Esempio n. 1
class TextFrame(Frame):
    """Text strings.

    Text frames support casts to unicode or str objects, as well as
    list-like indexing, extend, and append.

    Iterating over a TextFrame iterates over its strings, not its

    Text frames have a 'text' attribute which is the list of strings,
    and an 'encoding' attribute; 0 for ISO-8859 1, 1 UTF-16, 2 for
    UTF-16BE, and 3 for UTF-8. If you don't want to worry about
    encodings, just set it to 3.

    _framespec = [
        MultiSpec('text', EncodedTextSpec('text'), sep=u'\u0000'),

    def __bytes__(self):
        return text_type(self).encode('utf-8')

    def __str__(self):
        return u'\u0000'.join(self.text)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, bytes):
            return bytes(self) == other
        elif isinstance(other, text_type):
            return text_type(self) == other
        return self.text == other

    __hash__ = Frame.__hash__

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return self.text[item]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.text)

    def append(self, value):
        """Append a string."""

        return self.text.append(value)

    def extend(self, value):
        """Extend the list by appending all strings from the given list."""

        return self.text.extend(value)

    def _pprint(self):
        return " / ".join(self.text)
Esempio n. 2
class NumericPartTextFrame(TextFrame):
    """Multivalue numerical text strings.

    These strings indicate 'part (e.g. track) X of Y', and unary plus
    returns the first value::

        frame = TRCK('4/15')
        track = +frame # track == 4

    _framespec = [
        MultiSpec('text', EncodedNumericPartTextSpec('text'), sep=u'\u0000'),

    def __pos__(self):
        return int(self.text[0].split("/")[0])
Esempio n. 3
class NumericTextFrame(TextFrame):
    """Numerical text strings.

    The numeric value of these frames can be gotten with unary plus, e.g.::

        frame = TLEN('12345')
        length = +frame

    _framespec = [
        MultiSpec('text', EncodedNumericTextSpec('text'), sep=u'\u0000'),

    def __pos__(self):
        """Return the numerical value of the string."""
        return int(self.text[0])
Esempio n. 4
class COMM(TextFrame):
    """User comment.

    User comment frames have a descrption, like TXXX, and also a three
    letter ISO language code in the 'lang' attribute.

    _framespec = [
        StringSpec('lang', 3),
        MultiSpec('text', EncodedTextSpec('text'), sep=u'\u0000'),

    def HashKey(self):
        return '%s:%s:%r' % (self.FrameID, self.desc, self.lang)

    def _pprint(self):
        return "%s=%r=%s" % (self.desc, self.lang, " / ".join(self.text))
Esempio n. 5
class TXXX(TextFrame):
    """User-defined text data.

    TXXX frames have a 'desc' attribute which is set to any Unicode
    value (though the encoding of the text and the description must be
    the same). Many taggers use this frame to store freeform keys.

    _framespec = [
        MultiSpec('text', EncodedTextSpec('text'), sep=u'\u0000'),

    def HashKey(self):
        return '%s:%s' % (self.FrameID, self.desc)

    def _pprint(self):
        return "%s=%s" % (self.desc, " / ".join(self.text))
Esempio n. 6
class TimeStampTextFrame(TextFrame):
    """A list of time stamps.

    The 'text' attribute in this frame is a list of ID3TimeStamp
    objects, not a list of strings.

    _framespec = [
        MultiSpec('text', TimeStampSpec('stamp'), sep=u','),

    def __bytes__(self):
        return text_type(self).encode('utf-8')

    def __str__(self):
        return ','.join([stamp.text for stamp in self.text])

    def _pprint(self):
        return " / ".join([stamp.text for stamp in self.text])
Esempio n. 7
class PairedTextFrame(Frame):
    """Paired text strings.

    Some ID3 frames pair text strings, to associate names with a more
    specific involvement in the song. The 'people' attribute of these
    frames contains a list of pairs::

        [['trumpet', 'Miles Davis'], ['bass', 'Paul Chambers']]

    Like text frames, these frames also have an encoding attribute.

    _framespec = [
        MultiSpec('people', EncodedTextSpec('involvement'),

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.people == other

    __hash__ = Frame.__hash__