Esempio n. 1
    def __call__(self, v, obj=False):

        if isinstance(v, mv.Mv) and !=
            raise ValueError(
                'In Lt call Lt and argument refer to different vector spaces')

        if self.spinor:
            if not isinstance(v, mv.Mv):
                v = mv.Mv(v, ga=self.Ga)
            if self.rho_sq == None:
                R_v_Rrev = self.R * v * self.Rrev
                R_v_Rrev = self.rho_sq * self.R * v * self.Rrev
            if obj:
                return R_v_Rrev.obj
                return R_v_Rrev

        if isinstance(v, mv.Mv):
            if v.is_vector():
                lt_v = v.obj.xreplace(self.lt_dict)
                if obj:
                    return lt_v
                    return mv.Mv(lt_v, ga=self.Ga)
                mv_obj = v.obj
            mv_obj = mv.Mv(v, ga=self.Ga).obj

        if self.mv_dict is None:  # Build dict for linear transformation of multivector
            self.mv_dict = copy(self.lt_dict)
            for key in self.Ga.blades[2:]:
                for blade in key:
                    index = self.Ga.blades_to_indexes_dict[blade]
                    lt_blade = self(self.Ga.basis[index[0]], obj=True)
                    for i in index[1:]:
                        lt_blade = self.Ga.wedge(
                            lt_blade, self(self.Ga.basis[i], obj=True))
                    self.mv_dict[blade] = lt_blade

        lt_v = mv_obj.xreplace(self.mv_dict)
        if obj:
            return lt_v
            return mv.Mv(lt_v, ga=self.Ga)
Esempio n. 2
    def tr(self):  # tr(L) defined by tr(L) = grad|L(x)

        connect_flg = self.Ga.connect_flg
        self.Ga.connect_flg = False

        F_x = mv.Mv(self(self.Ga.lt_x, obj=True), ga=self.Ga)
        tr_F = (self.Ga.grad | F_x).scalar()
        self.Ga.connect_flg = connect_flg
        return (tr_F)
Esempio n. 3
    def Lt_latex_str(self):

        if self.spinor:
            s = '\\left \\{ \\begin{array}{ll} '
            for base in self.Ga.basis:
                s += 'L \\left ( ' + str(base) + '\\right ) =& ' + str(
                    self.R * mv.Mv(base, ga=self.Ga) * self.Rrev) + ' \\\\ '
            s = s[:-3] + ' \\end{array} \\right \\} \n'
            return s
            s = '\\left \\{ \\begin{array}{ll} '
            for base in self.Ga.basis:
                if base in self.lt_dict:
                    s += 'L \\left ( ' + str(base) + '\\right ) =& ' + str(
                        mv.Mv(self.lt_dict[base], ga=self.Ga)) + ' \\\\ '
                    s += 'L \\left ( ' + str(base) + '\\right ) =& 0 \\\\ '
            s = s[:-3] + ' \\end{array} \\right \\} \n'
            return s
Esempio n. 4
    def Lt_str(self):

        if self.spinor:
            return 'R = ' + str(self.R)
            pre = 'Lt('
            s = ''
            for base in self.Ga.basis:
                if base in self.lt_dict:
                    s += pre + str(base) + ') = ' + str(
                        mv.Mv(self.lt_dict[base], ga=self.Ga)) + '\n'
                    s += pre + str(base) + ') = 0\n'
            return s[:-1]
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, *kargs, **kwargs):
        Except for the spinor representation the linear transformation
        is stored as a dictionary with basis vector keys and vector
        values self.lt_dict so that a is a vector a = a^{i}e_{i} then

            self(a) = a^{i} * self.lt_dict[e_{i}].

        For the spinor representation the linear transformation is
        stored as the even multivector self.R so that if a is a

            self(a) = self.R * a * self.R.rev().

        For the general representation of a linear transformation the
        linear transformation is represented as a dictionary self.lt_dict
        where the keys are the basis symbols, {e_i}, and the dictionary
        entries are the object vector images (linear combination of sympy
        non-commutative basis symbols) of the keys so that if L is the
        linear transformation then

            L(e_i) =[e_i])


        kwargs = metric.test_init_slots(Lt.init_slots, **kwargs)

        mat_rep = kargs[0]
        ga = kwargs['ga']
        self.fct_flg = kwargs['f']
        self.mode = kwargs['mode']  # General g, s, or a transformation
        self.Ga = ga
        self.coords = ga.lt_coords
        self.X = ga.lt_x
        self.spinor = False
        self.rho_sq = None

        self.lt_dict = {}
        self.mv_dict = None
        self.mat = None

        )  # g^{-1} needed for standard matrix representation

        if isinstance(mat_rep, tuple):  # tuple input
            for key in mat_rep:
                self.lt_dict[key] = mat_rep[key]

        elif isinstance(mat_rep, dict):  # Dictionary input
            for key in mat_rep:
                self.lt_dict[key] = mat_rep[key]

        elif isinstance(mat_rep, list):  # List of lists input
            if not isinstance(mat_rep[0], list):
                for (lt_i, base) in zip(mat_rep, self.Ga.basis):
                    self.lt_dict[base] = lt_i
                #mat_rep = map(list, zip(*mat_rep))  # Transpose list of lists
                for (row, base1) in zip(mat_rep, self.Ga.basis):
                    tmp = 0
                    for (col, base2) in zip(row, self.Ga.basis):
                        tmp += col * base2
                    self.lt_dict[base1] = tmp

        elif isinstance(mat_rep, Matrix):  # Matrix input
            self.mat = mat_rep
            mat_rep = self.mat * self.Ga.g_inv
            self.lt_dict = Matrix_to_dictionary(mat_rep, self.Ga.basis)

        elif isinstance(mat_rep, mv.Mv):  # Spinor input
            self.spinor = True
            self.R = mat_rep
            self.Rrev = mat_rep.rev()
            self.rho_sq = self.R * self.Rrev
            if self.rho_sq.is_scalar():
                self.rho_sq = self.rho_sq.scalar()
                if self.rho_sq == S(1):
                    self.rho_sq = None
                raise ValueError(
                    'In Spinor input for Lt, S*S.rev() not a scalar!\n')

        elif isinstance(mat_rep, str):  # String input
            Amat = Symbolic_Matrix(mat_rep,
            self.__init__(Amat, ga=self.Ga)

        else:  # Linear multivector function input
            # F is a multivector function to be tested for linearity
            F = mat_rep
            a = mv.Mv('a', 'vector', ga=self.Ga)
            b = mv.Mv('b', 'vector', ga=self.Ga)
            if F(a + b) == F(a) + F(b):
                self.lt_dict = {}
                for base in self.Ga.basis:
                    self.lt_dict[base] = (F(mv.Mv(base, ga=self.Ga))).obj
                    if not self.lt_dict[base].is_vector():
                        raise ValueError(
                            str(mat_rep) +
                            ' is not supported for Lt definition\n')
                raise ValueError(
                    str(mat_rep) + ' is not supported for Lt definition\n')