules()
        >>> segment.printRules(allConsecRules)
        Will run:  Method:                       Keep solutions which return:  Arguments:
        True       partsSame                     True                          []
        False      upperPartsSame                True                          None
        True       voiceOverlap                  False                         None
        True       partMovementsWithinLimits     True                          []
        True       parallelFifths                False                         None
        True       parallelOctaves               False                         None
        True       hiddenFifth                   False                         None
        True       hiddenOctave                  False                         None
        False      couldBeItalianA6Resolution    True           [<music21.pitch.Pitch C3>, 
                                                                 <music21.pitch.Pitch C3>, 
                                                                 <music21.pitch.Pitch E3>, 
                                                                 <music21.pitch.Pitch G3>], True
        Now, a modified fbRules is provided, allowing hidden octaves and
        voice overlap, and limiting the soprano line to stepwise motion.
        >>> from music21.figuredBass import rules
        >>> fbRules = rules.Rules()
        >>> fbRules.forbidVoiceOverlap = False
        >>> fbRules.forbidHiddenOctaves = False
        >>> fbRules.partMovementLimits.append((1,2))
        >>> allConsecRules = segmentA.consecutivePossibilityRules(fbRules)
        >>> segment.printRules(allConsecRules)
        Will run:  Method:                       Keep solutions which return:  Arguments:
        True       partsSame                     True                          []
        False      upperPartsSame                True                          None
        False      voiceOverlap                  False                         None
        True       partMovementsWithinLimits     True                          [(1, 2)]
        True       parallelFifths                False                         None
        True       parallelOctaves               False                         None
        True       hiddenFifth                   False                         None
        False      hiddenOctave                  False                         None
        False      couldBeItalianA6Resolution    True           [<music21.pitch.Pitch C3>, 
                                                                 <music21.pitch.Pitch C3>, 
                                                                 <music21.pitch.Pitch E3>, 
                                                                 <music21.pitch.Pitch G3>], True
        if fbRules is None:
            fbRules = rules.Rules()

        isItalianAugmentedSixth = self.segmentChord.isItalianAugmentedSixth()

        consecPossibRules = [
            (True, possibility.partsSame, True, [fbRules._partsToCheck]),
            (fbRules._upperPartsRemainSame, possibility.upperPartsSame, True),
            (fbRules.forbidVoiceOverlap, possibility.voiceOverlap, False),
            (True, possibility.partMovementsWithinLimits, True,
            (fbRules.forbidParallelFifths, possibility.parallelFifths, False),
            (fbRules.forbidParallelOctaves, possibility.parallelOctaves,
            (fbRules.forbidHiddenFifths, possibility.hiddenFifth, False),
            (fbRules.forbidHiddenOctaves, possibility.hiddenOctave, False),
            (fbRules.resolveAugmentedSixthProperly and isItalianAugmentedSixth,
             possibility.couldBeItalianA6Resolution, True, [

        return consecPossibRules