Esempio n. 1
def create_betas_per_trial_with_pymvpa_roni(study_path, subj, conf, mask_name, flavor, TR):
    dhandle = OpenFMRIDataset(study_path)
    model = 1
    task = 1
    # Do this for other tasks as well. not only the first
    mask_fname = _opj(study_path, "sub{:0>3d}".format(subj), "masks", conf.mvpa_tasks[0], "{}.nii.gz".format(mask_name))
    print mask_fname
    run_datasets = []
    for run_id in dhandle.get_task_bold_run_ids(task)[subj]:
        if type(run_id) == str:

            # all_events = dhandle.get_bold_run_model(model, subj, run_id)
        all_events = get_bold_run_model(dhandle, 2, subj, run_id)
        run_events = []
        i = 0
        for event in all_events:
            if event["task"] == task:
                event["condition"] = "{}-{}".format(event["condition"], event["id"])
                i += 1

                # load BOLD data for this run (with masking); add 0-based chunk ID
        run_ds = dhandle.get_bold_run_dataset(subj, task, run_id, flavor=flavor, chunks=run_id - 1, mask=mask_fname)
        # convert event info into a sample attribute and assign as 'targets' = * TR["targets"] = events2sample_attr(run_events,, noinfolabel="rest")
        # additional time series preprocessing can go here
        poly_detrend(run_ds, polyord=1, chunks_attr="chunks")
        zscore(run_ds, chunks_attr="chunks", param_est=("targets", ["rest"]), dtype="float32")
        glm_dataset = fit_event_hrf_model(run_ds, run_events, time_attr="time_coords", condition_attr="condition")["targets"] = [x[: x.find("-")] for x in]["id"] = [x[x.find("-") + 1 :] for x in] =["targets"]["chunks"] = [run_id - 1] * len(glm_dataset.samples)

        # If a trial was dropped (the subject pressed on a button) than the counter trial from the
        # other condition should also be dropped
        for pair in conf.conditions_to_compare:
            cond_bool = np.array([c in pair for c in["condition"]])
            sub_dataset = glm_dataset[cond_bool]
            c = Counter(
            for value in c:
                if c[value] < 2:
                    id_bool = np.array([value in cond_id for cond_id in["id"]])
                    glm_dataset = glm_dataset[np.bitwise_not(np.logical_and(id_bool, cond_bool))]


    return vstack(run_datasets, 0)
Esempio n. 2
def testsg(ds, w, p, voxIdx, c='chunks'):
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
    from mvpa2.mappers.detrend import poly_detrend
    import SavGolFilter as sg
    poly0 = ds.copy(deep=False)
    poly1 = ds.copy(deep=False)
    poly2 = ds.copy(deep=False)
    t = np.arange(ds.shape[0])
    poly_detrend(poly0, polyord=0, chunks_attr=c)
    sgFilt = ds.copy(deep=False)
    manualSet = ds.copy(deep=False)
    manual = getSGDrift(manualSet, w, p)
    # filterMe = filterMat[:,voxIdx]
    # manual = savgol_filter(filterMe, w, p, axis=0)
    # manualMat = savgol_filter(filterMat, w, p, axis=0)
    poly_detrend(poly1, polyord=1, chunks_attr=c)
    poly_detrend(poly2, polyord=2, chunks_attr=c)
    # sgFilt = savgol_filter(sgFilt, w, p, axis=0)
    sg.sg_filter(sgFilt, window_length=w, polyorder=p, chunks_attr=c, axis=0)
    plt.plot(t, poly0.samples[:, voxIdx], 'k', label='demean')
    plt.plot(t, poly1.samples[:, voxIdx], 'b+', label='linear')
    plt.plot(t, poly2.samples[:, voxIdx], 'b*', label='quadratic')
    plt.plot(t, sgFilt.samples[:, voxIdx], 'go', label='sg')
    plt.plot(t, manual[:, voxIdx], 'r+', label='sg estimate')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
Esempio n. 3
def testsg(ds, w, p, voxIdx, c='chunks'):
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
    from mvpa2.mappers.detrend import poly_detrend
    import SavGolFilter as sg
    poly0 = ds.copy(deep=False)
    poly1 = ds.copy(deep=False)
    poly2 = ds.copy(deep=False)
    t = np.arange(ds.shape[0])
    poly_detrend(poly0, polyord=0, chunks_attr=c)
    sgFilt = ds.copy(deep=False)
    manualSet = ds.copy(deep=False)
    manual = getSGDrift(manualSet, w, p)
    # filterMe = filterMat[:,voxIdx]
    # manual = savgol_filter(filterMe, w, p, axis=0)
    # manualMat = savgol_filter(filterMat, w, p, axis=0)
    poly_detrend(poly1, polyord=1, chunks_attr=c)
    poly_detrend(poly2, polyord=2, chunks_attr=c)
    # sgFilt = savgol_filter(sgFilt, w, p, axis=0)
    sg.sg_filter(sgFilt, window_length=w, polyorder=p, chunks_attr=c, axis=0)
    plt.plot(t, poly0.samples[:, voxIdx], 'k', label='demean')
    plt.plot(t, poly1.samples[:, voxIdx], 'b+', label='linear')
    plt.plot(t, poly2.samples[:, voxIdx], 'b*', label='quadratic')
    plt.plot(t, sgFilt.samples[:, voxIdx], 'go', label='sg')
    plt.plot(t, manual[:, voxIdx], 'r+', label='sg estimate')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
Esempio n. 4
def detrend(ds):
	#print ds.summary()
	ds.samples = ds.samples.astype('float')
	plot_samples_distance(ds, sortbyattr='chunks')
	pl.title('Sample distances (sorted by chunks)')
	poly_detrend(ds, polyord=2, chunks_attr='chunks')
	plot_samples_distance(ds, sortbyattr='chunks')
	zscore(ds, chunks_attr='chunks', dtype='float32')
	plot_samples_distance(ds, sortbyattr='chunks')
#	plot_samples_distance(ds, sortbyattr='targets')
	pl.title('Sample distances (sorted by condition)')
	#poly_detrend(ds, polyord=1, chunks_attr='chunks')
	#zscore(ds, chunks_attr='chunks', dtype='float32')
	return ds
Esempio n. 5
def create_betas_per_trial_with_pymvpa(study_path, subj, conf, mask_name, flavor, TR):
    dhandle = OpenFMRIDataset(study_path)
    model = 1
    task = 1
    # Do this for other tasks as well. not only the first
    mask_fname = _opj(study_path, "sub{:0>3d}".format(subj), "masks", conf.mvpa_tasks[0], "{}.nii.gz".format(mask_name))
    print mask_fname
    run_datasets = []
    for run_id in dhandle.get_task_bold_run_ids(task)[subj]:
        if type(run_id) == str:
        all_events = dhandle.get_bold_run_model(model, subj, run_id)
        run_events = []
        i = 0
        for event in all_events:
            if event["task"] == task:
                event["condition"] = "{}-{}".format(event["condition"], i)
                i += 1

                # load BOLD data for this run (with masking); add 0-based chunk ID
        run_ds = dhandle.get_bold_run_dataset(subj, task, run_id, flavor=flavor, chunks=run_id - 1, mask=mask_fname)
        # convert event info into a sample attribute and assign as 'targets' = * TR
        print run_id["targets"] = events2sample_attr(run_events,, noinfolabel="rest")
        # additional time series preprocessing can go here
        poly_detrend(run_ds, polyord=1, chunks_attr="chunks")
        zscore(run_ds, chunks_attr="chunks", param_est=("targets", ["rest"]), dtype="float32")
        glm_dataset = fit_event_hrf_model(run_ds, run_events, time_attr="time_coords", condition_attr="condition")["targets"] = [x[: x.find("-")] for x in] =["targets"]["chunks"] = [run_id - 1] * len(glm_dataset.samples)
    return vstack(run_datasets, 0)
Esempio n. 6

# load dataset -- ventral and occipital ROIs
from mvpa2.datasets.sources.native import load_tutorial_data
datapath = pjoin(cfg.get('location', 'tutorial data'), 'haxby2001')
ds = load_tutorial_data(roi=(15, 16, 23, 24, 36, 38, 39, 40, 48))

We only do minimal pre-processing: linear trend removal and Z-scoring all voxel
time-series with respect to the mean and standard deviation of the "rest"

# only minial detrending
from mvpa2.mappers.detrend import poly_detrend
poly_detrend(ds, polyord=1, chunks_attr='chunks')
# z-scoring with respect to the 'rest' condition
from mvpa2.mappers.zscore import zscore
zscore(ds, chunks_attr='chunks', param_est=('targets', 'rest'))
# now remove 'rest' samples
ds = ds[ != 'rest']

RSA is all about so-called dissimilarity matrices: square, symetric matrices
with a zero diagonal that encode the (dis)similarity between all pairs of
data samples or conditions in a dataset. We compose a little helper function
to plot such matrices, including a color-scale and proper labeling of matrix
rows and columns.

# little helper function to plot dissimilarity matrices
Esempio n. 7
def detrend(ds):
    poly_detrend(ds, polyord=1, chunks_attr='chunks')
    zscore(ds, chunks_attr='chunks', dtype='float32')
    return ds
Esempio n. 8
def run(args):
    if not args.chunks is None:
        # apply global "chunks" setting
        for cattr in ('detrend_chunks', 'zscore_chunks'):
            if getattr(args, cattr) is None:
                # only overwrite if individual option is not given
                args.__setattr__(cattr, args.chunks)
    ds = arg2ds(
    if not args.poly_detrend is None:
        if not args.detrend_chunks is None \
           and not args.detrend_chunks in
            raise ValueError(
                "--detrend-chunks attribute '%s' not found in dataset" %
        from mvpa2.mappers.detrend import poly_detrend
        verbose(1, "Detrend")
    if args.filter_passband is not None:
        from mvpa2.mappers.filters import iir_filter
        from scipy.signal import butter, buttord
        if args.sampling_rate is None or args.filter_stopband is None:
            raise ValueError("spectral filtering requires specification of "
                             "--filter-stopband and --sampling-rate")
        # determine filter type
        nyquist = args.sampling_rate / 2.0
        if len(args.filter_passband) > 1:
            btype = 'bandpass'
            if not len(args.filter_passband) == len(args.filter_stopband):
                raise ValueError(
                    "passband and stopband specifications have to "
                    "match in size")
            wp = [v / nyquist for v in args.filter_passband]
            ws = [v / nyquist for v in args.filter_stopband]
        elif args.filter_passband[0] < args.filter_stopband[0]:
            btype = 'lowpass'
            wp = args.filter_passband[0] / nyquist
            ws = args.filter_stopband[0] / nyquist
        elif args.filter_passband[0] > args.filter_stopband[0]:
            btype = 'highpass'
            wp = args.filter_passband[0] / nyquist
            ws = args.filter_stopband[0] / nyquist
            raise ValueError("invalid specification of Butterworth filter")
        # create filter
        verbose(1, "Spectral filtering (%s)" % (btype, ))
            ord, wn = buttord(wp,
            b, a = butter(ord, wn, btype=btype)
        except OverflowError:
            raise ValueError(
                "cannot contruct Butterworth filter for the given "
        ds = iir_filter(ds, b, a)

    if args.zscore:
        from mvpa2.mappers.zscore import zscore
        verbose(1, "Z-score")
        zscore(ds, chunks_attr=args.zscore_chunks, params=args.zscore_params)
        verbose(3, "Dataset summary %s" % (ds.summary()))
    # invariants?
    if not args.strip_invariant_features is None:
        from mvpa2.datasets.miscfx import remove_invariant_features
        ds = remove_invariant_features(ds)
    # and store
    ds2hdf5(ds, args.output, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
    return ds
Esempio n. 9
def test_polydetrend():
    samples_forwhole = np.array( [[1.0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
                                 [-2.0, -4, -6, -8, -10, -12]], ndmin=2 ).T
    samples_forchunks = np.array( [[1.0, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1],
                                  [-2.0, -4, -6, -6, -4, -2]], ndmin=2 ).T
    chunks = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]
    chunks_bad = [ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0]
    target_whole = np.array( [[-3.0, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3],
                             [-6, -4, -2,  2, 4, 6]], ndmin=2 ).T
    target_chunked = np.array( [[-1.0, 0, 1, 1, 0, -1],
                               [2, 0, -2, -2, 0, 2]], ndmin=2 ).T

    ds = Dataset(samples_forwhole)

    # this one will auto-train the mapper on first use
    dm = PolyDetrendMapper(polyord=1, space='police')
    mds = dm.forward(ds)
    # features are linear trends, so detrending should remove all
    assert_array_almost_equal(mds.samples, np.zeros(mds.shape))
    # we get the information where each sample is assumed to be in the
    # space spanned by the polynomials
    assert_array_equal(, np.arange(len(ds)))

    # hackish way to get the previous regressors into a dataset['opt_reg_const'] = dm._regs[:,0]['opt_reg_lin'] = dm._regs[:,1]
    # using these precomputed regressors, we should get the same result as
    # before even if we do not generate a regressor for linear
    dm_optreg = PolyDetrendMapper(polyord=0,
                                  opt_regs=['opt_reg_const', 'opt_reg_lin'])
    mds_optreg = dm_optreg.forward(ds)
    assert_array_almost_equal(mds_optreg, np.zeros(mds.shape))

    ds = Dataset(samples_forchunks)
    # 'constant' detrending removes the mean
    mds = PolyDetrendMapper(polyord=0).forward(ds)
            samples_forchunks - np.mean(samples_forchunks, axis=0))
    # if there is no GLOBAL linear trend it should be identical to mean removal
    # even if trying to remove linear
    mds2 = PolyDetrendMapper(polyord=1).forward(ds)
    assert_array_almost_equal(mds, mds2)

    # chunk-wise detrending
    ds = dataset_wizard(samples_forchunks, chunks=chunks)
    dm = PolyDetrendMapper(chunks_attr='chunks', polyord=1, space='police')
    mds = dm.forward(ds)
    # features are chunkswise linear trends, so detrending should remove all
    assert_array_almost_equal(mds.samples, np.zeros(mds.shape))
    # we get the information where each sample is assumed to be in the
    # space spanned by the polynomials, which is the identical linspace in both
    # chunks
    assert_array_equal(, range(3) * 2)
    # non-matching number of samples cannot be mapped
    assert_raises(ValueError, dm.forward, ds[:-1])
    # however, if the dataset knows about the space it is possible['police'] =
    # XXX this should be
    #mds2 = dm(ds[1:-1])
    #assert_array_equal(mds[1:-1], mds2)
    # XXX but right now is
    assert_raises(NotImplementedError, dm.forward, ds[1:-1])

    # Detrend must preserve the size of dataset
    assert_equal(mds.shape, ds.shape)

    # small additional test for break points
    # although they are no longer there
    ds = dataset_wizard(np.array([[1.0, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]], ndmin=2).T,
                 targets=chunks, chunks=chunks)
    mds = PolyDetrendMapper(chunks_attr='chunks', polyord=1).forward(ds)
    assert_array_almost_equal(mds.samples, np.zeros(mds.shape))

    # test of different polyord on each chunk
    target_mixed = np.array( [[-1.0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                             [2.0, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0]], ndmin=2 ).T
    ds = dataset_wizard(samples_forchunks.copy(), targets=chunks, chunks=chunks)
    mds = PolyDetrendMapper(chunks_attr='chunks', polyord=[0,1]).forward(ds)
    assert_array_almost_equal(mds, target_mixed)

    # test irregluar spacing of samples, but with corrective time info
    samples_forwhole = np.array( [[1.0, 4, 6, 8, 2, 9],
                                 [-2.0, -8, -12, -16, -4, -18]], ndmin=2 ).T
    ds = Dataset(samples_forwhole, sa={'time': samples_forwhole[:,0]})
    # linear detrending that makes use of temporal info from dataset
    dm = PolyDetrendMapper(polyord=1, space='time')
    mds = dm.forward(ds)
    assert_array_almost_equal(mds.samples, np.zeros(mds.shape))

    # and now the same stuff, but with chunking and ordered by time
    samples_forchunks = np.array( [[1.0, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1],
                                  [-2.0, -6, -6, -4, -4, -2]], ndmin=2 ).T
    chunks = [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]
    time = [4, 4, 12, 8, 8, 12]
    ds = Dataset(samples_forchunks.copy(), sa={'chunks': chunks, 'time': time})
    mds = PolyDetrendMapper(chunks_attr='chunks', polyord=1, space='time').forward(ds)

    # the whole thing must not affect the source data
    assert_array_equal(ds, samples_forchunks)
    # but if done inplace that is no longer true
    poly_detrend(ds, chunks_attr='chunks', polyord=1, space='time')
    assert_array_equal(ds, mds)
    def test_voxel_selection(self):
        """Compare surface and volume based searchlight"""

        Tests to see whether results are identical for surface-based
        searchlight (just one plane; Euclidean distnace) and volume-based

        Note that the current value is a float; if it were int, it would
        specify the number of voxels in each searchlight"""

        radius = 10.0

        """Define input filenames"""
        epi_fn = pathjoin(pymvpa_dataroot, "bold.nii.gz")
        maskfn = pathjoin(pymvpa_dataroot, "mask.nii.gz")

        Use the EPI datafile to define a surface.
        The surface has as many nodes as there are voxels
        and is parallel to the volume 'slice'
        vg = volgeom.from_any(maskfn, mask_volume=True)

        aff = vg.affine
        nx, ny, nz = vg.shape[:3]

        """Plane goes in x and y direction, so we take these vectors
        from the affine transformation matrix of the volume"""
        plane = surf.generate_plane(aff[:3, 3], aff[:3, 0], aff[:3, 1], nx, ny)

        Simulate pial and white matter as just above and below
        the central plane
        normal_vec = aff[:3, 2]
        outer = plane + normal_vec
        inner = plane + -normal_vec

        Combine volume and surface information
        vsm = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, outer, inner)

        Run voxel selection with specified radius (in mm), using
        Euclidean distance measure
        surf_voxsel = surf_voxel_selection.voxel_selection(vsm, radius, distance_metric="e")

        """Define the measure"""

        # run_slow=True would give an actual cross-validation with meaningful
        # accuracies. Because this is a unit-test only the number of voxels
        # in each searchlight is tested.
        run_slow = False

        if run_slow:
            meas = CrossValidation(GNB(), OddEvenPartitioner(), errorfx=lambda p, t: np.mean(p == t))
            postproc = mean_sample
            meas = _Voxel_Count_Measure()
            postproc = lambda x: x

        Surface analysis: define the query engine, cross validation,
        and searchlight
        surf_qe = SurfaceVerticesQueryEngine(surf_voxsel)
        surf_sl = Searchlight(meas, queryengine=surf_qe, postproc=postproc)

        new (Sep 2012): also test 'simple' queryengine wrapper function

        surf_qe2 = disc_surface_queryengine(
            radius, maskfn, inner, outer, plane, volume_mask=True, distance_metric="euclidean"
        surf_sl2 = Searchlight(meas, queryengine=surf_qe2, postproc=postproc)

        Same for the volume analysis
        element_sizes = tuple(map(abs, (aff[0, 0], aff[1, 1], aff[2, 2])))
        sph = Sphere(radius, element_sizes=element_sizes)
        kwa = {"voxel_indices": sph}

        vol_qe = IndexQueryEngine(**kwa)
        vol_sl = Searchlight(meas, queryengine=vol_qe, postproc=postproc)

        """The following steps are similar to"""
        attr = SampleAttributes(pathjoin(pymvpa_dataroot, "attributes_literal.txt"))

        mask = surf_voxsel.get_mask()

        dataset = fmri_dataset(
            samples=pathjoin(pymvpa_dataroot, "bold.nii.gz"), targets=attr.targets, chunks=attr.chunks, mask=mask

        if run_slow:
            # do chunkswise linear detrending on dataset

            poly_detrend(dataset, polyord=1, chunks_attr="chunks")

            # zscore dataset relative to baseline ('rest') mean
            zscore(dataset, chunks_attr="chunks", param_est=("targets", ["rest"]))

        # select class face and house for this demo analysis
        # would work with full datasets (just a little slower)
        dataset = dataset[np.array([l in ["face", "house"] for l in], dtype="bool")]

        """Apply searchlight to datasets"""
        surf_dset = surf_sl(dataset)
        surf_dset2 = surf_sl2(dataset)
        vol_dset = vol_sl(dataset)

        surf_data = surf_dset.samples
        surf_data2 = surf_dset2.samples
        vol_data = vol_dset.samples

        assert_array_equal(surf_data, surf_data2)
        assert_array_equal(surf_data, vol_data)
Esempio n. 11

# load dataset -- ventral and occipital ROIs
from mvpa2.datasets.sources.native import load_tutorial_data
#datapath = '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mvpa2/data/haxby2001'
datapath = pjoin(cfg.get('location', 'tutorial data'), 'haxby2001')
ds = load_tutorial_data(path = '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mvpa2/data',roi=(15, 16, 23, 24, 36, 38, 39, 40, 48))

We only do minimal pre-processing: linear trend removal and Z-scoring all voxel time-series with respect to the mean and standard deviation of the “rest” condition.

# only minimal detrending
from mvpa2.mappers.detrend import poly_detrend
poly_detrend(ds, polyord=1, chunks_attr='chunks')
# z-scoring with respect to the 'rest' condition
from mvpa2.mappers.zscore import zscore
zscore(ds, chunks_attr='chunks', param_est=('targets', 'rest'))
# now remove 'rest' samples
ds = ds[ != 'rest']

RSA is all about so-called dissimilarity matrices: square, symmetric matrices with a zero diagonal that encode the (dis)similarity between all pairs of data samples or conditions in a dataset. We compose a little helper function to plot such matrices, including a color-scale and proper labeling of matrix rows and columns.

# little helper function to plot dissimilarity matrices
# since we are using correlation-distance, we use colorbar range of [0,2]
def plot_mtx(mtx, labels, title):
    pl.imshow(mtx, interpolation='nearest')
    def test_voxel_selection(self):
        '''Compare surface and volume based searchlight'''
        Tests to see whether results are identical for surface-based
        searchlight (just one plane; Euclidean distnace) and volume-based

        Note that the current value is a float; if it were int, it would
        specify the number of voxels in each searchlight'''

        radius = 10.
        '''Define input filenames'''
        epi_fn = os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, 'bold.nii.gz')
        maskfn = os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, 'mask.nii.gz')
        Use the EPI datafile to define a surface.
        The surface has as many nodes as there are voxels
        and is parallel to the volume 'slice'
        vg = volgeom.from_any(maskfn, mask_volume=True)

        aff = vg.affine
        nx, ny, nz = vg.shape[:3]
        '''Plane goes in x and y direction, so we take these vectors
        from the affine transformation matrix of the volume'''
        plane = surf.generate_plane(aff[:3, 3], aff[:3, 0], aff[:3, 1], nx, ny)
        Simulate pial and white matter as just above and below
        the central plane
        normal_vec = aff[:3, 2]
        outer = plane + normal_vec
        inner = plane + -normal_vec
        Combine volume and surface information
        vsm = volsurf.VolSurfMaximalMapping(vg, outer, inner)
        Run voxel selection with specified radius (in mm), using
        Euclidean distance measure
        surf_voxsel = surf_voxel_selection.voxel_selection(vsm,
        '''Define the measure'''

        # run_slow=True would give an actual cross-validation with meaningful
        # accuracies. Because this is a unit-test only the number of voxels
        # in each searchlight is tested.
        run_slow = False

        if run_slow:
            meas = CrossValidation(GNB(),
                                   errorfx=lambda p, t: np.mean(p == t))
            postproc = mean_sample
            meas = _Voxel_Count_Measure()
            postproc = lambda x: x
        Surface analysis: define the query engine, cross validation,
        and searchlight
        surf_qe = SurfaceVerticesQueryEngine(surf_voxsel)
        surf_sl = Searchlight(meas, queryengine=surf_qe, postproc=postproc)
        new (Sep 2012): also test 'simple' queryengine wrapper function

        surf_qe2 = disc_surface_queryengine(radius,
        surf_sl2 = Searchlight(meas, queryengine=surf_qe2, postproc=postproc)
        Same for the volume analysis
        element_sizes = tuple(map(abs, (aff[0, 0], aff[1, 1], aff[2, 2])))
        sph = Sphere(radius, element_sizes=element_sizes)
        kwa = {'voxel_indices': sph}

        vol_qe = IndexQueryEngine(**kwa)
        vol_sl = Searchlight(meas, queryengine=vol_qe, postproc=postproc)
        '''The following steps are similar to'''
        attr = SampleAttributes(
            os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot, 'attributes_literal.txt'))

        mask = surf_voxsel.get_mask()

        dataset = fmri_dataset(samples=os.path.join(pymvpa_dataroot,

        if run_slow:
            # do chunkswise linear detrending on dataset

            poly_detrend(dataset, polyord=1, chunks_attr='chunks')

            # zscore dataset relative to baseline ('rest') mean
                   param_est=('targets', ['rest']))

        # select class face and house for this demo analysis
        # would work with full datasets (just a little slower)
        dataset = dataset[np.array(
            [l in ['face', 'house'] for l in],
        '''Apply searchlight to datasets'''
        surf_dset = surf_sl(dataset)
        surf_dset2 = surf_sl2(dataset)
        vol_dset = vol_sl(dataset)

        surf_data = surf_dset.samples
        surf_data2 = surf_dset2.samples
        vol_data = vol_dset.samples

        assert_array_equal(surf_data, surf_data2)
        assert_array_equal(surf_data, vol_data)
Esempio n. 13
def test_polydetrend():
    samples_forwhole = np.array(
        [[1.0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [-2.0, -4, -6, -8, -10, -12]], ndmin=2).T
    samples_forchunks = np.array(
        [[1.0, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1], [-2.0, -4, -6, -6, -4, -2]], ndmin=2).T
    chunks = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]
    chunks_bad = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0]
    target_whole = np.array([[-3.0, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3], [-6, -4, -2, 2, 4, 6]],
    target_chunked = np.array([[-1.0, 0, 1, 1, 0, -1], [2, 0, -2, -2, 0, 2]],

    ds = Dataset(samples_forwhole)

    # this one will auto-train the mapper on first use
    dm = PolyDetrendMapper(polyord=1, space='police')
    mds = dm.forward(ds)
    # features are linear trends, so detrending should remove all
    assert_array_almost_equal(mds.samples, np.zeros(mds.shape))
    # we get the information where each sample is assumed to be in the
    # space spanned by the polynomials
    assert_array_equal(, np.arange(len(ds)))

    # hackish way to get the previous regressors into a dataset['opt_reg_const'] = dm._regs[:, 0]['opt_reg_lin'] = dm._regs[:, 1]
    # using these precomputed regressors, we should get the same result as
    # before even if we do not generate a regressor for linear
    dm_optreg = PolyDetrendMapper(polyord=0,
                                  opt_regs=['opt_reg_const', 'opt_reg_lin'])
    mds_optreg = dm_optreg.forward(ds)
    assert_array_almost_equal(mds_optreg, np.zeros(mds.shape))

    ds = Dataset(samples_forchunks)
    # 'constant' detrending removes the mean
    mds = PolyDetrendMapper(polyord=0).forward(ds)
        mds.samples, samples_forchunks - np.mean(samples_forchunks, axis=0))
    # if there is no GLOBAL linear trend it should be identical to mean removal
    # even if trying to remove linear
    mds2 = PolyDetrendMapper(polyord=1).forward(ds)
    assert_array_almost_equal(mds, mds2)

    # chunk-wise detrending
    ds = dataset_wizard(samples_forchunks, chunks=chunks)
    dm = PolyDetrendMapper(chunks_attr='chunks', polyord=1, space='police')
    mds = dm.forward(ds)
    # features are chunkswise linear trends, so detrending should remove all
    assert_array_almost_equal(mds.samples, np.zeros(mds.shape))
    # we get the information where each sample is assumed to be in the
    # space spanned by the polynomials, which is the identical linspace in both
    # chunks
    assert_array_equal(, list(range(3)) * 2)
    # non-matching number of samples cannot be mapped
    assert_raises(ValueError, dm.forward, ds[:-1])
    # however, if the dataset knows about the space it is possible['police'] =
    # XXX this should be
    #mds2 = dm(ds[1:-1])
    #assert_array_equal(mds[1:-1], mds2)
    # XXX but right now is
    assert_raises(NotImplementedError, dm.forward, ds[1:-1])

    # Detrend must preserve the size of dataset
    assert_equal(mds.shape, ds.shape)

    # small additional test for break points
    # although they are no longer there
    ds = dataset_wizard(np.array([[1.0, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]], ndmin=2).T,
    mds = PolyDetrendMapper(chunks_attr='chunks', polyord=1).forward(ds)
    assert_array_almost_equal(mds.samples, np.zeros(mds.shape))

    # test of different polyord on each chunk
    target_mixed = np.array([[-1.0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [2.0, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0]],
    ds = dataset_wizard(samples_forchunks.copy(),
    mds = PolyDetrendMapper(chunks_attr='chunks', polyord=[0, 1]).forward(ds)
    assert_array_almost_equal(mds, target_mixed)

    # test irregluar spacing of samples, but with corrective time info
    samples_forwhole = np.array(
        [[1.0, 4, 6, 8, 2, 9], [-2.0, -8, -12, -16, -4, -18]], ndmin=2).T
    ds = Dataset(samples_forwhole, sa={'time': samples_forwhole[:, 0]})
    # linear detrending that makes use of temporal info from dataset
    dm = PolyDetrendMapper(polyord=1, space='time')
    mds = dm.forward(ds)
    assert_array_almost_equal(mds.samples, np.zeros(mds.shape))

    # and now the same stuff, but with chunking and ordered by time
    samples_forchunks = np.array(
        [[1.0, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1], [-2.0, -6, -6, -4, -4, -2]], ndmin=2).T
    chunks = [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]
    time = [4, 4, 12, 8, 8, 12]
    ds = Dataset(samples_forchunks.copy(), sa={'chunks': chunks, 'time': time})
    mds = PolyDetrendMapper(chunks_attr='chunks', polyord=1,

    # the whole thing must not affect the source data
    assert_array_equal(ds, samples_forchunks)
    # but if done inplace that is no longer true
    poly_detrend(ds, chunks_attr='chunks', polyord=1, space='time')
    assert_array_equal(ds, mds)
Esempio n. 14
def run(args):
    if args.chunks is not None:
        # apply global "chunks" setting
        for cattr in ("detrend_chunks", "zscore_chunks"):
            if getattr(args, cattr) is None:
                # only overwrite if individual option is not given
                args.__setattr__(cattr, args.chunks)
    ds = arg2ds(
    if args.poly_detrend is not None:
        if args.detrend_chunks is not None and not args.detrend_chunks in
            raise ValueError("--detrend-chunks attribute '%s' not found in dataset" % args.detrend_chunks)
        from mvpa2.mappers.detrend import poly_detrend

        verbose(1, "Detrend")
    if args.filter_passband is not None:
        from mvpa2.mappers.filters import iir_filter
        from scipy.signal import butter, buttord

        if args.sampling_rate is None or args.filter_stopband is None:
            raise ValueError("spectral filtering requires specification of " "--filter-stopband and --sampling-rate")
        # determine filter type
        nyquist = args.sampling_rate / 2.0
        if len(args.filter_passband) > 1:
            btype = "bandpass"
            if not len(args.filter_passband) == len(args.filter_stopband):
                raise ValueError("passband and stopband specifications have to " "match in size")
            wp = [v / nyquist for v in args.filter_passband]
            ws = [v / nyquist for v in args.filter_stopband]
        elif args.filter_passband[0] < args.filter_stopband[0]:
            btype = "lowpass"
            wp = args.filter_passband[0] / nyquist
            ws = args.filter_stopband[0] / nyquist
        elif args.filter_passband[0] > args.filter_stopband[0]:
            btype = "highpass"
            wp = args.filter_passband[0] / nyquist
            ws = args.filter_stopband[0] / nyquist
            raise ValueError("invalid specification of Butterworth filter")
        # create filter
        verbose(1, "Spectral filtering (%s)" % (btype,))
            ord, wn = buttord(wp, ws, args.filter_passloss, args.filter_stopattenuation, analog=False)
            b, a = butter(ord, wn, btype=btype)
        except OverflowError:
            raise ValueError("cannot contruct Butterworth filter for the given " "specification")
        ds = iir_filter(ds, b, a)

    if args.zscore:
        from mvpa2.mappers.zscore import zscore

        verbose(1, "Z-score")
        zscore(ds, chunks_attr=args.zscore_chunks, params=args.zscore_params)
        verbose(3, "Dataset summary %s" % (ds.summary()))
    # invariants?
    if args.strip_invariant_features is not None:
        from mvpa2.datasets.miscfx import remove_invariant_features

        ds = remove_invariant_features(ds)
    # and store
    ds2hdf5(ds, args.output, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
    return ds
Esempio n. 15
def detrend(ds):
    poly_detrend(ds, polyord=1, chunks_attr="chunks")
    zscore(ds, chunks_attr="chunks", dtype="float32")
    return ds