Esempio n. 1
    def testEventDataset(self):
        # baisc checks
        self.failUnlessRaises(DatasetError, EventDataset)

        # simple data
        samples = N.arange(240).reshape(10, 2, 3, 4)

        # copy constructor does not work on non-2D data
        self.failUnlessRaises(DatasetError, EventDataset, samples=samples)

        # try case without extra features
        evs = [Event(onset=2, duration=2, label=1, chunk=2),
               Event(onset=5, duration=1, label=2, chunk=2),
               Event(onset=7, duration=2, label=3, chunk=4)]

        ds = EventDataset(samples=samples, events=evs)
        self.failUnless(ds.nfeatures == 48)
        self.failUnless(ds.nsamples == 3)
        self.failUnless((ds.labels == [1,2,3]).all())
        self.failUnless((ds.chunks == [2,2,4]).all())
        mr = ds.mapReverse(N.arange(48))
        self.failUnless((mr == N.arange(48).reshape(2,2,3,4)).all())

        # try case with extra features
        evs = [Event(onset=2, duration=2, label=1, features=[2,3]),
               Event(onset=5, duration=2, label=1, features=[4,5]),
               Event(onset=7, duration=2, label=1, features=[6,7]),]
        ds = EventDataset(samples=samples, events=evs)
        # we have 2 additional features
        self.failUnless(ds.nfeatures == 50)
        self.failUnless(ds.nsamples == 3)
        self.failUnless((ds.labels == [1,1,1]).all())
        self.failUnless((ds.chunks == [0,1,2]).all())
        # now for the long awaited -- map back into two distinct
        # feature spaces
        mr = ds.mapReverse(N.arange(50))
        # we get two sets of feature spaces (samples and extra features)
        self.failUnless(len(mr) == 2)
        msamples, mxfeat = mr
        # the sample side should be identical to the case without extra features
        self.failUnless((msamples == N.arange(48).reshape(2,2,3,4)).all())
        # the extra features should be flat
        self.failUnless((mxfeat == (48,49)).all())

        # now take a look at 
        orig = ds.O
        self.failUnless(len(mr) == 2)
        osamples, oextra = orig
        self.failUnless((oextra == [[2,3],[4,5],[6,7]]).all())
        self.failUnless(osamples.shape == samples.shape)
        # check that all samples not covered by an event are zero
        filt = N.array([True,True,False,False,True,False,False,False,False,True])
        self.failUnless(N.sum(osamples[filt]) == 0)
        self.failUnless((osamples[N.negative(filt)] > 0).all())
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, samples=None, events=None, mask=None, evconv=False,
                 storeoffset=False, tr=None, enforce_dim=4, **kwargs):
          mask: str | NiftiImage | ndarray
            Filename of a NIfTI image or a `NiftiImage` instance or an ndarray
            of appropriate shape.
          evconv: bool
            Convert event definitions using `onset` and `duration` in some
            temporal unit into #sample notation.
          storeoffset: Bool
            Whether to store temproal offset information when converting
            Events into descrete time. Only considered when evconv == True.
          tr: float
            Temporal distance of two adjacent NIfTI volumes. This can be used
            to override the corresponding value in the NIfTI header.
          enforce_dim : int or None
            If not None, it is the dimensionality of the data to be enforced,
            commonly 4D for the data, and 3D for the mask in case of fMRI.
        # check if we are in copy constructor mode
        if events is None:
            EventDataset.__init__(self, samples=samples, events=events,
                                  mask=mask, **kwargs)

        nifti = getNiftiFromAnySource(samples, ensure=True,
        # no copying
        samples =

        # do not put the whole NiftiImage in the dict as this will most
        # likely be deepcopy'ed at some point and ensuring data integrity
        # of the complex Python-C-Swig hybrid might be a tricky task.
        # Only storing the header dict should achieve the same and is more
        # memory efficient and even simpler
        dsattr = {'niftihdr': nifti.header}

        # determine TR, take from NIfTI header by default
        dt = nifti.rtime
        # override if necessary
        if not tr is None:
            dt = tr

        # NiftiDataset uses a DescreteMetric with cartesian
        # distance and element size from the NIfTI header
        # 'voxdim' is (x,y,z) while 'samples' are (t,z,y,x)
        elementsize = [dt] + [i for i in reversed(nifti.voxdim)]
        # XXX metric might be inappropriate if boxcar has length 1
        # might move metric setup after baseclass init and check what has
        # really happened
        metric = DescreteMetric(elementsize=elementsize,

        # convert EVs if necessary -- not altering original
        if evconv:
            if dt == 0:
                raise ValueError, "'dt' cannot be zero when converting Events"

            events = [ev.asDescreteTime(dt, storeoffset) for ev in events]
            # do not touch the original
            events = deepcopy(events)

            # forcefully convert onset and duration into integers, as expected
            # by the baseclass
            for ev in events:
                oldonset = ev['onset']
                oldduration = ev['duration']
                ev['onset'] = int(ev['onset'])
                ev['duration'] = int(ev['duration'])
                if not oldonset == ev['onset'] \
                   or not oldduration == ev['duration']:
                    warning("Loosing information during automatic integer "
                            "conversion of EVs. Consider an explicit conversion"
                            " by setting `evconv` in ERNiftiDataset().")

        # pull mask array from NIfTI (if present)
        if mask is None:
        elif isinstance(mask, N.ndarray):
            # plain array can be passed on to base class
            mask_nim = getNiftiFromAnySource(mask)
            if not mask_nim is None:
                mask = getNiftiData(mask_nim)
                raise ValueError, "Cannot load mask from '%s'" % mask

        # finally init baseclass
        EventDataset.__init__(self, samples=samples, events=events,
                              mask=mask, dametric=metric, dsattr=dsattr,