def note_rhythm_zip(melody,
    melody_sequence = mimic_melody(note_sequence, melody)
    melody_sequence = [
        Note(elem.nameWithOctave, quarterLength=interval)
        if type(elem) is Note else Rest(quarterLength=interval)
        for elem in melody_sequence
        for i in range(0, int(elem.quarterLength / interval))

    new_melody_sequence = []
    elem = None
    bar_length = 0.0

    # Handle notes in the melody due to bars and time signature
    def add_to_melody_sequence(new_melody_sequence, elem, bar_length):
        if type(elem) not in [Note, Rest]:
        elif bar_length + elem.quarterLength >= time_signature:
            extra = bar_length + elem.quarterLength - time_signature
            elem.quarterLength = time_signature - bar_length
            if elem.quarterLength > 0.0:
                new_melody_sequence += [elem]
            bar_length = extra
            # The possible extra note
            elem = Note(elem.nameWithOctave) if type(elem) is Note else Rest()
            elem.quarterLength = extra
            if elem.quarterLength > 0.0:
                new_melody_sequence += [elem]
            new_melody_sequence += [elem]
            bar_length += elem.quarterLength
        return (new_melody_sequence, elem, bar_length)

    for index, rhythm in enumerate(rhythm_sequence):
        if rhythm == 'Hold' and type(elem) is Note:
            elem.quarterLength += interval
        elif rhythm == 'Note':
            new_melody_sequence, elem, bar_length = add_to_melody_sequence(
                new_melody_sequence, elem, bar_length)
            elem = melody_sequence[index]
            elem.quarterLength = interval
        elif rhythm == 'Rest' and type(elem) is Rest:
            elem.quarterLength += interval
        elif rhythm == 'Rest' or rhythm == 'Hold':
            new_melody_sequence, elem, bar_length = add_to_melody_sequence(
                new_melody_sequence, elem, bar_length)
            elem = Rest()
            elem.quarterLength = interval
    new_melody_sequence, elem, bar_length = add_to_melody_sequence(
        new_melody_sequence, elem, bar_length)
    return new_melody_sequence