async def on_message(message: Message): if == return control_channel = get_bot_control_channel(message.server.channels) if not control_channel: return if != return if not message.content: await bot.delete_message(message) return content = message.content.split(' ') command = content[0].lower() if len(content) > 1: args = content[1:] else: args = None if if command != 'help': await bot.send_message(, "I didn't get that. But there are available commands:") await bot.send_message(, help_message) return m_player = bot.music_players.get(, None) user_voice_channel = bot_voice_channel = bot.voice_channels.get(, None) if command == 'summon' or command == 'summoning jutsu': if user_voice_channel: if m_player: await m_player.voice_client.disconnect() m_player.voice_client = await bot.join_voice_channel( user_voice_channel) else: voice_client = await bot.join_voice_channel(user_voice_channel) m_player = MusicPlayer( voice_client, next_song_event_generator(control_channel), settings.MUSIC_DIRECTORY, settings.DEFAULT_VOLUME) bot.music_players.update({ m_player}) bot.voice_channels.update( { user_voice_channel}) username = if else await bot.send_message(control_channel, 'At your service, sir {}.'.format(username)) else: await bot.send_message(control_channel, 'Unable to join: unknown voice channel!') elif command == 'help': await bot.send_message(, help_message) elif command == 'clear_messages': if not return await bot.purge_from(control_channel, limit=50) elif command == 'update_songs': if not return m_player.update_songs() elif m_player and user_voice_channel == bot_voice_channel: if command == 'bye': await bot.disconnect_from_server( elif command == 'play': success = await if not success: await incorrect_message(message) elif command == 'seek' and args: await[0]) elif command == 'volume': if args: success = m_player.set_volume(args[0]) if not success: await incorrect_message(message) else: await bot.send_message( control_channel, 'New volume is {}%'.format(m_player.get_volume())) else: await bot.send_message( control_channel, 'Current volume is {}%'.format(m_player.get_volume())) elif command == 'pause': m_player.pause() elif command == 'stop': await bot.change_presence(game=discord.Game( name='v. {}'.format(settings.BOT_VERSION))) m_player.reset_player() elif command == 'next': await m_player.play_next_song() elif command == 'prev': await m_player.play_previous_song() elif command == 'add' and args: success = m_player.add_to_playlist(args[0]) if not success: await incorrect_message(message) elif command == 'delete': if args: song = await m_player.delete_from_playlist(args[0]) else: song = await m_player.delete_from_playlist() if not song: await incorrect_message(message) else: # todo: execute playlist command here await bot.send_message( control_channel, '***{}.** {} was deleted from playlist!*'.format( args[0], song.title)) elif command == 'playlist': plist_msg = '' i = 1 for song_title in m_player.get_playlist_titles(): if m_player.current_song_id == i - 1: song_title = '**' + song_title + '**' else: song_title = '*' + song_title + '*' plist_msg += '**{}**. {}\n'.format(i, song_title) i += 1 if plist_msg: await bot.send_message(control_channel, plist_msg) else: await bot.send_message(control_channel, '*The playlist is empty!*') elif command == 'select' and args: try: await m_player.select_song(args[0]) except Exception: await incorrect_message(message) else: await incorrect_message(message) else: await incorrect_message(message)
class MusicWorker(Worker): def __init__(self, holder): super().__init__(holder) random.seed() self._config = Config() self._player = MusicPlayer() self._load_config() def on_connect(self, client, userdata, flags): super().on_connect(client, userdata, flags) client.subscribe(MUSIC_TOPIC_SUBSCRIBE) def on_message(self, client, userdata, msg): super().on_message(client, userdata, msg) payload = msg.payload.decode('UTF-8') if msg.topic.startswith(MUSIC_TOPIC_ROOT): command = msg.topic.rsplit("/", 1)[-1] if command == 'play': mp3_file = payload result = self._play_music(mp3_file) client.publish(msg.topic + '/reply', payload=result, qos=1) elif command == 'stop': self._stop_music() elif command == 'play_random_one': self._play_random_one() elif command == 'list_music': mp3_list = self._get_mp3_list() file_list = [mp3.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] for mp3 in mp3_list] client.publish(msg.topic + '/reply', payload='{}:{}'.format(payload, ','.join(file_list)), qos=1, retain=True) elif command == 'get_volume': volume = self._get_volume() client.publish(msg.topic + '/reply', payload='{}'.format(volume), qos=1, retain=True) elif command == 'set_volume': result = self._set_volume(payload) client.publish(msg.topic + '/reply', payload=result, qos=1) if result == 'ok': client.publish(MUSIC_TOPIC_ROOT + 'get_volume/reply', payload='{}'.format(payload), qos=1, retain=True) def _play_music(self, mp3_file=None, remote_command=True): self._stop_music() result = 'ok' if mp3_file is None or len(mp3_file) == 0: result = 'ok' elif remote_command: if mp3_file.find('..') != -1 or mp3_file.find( '/') != -1 or mp3_file.find('\\') != -1: # bad guy result = 'File not exist!' else: full_path = '{}/{}'.format(self._config.mp3_folder, mp3_file) if os.path.isfile(full_path): result = 'ok' else: result = 'File not exist!' else: result = 'ok' return result def _stop_music(self): self._player.stop() def _get_mp3_list(self): mp3_list = glob.glob('{}/*.[mM][pP]3'.format(self._config.mp3_folder)) return mp3_list def _play_random_one(self): mp3_list = self._get_mp3_list() mp3_file = random.choice(mp3_list) print('Playing: {}'.format(mp3_file)) self._play_music(mp3_file, remote_command=False) def _get_volume(self): return self._player.get_volume() def _set_volume(self, volume): v = -1 try: v = int(volume) except: pass if v >= 0 and v <= 100: self._player.set_volume(v) self._music_config.volume = v self._save_config() return 'ok' else: return 'volume is valid!' def _save_config(self): with open(MUSIC_SAVE_FILE, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self._music_config, f) def _load_config(self): self._music_config = None if os.path.isfile(MUSIC_SAVE_FILE): try: with open(MUSIC_SAVE_FILE, 'rb') as f: self._music_config = pickle.load(f) except: pass if self._music_config is None: self._music_config = MusicConfig() print('Volume:', self._music_config.volume) self._player.set_volume(self._music_config.volume) def pause(self): self._player.pause() # 为了解决 alarm 设置不了音量的问题 # 也不彻底,先这样了! self._player.set_volume(100) def resume(self): self._player.resume() # 为了解决 alarm 设置不了音量的问题 # 也不彻底,先这样了! self._player.set_volume(self._music_config.volume)